Nobles' nest summary. "Nobles' Nest"

As usual, Gedeonovsky was the first to bring the news of Lavretsky’s return to the Kalitins’ house. Maria Dmitrievna, the widow of a former provincial prosecutor, who at fifty years old has retained a certain pleasantness in her features, favors him, and her house is one of the nicest in the city of O... But Marfa Timofeevna Pestova, the seventy-year-old sister of Maria Dmitrievna’s father, does not favor Gedeonovsky for his inclination invent and talkativeness. Why, a popovich, even though he is a state councilor.

However, it is generally difficult to please Marfa Timofeevna. Well, she doesn’t like Panshin either - everyone’s favorite, an enviable groom, the first gentleman. Vladimir Nikolaevich plays the piano, composes romances based on his own words, draws well, and recites. He is a completely secular person, educated and dexterous. In general, he is a St. Petersburg official on special assignments, a chamber cadet who arrived in O... on some kind of mission. He visits the Kalitins for the sake of Lisa, Maria Dmitrievna’s nineteen-year-old daughter. And it looks like his intentions are serious. But Marfa Timofeevna is sure: her favorite is not worth such a husband. Panshin and Lizin are rated low by music teacher Christopher Fedorovich Lemm, a middle-aged, unattractive and not very successful German, secretly in love with his student.

The arrival of Fyodor Ivanovich Lavretsky from abroad is a notable event for the city. His story passes from mouth to mouth. In Paris, he accidentally caught his wife cheating. Moreover, after the breakup, the beautiful Varvara Pavlovna gained scandalous European fame.

The inhabitants of the Kalitino house, however, did not think that he looked like a victim. He still exudes steppe health and lasting strength. Only the fatigue is visible in the eyes.

Actually, Fyodor Ivanovich is a strong breed. His great-grandfather was a tough, daring, smart and crafty man. The great-grandmother, a hot-tempered, vindictive gypsy, was in no way inferior to her husband. Grandfather Peter, however, was already a simple steppe gentleman. His son Ivan (father of Fyodor Ivanovich) was raised, however, by a Frenchman, an admirer of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: this was the order of the aunt with whom he lived. (His sister Glafira grew up with her parents.) Wisdom of the 18th century. the mentor poured it entirely into his head, where it remained, without mixing with the blood, without penetrating into the soul.

Upon returning to his parents, Ivan found his home dirty and wild. This did not stop him from paying attention to mother’s maid Malanya, a very pretty, intelligent and meek girl. A scandal broke out: Ivan’s father deprived him of his inheritance, and ordered the girl to be sent to a distant village. Ivan Petrovich recaptured Malanya on the way and married her. Having settled his young wife with the Pestov relatives, Dmitry Timofeevich and Marfa Timofeevna, he himself went to St. Petersburg, and then abroad. Fedor was born in the village of Pestov on August 20, 1807. Almost a year passed before Malanya Sergeevna was able to appear with her son at the Lavretskys. And that’s only because Ivan’s mother, before her death, asked the stern Pyotr Andreevich for her son and daughter-in-law.

The baby's happy father finally returned to Russia only twelve years later. Malanya Sergeevna had died by this time, and the boy was raised by his aunt Glafira Andreevna, ugly, envious, unkind and domineering. Fedya was taken away from his mother and given to Glafira while she was still alive. He did not see his mother every day and loved her passionately, but he vaguely felt that there was an indestructible barrier between him and her. Fedya was afraid of Auntie and didn’t dare say a word in front of her.

Having returned, Ivan Petrovich himself began raising his son. Dressed him in Scottish clothes and hired a porter for him. Gymnastics, natural sciences, international law, mathematics, carpentry and heraldry formed the core of the educational system. They woke up the boy at four in the morning; ocative cold water, forced to run around a pole on a rope; fed once a day; taught to ride a horse and shoot a crossbow. When Fedya was sixteen years old, his father began to instill in him contempt for women.

A few years later, having buried his father, Lavretsky went to Moscow and at the age of twenty-three entered the university. The strange upbringing bore fruit. He didn’t know how to get along with people, he didn’t dare look into the eyes of a single woman. He became friends only with Mikhalevich, an enthusiast and poet. It was this Mikhalevich who introduced his friend to the family of the beautiful Varvara Pavlovna Korobina. The twenty-six-year-old child only now understood why life was worth living. Varenka was charming, smart and well-educated, she could talk about the theater, and played the piano.

Six months later, the young people arrived in Lavriki. The university was abandoned (not to marry a student), and happy life. Glafira was removed, and General Korobin, Varvara Pavlovna’s dad, arrived in the place of the manager; and the couple drove off to St. Petersburg, where they had a son, who soon died. On the advice of doctors, they went abroad and settled in Paris. Varvara Pavlovna instantly settled down here and began to shine in society. Soon, however, a love note addressed to his wife, whom he trusted so blindly, fell into Lavretsky’s hands. At first he was seized with rage, a desire to kill both of them (“my great-grandfather hung men by the ribs”), but then, having ordered a letter about the annual allowance for his wife and about the departure of General Korobin from the estate, he went to Italy. Newspapers circulated bad rumors about his wife. From them I learned that he had a daughter. There was indifference to everything. And yet, after four years, I wanted to return home, to the city of O..., but to settle in Lavriki, where he and Varya spent their first happy days, he didn't want to.

From the very first meeting, Lisa attracted his attention. He noticed Panshin and her nearby. Maria Dmitrievna did not hide the fact that the chamber cadet was crazy about her daughter. Marfa Timofeevna, however, still believed that Liza should not follow Panshin.

In Vasilievskoye, Lavretsky examined the house, garden with a pond: the estate had managed to run wild. Silence unhurried solitary life surrounded him. And what strength, what health there was in this inactive silence. The days passed monotonously, but he was not bored: he did housework, rode horseback, and read.

Three weeks later I went to O... to the Kalitins. I found Lemma there. In the evening, going to see him off, I stayed with him. The old man was touched and admitted that he writes music, played and sang something.

In Vasilievsky, the conversation about poetry and music imperceptibly turned into a conversation about Liza and Panshin. Lemm was categorical: she doesn’t love him, she just listens to her mother. Lisa can love one beautiful thing, but he is not beautiful, i.e. his soul is not beautiful

Lisa and Lavretsky trusted each other more and more. Not without embarrassment, she once asked about the reasons for his breakup with his wife: how can you tear apart what God has united? You must forgive. She is sure that one must forgive and submit. This was taught to her as a child by her nanny Agafya, who told her the life of the Most Pure Virgin, the lives of saints and hermits, and took her to church. Her own example fostered humility, meekness and a sense of duty.

Unexpectedly, Mikhalevich appeared in Vasilyevskoye. He grew old, it was clear that he was not succeeding, but he spoke as passionately as in his youth, read his own poems: “...And I burned everything that I worshiped, / I bowed to everything that I burned.”

Then the friends argued long and loudly, disturbing Lemm, who continued to visit. You can't just want happiness in life. This means building on sand. You need faith, and without it Lavretsky is a pitiful Voltairian. No faith - no revelation, no understanding of what to do. He needs a pure, unearthly being who will tear him out of his apathy.

After Mikhalevich, the Kalitins arrived in Vasilyevskoye. The days passed joyfully and carefree. “I speak to her as if I were not an obsolete person,” Lavretsky thought about Lisa. As he saw off their carriage on horseback, he asked: “Aren’t we friends now?..” She nodded in response.

The next evening, while looking through French magazines and newspapers, Fyodor Ivanovich came across a message about the sudden death of the queen of fashionable Parisian salons, Madame Lavretskaya. The next morning he was already at the Kalitins'. "What's wrong with you?" - Lisa asked. He gave her the text of the message. Now he is free. “You don’t need to think about this now, but about forgiveness...” she objected and at the end of the conversation she reciprocated with the same trust: Panshin asks for her hand. She is not at all in love with him, but she is ready to listen to her mother. Lavretsky begged Lisa to think about it, not to marry without love, out of a sense of duty. That same evening, Lisa asked Panshin not to rush her with an answer and informed Lavretsky about this. All the following days a secret anxiety was felt in her, as if she even avoided Lavretsky. And he was also alarmed by the lack of confirmation of his wife’s death. And Lisa, when asked if she decided to give an answer to Panshin, said that she knew nothing. She doesn't know herself.

One summer evening in the living room, Panshin began to reproach newest generation, said that Russia has lagged behind Europe (we didn’t even invent mousetraps). He spoke beautifully, but with secret bitterness. Lavretsky suddenly began to object and defeated the enemy, proving the impossibility of leaps and arrogant alterations, demanded recognition of the people's truth and humility before it. The irritated Panshin exclaimed; what does he intend to do? Plow the land and try to plow it as best as possible.

Liza was on Lavretsky’s side throughout the argument. The secular official's contempt for Russia offended her. Both of them realized that they loved and did not love the same thing, but differed only in one thing, but Lisa secretly hoped to lead him to God. Embarrassment last days disappeared.

Everyone gradually dispersed, and Lavretsky quietly went out into the night garden and sat down on a bench. Light appeared in the lower windows. It was Lisa walking with a candle in her hand. He quietly called her and, sitting her down under the linden trees, said: “... It brought me here... I love you.”

Returning through the sleepy streets, full of joyful feelings, he heard the wonderful sounds of music. He turned to where they were rushing from and called: Lemm! The old man appeared at the window and, recognizing him, threw the key. Lavretsky had not heard anything like this for a long time. He came up and hugged the old man. He paused, then smiled and cried: “I did this, for I am a great musician.”

The next day, Lavretsky went to Vasilievskoye and returned to the city in the evening. In the hallway he was greeted by the smell of strong perfume, and there were trunks right there. Having crossed the threshold of the living room, he saw his wife. Confusedly and verbosely, she began to beg to forgive her, if only for the sake of her daughter, who was not guilty of anything before him: Ada, ask your father with me. He invited her to settle in Lavriki, but never count on renewing the relationship. Varvara Pavlovna was all submission, but on the same day she visited the Kalitins. The final explanation between Liza and Panshin had already taken place there. Maria Dmitrievna was in despair. Varvara Pavlovna managed to occupy and then win her over, hinting that Fyodor Ivanovich had not completely deprived her of “his presence.” Lisa received Lavretsky’s note, and the meeting with his wife was not a surprise for her (“Serves me right”). She was stoic in the presence of the woman whom “he” had once loved.

Panshin appeared. Varvara Pavlovna immediately found the tone with him. She sang a romance, talked about literature, about Paris, and occupied herself with half-secular, half-artistic chatter. When parting, Maria Dmitrievna expressed her readiness to try to reconcile her with her husband.

Lavretsky reappeared in the Kalitin house when he received a note from Lisa inviting him to come see them. He immediately went up to Marfa Timofeevna. She found an excuse to leave him and Lisa alone. The girl came to say that they had only to do their duty. Fyodor Ivanovich must make peace with his wife. Doesn’t he now see for himself: happiness depends not on people, but on God.

When Lavretsky was going downstairs, the footman invited him to Marya Dmitrievna. She started talking about his wife’s repentance, asked to forgive her, and then, offering to accept her from hand to hand, she brought Varvara Pavlovna out from behind the screen. Requests and already familiar scenes were repeated. Lavretsky finally promised that he would live with her under the same roof, but would consider the agreement violated if she allowed herself to leave Lavriki.

The next morning he took his wife and daughter to Lavriki and a week later he left for Moscow. And a day later Panshin visited Varvara Pavlovna and stayed for three days.

A year later, news reached Lavretsky that Lisa had taken monastic vows in a monastery in one of the remote regions of Russia. After some time, he visited this monastery. Lisa walked close to him and didn’t look, only her eyelashes trembled slightly and her fingers holding the rosary clenched even more tightly.

And Varvara Pavlovna very soon moved to St. Petersburg, then to Paris. A new admirer appeared near her, a guardsman of unusually strong build. She never invites him to her fashionable evenings, but otherwise he enjoys her favor completely.

Eight years have passed. Lavretsky again visited O... The older inhabitants of the Kalitino house had already died, and youth reigned here: Lisa’s younger sister, Lenochka, and her fiancé. It was fun and noisy. Fyodor Ivanovich walked through all the rooms. There was the same piano in the living room, the same embroidery frame stood by the window as then. Only the wallpaper was different.

In the garden he saw the same bench and walked along the same alley. His sadness was tormenting, although the turning point had already taken place in him, without which it is impossible to remain a decent person: he stopped thinking about his own happiness.

As usual, Gedeonovsky was the first to bring the news of Lavretsky’s return to the Kalitins’ house. Maria Dmitrievna, the widow of a former provincial prosecutor, who at fifty years of age has retained a certain pleasantness in her features, favors him, and her house is one of the nicest in the city of O... But Marfa Timofeevna Pestova, the seventy-year-old sister of Maria Dmitrievna’s father, does not favor Gedeonovsky for his tendency to make things up and talkativeness Why, a popovich, even though he is a state councilor.

However, it is generally difficult to please Marfa Timofeevna. Well, she doesn’t like Panshin either - everyone’s favorite, an enviable groom, the first gentleman. Vladimir Nikolaevich plays the piano, composes romances based on his own words, draws well, and recites. He is a completely secular person, educated and dexterous. In general, he is a St. Petersburg official on special assignments, a chamber cadet who arrived in O... with some kind of assignment. He visits the Kalitins for the sake of Lisa, Maria Dmitrievna’s nineteen-year-old daughter. And it seems his intentions are serious. But Marfa Timofeevna is sure: her favorite is not worth such a husband. Panshin and Lizin are rated low by music teacher Christopher Fedorovich Lemm, a middle-aged, unattractive and not very successful German, secretly in love with his student.

The arrival of Fyodor Ivanovich Lavretsky from abroad is a notable event for the city. His story passes from mouth to mouth. In Paris, he accidentally caught his wife cheating. Moreover, after the breakup, the beautiful Varvara Pavlovna gained scandalous European fame.

The inhabitants of the Kalitino house, however, did not think that he looked like a victim. He still exudes steppe health and lasting strength. Only the fatigue is visible in the eyes.

Actually, Fyodor Ivanovich is a strong breed. His great-grandfather was a tough, daring, smart and crafty man. The great-grandmother, a hot-tempered, vindictive gypsy, was in no way inferior to her husband. Grandfather Peter, however, was already a simple steppe gentleman. His son Ivan (father of Fyodor Ivanovich) was raised, however, by a Frenchman, an admirer of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: this was the order of the aunt with whom he lived. (His sister Glafira grew up with her parents.) Wisdom of the 18th century. the mentor poured it entirely into his head, where it remained, without mixing with the blood, without penetrating into the soul.

Upon returning to his parents, Ivan found his home dirty and wild. This did not stop him from paying attention to mother’s maid Malanya, a very pretty, intelligent and meek girl. A scandal broke out: Ivan’s father deprived him of his inheritance, and ordered the girl to be sent to a distant village. Ivan Petrovich recaptured Malanya on the way and married her. Having settled his young wife with the Pestov relatives, Dmitry Timofeevich and Marfa Timofeevna, he himself went to St. Petersburg, and then abroad. Fedor was born in the village of Pestov on August 20, 1807. Almost a year passed before Malanya Sergeevna was able to appear with her son at the Lavretskys. And that’s only because Ivan’s mother, before her death, asked the stern Pyotr Andreevich for her son and daughter-in-law.

The baby's happy father finally returned to Russia only twelve years later. Malanya Sergeevna had died by this time, and the boy was raised by his aunt Glafira Andreevna, ugly, envious, unkind and domineering. Fedya was taken away from his mother and given to Glafira while she was still alive. He did not see his mother every day and loved her passionately, but he vaguely felt that there was an indestructible barrier between him and her. Fedya was afraid of Auntie and didn’t dare make a murmur in front of her.

Having returned, Ivan Petrovich himself began raising his son. Dressed him in Scottish clothes and hired a porter for him. Gymnastics, natural sciences, international law, mathematics, carpentry and heraldry formed the core of the educational system. They woke up the boy at four in the morning; having doused them with cold water, they forced them to run around a pole on a rope; fed once a day; taught to ride a horse and shoot a crossbow. When Fedya was sixteen years old, his father began to instill in him contempt for women.

A few years later, having buried his father, Lavretsky went to Moscow and at the age of twenty-three entered the university. The strange upbringing bore fruit. He didn’t know how to get along with people, he didn’t dare look into the eyes of a single woman. He became friends only with Mikhalevich, an enthusiast and poet. It was this Mikhalevich who introduced his friend to the family of the beautiful Varvara Pavlovna Korobina. The twenty-six-year-old child only now understood why life was worth living. Varenka was charming, smart and well-educated, she could talk about the theater, and played the piano.

Six months later, the young people arrived in Lavriki. The university was left (not to marry a student), and a happy life began. Glafira was removed, and General Korobin, Varvara Pavlovna’s dad, arrived in the place of the manager; and the couple drove off to St. Petersburg, where they had a son, who soon died. On the advice of doctors, they went abroad and settled in Paris. Varvara Pavlovna instantly settled down here and began to shine in society. Soon, however, a love note addressed to his wife, whom he trusted so blindly, fell into Lavretsky’s hands. At first he was seized with rage, a desire to kill both of them (“my great-grandfather hung men by the ribs”), but then, having ordered a letter about the annual allowance for his wife and about the departure of General Korobin from the estate, he went to Italy. Newspapers circulated bad rumors about his wife. From them I learned that he had a daughter. There was indifference to everything. And yet, after four years, he wanted to return home, to the city of O..., but he did not want to settle in Lavriki, where he and Varya spent their first happy days.

From the very first meeting, Lisa attracted his attention. He noticed Panshin near her. Maria Dmitrievna did not hide the fact that the chamber cadet was crazy about her daughter. Marfa Timofeevna, however, still believed that Liza should not follow Panshin.

In Vasilievskoye, Lavretsky examined the house, garden with a pond: the estate had managed to run wild. The silence of a leisurely, solitary life surrounded him. And what strength, what health there was in this inactive silence. The days passed monotonously, but he was not bored: he did housework, rode horseback, and read.

Three weeks later I went to O... to the Kalitins. I found Lemma there. In the evening, going to see him off, I stayed with him. The old man was touched and admitted that he writes music, played and sang something.

In Vasilievsky, the conversation about poetry and music imperceptibly turned into a conversation about Liza and Panshin. Lemm was categorical: she doesn’t love him, she just listens to her mother. Lisa can love one beautiful thing, but he is not beautiful, i.e. his soul is not beautiful

Lisa and Lavretsky trusted each other more and more. Not without embarrassment, she once asked about the reasons for his breakup with his wife: how can you tear apart what God has united? You must forgive. She is sure that one must forgive and submit. This was taught to her as a child by her nanny Agafya, who told her the life of the Most Pure Virgin, the lives of saints and hermits, and took her to church. Her own example fostered humility, meekness and a sense of duty.

Unexpectedly, Mikhalevich appeared in Vasilyevskoye. He grew old, it was clear that he was not succeeding, but he spoke as passionately as in his youth, read his own poems: “...And I burned everything that I worshiped, / I bowed to everything that I burned.”

Then the friends argued long and loudly, disturbing Lemm, who continued to visit. You can't just want happiness in life. This means building on sand. You need faith, and without it Lavretsky is a pitiful Voltairian. No faith - no revelation, no understanding of what to do. He needs a pure, unearthly being who will tear him out of his apathy.

After Mikhalevich, the Kalitins arrived in Vasilyevskoye. The days passed joyfully and carefree. “I speak to her as if I were not an obsolete person,” Lavretsky thought about Lisa. As he saw off their carriage on horseback, he asked: “Aren’t we friends now?..” She nodded in response.

The next evening, while looking through French magazines and newspapers, Fyodor Ivanovich came across a message about the sudden death of the queen of fashionable Parisian salons, Madame Lavretskaya. The next morning he was already at the Kalitins'. "What's wrong with you?" - Lisa asked. He gave her the text of the message. Now he is free. “You don’t need to think about this now, but about forgiveness...” she objected and at the end of the conversation she reciprocated with the same trust: Panshin asks for her hand. She is not at all in love with him, but she is ready to listen to her mother. Lavretsky begged Lisa to think about it, not to marry without love, out of a sense of duty. That same evening, Lisa asked Panshin not to rush her with an answer and informed Lavretsky about this. All the following days a secret anxiety was felt in her, as if she even avoided Lavretsky. And he was also alarmed by the lack of confirmation of his wife’s death. And Lisa, when asked if she decided to give an answer to Panshin, said that she knew nothing. She doesn't know herself.

One summer evening in the living room, Panshin began to reproach the new generation, saying that Russia had fallen behind Europe (we didn’t even invent mousetraps). He spoke beautifully, but with secret bitterness. Lavretsky suddenly began to object and defeated the enemy, proving the impossibility of leaps and arrogant alterations, demanded recognition of the people's truth and humility before it. The irritated Panshin exclaimed; what does he intend to do? Plow the land and try to plow it as best as possible.

Liza was on Lavretsky’s side throughout the argument. The secular official's contempt for Russia offended her. Both of them realized that they loved and did not love the same thing, but differed only in one thing, but Lisa secretly hoped to lead him to God. The embarrassment of the last few days disappeared.

Everyone gradually dispersed, and Lavretsky quietly went out into the night garden and sat down on a bench. Light appeared in the lower windows. It was Lisa walking with a candle in her hand. He quietly called her and, sitting her down under the linden trees, said: “... It brought me here... I love you.”

Returning through the sleepy streets, full of joyful feelings, he heard the wonderful sounds of music. He turned to where they were rushing from and called: Lemm! The old man appeared at the window and, recognizing him, threw the key. Lavretsky had not heard anything like this for a long time. He came up and hugged the old man. He paused, then smiled and cried: “I did this, for I am a great musician.”

The next day, Lavretsky went to Vasilievskoye and returned to the city in the evening. In the hallway he was greeted by the smell of strong perfume, and there were trunks right there.

Year of writing:


Reading time:

Description of the work:

The novel The Noble Nest was written by Ivan Turgenev in 1858. The writer worked on the novel for about three years, and the novel The Noble Nest was first published in 1859 in Sovremennik.

Interestingly, the novel The Noble Nest became the reason for great disagreement with Ivan Goncharov, who accused Turgenev of plagiarism. D. Grigorovich recalls that he even had to appoint an arbitration court, but, of course, nothing came of it except laughter. But Goncharov not only stopped meeting with Turgenev, but did not even bow to him when they met.

We present to your attention summary novel The Noble Nest.

As usual, Gedeonovsky was the first to bring the news of Lavretsky’s return to the Kalitins’ house. Maria Dmitrievna, the widow of a former provincial prosecutor, who at fifty years of age has retained a certain pleasantness in her features, favors him, and her house is one of the nicest in the city of O... But Marfa Timofeevna Pestova, the seventy-year-old sister of Maria Dmitrievna’s father, does not favor Gedeonovsky for his tendency to make things up and talkativeness Why, a popovich, even though he is a state councilor.

However, it is generally difficult to please Marfa Timofeevna. Well, she doesn’t like Panshin either - everyone’s favorite, an enviable groom, the first gentleman. Vladimir Nikolaevich plays the piano, composes romances based on his own words, draws well, and recites. He is a completely secular person, educated and dexterous. In general, he is a St. Petersburg official on special assignments, a chamber cadet who arrived in O... with some kind of assignment. He visits the Kalitins for the sake of Lisa, Maria Dmitrievna’s nineteen-year-old daughter. And it seems his intentions are serious. But Marfa Timofeevna is sure: her favorite is not worth such a husband. Panshin and Lizin are rated low by music teacher Christopher Fedorovich Lemm, a middle-aged, unattractive and not very successful German, secretly in love with his student.

The arrival of Fyodor Ivanovich Lavretsky from abroad is a notable event for the city. His story passes from mouth to mouth. In Paris, he accidentally caught his wife cheating. Moreover, after the breakup, the beautiful Varvara Pavlovna gained scandalous European fame.

The inhabitants of the Kalitino house, however, did not think that he looked like a victim. He still exudes steppe health and lasting strength. Only the fatigue is visible in the eyes.

Actually, Fyodor Ivanovich is a strong breed. His great-grandfather was a tough, daring, smart and crafty man. The great-grandmother, a hot-tempered, vindictive gypsy, was in no way inferior to her husband. Grandfather Peter, however, was already a simple steppe gentleman. His son Ivan (father of Fyodor Ivanovich) was raised, however, by a Frenchman, an admirer of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: this was the order of the aunt with whom he lived. (His sister Glafira grew up with her parents.) Wisdom of the 18th century. the mentor poured it entirely into his head, where it remained, without mixing with the blood, without penetrating into the soul.

Upon returning to his parents, Ivan found his home dirty and wild. This did not stop him from paying attention to mother’s maid Malanya, a very pretty, intelligent and meek girl. A scandal broke out: Ivan’s father deprived him of his inheritance, and ordered the girl to be sent to a distant village. Ivan Petrovich recaptured Malanya on the way and married her. Having settled his young wife with the Pestov relatives, Dmitry Timofeevich and Marfa Timofeevna, he himself went to St. Petersburg, and then abroad. Fedor was born in the village of Pestov on August 20, 1807. Almost a year passed before Malanya Sergeevna was able to appear with her son at the Lavretskys. And that’s only because Ivan’s mother, before her death, asked the stern Pyotr Andreevich for her son and daughter-in-law.

The baby's happy father finally returned to Russia only twelve years later. Malanya Sergeevna had died by this time, and the boy was raised by his aunt Glafira Andreevna, ugly, envious, unkind and domineering. Fedya was taken away from his mother and given to Glafira while she was still alive. He did not see his mother every day and loved her passionately, but he vaguely felt that there was an indestructible barrier between him and her. Fedya was afraid of Auntie and didn’t dare make a murmur in front of her.

Having returned, Ivan Petrovich himself began raising his son. Dressed him in Scottish clothes and hired a porter for him. Gymnastics, natural sciences, international law, mathematics, carpentry and heraldry formed the core of the educational system. They woke up the boy at four in the morning; having doused them with cold water, they forced them to run around a pole on a rope; fed once a day; taught to ride a horse and shoot a crossbow. When Fedya was sixteen years old, his father began to instill in him contempt for women.

A few years later, having buried his father, Lavretsky went to Moscow and at the age of twenty-three entered the university. The strange upbringing bore fruit. He didn’t know how to get along with people, he didn’t dare look into the eyes of a single woman. He became friends only with Mikhalevich, an enthusiast and poet. It was this Mikhalevich who introduced his friend to the family of the beautiful Varvara Pavlovna Korobina. The twenty-six-year-old child only now understood why life was worth living. Varenka was charming, smart and well-educated, she could talk about the theater, and played the piano.

Six months later, the young people arrived in Lavriki. The university was left (not to marry a student), and a happy life began. Glafira was removed, and General Korobin, Varvara Pavlovna’s dad, arrived in the place of the manager; and the couple drove off to St. Petersburg, where they had a son, who soon died. On the advice of doctors, they went abroad and settled in Paris. Varvara Pavlovna instantly settled down here and began to shine in society. Soon, however, a love note addressed to his wife, whom he trusted so blindly, fell into Lavretsky’s hands. At first he was seized with rage, a desire to kill both of them (“my great-grandfather hung men by the ribs”), but then, having ordered a letter about the annual allowance for his wife and about the departure of General Korobin from the estate, he went to Italy. Newspapers circulated bad rumors about his wife. From them I learned that he had a daughter. There was indifference to everything. And yet, after four years, he wanted to return home, to the city of O..., but he did not want to settle in Lavriki, where he and Varya spent their first happy days.

From the very first meeting, Lisa attracted his attention. He noticed Panshin near her. Maria Dmitrievna did not hide the fact that the chamber cadet was crazy about her daughter. Marfa Timofeevna, however, still believed that Liza should not follow Panshin.

In Vasilievskoye, Lavretsky examined the house, garden with a pond: the estate had managed to run wild. The silence of a leisurely, solitary life surrounded him. And what strength, what health there was in this inactive silence. The days passed monotonously, but he was not bored: he did housework, rode horseback, and read.

Three weeks later I went to O... to the Kalitins. I found Lemma there. In the evening, going to see him off, I stayed with him. The old man was touched and admitted that he writes music, played and sang something.

In Vasilievsky, the conversation about poetry and music imperceptibly turned into a conversation about Liza and Panshin. Lemm was categorical: she doesn’t love him, she just listens to her mother. Lisa can love one beautiful thing, but he is not beautiful, that is, his soul is not beautiful

Lisa and Lavretsky trusted each other more and more. Not without embarrassment, she once asked about the reasons for his breakup with his wife: how can you tear apart what God has united? You must forgive. She is sure that one must forgive and submit. This was taught to her as a child by her nanny Agafya, who told her the life of the Most Pure Virgin, the lives of saints and hermits, and took her to church. Her own example fostered humility, meekness and a sense of duty.

Unexpectedly, Mikhalevich appeared in Vasilyevskoye. He grew old, it was clear that he was not succeeding, but he spoke as passionately as in his youth, read his own poems: “...And I burned everything that I worshiped, / I bowed to everything that I burned.”

Then the friends argued long and loudly, disturbing Lemm, who continued to visit. You can't just want happiness in life. This means building on sand. You need faith, and without it Lavretsky is a pitiful Voltairian. No faith - no revelation, no understanding of what to do. He needs a pure, unearthly being who will tear him out of his apathy.

After Mikhalevich, the Kalitins arrived in Vasilyevskoye. The days passed joyfully and carefree. “I speak to her as if I were not an obsolete person,” Lavretsky thought about Lisa. As he saw off their carriage on horseback, he asked: “Aren’t we friends now?..” She nodded in response.

The next evening, while looking through French magazines and newspapers, Fyodor Ivanovich came across a message about the sudden death of the queen of fashionable Parisian salons, Madame Lavretskaya. The next morning he was already at the Kalitins'. "What's wrong with you?" - Lisa asked. He gave her the text of the message. Now he is free. “You don’t need to think about this now, but about forgiveness...” she objected and at the end of the conversation she reciprocated with the same trust: Panshin asks for her hand. She is not at all in love with him, but she is ready to listen to her mother. Lavretsky begged Lisa to think about it, not to marry without love, out of a sense of duty. That same evening, Lisa asked Panshin not to rush her with an answer and informed Lavretsky about this. All the following days a secret anxiety was felt in her, as if she even avoided Lavretsky. And he was also alarmed by the lack of confirmation of his wife’s death. And Lisa, when asked if she decided to give an answer to Panshin, said that she knew nothing. She doesn't know herself.

One summer evening in the living room, Panshin began to reproach the new generation, saying that Russia had fallen behind Europe (we didn’t even invent mousetraps). He spoke beautifully, but with secret bitterness. Lavretsky suddenly began to object and defeated the enemy, proving the impossibility of leaps and arrogant alterations, demanded recognition of the people's truth and humility before it. The irritated Panshin exclaimed; what does he intend to do? Plow the land and try to plow it as best as possible.

Liza was on Lavretsky’s side throughout the argument. The secular official's contempt for Russia offended her. Both of them realized that they loved and did not love the same thing, but differed only in one thing, but Lisa secretly hoped to lead him to God. The embarrassment of the last few days disappeared.

Everyone gradually dispersed, and Lavretsky quietly went out into the night garden and sat down on a bench. Light appeared in the lower windows. It was Lisa walking with a candle in her hand. He quietly called her and, sitting her down under the linden trees, said: “... It brought me here... I love you.”

Returning through the sleepy streets, full of joyful feelings, he heard the wonderful sounds of music. He turned to where they were rushing from and called: Lemm! The old man appeared at the window and, recognizing him, threw the key. Lavretsky had not heard anything like this for a long time. He came up and hugged the old man. He paused, then smiled and cried: “I did this, for I am a great musician.”

The next day, Lavretsky went to Vasilievskoye and returned to the city in the evening. In the hallway he was greeted by the smell of strong perfume, and there were trunks right there. Having crossed the threshold of the living room, he saw his wife. Confusedly and verbosely, she began to beg to forgive her, if only for the sake of her daughter, who was not guilty of anything before him: Ada, ask your father with me. He invited her to settle in Lavriki, but never count on renewing the relationship. Varvara Pavlovna was all submission, but on the same day she visited the Kalitins. The final explanation between Liza and Panshin had already taken place there. Maria Dmitrievna was in despair. Varvara Pavlovna managed to occupy her and then win her over, hinting that Fyodor Ivanovich had not completely deprived her of “his presence.” Lisa received Lavretsky’s note, and the meeting with his wife was not a surprise for her (“Serves me right”). She was stoic in the presence of the woman whom “he” had once loved.

Panshin appeared. Varvara Pavlovna immediately found the tone with him. She sang a romance, talked about literature, about Paris, and occupied herself with half-secular, half-artistic chatter. When parting, Maria Dmitrievna expressed her readiness to try to reconcile her with her husband.

Lavretsky reappeared in the Kalitin house when he received a note from Lisa inviting him to come see them. He immediately went up to Marfa Timofeevna. She found an excuse to leave him and Lisa alone. The girl came to say that they had only to do their duty. Fyodor Ivanovich must make peace with his wife. Doesn’t he now see for himself: happiness depends not on people, but on God.

When Lavretsky was going downstairs, the footman invited him to Marya Dmitrievna. She started talking about his wife’s repentance, asked to forgive her, and then, offering to accept her from hand to hand, she brought Varvara Pavlovna out from behind the screen. Requests and already familiar scenes were repeated. Lavretsky finally promised that he would live with her under the same roof, but would consider the agreement violated if she allowed herself to leave Lavriki.

The next morning he took his wife and daughter to Lavriki and a week later he left for Moscow. And a day later Panshin visited Varvara Pavlovna and stayed for three days.

A year later, news reached Lavretsky that Lisa had taken monastic vows in a monastery in one of the remote regions of Russia. After some time, he visited this monastery. Lisa walked close to him and did not look, only her eyelashes trembled slightly and her fingers holding the rosary clenched even more tightly.

And Varvara Pavlovna very soon moved to St. Petersburg, then to Paris. A new admirer appeared near her, a guardsman of unusually strong build. She never invites him to her fashionable evenings, but otherwise he enjoys her favor completely.

Eight years have passed. Lavretsky again visited O... The older inhabitants of the Kalitino house had already died, and youth reigned here: Lisa’s younger sister, Lenochka, and her fiancé. It was fun and noisy. Fyodor Ivanovich walked through all the rooms. There was the same piano in the living room, the same embroidery frame stood by the window as then. Only the wallpaper was different.

In the garden he saw the same bench and walked along the same alley. His sadness was tormenting, although the turning point had already taken place in him, without which it is impossible to remain a decent person: he stopped thinking about his own happiness.

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News arrived at the Kalitins' house about Lavretsky's return. Gedeonovsky reported this. The fifty-year-old widow of the former provincial prosecutor, Maria Dmitrievna, is very favorable towards him. The woman is superbly preserved for her age, and her house is one of the most pleasant in the city. But her seventy-year-old aunt, Marfa Timofeevna Pestova, does not like Gedeonovsky because of his talkativeness and tendency to lie.

In general, Marfa Timofeevna is difficult to please.

She doesn’t even like everyone’s favorite Panshin. But Vladimir Nikolaevich is considered an enviable bachelor: he is educated, writes romances, plays the piano, draws well, recites, and in his service he is a St. Petersburg official who arrived in O. on special assignments. Panshin has serious intentions in relation to Maria Dmitrievna’s daughter, nineteen-year-old Lisa. Marfa Timofeevna is sure that her favorite deserves a better groom. And Lizin’s music teacher, Lemm Khristofor Fedorovich (an unattractive, middle-aged and not very successful German), does not consider Panshin a suitable groom for Liza. Perhaps because he himself is secretly in love with her.

The return of Fyodor Ivanovich Lavretsky from abroad is a significant event for the city.

They say that in Paris he accidentally caught his beautiful wife cheating on him. There was a break, after which Varvara Pavlovna became notorious, and Fyodor Ivanovich returned to his homeland. True, he did not look at all like a victim: strong, healthy, only fatigue was visible in his eyes.

Fyodor Ivanovich is a man of strong breed. All his ancestors had strong character. His father was raised by a Frenchman, an admirer of Rousseau (as ordered by the aunt with whom he lived). But the wisdom of the 18th century. I was never able to penetrate the soul of Ivan Petrovich. After returning to his parents' house, Ivan felt the dirt and wildness of the surroundings there, but this did not stop him from turning his attention to the pretty maid Malanya. erupted terrible scandal, his father deprived Ivan of his inheritance and sent Malanya to the village. However, Ivan managed to kidnap the girl and secretly marry her. He placed his young wife with the Pestov relatives (Marfa Timofeevna and Dmitry Timofeevich), and he himself went abroad. It was there, in the village of the Pestovs, that Fedor was born. Only a year later, Malanya and her son were able to come to the Lavretskys’ house (Ivan’s mother, before her death, asked for her son and daughter-in-law, after which the stern Pyotr Andreevich showed his favor to them).

Ivan returned to Russia only twelve years later. By this time, Malanya had died, and Fedya was raised by his evil and envious aunt Glafira Andreevna, whom he was terribly afraid of and did not even dare say a word in front of her.

When Fyodor's father returned, he personally began raising his son. The boy studied natural sciences, mathematics, international law, carpentry and heraldry. Fedor's daily routine was very strict (they woke him up at four in the morning, doused him with cold water, and fed him once a day). From the age of sixteen, his father began to instill contempt for women in his son.

After the death of his father, Lavretsky came to Moscow and entered the university. The harsh upbringing had its consequences. Lavretsky had practically no friends; he was never able to establish a relationship with a single woman. Lavretsky's only friend, the enthusiast and poet Mikhalevich, introduced him to the Korobin family. For the first time, the twenty-six-year-old boy realized what the meaning of life was. Varvara Pavlovna was simply charming, and besides, she was smart, decent and educated. They got married and six months later arrived in Lavriki. The university was abandoned and happy life began family life. Aunt Glafira was sent away, and Varvara Pavlovna’s father, General Korobin, arrived in her place as manager. The young couple left for St. Petersburg, where they soon had a son. The child died almost immediately, and the young couple, on the advice of doctors, went abroad. They settled in Paris. Varvara Pavlovna quickly settled into her new place and began to shine in secular society. One day, Lavretsky, who blindly trusted his wife, caught her cheating (he found a love note). At first, in a fit of rage, he wanted to kill both of them. Then, having calmed down, he assigned an annual allowance to his wife, ordered the departure of General Korobin from the estate, and he himself went to Italy. Lavretsky learned from the newspapers that he had a daughter. He remained indifferent to everything and only four years later returned home to the city of O.

Having visited the Kalitins' house, Lavretsky immediately drew attention to Lisa. On his estate, he lived a quiet and calm life: he took care of the farm, read and rode horseback. Sometimes he visited the Kalitins. Gradually, he and Lisa began to trust each other very much. One day she asked Lavretsky about the reasons for the breakup with his wife. He shared with her, but Lisa was sure that Lavretsky needed to forgive his wife, because you cannot break what God has united.

Unexpectedly, Mikhalevich appeared on Lavretsky’s estate. He grew older and did not prosper, but he still spoke fluently and read poetry. Friends argued for a long time about the meaning of life and happiness, which is impossible without faith and inspiration.

Soon Fyodor Ivanovich learns from the newspapers about the death of his wife. The next day he comes to the Kalitins and informs Lisa that he is now free. Lisa still talks to him about forgiveness and submission. She openly tells Lavretsky that Panshin proposed to her. The girl does not love him, but is ready to follow her mother's will. Lavretsky convinces her not to rush to answer, and Lisa that same evening tells Panshin that she is not yet ready to make a decision. Lavretsky is concerned about the lack of confirmation of the news of his wife’s death.

One quiet summer evening in the living room, Panshin and Lavretsky got into an argument about backward Russia and prosperous Europe. Lavretsky very sharply besieged the secular official, defending the right of the fatherland to its own special path of development. During the argument, Lisa watched both of them and realized that she fully supported Lavretsky. It turns out that they have the same views on everything except one, but she hoped over time to instill in him a belief in God.

That same evening, Lavretsky and Lisa declared their love for each other. The next day, his wife and daughter Ada showed up at Lavretsky’s estate. She began to tearfully beg him for forgiveness, if only for the sake of her daughter. He invited them to settle in Lavriki, but Lavretsky had no intention of renewing his relationship with his wife. Varvara Pavlovna meekly agreed, but that same evening she visited the Kalitins’ house, where she managed to win over Maria Dmitrievna, and she promised to help her make peace with her husband.

Lisa finally explained herself to Panshin. This greatly upset my mother. Lisa was informed in advance about Varvara Pavlovna’s return, thanks to Lavretsky’s note. It was hard for her, but she stood firm in the presence of this woman.

Later, Lavretsky received a note from Lisa. He came to the Kalitins' house to talk to her. Lisa said that he must make peace with his wife, because this is the will of God. Then Lavretsky was invited to Maria Dmitrievna, where Varvara Pavlovna was already there. Pleas and persuasion began again, Lavretsky was forced to give in. He took his wife and daughter to Lavriki, and he himself went to Moscow.

As usual, Gedeonovsky was the first to bring the news of Lavretsky’s return to the Kalitins’ house. Maria Dmitrievna, the widow of the former provincial prosecutor, who at fifty years old has retained a certain pleasantness in her features, favors him, and her house is one of the nicest in the city of O... But Marfa Timofeevna Pestova, the seventy-year-old sister of Maria Dmitrievna’s father, does not favor Gedeonovsky for his tendency to make up stories and talkativeness. Why, a popovich, even though he is a state councilor.
However, it is generally difficult to please Marfa Timofeevna. Well, she doesn’t like Panshin either - everyone’s favorite, an enviable groom, the first gentleman. Vladimir Nikolaevich plays the piano, composes romances based on his own words, draws well, and recites. He is a completely secular person, educated and dexterous. In general, he is a St. Petersburg official on special assignments, a chamber cadet who arrived in O... on some mission. He visits the Kalitins for the sake of Lisa, the nineteen-year-old daughter of Maria Dmitrievna. And it seems his intentions are serious. But Marfa Timofeevna is sure: her favorite is not worth such a husband. Panshin and Lizin are rated low by music teacher Christopher Fedorovich Lemm, a middle-aged, unattractive and not very successful German, secretly in love with his student.
The arrival of Fyodor Ivanovich Lavretsky from abroad is a notable event for the city. His story passes from mouth to mouth. In Paris, he accidentally caught his wife cheating. Moreover, after the breakup, the beautiful Varvara Pavlovna gained scandalous European fame.
The inhabitants of the Kalitino house, however, did not think that he looked like a victim. He still exudes steppe health and lasting strength. Only the fatigue is visible in the eyes.
Actually, Fyodor Ivanovich is a strong breed. His great-grandfather was a tough, daring, smart and crafty man. The great-grandmother, a hot-tempered, vindictive gypsy, was in no way inferior to her husband. Grandfather Peter, however, was already a simple steppe gentleman. His son Ivan (father of Fyodor Ivanovich) was raised, however, by a Frenchman, an admirer of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: this was the order of the aunt with whom he lived. (His sister Glafira grew up with her parents.) Wisdom of the 18th century. the mentor poured it entirely into his head, where it remained, without mixing with the blood, without penetrating into the soul.
Upon returning to his parents, Ivan found his home dirty and wild. This did not stop him from paying attention to mother’s maid Malanya, a very pretty, intelligent and meek girl. A scandal broke out: Ivan’s father deprived him of his inheritance, and ordered the girl to be sent to a distant village. Ivan Petrovich recaptured Malanya on the way and married her. Having settled his young wife with the Pestov relatives, Dmitry Timofeevich and Marfa Timofeevna, he himself went to St. Petersburg, and then abroad. Fedor was born in the village of Pestov on August 20, 1807. Almost a year passed before Malanya Sergeevna was able to appear with her son at the Lavretskys. And that’s only because Ivan’s mother, before her death, asked the stern Pyotr Andreevich for her son and daughter-in-law.
The baby's happy father finally returned to Russia only twelve years later. Malanya Sergeevna had died by this time, and the boy was raised by his aunt Glafira Andreevna, ugly, envious, unkind and domineering. Fedya was taken away from his mother and given to Glafira while she was still alive. He did not see his mother every day and loved her passionately, but vaguely felt that there was an indestructible barrier between him and her. Fedya was afraid of Auntie and didn’t dare make a murmur in front of her.
Having returned, Ivan Petrovich himself began raising his son. Dressed him in Scottish clothes and hired a porter for him. Gymnastics, natural sciences, international law, mathematics, carpentry and heraldry formed the core of the educational system. They woke up the boy at four in the morning; having doused them with cold water, they forced them to run around a pole on a rope; fed once a day; taught to ride a horse and shoot a crossbow. When Fedya was sixteen years old, his father began to instill in him contempt for women.
A few years later, having buried his father, Lavretsky went to Moscow and at the age of twenty-three entered the university. The strange upbringing bore fruit. He didn’t know how to get along with people, he didn’t dare look into the eyes of a single woman. He became friends only with Mikhalevich, an enthusiast and poet. It was this Mikhalevich who introduced his friend to the family of the beautiful Varvara Pavlovna Korobyina. The twenty-six-year-old child only now understood why life was worth living. Varenka was charming, smart and well-educated, she could talk about the theater, and played the piano.
Six months later, the young people arrived in Lavriki. The university was left (not to marry a student), and a happy life began. Glafira was removed, and General Korobin, Varvara Pavlovna’s dad, arrived in the place of the manager; and the couple drove off to St. Petersburg, where they had a son, who soon died. On the advice of doctors, they went abroad and settled in Paris. Varvara Pavlovna instantly settled down here and began to shine in society. Soon, however, a love note addressed to his wife, whom he trusted so blindly, fell into Lavretsky’s hands. At first he was seized with rage, a desire to kill both of them (“my great-grandfather hung men by the ribs”), but then, having ordered a letter about the annual allowance for his wife and about the departure of General Korobin from the estate, he went to Italy. Newspapers circulated bad rumors about his wife. From them I learned that he had a daughter. There was indifference to everything. And yet, after four years, he wanted to return home, to the city of O..., but he did not want to settle in Lavriki, where he and Varya spent their first happy days.
From the very first meeting, Lisa attracted his attention. He noticed Panshin near her. Maria Dmitrievna did not hide the fact that the chamber cadet was crazy about her daughter. Marfa Timofeevna, however, still believed that Liza should not follow Panshin.
In Vasilievskoye, Lavretsky examined the house, garden with a pond: the estate had managed to run wild. The silence of a leisurely, solitary life surrounded him. And what strength, what health there was in this inactive silence. The days passed monotonously, but he was not bored: he did housework, rode horseback, read.
Three weeks later I went to O... to the Kalitins. I found Lemma there. In the evening, going to see him off, I stayed with him. The old man was touched and admitted that he writes music, played and sang something.
In Vasilievsky, the conversation about poetry and music imperceptibly turned into a conversation about Liza and Panshin. Lemm was categorical: she doesn’t love him, she just listens to her mother. Lisa can love one beautiful thing, but he is not beautiful, that is, his soul is not beautiful
Lisa and Lavretsky trusted each other more and more. Not without embarrassment, she once asked about the reasons for his breakup with his wife: how can you tear apart what God has united? You must forgive. She is sure that one must forgive and submit. This was taught to her as a child by her nanny Agafya, who told her the life of the Blessed Virgin, the lives of saints and hermits, and took her to church. Her own example fostered humility, meekness and a sense of duty.
Unexpectedly, Mikhalevich appeared in Vasilyevskoye. He grew old, it was clear that he was not succeeding, but he spoke as passionately as in his youth, read his own poems: “...And I burned everything that I worshiped, / I bowed to everything that I burned.”
Then the friends argued long and loudly, disturbing Lemm, who continued to visit. You can't just want happiness in life. This means building on sand. You need faith, and without it Lavretsky is a pitiful Voltairian. No faith - no revelation, no understanding of what to do. He needs a pure, unearthly being who will tear him out of his apathy.
After Mikhalevich, the Kalitins arrived in Vasilyevskoye. The days passed joyfully and carefree. “I talk to her as if I were not an obsolete person,” Lavretsky thought about Lisa. As he saw off their carriage on horseback, he asked: “Aren’t we friends now?..” She nodded in response.
The next evening, while looking through French magazines and newspapers, Fyodor Ivanovich came across a message about the sudden death of the queen of fashionable Parisian salons, Madame Lavretskaya. The next morning he was already at the Kalitins'. "What's the matter with you?" - Lisa asked. He gave her the text of the message. Now he is free. “You don’t need to think about this now, but about forgiveness...” she objected and at the end of the conversation she reciprocated with the same trust: Panshin asks for her hand. She is not at all in love with him, but she is ready to listen to her mother. Lavretsky begged Lisa to think, not to marry without love, out of a sense of duty. That same evening, Lisa asked Panshin not to rush her with an answer and informed Lavretsky about this. All the following days a secret anxiety was felt in her, as if she even avoided Lavretsky. And he was also alarmed by the lack of confirmation of his wife’s death. And Lisa, when asked if she decided to give an answer to Panshin, said that she knew nothing. She doesn't know herself.
One summer evening in the living room, Panshin began to reproach the new generation, saying that Russia had fallen behind Europe (we didn’t even invent mousetraps). He spoke beautifully, but with secret bitterness. Lavretsky suddenly began to object and defeated the enemy, proving the impossibility of leaps and arrogant alterations, demanded recognition of the people's truth and humility before it. The irritated Panshin exclaimed; what does he intend to do? Plow the land and try to plow it as best as possible.
Liza was on Lavretsky’s side throughout the argument. The secular official's contempt for Russia offended her. Both of them realized that they loved and did not love the same thing, but differed only in one thing, but Lisa secretly hoped to lead him to God. The embarrassment of the last few days disappeared.
Everyone gradually dispersed, and Lavretsky quietly went out into the night garden and sat down on a bench. Light appeared in the lower windows. It was Lisa walking with a candle in her hand. He quietly called her and, sitting her down under the linden trees, said: "... It brought me here... I love you."
Returning through the sleepy streets, full of joyful feeling, he heard the wonderful sounds of music. He turned to where they were rushing from and called: Lemm! The old man appeared at the window and, recognizing him, threw the key. Lavretsky had not heard anything like this for a long time. He came up and hugged the old man. He paused, then smiled and cried: “I did this, because I am a great musician.”
The next day, Lavretsky went to Vasilievskoye and returned to the city in the evening. In the hallway he was greeted by the smell of strong perfume, and there were trunks right there. Having crossed the threshold of the living room, he saw his wife. Hesitantly and verbosely, she began to beg to forgive her, if only for the sake of her daughter, who was not guilty of anything before him: Ada, ask your father with me. He invited her to settle in Lavriki, but never count on renewing the relationship. Varvara Pavlovna was all submission, but on the same day she visited the Kalitins. The final explanation between Liza and Panshin had already taken place there. Maria Dmitrievna was in despair. Varvara Pavlovna managed to occupy and then win her over, hinting that Fyodor Ivanovich had not completely deprived her of “his presence.” Lisa received Lavretsky’s note, and the meeting with his wife was not a surprise for her (“Serves me right”). She behaved stoically in the presence of the woman whom “he” had once loved.
Panshin appeared. Varvara Pavlovna immediately found the tone with him. She sang a romance, talked about literature, about Paris, and occupied herself with half-secular, half-artistic chatter. When parting, Maria Dmitrievna expressed her readiness to try to reconcile her with her husband.
Lavretsky reappeared in the Kalitin house when he received a note from Lisa inviting him to come see them. He immediately went up to Marfa Timofeevna. She found an excuse to leave her and Lisa alone. The girl came to say that they had only to fulfill their duty. Fyodor Ivanovich must make peace with his wife. Doesn’t he now see for himself: happiness depends not on people, but on God.
When Lavretsky was going downstairs, the footman invited him to Marya Dmitrievna. She started talking about his wife’s repentance, asked to forgive her, and then, offering to accept her from hand to hand, she brought Varvara Pavlovna out from behind the screen. Requests and already familiar scenes were repeated. Lavretsky finally promised that he would live with her under the same roof, but would consider the agreement violated if she allowed herself to leave Lavriki.
The next morning he took his wife and daughter to Lavriki and a week later he left for Moscow. And a day later Panshin visited Varvara Pavlovna and stayed for three days.
A year later, news reached Lavretsky that Lisa had taken monastic vows in a monastery in one of the remote regions of Russia. After some time, he visited this monastery. Lisa walked close to him and didn’t look, only her eyelashes trembled slightly and her fingers holding the rosary clenched even more tightly.
And Varvara Pavlovna very soon moved to St. Petersburg, then to Paris. A new admirer appeared near her, a guardsman of unusually strong build. She never invites him to her fashionable evenings, but otherwise he enjoys her favor completely.
Eight years have passed. Lavretsky again visited O... The older inhabitants of the Kalitino house had already died, and youth reigned here: Lisa’s younger sister, Lenochka, and her fiancé. It was fun and noisy. Fyodor Ivanovich walked through all the rooms. In the living room there was the same piano, by the window there was the same hoop as then. Only the wallpaper was different.
In the garden he saw the same bench and walked along the same alley. His sadness was tormenting, although the turning point had already taken place in him, without which it is impossible to remain a decent person: he stopped thinking about his own happiness.