Aerated concrete blocks production equipment. Aerated concrete block production business

Characterized by increased strength compared to others. It is determined both by the composition of the material and the peculiarities of its manufacture.

The production scheme includes several stages, each of which is serviced by a corresponding working module:

  1. preparation of ingredients for the mixture, dosing, mixing;
  2. pouring the mixture, maturing;
  3. mass cutting, distribution and accumulation;
  4. autoclave processing;
  5. unloading and packaging of the finished product.

The capacity and type of equipment is determined by the scale of production. But in any case, aerated concrete can fully realize its qualities only when manufactured in an industrial environment.

Preparation of raw materials

The feedstock for producing aerated concrete includes the following main ingredients:

  • – is about 70%;
  • lime-boiler;
  • aluminum powder;
  • water.

The ratio of ingredients may be different, since it is produced according to composition and type. Each ingredient undergoes appropriate processing.

  • Sand, usually stored in a warehouse, is transported by a front loader to a bunker, from where it is transferred to a ball mill by a belt conveyor. Here the sand is ground together with gypsum stone. The cost of a ball mill depends on the power, volume and brand - from 250 thousand rubles. up to 950 thousand rubles
  • The resulting sludge is transferred to a sludge basin with a volume of 80 cubic meters. m, equipped with a single-shaft mixer. The number of such pools depends on the scale of production.
  • The dosing system, in whose memory the aerated concrete recipe is stored, weighs the ingredients and feeds them into the mixer. At this stage, the temperature of both the mixture and the ingredients is controlled. The cost of one automatic dispenser is from 230 thousand rubles.
  • An aqueous aluminum suspension (it is prepared from aluminum powder) is pumped into the averaging tank, in which the mixture is accumulated before being fed into the mixer. This is an explosive substance and therefore this apparatus is designed with explosion protection measures. You can use aluminum paste, which is not an explosive substance.
  • Mix the ingredients in a high-speed mixer - 4 minutes. The cost of this unit greatly depends on the volume and power - from 82,500 to 230,000 rubles.

Material maturation

Provides mixing with the finished technological foam; here, a chemical reaction occurs inside the mixture during mixing and maturation. It is characterized by a sharp increase in the volume of material.

  • The finished mixture from the mixer is poured into steel molds - 6160 mm * 1580 mm * 690 mm, in a layer of no more than 350 mm. The cost of forms is from 22,500 to 35,000 rubles.
  • Swelling occurs in a very short period of time. The uniform distribution of pores is ensured by the current reaction, but in addition, the material is exposed to vibrating needles.

The aerated concrete remains in this area for about 150 minutes until it reaches the hardness necessary for further stripping and cutting.

Movement of aerated concrete that has not yet reached its design hardness is allowed only in a rigid trough-shaped form. In this form, the material is transferred to the cutting machine.

Mass cutting and accumulation

The material is placed on the cutting trolley.

  • Using a pre-cutting device, the array is cut to length, width and height. The instrument can be either strings or knives. Using cutting strings, the surface is leveled if necessary.
  • Using a side processing device, a profile is cut out in the array.
  • Horizontal apparatus - only strings, cuts the array in horizontal layers.
  • Then the material moves to the second cutting trolley, where it is cut to height using an automatic cross-cutting machine. The cost of such devices starts from 450 thousand rubles.

All cuttings are discharged into a sludge channel, which is periodically washed with water.

Autoclave processing

An autoclave for the production of aerated concrete ensures accelerated maturation of concrete at an increased pressure of 0.8–1.3 MPa and at a water vapor temperature of 175–191 C. It is autoclave processing that makes it possible to obtain a more durable material with the same porosity indicators, as in aerated concrete Under such conditions, chemical reactions continue to occur.

The accumulated finished blocks are loaded into the autoclave. As a rule, the material stays here for about 12 hours. Of these, 1.5 hours takes a rise in pressure and temperature, and 1.5–2 hours takes a gradual decrease in pressure.

Processing time depends on the type of material: density, etc. However, if aerated concrete, which was used as a basis, can achieve the design strength without autoclave treatment, then in the case of this step is absolutely mandatory. The cost of the autoclave is from 290 thousand rubles. up to 4 million rubles

Unloading and packaging

  • From the autoclave, the mass is unloaded on a special grid onto the unloading line. Using a crane, the array is removed from the grate and transferred to wooden pallets. A mechanical separating device may be used.
  • The gratings are automatically washed, lubricated and returned to the turning table.
  • Pallets with aerated concrete blocks are packed in shrink film and transported to a storage warehouse.

Process line cost

Production of this kind is offered in the form of a ready-made production line of varying degrees of complexity and capacity. The cost, accordingly, will also be different.

  • So, a line with a capacity of 10 cubic meters. m. per day non-autoclaved aerated concrete costs only 125,300 rubles.
  • The same production of non-autoclaved aerated concrete, but with a capacity of up to 32 cubic meters. m is estimated at 755,000 rubles.
  • A line for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete is noticeably more expensive and costs at least 7,500,000 rubles.


There are two ways to obtain the material: with and without autoclave processing. The first method provides greater strength and significantly reduces production time, since aerated concrete reaches its design capacity in 12 hours.


At the first stage, the raw materials are prepared: sand and gypsum stone are ground, water is prepared - it must be purified and heated to 40 C, other ingredients are heated if necessary: ​​the temperature of the mixture in the mixer should reach 35 C.

  • With the help of dispensers, sludge, water, and binder - Portland cement, along with surfactants and any other additives are loaded in turn. Lastly, after initial mixing for 1–2 minutes, add aluminum powder or paste.

Aluminum metal reacts with cement or lime mortar—essentially a calcium hydroxide solution—to produce calcium aluminates and large amounts of hydrogen. The latter, spreading throughout the mass of concrete, forms a huge number of small pores.

  • The actual swelling occurs after mixing, in the molds. At the same time, the volume of aerated concrete increases significantly. The cement sets very quickly, so the aerated concrete is first cut, and only then sent to the autoclave in the form of finished blocks.
  • In an autoclave, under conditions of elevated temperature, pressure and humidity, the second series of reactions occurs: the interaction of calcium hydroxide and silicon oxide, where the result is dibasic hydrosilicates. Their appearance ensures the rapid increase in strength for which aerated concrete is famous.
  • When pressure and temperature decrease, water evaporates from the block. Therefore, the finished product practically does not need drying.

Production process autoclaved concrete at the factory captured in this video:


The production line eliminates the autoclaving step and is otherwise identical. Since it is the use of an autoclave that makes highest expenses When manufactured, such a line is much cheaper both in cost and in maintenance.

  • To achieve the same or approximate strength of autoclaved aerated concrete, special additives are added to the feedstock: dispersed reinforcing fibers - glass fiber, for example, microsilica and others.
  • After mixing, aerated concrete is poured into metal molds, where it swells and hardens. It reaches undecked strength in the same 150 minutes, after which it is cut to size and immediately sent to the warehouse. Final hardening occurs in normal conditions in a natural order.

This material is not only less durable, but also gives greater shrinkage - up to 2–3 mm/m versus 0.3 mm/m for autoclaved aerated concrete. This problem is partially solved through the use of polyamide reinforcing fibers.

Let's talk about equipment for the production of autoclaved and non-autoclaved aerated concrete, and learn about the technology for making such a material with your own hands.

The production of non-autoclaved aerated concrete is discussed in the video below:

DIY making

It is impossible to produce aerated concrete blocks without purchasing special equipment. A concrete mixer cannot replace a mixer, and manually adding aluminum metal is extremely dangerous and is strictly prohibited.

However, manufacturing companies offer mini-lines, essentially consisting only of an aerated concrete mixer and molds for aerated blocks. Moreover, the latter consist of small blocks, so that after swelling the product no longer needs to be cut. The composition of the mixture is selected based on needs. As a rule, it is still aerated concrete based on Portland cement. It is not advisable to experiment with additives.

The procedure remains the same as on the production line. The dosage, however, is carried out manually. Then the ingredients are mixed in a mixer, and the finished material is fed into the molds using a filling hose. Stripping is carried out after the same 150 minutes.

The cost of such a line depends on the power. Thus, the installation for the production of aerated concrete METEM-GBS-250 costs 65 thousand rubles.

The production of autoclaved aerated concrete requires special equipment: a number of things happen here: chemical reactions, the occurrence of which requires very specific conditions. Non-autoclave can also be obtained using mini-line equipment for the production of aerated concrete.

The technology for producing aerated concrete at home is presented in the video below:

Aerated concrete (autoclaved cellular concrete), like foam concrete, belongs to the group of cellular concrete and is an artificially created porous stone. The porous structure gives aerated concrete first-class thermal insulation and energy-saving properties, as well as low weight, which distinguishes it from other materials widely used in construction, for example, cinder blocks, brick, concrete.

Here we will look at the production of aerated concrete, equipment for aerated concrete blocks (lines, installation), technology, source materials for the production of autoclaved and non-autoclaved aerated concrete.

Raw materials

One block, weighing approximately 30 kilograms, can replace about 30 bricks. Construction using such blocks, due to their low weight, can be carried out without renting special lifting equipment, which is beneficial in economically. Moreover, autoclaved aerated concrete blocks are easy to process.

The listed qualities of aerated concrete make it one of the most popular materials during the construction of dachas, cottages and other individual buildings. Proof of this is the steady increase in production volumes.

Source materials for the production of aerated concrete:

Read more about their use in technologies below.

Equipment for the production of

Previously, only large specialized enterprises with the appropriate expensive equipment for the production of aerated concrete had the ability to produce cellular concrete. With the advent of new technological processes that significantly simplify production, such opportunities have appeared for small and medium-sized businesses.

Installation for the production of “STROM-aerated concrete” / Price 24-39 thousand rubles

For this small installation you will also need, of course, forms that look like this:

Molds for the production of aerated concrete blocks / Price from 18 thousand rubles / Photo

Video of industrial production lines:

For small companies engaged in the production of aerated concrete, there are various options equipment execution: from affordable semi-automatic lines (productivity 2.9 cubic meters per shift, price from 200 thousand rubles) to fully automated production lines (productivity up to 100 cubic meters per shift, price from 4 million rubles).

Manufacturing technology

Despite the name, the technology for producing aerated concrete is quite simple and consists of several parts.

Main part of technologies

A characteristic feature of representatives of this group of concretes is their cellular structure. Gas bubbles occupy up to 85% of their volume, so all cellular concretes have a fairly low volumetric weight.

All source materials for aerated concrete (water, lime, cement and quartz sand) are stirred in an aerated concrete mixer for 4-5 minutes, the mixture is prepared, then a small amount of aqueous suspension of aluminum powder is added to it, which reacts with lime. The reaction product is hydrogen, which forms in the raw material a huge number of pores (bubbles) ranging in size from 0.5 to 2 mm, which evenly penetrate the entire material.

Immediately after adding this aluminum paste, the mixture is poured into special metal containers(see installation above), in which the swelling itself takes place. To accelerate these chemical reactions, as well as setting and hardening, the semi-finished product is subjected to vibration loads. After the aerated concrete reaches the pre-hardening stage, irregularities are cut off from the top of the frozen mixture with wire strings, and the remaining mass is taken and cut into blocks of equal size. The resulting aerated concrete blocks pass heat treatment in an autoclave (see below). Then the resulting blocks are calibrated using a special milling machine.

Autoclave processing of aerated concrete

Autoclaving the material is an important stage, which improves the properties of aerated concrete blocks. Already formed and cut into blocks, aerated concrete is placed in special autoclave chambers, in which they are treated with saturated water steam at a temperature of 190°C for 12 hours under conditions of high pressure (12 kg/cm²).

Autoclaved aerated concrete is more durable, has significantly less shrinkage, has a more uniform structure, and can also be used in various fields of construction as the main building, sound-proofing and heat-insulating material. The thermal conductivity coefficient of autoclaved aerated concrete is 0.09-0.18 W/(m °C). Due to such thermal conductivity of aerated concrete products in Russian climatic conditions it is possible (with the exception of the northern regions) to erect single-row walls with a thickness of 375-400 mm, which do not require additional insulation.

Aerated concrete can also be produced using a non-autoclave method. In this case, hardening occurs under natural conditions. Such production will no longer require modern high-tech equipment, so it can even be produced with your own hands at home, but it will be less durable. The shrinkage of non-autoclaved aerated concrete blocks during operation is 3-5 mm/m, while autoclaved ones are 0.3-0.5 mm/m. The strength of autoclave is 28-40 kgf/m², non-autoclave is 10-12 kgf/m².

Conventional aerated concrete is produced much less frequently than autoclaved concrete, but again it can be made at home, because no sophisticated equipment is required for this.

Properties of autoclaved cellular concrete

As a result of using a blowing agent, a material is obtained in which:

  • low density, like dry pine (500 kg/m3), which is 5 times less than ordinary concrete and 3 times less than brick;
  • compressive strength sufficient (1-5 MPa) for load-bearing walls 2 and 3-story buildings. The increase in strength during the first day reaches 50%;
  • water absorption at the level of ordinary brick, less than 20%;
  • sorption humidity up to 5%;
  • frost resistance of more than 75 cycles, which is 2 times more than that of brick;
  • the thermal conductivity of aerated concrete (0.1 W/m3) is 2 times lower than that of dry pine, 15 times lower than that of ordinary concrete and 8 times lower than that of brick;
  • sound insulation of a wall 300 mm thick corresponds to 60 dB;
  • fire resistance is assessed after prolonged exposure to open fire (900°C) for 4 hours, which is much more than that of ordinary concrete, gas silicate and brick
  • aerated concrete is easy to process simple tools, sawed, nailed;
  • environmentally friendly, as shown by safe traditional components and confirmed by a hygienic certificate;
  • monolithic casting possible;
  • simple manufacturing technology;
  • high performance;
  • low costs;
  • decent quality.

Expenses and income

The production of aerated concrete is a highly profitable business: production costs (cost) 1 cubic meter. meter - 1800 rubles, the retail price reaches 2500 rubles, so if you produce and sell 250 cubic meters. meters of blocks per month, net income will be 175 thousand rubles. The payback period for capital investments ranges from one to two years.

The growth in demand for aerated concrete blocks reaches peak values ​​during the period of intensive private construction, from May to October. Therefore, preparations for the launch of production must be done in the off-season, and all work must be completed before May. It would be useful to have some reserve finished products in stock, so it’s better to start making blocks in March-April. Fulfillment of these conditions will ensure a quick return on capital investments in the production of aerated concrete and will speed up the receipt of the first cash.

Previously to make such construction material, which was popular, was possible in large enterprises with special equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks. Today, an improved technological process has made it possible to establish the production of aerated concrete at an enterprise or in home environment based on the required quantity, technological characteristics, availability Money. Based on how the process is organized, they purchase stationary equipment, mini-factories or small mobile installations, with the help of which aerated concrete blocks are produced different levels density.


The production process of aerated concrete blocks does not cause any difficulties.

A group of concrete products is characterized by a cellular structure. Gas bubbles occupy up to eighty-five percent of the volume, which allows the finished blocks to be lightweight.

The starting raw material is mixed in a concrete mixer for five minutes, after which an aqueous suspension of aluminum powder is added to the mass, which reacts with lime. The process produces hydrogen, which forms numerous pores that evenly penetrate the material.

As soon as aluminum powder is added, the mass is poured into special metal containers, and swelling occurs there. To speed up the process of reaction, setting and hardening, the semi-finished product is subjected to a vibration load. Uneven places are removed from the mass that begins to harden with a wire string, and the remaining raw material in the mold is cut into pieces. required sizes. The production of aerated blocks continues in an autoclave unit, after which the products are calibrated on milling units.

The use of autoclave equipment in aerated concrete production technology occupies a special place, since the properties of the material are improved. Formed and divided into separate blocks, aerated concrete is sent to autoclave units and subjected to twelve-hour treatment with water vapor.

This manufacturing method makes it possible to obtain a material that practically does not shrink, is characterized by a homogeneous structure, and has good noise insulation and heat retention properties.

The second option for producing aerated concrete is the non-autoclave method. Complete hardening occurs under normal conditions; high-tech equipment for manufacturing is not required. In this case, it becomes possible to make gas blocks yourself.

The material will not be durable.

Raw materials for aerated concrete

To obtain a cellular block, use a mixture consisting of the following components:

  • sand with a fraction size not exceeding 2.1 mm and not containing a lot of clay. This material accounts for 20–40 percent of the kneaded mass;
  • lime (1 – 5%);
  • cement composition - from 50 to 70% (grade M 40 or M 500);
  • pure water – 0.25 – 0.8%;
  • aluminum powder for gas formation – 0.04 – 0.09%.

Overview of required equipment

Let's consider the features of aerated concrete production lines.


This type of equipment is different:

  • the most automated process;
  • minimal participation in the production of blocks by workers;
  • significant cost;

  • significant production volumes;
  • all necessary completeness;
  • high level of profitability.

The standard package includes:

  • raw material containers and bunkers;
  • conveyors belt type, through which components are supplied;
  • unit for mixing the solution;
  • autoclave units;
  • forms;
  • complex for cutting raw material into blocks;
  • mixing conveyor;
  • crushing plant;
  • trolleys;
  • remote control for controlling the process in automatic mode;
  • forklift.

The price of such equipment is high, reaching 55,000,000 rubles. The amount is serious, but the productivity of the line makes it possible to produce at least three hundred thousand cubic meters of material in one year.

To place all the equipment, you will have to prepare a site of about four thousand square meters.

If you compare which manufacturer of aerated blocks is better, then as an alternative it is recommended to pay attention to used equipment. There are certain risks, but the cost of the line will be significantly less.

Continuing the comparison of gas blocks different manufacturers, experts advise purchasing an Inntech-100 type conveyor. The cost is up to 3,000,000 rubles, and the productivity is much lower.

The peculiarity of such a line is the immobility of the mixing installation. Forms are moved and filled in automatically. The cutting complex is mechanical.

German block production lines are very popular. They are highly productive and are used for a long period. The material produced with such equipment is of high quality.


Its cost is significantly lower than the first option. But in terms of productivity, the line will produce no more than fifty cubic meters of material per day.

The installation kit includes raw material dispensers and belt conveyors that supply components to the mixing unit.

Unfortunately, this kit is not considered fully automated. In order for it to function fully, you will have to attract several workers.

To install the line, you will need a room with an area of ​​at least five hundred square meters.


This type of equipment is great for beginners who want to make blocks for their own use. By the way, some specialists make such equipment for aerated concrete with their own hands.

The line operates from a 220 W network, while other types of machines require 360 ​​W. Production volumes are small - from two to ten cubic meters per day.

Independent production

To start producing building materials at home, you will need certain tools for aerated concrete blocks and equipment. Their minimum set consists of:

  • concrete mixer;
  • block forms;
  • metal strings intended for cutting off excess mass.

Following the instructions, making a gas block with your own hands using such a set of equipment is quite possible. Positive feature this method is that it can be fixed manufacturing process directly to construction site, installing a machine for the production of gas blocks there.

Homemade gas blocks are inferior in quality to factory-made material.

Autoclave processing

We will consider this production process in more detail, we will understand its differences and advantages.

With the help of such processing, quality characteristics are improved. finished product. The process goes like this:

  • The blocks, cut to the required parameters, are sent to autoclave chambers. Created inside heat and pressure;
  • the processing process is twelve hours;
  • upon completion of the autoclave treatment, the blocks are almost immediately allowed to be used in construction, because they have fully achieved the required strength indicator;
  • the manufacturing method without the use of autoclaves involves a four-week exposure, during which the blocks finally harden.

Comparative analysis of autoclave and non-autoclave production

Let's compare two types of materials:

Instructions for making block material

They start by knocking together a pencil case from boards. Pre-fabricated jumpers are inserted into it along the entire length, dividing the overall frame into cells. To do this, use waterproof plywood. To ensure that it is well fixed, cuts are made in the boards.

The cell sizes must correspond to the required block sizes. To speed up the production process, it is necessary to produce several molds of different sizes.

To prevent the mortar mass from sticking to the boards, they are treated with special compounds or machine oil, diluted in water.

To mix the solution you will have to buy a mixer, compressor and hoses. By the way, such an installation is used not only for one-time production of blocks, but also for organizing small-scale production.

In addition to the above, you will need wire to cut off excess solution.

If there is no dispenser, then you will have to weigh the raw material yourself. Here it is necessary to maintain precise proportions so as not to compromise the quality of the products.

All components are loaded in the required ratio. This will speed up hardening and increase specifications blocks. By the way, such proportions are observed not only for home, but also for factory production of the material.

The prepared mass is poured into molds; do not fill to the brim, because the mixture will still swell. As a rule, filling is carried out to half the volume.

Gas formation occurs. After this, it is necessary to remove the excess mixture. This work is performed five to six hours after pouring.

After fourteen hours, stripping is carried out. To make the blocks come off, it is recommended to gently tap the sides of the molds. To gain technical strength, the material is left in an open area or stored indoors.

Remember that you may not get the perfect material the first time.


We figured out how to make a gas block. All that remains is to decide on the amount of material, purchase everything you need and begin the production process.

The technology for producing aerated concrete is simple; given its demand, launching your own block production line is considered worthwhile. The standard complex includes crushers, a vibrating sieve, dispensers, mixers, conveyors, molds for filling and a cutting machine; if it is desired to manufacture autoclaved gas blocks, a heat treatment unit is added to the circuit. The main criteria when choosing lines are productivity, occupied space, need for labor resources, energy consumption. The amount of investment depends on these same factors, the minimum price of equipment without an autoclave is 400,000 rubles (without molds), a mini-plant is 2,400,000, when purchasing used machines, costs are reduced by 10-20%.

The basis is Portland cement with a grade of at least M400, filler, water, blowing agent and plasticizing additives. Various components can be used as inert: dolomite flour, ash, screenings of non-metallic rocks, lime, grinding of metallurgy waste, sand. Their share determines the porosity and density of the products; in thermal insulating aerated concrete blocks it is minimal. To ensure the process of gas formation, aluminum powder (PAP-1 or PAP-2) is in maximum demand - a powder with a layered structure, supplied in metal barrels. There are no special requirements for water; ordinary tap water or from an open source without large particles of silt will do; the only condition is its heating ( optimal temperature– this is +42°C).

Consumption depends on the purpose of aerated concrete blocks and their expected strength grade. On average, it takes to produce 1 m3:

Component name Approximate consumption per 1 m3, kg
For the production of aerated concrete M500 Same, M600
When using Portland cement M400
PC M400 300 342
Inert filler 200 228
Water 295 330
Aluminum powder 0,6-0,75 0,55-0,75
The same when using Portland cement M500
PC M500 276 316
Inert filler 180 210
Water 285 316
Aluminum powder 0,6-0,75 0,55-0,75

The volume fraction of the total binder for the dry components reaches 60%, the filler - 40. Of these, 15% is sand, another 15 is limestone or dolomite flour, 10 is crushed and mixed in water, cut off excess from products (the so-called hump). Thanks to this, the production of aerated concrete blocks is waste-free. If there is any doubt about the freshness and activity of the cement, the proportion of the blowing agent is increased by 200 g per 1 m3. The choice of filler material often depends on the availability of specific raw materials; each manufacturer of aerated blocks has its own proportions. If the requirements for strength or other characteristics are too high, plasticizers are added to the composition; in conventional brands they are not necessary.

Features of aerated concrete production technology

The manufacturing process before autoclaving begins consists of the following steps:

  • Prepare and dose all components except the blowing agent and mix them thoroughly in mixers for 5 minutes.
  • Adding aluminum powder and final mixing – 1 min.
  • Pouring the resulting liquid mixture into pre-prepared molds: from 1/3 to 2/3 of their volume. No more than 20 minutes are allocated for this stage.
  • Exposure in molds: from 2 to 4 hours until the end of the gas formation process.
  • Removing molds, trimming excess with strings cutting tools, if appropriate equipment is available - making groove holes.

Further steps depend on the possibility of autoclaving. When produced at home (or close to it), the blocks are simply kept on pallets for at least two days at an ambient temperature of +20 °C, then another 21-28 days at normal humidity. After a month, such products are ready for use, inferior in strength to factory ones, they are quite suitable as insulation or for filling the space between rigid frames. Their performance characteristics directly depend on the activity and proportion of binder.

The main material for the manufacture of structural blocks is autoclaved aerated concrete. In this case, the cut blanks are placed in special chambers and treated with hot steam under high pressure. Approximate parameters of the environment inside the autoclave: +200 °C, at least 10 atm; it is impossible to achieve them at home without the appropriate equipment. During the processing, the cell walls are strengthened and gas formation is successfully completed, as a result, the blocks improve their insulating and strength properties. Autoclaved aerated concrete can withstand moisture loads better and has higher frost resistance.

This technology increases the cost of blocks even when purchasing used heat treatment equipment: it is most often stationary and requires solid foundation and input into the production circuit of a boiler for steam generation. In order to save money, many entrepreneurs first launch a production line for non-autoclaved gas blocks, with plans to install an autoclave in the future. This step can be avoided when molding products intended for thermal insulation.

Review of lines and methods for manufacturing aerated blocks

Depending on the volume of products produced and placement conditions, all production equipment aerated concrete block can be divided into the following categories:

  • Stationary lines used to produce from 10 to 60 m3 blocks per day with minimal use human resources(1-2 employees).
  • Conveyor – producing up to 150 m3, optimal when it is necessary to provide large volumes.
  • Mobile equipment - for making aerated blocks with your own hands directly on a construction site or at home, powered by 220 V.
  • The mini-line is an automated complex for high-quality gas blocks with a volume of up to 15 m3 per day with compact placement (occupies no more than 150 m2) and maintenance by 3 people.
  • Mini-plant - a similar line, but superior in capacity; up to 25 m3 of aerated concrete is produced per day.

Stationary equipment is considered the most profitable in the long term; thanks to the automated filling of forms, it works almost independently; manual labor is eliminated at difficult stages. Characteristic feature These lines include the presence of a mobile mixer, a complex for the preparation and storage of raw materials, heating of water and conveyor supply to the dispenser. Their advantage is considered to be significant production capacity (without heat treatment - up to 60 m3 of gas blocks), the disadvantage is the need for large areas (up to 500 m2) and the high cost of machines and installations (from 900,000 rubles and above, it is more difficult to buy used).

Conveyor lines also take up a lot of space (from 600 m2), but they implement a different production technology: the aerated concrete dispenser and mixer remain stationary, but the molds move. The process of such a complex is also fully automated, but due to the increased volumes of products produced, it is not recommended to carry out maintenance yourself; 4-8 people will be required. It is more expensive than others; the minimum price of conveyor complexes with a capacity of 100 m3/day is 3,000,000 rubles.

The main advantage of mobile equipment is the ability to produce aerated concrete in any convenient place, including at home; it takes up only 2 m2. The standard kit includes a compact mixer, compressor and connecting hoses about 2 m long (for filling several forms at once). Mobile installations cost no more than 60,000 rubles, and consume no more than 1.5 kW per hour (using the example of Aerated Concrete-500 B Plus); in order to save money, you can buy them used. To make aerated blocks at home using them, the strength of 1 person is enough, but if you involve 2 people, the work will go faster.

Mini-lines and factories for the production of aerated concrete blocks can be both stationary and conveyor. A number of domestic factories offer to buy them, good feedback have Inntekhgroup and Kirovstroyindustry, among the best are production lines Altaistroymash. The complexity of mini-lines can be different, but the main equipment (mixer, molds and machine for cutting gas blocks) is always included in them, this is enough to start production even at home. The devices themselves will take up little space (depending on the power - from 10 to 150 m2), but we should not forget about organizing a platform for drying gas blocks.

Mini-factories are optimal if you need to make aerated blocks with your own hands for sale; they can be used as a starting point. The main difference from automated stationary and conveyor lines is the need for manual labor on such labor-intensive technology processes as preparing components, pouring molds and cutting. At least 3-4 people will be needed for maintenance.

Almost all offered lines domestic production Autoclaves are not included as standard. Automated mini-factories with them are being sold in China, the cost of the equipment will increase by at least 1,000,000 rubles. Purchasing an industrial autoclave is advisable if you already have an established sales line or if you want to displace competitors. With the inevitable increase in energy consumption, their installation makes it possible to reduce the cycle time (there is no need to dry aerated concrete blocks on pallets for 3 days). Almost all modern autoclaves are automated, including feeding products into the oven and unloading.

Equipment for the production of aerated concrete is an industrial complex of components and mechanisms necessary for the production of blocks from autoclaved cellular concrete(better known as aerated concrete), which has become widespread in modern construction, thanks to its irreplaceable beneficial properties. Light weight, remarkable energy-saving and thermal insulation properties, and relatively low cost have earned aerated concrete wide popularity. Compact equipment for its production will help not only save money during construction, but also set up your own small business.

Necessary equipment

Until recently, the production of gas blocks required large workshops and the presence of bulky industrial installations. The development and implementation of new technological processes have significantly simplified the production process and made it possible to manufacture blocks on much smaller installations for mass production.

Block production equipment

A person who decided to start producing aerated concrete blocks for own construction, or making deliveries to other real estate construction projects, it became possible to do this without investing significant funds. Now he can take advantage of several options for developing his own business:

  • complete the production line using separately purchased equipment;
  • buy a landline line, for which two people are enough to operate (you can work by yourself, attracting a second employee);
  • purchase a conveyor line (most processes are automated, but a large area will be required and at least 8 workers for maintenance);
  • install a mini-line (the level of automation is low, but only two people are needed for production);
  • engage in production at a mini-factory (it is not much different from a mini-line, but produces more products);
  • buy a mobile installation, which is usually taken in order to provide building materials for the construction of one’s own house.

Mobile plant for the production of aerated concrete blocks

Buying equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks, in any case, is a fairly profitable acquisition if a person intends to seriously engage in the production of aerated concrete blocks, both for the construction of his own home and for selling his own products through retail chains.

Before deciding on the type of equipment necessary for certain purposes, you should sensibly assess your own capabilities, the availability or lack of suitable space, the possibility of hiring workers, or using your own family, sources of cheap acquisition of auxiliary raw materials, and real ways to sell finished units.

What is a set of necessary equipment

Experts recommend observing certain precautions when purchasing all components of the working kit separately. All equipment must be purchased from one supplier (this will be cheaper), and, preferably, from one manufacturer.

Otherwise, when starting work on creating aerated concrete blocks, certain inconsistencies may be discovered in the acquired auxiliary mechanisms.

Self-assembly of a mini-kit for production may turn out to be a much less profitable and convenient purchase, but you should still know what is usually included in the production kit:

  • volumetric mixer for bulk materials;
  • electronic dispenser for measuring the required amount of water;
  • block dispenser for bulk materials;
  • molds for casting concrete blocks;
  • mechanism for cutting them.

Technical characteristics of stationary equipment, for example, the Inntech-100 Profi line:

  • power – 225 kW;
  • productivity – up to 51.84 m 3 per day;
  • service personnel – 10 people.

For a mini-factory, for example, you need:

  • mixer-activator;
  • water tank;
  • complex for cutting blocks;
  • pallets and rails for mobile forms.

If necessary, this kit can be supplemented with:

  • vibrating sieve;
  • steam generator;
  • removable caps for steaming molds;
  • automatic water dispenser.

The best option for setting up own production at the initial stage it may become a mini-line. With a relatively low level of automation, it produces about 15 cubic meters of aerated concrete and requires only two workers. It includes a mobile mixer, and all other forms are installed permanently.

If the process progresses successfully, there will be inexpensive suppliers of raw materials, and small wholesale distributors who will be interested in selling volumes and setting a low markup at points of sale, after some time it will be possible to think about expansion.

Necessary raw materials and premises

To set up production, you will need a room with certain components. It should not be in the city center, where rental prices are always high, but it should not be located too far away, so that transportation costs do not eat up a certain part of the profit.

For any of the available types of production, there are certain standards for footage and quantity utility rooms, but it is better to initially remove an area that allows for painless expansion at the right time. This is done so that when expanding you do not have to deal with tedious moving, and not lose suppliers and customers due to a change of address.

The optimal solution for such production would be a warehouse that is not used for its intended purpose, or a rented workshop of a small factory. Acquisition mobile installation to build your own home does not require any conditions for its installation. Upon completion of construction, it can be rented out or sold to another developer. This will be a simple profit.

According to statistics obtained from surveys of builders, a mobile installation allows you to save more than a third of the costs usually spent on the main building material. In addition, construction goes faster, since one block of aerated concrete replaces the laying of 30 bricks.

Mobile installation will help save money during construction

Prerequisites for rented premises are the availability of electricity and a source of water. You will also need to take care of a certificate for the products produced if they are intended for sale.

The quantity of required ingredients and the cost of production will depend not only on the integrity of the suppliers, but also on what brand of blocks is planned for production.

To start the production process you will need:

  • water (preferably purified from contaminants);
  • Portland cement grade 400;
  • aluminum powder, which acts as a gas-forming agent in this production;
  • inert fillers;
  • hardening accelerators;
  • plasticizers.

In a general simplified formula, the production of aerated concrete comes down to the formula water + cement + lime and plus sand.

Profitability and profit

The undoubted benefit received from purchasing a mobile installation for building your own home has inspired quite a large number of people have the idea of ​​starting a similar business on the scale of receiving monthly income.

Construction materials are in great demand in the modern environment, and the profitability of such production can be increased if you sell your own products yourself. In order to decide on such production, you just need to sit down and calculate everything in detail.

The larger the volume of blocks produced, the lower the transportation costs and the wholesale price for large purchases. But at the same time, it also consumes more electricity and water.

Therefore, the purchase of equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks must be carried out after all necessary calculations, and everything should be taken into account. But if you want to work and not sit with your hands folded, then everything will certainly work out.