Why do many churches dream? I dreamed of a priest in the house

Dreamed visions serve as an answer to tormenting questions, a reflection internal state or a harbinger of things to come real life events. However, the world of night dreams is rich and varied, so sometimes difficulties arise with their interpretation. In this article we will look at why a priest, priest or priest dreams. To do this, you need to take into account the plot and nuances of the dream.

Which clergyman did you dream about?

A vision involving a priest indicates negative character traits. Reconsider your behavior and clear your thoughts in order to take the true path.

A priest or priest dreams of trials, which will arise when you least expect it.

The bishop is a symbol of forced solitude and an impending protracted illness, after which powerful personal growth awaits you. New roads will also open for you.

Other characteristic signs

Was there only one priest?

  • Many priests in robes are dreamed of as a harbinger of temptations that you will have to fight.
  • Some are the desire for repentance.
  • One is a sign that you will soon find the meaning of life.

Place of “meeting” with the priest

Your future is foggy and uncertain. By reviewing your life plans and moral principles, you will find the answer. This is evidenced by a dream in which I happened to see a church with a priest inside.

In the house - a sign that you will make peace with your loved ones, but it will be difficult for you to completely forgive them.

On the street - to success in all endeavors. A period is coming when you have every chance to change your life for the better.

If the priest was without icons, then this is a sign that someone wants to deceive you. It is recommended to take special care when financial transactions and transactions.

Interaction with a clergyman

What else do you remember?

Answering the question of why you dream about the church and the priest, your efforts for the benefit of others and kindness will be rewarded. Altar, priest, - A period of calm and elation is coming.

Seeing a priest or priest in a black robe or cassock in a dream symbolizes the need to repent of sins.

Being a clergyman yourself is a sign that you judge others too harshly, instead of understanding the motives of this or that person.

Baptism - to the opening of new development prospects.

Dreaming of a wedding symbolizes love and harmony.

A funeral service is a symbol of a complete break in relations with a once close person. Read about what you dream about here.

Service - to promotion career ladder and success in personal relationships.

Interpretations of dreams for women and men

If a lonely girl dreams of a priest, this indicates a desire for spiritual growth.

For a girl in a relationship, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding, and the marriage will be happy.

A pregnant woman can count on relief from fears and good health.

If you dream of a priest in a cassock married woman, this portends harmonization of the situation and happiness in the family.

For a lonely guy, a dream about a priest foretells success in his career, but you shouldn’t expect good luck on the love front.

For a guy in a relationship, such a dream indicates his readiness to start a family.

A married man will experience strengthening of family ties.

Let's turn to the dream books


  • A clergyman in a dream is a symbol of illness.
  • To see a service - the illness will be protracted and will cause a lot of anxiety.
  • Falling in love with a priest is a sign that you will become a victim of a dishonest lover.
  • Confess - your reputation will be destroyed.
  • Conversation with a clergyman - you will earn authority from others.
  • Does Father look tired? The vision serves as a reminder of weaknesses and vices.


The priest is a sign that the time has come to turn to God and repent of sins.

Receive a blessing - you will receive the support of a powerful person.

Seeing yourself as a clergyman is a sign that you should bring good to people.

A wedding promises a life filled with love..


The presence of a priest in a dream speaks of a desire to protect oneself in the intimate sphere.


Such a dream indicates fears that suppress your will and desires.


Seeing a priest in a dream is a symbol of well-being.

Why did you dream about the Church (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • Entering a dark church means your plans will not come true.
  • Seeing burning candles in a church in a dream portends great luck; your dreams will be able to come true.
  • Dreaming of a fire in a church means a decline in moral values, disappointment in God.
  • I dreamed of a church with gilded domes - a reward for the work done.
  • A church under construction symbolizes a new stage in the dreamer’s life, changes for the better.

Why did the Church dream (Psychiatric dream book)

Why do you dream about church? Most likely, the image is a reflection of the dreamer’s internal state, his spiritual development.

  • The beautiful decoration of the church, gilded candelabra, neat icons indicate harmony in the soul and orderliness of thoughts.
  • Why dream of an abandoned, empty church - the dream eloquently hints at internal disharmony, lack of faith in one’s own capabilities.
  • See the ruins of a church– in reality suffer from a lack of vital energy. The dream also signals the need to understand yourself.
  • You dream of a burnt church if a person is very afraid of something. In fact, the fears are unfounded.

Why do you dream about the Church (Romantic dream book)

The decoration of the church appearance will help you understand why you have a dream with this image.

  • A building under construction means improving your sex life and improving relationships with your partner.
  • burning church may dream of family breakdown. You indulge your desires too much, not paying attention to the opinion of your other half.
  • For a man, going to church is a sign of his desire for intimacy with the woman he loves. If you still can't go to church– the problem lies in doubts about your sexual attractiveness.
  • Seeing an unfinished church means doubts about the correct choice of a partner.

We analyze the vision in which the Temple was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

A church building is an architectural structure in which people gather to perform special rituals that are very far from their natural essence and alien to their organic nature. The image of the church reflects a situation of pressure, control and violence from the cunep-ego: submission social rules, laws, norms. Moreover, this image means artificially preserved, protecting. a nourishing environment (the illusory world), and at the same time a negative, dictating, oppressive, limiting, programming, forcing one to act according to a rigid algorithm (computer mother).

Why does a woman dream about the Church (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

  • The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, the need for spiritual cleansing and repentance.
  • To see yourself entering a church - in reality, your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you.
  • This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.
  • means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.
  • You saw an empty church with boarded up doors, foreshadowing life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.
  • You are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this means that in reality you will strive for spiritual revival and renewal.
  • I dreamed about a church in the distance means disappointment in long-awaited events.
  • Why dream of entering a church immersed in darkness - you will have to take part in a funeral. This may also portend vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a white stone church with golden domes in a dream means the cultural dawn of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations.
  • Dreaming of a castle on a church is a bad sign.
  • I dreamed of a church in the distance, foretells disappointment in events.
  • Entering a church immersed in darkness in a dream means you will have to take part in a funeral.
  • Praying in church in a dream means you need support in your life.

The meaning of the dream about the Chapel (Vanga's Dream Book)

  • The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance.
  • To see yourself entering a church - in reality, your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.
  • To be present at a church service in a dream- means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.
  • You saw an empty church with boarded up doors, foreshadowing life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.
  • In a dream you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick- this dream means that in reality you will contribute to spiritual rebirth and renewal.
  • To dream that you are entering a church during a service. It's very cramped because a large number of people gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which a bright red moon floats. The closer this month gets, the stronger you feel fear, it seems that a little more, and it will fall from a height directly on the heads of praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness rather than a participant.
  • To see how you are helping to restore an ancient church - in reality, all old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to restore your previous relationship with a person close to you.

The meaning of the dream about the Church (according to Nostradamus)

  • Why do you dream of a church? - A symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, purity.
  • I dreamed of a snow-white church with golden domes- portends the cultural flourishing of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, and universal unity.
  • You saw a destroyed building, which means illness and moral suffering.
  • If you are present at a church service, then in reality you will experience remorse.
  • Why do you dream of building a church in a dream?– your desire for knowledge will be rewarded handsomely.
  • In a dream you saw a church entwined with a snake - a bad sign. This is a threat to humanity, as all human values ​​will be destroyed by evil.
  • You saw a castle on the church - be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone near and dear to you.
  • You saw the church on fire, foreshadows enmity between generations and the collapse of the universal world order.

The meaning of a dream about Icons (interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya)

  • Church, icons, cross - To suffering, patience, prison. But: if a person is in prison, then such dreams foreshadow freedom.
  • However, if you have a dream, it means extinction, when the dreamer’s soul visits other world, then the church is simply a sign of sacred space. If an icon talks to the dreamer in a dream, then this is a dream-vision that does not foretell anything that the icon said.
  • If in a dream an icon cries or exudes myrrh, oil, or blood, but says nothing, then this foreshadows suffering and serves as a blessing for long-suffering or repentance.

Why do you dream and how to interpret the Church according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

  • If you dreamed about a rural church, it means finding true friends.
  • To be in church - in times of need you will find help and consolation.
  • Hear singing in church– Your wishes will come true.
  • An illuminated church is a grave misfortune.
  • Why do you dream of a destroyed church - you will recognize the need.
  • Seeing the archbishop is an expectation of protection; talking to him is an expectation of a pleasant event.
  • Dreaming of a Bishop at a church service- Good news.
  • Seeing an Archimandrite - Seeing in a dream portends a surprise.
  • To be present at a church service means that you will soon be offered a promotion or a new, higher-paying job.
  • Church bells - Something pleasant awaits you.
  • Church utensils in the shop are for sale - you will receive a tempting offer that you should not refuse.

A person sleeps for about a third of his life. At this time, the body rests and processes the information received during the day. The famous Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev saw it in a dream periodic table elements he worked on for a long time, but could not generalize the existing knowledge into one whole. The dreams we see serve as an answer to questions that tormented us or as a harbinger of upcoming events. Sometimes people see a church in their dreams or they dream about priests. To decipher such a sign, one cannot do without the help of dream books.

The meaning of a dream about a church or temple according to dream books of different authors

A church seen in a dream predicts both hope for a good ending to the work begun, and disappointment in oneself and people. Here is what is written about this in dream books:

  • Miller. A pleasant event awaits you.
  • Wangi. You will experience real despair. You can't get out of a difficult situation without a friendly shoulder.
  • Female. Thoughts that you are behaving incorrectly are tormenting you. There is a desire to repent.
  • Gypsy. The dream promises prosperity and good mood.
  • Family. Deep down in your soul, you strive for spirituality. After such a dream, it will not be superfluous to visit church and light candles for your own health and that of your loved ones.
  • Tsvetkova. All endeavors will end successfully, giving you moral and financial satisfaction.
  • Ukrainian. The dream foreshadows a trip to another city or country.
  • Azara. Mental anguish and torment await you.
  • Wanderer. The dream speaks of prosperity and success in business.
  • Nostradamus. You seek emotional and spiritual cleansing.
  • Esoteric. You have a difficult choice ahead of you. To avoid mistakes, seek advice from an experienced friend.
  • Medea. A church in a dream serves as a reflection of your inner state. Its interpretation depends on what emotions you experienced during the dream.
  • Assyrian. You are on the right path, don’t deviate from it, and the result will not keep you waiting.
  • Fedorovskaya. The dream reports the suffering that will have to be endured. It will take a lot of strength and patience for everything to be resolved in your favor.
  • Noble. Your conscience will torment you for your deed. Another dream predicts an imminent illness.
  • Simone Kananita. A sweet life awaits you.
  • Medium Hasse. Now you are not worried better times, but don’t despair, because everything will be decided soon in the best possible way. The future will be bright.
  • English. Seeing a church in a dream is a sign of an important event.
  • Modern. A joyful event will happen in your life soon.
  • Russian. The dream indicates that you are leading the wrong lifestyle. It's time to change your lifestyle, otherwise there will be trouble.

Did you dream that you visited a temple at night? Retribution for your sins awaits you

What kind of church did you dream about: old, new, wooden or another

  • It is no coincidence that you dream about the old church. The dream indicates that you are in a “limbo.” The future is foggy and uncertain. Reconsider your moral principles and life goals. After analyzing everything, you will find the solution. If in a dream you happened to restore an ancient temple, then you will soon make peace with your relatives, and the disagreements that arose between you will be forgotten.
  • According to the Wanderer's dream book, to see in a dream new church- to spiritual renewal. Participating in the construction of a temple in a dream means opening a new profitable business.
  • See in a dream beautiful church, according to the Assyrian dream book, to success in all endeavors. In the noble dream book it is written on this score that fun and joy await you.
  • By esoteric dream book A wooden church dreams of a change in activity. Soon you will discover new talents in yourself and radically change your life. If a wooden temple was boarded up in a dream, then expect hopelessness. A bad event will happen in life, but it will not be in your power to change anything.
  • The dream in which you saw a white church indicates purity of thoughts. This is how Simon the Canaanite interprets the dream. According to the Russian dream book, a snow-white temple indicates that good will soon triumph.
  • Dreaming of a burning church is a sign that plans are not destined to come true. According to Nostradamus, a dream about a fire inside a building indicates an impending war.
  • To see a burnt church in your night dreams is a sign of ruined well-being. According to the dream bookIn the 21st century, such a vision predicts the collapse of all hopes.
  • An abandoned church in a dream is a sign that you have become spiritually impoverished. The Assyrian dream book interprets the dream as an imminent illness. Tsvetkov believes that you have forgotten about simple but important truths. According to the Russian dream book, things will get worse.
  • If the church collapses or is already in ruins in your dream, it means a quarrel with your loved one. Seeing coffins near a dilapidated temple means a massive catastrophe.

This is interesting. Seeing a white church in a dream is a sign of good events, a black one is a sign of misfortune.

If in a dream the church was located next to the sea, then you will encounter difficulties. You will spend a lot of effort to overcome them.

Why do you dream about domes?

  • A church without domes in a dream is a sure sign that you have lost your inner spiritual support. According to the family dream book, the dream promises devastation and loss of strength.
  • Temple domes seen in a dream are for God's protection. According to Nostradamus, this symbolizes spiritual development. Fedorovskaya claims that help will come to you from above. According to Vanga, a dream predicts good news.
  • If the domes were gold, then wealth awaits you. Esotericist Tsvetkov believes that such a dream communicates peace and prosperity in the house.

It is important to know. If the dreamed church domes were red, then expect war and disasters.

Church servants: priest, priest, priest, deacon, bishop

The dream in which you saw a priest indicates character flaws. You should be stricter with yourself and reconsider your behavior. By dream book XXI century, such a night vision portends joy. If you dreamed that you were confessing to a clergyman, then you will soon experience severe humiliation.

Seeing a priest in a dream is a sign of trials that you will face. If he was dressed in a cassock, then troubles will come from where they are not expected at all. A dream in which the priest was dressed in black clothes indicates your ambition. An unexpected turn of fate will make you regret your arrogance.

A priest who dreams about you is a sign that it’s time to think about your actions. Now is the time to analyze your shortcomings and take the right path. Asking the priest about anything in a dream means that you will soon have to worry about your health loved one.

Various sources interpret the dream about the deacon as follows:

  • Icelandic. Expect monetary reward for your efforts.
  • Modern. You allow yourself a lot without thinking about the consequences. You will soon regret what you did.
  • Grishina. A joyful event will happen in life.
  • Schiller. The person you consider a friend will turn out to be a hypocrite and a traitor.
  • Ukrainian. Financial collapse is coming.

A dream about a bishop promises a bitter life and illness. By erotic dream book it portends disappointment in sexual partner . But Miller interprets the dream as hard work and health problems.

You should know. If a girl dreams that she is in love with a priest, it will soon become clear that her lover is deceiving her.

If in a dream you happened to put candles near the icon of the Mother of God, then the children need your help and protection

Utensils: icons, candles, altar, throne. If the church has no images at all

  • Icons seen in a dream are a sign that you will find the meaning of life. Miller believes that the dream speaks of a desire for repentance. Something is really bothering you. To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, ask for forgiveness from your loved ones and confess.
  • Last minute church candles in a dream is a sure sign that tender feelings for a person of the opposite sex will soon arise in the soul.
  • If you dreamed of an altar, then in difficult times your loved ones will lend a helping hand. If you looked at him carefully, you will be upset because of the action of your loved one. Building an altar in a dream means respectful attitude from your superiors.
  • Seeing a church throne in your night dreams is a sign of wealth. But Tsvetkov deciphers the dream as a loss of trust in a friend.
  • Seeing a church without icons in a dream is a bad sign. Suffering and illness await you. According to the Russian dream book, this promises a decline in business and ruin.

It is important. The healer Fedorovskaya reports that a cross seen in a dream prophesies big troubles. For a person who breaks the law, night vision indicates imprisonment.

A dream in which you had to light candles for your health promises recovery for the sick, and illness for the healthy

Parish: women, children

Dreamed parishioners symbolize the near future. To see in your night dreams in church:

  • young women - to intrigues that weave behind your back;
  • elderly ladies - to a quarrel with neighbors or colleagues;
  • pregnant woman - to make a profit;
  • small children - a pleasant surprise;
  • teenagers - to a “heart-to-heart talk” with a friend.

Interesting fact. If you entered an empty temple in a dream, then you will have an irresistible desire to be alone. You should listen to yourself and move away from friends and acquaintances for a while in order to put your thoughts and feelings in order.

Events: service, baptism (your own or a child’s), wedding, funeral service

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, a dream of baptism is a symbol that you will soon awaken a craving for religion, which will be caused by a fear of the unknown. If you dreamed that you yourself were going to be baptized, then expect healing from ailments, the child - to the strong family relations. Seeing yourself in the role of a clergyman who baptizes someone is a sign of finding yourself.

A dreamed wedding usually prophesies a new level in relationships with your loved one and happy changes in life. The interpretation of the dream depends on who you got married to:

  • With husband. If passions have long died down, they will flare up with new strength. There will be a second honeymoon in your relationship.
  • With a guy. The wedding is just around the corner. The future marriage will be strong.

If you dreamed of a wedding:

  • Girlfriends. There will be big changes for the better in her life.
  • Acquaintances. The dream promises pregnancy or wedding.
  • Strangers' people. It all depends on the mood of the wedding couple. If they were cheerful, then good news awaits you; if they were sad, illness awaits you.

Preparing for a wedding ceremony in a dream indicates a readiness to change for the better.

A funeral service in a dream is a bad sign. Someone you know will pass away. Evgeny Tsvetkov explains such a dream as a significant deterioration in affairs.

You should know. If you dreamed of a church decorated with flowers, then you will be invited to a celebration. The event will take place on high level, all guests will be satisfied.

Decoding the dream depending on the events taking place

  • Seeing a church from afar in your dreams at night means a well-fed and comfortable life; up close, you will receive a good inheritance. According to the family dream book, this indicates a desire for spiritual development. If you dreamed of several churches, then good luck awaits you.
  • If in your night vision you happened to go to church, then according to the 21st century dream book you will be puzzled by finding answers to questions that have been bothering you for a long time. With persistence, you can achieve the truth. If the trip to the temple was across the river, then you have to fight for happiness.
  • According to the Assyrian dream book, going into a church portends unprecedented success in business. Simon Kananit claims that influential people will help you.
  • Praying in a church in a dream is a sign that spiritual cleansing is needed. According to the gypsy dream book, if you read a prayer in front of an icon, then expect calm. Everything in life will get better and settle down.
  • Buying candles in a dream means unsuccessful attempts to correct the mistakes of the past; they will not yield results. Lighting candles in a dream means striving for repentance; lighting them means success in professional activities.
  • If in a dream you cried while visiting a temple, then you will greatly regret what you did. Rash behavior will cause offense to a loved one. Getting back into your old relationship won't be easy.
  • Kissing an icon in a dream means repentance for your deeds. Moreover, getting rid of the feeling of guilt will not be easy.
  • If you dreamed that you repented when visiting a temple, then in the near future your relationship with a friend will deteriorate due to your fault. It will take a lot of effort to regain his favor.
  • Washing the floors of a church in a dream means bad things. Expect illness, lack of money, scandals with loved ones.
  • If in your night dreams a church was being built before your eyes, get ready for a new and interesting acquaintance. Building a temple yourself is a sign that it’s time to listen to the advice of relatives who want only good things.
  • Stealing from a church in a dream means an adventure. Be vigilant, otherwise you may face legal proceedings with the authorities.

Dreamed church - ambiguous dream. In order to interpret it in detail, it is important to remember: in what form she dreamed, and what kind of events took place. A dream often indicates that it is time to engage in spiritual development. The right attitude and desire to achieve your goal will allow you to change your life for the better and fill it with meaning.

If you happen to see a priest (priest) in a dream, then you can be sure that this dream can be considered a harbinger of changes in life. You should not neglect this dream, because a father in a dream is a warning, a warning. First of all, this means that you should be more careful, act more carefully and not commit unnecessary mistakes, which can easily be avoided if you think through your actions and think about the consequences of your actions. And then you will not make mistakes due to your ignorance.

Why do you dream about the priest in the house?

  • If in a dream the priest enters your house dejected or sad, then this is a symbol of serious troubles approaching you, evil.
  • If you dreamed of a priest in the house and you were talking to him about philosophical, rhetorical questions, then this means that in the real world you need to confess, admit your crimes.
  • If the priest is silent, then this is a warning, a sign that they want to mislead you, they want to manipulate you to achieve their goals.

Why do you dream of a priest in a cassock?

  • If in your dream the priest’s robe has an unusual color, then this is a favorable, positive sign, a wonderful symbol that predicts joyful events in the future.
  • A dream in which a priest is dressed in a black cassock and with all the attributes - soon a situation will arise in your life that threatens your family.
  • The black cassock is a prediction, a warning that you should not create idols for yourself.
  • If the priest was dressed in simple clothes, then happy, joyful events await you.

Why do you dream about the priest in church (see)

Father in church is a good sign. You, like the priest from the dream, are in your place. But you should try and be careful. You should not sin, you need to be more careful in your affairs, there may be minor health problems - do not start them and solve them immediately so that there are no complications in the future.

Psychologist Miller's Dream Book

  • Seeing a priest in a dream is a warning about a future illness.
  • Why do you dream of a priest, father: A priest is a religious, clergy person, your mentor, adviser and assistant, to whom you can turn in a difficult situation.
  • The fact that this person appeared in your dream serves as a reminder that you, like any person, have vices. And, judging others, do not forget about yourself - you should be more strict with yourself.
  • Why do you dream about seeing your father? You happened to see the priest in your dream, but at the same time you did not have a conversation with him, then this is a warning that intrigues are being built against you, they are trying to manipulate you. If you are not careful, you may find yourself under the power of enemies or simply bad people, ill-wishers.
  • Why do you dream of a church service, priest - if in your dream you saw a priest in church, then this is a warning about a possible imminent deterioration in health, possible problems in life. You should be more careful and monitor your diet and lifestyle more closely.
  • Why dream of kissing a priest - when a young lady dreams of falling in love with a clergyman, this indicates that she should be afraid of betrayal by her lover or simply young man, which is now very close.
  • If the father in a dream himself achieves the sympathy of a young lady, in the present there will be criticism, reproaches that she pays too much attention to entertainment and forgets about the main thing.
  • Dream of “talking to the priest.” A conversation with a clergyman is a sign that great honors and rewards await you in the future.
  • Why dream of a conversation with the priest (confession) - in the very near future you will experience grief, sadness, and humiliation. This dream warns that you should be careful, since your rash actions may, over time, negatively affect you and your loved ones and have serious and severe consequences.
  • Why do you dream of a tired or sad priest - the dream is a warning about planned atrocities against your person.

Interpretation of dreams by Irina Udilova

Big universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurova

  • The dream “father blesses” is one of the most favorable.
  • If you happen to see how the priest sprinkles you, gives you a blessing and lets you go in peace, then this means that success, happiness and prosperity, and large incomes await you in the future.
  • Why do you dream of a priest praying in church - this dream indicates your excitement about the future of your loved ones. And not in vain - this dream warns of future grief, is a sad sign, a symbol of grief. However, all this will not last long.
  • The dream “a priest in a cassock, colorfully decorated and very smart” says that a long and difficult lawsuit awaits you over a large inheritance. But in the end everything will end for you in the best possible way.
  • Why do you dream of a priest in a black cassock - to see a clergyman dressed in black in your dream is a symbol of grief, a seal, a bad sign.
  • If in a dream you confess to a priest, then this speaks of your remorse, bitterness and shame for your sins; you want to correct all the mistakes you have made, but you cannot.
  • Dream interpretation: the priest lifted a heavy burden in a dream - confession from a priest in dreams and further absolution says that your torment and suffering in real life will soon end, you have atoned for your guilt. However, you should still go to church in reality to confess your sins.
  • Loving a priest and talking to him in a dream about love is a sign that in reality you will be condemned for dissolute behavior and your reputation will be tarnished. You should beware of unseemly behavior.
  • In a dream, did you become a priest yourself? This is a symbol that predicts trouble, minor problems in your life.
  • Why do many priests dream - the appearance of a large number of clergy is evidence that you will need help from a strong and powerful patron who can provide support in solving problems that may arise in the near future.

Generalized dream book

Family dream book

  • The most favorable are dreams in which the priest blessed you. This dream says that success, joy, prosperity and high income await you in the future. You will be happy, there is no need to fear anything and you need to go towards the goal that you have set for yourself - and you will be able to achieve everything.
  • Seeing a priest praying in a dream means you are worried about the fate of your loved ones.
  • The priest, who appeared in a dream in colorful, very elegant and bright vestments, says that soon you will begin a lawsuit over an inheritance. It will be very long and difficult, but in the end it will end in your favor and you will receive great wealth.
  • A father seen in a dream in dark or black vestments is a sign of future grief, suffering and sadness.
  • Confess to the priest in a dream - you want to correct the mistakes that you have made, but you cannot do it.
  • If, after confession, the priest lets you go in peace, forgiving all your sins, then this will mean that your torment will end.
  • If you yourself became a priest or a clergyman in your dream, problems and troubles await you in the future. You should be careful.
  • Father in a dream - You need help, support, protection.
  • If the dream in which a clergyman is present is negative, the priest is angry with you, sick, etc. – You should look at your problems from the outside, this is the only way you will find a way out of them.
  • If you dreamed of a lot of priests, then you should be careful with your finances, your time, and so on. Beware - health problems are possible.

Psychological dream book

  • A dream in which you saw the image of a priest is an unfavorable and dangerous symbol. Your dream is a warning, a warning. But you should be especially careful if a priest was performing a service in a dream.
  • If in your dream you were in a confessional, then this indicates that in life you will have to be upset and ashamed of your indecent behavior.
  • In general, any dream in which the priest performs the functions of a preacher is a reminder of his sins, that “all of us, people, are not without flaws” and you should first of all pay attention to your sins, and not reproach other people for their actions. You should demand more from yourself - this is how you can stop being sad.
  • If you see a priest in a dream, but you did not have a chance to talk to him, you are being warned and informed that someone is trying to manipulate you.
  • A conversation with a priest in a dream predicts a pleasant future, some gift of fate. However, if the worshiper had a sad, unhappy look, then this indicates that a lot of evil awaits you.
  • If the priest blesses you in a dream, then soon you will receive much-needed support.

Islamic dream book

  • To see the priest in his full attire - you need help in your affairs and actions. But don’t worry - very soon you will receive it from someone who has a lot of power and will become your patron.
  • If you dreamed of a clergyman in a simple, everyday and rather modest attire, you will soon meet someone who at first glance will not stand out in any way, will be ordinary and unremarkable, but after some time it will turn out that he is a strong and powerful person.
  • If you watched a priest at a divine service or reading prayers, this means that you are about to participate in an event that is important for society. This will give you new acquaintances and help you earn respect.
  • The blessing of the priest in a dream - everything that you are planning to do soon will come true. If the priest performed a memorial service in a dream, it means that the problem that has not bothered you for a very long time will finally be solved in the best way for you.
  • To see a priest preaching - you will learn great news, on which a lot will depend.
  • You should mentally imagine the face of the clergyman seen in your dream and say his words of gratitude for the night phenomenon. It's a great sign if you later see this person in life.

Dream Interpretation of Semenova

  • Why do you dream about the church inside and the priest - the mentors of your soul appear so that you comprehend, understand that you have weaknesses and various disadvantages. However, there is nothing wrong with this - after all, everyone has shortcomings. However, you should be careful, because due to your rash actions you can cause a lot of pain to yourself and your loved ones, people dear to you.
  • If in your dream you see a priest performing a service in a church, this is a symbol and harbinger of future illnesses, anxiety, and your mental torment.
  • What does it mean if you dream of a priest from the Catholic Church - important changes await you in your life. It is quite possible that soon there will be a very difficult and very difficult choice to make a responsible decision.
  • Why do you dream church priest, crowning you - in reality you will be happy with your beloved, you will love him with all your heart, just as he loves you. It will give you peace, tranquility, a lot of joy and love.
  • Why do you dream of a priest’s blessing - soon you will have much-needed help for your business from an influential person. It is quite possible that this dream predicts success in your endeavors.
  • Receiving a blessing from a priest in a dream is a good sign, an omen of happiness.

Interpretation of dreams according to the “House of the Sun”

  • The priest thanked or blessed in a dream: to see this dream is a sign that you should turn to a priest to consult with him or repent of your atrocities; The time has come for a much-needed spiritual lesson at this moment.
  • The dream “father came” and the number “9” - if in your dream you see a clergyman and a nine, in any form, then this indicates that in the dream you found yourself in the afterlife. This number symbolizes the sacred completion of any ongoing cycle, including life. Nine is the ending, summing up, reaping the fruits of all completed activities, closing the “loop” on a cosmic scale.

Dream Interpretation "Sonarium"

  • IN modern world the priest occupies the same place as the priest in ancient times. Being a symbol of the spiritual principle, the priesthood, as well as being a mentor on the path of righteous life, a divine servant can remove the sins you have committed.
  • A priest appearing in a dream foreshadows illness, various diseases - both serious and not so serious.
  • In the same case, if the priest is performing a service in your dream, then a very restless, difficult time awaits you, foreshadowing a lot of grief and problems. But don’t despair - all this will pass.
  • The dream "father in black clothes" has negative character, is quite bad and unfavorable. It is much better if in a dream the priest has a white or colored robe.

Interpretation of dreams according to Rommel

  • If in a dream you had a chance to talk with a priest, then this indicates that in reality you will have conversations on philosophical topics with someone, or there is a need to pray.
  • However, in general, the figure of a clergyman symbolizes important messages, sometimes well-being, and sometimes illness. Everything depends, first of all, on the state of your spirit, how you feel at the moment.
  • If in a dream you tried to hide something from the priest, conceal something, or did not say anything in a conversation with him, then in reality your unsightly secrets will be exposed.
  • Confession during a dream is a sign of humiliation in life.

Interpretation of dreams according to the dream book of the ancient Mayan tribe

  • The Mayan dream book distinguishes two types of interpretation of dreams in which a priest or a clergyman is present - positive and negative.
  • Why do you dream about a priest blessing/praying (positive meaning from a dream): if in a dream you saw a priest praying or blessing you, then this indicates that higher powers are protecting, caring for you, and helping you to fulfill your destiny. It is worth thanking them for this, but do not abuse this situation - luck may turn away from you.
  • Why do you dream about a priest in a dream (negative meaning): if the priest in your dream is tired, minding his own business, and looks bad, then this means that in the near future you will absolutely not have enough strength or time to achieve all your goals. You shouldn’t spread yourself thin – you need to gradually complete one task at a time and move from one to another.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorova

  • The dream “father in the house” says that if in a dream you met and became acquainted with a clergyman, invited him to your house, it means that in real life you are listening to your intuition, but have not yet been able to find the answer to a question that is important to you.
  • The dream “church and priest” says that if in a dream you are in a church while a service is taking place there, but you absolutely cannot understand what exactly the priest is saying, then this dream should be considered as a warning to you against mistakes, which you may allow due to isolation or ignorance.

Esoteric dream book

  • Seeing a church and a priest on a platform in a dream - you will soon drive yourself into a double, complex and ambiguous position; inconvenient, unpleasant circumstances await you in the future.
  • In the case when you see yourself in the role of a priest in a dream, this indicates the fact that your pride will be punished, a stupid position awaits you in which you will put yourself through your behavior and inability to compromise.

Modern dream book

  • In a dream, the priest appears before the diseases that await you in the very near future in life.
  • The dream “church minister priest” is a warning, a warning. You should be especially careful if in a dream you saw a priest at a service, since this indicates future troubles and is a harbinger of serious illnesses. There are cases when in a dream a woman finds herself falling in love with a priest - this suggests that there is a high risk of suffering from love that arose in relation to a low, callous, unnecessary and unprincipled man.
  • If in a dream the priest sought the sympathy of a girl or woman, then this means reproaches for her frivolity, carelessness, unseemly and empty behavior, and a penchant for playful, cheerful pastime.
  • Did you confess to your priest in a dream? This symbolizes the deepest humiliation, and possible sadness and grief in the future.
  • In general, we can conclude that dreams in which you see a clergyman, according to the modern dream book, are bad sign, a warning about the troubles and misfortunes that you can inflict on yourself and your loved ones, relatives, your family - all this can happen due to your unseemly behavior.

Dream book of the 20th century

  • A priest in dreams is a symbol of morality, religious laws and unspoken rules of conscience.
  • To see that a priest is behaving in a manner inappropriate for his rank - you may be seriously offended by people from whom you absolutely could not expect such actions.
  • If the priest from the dream is very strict or sad, your conscience is not clear, you should repent and ask for forgiveness.
  • Blessing of the priest - you are on the right path in life, continue in the same direction.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Seeing a priest in a dream is a wonderful symbol that speaks of future well-being and further happiness.
  • If you dreamed of confessing to a priest, you should be wary of possible humiliation, betrayal and unseemly behavior of your loved ones. This will greatly hurt you and cause unimaginable pain.
  • If a priest dreams of a person who has broken the law, then this means that his actions will be exposed.

Noble dream book of Grishina

  • Why do we dream of a priest or priest - often a symbol of that part of our “I” about which we know nothing or very little, but which at the same time knows a lot itself and is able to look into the future. Thus, the appearance of a priest is a help, an omen, a warning sent to you to save you from mistakes.
  • Seeing a priest in your dream means trouble, misfortune, committing sin, danger.
  • If in a dream the priest appeared before you in full robes, this is a symbol of danger to the life of one of your family members.
  • To see a priest in ordinary, simple, secular clothes - a good, favorable, positive event awaits you soon.
  • Seeing a deacon in a dream means joy, good news.
  • Seeing the metropolitan, the pope - to prosperity, joy, a positive outcome of some matter.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • Asking for a blessing from a priest in a dream is a reminder of your weaknesses. If you surrender your destiny to the will of God, everything will be decided well.
  • The dream “I had a dream about a priest and had a conversation with him” says that you will receive a high position, various honors and recognition.

Gypsy dream book

  • Seeing a priest in a dream means you will spend money for other purposes, unnecessary waste. It is worth reconsidering your future spending and making purchases more wisely.
  • If in a dream you were a priest, then this means that you have already spent money unwisely. Try not to do such things in the future.

Mythological dream book
If in a dream you see a priest or simply an unbeliever in the vestments of a priest, this portends regret and repentance. Perhaps you will soon receive bad news (it all depends on the plot of the dream).

Old Russian dream book

  • Seeing a priest at home in a dream - good sign. To future abundance, prosperity, happiness in the family.
  • Also, the priest in a dream says that a letter, message or some news awaits you soon.

Dream Interpretation Kananita
If in a dream you happen to see a priest or priest at his workplace and performing daily duties, then this is a warning dream, since in reality you risk finding yourself in an ambiguous position. Be careful, beware, lest your frivolity play a very cruel joke on you.

An old Russian dream book. Why do you dream about father?

  • A sick person's dream of a priest foretells prosperity and happiness.
  • If a criminal dreams of a church and a priest, all his crimes await him.

Interpretation of dreams from a psychoanalytic dream book

  • A priest who appears in a woman’s, girl’s, or girl’s dream is an archetype wise old man, you should listen to his words.
  • A father who appears in a dream for a man, a guy, a young man or a boy is the unity of opposites, the inseparability of anima and animus, which can only be separated through pain.

Dream interpretation of tarot

  • If you saw a priest in your dream, then this indicates that you should repent of your deeds and ask God for forgiveness for what you have done.
  • Also, a priest in a dream means helping loved ones, the presence of weak hope.

Dream book of psychologist Freud

  • Father in a dream is a phallus symbol.
  • The fact that you saw a priest means that in real life you strive to ensure that your sexual contacts are protected, safe, and you never forget that you should use protective equipment - primarily condoms.

Abbot dream book for a Catholic

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a priest means success.
  • Dream Interpretation: talking with the priest is a sign of joy.

Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

Wanderer's Dream Book

I dreamed of a priest in a cassock - the path is shown to you, support is given, a blessing for what you have planned. Also, the appearance of a priest in a dream indicates that the sleeping person has a bad conscience.

American dream book

A dream about a church and a priest is a symbol of your deep spiritual consequences. When interpreting a dream, you should first of all pay attention to the position of the priest in your dream.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The dreams in which you happened to see the priest are evidence of the superiority of the powerful “Super-I”, as well as fears.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a church and a priest in a dream means prosperity. Perhaps soon news will come to you from afar, wait.

Astrological dream book

The appearance of a priest in your dream indicates that soon issues of spiritual development will come to the fore for you.

Universal dream book

Seeing a priest in a dream means illnesses in the future.

Seeing yourself as a priest means loneliness awaits you.

Grandmother's dream book

According to grandma’s dream book from 1918, a priest in a dream is a symbol of well-being and prosperity.

Slavic dream book

Seeing a priest in a cassock in a dream means good luck, prosperity, happiness in your home.

Electronic dream book

Various conversations on philosophical, eternal topics await you.

Newest dream book

A priest in a dream means trouble; you will have no luck in the near future.

Chinese dream book

  • This dream book gives meaning to dreams in which you see many priests - in in this case You should combine the interpretation from other dream books (regarding actions occurring in a dream; place; situation, etc.) with the color of clothing.
  • A large number of people in white robes - there will be cases that will be directly related to the service.
  • Blue robes are a symbol of separation from your family, separation from loved ones.
  • Violet or purple clothing is overused.
  • Red clothes on clergy are happiness, great luck, auspicious sign.

Dream Interpretation by Seasons

  • Autumn dream book. I dreamed of a priest, a clergyman, performing his service - this dream suggests that your life has reached a dead end, you should rethink everything you have done and confess.
  • Winter dream book. Talking to the priest is good news, good decision Your affairs.
  • Spring dream book. If a man dreams of a priest, it means vicious thoughts; for women, it means temptation.
  • Summer dream book. Father in the house - to the fulfillment of secret desires.


The priest you saw in a dream is a reminder of the imperfections of human nature. For atheists, dreams with the presence of a priest indicate that they may soon be drawn into a big adventure. Another interpretation is that perhaps the atheist will soon understand that he should choose religion, accept the path of faith.
Do not forget that a priest can speak not only with words, but also with facial expressions and gestures. It is possible that you have already guessed about some moments or situations in your life - in this case, the behavior of the priest in a dream can confirm your guesses. Also important are all the actions and words that were spoken and done towards you by the priest from the dream. Kind words, warm, spoken in a good mood, as well as a blessing - this is a very good, positive sign. If in a dream you dreamed of a church service, prayers (especially of a repentant nature), confession and other actions of this type, this is evidence that in real life you need to repent, or soon you will have bitter regret.
In any case, a priest in a dream is a warning, a symbol of respect and trust, so this dream should not be ignored.

Did you happen to be in a church in a dream? In reality you will experience peace or a sudden insight will come. Why else do you dream about this religious plot? The dream book will explain all the details and nuances of the vision.

Miller's Warning

In a dream, did you enter a dark temple room? Miller's dream book promises sad news and participation in the funeral. An illuminated space opposite promises a favorable outlook and better times.


Why else do you dream that you happened to be in church? Get peace of mind and financial assistance at a difficult stage in life.

Visiting a temple and praying there promises happiness and luck. A carefree walk, as if in a museum, according to the dream book, calls for taking faith more seriously.

Seeing a church for non-believers means the awakening of religious feelings; for those who fervently believe in God, the vision means well-being and tranquility.

What they were doing?

Did you have to be in a church in a dream? The dream book advises you to remember what exactly you did there. Decoding certain actions will help shed light on upcoming events.

  • They prayed - joy, consolation.
  • They were on their knees - a valuable find, an acquisition.
  • They chatted and laughed - a well-deserved punishment.
  • We sat, lay - changes.
  • They donated money - profit, debt repayment.
  • Confessed - the right path.

Do good!

Why do you dream that you were able to attend a service? This means that you will earn the respect and love of your loved ones.

Seeing yourself during a service in a dream means remorse. Did you dream about a church service? The dream book guarantees internal (spiritual) changes towards the Light.

Participation in it symbolizes an ardent desire, but lack of strength. Sometimes a church service calls for doing good deeds.

For peace or for health?

Did you dream that you had a chance to light candles in a church? In reality, you will make a confession that is extremely important for you, or you will feel a serious attack of conscience for past mistakes.

Putting candles in front of images in a dream means future need or humiliation.

If you dreamed that you lit a candle for your health, then get ready for someone else’s funeral or your own illness. The interpretation of the dream is the opposite if you managed to light a candle for the repose.

Spiritual Union

Why do you dream that you are lucky enough to be in church with your loved one? The dream book is sure that your closest friends are jealous of you.

If you dreamed that you were getting married to your loved one, then in real life your union will be not only physical, but also spiritual.

Seeing that you are praying with your loved one in an unknown temple means a renewal of past feelings and kinship of souls.


What does it mean if in a dream you happened to be completely naked in church? The Dream Interpretation believes that all your actions are dictated by personal egoism and are far from good impulses.

The vision calls for an immediate change in thoughts and behavior, or better yet, to repent of your sins and live more righteously.