What causes cockroaches to appear. How to get rid of cockroaches quickly, easily, forever

Large black cockroaches, popularly called sewer cockroaches, have significant...

Long antennae, a shell with wings hanging on the sides, body size reaching 3 - 4 cm. Black individuals are nocturnal, hiding from human eyes.

Not whimsical in taste preferences. Will not refuse paper or wooden products. They cannot tolerate drought and die without water within a few days.

The black cockroach lives well in the basement, attic, and sewer wells. Places with high humidity are a suitable habitat for insects.

Under a microscope you can see what the black barbel's body is covered with. The hair acts as receptors that help the insect navigate in the dark and obtain food.

Olfactory receptors and organs of vision are developed. They sense a person’s presence from a distance and quickly hide when they see danger.

Not everyone is able to encounter a large black pest in their apartment. The insect has the ability to move quickly as long as you turn on the light, the longhorned beetle was already like that.

Many people think that there is a flying creeper. In fact, the wings of an arthropod serve as additional protection for the shell. The insect's body is dark, with a characteristic metallic sheen.

The food source for insects is food waste. It is for food that the pest comes to the apartment at night.

Where do they enter the house from?

Before getting rid of black cockroaches in an apartment, it is important to find out.

And arthropods get into the apartment:

  • Along with parcels, things and household appliances, bought secondhand;
  • From the basements;
  • Through sewer pipes in the toilet or bathroom;
  • From the entrance, from the garbage chute;
  • From a grocery store;
  • From the greengrocer's shop.

If single black reptiles appear, it is not a fact that other relatives will not come with them. If favorable conditions for life are discovered, one will certainly bring a whole column of settlers.

A big minus if you have:

  • Dirty dishes with leftovers are regularly left overnight;
  • The trash can is not taken out;
  • The faucet is dripping in the bathroom or kitchen.

There is no point in breeding crawlers in unsanitary conditions. Basement cockroaches love to live at home, but with high humidity.

An innovative approach to bullying

Popular, consumer-approved arthropod extermination methods will help you save time, money, and stress.

The modern approach to exile involves the use of:

  • Ultrasonic repellers;
  • Electrical traps;
  • Cold and hot fog generators;
  • Gas guns.

The last 2 methods are performed by emergency stations that come to the client on the first call. There's no point in spending money if big cockroaches appear in the house in single quantities. In this case, it is advisable to disinfest the basement, which is a possible source of infection.

Repellers emitting ultrasonic waves– do an excellent job of expelling pests from the premises. The device does not have a detrimental effect on individuals, but crawlers cannot tolerate ultrasound.

For them, it is like a distress signal, urging them to flee. The repeller is effective for use in private houses and apartments.

Readers of the site write to us

Subject: We got rid of cockroaches! Thank you!

From whom: Vlad Burov(vl**** [email protected])

To whom: Admin


Oh, we are tired of cockroaches in our apartment!

They are so disgusting, and it is difficult to eradicate them. My wife tried a lot of things! Nothing took them :(

I was fed up with all this and I took up the matter myself.

And I accidentally discovered it on one site.

Without thinking twice, I did as it advised. And literally after 5 days we were able to live in peace!! We don't have any cockroaches anymore!

Please give it to others, maybe it will help them too!

If there is an invasion of black longhorned beetles from the underground, the device will drive them out from there. The range allows you to protect objects with a large area.

Make sure that no one disconnects the device from the power source. Prolonged blackout leads to the immediate return of arthropods.

What to do with pests in the apartment? Exterminate as soon as possible. A trap that kills the insect with an electric current will help you wage a win-win fight against nasty insects, black and red.

The cost of the device is not small, but the result is worth it. Plugged it in and forgot about the problem. The only caveat is timely cleaning of the tray with dead individuals.

How to deal with insects if the apartment is located on the ground floor, the basement is flooded and pests are running towards you? The only sure way is to seal holes and cracks in the floor and walls.

Look under the window sill, there are no cracks and deep holes must not be. The crawler comes to you from across the street, moving through holes in tile floors and cracks in doors and windows.

We carry out chemical treatment

Many people have the skills and know how to remove cockroaches on their own. They do not accept any additional sources and proceed to treatment with the usual drugs, which have been repeatedly tested from their own experience. We bought a familiar poison, applied it, and the result was zero.

This often occurs if insects are poisoned with one drug for many years. The problem will be solved by changing the insecticide.

Before getting rid of black cockroaches in a private house or apartment, choose a chemical that is easy to use and affordable.

The trust of consumers has been earned by:

  • Gel products;
  • Aerosol preparations;
  • Dusts.

The gels are released in a syringe, are easily dosed and do not damage furniture. The transparent consistency can be easily removed from baseboards with a damp cloth.

The gel-like chemical is effective in controlling crawlers. The drug has a detrimental effect on adults. The product does not destroy eggs, but the black cockroach larva is doomed to inevitable death.

For high-quality disinfestation, the product is applied to baseboards, behind kitchen cabinets, and around the perimeter of the bathroom and toilet. Once in the gel, the insect will dirty its paws, after which it will begin to clean them.

If the insecticide enters the gastrointestinal tract, it will cause poisoning and death. While the individual is alive, it will infect its fellows by sharing a dose of poison.

Aerosols are used to quickly poison arthropods. Death occurs within a few minutes. You need to get creative and apply insecticide to places where insects accumulate. The difficulty of processing lies in the inability to reach the permanent habitat of the sliders.

After spraying the poison, leave the apartment for 2 - 3 hours. The windows are left closed. Upon return, the house is ventilated and wet cleaned.

The drug is poured around the perimeter of the apartment. Do not place poison near food. The powder will get on cereals or bread, which will lead to poisoning of all family members.

Traumatization using folk methods

Our grandmothers know how to deal with black sliders.

People have been using boric acid for more than 30 years. Dry poison is used in its pure form or as part of balls prepared independently.

Preparing the bait:

  • Combine acid and sugar in equal proportions;
  • Add raw egg;
  • Add flour, knead the dough;
  • Add water if necessary.
  1. Divide the finished dough into several pieces,
  2. form round balls or cakes,
  3. We lay out all the available and probable habitats of reptiles.

The acid is mixed with starch, sugar, water and a little flour are added. The balls are prepared in the same way.

Pest control begins with eliminating access to water. Why is this necessary? Water is the source of life and the key to successful reproduction of insects.

Having eaten a poisonous substance, the pest will go to quench its thirst. Water will reduce the active properties of boric acid, and the creeper will remain alive.

An effective way to get rid of cockroaches with wings is to wipe the floor with strong-smelling solutions.

The following is used as a repeller:

  • Ammonia (ammonia);
  • Essential oil of lavender, lemon balm, mint, eucalyptus;
  • Acetic acid.

To prepare a working solution, add a few drops of the drug to water. Wipe floors and surfaces on which arthropods crawl.

Creepers cannot tolerate fragrant flowers. Get some geraniums. Beautiful flower will purify the air in the room and repel crawling creatures.

The most desperate ones use kerosene. The unbearable smell drives individuals out of the house, without re-occupying them.

The treatment is carried out with clean fuel, wiping the baseboards, thresholds and entrance door. The smell is strong enough to prevent insects from entering the room.

To prevent insects from settling in your home

If a person gets rid of large mustachioed insects in the apartment, but does not begin to maintain cleanliness and order, there is a likely risk of insects repopulating.

The success of bullying depends not only on the chosen method of disinfestation, but also on timely preventive measures and compliance important conditions in the house:

  1. Make it a rule to wash dishes after eating, not before;
  2. Clean up bakery products in a plastic bag;
  3. Do not brush away the crumbs with your hand to avoid them falling on the floor;
  4. Clean up the kitchen cabinets, remove spilled cereals and flour;
  5. Do not accumulate garbage, get rid of unnecessary trash;
  6. Conduct general cleaning at least once a week, current - daily;
  7. Carry out preventive measures - treat baseboards with insecticides.

Such actions will help get rid of black reptiles in the apartment not just for a long time, but forever.

I remembered that as a child, my grandmother also fought against cockroaches and was quite successful. We called her and she revealed her secrets in the fight against them. In this article you will learn: why cockroaches appear in an apartment, how they can get into the house, and what should be done for prevention.

Why cockroaches appear in an apartment: routes of entry and damage caused

It is believed that cockroaches are companions of dirty, cluttered rooms with poor organization kitchen space. A mountain of dirty dishes, spilled flour, a forgotten piece of bread on a plate - all these are tasty morsels for cockroaches. This is true, but, unfortunately, cockroaches come not only to such dwellings.

Very often these pests come from neighbors who are planning to kill them with their pets or not. by professional means. A cockroach can accidentally enter an apartment through sewer and ventilation pipes, By engineering communications and just “from the street.”

These insects are very mobile. An adult cockroach can cover a distance of a kilometer in a day. No wonder why cockroaches are so common in modern apartment buildings. Reproducing very quickly, they wander from apartment to apartment, constantly looking for new sources of food and finding them even in regularly cleaned homes.

Be that as it may, if cockroaches once come into your apartment, it is almost impossible to get rid of them on your own.

This is facilitated not only by the colossal reproductive rate of this type of insect, but also by their habits, secrecy and natural caution. Today, cockroaches are one of the most unpleasant problems faced by owners of private houses and apartments. What causes such unpleasant neighbors to appear and how to stop such a neighborhood? It's time to deal with these issues.

Where do cockroaches come from in an apartment?

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the possible ways of penetration of these obnoxious insects into a human home. There may be several such ways:

  • In the neighboring apartment they are actively fighting with cockroaches, which is why the latter, in search of a new home, run through ventilation, cracks, cracks in the walls and other possible passages in order to wait out, and maybe even establish a new colony in another apartment.
  • Whether they will stay or not will depend on how well the new conditions meet their low demands.

  • Cockroaches can “arrive” in an apartment in a shopping bag brought, for example, from a grocery market.
  • One female is enough for whole hordes of cockroaches to appear in the kitchen. You can bring a cockroach even in boxes with new household appliances, if the insect manages to get there;

  • These insects can be brought with you in things brought from other apartments, even if they were not in the kitchen.
  • In search of food, a naturally curious cockroach can easily crawl anywhere;

  • You can even receive them by mail. An insect found in a package can go without food for several weeks.
  • It was this vitality of cockroaches and the development of the postal system that led to the spread of not very pleasant insects throughout to the globe.

    For example, in Russia you can now find not only the red cockroach, which has long lived in our latitudes, but also the black American cockroach. Before you do anything to eliminate these pests, you should try to determine how cockroaches get into your apartment. And this problem is quite real even for those rooms where ideal cleanliness is maintained.

So, where do cockroaches come from in your apartment:

  1. From a cafe or office located on the ground floor multi-storey building.
  2. So, computer technology can become a real cockroach “incubator”, because here insects will be the last place to be looked for.

  3. From the things you brought from your business trip,
  4. In your things or in the things of your friends (for example, if you gave someone your book to read),
  5. Through a common garbage chute or sewer system (then a colony expelled from one apartment simply moves into another),
  6. With purchases from the store.

In addition, a large black cockroach in the kitchen may be evidence that your home has more attractive conditions for the population. So, garbage that is not thrown out on time or dirty dishes left in the sink will only contribute to the spread of these insects.

For normal life, cockroaches require only 3 factors: water, food and warmth.

Insects are very fond of unsanitary conditions, therefore, where there is high humidity, a lot of food debris and debris, ideal place for habitation and reproduction of cockroaches. In the first place are premises, such as basements, where it is warm and humid, catering units, warehouses.

But it is not uncommon for cockroaches to appear in residential buildings, the ways of their penetration into apartments are different, let’s consider the most likely:

  • One of the reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in an apartment may be grocery stores and cafes located in residential buildings, especially for “high-rise buildings” and “high-rise buildings.”
  • Such houses are most susceptible to insect infestation, especially if the store does not maintain sanitary and hygienic standards.

  • Also, cockroaches can come running into an apartment from neighbors, these can be mass raids, but, as a rule, if the cockroaches are poisoned and they flee.
  • If the colony has grown greatly and they simply do not have enough food for everyone, in this case the cockroaches first send one, so-called “scout”, and if the neighboring apartment has all the conditions for “comfortable” living, then soon the insects will inhabit such a dwelling.

    If the apartment is kept in order, there is no garbage, no water leaks, and leftover food is not stored for a long time, then cockroaches will not live in such a house.
  • You can bring a cockroach into your home from a store or market along with your groceries.
  • When you return from a trip or business trip, you can also bring a cockroach with you in your bag, suitcase, or belongings. Your acquaintances or friends may bring insects to you in things, books, or equipment.

  • Insects can enter the apartment and from the basement.
  • There have been cases where after disinfestation basement, cockroaches crawled all over the house.

Cockroaches mainly enter an apartment through ventilation shafts, through cracks in the floor, ceiling and walls, and through sockets. They can also penetrate through sewers, garbage chutes, basements and attics.

Having such “neighbors” is extremely unpleasant and unsafe for humans; they feed on absolutely everything they come across, and do not even disdain either garbage waste or excrement, therefore they are carriers of various diseases, such as:

  1. Tuberculosis,
  2. Dysentery,
  3. Diphtheria,
  4. Hepatitis, etc. etc., and can also cause allergic reactions.

You need to take measures to exterminate cockroaches as quickly as possible; you should not put it off “for later,” otherwise getting rid of the insects will be very problematic.

Habitats and breeding places for cockroaches in an apartment

Cockroaches, or as they are affectionately called “Stasiks,” are very heat-loving and moisture-loving insects. Just like bedbugs, they mostly come out of their hiding places at night, in search of food, and during the day they hide from the human eye. Insects live in colonies and choose places for reproduction and habitat that are dark, with high humidity and room temperature.

Let's look at the most common areas where insects accumulate.

They can hide in places such as the sink, behind the stove and refrigerator, behind cabinets and shelves, near trash containers, behind electrical appliances, in floor crevices and baseboards.

  • The bathroom is another “haven” for cockroaches.
  • Water is the most important source of life for these insects; if they can live without food for a month, or even more, they will not live without water for more than 2 weeks. Even if a half-dead cockroach can get to a water source by drinking, it will survive.

    You can find a “settlement” of cockroaches behind the bathtub, behind the toilet and sink, behind washing machine, in baseboards and cracks, in ventilation shafts.

  • Sometimes a cockroach can be found in a living room or bedroom; these may be their routes of movement, and also if there are food remains in the room.
  • You can also detect “Barbels” in your apartment by leaving excrement (small black dots), dried skins (chitin), they can be found near or on the products themselves, near the sink, on dishes, furniture and wallpaper.

    If the apartment is sufficiently infested with insects, then a specific bad smell.

    If you find cockroaches in your apartment, immediately begin exterminating them; they multiply quickly and also leave chemical traces behind them, which other relatives can follow.

    Why do cockroaches appear in an apartment?

    Having dealt with the question of where cockroaches come from in an apartment, you need to understand why they stay there. Once in an environment unsuitable for life and reproduction, cockroaches do not stay there for long.

    The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment is a sure sign of unsanitary conditions in the room. In order to feel good in a house or apartment, cockroaches need:

      Cockroaches eat not only high-quality, fresh food, but also food that has gone missing, thrown in the trash or carelessly left on the table or in the sink. An uncleaned table or dirty stove in the kitchen can become a buffet for an entire colony.

      If there is no food waste, they can be content with paper or leather. It's hard to call cockroaches picky eaters.

    1. Water.
    2. Cockroaches, like any other living beings, cannot live without water. They need very little to get drunk. The source of water for them can be not only containers with water, but also wet surfaces such as a damp sink or condensation-covered tiles, or accidentally spilled water on a table or floor.

      As a last resort, they can drink water from trays with flower pots in the kitchen or other rooms;

    3. Temperature.
    4. Cockroaches feel comfortable in the same temperature conditions, as a person. The temperature of a human home is perfect for them to live and reproduce quite comfortably.

      That is why one of the ways to combat cockroaches is the so-called “freezing” - lowering the temperature in the apartment to extreme levels. low indicators, in which the cockroach population begins to die.

    What to do if cockroaches appear in the apartment

    The first thing to do if even one cockroach was found in the kitchen is to carry out a general cleaning of the entire apartment using all kinds of cleaning and disinfectants.

    It is necessary to deprive cockroaches of everything without which they cannot feel comfortable: sources of drink and food. Particular care must be taken to clean places where these nocturnal insects can hide from daylight.

    How to get rid of cockroaches

    In order to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, in addition to cleaning the kitchen and other parts of the room, you need to use special products. What don't they like?

    • Traps.
    • You can buy ready-made traps in the store, or you can make them yourself using simple boxes with one small entrance, from which you will need to shake insects into the toilet every day.

      There are also industrially manufactured electrical traps for cockroaches, killing insects that wish to find refuge in them with an electric shock.

    • Boric acid.
    • With any contact with this substance, the insect is overcome by severe itching, from which it subsequently dies, but before that it manages to return to its relatives, transmitting the itching as an “infection”, as a result of which the entire colony can die out.

      You need to lubricate all sources of water in the kitchen with boric acid or, mix it with food, spread it in places where cockroaches accumulate. This substance is safe for people and pets;

    • All kinds of gels.
    • This is one of the most popular methods of controlling cockroaches in an apartment. Such gels are produced in special tubes or syringes, which makes their use even more convenient.

      The gel contains bait (flavors that imitate the smell of foods that especially attract insects) and an active ingredient (actually, poison). Such products should be applied in solid strips or strips of individual droplets in areas where cockroaches accumulate.

      Some products contain bitterness that repels curious pets, such as cats, but it is best to apply gels where neither children nor pets can get into;

    • Aerosols.
    • Treating areas where cockroaches gather with aerosols as a means of pest control is gradually becoming a thing of the past due to the great danger of inhaling sprayed substances and insects becoming accustomed to specific compounds.

      The aerosol will need to be changed frequently in order to maintain the original effect.

    • Sticky houses.
    • It looks like a small house of cards with tasty bait inside, only along the walls there is adhesive tape, to which the insect attracted by the smell sticks with all its legs and ultimately dies.

      It is typical that those who came after the first cockroach are not at all afraid of the body of their dead brother already lying in the house, and they fall into the trap in the same way. Such a house can be filled to the brim overnight;

    • Disinsection services.
    • Today, there are many organizations professionally engaged in the extermination of cockroaches, bedbugs, midges and other pests. They have special means of combating insects and special equipment, allowing you to effectively combat any pests.

      Whichever of the above remedies is chosen, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the safety precautions described on the packaging.

      You need to understand that in most cases we're talking about about the use of toxic substances, the entry of which into the body of a person or pet can end very sadly.

    In order to avoid the reappearance of cockroaches in the kitchen, you need to carefully monitor order, not only where you can see, but also where rarely anyone looks. Maintaining perfect cleanliness is better protection home from an unpleasant neighborhood with a colony of cockroaches.
    Source: "ecology-of.ru; grizunov-net.ru; green-polis.ru"

    Timely measures taken are the key to success

    Do not forget what causes cockroaches to start, and the fact that over time they develop immunity to poisons, thanks to which they simply begin to drop as if dead, but after a certain time they return to the normal rhythm of life.

    Therefore, under no circumstances should all individuals found with their paws upside down be thrown into the trash; they should be flushed down the toilet without fail. Leading cockroach control experts recommend taking action to do this in the following way:

    1. Firstly, for effective fight with cockroaches, you should use only modern means, strictly following the instructions developed by the manufacturer.
    2. Secondly, if you want to get rid of cockroaches, a clean house is necessary, also carefully study possible places habitats before treating them with poisons.
    3. After identifying such points, they must be treated with special care with poison. At this stage, pay special attention to the space near baseboards, under the refrigerator, furniture, ventilation shafts and the like.

    4. Also, the remedy for cockroaches is strong - this is an exception possible ways their entry into the house.
    5. To do this, cracks and other openings are carefully filled with putty, and the ventilation holes are closed with special mesh with a fine mesh.

    6. All food waste must be placed in sealed bags. Prevent insects from accessing food. Make every effort to keep the house clean.

    If the measures taken do not produce the expected result, then it is better to seek help from real professionals in this matter. Fortunately, there are more than enough organizations dealing with pest control issues in our time.

    Today, disinfestation is an effective remedy for cockroaches, reviews of which have made it the most popular in situations where standard control methods have not given the desired result. But even carrying out disinfestation requires the owners of the premises to actively monitor the cleanliness of the house.

    Protecting your apartment from cockroaches

    The fight against cockroaches is still relevant today; insects enter our apartments from various sources, be it a grocery store located on the ground floor of a residential building, basements, or from neighbors. For a “good life,” cockroaches don’t need much, just warmth, a lot of food and water.

    Unfortunately, our apartments meet all these requirements, and sometimes we ourselves create favorable conditions for these “neighbors” to live. To protect your home from cockroach infestation, there are several simple and effective ways.

    • The first thing you should pay attention to is maintaining cleanliness and order in the house.
    • If cockroaches have nothing to profit from in the apartment, then they will not live and breed in such a room.

      If cockroaches appear in your apartment and you declare war on them, then the kitchen and bathroom should be kept perfectly clean. Remove all crumbs and leftover food from tables, especially at night, take out the trash promptly, do not leave dirty plates in the sink for long, wipe the sink and tables dry, store food in airtight containers.

      If there are pets in the apartment, then it is better to remove bowls with food and water at night. The bathroom should also be kept clean and dry.

    • If cockroaches are being poisoned in a neighboring apartment, be prepared for entire colonies to come running to you to escape the poison.
    • It is better to fight with neighbors together and deal with them together, either through independent efforts or with the help of the disinfection services.

      Otherwise, insects will run from neighbor to you, and from you to neighbor, for a very long time. If apartments are repeatedly infested, you should immediately contact a pest control service.

    • To protect your home as much as possible from insect attacks, you should block all possible entry points for cockroaches.
    • Seal all cracks on the ceiling, floor and walls, as well as near front door, install on ventilation and windows mosquito net. If pipes are leaking, this may cause high humidity in the bathroom, replace them with new ones.

    • For prevention, you can place traps in ventilation shafts or treat special means against cockroaches.

    Folk recipes

    Since cockroaches appeared a long time ago, therefore, over the entire period of their existence, folk methods for eliminating them have been developed. The most effective are the following traditional methods of destruction:

    1. Application of boric acid powder.
    2. This product can be added to dough or potatoes. Baits are laid out in different parts of the room. However, cockroaches do not always die when using this bait, but it does not destroy the larvae;

    3. Freezing.
    4. These insects cannot tolerate frost. However, this method is difficult to apply in apartment conditions. It is possible for a while in winter time open all the rooms in the apartment, but this will only bring a temporary effect.
    5. You can wash the floors with ammonia.
    6. Smell ammonia repel these insects. However, during processing you will have to breathe in the vapors of this product;

      They opened all the windows wide and went to spend the night with their neighbors, a really effective method, since at a temperature of -10ºC cockroaches immediately die.

      But this method would be better suited for rural areas, since pipes in an apartment may burst during a long “freeze”.

    7. You can use “homemade” traps.
    8. Take an ordinary jar (0.5 or 1 liter), put bait on the bottom (this can be honey, fruit, bread, mashed potatoes, you can pour beer, cockroaches love it very much), coat the inner walls of the jar with glycerin or vegetable oil and place it around the apartment at night.

      To make it easier for cockroaches to get to the bait, you can attach a paper or fabric strip to the trap. Thanks to glycerin or oil, insects will not be able to get out of the jar, and the next day you will collect the “harvest”.

    9. Another effective method To destroy cockroaches, it is to spread bait prepared with your own hands in places where they accumulate.
    10. Mix boiled potatoes and egg yolk in equal proportions, add boric acid to this mixture and roll into balls.

      Boric acid is a killer for cockroaches, and after trying this “delicacy” the insects will drop dead.

    11. Cockroaches cannot stand the smell of ammonia. You can add a little product to the water and wipe the floors; of course, the “aroma” will still be there, but the “stasiks” will run away from your apartment.
    12. You can also use a folk remedy for cockroaches, which has proven itself quite well - ammonia.
    13. The ammonia solution itself does not kill insects, but is a chemically unpleasant substance for them, from which they try to hide.

    Use ammonia against cockroaches according to the following scheme:

    • mix an aqueous solution of ammonia in the ratio of one bucket of water to one teaspoon of ammonia;
    • The floor and interior items in the house are washed with water and ammonia several times.

    In this case, be sure to wear special respirators, rubber gloves and work with the windows open in the room, since ammonia is a very harmful and aggressive substance that can easily harm a person. But, you need to remember, using ammonia to repel cockroaches is good prevention, but not a means of active struggle.

    Remedies for cockroaches

    Any of these insecticides contains chemical substances, many of which are toxic to both humans and their pets. Therefore, before treating with sprays or solutions, all safety measures should be taken:

    1. Remove children, asthmatics, allergy sufferers, and, better yet, all household members from the house.
    2. Cover the aquariums with tight lids.
    3. Evacuate the animals.
    4. Dress in protective clothing, don’t forget about a respirator and goggles.

    It is advisable to move furniture in the kitchen away from the walls. Dishes and personal belongings must be put away tight bags, or take it out onto the balcony. You can also send food there, as well as put some of it in the refrigerator.

    Cockroach gels, also an effective means of fighting cockroaches, are inexpensive and easy to use. One of these preparations is Cleanbait gel, which is applied like toothpaste to places where insects accumulate and move, and is odorless. As practice has shown, within a week the gel will rid you of cockroaches.

    Currently, there are all kinds of anti-cockroach traps on the market with baits already inside. They can be disposable or for repeated use. Such means are more suitable if the size of the colony is insignificant, as well as for prevention, for example, against “neighboring” cockroaches.

    There are also preparations such as glue or adhesive mass against insects.

    This product is intended for mechanical catching; glue is applied to any surface (it can be paper, cardboard, double-sided tape) and spread on areas where cockroaches accumulate and move. Insects, running through these places, stick to the adhesive mass.


    • Micron
    • The microencapsulated product contains three active ingredients and copes well with an entire colony of cockroaches, leaving them no chance to survive. The drug is non-toxic, odorless, and leaves no traces on the surface.

    • Lambda Zone
    • An effective remedy against cockroaches, the poison is in microcapsules. Insects, coming into contact with the drug, are completely enveloped in it and begin to die, also successfully infecting their relatives.

      The product has no odor and is safe for people and animals.

    • Medilis-Ziper
    • An acute insecticide that “hits” cockroaches in the intestines and eats into the skin. Quite quickly and effectively destroys hordes of insects. The product has a specific smell that disappears after the room is ventilated.

    • Delta Zone
    • A safe, non-toxic drug, has absolutely no odor, and at the same time has a powerful effect on cockroaches, ridding your apartment of unnecessary “neighbors”.

      It kills insects not only upon contact, but also infects other “brothers”.
    • Microcapsulant, effectively fights cockroaches, the product is safe for animals and people, does not leave marks or stains on the surface.

      It will quickly rid your home of insects, and also has residual properties for up to 6 months.

    • Avalon

    There are currently many means and methods for exterminating such unpleasant insects as cockroaches.

    But if all your independent efforts are in vain, cockroaches do not want to leave your home, contact a specialized pest control service for help. By using modern equipment and professional preparations, they will help you clean your apartment from insects.

    Greetings, dear readers. Have you ever wondered where cockroaches come from in your apartment? Probably yes, since you are reading this article. Well, you've come to the right place.

    I'll tell you where in clean apartments where cockroaches come from, what ways they can get into your home and why they like to live near us. Let's discuss the main reasons that provoke the appearance of Prussians. You will learn what harm they can cause to people, and what to do if insects decide to settle near you.

    Don't give up on cockroaches

    For a long time, cockroaches were considered companions of hostels and disadvantaged residents in apartment buildings. In fact, the Prussians are a misfortune that can happen to any of us, regardless of status, financial well-being and perfect cleanliness in the house.

    Today you are a clean owner, and tomorrow arthropods appear in your home and literally crawl out of every crack. Therefore, there is no need to be ashamed and put off resolving the issue; the sooner we start pest control, the faster we will defeat the mustachioed enemy. But first, let's find out how he got into our house.

    How did they get into my house?

    Cockroaches are fast and agile creatures, and their flat bodies help them fit into even the narrowest gaps. Moreover, they are predominantly nocturnal, so we often notice them only at the moment when the colony has grown to an impressive size. But how could they get into your home?

    Here is just a small list of ways in which the Prussians penetrate our apartments:

    • They came from neighbors, from the basement, a garbage chute through a ventilation shaft, cracks in the walls, a sewer riser, etc.
    • We arrived with a parcel from an online store.
    • You brought them home yourself along with fruit from the supermarket.
    • Returned with you from a business trip or trip.

    The last three points seem absurd, but in fact such cases are not uncommon. One pregnant female in your travel suitcase is enough to establish a fast-growing colony.

    People especially often bring Prussians back from business trips. During such trips you often have to stay in inexpensive hotels, which are sometimes plagued by insects. One pregnant female has taken a fancy to your bag, and now you are going home not alone, but with new neighbors.

    Or you flew away on vacation, but did not stay in a hotel, but rented a house. A little later it turned out that it was swarming with Prussians. The most curious of them can easily hide in your things, so you won’t even notice how the insect has made a nest in your bag, and you can calmly fly home with this bag.

    Well, there it’s a stone’s throw to a colony of arthropods, because once a fertilized female German can reproduce throughout her life, and she doesn’t need a male for this. So if, after your vacation, you notice a mustachioed reptile escaping from your suitcase towards a hole in the wall, cross your fingers that it is not a pregnant female.

    It happens that during a trip, female cockroaches lay eggs in the suitcases of vacationers, who then take these eggs to their home. So he left alone and returned with his entire offspring - an unpleasant prospect, but it is impossible to insure against this. Unless you choose hotels and houses where there are definitely no insects.

    Reading on the topic: how cockroaches reproduce they will conquer the world

    However, cockroaches sometimes have a hard time in a new home. For example, if the owners are clean people and do not have the habit of leaving food in open access and their taps don't leak. And sometimes it’s the other way around - the new home has all the conditions for a comfortable life and, importantly, the breeding of insects. Let's find out what factors contribute to the appearance of Prussians in an apartment, and why they like to live next to people so much.

    What contributes to the appearance of cockroaches in an apartment?

    As I already said, even the cleanest owners can develop Prussians. However, most often they choose houses where people often forget about basic rules:

    • They do not take out the trash every day and leave food scraps, vegetable peelings, etc. in the bin.
    • Do not wash dishes immediately after eating.
    • Do not wipe the table and the floor underneath it from crumbs immediately after the meal.
    • They leave food out in the open and do not put food in the refrigerator or sealed containers.
    • They ignore leaking pipes and taps - after all, this is the main source of water, without which the Prussians cannot survive.
    • Do not place nets over the opening of the ventilation shaft and do not seal cracks in the walls and floors.

    These are the main factors that promote arthropod invasion. But, fortunately, all of them are easily removable. Below we will discuss tactics that, coupled with special insecticidal agents, will help you forget about the problem.

    Why do cockroaches like to live in our homes?

    Apartment buildings are, without exaggeration, a paradise for cockroaches and many other types of arthropods. Judge for yourself:

    • our apartments are warm and humid in places;
    • there are no natural enemies for cockroaches;
    • but it's always full drinking water and a wide variety of food. Moreover, if the Prussians can easily go without food for weeks, then water is something they cannot refuse for long;
    • there are many secluded nooks where you can organize a nest for a colony or lay eggs;
    • If pest control has begun in one apartment, you can always move through the ventilation shaft or sewer riser to a less vigilant neighbor.

    All these factors make human apartments an ideal place for a calm and comfortable life for Prussians. It sounds like an advertisement for an apartment complex, but it's true - where else could they feel so secure and comfortable?

    That's right, nowhere. So cockroaches are the eternal companion of humanity. As soon as they appear in at least one apartment, they begin to slowly but surely spread throughout the house. Fortunately, getting rid of them is not so difficult if you approach the problem responsibly. But before we start talking about killing redheads, I'll talk about the harm they can cause to people.

    Why are cockroaches dangerous in the house and why do you need to get rid of them?

    There are people who are absolutely not worried about the presence of insects in the apartment - it is from them that the Prussians then spread throughout the entire entrance. Especially for those of you whose neighbors do not consider it necessary to engage in pest control, I have prepared a small list of arguments in favor of exterminating arthropods.

    • Before getting into the apartment, the cockroach makes a long journey through the basement, the sewer, and who knows what its little paws touched. And now he is crawling with these paws over your dishes, cutlery, and your food.
    • Prussians can carry many different diseases - from a banal but very unpleasant helminthiasis to salmonellosis and gastroenteritis.
    • Red natives often live inside household appliances - microwaves, refrigerators, etc. This may damage the wiring and lead to a short circuit, which in turn may cause a fire.
    • When the size of the colony increases significantly, the insects no longer have enough food, and then they can bite people at night - they especially love the delicate skin of the lips and eyelashes.
    • Cockroaches also often crawl into the ears or noses of sleeping people. Such an invasion can have a variety of consequences, including complete loss of hearing, and this is not the worst thing.

    Reading on the topic: Cockroaches in the kitchen We take the fight

    I hope that with the help of these arguments you will be able to convince your neighbors that it is necessary to fight cockroaches. Moreover, they can only be defeated by uniting with neighbors, so an explanatory conversation is simply necessary.

    By the way, some especially amazing characters firmly believe that cockroaches in the house are necessarily something good. For example, there is a sign about black cockroaches - supposedly they bring peace and tranquility and material well-being to the house. I hope this blog is read only by sane people who don’t need to explain why this is absurd.

    How to get rid of cockroaches?

    Now that we know exactly how the Prussians got into our house and why they like to live here, we can talk about what to do and how to get them out. I'll tell you why you need allies in the form of your neighbors and how to prepare your apartment for processing. And as a bonus, I’ll share a little secret on how to prevent the mustachioed enemy from invading your cozy apartment again.

    We are looking for allies in the coming war

    As I already said, the first step is to enlist the support of your neighbors. Otherwise, the Prussians will continue to run from one apartment to another, after which they will return again as if nothing had happened. By the way, it would be a good idea to come to an agreement with the utility companies - insects are often a dime a dozen in basements, so such premises also need to be treated.

    Choosing the right weapon

    At your nearest hardware store or supermarket you will find a huge arsenal insecticides– powders, gels, traps, aerosols and emulsions. You can read in detail about all these drugs on our blog.

    Choose the right product based on your preferences and capabilities. The main thing is to remember that before treating an apartment, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow them during disinfestation.

    Preparing the apartment for combat

    Of course, you can simply open the package, scatter the poison around the house and lie down to watch the series with a sense of accomplishment. But in this case, you should not count on any decent effect. Before starting disinfestation, the apartment needs to be prepared:

    • Send your children and pets to stay with grandma for a day or two.
    • Roll up the carpets, remove the pictures, move upholstered furniture from the walls.
    • Vacuum and mop the floors.
    • Collect dust on the shelves, take out the trash, dry the sink, bathroom and kitchen sink.

    They are called cockroaches small insects that live in people's homes and have sufficient mobility.

    Where do cockroaches come from in an apartment?

    Usually the appearance of cockroaches is associated with bullying from neighbors. When an entire entrance or house suffers from an insect infestation.

    Interesting. Adults can live without a head; in this case they drink and breathe through the abdomen, therefore mechanical method bullying is not very effective and cannot completely rid the homeowners of the problem.


    There are cockroaches in the apartment, what should I do?

    Ways to enter a living space, what to do

    Knowing where cockroaches are coming into your apartment makes it easier to get them out. Therefore, when a problem arises, the owners have a logical question: where did the cockroaches come into the apartment from?

    Cockroaches love moisture and live near its sources, so always close the taps in the house tightly.

    Habitats and breeding areas in the apartment

    Dishes left in the sink or food on the table can become a huge food reservoir for them. Cockroaches secrete special pheromones through which the entire population learns about the location of the food source.

    How to get rid

    To reduce the population and prevent it after bullying, it is necessary to create unfavorable conditions for cockroaches. To do this, you need to put away all food before going to bed, wipe the sink and tables dry, and take out the trash every day.

    Common store-bought and home remedies include:

    • Aerosols.
    • Traps.
    • Treats containing boric acid and arsenic.
    • Washing floors with ammonia.
    • Gels.
    • Powders.

    When cockroaches have entered from the sewer, it is better to call special services to eliminate them. Disinfection may use insecticides or heat treatment.

    To eliminate cockroaches from a microwave oven, you need to set the device to warm up. In this case, they will simply leave this place. And if you use boric acid bait, placing it inside the device, this will allow you to get rid of them completely.

    It is better not to take electrical appliances out into the cold.

    This method is effective for clothing, mattresses, pillows and shoes.

    Boric acid


    You can find special insect traps in retail chains. They are scented little boxes of poison. Having fallen into a trap, the cockroach eats up the poison and takes some of its particles with it, which allows it to poison its relatives who have not tasted the treat.

    Of all the ways to place the device, the most effective is the arrangement in the form of a labyrinth. The tangled passages do not allow the insect to escape from the trap, and it dies right in it. Knowing where cockroaches come from in the house, you can distribute bait in the areas where the barbels are located.

    Folk remedies

    Having found out where the cockroaches are crawling into the apartment, you need to immediately begin baiting them.

    Where do cockroaches come from? This is a question that many housewives have probably asked themselves. Previously, these insects were a real scourge of humanity, but several years ago they disappeared almost without a trace, according to scientists, due to radiation from telephones. However, cockroaches have recently become active again, so you need to know how to avoid them and how to deal with them.

    Contrary to popular belief, cockroaches never start on their own, even if the house is a terrible mess. A cockroach must be brought into the house, and even a very clean housewife can do this by accident. Another thing is that in an untidy house they take root much more easily, since there they have something to profit from.

    A cockroach can get into a house in the following ways:

    • Crawl away from the neighbors. This is usually how cockroaches appear in apartments apartment buildings. They crawl along pipelines or ventilation ducts, or simply simply come through the doors from the entrance.
    • Make your way along with your shopping. In some stores that are not very clean, you can sometimes find cockroaches, and they can easily get into the bag and enter your home. Such a “surprise” can also be brought when buying something secondhand or at the market.
    • Return with you from vacation or business trip in your luggage along with souvenirs.
    • Arrive in a parcel by mail or by courier from an online store.

    By the way, it was the parcels that caused the spread of the American cockroach in our country, which previously could only be found in the USA and Canada.

    As you can see, a cockroach can easily get into any home, no matter how dirty or tidy it is. And insects breed very quickly, so you need to get rid of them as urgently and decisively as possible.

    By the way, there are cockroaches different types, and the methods of their removal and the reasons for their appearance depend on this.

    Red cockroaches

    Red or brown cockroaches are the most common variety of these insects, which are also commonly called Prussians.

    These cockroaches feed on leftover food and are generally not very dangerous, but they are very unpleasant and can spoil leftover open food. By the way, it is very important for their life that there is free access to water in the house - and this usually happens when there are problems with plumbing.

    Black cockroaches

    This is a rarer variety. They are found in private houses, as well as in high-rise buildings, but usually not higher than the fifth floor. Such cockroaches usually come from sewers and trash cans.

    Black cockroaches are very large, so the question of where large cockroaches come from is usually addressed to them. Sometimes they reach three centimeters in length! Such cockroaches reproduce rather slowly, but they are much more dangerous than their red counterparts, since they smell unpleasant and carry various serious diseases:

    • Diphtheria.
    • Typhoid fever.
    • Dysentery.
    • Helminthiases.

    You can become infected with them if you eat foods on which they crawled. Therefore, the question of where black cockroaches come from is very relevant, because it is very important to prevent them from appearing in your home.

    You need to be more wary of black cockroaches, although they are usually smaller in number than red ones.

    White cockroaches

    This is not a separate species. The fact is that for some time after molting, the skin of the Prussian dog becomes very thin and white. We rarely see such cockroaches, since usually after molting they try to sit in shelters.

    There is another answer to the question of where white cockroaches come from. Occasionally they turn white due to human poisoning - caustic chemicals can strip the brown color of the shell. The cockroach itself can survive.

    Where do cockroaches come from in their homes?

    The question of where cockroaches come from in a private home is not difficult to answer. They enter private houses in the same way as they enter apartments - from the street from neighbors or with purchases from a store. By the way, since cockroaches cannot stand the cold, they will definitely not be able to come to you from your neighbors in winter. In the warm season, black individuals sometimes crawl into houses located next to garbage dumps.

    Why do cockroaches move to other places?

    Most often, insects still come to us from neighbors. However, many people wonder where cockroaches come from if they used to live with their neighbors and were happy there. This question is not very difficult - cockroaches migrate to new habitats. And they do this for the following reasons:

    • Due to too rapid reproduction, the number of cockroaches is constantly increasing. Over time, they simply no longer have enough food and space for the entire population, and the insects spread to other rooms.
    • Changes in living conditions. If your neighbors suddenly start poisoning cockroaches, or if they go on a long business trip and leave them without food and water, then living there will become very uncomfortable for the insects. As a result, they will leave en masse, and it is possible that they will go to your apartment.

    What cockroaches need to live

    Cockroaches are unpretentious creatures. They are resistant to many poisons and can live for several days without a head, but they still need some conditions for existence:

    • Plus temperature. Cockroaches are actually exotic insects that came to us from the tropics, so freezing temperatures kill them instantly. That is why they live indoors and not on the streets. By the way, this is how we used to fight cockroaches - we simply left the house for a couple of days without heating. But now this is difficult to implement - even with the heating valves closed, the house will still be too warm.
    • Water. Cockroaches absolutely cannot live without water - like people, they need it even more than food. Therefore, if you can’t get rid of cockroaches in any way, then you might think: do you have an open source of water in your house? A dripping faucet, condensation on the stove, even a couple of drops on kitchen sink- this is enough for insects to quench their thirst. So if you are removing cockroaches, be sure to fix all leaking pipes and constantly wipe surfaces dry.
    • Food. Of course, cockroaches also need food. They eat everything, and as in fresh, and in spoiled. If there is no other food, they can eat leather or paper for a while. Therefore, when removing cockroaches, it is very important to hide all food, carefully shake off crumbs and wipe down countertops and stoves, and also take out the trash at night. In general, remove food from free access.

    Is it hard to fight

    Fighting cockroaches is quite a difficult task. These creatures are distinguished by very high vitality, so it will not be easy to drive them out of your apartment - it will take a lot of effort and time. True, financially this is not a particularly costly matter, since all cockroach repellents are usually inexpensive. Unless replacing plumbing to block access to water can be expensive.

    Here are a few facts about cockroaches that show their tenacity:

    • A headless cockroach can live for at least ten days. It is also capable of reproducing during this period.
    • Cockroaches live even in conditions of very strong radiation and feel comfortable.
    • They can live for forty days without food. Moreover, a hunger strike does not weaken them, but makes them aggressive - cockroaches can even start biting, and it’s very painful!
    • Many cockroach poisons are also not taken. They also quickly get used to poisonous agents, so you should only use proven poisons and periodically change them to another.

    Cockroaches: where do they come from and how to get rid of them

    The fight against these insects, as we said above, due to their vitality, will be a long and painstaking task.

    We have found out where cockroaches come from, all that remains is to figure out how to get them out of the house. Usually carried out in several stages:

    1. Thoroughly clean the entire apartment and pay special attention to the kitchen. Wash the floor everywhere, wipe surfaces from grease and dirt. While you are removing cockroaches, clean regularly.
    2. Buy special insecticides at the store. They come in gel and aerosol forms, and you can use them together - first treat everything with a spray, and then lubricate the area where cockroaches often appear with the gel.
    3. Also repeat the treatment regularly to kill young cockroaches that have just hatched from their eggs.
    4. If the number of cockroaches continues to increase, change the insecticide.
    5. If you are absolutely sure that cockroaches are crawling towards you from your neighbors, then take a number of measures. Close as much as possible all openings through which cockroaches can get to you, for example, pipeline risers. Ventilation holes cover with bars, the mesh cells of which will be of a minimum size. Additionally, treat any potential penetrations with gel or chalk.

    If you do everything correctly and are patient, you will soon be able to forget about cockroaches. However, remember that if they continue to live with your neighbors, then if you give in, the cockroaches will crawl to you. Perhaps a heart-to-heart conversation with your neighbors and an offer to help remove insects from them will help you get out of this situation.