Feng Shui Bagua zones in the home: how to identify and activate for health and well-being. Decorating a room according to Feng Shui

As a rule, little attention is paid to the correct arrangement of furniture in the bathroom. This is understandable: in our realities, you first of all think about how to fit everything you need in the bathroom.

However correct location furniture and decor is crucial for quality rest. And the bathroom should be perceived as such - not as a room for washing, but as a place complete relaxation. According to the precepts of Feng Shui, the bathroom is the most important place in the home. So how can you arrange all the elements correctly to equip your bathroom according to Feng Shui?

Feng Shui rules for the bathroom

Water as a symbol of well-being

The bath symbolizes the process of cleansing from everything bad and the opportunity to be filled with vital energy. For the free flow of energy, it is necessary that the bathtub fits perfectly into the design of the entire room.

Door leading to the bathroom

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a person lying in a bathtub should be able to see who is entering the room, so the location of the door relative to the bathtub plays a big role. In other words, position the bathtub so that the person lying in it faces the door. For the harmonious flow of energy, make sure that all plumbing works without interruption: a leaking tap symbolizes obstacles. The door to the bathroom, as well as the toilet lid, must be closed.

Hide the toilet

The toilet should not be the very first object we see when entering the bathroom. If possible, hide it behind furniture or behind a curtain. In general, Feng Shui strives for balance, which means that it is necessary to avoid the dominance of the “water” element in the room. Rooms associated with water are considered energetically unfavorable in Feng Shui. The toilet, bathtub and sink are, so to speak, “passages” through which positive energy flows. You can counter this by using appropriate colors and materials: natural shades and unobtrusive patterns will create a harmonious atmosphere in the bathroom.

Feng Shui bath shape

Most often, bathtubs are rectangular in shape, which, according to Feng Shui, is not so bad. But it would still be better if the bathtub was oval: this will bring monetary energy into the house.

Feng Shui bathroom color

White, cream, sand, terracotta, yellow, ocher - these are the ideal shades, ideal for well-being. If possible, avoid the color red, which is associated with the fire element, as fire and water are in opposition. Materials such as marble, enamel, porcelain will become perfect choice For bathroom.

Uniformity of colors

It’s good if all the main elements of the bathroom are made in the same color and style - bathtub, shower, toilet, etc. This brings harmony and beauty to the house. Accessories should be given special attention. Bright towels, paintings and bottles transform the bathroom. And you can create the energy center of the room by placing a beautiful vase on the floor or next to the sink.

Window and greenery

Feng Shui teachings say that the bathroom should have a window, as well as plants. As for the first point, it turns out that Khrushchev buildings were built according to Feng Shui, and it’s a pity that in modern apartments Most often there is no window in the bathroom. If you are the happy owner of a private home, then you have the opportunity to listen to advice ancient teaching. Both the window and the plants fill the room with freshness and comfort, and also improve air circulation. And this is very important.

READ ALSO: Plants that don't need a lot of light

Cabinets and shelves

The bathroom should have as much storage space as possible. This way you will have the opportunity to remove all the little things from the “showcase” and create a feeling of absolutely free space. Strive to ensure that every element in the bathroom is functional, reduce redundant items to a minimum, choose simple and comfortable furniture. Ideally, only what creates harmony in the bathroom should be visible.

Feng Shui bathroom lighting

Light is very important point in the philosophy of Feng Shui. In the bathroom it should be, on the one hand, functional, and on the other, subdued. Opt for rounded lamps and make sure that the mirror is illuminated from both sides.

Feng Shui bathroom - photo

Each room of a private house, apartment and even a dormitory should be equipped in accordance with certain rules, then it will become a source of positive energy.

The correct design of a room according to Feng Shui will firmly bind you to financial well-being, happiness, health and luck.

Feng Shui of a children's room

Chinese philosophy divides all people, objects and natural phenomena into Yin and Yang. Yang energy, which characterizes rapid growth, development and movement, is characteristic of children. Therefore, the decor in the children's room must be appropriate.

It is better that the nursery is located closer to the entrance or in the middle of the home, and faces east. If the children's room is located in the back of the apartment, the child will become the main one and subjugate all family members.

Do not buy furniture modules where there is a bed above the study table. According to Feng Shui, the energy of sleep will be intertwined with the energy of rest. The child will not be able to concentrate on his lessons and have a good rest during sleep. The bed under the ceiling puts pressure psychologically, dust and exhaust air accumulate there. It is better to separate the working (playing) and sleeping areas. According to Feng Shui, a teenager's room in the southwestern part is responsible for relaxation, and the northeastern one is for learning.

Chandelier, ceiling beam or cabinets above the bed will hinder the child’s development. The color scheme of the room should be in “Yang tones” - bright furniture and wallpaper, funny pictures, posters.

Teach your child to be clean and tidy. Clutter ruins all feng shui. For better development child, ventilate the room regularly, do not accumulate unnecessary things.

Feng Shui bathroom

Yin energy predominates in the bathroom due to the large amount of water. To avoid the accumulation of stagnant energy and dampness, ventilate it well.

To avoid leakage of qi energy, the bathroom should not be visible from the front door. Always close the doors tightly and lower the toilet lid. May with outside hang a large mirror on the door.

According to Feng Shui, the color of the room should be pastel (pink, light green, blue, cream). Smooth, hard and shiny materials accelerate the flow of qi energy and do not allow it to stagnate.

Make the lighting bright, remove everything unnecessary from the shelves, then the chi energy will move easily, and the room will be conducive to relaxation and rest.

Feng Shui bedroom

The bedroom should be located at the back of the house. The bed should not be placed opposite the front door. If the bed is double, access to it should be on three sides, and the mattress should be solid. It is better not to move two separate beds together. According to Feng Shui, you cannot sleep in a walk-through room. A beam above the bed can lead to quarrels and divorce. Feng Shui does not welcome mirrors in the bedroom, because they double reflect the energy of qi, and its excess leads to conflicts.

There should be no debris or dust under the bed. Do not keep old magazines, flowers, documents and money, an aquarium, or unnecessary things in the room.

The light should be soft and dim. It's good when bedroom furniture has rounded edges.

Feng Shui of dorm rooms

Keep the room clean, constantly ventilate, this way you will get rid of the negative energy emanating from random guests. Curtains should be thick to promote good sleep.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog!
I believe that although Feng Shui came to us from distant China, there is nothing wrong with using its tips in Russia. How I want to improve my life in all its aspects and bring harmony and integrity! And Feng Shui zones will help us with this. I have already written about Feng Shui on the blog, but today I will introduce you to such concepts as the Bagua grid or Feng Shui zone diagram, Feng Shui symbols for the house and apartment, how to arrange them and harmonize our house as a whole, because this is exactly what the place where we spend most of our time and most of our life depends on the environment at home.

From the article you will learn:

What is a Bagua grid?

The Bagua Grid is a basic feng shui concept. The grid is an octagon of nine trigrams, each of which is “responsible” for a specific aspect of our life (love, health, wealth and others).

The octagon can be visually “attached” to the house, separate room, office and even garden. In essence, the correct Bagua grid is an energy map of ANY room where there are clear boundaries and a main entrance.

What is all this for?

The meaning of the teachings of Feng Shui is to make your home an assistant in improving your life, to make energy flows work for you, with the help of small rearrangements and changes in the interior to attract success, financial well-being and good luck in business.

The teachings of Feng Shui teach you how to divide a house into zones and what interior items to fill these zones with.

Bagua grid or feng shui zone diagram

The grid was invented by the Chinese emperor Fu Xi during his observations of nature. Each of the nine Bagua trigrams corresponds to a natural phenomenon(fire, water and others), feng shui element and compass direction.

Any zone can be strengthened or weakened (the correct Bagua grid is needed for this). For example, by hiding a “stash” in the wealth zone, we increase financial income in family budget. A home first aid kit in the health zone will give all family members additional “points” in the fight against viruses and bacteria.

You can strengthen the sector with aromas, color scheme, elemental and elemental symbols, as well as Bagua signs.

Bagua zones according to feng shui

Feng Shui zone (Bagua sector) is a certain part of the territory in which greatest number one or another energy relative to a certain “sphere of activity”. Simply put, the energy of money is not scattered throughout the apartment, but is concentrated, for example, in the left corner.

There should be a total of 9 such zones, and all of them correspond to the cardinal directions:

  1. Love Zone (Southeast)
  2. Wealth Zone (Southeast)
  3. Glory Zone (South)
  4. Zone of Wisdom, Knowledge (North-East)
  5. Career Zone (North)
  6. Zone of Children, Creativity (West)
  7. Zone of Travel, Helpers (North – West)
  8. Health Zone (Center)
  9. Family Zone (East)

You probably already guessed that dividing an apartment into zones is very simple - you just need to determine where each of the listed cardinal directions are located in your home.

Bagua feng shui overlay on an apartment

“Correct” overlay means that the Bagua grid is oriented to the desired cardinal directions, and not to the location of the rooms. Sometimes this creates certain inconveniences. Nevertheless, they say that such a grid has an effect in the house!

How to correctly determine the cardinal directions in an apartment according to Feng Shui

But at this stage you will have to work hard. But since you set out to improve the quality of your life, then obstacles should not stop you!

So, you will need a floor plan for your apartment. Perhaps you recently had to do housing issues and the apartment plan is very close. Or you might have an architect among your friends who is ready to help. There is another way - just type into a search engine “apartment plan ... (insert what you need - whether you have a Khrushchev, Leningrad, Stalin, new building)” - and print out the most suitable option.

Next, on the printed plan we need to draw the cardinal directions. It's very simple if you have a compass in your hands. But you can figure it out even without a compass: from which side does the sun rise in your apartment? If the morning rays flood your bedroom, feel free to write “East” on the bedroom plan. And in the opposite room - “Sunset”. Then it will be quite simple: south, north, and between them - intermediate zones, and finally, the center. The Wind Rose or a map with the directions of the parts of the world will help you not to get confused in the directions.

We take a plan of the apartment (or house) in paper form. It is quite possible to draw such a plan yourself. The main thing is to comply correct proportions and scale.

Bagua grid or feng shui zone diagram

Now we determine the geometric center of the apartment. From external corners draw two diagonal lines. Their intersection will become the desired center of the home.

Bagua feng shui compass for determining zones

If you cannot determine the zones according to the cardinal directions, then the Feng Shui bagua compass, which is used specifically for this, will help you with this. In this option, we will need a compass (or an ordinary tourist compass, not a Bagua). We determine where north is in relation to our apartment. We put a mark on the plan and, starting from this point, divide the apartment into zones.

How to apply a grid so that the Bagua trigrams coincide with the functional purpose of the rooms in the apartment? Unfortunately, no way!

On a note!

It may well turn out that the children's area will end up in the office, the career sector on the balcony, and the creativity area in the pantry! It's OK . It is enough to strengthen the sector with the symbols of the desired element/element and choose the right color scheme!

Designate zones by room

At this stage, you should have a plan of your apartment, painted according to the cardinal directions and, accordingly, Feng Shui zones. To simplify further work I advise you to sign each zone as specifically as possible in order to clearly understand what is where: for example, “Children’s Zone - bedroom”, “Love Zone - kitchen” and so on. What you get in your drawing is called the Bagua grid - that same breakdown of the home into Feng Shui zones. If you remember, I mentioned it when I built a wish map according to Feng Shui, it is also built according to this principle.

Conduct an audit of each zone

Now walk through the rooms and carefully examine each area. Identify the most “affected” areas. Which area is the most cluttered? Which one requires immediate cleaning? Which area will you need to pay the most attention to?

Also make a note for yourself which zone is currently most relevant to you personally. If you already for a long time If you are trying to have a child, then you will have to make special efforts in the Children’s zone. If you can’t find a job, put an exclamation point in the Career zone. I think the principle is clear.

Feng Shui zones description and activation

Feng Shui zones description and activation

Now that you have identified the areas of your life that matter most to you, it's time to put the flow of energy to work for you! To do this, you need to know how to actualize energy in the zones.

East. Family and support (Wood and Water)

Color - green, material - wood.

If you feel that Lately there is not enough warmth and mutual understanding between your loved ones, help your family: put a couple in the Family Zone potted plants, hang a picture of a forest landscape, add wooden carvings, and increase the lighting. No need to repaint the walls green color or upholstered with wooden formwork - just a few small accents of the right color and from the right material are enough.

This zone is responsible for harmony in family relationships and healthy energy for all family members.

How to activate the Family zone:

  1. Family photos in moments of happiness and joy;
  2. A home first aid kit or a shelf with medicinal cosmetics;
  3. Images of pine, peach, bamboo, God of health (Sina Show).
  4. Scents of hyacinth, sandalwood and pine and any shades of green and blue.

Prohibited: weapons, a bar with alcoholic drinks, images of withering (for example, paintings of autumn landscapes, herbariums or bouquets of cut flowers), stuffed animals and antlers, photographs of deceased relatives.

North. Career and life path (Water and Metal)

Color - blue, black, material - water.

It all depends on what kind of results you want to achieve. Water is a powerful element, you need to work with it carefully so as not to harm yourself. If you want to make a career climb, small home fountains and photos of fountains will do. If you are completely satisfied with the situation in your business life today, hang up a photo of standing water, a symbol of stability, for example, a beautiful mountain lake.

If you're looking for a new place, add some office paraphernalia, such as an organizer or writing set. A figurine of a turtle wouldn't hurt either. typical representative water world.

The zone is responsible for everything related to career and work. A properly designed sector will help you get a promotion, get the job you want, increase your earnings or change your profession.

The symbols in this zone should, firstly, remind you of work, and secondly, “appease” water and metal. Therefore, in this zone we place:

  1. Office equipment (laptop, telephone, fax), business cards and folders with documents;
  2. An “eternal” fountain, an aquarium with fish or turtles, a painting or photo with a waterfall (the main thing is that the water moves);
  3. Metal clock with a pendulum.
  4. You can also enhance the energy of the sector with the aromas of cedar, rose, orchid and laurel, as well as any shades of blue and grey, silver, golden and white flowers.

Prohibited: Fire and Earth symbols, as well as standing water, are prohibited in the Work and Career area.

West. Creativity and children (Metal and Earth)

White, material – metal.

Childhood and creativity are associated with purity and innocence, so it works well in the childhood zone White color. To begin with, thoroughly clean this area; the presence of wilted or dried flowers, cobwebs in the corners, and dust is unacceptable. Update the furniture if necessary (just change the covers to lighter ones). Increase the lighting, add light photographs, perhaps children's drawings in light frames, children's crafts.

The sector is responsible for creative expression, and the development and well-being of children.

How to activate the Creativity Zone:

  1. Children's toys, photographs;
  2. Pomegranate tree (symbol multiple pregnancy), a crane with peach fruits, a hatching chicken, Hottei with children;
  3. Wish card or creative workshop.
  4. Scents of geranium and jasmine, beige, golden, gray and white flowers.

Northwest. Helpers, mentors and travel (Metal and Earth)

Color – white, material – metal.

This zone is “afraid” of objects and images of an erotic nature, broken or frankly decrepit objects. If you are waiting for help from someone, you can strengthen this zone with photographs of your spiritual mentors or simply persons significant to you. If you dream of traveling, add photos of the places you would like to visit.

The sector is responsible for travel and attracts attention and favor important people from the outside.

How to activate the Travel zone:

  1. Images or figurines of patron angels and icons;
  2. Photos of family friends;
  3. Computer equipment (telephone, fax, computer);
  4. Earth symbols, crystals.
  5. Scents of jasmine and geranium, beige, gold, silver and white flowers.

Center. Health (Earth, Fire)

Color - orange, yellow, material - earth.

Who doesn't want to live a long and healthy life? Help the health energy: cleanse the center of your home and add strength to this area: wooden things, indoor plants, sea pebbles, images of blooming nature and objects in yellow and orange colors.

How to activate the Health zone:

  1. Wind chimes with a pleasant gentle sound;
  2. sea ​​pebbles or decorative boulders that will increase self-esteem.
  3. Talismans of health and harmony: globe, pots of earth, turtle, fireplace, crystal chandelier.
  4. Yellow and gold flowers.

Energy accumulates in this zone, which is distributed throughout the apartment and can correct the “weak” aspects of other sectors. It should always be light and clean here! The sector is responsible for physical health and harmony.

Southeast. Wealth (Wood and Water)

Color - red, green, material - wood.

Activating this zone is very simple; symbols of prosperity and wealth will help you with this (various figurines made of bronze or gilded metal, coins, money bags, decorative chests), a “money” tree, products from precious stones, a small fountain. It would be good to put a small aquarium, ideally with gold or red fish (fish symbolize success in money matters).

This type Bagua sector responsible for financial well-being and material wealth. Moreover, without reference to a career or job.

How to activate the Wealth Zone:

  1. Jewelry box, money symbols (frog on coins), figurines of God Fu-Hsing or Hottei. You can just put wooden box with a large banknote inside. By the way, the sector - a good place for storing “stash”;
  2. Fountain or aquarium with fish, Money Tree.
  3. Scents of patchouli, rose and orchid and any shades of green and blue.

Banned: symbols of Metal and Earth, dried plants and standing water.

South. Position and Glory (Fire and Wood)

Color - red, material - fire.

The energy of this zone is especially needed by people who have made it their goal to become famous and famous. You can maximize the energy of the Glory Zone by filling the space in it with your own awards, various diplomas and certificates.

The sector is responsible for achieving goals, life success and popularity.

How to activate the Glory zone:

  1. “Roll of honor” of the family (certificates, awards, diplomas);
  2. Images of the sun or sunflowers, photos or posters with fire, summer landscapes, fireplace, candles, incense, peacock feathers.
  3. Aromas of ginger, jasmine, geranium, cloves and cinnamon, as well as any shades of green and red.

Southwest. Marriage and Love (Earth and Fire)

Color - yellow, material - earth.

If your goal is to find a new love or strengthen an existing one, be sure to work in this zone. Candles and any objects associated with love and affection (figurines of a pair of doves or swans, images of a heart, any objects with an erotic connotation) will look great in the Marriage Zone.

Under no circumstances should you hang images of lonely people or photographs with sad scenes in this area, and do not place climbing or thorny plants here.

How to activate the Love and Marriage zone:

  1. Wedding and family photographs, marriage certificates, wedding candles, dove figurines;
  2. Gifts from grateful clients and friends;
  3. Things that bring back pleasant memories (for example, souvenirs from a trip together). By the way, the Bagua grid “allows” any paired figures to be placed in this zone. Let’s say, if the “Marriage and Partnership” zone in the Bagua grid falls on the bathroom, then according to Feng Shui, it’s enough to just hang two paired towels or put two soap dishes there.
  4. Earth symbols, ceramics and crystal.
  5. Aromas of amber, rose, rosemary and orange, as well as red, pink, yellow and orange shades.

Northeast. Wisdom and knowledge (Earth and Fire)

This sector is associated with thinking, experience, skills and self-learning.

How to activate the Wisdom zone:

  1. A desk if you work at a computer (or schoolchildren or students live in the apartment). The Bagua Compass advises keeping workbooks, notes, diaries and textbooks in this area. For example, during the period when you study intensively foreign language. Well, if no one in the family studies anymore, you can simply set up a library here.
  2. Good lighting (large chandelier or several lamps).
  3. The aromas of incense, myrrh, lotus and vanilla, as well as all shades of red, yellow and brown flowers, will help strengthen the energy of the zone.

Prohibited: any symbols of Water and Wood (for example, houseplants and aquariums).

Despite the fact that each zone is updated in its own way, in the end your home should still look uniform and stylistically holistic. There is no need to get too carried away by one area that is interesting to you and make it a corner that stands out from the overall picture. You should enjoy being in the room, it's main principle Feng Shui.

The general principles of Feng Shui for an apartment say: clean the dirty, throw away the old, fix the broken.

Keep your home clean. Old things belong in a landfill, not in the back of a closet. Broken doors, unscrewed bolts, hanging wires - try to return everything to its place at once, before it is forgotten. A person has such a property - to get used to everything. He also gets used to problems in his home. Therefore, eliminate them as soon as they appear, and not “when there is time”: there is a high risk of simply getting used to them and stopping noticing them. Get rid of .

What is not cleaned is removed, what is not closed is closed.

We put what should be inside the closet inside. We put what should be behind the doors and not outside.

During the day it is light from street light, in the evening - from electric light.

Don't live in twilight. Try to get enough light at any time of the day: give up gloomy curtains, add a couple of light bulbs to the chandelier, wash the windows, finally. Use the tips.

Remember, you should feel good and cozy in any part of your home!

If all these tips are followed, then most likely the proverb “my home is my castle” applies to you.

If not, everything is in your hands. Use the tips listed above, approach the matter with soul, give your home a little strength and attention, and it will definitely thank you! In a cozy home it is much more pleasant to relax and gain strength for new exploits; it is so good to return to such a house after a busy day and gather with friends and family for communication.

Indian scriptures say that water brings good luck and prosperity to the house, and the place of ablution is a cleansing zone. Accordingly, the bathroom must be kept clean, light and ensure free movement of the energy flow of Qi. This energy is the beginning and foundation of all life on Earth.

Bathroom location

  • It is the northern part of the home that is connected to the water; here there should be a bathroom, which can be narrow and long. Its shape can be square or round. But the most important thing is that the entrance to it is not on the same axis as the entrance to the living space.
  • In addition, the bathroom and toilet should not be located on the same axis as the table, bed, refrigerator or stove, since the water leaving the house through the sewer will also carry away the energy of important places in the home.
  • The most optimal layout, in which the bathroom and bedroom are separated by a dressing room.

Advice: It is unacceptable that the entrances to the bathroom and kitchen, as well as the window, are on the same line as the main entrance to the living space, since the flow of Qi will flow freely without stopping. As a last resort, you can prevent this by hanging a mirror at the entrance to the bathroom.

  • The bathroom, located at the end of a long corridor, is an “arrow” that takes away your health.
  • Cover the doors of the bathroom and toilet, and their entrances should not be located opposite the kitchen, which “feeds” us. This is fraught with deterioration in the financial and physical condition of the family. The toilet lid must also be closed.

Bathroom furnishings

  • The round, coin-shaped bathtub ideally helps the free movement of Qi energy and attracts cash flow to your home.
  • It is also not advisable to install sewer pipes under the kitchen. Being drains, in this case they will carry away positive energy from the living space, and this is the health and financial well-being of the residents of the house.
  • In combined bathrooms, it is necessary to separate the toilet and bathtub with at least a curtain.

Advice: the door in feng shui is responsible for financial position, so you shouldn’t place doorways opposite each other. In this situation, prosperity will not linger.

  • The toilet should not be located in the middle of the combined bathroom, and especially not opposite the entrance to it.

Engineering Communication

  • Water turning from clean to dirty impedes the flow of Qi. Therefore, it is important that everything engineering systems The bathrooms were in perfect working order.
  • Location not desirable communication system in the center of the living space. The flow of Qi needs to move, not “stand still.” Passing through the sewer pipes, this energy, unfortunately, disappears.

Advice: Instead of a window in the bathroom, you can hang a mirror that will reflect sparkling objects. And for the unhindered flow of Qi energy in the room, hang a “wind chime” in the center of the ceiling, above the entrance or window.

  • A leaking faucet allows Qi energy to leak out. According to Feng Shui, the toilet and bathroom are a system genitourinary organs, therefore, ideal cleanliness and serviceability corresponds to good health in this area.
  • The window will provide the bathroom with natural light during the day and additional air flow, which promotes the free movement of Qi.

Color palette

  • The optimal color scheme for the bathroom is white, beige, light green, light pink, bluish colors that will promote complete relaxation.
  • The ideal combination is a dark floor with light walls.
  • Do not overuse bright colors and decorations. A good addition There will be paintings depicting nature in light, red and yellow-green colors.


  • The bathroom should have perfect order, be sure to hide dirty laundry in special baskets.
  • Furniture is selected taking into account the individual needs of the owners, washing machine It is recommended to place it in a closet, since Feng Shui does not favor technology.

Advice: the bathroom should be decorated in the same style, and equipment should be purchased in the same shade.

  • Decorations made from natural materials and living plants will help provide the right atmosphere for Qi energy.


  • It is optimal if the plumbing fixtures are chrome-plated and made of light faience, and the surfaces are made of marble, tiles or natural stone. The wood should naturally be of a water-repellent variety, and ceramics and glass should be of pale shades.
  • Avoid synthetic components such as plastic or hardboard.

According to Feng Shui, everything in the bathroom should have its place and purpose, everything unnecessary and unnecessary should be removed. And impeccable cleanliness and order will always help you feel peace and positivity.

A room with a shower is one of the most important places in the home; often our day begins with a cool morning shower and cleansing “rituals”.

Organizing the interior according to the teachings of Eastern sages is now extremely popular, and Feng Shui of the bathroom is no exception!

How to properly arrange a room in order to rationally arrange plumbing fixtures in it, but not violate the golden rules of harmony - read the article below.

Bathroom location according to Feng Shui: basic principles

It is believed that it is in this living space that we are cleansed of accumulated dirt - both physical, emotional, and spiritual. You can literally wash away the worries and anxieties of the passing day so that in the evening before going to bed you can set your mind to a calm, peaceful and positive mood.

Teachers of Eastern practice advise not to forget that the wrong bathroom interior can “return” to you everything that you have “washed away” and cleansed yourself from, and therefore the location of the bathroom according to Feng Shui is more of a wise necessity than a fashion trend .

Here are the basic rules that you need to follow so that bathroom Feng Shui works correctly and you do not harm yourself and your home.

Bathroom location

According to Feng Shui, a bathroom begins with its correct placement in the living space.

  • It is not allowed for the bathroom to be located in the center of the apartment; this will negatively affect the energy in the house.
  • It is also strictly forbidden to place a bathroom above a bedroom or study if you live in a private two-story house. Taoist monks ( pioneers of the eastern practice of Feng Shui) insist that such a bathroom will “eat up” your success, luck and harmony, both in your career and in family matters. Incorrect location sewer pipe in an apartment can literally attract collapse, disappointment, and lack of money. Don't want everything in your life to go down the drain? Then do not place it in the very epicenter of the home and above important areas in the house.
  • The same rule applies to another non-compliance with Feng Shui: the bathroom is opposite the front door, which immediately blocks and stops financial success.

Northern zone

According to Feng Shui, a bathroom is considered to be done correctly if it is located in the northern part of your house or apartment. Then the room fits harmoniously into the overall energy of the residential building, does not disturb any energy or invisible flows, does not interfere with your business and its success, and does not carry any negativity.

A Feng Shui bathroom involves separating the shower stall from the toilet and placing the washing area in a separate room. If you have a combined bathroom in your apartment, but there is no way to fix this, then you can neutralize the negative flows from an error in the interior using plasterboard construction or a screen that will visually separate the toilet from the bathroom.

Southeast zone

In Taoist practice, this is an area for work and rest, namely for placing bedrooms and a study. This direction carries a powerful flow of positive vibrations, the energy of wealth, the power of success and material prosperity.

If the bathroom is placed by mistake in this part of the home, then the feng shui of the bathroom is completely disrupted. Your career growth may slow down significantly, financial difficulties may begin in your home, and sudden bad luck in money matters. The energy of wealth and abundance is completely blocked by an incorrectly located bathroom, and if there is also a toilet in it, then such negative manifestations will be especially noticeable.

The correct location is the basis of Feng Shui; the bathroom will not carry the right vibrations and symbolize the necessary cleansing, even if all other principles of the practice are followed. Therefore, pay special attention to this if you are concerned about the need to design a bathroom according to Feng Shui.

When is a bathroom considered to be located correctly according to Feng Shui?

Remember that water is one of the main elements of our planet. It has its own separate (and very strong) energy, and therefore should not conflict with other vibrations of the living space. Water can bring physical and spiritual cleansing, wash away negativity and negative events, give an influx of wealth, bring success and powerful streams of strength.

But if the feng shui of the bathroom is not respected, then the water changes its behavior. It can bring with it luck and harmony, financial success and even balance in the relationship between spouses. Make sure that you have done everything correctly so that the living qi energy is in the right direction.

The bathroom is located according to Feng Shui practice in the following cases:

  1. If your bathroom is not combined, the toilet is separate from the bathroom.
  2. If the bathroom is remote from the sleeping area and from the study.
  3. When the bathroom is located in the northern part of your house or apartment.
  4. If all the bathrooms in a two-story house are on the first floor.
  5. When the bathroom and toilet are not located in the southeastern part of the home.

Bathroom color according to Feng Shui: which colors are suitable and which are not

Feng Shui of a bathroom is not only the correct location of the bathroom in the space of the home, but also the correct, harmonious colors and shades in interior design. It is not surprising that Taoists use soft, natural and muted shades when decorating a bathroom, because Feng Shui is a practice based on the harmony of man and the surrounding world, built on the “natural” energy of all things.

  • Most auspicious flowers pastel, soft shades are considered: sand and pale yellow, beige, blue, soft green.
  • White color and all gradations of its shades are considered especially successful; the Chinese revere bathrooms in both the snow-white shade and milky shade, as well as the ecru color that is especially popular now.
  • Warm shades are also environmentally friendly and feng shui friendly. natural wood: oak, pine, walnut, alder.

According to Feng Shui, the color of the tiles in the bathroom is better to choose classic white or one of the favorable shades listed above. Blue is the color of the sky, air flow, clean water and lightness. It is suitable for relieving mental stress and for relaxation. Using blue you can create an “airy” and unobtrusive atmosphere in the bathroom.

Feng Shui works great in a bathroom whose color resembles pistachio. This is a shade revered in the East, symbolizing calmness, purity of thoughts and constancy; it is often found in interior decoration temples and dwellings. Neutral shade of sand - suitable color for discreet, natural and cozy design bathroom.

Bad colors in the bathroom according to Feng Shui


This color should be avoided in bathroom decoration. It attracts negative energy, which can be enhanced by the energy of water. Do not use black in the bathroom, so as not to spoil the effect and effect of the forces of harmony and balance. According to Feng Shui, the black color of a bath is the most unfavorable of all, it deprives one of spiritual strength and induces negative thoughts.


A brown bathroom is also considered unfavorable according to Feng Shui. If you still want to use this shade in the interior and prefer similar colors, then replace it with a more “correct” terracotta, and, if possible, with a light sand or beige.

Feng Shui color of bathroom fixtures

As noted above, according to Feng Shui, the colors of a bath should be neutral, muted, and natural. Should not be used dark shades in the decor and interior of the room, flashy, overly catchy shades will also be inappropriate. We have already sorted out which color of a bathroom is preferable according to Feng Shui, but what color should you choose for the plumbing? What shade should the toilet, sink and shower cabin be in a room that is being arranged according to the principles of Feng Shui?

White color is a symbol of purity and highest purification in China. This is the most common color for plumbing fixtures worldwide.

It is this that is preferred as the ideal shade of earthenware; it is the most optimal and best color bathroom according to Feng Shui, photos from fashionable oriental catalogs prove this every year. Don’t follow changing trends; don’t buy colored toilets and sinks for your bathroom; opt for a classic white shade.

It is believed that white color enhances the effect of water. By taking a shower in a snow-white cabin, you not only cleanse your physical body, but also help your aura remove the negativity that has accumulated during the day, and get rid of spiritual, internal dirt.

The practice of Feng Shui is based on the harmonious interplay of all energies circulating in a residential building. It is no secret that mirrors are a kind of portal to other, hidden dimensions; it is not for nothing that people have endowed them with mystical abilities since ancient times. Naturally, each mirror has its own special, distinctive vibrations. And these vibrations can have both a positive and negative impact on the overall energy background of the apartment. It all depends on the placement of mirrors in space.

In a bathroom made using the Feng Shui technique, it is not recommended to place mirrors opposite each other, or to overuse their number. Give up mirror tiles, because it literally “splits” our consciousness, creating many disparate reflections.

Sages in the East are sure that the mirror allows us to find unity, even restore our mind and spiritual strength.

Therefore, avoid any mirror crushing. The same rule applies to many small mirrors on the walls. Place two medium-sized mirrors of the correct shape in the bathroom, this will be enough.

  1. Make sure there are no other mirrored or reflective surfaces in the bathroom other than two solid mirrors.
  2. Check that the mirror is firmly attached to the wall and that there are no gaps between it and the wall.
  3. The mirror surface should not have any distorting properties.

According to Feng Shui, it is better not to place a mirror in front of the bathroom, ideal places for them are:

  • Bathroom door.
  • The wall above the sink, where both mirrors are located side by side, in one straight line.

Make sure that the mirrors do not form a kind of “ mirror corridor", when the surface of one mirror reflects another, thereby forming infinity. This carries negative vibrations into the house, distorts the living energy of qi, and upsets the balance of forces. In this case, it is better to move the mirror to another place.

How to place a mirror in the bathroom

It’s great if the bathroom has the opportunity to place mirrors on the wall so that one of them reflects front door. This technique will neutralize any negative energy entering the room. But don't install mirrors in front of shower stalls, toilets or wash tubs. In these devices you regularly wash away your negative energy; it should not be able to be reflected in the mirror, thereby gaining strength.

Don't forget that unity is important in the Feng Shui bathroom, this is the original idea of ​​the practice. Use identical mirrors to hang on the wall, it is important that they are the same size.

Pay attention to how mirrors are placed in bathrooms abroad: they are hung above identical sinks at the same distance and on the same line, leaving a small distance of about 30-50 cm between them.

This is the perfect Feng Shui placement of bathroom mirrors.

By following all these simple rules, you can easily arrange your home according to the right principles, strengthen the positive forces and energy in the house, and bring harmony into it. Feng Shui of the bathroom is an important component for prosperity and peace to reign in the apartment, even if this relationship does not seem so obvious to you at first glance.