Textured stretch ceiling in the interior. How to paint a ceiling with textured paint

When approaching the design of ceilings in an apartment, a number of difficulties may arise related to the choice of material, installation of lighting, and dependence on the strength of the ceiling (when installing a suspended structure). Most optimal solution, which will help resolve all the problems and will not require large expenses, will be the choice of suspended ceilings.

Stretch ceilings are easy to install
Stretch ceiling is a quick and cheap way to level the ceiling

This type of decor is distinguished by its relative independence from conditions, ease of installation - the stretched fabric is attached to the walls using profiles at a level convenient for the customer, and the widest range of colors and patterns allows you to choose an option for any type of interior. The canvas is usually made from PVC film, which allows you to reliably imitate most known materials and textures.

Stretch ceilings in a room can be chosen in any shape and color

Characteristics - what to look for when choosing

Various types of suspended ceilings have gained such popularity due to their distinctive features. These are functionality, pronounced decorativeness, convenience and speed of installation, ease of subsequent maintenance, as well as a relatively low cost compared to other coatings. But textured stretch ceiling represent a special niche that has its own advantages:

When choosing suspended ceilings, you should pay attention to their characteristics

    additional selection expansion decorative textures– in addition to color and surface structure, pattern adds options;

    versatility - these canvases are suitable for both restrained, conservative interior styles and more spectacular, creative ones;

    originality, sophistication - not required rich colors or contrast, to give the drawing expressiveness, a clearly visible embossing of the surface will be enough.

Textured stretch ceiling can fit into any interior

The use of the material features - polyvinyl chloride - provides the following undeniable advantages:

    strength, durability - the warranty period of PVC film is about a decade, and its service life is close to half a century;

    elasticity - the relief holds its shape well, and the patterns printed on the surface are clearly visible and retain clarity;

    antistatic effect - there is no attraction of dust, which is especially important for patterned designs;

    water resistance - this fabric is suitable for wet cleaning, accidents such as flooding by neighbors are not scary;

    fire safety is a very important quality, the characteristics of the material make PVC film only melt from fire, without flashing;

    environmental safety - the material does not emit toxins and does not absorb itself harmful substances, smells;

    convenience, ease of installation - the canvas is easy to install, the features of the PVC film allow you to simply dismantle it, store it, while maintaining the ability to reinstall it without losing its appearance.

Their PVC stretch ceilings are very strong and durable

The textures of suspended ceilings available for selection are mostly based on several main types:

    matte - a classic type, without a pronounced pattern on the surface, but is an elegant addition to the interior; matte texture perfectly emphasizes color;

    satin - compares favorably with matte in terms of the play of light, but at the same time its shine is muted and does not attract attention with glare;

    glossy - high reflective properties make this surface the most impressive, it visually expands the space and makes the room brighter;

    imitation fabric - usually silk or suede, which has a special recognizable appearance; such a surface can add sophistication to some types of interior;

    imitation of stone - for example, marble, this texture is also special, suitable for the interior of only certain styles.

There are a lot of options for textures of suspended ceilings. Finding the right one won't be difficult

No less often, designers use an effective solution of combining patterns, which allows them to give the room individuality. For example, the use of a mirror border on a matte surface creates the feeling that it consists of two levels and visually increases the airy space of the room.

Often designers combine color or texture

Popular varieties

Among the varieties that have gained particular popularity, several patterns can be distinguished:

    “dream” - a geometric pattern in the form of ovals, circles of different diameters, has a very harmonious design;

    “spring” – shallow embossing looks great in various types of interiors and leaves a noble impression;

    “mosaic” - a pattern divided into cells, emphasized by a reflective effect, refreshes and visually increases the space of the room;

    “brocade” - a pattern reminiscent of an imitation of expensive fabric, will highlight favorably classic style interior

Stretch ceiling with dream texture

Textured stretch ceilings with any of these patterns, due to their restraint, will look good in bedrooms and living rooms, they will undoubtedly make an impression, and will also speak about the good taste of the owner.

Stretch ceilings will look great in any room

DIY relief

In addition to a custom suspended ceiling, DIY decoration is quite accessible individual option suitable for specific design premises. You can achieve a decorative, patterned canvas by using special textured paints or plasters. Suitable base under them there will be any ordinary fabric stretch ceiling - its canvas is suitable for reusable painting.

You can design the ceiling yourself

To make decorative textured paint, a special filler is used to compact its composition, so application is done with a spatula. Subsequent leveling of the layer is done with a tool with a patterned edge - depending on the movements made, straight, semicircular or chaotic, grooves remain on the surface, folding into a convex pattern. There are special rollers with a pre-applied stencil; textured paint can also be leveled using improvised means - for example, using metal sponge for dishes, an old comb, any fleecy fabric.

You can paint the ceiling using a special roller

Decorative plaster to obtain a pattern differs from textured paints in its greater thickness and may include filler with large particles, which makes the relief more varied. The disadvantage of this mixture is its heaviness - thick plaster is usually applied in several layers and is only suitable for fairly durable suspended ceilings.

Textured stretch ceiling opens up great opportunities for experimentation


Choosing textured stretch ceilings for decorating an apartment allows you to quickly achieve a spectacular appearance, opens up ample opportunities for experimenting with room design, creating a feeling of increased space and illumination. The properties of polyvinyl chloride make it easy to care for the canvas, and specially developed textured paints and plasters make it possible to make a patterned ceiling yourself, freely choosing the color and structure of the coating.

Video: Textured stretch ceilings

How to make a ceiling, from what and in what way? Anyone who is planning to renovate their apartment ponders these questions. It will be easier to make a decision if you know all the main points of ceiling construction different types.

Which ceiling to choose

There are not so many options for ceiling installation that it is difficult to understand them. and today they are considered in extreme cases, but these methods of finishing the ceiling are still relevant. Although they are preferred less and less for the improvement of residential premises.

The point is not that such finishing is simple, but that it requires a whole range of labor-intensive and long work, among which:

  • removal of the old facing layer;
  • preparing the base ceiling;
  • its alignment.

Each of the listed stages includes a whole range of actions, most of which can only be performed efficiently by professionals. Therefore they are very popular modern methods ceiling installations made from modern materials.

In particular, ceilings today are made from:

  • drywall;
  • tension films;
  • plastic panels, slats, linings;
  • aluminum slats;
  • textured wallpaper;
  • decorative plaster;
  • flat and embossed glass.

Important! Lighting devices play an important role in the design of ceilings. The widest selection of surface-mounted and recessed spotlights allows you to create surfaces of masterpiece beauty. And all this beauty is not as expensive as it might seem at first glance.

In any type of finishing materials and lighting fixtures There are more and less expensive product options. All of them are reliable in operation and aesthetically attractive. Therefore, you can choose the material and device in accordance with your financial capabilities.

Design features of modern ceilings

Modern trends in the construction and design of ceilings are aimed at minimizing labor costs and obtaining maximum aesthetic effect. Therefore, almost everything beautiful ceilings are suspended structures behind which you can hide the imperfections of the base surface, wiring and communications. This significantly reduces repair time and makes it possible to save money, since there is no need to purchase materials for puttying and leveling the base floor.

The most popular types of suspended structures are:

  • tension;
  • plasterboard;
  • rack and pinion;
  • glass.

The principles of the frame structure are the same for each of these types of ceilings.

The basic requirements for retaining structures are as follows:

  • strength;
  • ability to withstand design weight loads;
  • environmental Safety;
  • fire safety;
  • moisture resistance.

In accordance with these criteria for constructing frames suspended structures choose the most reliable materials - aluminum, high-strength plastic, well-dried wood and metal treated with fire-bioprotective compounds. For device plastic ceilings there are their own frame systems, the elements of which are made of more durable plastic.

Prices for suspended ceilings

suspended ceiling

In order to understand how to make a ceiling, you need to know that there are two main stages of work in this plan: rough (pre-finishing) finishing and finishing. The first is necessary if the surface is being prepared for whitewashing, painting or wallpapering. When constructing suspended structures, the pre-finishing stage of work is ignored. But instead, they are constructing a frame (sheathing).

How to properly stick wallpaper on the ceiling

The range of ceiling wallpapers is wide. Choosing the best material for a particular case is complicated by a lack of understanding of the characteristics of different types of products.

In any finishing materials store you can see the following wallpapers:

  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • paper;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • textile;
  • photo wallpaper.

There are no difficulties with paper and photo wallpapers, since everyone knows how to glue paper and what it is. But if you like non-woven, glass, vinyl or textile wallpapers, several questions immediately arise: what are their features, how to stick them, how to care for them, how long will they last? Some of these questions can be answered in the instructions of the manufacturers of adhesive mixtures intended for gluing this type of wallpaper. But there is no information about the features and rules of care.

Prices for photo wallpapers

photo wallpaper

It's actually not that complicated. Before you go to the store, there are a few things to remember.

Table. Features and Specifications various types wallpaper

Type of wallpaperFeatures and Specifications

The composition of non-woven wallpaper includes cellulose fibers (more than 70% of the total volume of components), which is a natural and environmentally friendly material. Thanks to it, the canvases are strong and thick enough to hide significant surface imperfections and reinforce small defects. Therefore, such wallpapers are the best choice for those who do not want to carry out the entire range of pre-finishing work on the ceiling. The base that holds the cellulose is non-woven fabric. This is an elastic and sufficiently moisture-resistant material, which determines the main properties of this wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpaper got its name due to the characteristics of the top (front) layer. It is made of vinyl - a durable and malleable material that allows you to obtain a structured surface with a pronounced relief. The base of such wallpaper (backing) can be paper or non-woven. Vinyl offers a wide choice of designs. Therefore, in this type of wallpaper there are products with embossing, silk-screen printing, interspersed with various sparkles and crystals.

The fiberglass is based on sand, soda, dolomite and lime. These fabrics are woven on equipment designed for this purpose from yarn obtained using a special technology. Fiberglass is an environmentally friendly and completely non-flammable material. They are easy to clean and stick even to difficult surfaces. The textured front side allows you to disguise small flaws in the base ceiling.

For textile wallpaper, only the top, front layer is fabric. The bottom one can be made of paper or non-woven fabric. This parameter determines what kind of glue you need to buy for finishing the ceiling with fabric sheets. Textile wallpaper is one of the most spectacular and stylish. Facial layer can be made of velor, jute, cotton, flax, synthetic fibers. This type of wallpaper has good sound absorption, vapor permeability and thermal conductivity.

Technique for gluing different types of wallpaper to the ceiling

When wallpapering a ceiling, take into account one rule that is unchanged for all types of this material: if the base surface is quite loose and unstable (for example, crumbling lime or plaster), it must be cleaned, strengthened (puttyed) and primed.

The next step is choosing glue. To securely fix the wallpaper, you need a composition that takes into account the characteristics of the lower layer of the canvas. There is no difficulty in choosing glue: each manufacturer indicates on the packaging what type of product its product is intended for.

Choose any method of applying glue: using a paint brush or a roller with a long or short handle. If you decide to use the latter, you will need a tray or piece of thick cardboard on which to roll the roller, squeezing it out and removing excess glue. Otherwise, dripping from the ceiling is inevitable.

In most cases, applying adhesive to the base surface is sufficient. But when gluing dense and thick canvases (non-woven fabric, glass wallpaper, textured vinyl), it is recommended to apply glue to the reverse side of the canvases.

While working, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • perform wallpapering at positive air temperatures;
  • prevent drafts from appearing in the room;
  • carefully remove excess glue and air bubbles that form under the wallpaper during gluing to the ceiling.

How to make a ceiling in a private house

Decorating a ceiling in a private house is no different from a similar process in an apartment. But the underlying reasons often differ significantly. In apartment buildings, the floors are concrete, which determines the features of pre-finishing. For example, if you need to remove old paint, you can use the method of firing it.

In a private house, the floors are in most cases wooden. They are much more difficult, for example, to plaster. Many experts consider this idea pointless and unwise for finishing natural surfaces. But if you really want, you can attach a special plaster mesh to the ceiling and apply a layer of finishing to it. This is exactly what most owners of private houses did not so long ago.

But modern realities dictate their own conditions - a plastered ceiling in a private house is no longer so attractive and presentable. Interior design trends place an emphasis on naturalness and naturalness. Therefore, ceilings in modern wooden houses decorated with tinted beams, simultaneously zoning the rooms.

Ideal for decorating the upper floors of such buildings wooden lining. This material can be coated with any paint and varnish. This finish will be in perfect harmony with the material of the walls and ceiling, which will create an environmentally friendly atmosphere in the house.

Important! In private houses, you can install any type of suspended structures: rack, plasterboard, tension. The choice of materials for decorating the ceiling depends on the purpose of the room and the style of its interior.

Features of installation of suspended plasterboard structures

For the construction of the frame on which the finishing material will be fixed, you can choose wooden blocks or metal profile. Since drywall is heavy, the frame strips should be located at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. This will ensure the strength and stability of the structure.

Before starting work, you need to draw up a diagram of the suspended ceiling, which should show the dimensions of each line and each figure (for multi-tiered structures). The ceiling is called suspended because it is located at some distance from the base surface and is held at a certain height with the help of special devices - suspensions. Particular attention must be paid to the fastening of these frame elements, since they bear the main load.

Sheathing with plasterboard is a simple but labor-intensive process. You need to know that there should be a distance of 2-3 mm between the sheets of this material. This is a damper gap, the function of which is to compensate for the movement of drywall.

Drywall prices


The next stage after sheathing is puttying. Fiberglass mesh “serpyanka” is glued to the seams between the gypsum board sheets and the ends of the tiers, after which they begin to apply putty and its subsequent sanding.

The lining of a plasterboard ceiling can be different. The most common choice is painting and wallpapering. But you can apply liquid wallpaper or decorative plaster.

Drywall (gypsum plasterboard) and metal profiles are the main materials that are used to finish the ceiling using the method described in the article. They have a number of varieties, their choice depends on the specific needs of the owner of the house and the characteristics of the room. Read more.

Video - DIY plasterboard ceiling

Features of installation of suspended plastic ceilings

Since plastic is lightweight material, its installation does not require a solid frame. Wooden blocks or metal profiles can be used as planks. But you can construct a frame from U-shaped strips and stringers included in the package slatted ceilings. These are lightweight and fairly durable profiles that are perfect for rooms with high humidity.

The U-shaped profile is installed along the walls of the room at the level of the new ceiling. Stringers perform the function of longitudinal and transverse beams, supported by hangers attached to the base ceiling. That is, the principle of constructing the frame is the same as in the case of plasterboard suspended structures.

The method of fastening plastic panels depends on the material of the profiles. If these are plastic stringers, the facing slats are inserted into the openings intended for this purpose. If these are wooden blocks or metal profiles, the panels are secured using self-tapping screws.

Polyvinyl chloride is a material widely used in most different areas activities, it finds its application in construction. Installation here does not require high qualifications and expensive equipment, you just need to familiarize yourself with .

Finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster

Applying plaster to the ceiling - not an easy task. And the process of surface decoration significantly increases the labor intensity of the work. But all these difficulties are quickly forgotten when the desired result is achieved. The ceiling made of decorative plaster looks very impressive and presentable. Therefore, it is worth working hard to create such an aesthetically attractive surface.

What plaster to choose for ceiling decoration?

The finishing materials market offers two types of decorative plaster:

  • structural;
  • textured

Both of these materials are suitable for decorating ceilings in residential premises. But for an easier choice, you need to know about the features of each of them. Structural decorative plaster is only white, so it needs to be tinted using any suitable compositions for this purpose - dyes, water-soluble pigments, tinting agents.

Prices for decorative plaster

decorative plaster

Textured plaster is a ready-to-use material with a specific color. The mixtures include all the components necessary to obtain a decorative layer. Therefore, with textured plaster It’s easier for those who don’t have experience applying it to the ceiling.

You can choose any mixture:

  • large-textured with grain with a diameter of 3-5 mm;
  • with an average filler size (1.5-2 mm);
  • with a fine texture (grain diameter no more than 0.5-1 mm);
  • fine-textured (filler diameter less than 0.5 mm).

The technology for applying any of the above compounds is the same.

Based on the type of filler, the following types of plaster mixtures are distinguished:

  • polymer;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • mineral.

The first ones are most convenient for decorating surfaces like marble or leather. Silicone has a wide range of color range and have excellent vapor permeability. Silicate ones are known for their resistance to the formation of dirt, which is why they are optimal for decorating ceilings in kitchens and hallways. Mineral plasters are universal and can be used in any type of premises.

Silicate decorative plaster “bark beetle”

Preparatory work

Before applying decorative composition, the ceiling surface needs to be prepared. If significant differences in heights and large flaws are found, level the surface. For this purpose, special mixtures (“Rotband”, “Fügenfüller”) and metal beacons (perforated narrow strips) are used. The method of leveling ceilings using plaster mixtures is called “wet”.

There is also a “dry” method. It consists of installing plasterboard sheets on the ceiling. In this case, you will need to build a wooden or metal carcass. In the end it should work out. Plaster is applied to this surface from gypsum board sheets.

It is possible to level the base surface using finishing material- decorative plaster. But in this case, the mixture consumption increases significantly. If the surface imperfections are significant, a fiberglass mesh will be required to act as a reinforcing material.

Primer selection

Before starting finishing work, a primer is selected and purchased. It will ensure high-quality adhesion. You can use the same means as when puttingtying gypsum plasterboard.

There are 4 types of primer compositions:

  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • polyurethane;
  • silicone.

Important! Any of them is suitable for preparing the ceiling for applying decorative plaster. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the properties of the composition. It is optimal if it has the ability to protect the surface from moisture and the formation of mold and mildew.

Universal primers include most of the products of the companies Knauf, Perfecta, and Starateli. Forbo Eurocol, Ceresit C17, and ALC-PRIMER primers are popular. Cover the ceiling with a solution using paint brush, roller or spray gun. The choice of tool depends on the amount of work and ease of use in a particular case.

Technology of applying decorative plaster to the ceiling

Step 1. Preparatory stage. Before applying a new finishing layer, remove the old one. Dust the ceiling.

Step 2. Application of priming solution. Depending on the complexity of the base surface, the ceiling is covered in 1 or 2 layers. Wait for the primer to dry completely, focusing on the time interval specified by the manufacturer. On average, the break between applying each subsequent layer of primer is 3-4 hours.

Step 3. Preparing the batch. The dry mixture is diluted with water in the proportion specified by the manufacturer on the product packaging.

Step 4. Laying decorative plaster. To perform the work, use rubber, plastic, or metal spatulas. The first base layer may be the only one. It depends on the complexity of the ceiling surface and the need to level it.

The plaster is scooped onto a spatula with a wide blade and applied to the ceiling, evenly distributing the composition over its surface. The same tool is used to level and smooth the layer.

Step 5. Ceiling decoration. The plasticity and relatively long hardening period of decorative plasters makes it possible to create different types textures on the ceiling surface - from relatively flat to embossed with protrusions up to 7-10 mm in height. The latter will help hide all the unevenness of the base surface.

Decoration of the plaster layer is carried out within 15-20 minutes after its application. If compositions with coarse or medium-grained filler are selected, this stage of work can be skipped. Such mixtures themselves form a surface with a pronounced texture.

In other cases, various techniques, objects and tools are used to decorate the ceiling. An effective texture can be achieved using ordinary plastic bag, rolled into a ball. This device is used to touch wet plaster, leaving chaotically located grooves and dents on it. After which the ceiling is lightly smoothed with a grater or spatula.

Demonstration of obtaining the “bark beetle” effect of textured plaster

Important! Instead of a plastic bag, you can use paper, a foam sponge, a stencil, or a textured roller. The choice depends on what effect they are trying to achieve.

Video - Venetian decorative plaster on the ceiling

How to make a glass ceiling

Glass ceilings are an infrequent choice when decorating apartments and private houses. The relatively low popularity of this finishing method is explained by the apparent complexity of working with glass. In fact, everything is different: today you can buy special frames for installing glass panels. These structures are easy to install and are almost a complete analogue of the famous Armstrong ceilings.

Glass ceiling with decorative inserts

Glass panels can be different:

  • stained glass type;
  • plain;
  • matte;
  • tinted;
  • mirrored;
  • with photo printing
  • embossed.

Since the weight of the stele is quite large, the optimal panel sizes are within 29.5x29.5 cm and 59.5x59.5 cm. Such panels will not create a significant load on the frame. Evenly distributed weight can withstand not only metal, but also plastic sheathing.

Glass ceilings are good because they do not require preliminary preparation base surface. In addition, they have another advantage - the ability to create spectacular lighting.

Ready-made glass ceiling designs are offered by Albes (Russia) and Geipel (Germany). Manufacturers produce two types of frames - rack and cassette. The suspension system can be open or closed. In the first case, the load-bearing profiles are visible, in the second they are hidden behind the facing panels. Using T-24 or T-25 suspension systems, you can quickly install and dismantle a glass ceiling.

Table. Characteristics of the Albes and Geipel suspension systems.

  • metal supporting profile;
  • lock type - solid cut;
  • type of connection of guide rails with supporting profiles - overlap;
  • cell section is square;
  • Dimensions of glass plates - 60x60 cm.

Glass ceiling installation technology

Installation of cassette ones is in many ways identical. Having dealt with one, it will not be difficult to install a frame of another type. Let's consider the technology of installing a glass ceiling using the example of the Albes suspended cassette system.

Step 1. Preparing to attach the guides. If there are any lines along the ceiling line network engineering, all these communications need to be strengthened.

Step 2. Determining the level of the Albes cassette ceiling. It is necessary to determine and mark the level at which the cassette ceiling frame will be installed. This can be done in several ways: using a bubble level and a water level, a plumb line and a chalk line. Any tools that allow you to get straight horizontal lines along the walls of the room will do.

Step 3. Installation around the perimeter of the room (along the marking lines) of the PL 19/24 guide profile.

  1. Before attaching the profile, holes are drilled in the walls using a drill (perforator) and a drill bit with Victory tip.
  2. After this, the recess is dust-free and a dowel-nail of the appropriate cross-section is driven into it.
  3. Next, apply the profile to the wall and mark the installation points of the dowels on it.
  4. Holes are drilled in the marked places in the profile.
  5. The guides are attached to the walls using self-tapping screws.

Step 4. Marking of snap axes. Between the guides, from one wall to the other, strings (strong threads, thin ropes, twine) are pulled so that they repeat the diagram of a hanging cassette system with a square cross-section of cells.

Step 5. The intersection points of the stretched threads are projected onto the ceiling and these places are marked with a marker.

Step 6 Installation of hangers. At the marks, hangers are attached so that the distances from the walls are no more than 60 cm. This requirement applies to panels weighing up to 4 kg/m2. If the mass of glass slabs exceeds this value, the maximum distance from the walls should not exceed 45 cm.

Step 7 Installation of T-profiles. The guide profiles of the Albes suspension systems have special locking fasteners that ensure the strength of the frame and prevent it from sagging. Optimal choice– profiles with solid-cut locks.

Step 8 Laying glass panels. Glass slabs are inserted one by one into the mounted suspension system and placed on T-profile guides. No additional fastening of the plates is required.

If the glass ceiling is illuminated, electrical wiring is installed at the stage of preparing the base surface and attaching communications.

Video - Installation instructions for Armstrong-type suspended ceiling

When choosing a canvas for your future ceiling, you are guided not only by such criteria as color, pattern, quality, but also texture features. After all, they set the tone for the entire structure. By the word “texture” we mean any external characteristics of the canvas, except for color schemes. Modern manufacturers offer suspended ceilings with textures in different variations. Let's look at them in more detail.

There are three types of standard invoices:

  • Matte– classic stretch fabrics, distinctive feature which is the absence of relief images on the surface, smoothness and evenness. The main function of a matte canvas is to emphasize the beauty of the ceiling covering, highlighting the pattern or depth of color.

  • Satin the texture makes the ceilings expressive and attractive. Higher light reflection abilities than the first option saturate the colors of the coating. This occurs due to the shifting shades under the influence of artificial or natural light.

  • Glossy has high reflective abilities. This property allows you to visually expand the room, make it voluminous and bright.

Each texture is created on a specific type of material. For example, gloss is done only on PVC film, but a matte structure can be used for both fabric and film coatings. Satin surfaces should be classified as a separate category, since they are based on fabric fabric impregnated with polyvinyl chloride.

Unusual textures are of particular interest. IN in this case the basis of the ceiling is original with an intricate relief applied to the surface or painted using special paints to imitate marble, silk, suede, mother-of-pearl. At the same time, the front part of the canvas is not smooth, but textured, with an imitation of a pattern, or having a rough surface.

The advantages of a stretch ceiling with a textured finish are similar to the advantages of conventional film canvases. These are durability, reliability, ease of use, no need for special care, and moisture resistance.

What other textures can there be on ceilings?

  • Metallic– luxurious and original ceiling texture, giving the room severity and brutality. Such a design will best fit into the style of hi-tech, minimalism and other modern trends.
  • Silk on ceilings it is worth using in bedrooms and children's rooms. The muted shine of the surface will make the ceiling soft and cozy. By varying the color shades you can create a romantic atmosphere in the room.

On a note! Do not install dark silk fabrics; they visually make the ceilings heavier. But golden structural surfaces are ideal for decorating a bedroom in a classic style.

  • Marble exotic will fit organically into a living room or large hall. The material looks so natural that in appearance it resembles cladding with marble slabs.
  • Pearl on the ceiling will make the room soft, and its light shades will visually give it additional volume.
  • Nacre qualitatively imitates pearls on the ceilings, giving the room a certain luxury and nobility.

If you want to make a suspended ceiling with different types of textures, you must know how to correctly combine individual options with each other:

  • The matte and glossy canvases included in the set visually represent a design that cannot be translated into reality due to objective reasons. For example, a small room height.
  • Matte and metal ceilings in combination create an amazing effect when, when rays from any light source hit the surface, the room is transformed. At the same time, the metallic begins to shimmer, but the matte canvas does not change its color.
  • It is better to combine matte and silk fabric in the following way: use a silk coating to make a base for a picture, and use a matte coating to frame an unusual “picture”.

Making a textured ceiling with your own hands

The factual component is determined by the following indicators:

  1. smoothness;
  2. relief;
  3. ability to reflect light.

The last two factors are of greatest importance.

Modern materials allow you to independently change the appearance of even such vulnerable, at first glance, coatings as. Moreover, there will be no need to spend large amounts of money on transforming the ceiling. Arm yourself with rollers, brushes, combs, paints and go to action!

Important! Not every suspended ceiling covering can be decorated with paints. Natural fabrics are suitable for such work. Invoice for PVC film It is applied at the factory, so you can only purchase such a canvas from the manufacturer.

Due to the characteristics of textured paints (thick and viscous), it is recommended to apply them only with a construction spatula.

Using different shades, you can recreate the following images:

  • natural unevenness on ceilings with a spatula;
  • chaotic stripes with a comb;
  • rough reliefs with washcloths or hard brushes;
  • original ornaments using special rollers for .

The ability to repaint the fabric fabric multiple times will allow you to change the textures on the ceiling as often as you wish.

Don't be afraid to experiment! Use textured stretch ceilings to radically transform the interior of your home. The main thing is not to overload the overall composition and organically combine the ceiling decor with general style premises.

Textured stretch ceilings - video

In order to begin finishing work on the ceiling, it is necessary to have a fairly flat surface. But few people like the idea of ​​plastering work in several stages. In this case, textured plaster for the ceiling can help. This material applies well even to ceilings with minor defects. Defects will not be noticeable on a textured, uneven surface. One of the main advantages of such coatings is their durability. A variety of types and types will help you create an original interior with your own hands without outside help.

The advantage of textured plaster is the durability of the coating.

Selection of decorative plaster

Having decided to replace the traditional ceiling covering with textured plaster, the average consumer is faced with a question of choice. In construction stores and supermarkets, the labels are confusing with their names: textured, decorative, structural plaster, stucco, plaster. In fact, the same thing is often hidden under different names. It’s just that different manufacturers call the product differently. To determine what exactly is in the bucket, you just need to carefully examine the label. The consumer should be interested in information about appearance plaster, methods of its application, materials acting as binders, filler fraction, minimum thickness of the textured layer.

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Types of textured plaster for ceilings

Textured plaster can be of several types:

The formation of a structural surface can occur due to coarse filler in the plaster composition.

  • The relief on the surface is obtained by processing the layer with all kinds of tools. The layer thickness can be 2-7 mm and depends on the desired texture and tool;
  • the formation of the structural surface occurs due to coarse filler in the plaster composition. The layer thickness ranges from 1-6 mm and depends on the filler fraction;
  • creation of texture is achieved by multi-layer application required material, visually and to the touch such a surface is smooth. Such coatings have a thickness of no more than 1.5 mm.

Variation plaster can be noted as a separate item. In this case, the base and filler are purchased separately. Marble and quartz chips, chips and flops are used as filler.

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Classification by type of binder

The cheapest option is plaster, which is based on a mineral binder. The role of the binder is performed by gypsum, cement or lime. Representatives of this type of plaster have good vapor permeability and adhesion. Cement plasters easily withstand moisture. As a result, they are used for exterior finishing and for finishing ceilings wet areas. However cement plasters They have a rough texture and are not suitable for every interior.

Polyurethane and epoxy plasters are the most resistant and durable.

Polyurethane and epoxy plasters exhibit the greatest resistance. They are not afraid of fire or chemical substances. Polyurethane-based plasters are used for interior and exterior finishing work. They can be used under any conditions, but chemical origin– their main disadvantage. Such plasters have a specific odor, and when heated strongly, they release toxic substances. Their cost is quite high.

Experts consider water-based plasters to be the most acceptable option. They contain acrylic, styrene-acrylic or polyvinyl acetate as a binder. Their advantages include good plasticity, vapor permeability, resistance to ultraviolet radiation and moisture.

First, all old coatings are removed from the ceiling: wallpaper, ceiling tiles, whitewash, putty, etc. Then the surface is primed.

Do-it-yourself textured plaster requires the following tools:

  • a mixer or drill equipped with a mixing attachment;
  • a spacious container (for example, 18 liters) for thinning the plaster;
  • set of spatulas;
  • rule;
  • Master OK;
  • grater or grater;
  • primer brush;
  • roller

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"Bark beetle" as a method of applying plaster

Carrying out work on applying textured plaster of the “bark beetle” type with your own hands is almost no different from the process of working with any other plaster that has a coarse filler.

  1. First, the ceiling surface is cleaned of wallpaper, whitewash, ceiling tiles, putties, etc., and then primed. To achieve uniform distribution of the filler throughout the plaster composition, it should be mixed. To avoid damage to the filler, mixing is best done manually.
  2. The finished plaster is applied to the ceiling using a trowel or metal spatula. Optimal thickness The layer should not be more than 5 - 6 mm. The surface to be coated at a time is chosen by everyone at their own discretion. However, do not forget that rubbing the plaster to give the surface a finished look must begin before it begins to set. To do this kind of work with your own hands, it is advisable to have a partner. The first one applies a layer of plaster, and the other uses a trowel to create “labyrinths” on the ceiling.

Tip: During the work of applying and leveling putty, tools inevitably become contaminated with plaster residues. All dirt must be promptly removed using a wrung out damp cloth.

The finished textured surface does not require paint. If, of course, the color matches the plan. It is best to immediately give it the desired color after purchasing the plaster. This service is provided by all major manufacturers and distributors of plaster.

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Textured plaster as an artist's canvas

A special roller for working with textured plaster allows you to create a relief ceiling.

Decorative plaster, which does not have large aggregates, is a material that can open up limitless spaces for the flight of imagination of decorators, architects and artists. Using this plaster, real works of art, wall panels, modern frescoes, etc. are created.

To create a relief (texture) with your own hands, you can use all kinds of materials that are at hand, for example:

  • washcloth;
  • rag;
  • plastic bag;
  • comb.

Special tools for creating textured plaster can also be purchased in the store. For example, various spatulas with curly edges that allow you to make patterns in the form of waves and grooves, or special rollers for working with textured plaster. Such rollers have a carved pattern that remains on the ceiling when rolled over a coating that has not yet hardened. They can imitate the texture of wood or grass.

The effect of crumpled paper on the ceiling surface can be achieved by placing a regular roller in a fabric cover.

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DIY patterns on plaster

Using the selected tool, a relief texture is formed and, pressing the relief spatula, it is passed along the putty layer along a predetermined trajectory.

The first stage of creating a three-dimensional pattern on the ceiling includes preparing the surface (sealing cracks, priming, removing dust).

The next step is applying plaster. A layer of plaster equal to 3-5 mm is applied to the wall and then leveled. All work must be carried out taking into account the fact that drying will occur quite quickly.

And then the most interesting and fascinating thing begins - the creation textured pattern with your own hands. Using the selected tool, they begin to form a relief texture. By pressing a relief spatula, roller or other tool, they pass it along the layer of putty along a predetermined path (horizontal, vertical, wavy, arcuate, etc.). The force of pressure on the tool affects the depth of the relief. If you have any doubts about how the pattern will look in a particular place, you should practice in advance small area surfaces and finally decide on a suitable texture. Then the already drying textured surface must be smoothed. Large protrusions are smoothed with a metal smoothing iron. It is first dipped into water, and then, lightly touching the ceiling, the surface is slightly leveled.

After the plaster layer has completely dried, the ceiling is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, and poorly adhering particles are removed using a spatula.

At the last stage, the surface is refined. Painting a ceiling with textured plaster with my own hands- a very exciting activity. You can make the ceiling a single color, or you can use your imagination and use several colors. To do this, the ceiling is first covered with darker paint, and then the paint is wiped off from the protruding areas with a rag or sponge and more light color. This painting will enhance the relief effect of the ceiling.

Stretch ceilings have long occupied their niche in the field of ceiling finishing. This success is associated with ease of installation and operation, as well as with the price of the canvas. In addition to what has been mentioned, it should be noted the breadth of choice of colors and textures in which the canvases can be made. It’s worth dwelling on the latter in more detail: the texture of PVC film can create a fairly believable imitation various materials at a minimum cost!

To create a unique style, you need to think through every detail in the interior of the room. The ceiling is no exception in this case. Textured stretch ceilings can support a wide range of style trends: from minimalism with discreet ceiling patterns to art deco and boho with bright patterned surfaces on the ceiling.

A stretch ceiling with an organic pattern has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Variety of choice. This can be an imitation of the fabric structure, pressed patterns and designs of your choice, or an ornament in the form of cells or honeycombs. In general, this ceiling resembles complex structural wallpaper and looks luxurious and rich.
  • It is the patterns and ornaments on the ceiling that are classics among textured surfaces. The choice of patterns is so wide that you can perfectly match the ornament on the ceiling to the main solution in the design of the room.
  • It is also important to note the high quality of such ceilings. Moisture, ceiling leaks, installation of lighting fixtures - all this will leave the ceiling surface without deformation.

Installing a textured ceiling will be a great asset for your interior. Consider this option if you want a convenient and beautiful coating, which will attract attention and create a favorable atmosphere of luxury and comfort.

In addition to these advantages, we can also note the almost endless choice of colors. You can have a modest pastel single-color ceiling, or you can combine several colors in ceiling patterns.

What could be the texture of the ceilings?

The relief ceiling can be made of different materials, the breadth of simulated surfaces is striking in its scope: a stretch ceiling can resemble marble, fabric or wood. Unlike those indicated PVC materials or a vinyl ceiling is unpretentious in installation and use, it can be placed in almost any room, and maintenance boils down to occasional cleaning of dust and small particles of dirt.

Among the most popular textures of suspended ceilings are:

  1. Matte texture. This option is a classic. Such a ceiling will not attract much attention, however, it will serve good addition in room design. A matte ceiling can be one color, or it can combine different colors to form a pattern.
  2. Satin is a more accent surface. The difference from a matte surface is its reflective properties.
  3. Gloss is considered the most reflective material for a stretch ceiling. Its ability to reflect light can be compared to a real mirror. Such a ceiling will be a very bright detail in the interior. It is interesting to combine gloss with less accent materials for the ceiling.
  4. A very original ceiling texture is metallic. This ceiling covering gives the room a characteristic severity and originality. This texture will look most organically in the style of minimalism, high-tech, and also in some modern industries.
  5. Silk texture is perfect for bedrooms and children's rooms. This ceiling looks gentle, its shine is muted and pleasant. By playing with color, you can create either a romantic or light airy atmosphere in the room.
  6. A ceiling with a velvety suede texture will look luxurious and cozy.
  7. The marble texture is striking in its naturalness. This canvas looks very unusual and even exotic. Suitable for large halls.
  8. The pearly shine of the mother-of-pearl texture of stretch ceilings will give the room a special tenderness. A light sparkling ceiling will visually expand the room.

A unique feeling is created by the combination of a matte texture with any of the reflective fabrics. Come up with your own version of combining textures and get an original and comfortable ceiling that emphasizes the individuality of your space.

Stretch ceilings: textured white canvases

The light stretch textured ceilings deserve special attention. White color and its shades are the most common option for color scheme ceiling. However, texture adds originality to even a classic white ceiling.

To do something more interesting than classic white matte ceiling, To you The following light ceiling options are suitable:

  • classic matte ceiling with a pattern or ornament;
  • classic matte ceiling with interesting system lighting from spots, light strip, chandeliers, etc.;
  • glossy white ceiling;
  • two-level multi-textured ceiling;
  • light transmitting ceiling;
  • white ceiling with photo printing.

Don't be afraid to experiment with the texture of a white ceiling. White is a classic color that will look modest and organic in different ways.

How to make a textured ceiling with your own hands

Despite its apparent complexity, a textured ceiling is not so difficult to make with your own hands. Special textured paints for suspended ceilings allow you to create such beauty.

Not every surface can be painted with textured paints. Only a fabric base allows you to create a relief on the ceiling surface with your own hands.

Textured paint has a special structure: it is very thick, so it is applied with a spatula.

When using textured paint you can make the following designs:

  1. natural unevenness created by a spatula;
  2. careless stripes applied using a sparse comb;
  3. relief from a hard washcloth or sponge;
  4. neat, even ornaments, for which special artistic relief rollers for the ceiling are used.

Master class on applying textured paint (video)

Texture is an unusual characteristic for a ceiling. Therefore, ideas related to giving unusual shapes to the ceiling covering will look original and fresh. Try not to overload the composition and combine bright elements of the ceiling decor with the interior of the room.

Textured stretch ceiling in the interior (photo)