Board 20 by 100 cubed. Calculation of lumber in one cube

Before starting construction work, any owner of land on which it is planned to build a residential building wants to know how much material will be required. Financial costs will depend on the volume of building materials and their type, which can be difficult for some owners to bear at one time, and they are forced to purchase various materials step by step. In low-rise housing construction, wood and products made from it make up a significant part. Therefore, it is advisable to know how many boards will be needed and how much they will cost.

Thanks to the accurate calculation of the number of boards, you can save a lot and not be deceived

Characteristics of wood materials

Currently the market building materials offers various wood materials at a price in rubles per cubic meter. If it is known how many boards will be needed for arranging the floor, I would like to know their price. In addition, construction requires different kinds wooden products, differing in shape, size and price. Therefore, before studying the question of how many boards are in a cube, it is necessary to study the range of offered wooden products. To build your future home, the future homeowner may need:

  • profiled timber of square or rectangular cross-section, the smaller side of which exceeds 100.0 millimeters;
  • a block whose dimensions are:
  • ü 16.0…75.0 millimeters for sawn wood products coniferous species;
  • ü 19.0…100.0 millimeters for hardwood.
  • edged board, processed in three planes, with a thickness of more than 20.0 millimeters, the width of which varies widely;
  • unedged board having two sawn sides, the side edges of which are unprocessed;
  • croaker, which is lumber half sawn from round timber ;
  • terrace board for flooring.

The greatest financial costs will be required for the purchase of the first three types of lumber, so solving the question of how many timber, whetstones or boards are in a cube is most relevant.

Accurate calculation of the amount of lumber in one cubic meter (1 m³)

The task of determining how many boards are in a cube is at the level of arithmetic tasks solved in the first grade. The initial data for calculating how many timber, bars or boards are in a cube are:

  • z – number of boards (pieces);
  • h – thickness of the board (smaller sectional size of the bar) in meters;
  • b – width of lumber (meters)
  • L – length of a unit of lumber (meters).

The volume (V) of one product (board, beam or bar) is determined by the ratio:

V = h×b×L, cubic meters,

and the number of units of lumber per cubic meter is determined as:

Of course, this calculation is quite approximate - it does not take into account the gap between individual products, the type of board processing (grooved, planed), length allowance and other rather specific details. Using the above formulas, it is impossible to calculate the amount of unedged boards or slabs. However, to determine what amount to take with you to the lumber yard, and whether an extra thousand rubles would be a problem there, accuracy is sufficient. More accurate results can be obtained using the tabular calculation method.

Tabular determination of the amount of lumber

To determine how many boards are in 1 cube, the calculation table contains columns and rows. The lines indicate the cross-section of the lumber, and the columns (rows) show the calculated values ​​of the volume of one board and the number of boards in one cubic meter. In principle, these values ​​are obtained by calculation, but taking into account correction factors. Let's consider a cutting (part) of the table of how many boards are in 1 cube. Wherein symbols correspond to those used in the above formulas.

Table for calculating the number of boards in 1 cube

Board size Number of pieces per 1 m³
25 x 100 x 600066
25 x 150 x 600044
25 x 200 x 600033
30 x 100 x 600055
30 x 150 x 600037
30 x 200 x 600027
40 x 100 x 600041
40 x 150 x 600027
40 x 200 x 600020
50 x 100 x 600033
50 x 150 x 600022
50 x 200 x 600016

Table for calculating the amount of timber in 1 cube

Beam size Number of pieces per 1 m³
25 x 50 x 3000266
30 x 40 x 3000277
30 x 50 x 3000222
40 x 40 x 3000208
50 x 50 x 3000133
50 x 50 x 600066
50 x 70 x 300095
100 x 100 x 600016
100 x 150 x 600011
100 x 200 x 60008
150 x 150 x 60007
150 x 200 x 60005
200 x 200 x 60004

Calculation table for non-standard boards and timber

Non-standard timber Number of pieces per 1 m³
90 x 90 x 600020
90 x 140 x 600013
90 x 190 x 60009
100 x 250 x 60006
100 x 300 x 60005
140 x 140 x 60008
140 x 190 x 60006
150 x 250 x 60004
150 x 300 x 60003
190 x 190 x 60004
200 x 250 x 60003
200 x 300 x 60002
250 x 300 x 60002
300 x 300 x 60001
Non-standard board Number of pieces per 1 m³
22 x 90 x 600084
22 x 140 x 600054
22 x 190 x 600039
25 x 250 x 600026
25 x 300 x 600022
30 x 250 x 600022
30 x 300 x 600018
35 x 90 x 600052
35 x 140 x 600034
35 x 190 x 600025
40 x 250 x 600016
40 x 300 x 600013
45 x 90 x 600041
45 x 140 x 600026
45 x 190 x 600019
50 x 250 x 600013
50 x 300 x 600011
60 x 100 x 600027
60 x 150 x 600018
60 x 200 x 600013
60 x 250 x 600011
60 x 300 x 60009
70 x 100 x 600023
70 x 150 x 600015
70 x 200 x 600011
70 x 250 x 60009
70 x 300 x 60007
80 x 100 x 600020
80 x 150 x 600013
80 x 200 x 600010
80 x 250 x 60008
80 x 300 x 60006

Getting ready for construction frame house, erecting the roof and assembling the crowns of the log house, the developer has to purchase timber.
This material is used for the manufacture of various wooden structures, so its range includes dozens of items. To eliminate errors, you need to determine as accurately as possible how much timber is in a cubic meter.

The “mathematical model” of this operation is simple. To calculate the volume of any rectangular object, its length is multiplied by its width and height. However, in practice, when purchasing large quantities lumber of different lengths and cross-sections, you can get confused and overpay a considerable amount.

In this article we will talk about the important nuances of calculating the volume of lumber and provide easy-to-use “cheat sheets” for translation linear meters lumber into cubes.

Be careful at the timber warehouse!

Considering the high cost of edged timber, its purchase must be taken responsibly. Sellers, as a rule, use the price per 1 m3. Customers at checkout rafter system roofs, wall frames, floor beams and floors receive linear meters. Additional confusion is caused by production length standards, which range from 3 to 6 meters (0.5 meter increments).

It’s not difficult to sort everything out in this matter. Let's say that for construction you need a beam with a cross-section of 100x50 mm, and its total length is 100 linear meters (l/m). To calculate the volume of edged wood, you need to convert the cross-sectional area from millimeters into square meters and then multiply them by the length: 0.1x0.05x100 = 0.50 m3. We get the price of a given amount of timber by multiplying its volume by the cost of one cubic meter.

And here’s another equally important question: how to control the amount of lumber that the seller gives you? Here you need to take into account not only the cross-section, but also the length of the material.

Let's say that we need a beam 4 meters long (total length 100 l/m). In this case, the volume of one piece will be equal to: 0.1x0.05x4 = 0.02 m3. Dividing the purchased amount of material (0.5 m3) by the volume of one bar (0.02 m3) we get exactly 25 pieces.

In practice, round numbers are rare, so the required amount of timber is most often a fraction. We will not give to the seller that part of the lumber that remains after the comma. It’s better to pay him up to a whole number of beams.

Let's look at an example. 63 linear meters of timber are purchased (section 100x180 mm, length 6 meters). We calculate the purchase volume: 63x0.1x0.18 = 1.134 m3. We divide it by the volume of one beam (0.1x0.18x6 m/p = 0.108 m3). We get 1.134/0.108 = 10.5 pieces. The seller will not cut half of the timber for us. Therefore, when calculating, you need to pay him up to the whole amount and take 11 beams.

With a profiled beam, the cross-section of which has a complex shape, proceed in the same way as with a regular one. To determine the cross-sectional area of this material its total height (the distance from the bottom edge with the groove to the top mark of the tenon) is multiplied by the width.

Counting the amount of timber in the warehouse in 1m3, take a tape measure and measure the actual cross-section of the purchased material. It may turn out that instead of the 100x200 or 150x150 mm promised by the seller, they delivered thinner material. Even a 1 centimeter reduction in the transverse size of a saw log results in significant losses for the buyer.

Another important nuance– technological deviation of beam length. It can reach 5-7 centimeters, since the ends of the logs are not cut off during processing. Remember that the seller does not have the right to add these extra centimeters to the total length.

Tables for quickly calculating the volume of timber

Using a calculator to count how many pieces of timber are in a cube is not always convenient, especially when purchasing a large batch. The seller's data can be easily checked by ready-made tables. Here for standard sizes lumber provides information on the volume of 1 timber and the number of pieces in 1m3.

Table for calculating edged timber 6 meters long

Dimensions (mm) Volume of 1 piece (m3) Pieces per 1 m3
100x100x6000 0,06 16
100x150x6000 0,09 11
100x180x6000 0,108 9
100x200x6000 0,12 8
150x150x6000 0,135 7
150x180x6000 0,162 6
150x200x6000 0,18 5,5
180x180x6000 0,1944 5
180x200x6000 0,216 4,5
200x200x6000 0,24 4
250x200x6000 0,3 3

This table can also be used when purchasing 3-meter timber. To do this, the volume of 1 piece must be reduced by half, and the amount of material in one cube must be multiplied by 2.

Let us recall that timber, by definition, is lumber with a thickness and width of 100 mm or more. Therefore, we deliberately did not include sizes in the table. wooden blanks smaller cross-section to maintain formal accuracy.

Let's look at the data on the volume and number of boards of common sizes in a separate table:

Dimensions (mm) Volume of 1 piece (m3) Pieces per 1 m3
25x100x6000 0,015 66,6
25x150x6000 0,0225 44,4
25x200x6000 0,03 33,3
40x100x6000 0,024 41,6
40x150x6000 0,036 27,7
40x200x6000 0,048 20,8
50x50x6000 0,015 66,6
50x100x6000 0,03 33,3
50x150x6000 0,045 22,2
50x200x6000 0,06 16,6
50x250x6000 0,075 13,3

To calculate the volume and quantity of 4-meter timber, you can use the following cheat sheet:

Dimensions (mm) Volume of 1 piece (m3) Pieces per 1 m3
100x100x4000 0,04 25
100x150x4000 0,06 16,66
100x180x4000 0,072 13,88
100x200x4000 0,08 12,5
150x150x4000 0,09 11,11
150x180x4000 0,108 9,26
150x200x4000 0,12 8,33
180x180x4000 0,13 7,69
180x200x4000 0,144 6,94
200x200x4000 0,16 6,25
250x200x4000 0,2 5

As can be seen from the table, almost the entire range of beams here is fractional. Therefore, for an economical purchase, you should use our advice on paying the seller up to the whole amount of timber.

How to do this practically? Let's give an example. Let's say that we bought one cubic meter of 4-meter timber with a cross-section of 100x180 mm (according to the table, it turns out to be 13.88 pieces). The price of 1m3 is 6500 rubles. Up to 14 pieces of bars we need to pay an additional 14-13.88 = 0.12. The volume of this “piece” is (0.12 x 4 meters = 0.48 m) x 0.1 x 0.18 m = 0.00864 m3. We multiply it by the price of 1 m3 and get 0.00864 m3 x 6500 rubles. = 56.15 rub.

Remember that the purchased volume of bars must include a reserve (cutting losses during operation). Therefore, the result obtained in the process of theoretical calculation of the roof rafter system or other wooden structure, you need to multiply by a factor of 1.3. After this adjustment, you can begin settlements with the seller.

In addition to determining the volume and price of the purchased material, you need to know the weight of 1m3 of timber in order to order transport of the appropriate carrying capacity.

The weight of a cubic meter of timber depends on the type of wood and its moisture content. The approximate weight of 1 m3 of dry pine is 510 kg (wet - 890 kg).

The average weight of one cube of dry spruce bars is 450 kg (wet - 790 kg).

The weight of dried oak wood is in the range from 700 to 800 kg/m3, and wet (freshly cut) – from 980 to 1030 kg/m3.

Dry larch timber weighs 650 kg/m3. Freshly cut material of this type of wood weighs 840 kg/m3.

When carrying out construction work on the construction of a residential building, a specialist must perform a large number of different tasks, one of which is: drawing up and calculating the estimated cost before the final finishing of the premises of a residential building. It is mandatory to calculate the required amount of various building materials, which is quite difficult to do. Therefore, such knowledge - how many boards are in a cube - is very important for a specialist who is engaged in the construction of a residential building and wants to complete the work as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Buying club: existing types of boards

To calculate exactly how many board pieces are in a cube, you will need to know not only what exactly a board cube means, but it is worth understanding important point that there are different types of boards and what is possible to purchase on the modern market for performing a variety of construction work. It should be noted that the cube of almost all materials, regardless of the type of material, is calculated in the same way, that is, according to one specific method. The types of boards have no influence on the calculation of the cubic capacity of this building material.

Non-grooved types of lumber are: timber, various edged boards, as well as unedged boards (they are an exception when calculating cubic capacity, because this process occurs a little differently). Tongue-and-groove types (which have special grooves for making joints) include: modern lining, blockhouse, flooring material, as well as imitation of natural timber. When you choose a tongue-and-groove type of building material for purchase, then you will need to pay attention to the fact that when making calculations, only the working width of the board without a tenon is used. If we talk about a blockhouse (imitation log), then when calculating the cubic capacity, only the thickness at its highest point is taken.

How many boards are in 1 cube: performing the calculation

Any person, even from his school days, understands how cubic capacity is calculated. For this procedure, it is necessary to calculate quantities such as: length, width and height. A similar principle is used to calculate the cubic capacity of 1 board. When performing such calculations, it is recommended to convert all available values ​​into meters. The cubic capacity of 1 board, which has a cross-section of 150x20 mm. and a length of 6 m, is calculated as follows: 0.15 multiplied by 0.02 and 6, so that the cubic capacity of this board will be 0.018 cubic meters.

Let's apply the volume formula V= L*h*b (where L is length, h is height, b is width).

L= 6.0; h= 0.02; b= 0.15.

Thus, V= 6.0*0.02*0.15 = 0.018 m3.

To determine how many boards are in one cube: divide 1 m3 by cubic capacity (the volume of one board).

1 m 3 / V = ​​N pcs.

1 m 3 / 0.018 m 3 = 55.55 pcs.

Thus, the number of boards in one cube is 55.5 pieces.

Finding out the cost of a certain type of board when the values ​​of its volume is known is quite easy: 0.018 multiplied by the price of 1 cubic meter. When 1 cube of a certain type of board costs, for example, 5,500 rubles, then the cost will be 99 rubles. At this point in the calculation, there is some trick of sellers and managers in construction stores, because the cubic capacity of the material is rounded to some integer values.

Such rounding can lead to such a moment that the price of 1 board (when 1 cube costs 5500) will be completely different values. In addition to all this, it should be noted that various boards for construction, which have a nominal length of 6 meters, actually have a length of 6.1 - 6.2 m, which is not taken into account when selling this building material. This also applies to the purchase of a significant number of boards. This can be seen quite clearly if we use a 150x20 mm board as an example. The number of boards in a cube is a value of 55.5 pcs. But, in a cube they count 55 pieces, which when performing the calculation will have a value of 0.99 cubic meters. In fact, it follows from this that the overpayment for 1 cubic meter of this popular building material can amount to 1% of the real price. For example, 5500 instead of 4995 rubles.

To calculate the cubic capacity for a continuous type of board, slightly different methods are used. When we are talking about buying 1 board, then measuring its thickness, as well as the total length, is carried out in the same way as when choosing edged building material. In this case, the average width is taken for calculations - between great value and small.

For example, when the width of the board at one end is 25 cm, and at the other 20, then the average value will be approximately 22 centimeters. When it is necessary to calculate the volume of a significant number of similar boards for construction, then you will need to lay them out so that the wide one does not differ from the narrow one, more than 10 cm. The main length of this material in the laid out stack should be approximately the same. After this, using a regular tape measure, an accurate measurement is made of the height of the entire existing stack of boards, and the width is measured (approximately in the very middle). The result obtained will then need to be multiplied by a special coefficient, amounting to a value from 0.07 to 0.09, directly dependent on the existing air gap.

How many boards are in 1 cube: special tables

To calculate the exact number of boards of a certain width and length in 1 cubic meter, various tables are used. Below are several such specialized tables, which indicate the cubic capacity of the common and in demand types of this material today. It is possible to calculate the volume of various boards of different sizes, for example, material for erecting a fence on your site, using the existing formula presented above.

Table of the amount of edged boards in 1 cubic meter

Board size Volume of 1st board (m 3) Number of boards in 1m 3 (pcs.) Number of square meters in 1m2
Board 20x100x6000 0.012 m 3 83 pcs. 50 m2
Board 20x120x6000 0.0144 m 3 69 pcs. 50 m2
Board 20x150x6000 0.018 m 3 55 pcs. 50 m2
Board 20x180x6000 0.0216 m 3 46 pcs. 50 m2
Board 20x200x6000 0.024 m 3 41 pcs. 50 m2
Board 20x250x6000 0.03 m 3 33 pcs. 50 m2
Board 25x100x6000 0.015 m 3 67 pcs. 40 m2
Board 25x120x6000 0.018 m 3 55 pcs. 40 m2
Board 25x150x6000 0.0225 m 3 44 pcs. 40 m2
Board 25x180x6000 0.027 m 3 37 pcs. 40 m2
Board 25x200x6000 0.03 m 3 33 pcs. 40 m2
Board 25x250x6000 0.0375 m 3 26 pcs. 40 m2
Board 30x100x6000 0.018 m 3 55 pcs. 33 m2
Board 30x120x6000 0.0216 m 3 46 pcs. 33 m2
Board 30x150x6000 0.027 m 3 37 pcs. 33 m2
Board 30x180x6000 0.0324 m 3 30 pcs. 33 m2
Board 30x200x6000 0.036 m 3 27 pcs. 33 m2
Board 30x250x6000 0.045 m 3 22 pcs. 33 m2
Board 32x100x6000 0.0192 m 3 52 pcs. 31 m2
Board 32x120x6000 0.023 m 3 43 pcs. 31 m2
Board 32x150x6000 0.0288 m3 34 pcs. 31 m2
Board 32x180x6000 0.0346 m 3 28 pcs. 31 m2
Board 32x200x6000 0.0384 m 3 26 pcs. 31 m2
Board 32x250x6000 0.048 m 3 20 pcs. 31 m2
Board 40x100x6000 0.024 m 3 41 pcs. 25 m2
Board 40x120x6000 0.0288 m3 34 pcs. 25 m2
Board 40x150x6000 0.036 m 3 27 pcs. 25 m2
Board 40x180x6000 0.0432 m 3 23 pcs. 25 m2
Board 40x200x6000 0.048 m 3 20 pcs. 25 m2
Board 40x250x6000 0.06 m 3 16 pcs. 25 m2
Board 50x100x6000 0.03 m 3 33 pcs. 20 m2
Board 50x120x6000 0.036 m 3 27 pcs. 20 m2
Board 50x150x6000 0.045 m 3 22 pcs. 20 m2
Board 50x180x6000 0.054 m 3 18 pcs. 20 m2
Board 50x200x6000 0.06 m 3 16 pcs. 20 m2
Board 50x250x6000 0.075 m 3 13 pcs. 20 m2

Table of the amount of timber in 1 cubic meter

Beam size Volume of 1st piece (m³) Quantity of timber in 1m³ (pcs.)
100×100×6000 0.06 m 3 16 pcs.
100×150×6000 0.09 m 3 11 pcs.
150×150×6000 0.135 m 3 7 pcs.
100×180×6000 0.108 m 3 9 pcs.
150×180×6000 0.162 m 3 6 pcs.
180×180×6000 0.1944 m 3 5 pieces.
100×200×6000 0.12 m 3 8 pcs.
150×200×6000 0.18 m 3 5.5 pcs.
180×200×6000 0.216 m 3 4.5 pcs.
200×200×6000 0.24 m 3 4 things.
250×200×6000 0.3 m 3 3 pcs.

Table of the amount of unedged boards in 1 cubic meter

Meters are linear, square and cubic. Starting a big construction project or even small repairs, you should clearly understand these terms. The ability to correctly convert the amount of certain materials into linear or cubic meters will serve an excellent purpose when preliminary calculations the cost of planned repairs or construction. For example, clearly understanding how much square meters in one roll of wallpaper, you can quickly calculate the amount required to cover a room or the entire apartment.

Calculations can be made in cubic meters, square or linear meters

If the upcoming repair or construction involves the use of wooden materials, it is necessary to thoroughly study the conversions from linear meters to cubic meters, since prices can be presented on the market both per unit of material and per cubic meter. The amount of timber in a cube varies and depends on its cross-section. The easiest way to find out how many boards are in a cube is a table, but if it is not nearby you will have to remember the formulas.

What is a cubic meter

A cubic meter (abbreviated m³) is a unit of volume and is equal to the volume of a cube with an edge length of 1 meter. In accordance with GOST 8486-86 wooden materials must have measurable cross-sectional dimensions and lengths, so that you can easily calculate the number of boards included in a cube of material.

To determine the dimensions of the section, it is necessary to step back from the end of the beam at a distance of at least 10 cm and measure the width and height of the beam. By multiplying these values ​​by each other, you get the cross-sectional area of ​​the beam, multiplying it by the length to get the volume of one beam. By calculating the number of beams in one cubic meter, you can easily navigate between the cost of one beam and one cube of beams.

A cubic meter is equal to the volume of a cube with an edge side of 1 m

Calculation of lumber for construction before purchasing it

Of course, the easiest way is to come to the developer to explain what you want to see in the final version and agree to the proposed project. But, if you figure out the calculations yourself required quantity lumber, then even at the stage of discussing the cost of materials and work on building a house you can figure out how much real prices offered by a construction company.

Many developers calculate the required amount of material in cubes, some count individually, taking the standard length dimensions as 6 or 12 m. A clear understanding, for example, of how much timber is in a 150x150x6000 cube will protect you from overpayments.

Standard timber 0.15x0.015x6 meters

The procedure for calculating the amount of timber in a cube

Despite the same principle of calculations, there are certain nuances in determining the cubic capacity and quantity of various lumber.

1. Basic formulas for calculating the number of bars in a cube

To determine how many boards are in a cube, with beams of a certain section, you need to know three measured parameters: length, width and height. First you need to calculate the volume of one beam using the formula V = a * b * l (here V – volume, m³; a – height, m; b – width, m; l – length, m)

Beam parameters: length, width, height

How many pieces of timber in a cube is determined by the formula:

Where, A is the amount of timber in a cube, pcs.;

1 – one cubic meter, m³;

V – volume of one beam, m³.

2. How to determine how many pieces are in a cube of 100x150 timber

In price lists construction companies for convenience, indicate the cross-section of the beam, that is, its width and height, for example, 100x150. Where 100 is the width indicated in millimeters, and 150 is the height. The length is most often 6 meters, or 6000 mm.

The volume of timber 100x150x6000 will be 0.09 m³.

V = 0.1 m * 0.15 m * 6 m = 0.09 m³. Here 0.1 is the width, m; 0.15 – height, m; 6 – beam length, m.

In this case, how much material will “fit” in one cubic meter can be found by dividing the cubic meter by the volume of one beam:

Where, 1 – one cubic meter, m³;

0.09 – calculated volume of one beam 100x150x6000, m³.

The characteristic cross-sectional shape of the timber is 100x150

This way you can easily calculate how many pieces of timber are in the purchased volume of material by multiplying the number of pieces by the number of cubes. For simplicity and speed of calculation, you can use the table: how many timber in a cube is 6 meters table.

3. How many edged boards are in 1 cube

The situation is similar in calculating the amount of edged boards in 1 cubic meter of wood. For example, the board used has the following parameters 100x25x6000 (width, height, length).

The volume of one board will be 0.015 m³.

V = 0.1 m * 0.025 m * 6 m = 0.015 m³

Quantity in 1 cube:

That is, a cubic meter contains at least 66 boards. When purchasing a cube of 100x25x6000 edged boards, you should get 67 pieces, rounding goes to big side. For example, when buying three cubes you should get at least 201 pieces, and when buying six - 401.

4. How many tongue and groove floor boards are there in 1 cube?

tongue and groove floor board for better installation It has a groove along its entire length on one side and a tenon on the other. When calculating the volume of one board, its length, height and net width are taken into account, that is, the width without taking into account the protruding tenon. For example, the size of the board reflected in the figure below is 28x90 mm.

tongue and groove floor board

With a board length of 6 meters, its volume will be:

V = 0.09 m * 0.028 m * 6 m = 0.01512 m³

Quantity in 1 cube:

5. How much wooden lining in 1 cube

The design of the lining vaguely resembles a tongue and groove floor board. It also has a tongue-and-groove connection and ventilation grooves, but the front side of the lining can have bevels, curves and even a convex surface, imitating timber.

For the calculation, the “net” width is used, that is, the size without taking into account the tenon; the maximum value in the cross-section of the board is taken as the height.

Types of lining with a clear example measuring the width and height of the board

The most common lining size is 100x14. With a board length of 6 meters, the number of linings in one cube will be at least 119 pieces:

Volume of one board:

V = 0.1 m * 0.014 m * 6 m = 0.0084 m³

Quantity in 1 cube:

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses made of profiled timber from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

What else to consider when counting lumber

One of the nuances in the production of lumber is their technological length, that is, the declared six-meter board in practice turns out to be 5-10 cm longer. This deviation is called technological and is not taken into account when calculating the linear meters of the board. The seller under no circumstances has the right to add them to total length boards.

When purchasing timber of a certain cross-section, it is important to measure the parameters upon acceptance or loading, since the slightest deviation of even 1 cm leads to huge losses, especially with large purchase volumes.

In addition to volume, it is important to remember the weight of the purchased material, which depends on the density of the material and humidity.

An example of calculating the weight of a beam based on the known density of wood (for materials of different moisture content, you must substitute the appropriate values ​​instead of 860)

Tables for quickly calculating the volume of timber

Below are cheat sheets to quickly find out how much timber is in a cube - the table contains not only the quantitative values ​​of units of material per cubic meter, but also the volumetric values ​​of timber of different sections. For example, the table will show how many boards are in a cube - 6 meters or 3 meters long will a board or timber be.

1. How much timber is 3 meters long in a cubic meter?

How many pieces in a cubic meter Volume of one piece, m³

2. How much timber is 6 meters long in a cubic meter?

Height, width and length of timber, mm

How many pieces in a cubic meter

Volume of one piece, m³

If you need to find, for example, how much 100x100 timber is in a cube, then look for a board in the table the right size and we see the result - no less than 16.67 pieces, and the volume of one beam 6 meters long is 0.06 m³.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

3. How many boards per cubic meter are 2 meters long?

How many pieces in a cubic meter

Volume of one board, m³

Area of ​​one board, m²

4. How many boards per cubic meter are 3 meters long?

Height, width and length of the board, mm

How many pieces in a cubic meter

How many linear meters in one cubic meter

Volume of one board, m³

Area of ​​one board, m²

5. How many boards per cubic meter are 6 meters long?

The approximate number of boards in a 6 meter cube table shows the following:

Height, width and length of the board, mm

How many pieces in a cubic meter

How many linear meters in one cubic meter

Volume of one board, m³

Area of ​​one board, m²

When transporting materials, it is important to know not only the length of the product unit, but also total weight transported cargo, since the vehicle's carrying capacity is limited by its design features.

6. How many 150x150 timber are in a cubic meter - calculations of weight and volume

Height, width and length of timber, mm

How many pieces in a cubic meter

How many linear meters in one cubic meter

Volume of one piece, m³

Weight of one piece, kg (humidity 20%)

Video description

For an example of calculation, see the following video:

Approximate difference in price of 150x150 timber in different regions

The cost of timber depends on the region of the country, type of wood, moisture content of the material, delivery method and many other factors. For comparison, data for timber 150x150x6000 was taken. The type of material is pine. The cost of one cube is presented in the table.

Table. The cost of 1 cube of timber is 150x150x6000 (pine) depending on the region.

Video description

What to look for when purchasing, watch the following video:

Features of lumber storage

To build a house made of wood, it is important to properly store the material so that its humidity is within 12%; if the humidity is higher, the shrinkage of the building will be slower.

Here are a few rules to remember when storing lumber:

    The storage area must be level and dry.

    To prevent moisture from entering the site onto the site, pallets are placed under the first layer of material, which can be replaced with scraps of boards or sleepers.

    The distance between individual products should be maintained at least 2 cm for better air circulation.

    After 1-2 rows, crossbars are placed across the length, which can be the same cuttings of boards.

    If it is not possible to erect a canopy over the storage area to prevent precipitation from entering, the stacks are covered with film, excluding wrapping the ends, so as not to create a greenhouse effect inside.

Wood stacked for storage


Knowing the rules for calculating the required volume of building materials will help you save time and money, or simply make sure that the developer is conscientious. Therefore, if you do not have the skills to quickly convert one quantity into another, then when discussing the required amount of building materials you should keep with you at least a cheat sheet in the form of a cubic table.

Any construction works begin with a design and estimate, which involves calculating the amount of materials. Edged board is one of the most popular materials from the range of timber trading enterprises. The basic unit of measurement for any lumber is 1 m3. However, it is important for the end user to know the number of boards in a cube of a certain length and thickness.


Sometimes the manufacturer leaves a tag on the materials indicating the price of the package and the exact volume. But often the measurement is made by the storekeeper.

The calculation of cubic capacity will depend on the degree of processing of the material, type and variety. For example, edged and unedged boards are calculated differently. Also, calculation methods may be different for breeds. For coniferous and deciduous trees, you can use both measuring and multiplying the sides, and a standard designed to calculate the volume. The second method is the use of a collection of tables, where each meter of length and one piece of material corresponds to a volume. They are called cubatures.

To find the number of cut boards in 1 cube, you need to find out the volume of one of them by finding the product of three quantities, and then divide 1 m 3 by it.


  • Section 150x25 mm
  • Length 6 m

The first step is to convert all values ​​into meters: 150x25 mm = 0.15x0.025 m

0.15 x 0.025 x 6 = 0.0225 m3

We determine how many boards are in one cube: divide 1 m3 by cubic capacity (the volume of one board):

1 m 3 / 0.0225 = 44.4 pieces

Calculation may be required, for example, when determining the cost. So, if we take the price per cube equal to 6,500 rubles, then with a cubic capacity of 0.0225 m2, one will cost 146.25 rubles. But often the volume is rounded to 0.023. And then the materials cost the buyer 149.5 rubles per piece. And when rounding the quantity, the overpayment for 1 m 3 is 1%.

Calculation by unedged boards produced differently. If only one piece is purchased, then its length and thickness are measured in the same way as for edged material. But the average figure is taken for the width. For example, if it can vary from 15 to 23 cm at different ends, then it is necessary to take the value in the middle.

If you need to find the volume of a large number of boards, then they need to be sorted into piles according to the maximum match in length and width. It is better if the error does not exceed 10 cm. The height of the stack is measured using a tape measure in the middle of the board and the length. The result is multiplied by a special coefficient, which depends on the air gap and is 0.07-0.09 units and is taken from the cubature reference book.

The table shows the estimated quantity edged boards spruce, pine, cedar and larch in a lumber cube. Standard length is taken as 6 m, and the width is from 100 to 250 in increments of 50 mm. The thickness is 25-50 mm.

Size, mm

Quantity in 1 m 3 (L= 6 m)

V 1 pieces, m 3

Size, mm

quantity in 1 m 3 (L= 6 m)

V 1 pieces, m 3