Permissible noise level from the boiler room. Effective solutions to reduce noise from power equipment of thermal power plants and boiler houses


Sound intensity is measured in decibels (dB) in the frequency range from 31.5 to 16000 Hz and in the middle of each frequency band, i.e. at frequencies 31.5; 63; 125; 250 Hz, etc. A person perceives sound in the range from 63 to 800 Hz.

Sound intensity in dB is divided into levels A, B, C and D. Acceptable norm The overall noise level is considered to be level A, which is closest to the human sensitivity range. To denote this characteristic, we most commonly use the term “Sound Pressure Level”.


A running engine is a source of mechanical noise that originates in
gas distribution mechanism, fuel pump, etc., as well as appearing in the combustion chambers as a result of vibration, air intake and fan operation, if installed. Typically, intake air and radiator noise is less than mechanical noise. If necessary, noise level data can be found in the Product Information Manual. You can reduce noise by using a sound-absorbing coating. If the mechanical noise is reduced to level 5 mentioned in the Noise Level section, you need to pay attention to the air and fan noise.

Effective and relatively cheap way- close the engine with a casing. At a distance of 1 m from the housing, the sound attenuation reaches 10 dB(A). Only specially designed housings are effective, so it is advisable to consult with specialists regarding its parameters.

If certain requirements are imposed on noise outside the premises in which the installations are located, the following conditions must be met:

1) Building design

External walls are made of double brick with


Windows - double glazing with distance

between glasses 200 mm.

Doors - double doors with vestibule or

single, with a screen wall opposite


2) Ventilation

Fence openings fresh air and heated air outlets must be equipped with noise barriers. The Owner should discuss these issues with the Manufacturer.

Screens should not reduce the cross-section of the air ducts, as this will increase the resistance on the fan. Larger engines requiring more air require correspondingly larger baffles and the building must allow for proper installation.

3) Vibration-isolating mounts

Mounting the units on vibration-isolating supports prevents the transmission of vibration to walls, other installation components, etc. Vibration is often one of the causes of noise. (See anti-vibration mounts).

4) Exhaust muffling

It allows you to reduce noise by 30...35 dB(A) at a distance of 1 m from the external wall of the room, provided that high-quality sound absorbers and exhaust silencers are used at the inlet and outlet.

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Due to the fact that noise in modern power plants generally exceeds permissible levels, last years Noise reduction work was carried out extensively.
There are three main methods for reducing industrial noise: reducing noise at the source; reduction of noise along its propagation paths; architectural, construction and planning solutions.
The method of reducing noise at the source of its occurrence is to improve the design of the source and change the technological process. The most effective use of this method is when developing new power equipment. Recommendations for reducing noise at the source are given in § 2-2.
To soundproof various rooms of a power plant (especially the machine and boiler rooms), as the most noisy ones, construction solutions are used: thickening the external walls of buildings, using double-glazed windows, hollow glass blocks, double doors, multi-layer acoustic panels, sealing windows, doors, openings, making the right choice places of air intake and exhaust of ventilation units. It is also necessary to ensure good sound insulation between the machine room and basements, carefully sealing all holes and openings.
When designing a machine room, avoid small rooms with smooth, non-sound-absorbing walls, ceiling, and floor. Covering walls with sound-absorbing materials (SAM) can reduce noise levels by approximately 6-7 dB in medium-sized rooms (3000-5000 m3). For large rooms, the cost-effectiveness of this method becomes debatable.
Some authors, such as G. Koch and H. Schmidt (Germany), as well as R. French (USA), believe that acoustic treatment of the walls and ceilings of station premises is not very effective (1-2 dB). Data published by the French Energy Authority (EDF) show the promise of this noise reduction method. Treatment of ceilings and walls in boiler rooms at the Saint-Depis and Chenevier power plants made it possible to achieve a sound reduction of 7-10 dB A.
At stations, separate soundproofed control panels are often built, the sound level in which does not exceed 50-60 dB A, which meets the requirements of GOST 12.1.003-76. Service personnel spend 80-90% of their working time in them.
Sometimes acoustic booths are installed in machine rooms to accommodate service personnel (on-duty electricians, etc.). These soundproofing cabins are an independent frame on supports, to which the floor, ceiling, and walls are attached. Cabin windows and doors must have increased sound insulation (double doors, double glass). For ventilation it is provided ventilation unit with silencers at the air inlet and outlet.
If it is necessary to have a quick exit from the cabin, it is made semi-closed, that is, one of the walls is missing. At the same time, the acoustic efficiency of the cabin is reduced, but there is no need for ventilation. According to the data, the maximum value of average sound insulation for semi-closed cabins is 12-14 dB.
The use of separate closed or semi-closed cabins in station premises can be classified as individual means of protecting operating personnel from noise. Personal protective equipment also includes Various types earbuds and headphones. The acoustic efficiency of earbuds and, especially, headphones in the high frequency range is quite high and amounts to at least 20 dB. The disadvantages of these products are that, along with noise, the level of useful signals, commands, etc. decreases, and skin irritation is also possible, mainly at elevated ambient temperatures. However, it is recommended to use earbuds and headphones when working in environments with noise levels that exceed acceptable levels, especially in the high frequency range. Of course, it is advisable to use them for short-term exits from soundproof cabins or control panels into high-noise areas.

One of the ways to reduce noise along the paths of its propagation in station premises is acoustic screens. Acoustic screens are made from thin sheet metal or other dense material, which may have sound-absorbing lining on one or two sides. Usually acoustic screens have small sizes and provide local reductions in direct sound from the noise source without significantly affecting the level of reflected sound in the room. In this case, the acoustic efficiency is not very high and depends mainly on the ratio of direct and reflected sound at the design point. Increasing the acoustic efficiency of screens can be achieved by increasing their area, which should be at least 25-30% of the cross-sectional area of ​​the room enclosures in the plane of the screen. In this case, the effectiveness of the screen increases due to a decrease in the energy density of reflected sound in the screened part of the room. Application of screens large sizes It also makes it possible to significantly increase the number of workplaces where noise reduction is ensured.

The most effective use of screens is in conjunction with the installation of sound-absorbing linings on the enclosing surfaces of premises. A detailed description of methods for calculating acoustic efficiency and issues of designing screens is given in and
To reduce noise throughout the machine room, installations emitting intense sound are covered with casings. Soundproofing enclosures are usually made of sheet metal lined with inside ZPM. The surfaces of the installations can be completely or partially sheathed with soundproofing material.
According to data presented by American noise reduction experts at the International Energy Conference in 1969, fully equipping high-power turbine units (500-1000 MW) with sound-insulating casings can reduce the level of emitted sound by 23-28 dB A. When placing turbine units in special insulated boxes efficiency increases to 28-34 dB A.
The range of materials used for sound insulation is very wide and, for example, for the insulation of 143 steam units that were introduced in the USA after 1971, distributed in the following way: aluminum -30%, sheet steel - 27%, gelbest -18%, asbestos cement -11%, brick -10%, porcelain with external coating - 9%, concrete - 4%.
In national teams acoustic panels apply following materials: soundproofing - steel, aluminum, lead; sound-absorbing - foam plastics, mineral wool, fiberglass; damping - bitumen compounds; sealing materials - rubber, putty, plastics.
Wide Application received polyurethane foam, fiberglass, sheet lead, vinyl reinforced with lead powder.
The Swiss company BBC, to reduce the noise of the brush apparatus and exciters of high-power turbo units, covers them with a continuous protective casing with a thick layer of sound-absorbing material, the walls of which have built-in silencers at the inlet and outlet of the cooling air.

The design of the casing provides easy access to these units for carrying out current repairs. As research by this company has shown, the soundproofing effect of the casing of the front part of the turbine is most pronounced at high frequencies (6-10 kHz), where it is 13-20 dB, at low frequencies (50-100 Hz) it is insignificant - up to 2-3 dB .

Rice. 2-10. Sound pressure levels at a distance of 1 m from the body of a gas turbine unit type GTK-10-Z
1- with decorative casing; 2- with body removed

Particular attention should be paid to sound insulation at power plants with gas turbine drives. Calculations indicate that at gas turbine power plants the placement of gas turbine engines (GTE) and compressors is most economical in individual boxes (if the number of GTEs is less than five). When placing four gas turbine engines in a common building, the construction cost of the building is 5% higher than when using individual boxes, and with two gas turbine engines, the difference in cost is 28%. Therefore, when there are more than five installations, it is more economical to place them in a common building. For example, Westinghouse installs five 501-AA gas turbines in one acoustically isolated building.

Typically, individual boxes use sheet metal panels with sound-absorbing lining on the inside. The sound-absorbing cladding can be made of mineral wool or semi-rigid mineral wool slabs in a fiberglass shell and covered on the side of the noise source with a perforated sheet or metal mesh. The panels are connected to each other with bolts, and at the joints there are elastic gaskets.
Multilayer panels made of internal perforated steel and external lead sheets, between which a porous sound-absorbing material is placed, are very effective, used abroad. Panels with a multi-layer internal lining made of a layer of vinyl reinforced with lead powder and located between two layers of fiberglass - an internal one, 50 mm thick, and an external one, 25 mm thick - are also used.
However, even the simplest decorative and soundproofing cladding provides a significant reduction in background noise in machine rooms. In Fig. Figures 2-10 show sound pressure levels in octave frequency bands, measured at a distance of 1 m from the surface of the decorative casing of a GTK-10-3 type gas pumping unit. For comparison, the noise spectrum measured with the casing removed at the same points is also shown. It can be seen that the effect of a casing made of a steel sheet 1 mm thick, lined inside with glass fiber 10 mm thick, is 10-15 dB in the high-frequency region of the spectrum. The measurements were carried out in a workshop built according to a standard design, where 6 GTK-10-3 units were installed, covered with decorative cladding.
A common and very important problem for energy enterprises of any type is the sound insulation of pipelines. Pipelines modern installations form a complex extended system with a huge surface of heat and sound radiation.

Rice. 2-11. Sound insulation of a gas pipeline at the Kirchleigeri thermal power plant: a - insulation diagram; b - components of a multilayer panel
1- metal cladding from sheet steel; 2- mats made of stone wool 20 mm thick; 3- aluminum foil; 4- multi-layer panel 20 mm thick (weight I m2 is 10.5 kg); 5-bituminized felt; 6-layers of thermal insulation; 7-layer foam

This is especially true for power plants with a combined cycle, which sometimes have a complex branched network of pipelines and a system of gates.

To reduce the noise of pipelines transporting highly disturbed flows (for example, in areas behind pressure reducing valves), enhanced sound insulation shown in Fig. 2-11.
The sound insulating effect of such a coating is about 30 dB A (reduction in sound level compared to a “bare” pipeline).
For lining pipelines large diameter Multilayer thermal and sound insulation is used, which is strengthened with the help of ribs and hooks welded to the insulated surface.
The insulation consists of a layer of mastic sovelite insulation 40-60 mm thick, on top of which a wire armor mesh 15-25 mm thick is laid. The mesh serves to strengthen the sovelite layer and create air gap. The outer layer is formed by mineral wool mats 40-50 mm thick, on top of which a layer of asbestos-cement plaster 15-20 mm thick is applied (80% grade 6-7 asbestos and 20% grade 300 cement). This layer is covered (pasted) with some technical fabric. If necessary, the surface is painted. Similar method sound insulation using previously existing thermal insulation elements can significantly reduce noise. The additional costs associated with the introduction of new sound insulation elements are negligible compared to conventional thermal insulation.
As already noted, the most intense is the aerodynamic noise that occurs during the operation of fans, smoke exhausters, gas turbine and combined cycle units, and discharge devices (purge lines, safety lines, lines of anti-surge valves of GTU compressors). This also includes ROU.

To limit the spread of such noise along the flow of the transported medium and its release into the surrounding atmosphere, noise suppressors are used. Silencers occupy an important place in the overall system of measures to reduce noise at energy enterprises, because through intake or discharge devices, sound from working cavities can be directly transmitted to the surrounding atmosphere, creating the highest sound pressure levels (compared to other sources of sound emission). It is also useful to limit the spread of noise throughout the transported medium in order to prevent excessive penetration through the walls of the pipeline to the outside by installing noise mufflers (for example, the section of the pipeline behind the pressure reducing valve).
On modern powerful steam turbine units, noise suppressors are installed at the suction of blower fans. In this case, the pressure drop is strictly limited by an upper limit of the order of 50-f-100 Pa. The required efficiency of these mufflers is usually from 15 to 25 dB in terms of installation effect in the spectrum region of 200-1000 Hz.
Thus, at the Robinson TPP (USA) with a capacity of 900 MW (two blocks of 450 MW each), to reduce the noise of blower fans with a capacity of 832,000 m3/h, suction silencers were installed. The muffler consists of a housing (steel sheets 4.76 mm thick), in which a grid of sound-absorbing plates is located. The body of each plate is made of perforated galvanized steel sheets. Sound-absorbing material is mineral wool protected by fiberglass.
The Coppers company produces standard sound-attenuating blocks used in fan silencers used for drying pulverized coal, supplying air to boiler burners, and ventilation of rooms.
The noise of smoke exhausters often poses a significant danger, since chimney it can escape into the atmosphere and spread over considerable distances.
For example, at the Kirchlengern thermal power plant (Germany), the sound level near the chimney was 107 dB at a frequency of 500-1000 Hz. In this regard, it was decided to install an active silencer in the chimney of the boiler building (Fig. 2-12). The muffler consists of twenty scenes 1 with a diameter of 0.32 m and a length of 7.5 m. Taking into account the complexity of transportation and installation, the scenes along the length are divided into parts that are connected to each other and bolted to the supporting structure. The slide consists of a body made of sheet steel and an absorber (mineral wool) protected by fiberglass. After installing the muffler, the sound level at the chimney was 89 dB A.
The complex task of reducing gas turbine noise requires an integrated approach. Below is an example of a set of measures to combat gas turbine noise, an essential part of which are noise suppressors in gas-air ducts.
To reduce the noise level of a gas turbine unit with a 17.5 MW Olympus 201 turbojet engine, an analysis of the required degree of noise attenuation of the installation was carried out. It was required that the octave noise spectrum measured at a distance of 90 m from the base of the steel chimney should not exceed PS-50. The layout shown in Fig. 2-13, provides attenuation of gas turbine suction noise by various elements (dB):

Geometric mean frequency of the octave band, Hz............................................

1000 2000 4000 8000

Sound pressure levels at a distance of 90 m from the gas turbine suction to noise attenuation................................................................. .............

Attenuation in an unlined 90° turn (knee) ....................................

Attenuation in a lined 90° turn (knee).................................

Weakening due to the air filter. . . .................................................. .........

Weakening due to blinds.........

Attenuation in the high-frequency part of the muffler.................................................... ...

Attenuation in the low-frequency part of the muffler.................................................... ................

Sound pressure levels at a distance of 90 m after noise reduction....

A two-stage plate-type muffler with high and low frequency stages is installed at the air inlet to the gas turbine unit. The muffler stages are installed after the cycle air filter.
An annular low-frequency muffler is installed on the gas turbine exhaust. Results of the analysis of the noise field of a gas turbine engine with a turbojet engine at the exhaust before and after installing a muffler (dB):

Geometric mean frequency of the octave band, Hz........

Sound pressure level, dB: before installing a muffler. . .

after installing the muffler. .

To reduce noise and vibration, the gas turbine generator was enclosed in a casing, and silencers were installed at the air inlet of the ventilation system. As a result, the noise measured at a distance of 90 m was:

American companies Solar, General Electric, and the Japanese company Hitachi use similar noise suppression systems for their gas turbine units.
For high-power gas turbines, the mufflers at the air intake are often very bulky and complex engineering structures. An example is the noise suppression system at the Vahr gas turbine thermal power plant (Germany), on which two gas turbines from the Brown-Boveri company with a capacity of 25 MW each are installed.

Rice. 2-12. Installation of a silencer in the chimney of the Kirchlängerä thermal power plant

Rice. 2-13. Noise suppression system for an industrial gas turbine unit with an aviation gas turbine engine as a gas generator
1- outer sound-absorbing ring; 2- internal sound-absorbing ring; 3- bypass cover; 4 - air filter; 5- turbine exhaust; 6- plates of high-frequency suction muffler; 7- plates of low-frequency muffler on suction

The station is located in the central part of the populated area. A muffler consisting of three sequential stages is installed at the gas turbine suction. The first-stage sound-absorbing material, designed to dampen low-frequency noise, is mineral wool covered with synthetic fabric and protected by perforated metal sheets. The second stage is similar to the first, but differs in smaller gaps between the plates. Third stage
consists of metal sheets coated with sound-absorbing material and serves to absorb high-frequency noise. After installing a muffler, the noise of the power plant, even at night, did not exceed the norm accepted for this area (45 dB L).
Similar complex two-stage mufflers are installed at a number of powerful domestic installations, for example, at the Krasnodar Thermal Power Plant (GT-100-750), Nevinnomysskaya State District Power Plant (PGU-200). A description of their design is given in § 6-2.
The cost of noise suppression measures at these stations amounted to 1.0-2.0% of the total cost of the station or about 6% of the cost of the gas turbine plant itself. In addition, the use of silencers is associated with a certain loss of power and efficiency. The construction of silencers requires the use of large quantities expensive materials and quite labor intensive. Therefore, issues of optimization of noise suppressor designs become especially important, which is impossible without knowledge of the most advanced calculation methods and the theoretical basis of these methods.

1. Architectural and planning

Functional zoning of the territory settlement;

Rational planning of the residential area - the use of the screening effect of residential and public buildings located in close proximity to the noise source. Wherein interior layout the building should ensure that the sleeping and other premises of the residential area of ​​the apartment are oriented towards the quiet side, and rooms in which people spend a short time - kitchens, bathrooms, etc. - should be oriented towards the highway. staircases;

Creating conditions for continuous movement of vehicles by organizing traffic without traffic lights (transport interchanges at different levels, underground pedestrian crossings, allocation of one-way streets);

Creation of bypass roads for transit transport;

Landscaping of residential areas.

2. Technological

Modernization Vehicle(reducing the noise of the engine, chassis, etc.);

Using engineering screens – laying a highway or railway in a recess, creating screen walls from various wall structures;

Reducing noise penetration through window openings of residential and public buildings (using soundproofing materials– sealing gaskets made of sponge rubber in the window ledges, installation of windows with triple sashes).

3. Administrative and organizational

State supervision of the technical condition of vehicles (monitoring compliance with deadlines Maintenance, mandatory regular technical inspections);

Monitoring the condition of the road surface.




1) terrain

3) availability of water and green areas

4) the nature of the soil

5) population size


1) placement functional zones on the ground, taking into account the wind rose

2) the presence of functional zoning of the territory

3) ensuring a sufficient level of insolation of the territory

4) providing convenient communication routes between individual parts of the city

5) the presence of a sufficient number of high-rise buildings


1) residential

2) industrial

3) communal and warehouse

4) central

5) suburban


1) perimeter

2) lowercase

3) mixed

4) arachnoid

5) free


1) take into account the wind rose

2) organize a sanitary protection zone

3) take into account the terrain

4) take into account the population size

5) located downstream of the city along the river


1) residential areas

2) commercial warehouses

3) administrative center

4) car parks

5) forest park area


1) the state of the territory for the location of the settlement

2) limiting the growth of large and super-large cities

3) the possibility of landscaping the territory

4) functional zoning of the city

5) use of natural and climatic factors


1) placement industrial enterprises

2) recreation of the population

3) placement of objects public utilities

4) organization of forest park zone

5) placement of transport hubs

9. The type of development of the settlement is determined

1) terrain

2) wind conditions of the territory

3) population size

4) the presence of green spaces

5) location of roads


1) difficulty in providing good conditions insolation of dwellings

2) the difficulty of organizing ventilation of the area

3) inconvenience for the population

4) difficulty in organizing the internal territory of the microdistrict

5) impossibility of use in large cities


1. 1), 2), 3), 4)

3. 1), 2), 3), 5)

7. 1), 3), 4), 5)

9. 1), 2), 4), 5)


According to WHO experts, people spend more than 80% of their time in non-production premises. This suggests that the quality of the indoor environment, including the home environment, can influence human health. Hygienic requirements for housing are regulated by SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises; SanPiN 2.2.1./, amended. and additional No. 1 to SanPiN 2.2.1/ Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings.

The sources of general vibration are rotating mechanisms - smoke exhauster, fan and pumps, as well as a working boiler. Vibration occurs both when the rotating mechanisms are poorly centered or unbalanced, and when the balancing is correct. In equipment, vibration occurs when the medium moves.

Vibration can cause disruption of body functions. When exposed to general vibration, changes occur in the central nervous system: dizziness, tinnitus, drowsiness, and impaired coordination of movements. There is instability in the cardiovascular system blood pressure, hypertensive phenomena. Damage to the skin-articular apparatus is localized in the legs and spine. At high intensity and in a certain frequency range, tissue rupture occurs. The most dangerous vibrations for the human body are those whose frequencies coincide with the natural frequencies of the human body and its internal organs, since such vibrations can cause resonant phenomena in the body. The frequency range of such vibrations is from 4 to 400 Hz. The most dangerous frequency is 5¸9 Hz.

Vibration in the boiler room is constant.

The boiler room operator is subject to general vibration of category 3, technological type A (at permanent workplaces in industrial premises of enterprises).

The main document on vibration is SN 2.2.4/ “Industrial vibration, vibration in residential and public buildings.”

When normalizing vibration, deviations of vibration velocity and vibration acceleration from the maximum permissible values ​​along the axes of the orthogonal coordinate system are taken into account.

The main way to ensure vibration safety should be the creation and use of vibration-proof machines. When designing and using machines, buildings, and objects, methods must be used that reduce vibration along the paths of its propagation from the excitation source; Vibration insulation and vibration damping bases (pneumatic dampers, springs) are used.

To eliminate vibrations and shocks from machine operation bearing structures buildings should not come into contact with machine foundations.

In the boiler room, vibration damping bases are used on the pump foundations.

Sources of noise in a boiler room are the boiler, operating pumps, smoke exhauster, fan, movement of water and steam in pipelines.

Intense noise with daily exposure reduces hearing acuity, leads to changes in blood pressure, weakens attention, reduces visual acuity, accelerates the process of fatigue, and causes changes in motor centers. Noise has a particularly adverse effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. Noise with an intensity of more than 130 dB causes pain in the ears, and at 140 dB, irreversible hearing damage occurs.

Characteristics of constant noise in workplaces are sound pressure levels in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies of 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 Hz.

A characteristic of non-constant noise in workplaces is the integral criterion - the equivalent (in energy) sound level.

The noise in the boiler room is constant broadband.

Basic document on noise exposure SN 2.2.4/ “Noise in workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas.”

Permissible sound pressure levels in octave frequency bands, sound levels and equivalent sound levels in workplaces should be accepted:

For broadband constant and non-constant (except impulse) noise - according to table. 13.4;

For tonal and impulse noise - by 5 dB less values, indicated in table. 14.4.

Table 14.4

Permissible sound pressure levels in workplaces and enterprise areas

When developing technological processes, designing, manufacturing and operating machines, industrial buildings and structures, as well as when organizing a workplace, all necessary measures should be taken to reduce noise affecting people in the workplace to values ​​​​not exceeding permissible values ​​in the following areas:

Development of noise-proof equipment;

The use of means and methods of collective protection in accordance with GOST 12.1.029-80 “SSBT. Means and methods of noise protection. Classification";

Application of funds personal protection according to GOST 12.4.011-89 “Means for protecting workers. Basic requirements and classification."

Areas with a sound level or equivalent sound level above 80 dBA must be marked with safety signs in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026-2001 “SSBT. Signal colors and safety signs.” Those working in these areas must be provided with personal protective equipment.

One method of noise reduction is to reduce noise along its propagation path. It is implemented by using casings, screens and soundproofing partitions that cover the above equipment, using sound insulation of enclosing structures; sealing around the perimeter of the porches of windows, gates, doors; sound insulation of intersections of enclosing structures engineering communications; installation of soundproof observation booths and remote control. Anti-noise earplugs and headphones are used as personal protective equipment.

To reduce noise from rotating mechanisms in the boiler room, casings are used. The operator's room is soundproofed.

Our website is our business card. Just like on a business card, we displayed only the most necessary information, in our opinion.

Our website was created so that by visiting here you can call us:

  • boiler rooms, boiler equipment, heating boilers, burners
  • gas limits

And receive qualified answers to your questions within a reasonable time.

Work performed:

  • Obtaining technical specifications (TU) for the following types of work: gasification of the facility, water supply, electricity supply, sewerage. And also - all permitting documentation for boiler installations in the SES, Fire Service and other organizations. Gas limits - documentation preparation, receipt.
  • Boiler house design. It is provided both as a separate service and as part of a complex of works for the construction of turnkey boiler houses. For gas boiler houses, for diesel boiler houses and for wood fuel boiler houses. Design is carried out for the following facilities - gas boiler houses, diesel boiler houses and wood waste boiler houses.
  • Boiler equipment . Supply of imported and Russian equipment - directly through manufacturers. We provide discounts to design and installation organizations that make purchases through our representative offices. Basics boiler equipment: block modules, boilers, burners, heat exchangers, chimneys.

    You can also order the following boiler equipment separately:

    • gas boilers (small and medium power),
    • heating boilers,
    • burners (gas, diesel and combined),
    • block-modular buildings (made of sandwich panels).
  • Installation of boiler rooms is produced both at the Customer’s site and with the possibility of partial execution at the company’s base, with further delivery to the site and block assembly. Main types: block, modular boiler rooms, roof-mounted, built-in, attached, transportable.
  • Delivery of completed work. Carrying out all work on paperwork and interaction with representatives of supervisory authorities. Interaction with all structures involved in both steam boiler houses and hot water boiler houses.


  1. Deadlines, quality, price- everyone declares. Not everyone complies. We comply.
  2. The management department will deliver to you maximum convenience when working with us.

Boiler rooms are designed and installed in accordance with a number of rules, for example:

  • GOST 21.606-95 SPDS "Rules for the implementation of working documentation for thermomechanical solutions for boiler houses"
  • GOST 21563-93 Water heating boilers. Main parameters and technical requirements
  • PU and BE "Rules for the design and safe operation of steam boilers"
  • PB 12-529-03 "Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems."

If your task is to obtain an active object back to the beginning heating season , we offer you the option "Block-modular boiler house" based on standard solutions. Modular boiler houses supplied under this program have the following advantages: a) the use of a standard design reduces the time required for design and project approval, b) it becomes possible to purchase basic equipment in parallel with the development individual parts project.

We also translate steam boiler rooms in hot water mode. With this operation steam boilers lose from the rated power, while solving certain heating problems. These are solutions mainly for Russian boilers. The advantage of this operation is that existing steam boilers do not have to be replaced with new ones, which can have a positive effect in the short term from an economic point of view.

All supplied boiler equipment is certified and has permission for use in the Russian Federation - gas boilers, heating boilers, burners, heat exchangers, shut-off valves etc. The specified documentation is included in the delivery package.