White sphagnum moss. Where does it grow? Where can I buy? Photo

Probably, many readers have heard about such moss as sphagnum. It is not surprising - it is found in many regions of our country and is actively stocked by experienced flower growers. And in general, the scope of its application is quite wide. Therefore, it will be useful to tell you how sphagnum moss is used and where it grows. The photos attached to the article will allow you to learn more about him.

What it is?

To begin with, it should be noted that sphagnum is a type of moss. It is surprisingly durable, easily tolerating no high humidity, but also very low without the slightest harm to yourself. According to experts, sphagnum was once classified as algae. But gradually, as the climate changed and the area of ​​reservoirs decreased, it was forced to change and, as a result, perfectly adapted to life in humid places.


Now it’s worth telling what sphagnum moss looks like - the photos still give only a fairly superficial idea.

He cannot boast of a particularly outstanding appearance. It has a very thin green stem that starts at the root and stretches upward. It is distinguished by its emerald green color. The upper part is covered with small leaves arranged in a spiral. By the way, for the sake of clarity, it should be noted that this moss actually has no roots. And that brown part, which not very experienced botanists perceive as a root, is an old, dead part of the plant.

Sphagnum, despite its small size, is a perennial plant. As cold weather approaches, it freezes to continue life in the spring. It only grows upward, not sideways. The lower part dies over time, rots, becoming peat.

The stems grow very densely, most often in damp places. Because of this, only the upper part receives the light necessary for the development of green plants. And in the lower, shaded area, chlorophyll is destroyed over time, and it becomes white. Over time it rots, turning brown.

It reproduces, like most mosses, with the help of spores. They contain germ cells grown on the stem. After ripening, the sac bursts, and thanks to water and wind, light spores are carried over a considerable distance.

Where is it found?

Now it’s worth telling how to find sphagnum moss in nature - photos will help you easily identify it.

This valuable plant is most often found in the north of our country. Moreover, mainly in forest thickets, where high soil moisture is provided by small rivers and lakes, as well as streams and swamps.

Sphagnum is surprisingly unpretentious. He has enough for the successful development of even a weak, absent-minded sunlight. In addition, it grows well on all surfaces: stones, clay, trees, earth, even glass and iron.

However, if we tell you where sphagnum moss grows in Russia, a photo of which is attached to the article, then it is worth noting that it can also be found in the steppe. But this place should be very wet - for example, somewhere near streams or lakes.

How it is used

Not every person who has seen a luxurious sphagnum carpet in the forest realizes how wide the scope of this amazing plant is. But people have learned to use it in construction, crop production, cosmetology and even medicine.

Thanks to a number of features, moss becomes a truly unique material. To begin with, it should be noted that it perfectly allows air to pass through, absorbing excess moisture from it, and dry, on the contrary, moisturizes to a comfortable level. Experts say that moss absorbs a huge amount of moisture - 20 times more volume than it has itself! Can any other material boast such an indicator of moisture absorption?

It is also very important that it has antiseptic properties. This allows it to be used in medicine, mainly in extreme medicine.

However, in order for the reader to better understand the topic, it is worth citing a few specific examples.

Why do flower growers need it?

Most often, when talking about the use of sphagnum moss, a photo of which is attached to the article, people remember indoor plants. It is really actively used in caring for flowers.

First of all, it’s worth talking about help with seed germination. They need to be kept in a humid environment. However, fabric, not to mention paper, dries very quickly. You have to moisturize it every day, and sometimes several times a day. Sphagnum moss solves this problem - moisten it generously and wrap the seeds in lush greens. After that, you can forget about them for several days. The moss will quickly absorb excess moisture, so rot does not threaten the seeds. But then it will give them excess moisture and they will not dry out.

Due to this same effect, moss is actively used when caring for plants in pots. You need to lay a thick layer of sphagnum directly on the soil, after which you can water the flowers not daily, but once a week. At the same time, moss will protect plants from bacteria and infections that carry diseases. It has long been noted that sphagnum, which has antiseptic properties, does not allow the appearance of mold and fungi in its vicinity.

In addition, the soil underneath becomes looser and softer. As a result, it is better saturated with oxygen, and the plant grows faster.

In addition, with the active growth of moss, its lower part will die off, this has already been mentioned above. As a result, dead areas turn into peat - an excellent fertilizer for any plant.

Application in medicine

Historians are well aware that during terrible wars like the Great Patriotic War, sphagnum saved the lives and health of many soldiers and officers. There was a catastrophic shortage of simple antibiotics, bandages and cotton wool, so experienced doctors used sphagnum moss. Clean bundles were placed directly on the wound, after which they were rewound with any fabric, often not even sterile. Sphagnum destroyed harmful bacteria around it. Thanks to this, the wounds healed faster. It is no coincidence that earlier detachments were formed from pioneers and Octobrists, which prepared this raw material and sent it to the front.

It can also be used at home. Do you suffer from nail or foot fungus? Put some moss in your shoes and solve this problem forever. Moreover, without purchasing expensive drugs with questionable effectiveness.

You can take baths with sphagnum moss. Steam 100 grams of moss with three liters of boiling water, leave overnight and pour into a bath filled with warm water. Two half-hour procedures a week (just lie in the bath) and arthritis and arthrosis will recede, sweating will improve and excess salt will be removed from the body.

Growing moss

Not everyone knows that sphagnum can be cultivated at home, and the procedure is surprisingly simple. It is enough to have at least a small piece of moss - you can find it in the forest, take it from friends or purchase it in a special store.

First, the sphagnum moss needs to be washed. To do this, soak it in warm water(preferably settled) and leave for half a day. Every few hours the moss needs to be lightly shaken to remove debris, soil and sand. After the time has passed, carefully remove the thin stems and dirty water pour it out.

Now you can start growing the plant. Place it in a three-liter jar or small aquarium. Pour some water, close the container and leave in a sunny place. During photosynthesis, oxygen will be produced, and dead stems will serve as a substrate and source of carbon dioxide. This will create a closed ecosystem from which you can sometimes take some of the moss and add a little water.

Harvesting sphagnum

If you find a variety of sphagnum moss in the forest (photos will help you identify it), then you can stock it for future use. It is best to collect valuable raw materials near streams or lakes in well-shaded places - this ideal conditions, which means the plant will be of the highest quality.

You can collect all the moss along with the “roots”, then the process is underway much faster. In addition, peat fertilizer will form faster, which is important for many gardeners.

Or you can carefully cut off the top green layer using simple scissors, leaving the white and brown in place. In this case, you will get a smaller volume of moss, but it will be alive and will be able to grow perfectly, quickly increasing in your small plantation.

We store it correctly

The rules for storing moss depend primarily on how you plan to use it.

Do you need dry sphagnum moss used in medicine? Then the easiest way is to use a cord or strong thread and hang the stems in a thin layer in a warm place with good ventilation. Well, or at least spread it out on a towel or newspaper and leave it on a windowsill well lit by the sun. Stir the moss a couple of times a day to ensure it dries evenly. Otherwise, the top will dry out and form a crust. Inside, the stems will remain damp and over time, mold may appear here, making the use of moss for medical purposes impossible.

A completely different storage method should be chosen if your goal is to keep it alive for as long as possible. Coping with this task is not at all difficult. Rinse the moss well, then put it in a paper or fabric bag, which you need to put in the refrigerator or freezer. In such conditions, it can easily be preserved for several years. When you need sphagnum moss, simply remove it from the refrigerator and leave it in a warm, slightly humid place. After a few hours, the stems will thaw, and after a few days they will continue to grow as if nothing had happened. But here it is worth considering that the longer the sphagnum lies frozen, the fewer stems will remain alive. It is advisable to remove the rest as soon as it becomes clear that they are dead. This is not difficult to determine - they will dry out quite quickly.


Now you know much more about the amazing sphagnum moss, starting from its appearance and ending with the scope of application. It is possible that many people have a desire to try growing it at home.

Sphagnum is a type of bog moss (peat moss) that belongs to the sphagnum family - Sphagnaceae. Has unusual properties. This amazing sphagnum moss tolerates the unfavorable conditions of swamps very well. Every gardener knows where it grows. And it can also grow on tree trunks, stones, metal and even glass.

Sphagnum is a perennial plant that has no roots. It is a branched stalk, with the lower part gradually dying off. Moss branches are covered with small leaves growing in a spiral.

The development cycle of sphagnum is the same as that of other mosses. Sex cells are formed on the gametophyte plant. In place of the egg after their fusion, a sporogon is formed. Spores ripen in its box. And the germinated spores give rise to a new gametophyte.

It only grows from the top. His Bottom part constantly dying. Sphagnum is always moving towards the light, upward. And the lower dying part turns into peat. The top of the shoot is always green, and the part that is immersed in water looks slightly whitish. And even lower the plant acquires a light brown color. Sphagnum moss (photo) looks great.

During the wet season, it is capable of absorbing water up to 20 times its own weight. Translated from Greek, sphagnos is a sponge. Hence the name of the plant. It grows more often in the temperate zone and in the Northern Hemisphere, but it can also be found in the subtropics. You can find it in abundance in the raised bog. The bright green fluffy carpet in the photo is sphagnum moss.

Properties of sphagnum

The plant has three important properties that make it indispensable in floriculture:

  1. Breathability. Allows the earthen substrate to be kept moist without increasing its weight.
  2. Hygroscopicity. Humidification always occurs evenly and moisture is released into the substrate in the same dosed and uniform manner. The soil mixture will always be sufficiently moist, but not waterlogged.
  3. Antibacterial and disinfectant properties moss is even used in medicine. The substances contained in sphagnum prevent the roots of indoor plants from rotting and other problems.


Sphagnum is used as an earthen component for indoor plants. It can be added to the soil to improve the quality, making it loose, moist and nutritious.

Sphagnum moss is also used in other capacities:

  • for covering the soil;
  • as drainage for indoor plants;
  • as a mat;
  • for air humidification;
  • for storage in winter period onions and root vegetables;
  • to protect plants from fungal diseases;
  • for making hanging baskets and supports for plants with aerial roots.

He is adored by indoor begonia, saintpaulia, dracaena, dieffenbachia, monstera, azalea, sansiveria, and crassula. It is used for home germination of seeds and further rooting of shoots. Violet leaves take root well in it.

How to harvest moss?

It is best to harvest it in the fall, but it can also be collected at other times of the year. Sphagnum is removed very easily. But it is recommended to take only the upper parts, cutting them off with a knife or scissors.

It is not collected in swampy places, where it is very saturated with moisture. It is better to do this near trees.

You can collect sphagnum in the following ways:

  1. Removing the plant with roots.
  2. Cutting off its surface upper part.

Cut moss must be thoroughly squeezed to reduce weight. Brought home the plant needs to be filled with warm water for 40 minutes. This will rid it of insects and saturate it with moisture.

Store moss in unsealed plastic bags. This will allow him to breathe. In winter, moss can be stored simply in the cold.

Sphagnum moss: features and preparation

How to dry moss?

They dry it on hangers. This is the most the best way drying. Sphagnum hanging on hangers It ventilates well and retains its elasticity. Hangers are made from tree trunks small size trees. They are placed under a canopy to protect the moss from bad weather.

Sphagnum moss in medicine

The chemical composition of sphagnum represents a number of substances beneficial to the human body. The plant is a natural antibiotic from the group of phenols.

Its ability to absorb large volumes of liquid is used as natural cotton wool. Sphagnum moss is also capable of disinfecting wounds. It is used in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns and frostbite.

Highly efficient filters for water purification are made based on this plant.

You can safely drink water from a sphagnum bog. It has a slightly dark color because it is infused with peat. But there are no pathogens in it.

Sphagnum moss - an assistant to gardeners

Lovers of indoor plants know how beneficial it is for flowers. It can be placed on the soil of plants when saturated with water. The soil in the pot will remain moist for a long period of time.

They use it and for germinating seeds of indoor plants. And for dense rooting of cuttings, chopped plant stems are added to the soil.

Gardeners use this plant to store tubers of various garden crops. To do this, they are freed from the ground and wrapped in wet pieces of sphagnum. The lumps are placed in a cardboard box and left in a cool and dark place. The tubers will remain fresh and intact until the next planting.

Important! It is not recommended to use peat in a garden plot from sphagnum bogs. It will strongly acidify the soil, and this is contraindicated for many garden crops.

Photo - this is white sphagnum moss. Where does it grow? Where can I buy? This can be found in the article below.

White sphagnum moss is a perennial bog plant that grows in marshy areas and forms sphagnum, watery islands. At least forty species and varieties of this moss grow in Russia, which prefers to grow in the tundra, or forest zones of the Far North. In the southern regions, white moss grows on temperate plains or in mountainous areas.

Sphagnum does not have a root system, the lower part dies off, turning into peat, the upper part remains green and continues to grow. The natural properties of sphagnum are amazing. Moss absorbs water in huge quantities compared to its own mass, while releasing excess moisture in moderate quantities. That is why sphagnum was found wide application in gardening. Soils where there is white moss always receive the necessary moisture in a balanced manner. Such properties of white moss are achieved due to the structure of the moss itself, because its leaves and stem contain hollow, breathable cells in the form of reservoirs, thanks to which white moss absorbs water like a sponge and retains it in large volumes for quite a long time.

The antifungal, disinfectant and antibacterial properties of sphagnum have long been known. Sphagnum has these properties thanks to a special substance that is part of sphagnum, called sphagnol, which in its composition resembles natural antibiotics, enhanced by the action of coumarin and triterpene acids. It is no coincidence that in Rus' white moss has always been used to heal purulent wounds and burns.

Gardeners very often use sphagnum to acidify depleted soil, which gives a brighter color and green, saturated color to all plants.

White moss itself is very unpretentious. Once it has received the required amount of water, sphagnum retains water in the substrate and prevents oxygen from accessing organic deposits in its tissues, so no processes of decomposition or rotting occur in its structure. The low content of any nutrients prevents the processes of oppression of living tissues, due to which moss always renews itself independently and does not require special attention.

Nowadays, sphagnum is used from construction (laying in inter-crown joints) to use in gardening (transporting root crops over long distances). Sphagnum is used in design, floristry, and construction. landscape architecture. In medicine, sphagnum is used to make detergents and disinfectants. Great importance has sphagnum, for preservation, feeding and increasing productivity in floriculture.

Photo - and this is not white sphagnum moss! Although very similar! This is moss moss or Norwegian moss. We have such unique moss, just like sphagnum - you can buy it in bulk.

In the store, sphagnum can be purchased in plastic bags. There is no need to be afraid if the moss is yellowish in color. In order for it to become alive and green, it is enough to feed the purchased moss with lightly fertilized water, you just need to determine what kind of moss is needed for use: living or not living. According to the recommendations of many gardeners, only live moss is needed to fertilize the soil; in construction, naturally, moss dried to the state of tow is used.

To purchase sphagnum, just call, indicate the delivery address, the required quantity and determine payment methods. The rest of the work will be done by our company’s specialists. Happy shopping! For wholesale buyers, spring discounts and great deals!

Syn: peat moss, white moss.

Sphagnum is a genus of moss, spore-bearing perennial plants with thin stems and small elongated lanceolate leaves. The plant does not have a root system. Sphagnum is the main formation of peat, deposits of which are formed due to the death of stems, the growth of the upper part of the moss and its high moisture capacity. Sphagnum is widely known in medical practice in many countries; it has antiseptic, bactericidal, hemostatic and other beneficial properties.

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In medicine

Some types of sphagnum have found application in medicine in many countries of the world; sphagnum is not currently used in Russia. The hemostatic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and hygroscopic properties of moss are known. Sphagnum has been used for many years in medical practice in European countries as a hygroscopic dressing material, since this moss is 25 times more hygroscopic than cotton wool and lingin.

Some pharmacological preparations based on sphagnum moss are known. Was released in 1971 medicinal product Peat in ampoules of 1 ml (manufacturer Russia). This is a biogenic stimulant, the indications for use of which are arthritis, radiculitis, myalgia, some eye diseases (blepharitis, vitreous opacities, keratitis, myopathic chorioretinitis), periodontal disease and chronic gingivitis. At the moment, the drug Peat is in the State Register medicines not listed.

Sphagnum moss has high gas and moisture absorption properties, and also has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect against the pathological microflora of purulent wounds. In this regard, in many countries, moss is used both as a substitute for cotton wool and as an independent effective remedy for the treatment of infected (purulent) wounds.

Sphagnum moss with its absorbent properties is used to make diapers and sanitary napkins. Sphagnum moss is currently used by Johnson & Johnson.

The Chinese use a decoction of sphagnum moss as a disinfectant and antibacterial agent for bacterial infections of the respiratory system, stomatitis, diseases of the nasopharynx and oral mucosa. The Chinese medicine Polytrichum juniperinum contains sphagnum extract and is used to treat the prostate and bladder.

Contraindications and side effects

Medicines based on moss are not recommended for use when cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, acute gastrointestinal disorders, and certain diseases of the excretory system (nephrosonephritis). Contraindications to the use of sphagnum moss are individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, and childhood.

In floriculture

Sphagnum moss is widely used in gardening and indoor floriculture. It gives the soil the necessary lightness, hygroscopicity and looseness, due to which the delicate roots of plants penetrate deeper into the ground and are firmly fixed there. Sphagnum retains moisture well in the earthen coma and prevents the top layer of soil from drying out during prolonged drought. Flower growers use sphagnum moss to germinate leaves and establish young plants. Having bactericidal healing properties, sphagnum prevents rotting of the root system. Moss is convenient and effective for propagating indoor plants by air layering (Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, Monstera, rubber ficus). It is used for forcing orchids, germinating large seeds, and rooting stem cuttings.

On the farm

Peat moss is widely used in many sectors of the national economy. Sphagnum is used as packaging material for transportation, for storing vegetables and fruits, as bedding and feed for livestock, and in powder form for backfilling. Wastewater, cesspools. In the paper industry, coarse grades of paper and cardboard are obtained from moss, and in the chemical industry - paints, tanning agents, etc. It is a valuable raw material for the production of ammonia, wax, paraffin, and alcohol.

Sphagnum moss is a popular thermal insulation and insulation material, which is widely used in construction. The hygroscopic properties of moss make it possible to neutralize changes in humidity.

IN European cities With an unfavorable environmental situation, sphagnum moss fibers are used to monitor air purity. Wood alcohol is obtained from sphagnum moss, which is used for internal combustion engines as an economical fuel. Sphagnum peat is used to flavor Scotch whiskey.

In peat formation

Perennial sphagnum mosses are capable of forming peat, having a high moisture capacity. The accumulation of sphagnum plants leads to the rapid formation of raised bogs. The body of sphagnum contains carbolic acid, which is a powerful antiseptic that can kill bacteria, which is why moss practically does not rot. The annual growth of sphagnum is 1-2 mm. Due to the growth of sphagnum moss, as well as other aquatic plants Forests become swamped, water bodies become overgrown, and lakes gradually turn into swamps. Sphagnum grows in the upper part, while the stems of the plant gradually die off each year, forming a significant layer of brown peat. Peat is used as a fuel material.


Sphagnum or peat moss (lat. Sphagnum) is a genus of mosses, spore-bearing perennial plants belonging to the family Sphagnaceae (lat. Sphagnaceae), order Sphagnum, class Sphagnum mosses. There are about 320 species in the sphagnum genus, the type species of which is considered to be bog sphagnum (lat. Sphagnum palustre L.). For medical purposes, mainly large-leaved types of sphagnum are used: magellanic sphagnum (lat. Sphagnum magellanicum Brid.), papillous sphagnum (lat. Sphagnum papillosum Lind) and marsh sphagnum (lat. Sphagnum palustre L).

Botanical description

Sphagnum is a genus of spore-bearing perennial plants that do not have rhizoids. The thin stems of moss are branched; the branches are of three types: horizontally located, drooping, adjacent to the stem and apical. Drooping shoots perform the function of absorbing and delivering water to the very top of the plant. Horizontal shoots perform an assimilation function and hold weak upper shoots. Sphagnum leaves are elongated-lanceolate, single-layered, membranous, sessile, arranged imbricately on the stem. The leaf blade consists of two types of cells: water-bearing hyaline cells (the so-called “dead”), which have hygroscopic properties, and chlorophyll-bearing cells, whose main function is photosynthesis.

Sphagnum reproduces by spores and vegetatively. IN life cycle In sphagnum moss, as in all representatives of bryophytes, the gametophyte predominates. Sphagnum is a gametophyte on which antheridia and archegonia are formed; accordingly, sperm are formed in antheridia, and eggs are formed in archegonia. As a result of fertilization with the participation of water, a zygote is formed. The zygote divides, and a haustorium develops from its lower cell, capable of absorbing nutrients from gametophyte. From the upper cell of the zygote a box is formed - a sporogon, which consists of an urn where the sporangium with spores and a cap are located. After ripening, the spores are released. From a mature spore, a protonema is formed, and on it - buds, which give rise to the development of a new plant.

Common types of sphagnum: sphagnum magellanicum, central sphagnum (Sphagnum centrale), papillosum sphagnum (Sphagnum papillosum Lind), marsh sphagnum (Sphagnum palustre).


Sphagnum moss grows in vast colonies, forming thick dense clumps, continuous green carpets. The distribution area of ​​sphagnum is quite wide: mosses occupy the forest and tundra zones of the Northern Hemisphere; mountainous areas in the Southern Hemisphere, and are also common on the plains of the temperate zone. Mosses are widespread in South America. Peat mosses grow everywhere in the northern part of Russia and are a formative element of sphagnum bogs, actively absorbing and retaining moisture (the mass of accumulated water can be 20-25 times greater than the mass of moss). There are 42 species of sphagnum mosses growing on the territory of the Russian Federation, mainly in Eastern Siberia. The greatest diversity of moss species grows in the area South America. Major suppliers of sphagnum on the international market are Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Chile, and Scandinavian countries.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

You can collect sphagnum different ways: remove the whole thing, along with the brown dead stems, or cut off only the top part of the green sphagnum “carpet”. In the first case, you will get more raw materials, but more careful processing is required. Mosses are collected in clearings, approximately 40-50 cm, so that the plant can fully recover. This collection site can recover several years after cutting. Upper part The moss is cut off with a sharp knife, then cleaned of impurities, needles, and leaves. Wet sphagnum moss is carefully squeezed out or excess water is ventilated. It is not recommended to dry raw materials in dryers; it is better to spread the moss in an even layer in a ventilated place in the shade, avoiding direct sunlight. This way the raw material will dry evenly. Ready-made sphagnum moss High Quality should not crumble and, when completely dry, acquires a characteristic White color. The optimal humidity of dried raw materials is considered to be 25-30%. Dried moss can be stored in plastic or paper bags for no more than 1 year.

The so-called “live” moss is stored in the refrigerator or freezer. The collected sphagnum raw materials are not pre-dried, but after being cleaned of impurities and squeezed out, they are placed in the refrigerator, packed in a plastic bag.

Chemical composition

Sphagnum contains triterpene compounds (sitosterol, sitostanol), phenolic acids (fumaric, isochlorogenic, caffeic, pyrocatecholic, chlorogenic, fedulic), coumarins (esculetin, herniarin, scopoletin, esculin, umbelliferone), lignocerol, syringaldehyde, vanillin, paraoxybenzaldehyde, pigment s , phenol-like substance sphagnol, pectin substances, resins, sugars, coumarins, carbolic acid, cellulose, mineral salts, aldehydes.

Pharmacological properties

The bactericidal properties of sphagnum are due to the presence in the moss of a special phenol-like substance, sphagnol, which inhibits the growth and vital activity of pathological microflora: Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella.

Scientists from the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Belarusian state university studied the chemical composition of sphagnum, as well as its absorption properties. Researchers have isolated a number of active substances from moss with bactericidal and antifungal properties, and also confirmed the high absorbent ability of the plant.

Sphagnum mosses have suction ability and good anti-putrefactive and antiseptic properties. The stems of the plant contain aquiferous hollow cells where water accumulates. The stem of sphagnum not only allows water to pass through well, but also blood and pus. The wound remains dry. Therefore, the plant is used as a dressing material for purulent wounds.

During the research, scientists from the Belarusian State University isolated 6 phenolic acids (fumaric, isochlorogenic, caffeic, pyrocatechol, chlorogenic, fedulic) and 6 coumarins (esculetin, scopoletin, esculin, coumarin, umbelliferone, herniarin) from sphagnum. These biologically active substances had a pronounced bactericidal effect for cultures of streptococcus and staphylococcus. As a result of the studies, it was possible to establish that coumarins and organic acids of sphagnum moss have antifungal effect. Sphagnum-based dressings are widely used for traumatic injuries to the skin, purulent wounds, and also as linings for immobilizing fractures in extreme conditions.

The results of laboratory studies on rodents conducted by American scientists showed that the extract from brown sphagnum has a pronounced analgesic effect, which is practically not inferior to the similar effect of the drug indomethacin. In addition, the studied moss extract has a pronounced wound-healing effect.

In vitro, brown sphagnum extract exhibits a pronounced bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. As a result, the combination of analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity, wound healing, antiseptic properties, and antibacterial effect of a water-ethanol extract from brown sphagnum moss makes it possible to develop drugs based on it for the complex treatment of inflammatory and wound processes, infected wounds, and burns of the skin.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine in Russia and in folk medicine in many European countries, moss is used, as well as peat, peat water and peat mud to treat acute intestinal diseases and stomach ulcers.

Sphagnum decoctions are added to medicinal baths for increased sweating, fungal skin diseases, dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases, and joint diseases. Peat water after squeezing out moss is effective as a lotion for staphylococcal wounds. Dried sphagnum moss in powder form is used for sprinkling on poorly healing wounds, purulent wounds, ulcers and burns. Alcohol tincture of sphagnum moss is used in the treatment of fungal nail diseases. Moss tincture is used as a painkiller for arthritis, myalgia, and radiculitis.

Sphagnum moss has also been used in gynecological practice. Chewing “live” sphagnum moss relieves excruciating pain during childbirth, and also stimulates the birth process itself. Moss is considered good contraceptive for women who have vaginal allergies to chemicals and latex. A decoction of sphagnum moss is used to wash hair for hair loss.

Historical reference

In ancient times, healers tied sphagnum bandages to abrasions and wounds; this procedure guaranteed rapid healing of the affected areas of the skin.

During the Great Patriotic War, sphagnum bog mosses were used in military hospitals when there was a shortage of dressings. Such sphagnum-gauze dressings were widely used for healing purulent and other types of wounds. Sphagnum moss was sterilized, steamed or impregnated with a solution before use. boric acid, sublimate or sodium chloride. Doctors highly valued the absorbency, looseness of moss and its antiseptic effect.

People have long noticed the insulating properties of dried moss. In the North, it was placed in babies' cradles, used to insulate walls in houses, and as absorbent bedding in stalls and barns.

Since sphagnum moss turns white when dried, the plant is popularly called “white moss.” Peat, swamp moss - folk name plants that display main feature this plant - to hold a large number of moisture and grow at the top, promoting the formation of peat.


1. Alexandrov B.V. In the world of medicinal herbs. M., 1966.

2. Zalesova E.N., Petrovskaya O.V. A complete Russian illustrated herbal and flower dictionary, compiled according to the latest botanical and medical works. S.-Pb., 1898-1901. T. 1, 2, 3, 4.

3. Blinova K.F. and others. Botanical-pharmacognostic dictionary: Reference. allowance / Ed. K.F. Blinova, G.P. Yakovleva. - M.: Higher. school, 1990. - P. 244.

4. Plant life. Seaweed. Lichens. Mosses. - M.: World of Books, 2002. - T. 5. - P. 163. - 192 p. - (Big Encyclopedia of Nature).

5. Pharmaceutical aspects of the use of sphagnum moss / JI.G. Babeshina, S.E. Dmitruk, E.Ya. Muldiyarov.

Sphagnum moss is a natural component, thanks to which gardeners forget about the problem of soil moisture. The material is used for storing tubers, for rooting cuttings, and as an element in creating phytocompositions.

It is useful to find out more information about such an unusual remedy as sphagnum moss. What is it used for in floriculture? How to choose a quality natural ingredient? Where to buy white moss? How to properly add a layer to flowerpots? How does peat moss affect the acidity of the substrate? These and other questions on the topic are reflected in the article.

What is sphagnum moss

Interesting Facts:

  • perennial spore plant;
  • Mossy family;
  • growing environment - areas with waterlogged soil, marshy areas;
  • The main natural environment for peat moss is the Northern Hemisphere; the species is less common in the mountainous regions of the southern part of the planet. On the plains, white moss almost never grows;
  • sphagnum is actively used in medicine, pharmaceuticals, perfumery, floriculture and gardening; environmentally friendly thermal insulation is made from dry plates;
  • the maximum length of the elements is formed by autumn;
  • During this period, the plates are collected and placed in rice bags.

Properties of sphagnum

The unique look combines several characteristics:

  • excellent breathability;
  • disinfectant, antifungal and antibacterial properties;
  • high hygroscopicity: moisture absorption is 20 times the weight of the natural base;
  • protection of the soil from drying out, gradual transfer of moisture from white moss to parts of plants (when propagating layerings or cuttings) or soil;
  • uniform release of moisture, taking into account the speed of drying of the substrate;
  • protection of the soil from the formation of salt deposits;
  • increasing soil looseness;
  • increase in soil acidity;
  • in combination with bark, peat, pine needles, humus, charcoal, sphagnum is a suitable medium for growing epiphytic plants;
  • an effective means for preserving moisture in a flowerpot for a period when the owners do not have the opportunity to water indoor flowers.


Ten reasons to use sphagnum moss:

  • Wide range of applications: from rooting cuttings to maintaining optimal soil moisture.
  • The natural component disinfects the substrate and prevents the development of fungus. It is no coincidence that the spore plant is actively used in medicine.
  • Corrects soil acidity: the pH level of the natural substance is 4.
  • A natural sponge, as a plant with moisture-absorbing properties is often called, actively accumulates water and absorbs more liquid than absorbent cotton wool: 1 part of moss absorbs 20 times more water.
  • The natural component has a positive effect on the quality of the substrate and reduces the risk of soil salinization.
  • Peat moss is the basis for creating epiphytic blocks in which hoya, epiphytic cacti, peperomia, and guzmania are grown.
  • Suitable for mulching capricious plants suffering from excess salts in the soil.
  • Normalizes the breathability of the substrate and reduces the risk of root rotting.
  • Moss contains useful components for plant nutrition, is safe, and does not produce substances that negatively affect plants and humans.
  • Suitable for use in indoor floriculture, in greenhouses and gardens, for phytodesign.


There are no negative reviews from gardeners about sphagnum moss. The natural component is non-toxic, suitable for indoor flowers and garden plants, has a lot useful properties. If the recommendations for use are followed, valuable moss does not show negative action for decorative foliage species and crops with luxurious flowers.

You should always remember: creating a layer of spore plant plates increases the acidity of the soil. When purchasing, it is useful to check with consultants whether valuable moss can be used for the selected type of flowers or shrubs.

Some plants do not need sphagnum moss added to the soil. For example, succulents and most cacti (except epiphytes) do not require moisture-intensive soil, and growing citrus fruits from seeds at home is not carried out in an acidic substrate.

Methods and rules of use for indoor plants

White moss is actively used in floriculture. The natural ingredient has a positive effect on the condition of the soil and roots, activates rooting, and is suitable for creating a multi-component base in which epiphytes grow well. It is important to know which species cannot tolerate acidic soils. It is useful to use white moss, taking into account the recommendations experienced flower growers. Popular methods of using this natural remedy are described below.

Soil mixture filler

The first rule when using sphagnum is to clarify whether the component that increases the acidity of the soil is suitable for a particular plant. Citrus fruits, many cacti and succulents do not need an acidic, very loose and light substrate.

It is useful to add moss to the soil mixture or flowerpot if the gardener grows:

  • Begonias.

The addition of white moss improves the growth and development of species from the family:

  • Bromeliads.
  • Aroid.
  • Marantaceae.
  • Gesneriaceae.
  • Orchidaceae.

How to proceed:

  • heat the water to +45°C;
  • place the sphagnum plate in a container with warm liquid;
  • after some time, inhabitants will appear on the surface that are completely unnecessary in the soil mixture: snails, small bugs, ants;
  • when the white moss swells, take out a layer, squeeze it out, and cut it with scissors. If the grower adds natural remedy into a flowerpot with violets, then you need to dry the platinum and grind it thoroughly. For Aroids, large parts of a moistened base are needed;
  • in most cases, small pieces of sphagnum are mixed with other components of the substrate and placed in a flowerpot when planting the plant.

On a note! It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions when independently preparing the growing substrate different cultures. Peat moss actively absorbs liquid; an excess of the natural component can lead to waterlogging of the soil, which is not suitable for all plants.

Germination of seeds

For planting material with average germination, it is useful to use white moss to create an optimal environment. It is not always possible to maintain good humidity: it is easy to over-moisten the substrate when growing seedlings.

The use of hygroscopic natural material reduces the likelihood of liquid stagnation in the soil if the seeds are planted in a sphagnum base. Even moderate watering maintains the best moisture levels; the seeds are always in the right environment, but the risk of rotting is practically eliminated.

Rooting cuttings

For vegetative propagation, ring cuts are made on the shoots of Dieffenbachia, ficus, dracaena, and citrus fruits, a layer of bark about 1 cm thick is removed, and Kornevin powder is applied. For root germination, the treated area is wrapped in moistened sphagnum moss and cellophane to preserve optimal conditions. Periodically moisten the substrate using a syringe. When the roots sprout, the cuttings are carefully removed, after removing the film.

Tuber storage

Some types of plants endure a dormant period in winter in a specific state: without leaves and stems, in the form of tubers. White moss contains a phenol-like component that exhibits active disinfectant properties.

High efficiency when storing tubers in dry sphagnum can be achieved if in the fall the base of Sauromatum, Amorphophallus, Caladium is placed in a dried layer of moss, then in tin cans and stored in the refrigerator. Sphagnum is not moistened; the spore type must be used in a dry state. In spring, plants that reproduce by tubers are prepared according to the rules and planted on the site.

Sphagnum when rooting cuttings

How to proceed:

  • You will need a plastic bottle, tape, foam (for drainage). You also need a base: baking powder (1 part) and white moss (2 parts);
  • the bottle is cut across so that about 3 cm remains to the end;
  • First, a drainage part is made of polystyrene foam (you can take expanded clay), then the main layer is poured: a mixture of moss and baking powder;
  • Expanded clay, pieces of charcoal and crumbled pine bark are placed on top;
  • after the cut (at an angle of 45 degrees), the bottom of the cutting is sprinkled with Kornevin or crushed coal;
  • Before planting, be sure to remove the lower leaves from the shoot and shorten the upper green elements: this way, less juice is spent on the growth of elements on the branch;
  • the lower end of the cutting is placed in the prepared substrate, the container is closed, and a “whole” container is created using tape;
  • The mini-greenhouse with the cuttings should be in a warm place (about +22 degrees), but direct sun is not suitable. It is important that the white moss is not very wet, otherwise mold may form;
  • after rooting, the mini-greenhouse is disconnected, the shoot is transplanted to permanent place together with parts of moss to maintain optimal moisture levels during the adaptation period.

Maintaining soil moisture

White moss is used as mulch:

  • With the active evaporation of liquid from the surface of the substrate, magnesium salts and calcifications gradually accumulate in the soil, which leads to the formation of a whitish coating and a dense crust. Soil salinity harms plants.
  • Mulching with sphagnum moss is a simple, effective way to retain moisture in a flowerpot.
  • The thickness of the white moss layer is about 0.7 cm.
  • When watering, the liquid remains in the soil, reducing the risk of salt accumulation.
  • The sphagnum layer is replaced once or twice a year.
  • Mulching with sphagnum moss allows you to replant indoor flowers less often: the soil is depleted later.

Sphagnum is a natural component with high hygroscopicity, the ability to gradually release water into the environment where the lush green plates are located. Agricultural stores sell a synthetic product with similar properties - hydrogel. The granules swell, actively absorb liquid, and after being placed in a flowerpot, they gradually release moisture into the soil. Sphagnum moss and hydrogel - effective means to save plants from drying out and dying in the absence of hosts for a long time. If there is no sphagnum moss or granular product in the house, then to prevent the soil from drying out, do it yourself with automatic watering for plants.

Use for garden flowers

White moss is part of the soil for growing seedlings. During dry periods, it is useful to create a layer of mulch from a natural moisture-absorbing component to avoid problems with the growth of garden flowers. The substrate in baskets is covered with a not very thick layer of sphagnum, hanging planters, decorative vases when growing species that require good soil moisture. Before placing sphagnum under a bush or in the base, be sure to remove the weeds, loosen and water the soil, then add moistened moss.

Collection and storage

Important details:

  • Ripe moss from the Mossy family is carefully lifted with a pitchfork and carefully dug out.
  • Too large layers should not be removed from the site.
  • Needs to be dried for storage natural material in the sun.
  • Sphagnum does not lose its properties when exposed to ultraviolet rays, and it is important to wait until the plates dry thoroughly.
  • For use in floriculture, the shoots are left long enough, and the moss itself should be slightly damp.
  • The “natural sponge” is stored in the refrigerator or tightly wrapped in paper, placed in rice bags, and put in a cool place.

Natural sponge or white sphagnum moss solves many problems faced by gardeners. The use of a natural component allows you to preserve optimal humidity soil. Sphagnum moss is often used for germinating seeds, mulching the soil, and storing tubers. White moss not only maintains an optimal level of moisture, but also exhibits complex effects, including antibacterial and antifungal.

Video - instructions for using sphagnum moss for home orchids: