DIY fountain at home. How to make an indoor fountain with your own hands at home? Decorative fountain from a flower pot

For those who want to update their exterior, make it special and memorable, we suggest using a small homemade fountain. The step-by-step instructions for making a fountain with your own hands are quite simple and anyone who has a certain set of tools and materials will be able to create this beauty in their yard.

Installing a fountain at the dacha

The first point of the fountain installation plan is planning its size and type. Consider the size of the yard; do not make the fountain too large or small - this will not give a positive visual effect. Remember, the power of pumping equipment is directly proportional to the size of the structure.

Now you should select the right piece of land for installation. Firstly, the fountain should be located where it can be clearly seen. Secondly, it should be close to the vacation spot. The sound of running water and cool freshness in summer heat- important components of a pleasant and peaceful holiday on fresh air. Try not to install the fountain in direct sunlight. The water will have to be changed frequently due to blooms. There is also no place for structures near trees; the roots can damage the thicket and for repairs you will have to dismantle the entire decorative element.

To install a fountain with your own hands on the site correctly, do not choose places near the walls. In this case, the structure will not avoid exposure to mold and mildew. And this, in turn, will not only spoil appearance, but will also cause an unpleasant musty smell.

Plan future buildings on the site in advance. You should not install a fountain on the road to them.

Step-by-step guide for installing a fountain in your country house with your own hands

Let's talk about how to make a fountain with your own hands using the example of a very simple design - fountain-fontanel. A structure of this type has a number of advantages:

  • Spectacular appearance;
  • Easy care;
  • Easy access to parts for repair purposes;
  • Possibility of dismantling for winter.

Having selected a place for installation, we dig foundation pit slightly larger than a fountain bowl. Additionally, a shallow hole should be dug around it. gutter(about 10 cm).

DIY fountain. Instructions in photo

At the bottom of the pit there should be sand cushion 15 cm thick. This will protect the underground part of the structure from plant roots. Level the surface and install it on it plastic bowl. We level the font, pour in and compact sand. The container should be installed in such a way that its edges protrude by 5-8 cm.

The next stage is filling plastic container under a bowl of water. There is no need to pour “heaping”; leave 4-6 cm to the edge.

Now it is necessary install a fountain and check the operation of pumping equipment. If power pumps can be adjusted, then we adjust it so that the water falls back into the bowl. The choice of equipment should be approached very carefully. Ideally, when purchasing, explain to the seller what bowl size and bowl volume is expected. Then he will help you choose equipment of the required power.

DIY fountain. Instructions in photo

After installing the bowl and pump, you need to do waterproofing fabric. We cut out a canvas with a diameter the size of a fountain pit. Starting from its center, cut strips. This must be done so that the diameter of the resulting inner circle is equal to diameter bowls of the structure. We bend the resulting strips of material and lower them into the container. They can be secured using sealant. Do-it-yourself fountains always require a lot of patience and accuracy in work, especially this stage of construction.

To ensure that the base of the structure does not lose its shape and is stable, we place a couple of rods on a sealed fabric fittings, and on top of them - galvanized fine mesh. The mesh size will influence the size of stones or crushed stones used used in the decor of the fountain.

DIY fountain. Instructions in photo

The final stage of construction - decoration designs. The border of the fountain can be laid out with larger stones, but you should not make it too clear. Small stones such as sea pebbles or crushed stone are laid out on the mesh. If it is necessary to add naturalness to the fountain, then its boundaries should not be too clear. Various plants will look good along the edges of the structure.
Thematic japanese fountainfor lovers of oriental exoticism it is installed in a similar way. Step-by-step instructions for making a fountain with your own hands for the garden in Japanese style consists of the same points. You will find a diagram of the structure below.

DIY waterfall fountain

We will not build anything grandiose, but small, about 1 m high, cascading waterfall We are quite capable. It has already been described in detail above how to prepare a pit for a pond bowl. But this time we are building a waterfall. And if there is no natural elevation for him, he will have to create it himself.

Do embankment convenient in the process of digging a pit. We simply throw the earth where the slide should be and carefully compact it. For the hose supplying water to the point where the water falls, make a small groove There are holes and embankments in the wall.

DIY waterfall fountain. Instructions in photo

After the foundation pit and embankment for the waterfall are ready, we begin to cover the bottom and walls of the mini-pond waterproofing material (for example, PVC film). The fabric must be laid in such a way that it not only completely covers the bottom and walls of the pit, but also protrudes about half a meter on the sides of the pit.

Be sure to lay a pipe for supplying water to the top of the waterfall in a previously prepared channel-ditch. Bend one edge 30-40 cm up.

This time we are making a permanent structure, and therefore it is best concrete a bowl of a pond. To begin, carefully lay out metal mesh at the bottom of the pit. The waterproofing must not be allowed to become damaged. Next, pour a layer of concrete about 12-15 cm thick.

How to make a fountain at your dacha with your own hands. Photo

Now you need to prepare bowl walls. We lay out the mesh, strengthening it in the solution that has not yet hardened. You can continue installing a fountain with a pump with your own hands, which will look like a cascading waterfall, within a day. We fill the walls of the pond bowl and complete the most difficult stage of construction.

The next part of the construction is decoration the resulting structure. We build steps on a pre-compacted hill. The step should be about 30 cm and three ledges will be enough.

On the resulting flat surfaces we lay out flat sandstone, pebbles or any other material to your taste. We decorate the rest of the fountain, including the film around the perimeter, with stones, crushed stone, marble or other pre-prepared materials.

All that remains is to turn on the pump and fill the font of the structure with water. We watch how the stream flows steadily down the steps of the waterfall and enjoy the originality of our suburban area.

DIY stone fountain

How to build stone fountain? We'll talk about this right now. First you need to make sure you have everyone necessary devices and materials. We will need:

  • Water pump (underwater with medium power is suitable);
  • Plastic container for the bowl;
  • A metal or PVC tube for carrying an electrical cable;
  • coupling;
  • Flat stones and gravel;
  • Wooden bars;
  • Water flow power regulator;
  • Copper tube with a diameter of 15 mm.

Pit for the fountain bowl there should be a slightly larger container prepared for these purposes. By filling the space between it and the walls of the pit with soil, we will significantly strengthen the position of the bowl. As in previous cases, do not forget to create a pit at the bottom sand cushion. On top you need to lay a layer of pebbles.

Water pump fits freely in the water tank. This will make it easier to repair it if the need arises. You can protect your water tank from debris by simply fine mesh. To give strength to the structure on top metal mesh are placed wooden blocks (if desired, they can be replaced with metal fittings).

The base of the fountain will be metal pipe, which is attached vertically to the pump.

The next stage is preparation flat stones. To do this, using special tools, we make holes with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter metal pipe- foundations of the structure.

Next, using the principle of a children’s pyramid, we “place” the stones on the pipe. All that remains is to add decorative elements to the fountain and connect the pump. Very simple but effective and beautiful fountain at the dacha with your own hands, ready for use.

A variety of do-it-yourself fountains in personal plots

Submersible fountains

If there is already a pond in the yard, then it can be used as a basis submersible fountain. The principle of its operation is simple. Water is supplied via a pump directly from the pond. In this case, to install a submersible fountain you will need:

  • Pump;
  • Water supply pipe;
  • An appropriate nozzle for forming a water jet and giving it the correct direction.

The attachments come in a variety of different types. Eg, bell attachment is a two-disk design. The flow of water passes between them and changes when the gap is adjusted. Nozzle " geyser"—a tube narrowed toward the top—quite effectively copies the corresponding natural phenomenon.

Such structures have quite a lot of possibilities. For example, you can create the effect of a key gushing out of the ground. To do this, install the fountain yourself so that the end of the pipe does not protrude above the surface of the reservoir.

Using more complex attachments, you can significantly expand your decor options. The effect of spraying water, the simultaneous combination of several nozzles and many other variations for the choice of those who construct a fountain in their dacha.

Stationary fountains

A fountain of this type is a real find for amateurs and professionals of design art. Structures can take the form of natural stone fonts, antique structures; they are executed from clay pots, plastic bottles and any material that is at hand. Particularly popular in Lately fountains for Japanese gardens.

Any frost-resistant material will do: marble, fake diamond, sea ​​pebbles And so on. To decorate such fountains, they often resort to painting. There are two ways to do it:

  • Coloring the material before manufacturing the structure;
  • Painting the finished figure.

The first option costs much more, but it is also much more reliable. To protect against moss, fungus and mold, it is useful to treat the fountain structure with special products.

Small stationary fountain It will look good in family recreation areas or near children's playgrounds. Our master class “Do-it-yourself fountain in the country” will help novice designers correctly build, perhaps, one of the main decorative elements in a country plot. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a small geyser fountain or a large cascading waterfall 2 meters high. The main thing is that it pleases the owners and does not cause problems.

Video instructions for making a fountain at the dacha

A small homemade pond framed by properly selected plants is always the highlight of a suburban area. And to make it look more impressive, you can install a fountain. How to make a fountain with your own hands, and what is required for this?

Types of fountains

The appearance of the fountain is influenced by the number of nozzles, their location, and the pressure of the water supply. The jets can splash to the sides, hit straight up, and smoothly flow down the walls of the structure. Depending on the method of water supply, all fountains are divided into several types.

Table. Types of fountains

Type of designMain characteristics
The most common option in summer cottages. The water is supplied under low pressure, so the stream rises low, and the nozzle distributes it evenly around the circumference. Thanks to this, a hemisphere of water film is formed, in which the sun's rays are beautifully refracted.
In such a fountain, the water supply pressure is much stronger, the jets are thrown upward or to the sides (this depends on the location of the nozzle). By adjusting the pressure force, you can change the height of the jets within a fairly wide range.
The most effective option: the design consists of several containers located on different levels, and the water flowing down forms a stepped mini-waterfall.
Complex design, in which the cascade version is combined with a geyser or bell fountain. It looks very impressive, but it also requires more effort to construct.

When choosing the type of fountain, you need to take into account not only its decorative qualities, but also the complexity of installation, the cost of all components, as well as overall design plot and size of the reservoir. For example, for a very small one, a bell fountain is best suited; for a larger one, a geyser or combined option. If the garden with a pond is designed in oriental style, perfect choice there will be a cascade fountain.

Choosing a place for a fountain

The correct location of the fountain not only ensures maximum decorativeness of the structure, but also makes it easier to care for during operation. If the fountain is located in a completely open area, which is actively heated by the sun, the water will evaporate and bloom faster.

Don't let the start-up costs scare you. I'm on personal experience I was convinced that ABSOLUTELY ALL methods home business without initial costs, they do not bring the desired income and satisfaction from the work done (sometimes simply HUGE) Therefore, I suggest that you engage in very interesting work. The essence of the idea is simple: the production of decorative indoor fountains. At low cost you get amazing results.

The system of any decorative indoor fountain is a cycle in which water rises upward with the help of a pump and then flows down the stone into a container. Thus, we're talking about O closed system, in which the used water is gradually renewed, since the initial supply of water is no longer sufficient by a certain time.

The pump is usually powered by a set of batteries or a power supply, or both. Typically, for decorative indoor fountains, pumps powered from 3 to 9 volts are used. The higher the power, the greater the power of the pump, which allows you to lift more water upward, and this, in turn, affects the location of the pipes through which water is coming. You can make a very tricky labyrinth of tubes, from which in different directions and with different strengths Water will flow out and, believe me, it looks very, very beautiful!

Now let's talk about the design

The basis of any decorative indoor fountain can be anything. While shopping, pay attention to all kinds of bowls with lids. Your fountain will depend on the selected diameter of the bowl. The lid should fit onto the bowl, or fit very tightly to the bowl so that it is difficult to tear off. But even if the lid does not fit very tightly to the bowl, you can drip glue in three or four places - and the problem is solved.

Usually, the lid is designed first, so to speak the entire appearance of your fountain. Depending on your idea, a hole is drilled in a certain place in the lid and a tube is inserted into it. At the beginning, it is desirable that from below it reaches the bottom of the bowl, and from above it is 5-10 centimeters higher than the calculated size of the fountain. Even if you don’t need these tolerances, you will always have time to trim off unnecessary ends, but it’s better to have them just in case. Any types of tubes, cambrics and pipes are suitable as tubes. And it doesn’t matter what they are made of: let it be aluminum tubes or flexible PVC tubes, for example from droppers.

Next, a base is made around the tube to create the appearance. Most often, a mixture of cement and pebbles is used. Everything is clear with cement, but I’ll tell you separately about pebbles. Wherever you are (in the city, in the country, in the forest, at the sea, etc.), always pay attention to the pebbles. The more standard and fanciful the shape, the more unexpected its color, the better! And in general, try to notice all sorts of non-standard things (pebbles, twigs, roots, etc.) in order to later use all these materials for the production of fountains. When creating the base, simply throw cement on the lid and, before it hardens, intersperse pebbles into it, immediately forming the landscape of the future fountain. Keep in mind that the water needs to get inside the bowl and flow through the landscape. Therefore, try to make some kind of depression at the lowest point of your landscape so that water collects there and immediately drill a hole there (but a small one, otherwise the water will immediately flow into the bowl. And it is much better when the water remains in the depression for a while. It turns out to be a small lake) . If you don’t get along with cement, then you can use all kinds of adhesive-sealants, polymer compositions, epoxy resins. Our task is to create a landscape from natural material, fastening it together and with the base. The fastening material must be moisture-resistant so that the artistic composition does not fall apart.

You can also use various hi-tech techniques. Forged landscapes, bronze, metal, plastic or glass.

It is possible to produce complex textures and geometric patterns using a 3D printer. Then your fountains will have no competition at all.

Video: tabletop fountain made using a 3D printer

If you don’t consider yourself an unrecognized artist or sculptor, it doesn’t matter. Sometimes just a bunch of pebbles piled together turns into a masterpiece. Add absolutely any materials (usually they just stick to the landscape), but do not forget that water is a very patient cutter. Therefore, it is advisable to use materials that do not decompose with water. Otherwise it will be bad smell fresh water. But even with organic materials there are very interesting cases. For example, when I wanted to plant a real swamp moss, then quite unexpectedly it began to become covered with white mold. But the most interesting thing is that there was no smell! The mold itself is penicillin, and most likely even helped filter the water. But it turned out very beautiful. The fountain has turned into a real living organism that does not age, because... bog moss can live for centuries without increasing in volume.

After the external design, all you have to do is connect the pump to the supply tube and connect it to the power supply. ALL!

After you try to make 3-4 fountains, try adding light to the landscape elements. I recommend using LEDs. Firstly, you can choose LEDs of the desired color to highlight certain parts of your landscape. Secondly, LEDs are currently sold with different light powers, flashing, with damping pulsation, etc., which will also greatly help you when designing your landscape. Thirdly, they are practically eternal, do not burn out and are not afraid of contact with water.

I'll give you one more smart advice. It is advisable to add a pair of relay contacts to the receiving container at a certain level (it is established experimentally) so that the water closes them and when the water level drops below a given norm, the electrical circuit is broken, so as not to waste the pump without water. But here there are two options. The first and simplest is to turn off the power to the pump.

But, as practice has shown, very few people read the instructions for using a decorative indoor fountain, which says that when the fountain stops working, you first need to add water. Therefore, we had to slightly improve the fountain and add a circuit to it, which, when the contacts are opened, lights up a flashing “Add water” sign at the bottom and emits an intermittent, quiet signal. Safety precautions are observed in this case, since the power supply to the pump and circuit ranges from 3 to 12 volts and will not in any way affect the touching of water with your hands.

That's all! Next, turn on your imagination and create! For example, when I made quite a lot of landscape-type fountains, I began making fountains in the form of water mills and adding various moving figures to them. It turns out great!

Video - how to quickly and easily make a fountain for your home

The essence of business

All this is usually sold on the city market, or through social media. At the market there is always a crowd near my trading place. Fountains typically sell for between $50 and $150. But some copies cost me $300.

Some clients themselves then came to me and asked me to make a custom-made fountain, taking into account their personal wishes. Naturally, the price in this case automatically increased by 50%. You can also go around offices and offer them decorative fountains. Many people are willing to take it. You just need to make the fountains for offices a little more massive and larger in size. For example, for one office I made a fountain 150 cm high, and its width occupied a square of 100x100 cm.

The arithmetic of profit here is very simple, so you yourself can calculate the profit at the cost. If a copy doesn’t sell for a long time, then I reduce the price on it and they buy it right away.

Even the smallest body of water can decorate your own summer cottage and give it some zest. And a fountain made with your own hands will not only become a favorite place to relax and will deliver Aesthetic pleasure, but will also be a reason for compliments from invited guests.

But not everyone decides to build this mysterious hydraulic device. Some summer residents mistakenly believe that building a fountain is a labor-intensive and expensive process and cannot be done without the help of specialists. But every lover of spending time in nature can give themselves such pleasure; the main thing is to know all the nuances of constructing a fountain with your own hands.


There are two types of fountains based on the type of design.

  1. The open version involves supplying water to the nozzle. The formation of a jet in this version of the device occurs due to changes in water level. In this case, the water pressure is weak, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the water level. In addition, the water in such a fountain becomes polluted quite quickly. To create it, you need to install a small reservoir at a height of about one meter above the nozzle.
  2. A fountain with a pump is the most practical and effective option. By placing the pump at the bottom, continuous circulation of water is ensured. Here the pressure is stronger and the visual effect is more beautiful.

By design, pumps that act as fountains are divided into submersible and surface (stationary).


When choosing a convenient place to build a fountain, it is recommended to take into account the degree of slope of the ground. If the area is uneven, it is better to place such decoration in a low area. This option for the location of the reservoir will not only allow you to adjust the volumes groundwater, but will increase the oxygen saturation of the air.

  • too close to the house so that moisture does not fall on the walls in windy weather;
  • on open areas, in order to prevent water from blooming due to sunlight entering the reservoir;
  • near trees so that leaves, seeds, fluff falling from them do not clog it, and roots do not damage the waterproofing.

The fountain must be positioned in such a way that it is not an obstacle to other buildings and is visible from all points. It is recommended to place the structure near the resting place.

The minimum distance that must be maintained between the fountain and plants, buildings, and furniture is 50 cm. This way, the plants will not die from excess moisture, and the furniture will not become unusable. Perfect option for the location of the fountain - partial shade and a place protected from the wind, located close to a source of water and electricity. This arrangement will save you from unnecessary wires and additional work by isolating them.

Having decided on the location, it’s time to think about the shape and depth of the future fountain.


To build a fountain in order to save money and effort, you can use construction technology decorative pond with its pump equipment.

Materials required to build a fountain:

  • fountain container;
  • pumping station;
  • durable film;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • natural stones of various sizes;
  • sand, gravel;
  • decorative elements.


If you plan to build a miniature fountain, you can use an ordinary plastic basin or any other small container as a reservoir.

For large bodies of water, old bathtubs or a self-dug pit are suitable. If a bathtub is used, it is necessary to dig a hole of such a size that its edges are not higher than the surface of the ground. All holes in the bathtub are securely sealed, after which it is lowered into the pit and strengthened with earth, stones and sand.

For a homemade tank, make a hole of the required depth and cover it with a thick, high-quality film, which is secured along the edges on the surface with stones. Stones are also poured at the bottom various forms and sizes. It is important that the stones do not have sharp edges and cannot cut the film. The stones are evenly distributed throughout the bottom of the future fountain.


In order to construct a fountain on your site yourself, it is not necessary to purchase expensive materials; you can adapt any old elements. However, you should not spare money - the pump, the better quality it is, the more beautiful the fountain will be and the longer it will decorate the area without causing problems.

Submersible pump - best option for the construction of a fountain on summer cottage. It works on the principle of a centrifuge. You can also install surface pump, it is mounted on the edge of a pond, but is most often used on large fountains and cascading ponds.

When choosing a pump, you should take into account the pressure that is constantly present in the pipe and the differences in this pressure. Therefore, purchasing the most powerful pump may not be justified, since not in all cases it will be able to work out its full power.

Regardless of which type of pump is chosen, it is important to remember that its power must be related to the diameter of the pipe. The fountain jet should come out under powerful pressure, and not slowly flow out of the pipe, since there will be no effect from such a design.


The construction of a fountain includes several main stages:

  • pit preparation;
  • securing the trench;
  • installing a container or covering the bottom and edges with film;
  • installation of pumping equipment;
  • fountain decoration.


To build such a fountain you will need:

  • an old tire from a truck or tractor;
  • cement mixture, water, crushed stone and sand;
  • a container for mixing cement and a shovel;
  • sealant;
  • building level;
  • mastic;
  • stones;
  • pump.

Stages of work:



For such a fountain you will need to prepare:

Stages of work:

  • we dig a hole, clear it of stones and compact the bottom;


For this version of a country fountain you need to prepare:

  • shovel;
  • pebbles;
  • pump equipment;
  • bath;
  • insulating tape;
  • metal scissors;
  • non-ferrous iron sheet;
  • drill.

Stages of fountain construction:

  • we dig a pit corresponding to the size of the existing container;
  • place the bath inside and plug all the holes;

  • We cut out wide strips of iron and lay them around the bathtub, covering it with stones;


For this sprinkler you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • metal, strong wire or nail;
  • insulating tape;
  • garden hose.

Materials for a decorative fountain

Construction stages:

  • decorate the pot with paints;
  • make a small hole in the bottom of the pot;
  • install a pump under the pan;
  • we drag the pump tube through the hole made in the pot;
  • fill the bottom with pebbles;
  • decorate artificial plants and figurines;
  • fill the pot with water.



You can emphasize the uniqueness of a hand-made fountain by decorating it. It is recommended to lay out beautiful, colorful stones of different sizes around the pond, put flowers in pots, place cute figurines of animals, birds, etc.

To make the fountain amaze with its beauty and unusualness at night, you can backlight it using special equipment. Lamps installed around the perimeter of the fountain and lighting at its bottom will create a fabulous, magical atmosphere.

The bottom of the reservoir can be landscaped with the help of special plants, and bushes can be planted around the fountain.

Any country pond and fountain, including one, needs careful care. To maintain order and clarity of water and a pleasant spring appearance of the structure, it is necessary to regularly clean the tank. By using special devices It is necessary to remove leaves, seeds, fluff and other objects from the surface of the water that can not only spoil the appearance of the reservoir, but also lead to malfunction of the fountain.

At the end of the summer season, it is necessary to drain all the water, move the removable parts of the structure indoors, and cover the remaining parts and the bowl with film so that dirt does not get into them.

Building a fountain with your own hands in a country house or even in an apartment is not difficult and does not require large financial resources. Before building a decorative fountain, you need to decide on the shape, size and installation location. There are many options for the location of such structures - near the gazebo, on the lawn, in the garden. After constructing a fountain, you need to carefully monitor the purity of the water, regularly remove debris and add water, as it will evaporate.

Such designs are widely used in design suburban areas. Fountains can decorate any ownerless area or become the highlight of a summer cottage. And by adding imagination and decorative elements, you can make it even more beautiful and unusual.


Landscape design

Today you can start building a small fountain in your summer cottage. We will show you how to do this simply, beautifully and inexpensively.

Types of fountains

A fountain is a decorative hydraulic structure in which water can be supplied under pressure upwards and to the sides, or simply flow down the walls of the structure. The water in the fountain circulates due to the operation of the pump (this principle is also used in artificial and). Depending on the nature of the movement of the water flow, cascade, geyser and “bell” fountains are distinguished.

  • Geyser. The most common type of fountain is when water under pressure is thrown out vertically or at an angle. The height to which the liquid is supplied can vary widely. By changing this indicator, you can create both a cozy low fountain and an impressive noisy stream of water reaching a height of several meters.
  • Bell. Another simple solution that fits perfectly into the landscape. The water in such a fountain is supplied to a small height, from where the nozzle is evenly distributed around the perimeter, forming a continuous water film in the shape of a hemisphere.
  • Cascade. The implementation of cascades is varied and most impressive: water slowly flows from one container to another, creating the illusion of stepped waterfalls.
  • Hybrid solutions. Usually they combine geyser and cascade types of fountains. Pressurized water is supplied to top part cascade design, where due to overpressure one or more geysers are formed. Further, the path of water runs along the cascade.

Construction of a stone fountain

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the technology of making a simple cascade fountain from scrap materials. The techniques underlying its construction will allow you to build any decorative fountain with your own hands.

Before you start work, sketch out a diagram of your future creation on a piece of paper. This will allow you to evaluate the pros and cons of the planned design and already at this stage select the optimal pump option.

Improve your garden area in just 10 simple steps:

  1. Select appropriate place . Try to find a site on the leeward side of the house, otherwise its walls may suffer from moisture. Decide on the height of the garden fountain X ( see fig. higher). The distance between the house and the fountain should not be less than three times the height to which the water is supplied.
  2. Decide on the size. Use a ready-made container (plastic, ceramic, metal, etc.) or dig a small ditch and cover it with waterproofing material or fill the bottom and walls with concrete.
  3. Dig a pit and trench. Make the dimensions of the pit 10-20 cm larger than the dimensions of the container. This is required for the device sand cushion. If after installing the plastic container there are voids on the sides, fill them with soil and crushed stone. Dig a trench 30 cm deep from the pit to the house - it is necessary for laying the cable feeding the pump. For protection, place it in plastic pipe or a suitable size hose. Route the cable into the house.
  4. Install submersible pump . To avoid having to frequently clean the filter of pumping equipment, install it on a brick pedestal.
  5. Connect the pump to stainless pipe . The tube will serve as a frame for the structure made of stones, and water will be supplied through it. Determine the size of the tube taking into account the depth of the container and the height of the fountain X.
  6. Cover the container with a wire rack and bars. To avoid contamination of the water with large debris, cover the container with a plastic or stainless mesh with a mesh no larger than 1x1 cm. Place several bars across the container that can support the weight of the stone structure.
  7. Prepare the stones for installation. Give preference flat stones interesting colors and shapes. Wash and dry them thoroughly. Consider their location and drill a hole for the tube (see point 5).
  8. Collect decorative design made of stones. Carefully place the stones onto the tube, trying to place the center of mass in the bottom 1/3 of the height of the structure. This means that the larger stones should be at the bottom.
  9. Fill the container with water and check the fountain operation. The water should evenly cover most of the stones. Adjust the pressure and swap stones if necessary.
  10. Finishing touch. Mask the cracks with small stones and decorate the top of the fountain to your own taste.

Don't quite understand how to make a fountain? The process of constructing such a structure is presented in some detail in the following video.

You can use the most unexpected objects as nozzles. The next video shows a garden fountain made from bottles - it looks unusual.

Choosing a fountain pump

The range of pumps is extremely large, so don’t rush to buy the first model you come across. Your task is to select the device that has the optimal characteristics and is suitable for use in specific conditions. And the first thing you need to decide on is to buy a submersible or surface pump?

Features of surface and submersible pumps


Submersible pumps

Surface pumps

The device, hidden under the water column or individual structures, remains invisible to prying eyes

Placing pumping equipment in an open area requires the construction of additional masking structures (decorative stone, bushes, box). High risk of theft

Reduces to installing the pump on a pedestal at the bottom of the reservoir, connecting pipes and power supply to it

The work is carried out near the reservoir, water is discharged to any part of the fountain


The device is underwater, which complicates routine maintenance. Most models must be dismantled for the winter to avoid damage

The pump is located in a dry place and has easy access. Easily tolerates wintering on the work site

Pumping equipment hidden under water is almost inaudible

Even when the pump is disguised decorative elements, his work is noticeable by the characteristic sound

The best choice

For small fountains

For structurally complex fountains when implemented on large bodies of water

As a rule, with equal characteristics, submersible models are cheaper than surface ones

For each specific case, select a pump with the appropriate characteristics. First of all, you should be interested in the following indicators:

  • maximum head. Usually denoted Hmax, measured in meters. Characterizes maximum height rising water;
  • maximum performance. Designated Q max, measured in m 3 / h or l / h. Determines the volume of liquid that can be pumped through the pump within an hour.

To make it more convenient for you to select equipment, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the data in the table below. With their help, you can determine the approximate characteristics of the pump.

Indicative data for choosing a fountain pump

Fountain type/Characteristics

H max, m (maximum pressure)

Q max, m 3 / h (maximum productivity)



A fountain without a pump - is it real?

There are two approaches to making a fountain without installing a pump:

  • pressure due to the pressure of the liquid column. To build such a structure, you will need a sealed container, pipe or hose installed at the location of the fountain nozzle. Secure the container above the level at which the nozzle is located (the pressure depends on the height), connect it with a hose or pipe to the nozzle. Fill the tank with water - you will get a periodic design: the fountain will work until the water container is empty;
  • pressure due to pressure in water pipe . Take advantage of the pressure potential created in a centralized plumbing system your his gardening partnership. Simply connect the fountain to the pipe and you can adjust its operation as you wish. Only in this case, do not forget to provide options for using the resulting volume of water!

Regardless of what kind of fountain you decide to build on garden plot, be sure to check out the most. Someone else's negative experience is worth a lot! And you can always buy a fountain - a ready-made factory solution that does not require complex work.