Feng Shui star elders are wise protectors and helpers. Three star elders to attract money

Chinese deities - elders

There are many representatives in the pantheon of Chinese gods. Everyone is responsible for something different. A person of a Euro mentality is unlikely to be familiar with most of them. But there are some deities that are known in the most remote corners of our planet. These rightfully include three star elder- the more popular Chinese deities who are respected and worshiped throughout the world.

Star elders are Chinese gods who can bestow wealth, longevity and health. These figures are used both individually and together. They symbolize the three fundamental successes of the family: the health and longevity of its members, family power, and also authority and material prosperity.

The names of the elders are Lu-Xing, Fu-Xing, Shou-Xing. Each has its own properties.

Lu-Xing - is responsible for wealth and riches, is a symbol of righteous heirs, and also patronizes procreation. You can often see images of the god with a child in his arms, also next to him. May be surrounded by children. The deity symbolizes the authority of the family. An old man is depicted with a scepter in his hands, as well as a scroll - signs of power and strength.

Fu-Xing - patronizes happiness and good luck, which is attracted to the house. It can also bring money, material wealth and prosperity. In addition, he is usually depicted surrounded by many coins. They symbolize wealth and wealth. He is the tallest among the elders, so it is correct to place him in the center of the trio.

Shou-Shin is the god of health and longevity. In fact, in all cases he can be seen depicted with a peach and a deer - signs of longevity. It happens that the composition is complemented by pine, another symbol responsible for longevity, but this is only if the figure is made in strict accordance with classical Chinese ideas. The hand of the deity holds a staff, which is carried by travelers. But it is not ordinary, but is made from ginseng root, which also represents longevity.

Where to place the pieces

Three star elders - where to put them

In China, Chinese deities are respected, and their meaning can sometimes be interpreted differently. After all, each deity can have many colors of meanings, and simply knowing them is not enough. It is necessary to place the talisman correctly so that it gives away all its properties and brings only benefits to the house. And in the case of 3 star elders, this rule also applies.

The elders are located in the center of the house. They directly give the central part the greatest energy. According to the teaching of the 5 elements, the center of an apartment or house unites other areas surrounding it. And the elders help to connect all these aspects together, giving them unusual strength and energy.

It happens that the center of the house is not in the best and most comfortable place, which makes placing the elders impossible. In this case, their place is in the living room or the room where the whole family almost always gathers. If you follow Chinese traditions, then in their houses, sculptures and images of these elders are given separate rooms (if the house is rich enough). According to belief, it is believed that the elders should not be disturbed, giving them the opportunity to “meditate”, which requires privacy. If it is not possible to devote a whole room to them, then it is best to organize a place around the figurines, which will be the necessary suitable factor for “meditation”. To do this, the figures are placed on the highest table in the living room. They can also be given a niche in the dining room if you have a separate one.

It would be great to add ambiance to the room with artistic panels where the elders will be depicted. It is better to place it in the northwestern sector of housing, where we have the Assistant zone. In addition, the elders themselves can also be placed in the sectors: Careers, 7 and Wealth. They are universal and in any of the listed areas will have a beneficial effect on family members. Naturally, the quality of this impact will have its own nuances depending on the location of the figures.

Three star elders - the main deities

If we compare the power of the deeds of the figures and artistic depictions of the elders, then the masters say that it is better to have the main deities of Chinese mythology in the form of figurines and figurines. But, as is clear, Feng Shui is the science of symbols. Therefore, any image of one or another deity will carry an energetic message associated with one or another person. It does not matter what kind of reduced copy of an object that has sufficiently strong radiation can act as a successor to this energy. If it is not possible to arrange a home waterfall in the southeastern sector, what do we put there? That's right - his image. Symbolism begins to work and bring goodness!

You can choose 1 or 2 star elders. You don't have to use them all together. The main thing is that you like the choice and correspond to the goals you set for it. The hopes you have. If wealth is needed, then one old man; if longevity, then another. This way you can choose the required combination, arrange the talismans in own rooms, create a harmonious balance of energies in the apartment and live relaxed.

Of course, these are not all Chinese deities that are found in the pantheon, but the elders are among the most revered and famous. That's why we described them. Use their power for good purposes, and may good luck accompany you!

The Three Star Elders are the most popular and effective talisman in Feng Shui for attracting money, good luck and prosperity. It is best to use all the figures at the same time, but you can use them individually.

The star elders are grey-haired old men who are symbolic deities. They are associated with the three stars that occupy central positions in astrology. The star elders are named Lu-hsin, Fu-hsin and Shou-hsin.

Phuc, Luk and Sao will give you everything you need. They will protect your home from troubles and unexpected guests. They will bring health, longevity, prosperity, and fulfillment of desires.

Also, the Three Star Elders are an excellent defense against the “Three Killers”.

One of the star elders is Fu-sin. It is a symbol of wealth and success. With its help, you can find an independent source of money and achieve career growth. Fusina is often placed between other star elders. He is often surrounded. This emphasizes its importance for gaining wealth.

With a child in his hands - this is Elder Lu-sin. Sometimes he holds a scepter in his hands. This elder helps the birth of respectable heirs, strengthens the family and increases the authority of the clan.

The third elder is Shou-shin. It symbolizes health and longevity. Shousin holds a ginseng staff and a peach in his hands. This elder personifies virtue and sincerity.

If you make a talisman yourself, mentally recite the program that this amulet is aimed at fulfilling. Before you start making it, think through all the details of the talisman and the possibility of applying certain symbols to it.

Together the figures of the elders unite their magical power and turn out to be more effective. This talisman leads to prosperity.

Where to place star elders?

Star elders anywhere will attract good luck, health and prosperity to the house. The best place for star elders will be the assistant sector.

You can place them in the center of the house or in a place where family members like to gather. They will work great in areas of wealth, family, health, and career. But it is not recommended to place talismans in the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

If you need to attract good luck in a short time, then the elders are placed in the center of the apartment, in the living room or bedroom.

For those who are involved in charity, it is recommended to place the figurines in the assistants’ area.

If you want to live a long, happy and healthy life, they should be placed in the dining room.

If you need to move forward career ladder and receive decent pay for their work, then the elders should be placed in the office.

The ideal place for elders in the office would be to place them behind the owner of the office, which will provide vital support and attract prosperity.

Wealthy Chinese place elders in separate rooms so they can practice meditation.

Star elders should be placed on an elevated platform so that they are taller than the people in the room.

Sometimes it happens that the figurine of an old man is broken or lost. In this case, you should not be upset, but should purchase a new figurine instead.

If it was not possible to purchase a new figurine, then it is recommended to place the remaining two in different places.

A damaged figurine must not be thrown into the trash. It should be buried or thrown into the river.

Star elders are Chinese deities who bestow wealth, health and longevity. Figurines of these symbolic deities, or their images, are widely used in feng shui, one at a time or all three together.
The three star elders symbolize the three most important family successes: material well-being, family power and authority, health and longevity of all family members. The star elders are the deities Fu-hsin, Lu-hsin and Shou-hsin, each of which has its own purpose, and who, only by gathering together, can bring real happiness and complete prosperity to the house.

Fu-sin - the deity of happiness, attracts people to the house great luck, which, in turn, brings money, prosperity and material well-being. Usually the god Fu is depicted surrounded by many coins, symbolizing wealth and abundance. This is the tallest Star Elder and his figure should always be in the center of the composition.

Lu-xin is the god of wealth and abundance, as well as a symbol of worthy heirs and continuation of the family. He is often depicted holding or next to a child, as well as surrounded by children. Lu-sin also symbolizes family authority, then he is depicted holding a scepter and a scroll in his hands - symbols of strength and authority.

Shou-shin is the god of longevity and health, he is almost always depicted with two symbols of longevity - a deer and a peach. Sometimes they are complemented by pine, another symbol of longevity, but this is if the picture is depicted in the manner of Chinese scroll painting. In the hands of the deity is a traveler's staff made from ginseng root.

Figures or images of these respected elders can be placed in the center of the apartment. Nothing else will strengthen the energy center of your home like these ancient talismans of protection, wealth and longevity.
If the center of your apartment is in a not very convenient place, and for some reason it is impossible to place the Star Elders there, bring them into your living room or the room where your whole family usually gathers.
In China, and in many Chinese wealthy homes around the world, even special rooms are reserved for sculptures and images of these gods. It is believed that Star Elders should be able to “meditate”, and to do this they need solitude. Create a little meditative space for them by placing their figurines on a high table in the living room, or setting aside an alcove in the family dining room.
It is also good to hang a panel with the image of the Three Star Elders in the northwestern sector of your home, in the zone of Helpers and Patrons. This talisman will be appropriate in the Career sector, and in the Family sector, and in the Wealth sector, the versatility of the Star Elders allows this, everywhere they will create favorable qi, which will activate the corresponding zone.
In the office, you can place the Star Elders behind you, then they will provide you with vital support and an influx of wealth.

Many are probably wondering what works better, figurines or scrolls depicting Star Elders? Here is what Feng Shui masters say about this: “Of course, having real Chinese-made figurines of the Three Star Elders is preferable. However, Feng Shui is primarily a language of symbols. Therefore, any reduced copy of an object with intense radiation acts as a successor to this radiation. If it is not possible to arrange a waterfall in the southeastern sector, we place what there? That's right, his image, that is, a picture. And the symbolism of the element begins to work!”
Therefore, choose those Star Elders that will suit your home and your interior style, and that you will like, which is also very important.

Aura House website. RU

According to Feng Shui, the Three Star Elders are figurines symbolizing the three stars from ancient astrology. Some sources say that the star elders are not cult gods, they say that they are deities. In the Feng Shui tradition, these are, by and large, talismans that bring longevity, wealth and happiness to the owner.

Features of the talisman of the three star elders

According to Feng Shui, the figures of the three star elders can be placed together, or separately. The most favorable place in the apartment to place the talisman will be the room where you gather with your whole family. Also, figurines can be placed in the center of the house and in the assistants’ sector. Each of the three elders carries its own energy and brings into your home what you need.

The meaning of each figure:

The first of the three elders of Fu-sing. This figurine symbolizes great luck and happiness. Thanks to him, money, material well-being and stability come into the house. As a rule, he is depicted standing surrounded by many gold coins. If you put him with other elders, you can see that he is somewhat taller than the rest of the elders. God Fung-sin is placed in the middle of the star elders.

The second elder is called Lu-sin. Depending on how Lu-xing is depicted, its meaning will be different. If the god Lu is depicted with a whistle and a scepter, he becomes a symbol of power. If he has a child in his arms or is simply surrounded by children, such a figurine will symbolize the continuation of the family, worthy heirs and wealth.

Third Star Elder Shou-shin. The Shou-shin figurine has only one meaning – longevity. Basically, this star elder is depicted with a deer or a peach. Sometimes you can find Shou-shin with a traveler's staff, carved from ginseng root and pine. Ginseng root has long been considered the root of health.

If you want the statues of the three elders to be brought maximum benefit a special room can be set aside for them, where the elders can “meditate” in peace and quiet. However, allow yourself to be reserved for the star deities separate room maybe not everyone, so good option there will be a Family zone, where they will stand in a separate niche.

The best place for a talisman in the house

In the Feng Shui tradition, the Three Star Elders are the most popular and universal talisman. Wherever you place them, they will bring positive energies into your home. You can keep them in your office or office. Of course, it is best to place Fu-hsing, Lu-hsing and Shou-hsing figurines in the living room or dining room where you gather with the whole family.

The most best place for the three star elders it is still the center of the apartment. But, if you wish, you can “settle” the elders in another room. This talisman is surprising in that it works equally well both in the Family sector and in the Helpers, Wealth, and Career sectors. In addition, in the house you can hang a panel with the image of the star elders, because it is the symbol that is important.

It is not necessary to place the star elders all together, because each of them will do an excellent job alone. In addition, if one of the figures is lost or broken, it is not at all necessary to replace all three at once. You can arrange the remaining two figurines separately or give them to your friends. And then buy a new set.

Please note that figurines that have served their purpose should not be thrown into the trash. If the talisman breaks, it is advisable to bury it in the ground or throw it into a running river.

You can call the star elders in different ways, the main thing is that at the moment of your call you feel respect and reverence for the deity.

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For many centuries, the Chinese have revered a talisman representing the three star elders. These are traditional Feng Shui souvenirs, made in the form of three elderly men holding an object in their hands. They can be found in almost any home in China. According to legend, the elders are the brightest stars from the constellation Ursa Major, symbolizing all the benefits people need.

The figures are endowed with the ability, family harmony, happiness and financial well-being. They can be purchased and used as a Feng Shui talisman separately, but the three elders have the greatest power when they form a single composition.

Magical abilities of feng shui elders

Elder Fu Xing (Fuk) brings monetary luck, prosperity to business and simple human happiness based on the possession of material values. This deity can hold a golden bowl with coins in his hands, and he is also depicted surrounded by all kinds of jewelry. In a group of elders, Fu Xing is traditionally placed in the center, he can be a head taller than his comrades.

Lu Xing (Bow) is the deity of abundance and fertility. Its attributes are fruits (most often peaches) and nuts. Lu Xing is often depicted with a child in his arms, since, in addition to attracting wealth, he symbolizes the multiplication and prosperity of the family. This elder strengthens the authority of the head of the family, in his department there is cohesion and friendly relations between relatives. In order to raise a child as a worthy person, you need to turn to Lu Xing for help. You can find a figurine of this deity with a whistle and a scepter - symbols of power and influence. He willingly helps public figures and politicians.

Shu Sin (Sau) is the god of longevity. His name is associated with good health, divine protection and long years of life. His attributes - the fruit of the peach tree and the fleet-footed deer are ancient symbols eternal life. An old man can hold a ginseng staff in his hands, medicinal plant, which has been used in Chinese medicine since ancient times.

Where to put the three elders

A suitable place for mascots is the living room, dining room, all places where the family gathers. Talismans do not need to be activated. Figurines of elders can be installed separately, but maximum effect give three talismans together. They symbolize a single force that bestows wealth, health and happiness. From legends it is known that the three deities personified by the stars of the Big Dipper bring prosperity, prosperity and good luck.

By Bagua zones Feng Shui of the three elders can be installed in the Family, Wealth or Career zone. A favorable location for these souvenirs is the zone of Helpers and Patrons. It is best to choose some niche for the figurines so that the star elders can calmly, without interference, “meditate” and “activate” their energy. This way they can be as useful as possible for their owners.

The power of hieroglyphs

Chinese Feng Shui masters advise that in order for the transaction to be profitable, you need to write the hieroglyph Fu on the folder with documents. It may be invisible, the main thing is to attract the attention of higher powers to an important operation. The hieroglyph Shu will help strengthen the body's defenses. It is depicted on a red ribbon and carried with you when health or life is in greatest danger.

In order not to dry up the flow of money, you need to keep your savings in a red envelope with the outline of the hieroglyph Lu. The talisman has very great power; other protective magical objects, for example, should not be in the same room with it. It is better if the elders are the only talisman in the house.

If one of the Feng Shui figurines breaks

If it so happens that the figurine of one of the elders is damaged, then you cannot throw it away - by doing this you will show disrespect for the Feng Shui symbol and bring trouble to your home. The Chinese always “bury” an old figurine by burying it in the ground or throwing it into a fast river. The remaining figures need to be arranged according to different rooms or give one to someone. You need to buy yourself a new Feng Shui talisman - a whole set of three star elders who will take the place of their predecessors.