House in oriental style. Oriental style house designs

Exotic lovers gravitate towards houses different styles. If our climate is quite cool, and the houses of northern peoples are deprived of their usual comfort, then buildings in the oriental style are very interesting. Chinese-style houses are being built today not only brave people. This is not a formal saturation, but a special correct location all items that create comfort and harmony.

Chinese style for connoisseurs. Such a house can be built:

  • Lovers of Eastern culture - people who lived there for a long time. To create such a house, you need to be interested not so much in design and art, but to respect their philosophy and organization of space.
  • People with excellent taste. It is very important in such a house to arrange accessories and furniture correctly and not create chaos.
  • Lovers bright colors. Chinese houses do not like halftones or pastel shades. The color should be bright and rich.

Selecting a project Chinese house, you need to follow his style. And not only to externally make it look like a Chinese house, but also to furnish the interior accordingly and plant traditional gardens.

Divide space in Chinese

It is important to create correct layout Chinese house. It assumes the presence of one or two floors. Moreover, in a two-story building, the central hall extends to the entire height of the house. It is often supplemented with columns. Second floor, as in European houses, are given away for living quarters of the owners of the house. If it is a one-story building, then they try to place the bedrooms away from the entrance. This layout was typical of old Chinese houses, which they most often try to recreate.

It is very good if the project includes courtyards. They can be closed or semi-closed. These are small islands of nature. It is very important to break proper garden: with gazebos, sandy paths, lawn, small pond, possibly a bridge.

Read also

Projects small houses and cottages

Typical Chinese courtyard

Interior decoration

Most often, houses are built from wood - such material is not difficult to veneer. It is important for a Chinese house to choose the right combination colors. The classic ones will be black, red and white. Red is the primary color. The rest are chosen very carefully. If the home decor contains Chinese tiles and figurines, then you need to find out exactly what symbolic meaning they have.

Individual rooms can be decorated in blue or yellow color. Gold has always been a sign of the power inherent in the imperial caste, and the nobility decorated their homes with blue. With such rich colors, it is necessary to take care of lighting. The windows should be large. Doors and windows covered with paper are often placed between rooms, so more light will enter the rooms.

At home in asian style gravitate towards an abundance of symbolic objects. Antique furniture, preferably low, sofas, lanterns, figurines and vases will create the right spirit. You should also avoid sharp corners. If it is necessary to change visual angles, objects are installed diagonally.

The roof is the trademark of the house

You can immediately distinguish a Chinese house from another by its roof. Real Chinese roof it is not that difficult to build, although today it is possible to make an imitation. Big variety building materials will help bring this idea to life. You can learn how to build a roof for a house on specialized websites.

Chinese roof design diagram

This roof has several differences from the ones we are used to:

  1. Using post-and-beam construction rather than rafters.
  2. Round tiles. It is convenient to fasten it together, and this shape also allows you to create cornices, joints between planes, and decorate the ends of the knowledge with special Chinese figures.
  3. Heavy cornices. The structure always protrudes far beyond the walls of the house. This was not done by accident. This improves the stability of the house and protects the walls from precipitation. To support the weight of the cornices, special beams are placed outside the building.

In the last 2-3 decades, Russia has experienced a boom in the construction of private houses. In the 90s, they were built as carbon copies, and you could see entire villages consisting of completely identical structures. Today, many people strive to emphasize their individuality. This also applies to the exterior of homes. Along with modern projects in fashion and exotic. We invite you to find out what an oriental-style house should look like and what kind of interior it should have.

Oriental style house: Options

A house in an oriental style can have a silhouette and exterior in the style of Muslim architecture, or Indian, Chinese or Japanese. The latter option is often chosen as a project for wooden country house.

Design wooden structure It can also be used for an Arabic or Indian house in an oriental style. However, then you will have to clad its façade with stone or materials imitating stone.

Japanese house in oriental style: design and exterior

The modern sphere of design requires that the house, both outside and inside, be decorated in the same style.

However, there are exceptions, since today the interiors of many mansions in modern style are given features characteristic of the design interior spaces traditional dwellings of the country rising sun.

Japanese house interior

Japanese house in oriental style the inside should be finished natural wood, bamboo and others natural materials.

A Japanese house in oriental style should be decorated with authentic objects of decorative and applied art. For example, the walls will be decorated with calligraphy or miniatures made in ink on silk.

Arabian house in oriental style

An Arabic house in oriental style can be recognized from a distance by flat roof. As you know, in the Arab East, rain is a rarity. In this regard, in these countries there is no need to arrange roof slopes. In addition, in the Middle East it is customary to sleep there overnight in the summer, since it is less hot there than indoors.

Please note! In most countries of the Arab East, wood is a rarity, so it is used only in the manufacture of furniture.

The finishing of the floor and walls can be done with stone or ceramic slabs. Moreover, the latter should be with magnificent ornaments.

A special place should be given to textiles. As you know, many types of fabrics came to Europe from India, Syria and other countries of the Middle East. Their residents loved to spend their free time stretched out on couches and sofas, under lush canopies.

When creating an interior in an oriental style, be sure to install several sofas or an ottoman on a high podium in the living room. It can be used not only as a bed, but also as a “dining room”.

In the latter case, a low table is placed on the podium, around which people sit on cushions different sizes bright colors.

Special attention should be paid to the design window openings. Suitable for them with lush draperies.

Double decker Vacation home made of aerated concrete inspired by oriental motifs: low, almost flat roof, far protruding cornices, big windows and stained glass windows with characteristic glazing. External exoticism is very successfully combined in the house design with a modern, comfortable and functional layout. The house has two full-height floors. The entrance is preceded by a covered terrace, the canopy of which is supported by three columns. A small vestibule leads to the hallway - the distribution area of ​​the house. From here you can get to all its premises. Of particular interest in this layout is the guest space - this is a spacious room with a bay window, a fireplace and access to a glazed veranda. Will fit perfectly into the bay window dinner table. The veranda can also be used as winter Garden. On the second floor there are four bedrooms and a bathroom. The corridors and halls here are reduced to a minimum, which is what made it possible to obtain such a large amount of living space. The result was a country house project that was non-trivial in architecture and rational in layout.
Maximum number of residents: 6 people.

The house project is designed for construction in a climate zone with the following indicators:
- Estimated outside air temperature: minus 26°C
- Snow: 180 kg/sq.m.
- Wind: 30 kg/sq.m.
- Soil freezing depth: 1.40 m from ground level.

Furnace: Yes.
Fireplace: Yes.
Terrace: Yes.
Room on the 1st floor: Yes.
Balcony: Yes.
Veranda: Yes.

Built-up area: 168.40 sq.m.
Area of ​​premises: 198.40 sq.m.
Area of ​​balconies and terraces: 29.50 sq.m.
Total area of ​​the house: 207.30 sq.m.
Living area: 117.20 sq.m.
Construction volume: 1313.50 cubic meters
Height of 1st floor: 2,950 m.
Height 2nd floor: 3,000 m.
Height of the house at the ridge from ground level: 9.020 m.

Technology and design: Construction of a house from aerated concrete blocks.
Foundations: shallow monolithic reinforced concrete slab.
Exterior walls:
Internal walls: 375 mm thick. from aerated concrete blocks.
Partitions: 100 mm thick. from aerated concrete blocks. attic floor- frame cladding.
Floors: boardwalk along wooden beams.
Chimneys and ventilation channels: made of solid red brick.
Facade finishing: plaster + wooden lath.
Roof: wooden.
Roof: pitched along wooden rafters. covering - bitumen shingles.
Exterior finish: plinth - stone finishing. walls - plaster + painting.

Engineering solutions:
- Heating: autonomous from the boiler.
- Ventilation: natural supply and exhaust.
- Water supply: from a well (var. - from an external network).
- Hot water supply: from an autonomous boiler.
- Sewerage: to local wastewater treatment plants(var. - in external network sewer)
- Power supply - from an external network.

Overall dimensions of the house: 14.80 x 13.50 m.
Minimum lot sizes: 21.00 x 20.00 m.
Mirror projection: Yes. (without engineering systems)
- Contents of the design documentation:
- Architectural and Construction section (AR + KR) = yes.
- Engineering sections (OV, VK, EO) (IS) = yes. (in direct projection)

Development of interior design projects

New package

Design project

4500 rub./m2

Design project

5500 rub./m2

Design project
"5 stars"


Item cost

Prices for services


Price table

Design project "Gift"

Order a complete set in the studio of Angelika Prudnikova, and we will refund you 50% of the cost of the design project of the completed premises! Thus, a design project from the “Prestige” package will cost you 2 times less. As a result of the work, you will receive a completed project in the form of a complete color album with all necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of premises. Completion time 7-8 weeks. Composition of the design project:

Design project "Comfortable"

The main advantages of the “Comfortable” design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Completion time 7-8 weeks. A comfortable design project consists of:

  • 1. Diagram of the dimensions of the premises included in the facility.
  • 2. Proposal of a sketch of a layout plan and/or redevelopment of the facility (1 option).
  • 3. Sketch of the plan diagram construction installation(dismantling) if agreed and provided for in writing).
  • 4. Sketch of the ceiling design plan.
  • 5. Sketch of the lighting layout plan.
  • 6. Sketch of the layout plan for switches.
  • 7. Sketch of the layout plan electrical outlets and electrical outlets.
  • 8. Sketch of the floor plan, layout of floor materials.
  • 9. Sketch of the plan for naming the walls.
  • 10. Sketch of the diagram of the lamps.
  • 11. Sketch of the wall layout plan (if agreed upon and provided in writing).
  • 12. Sketch of a diagram of the layout of tiles on the walls (if tile laying is provided).
  • 13. 3-D visualization of interior design in a given program, developed based on the results of stage 1, is issued in printed form.

Design project "Prestigious"

The main advantages of the “Prestigious” design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Completion time 7-8 weeks. The prestigious design project consists of:

  • 3-D visualization of interior design in a given program

Design project "5 stars"

The main advantages of the “5 stars” design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Completion time 7-8 weeks. 5 star design project consists of:

  • Size diagram of the premises included in the facility;
  • Proposal of a sketch of a layout plan and/or redevelopment of the facility (if agreed upon and provided for in writing);
  • A sketch of the construction installation (dismantling) plan if agreed upon and provided for in writing);
  • Sketch of the ceiling design plan;
  • Sketch of the lighting layout plan;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for the placement of switches;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for electrical sockets and electrical outlets;
  • Sketch of floor plan, layout of floor materials;
  • Sketch of the plumbing and kitchen equipment;
  • Sketch of layout plan doorways;
  • Sketch of the plan for naming the walls;
  • Sketch of the floor heating placement plan with the connection of the regulator (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the diagram of the lamps;
  • Sketch of electrical equipment plan;
  • Sketch of the furniture plan and its dimensions;
  • Sketch of the plan diagram decorative materials;
  • A sketch of the wall layout plan (if agreed upon and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of a layout plan for kitchen equipment (if necessary);
  • A sketch of a diagram of the layout of tiles on the walls (if tile laying is provided);
  • Specifications of recommended materials according to the design project sketch;
  • 3-D visualization of interior design in a given program, 3D panorama of the front area

Oriental style house designs are undoubtedly especially popular in luxury resorts United Arab Emirates. Today we invite our readers to get acquainted with one of the amazing mansions reminiscent of the tales of the Thousand and One Nights.

The young but already world-famous Egyptian designer Muhammad Taher belongs to a new generation of architects (he received his education in 2007) who begin their projects at the PC keyboard. His favorite tools are 3ds Max and Vray. The Tuscan-style villa project we are considering is not only implemented in Dubai (UAE), but also presented as home page many sites dedicated to computer design modeling.

The freshness of the project idea is that modern design interior in natural, warm colors and the traditional appearance of the house with the same tiled roof from the hospitable province of Italy, where it appeared, was transferred to the Arab country. And, despite other local architectural traditions, it was accepted.

If you look at the facade, the house seems light, airy, compact, symmetrical, but from the side, from either of its two wings, the view is transformed: harmonious asymmetry, volume and spaciousness become noticeable. WITH right side at home, for classic European forged gates With automatic control, is the main entrance to the mansion.

Near the smaller wing of the building - the right one, limited by the entrance and patio, – there is a small two-story outbuilding for servants. The left wing of the house was built in depth to accommodate a kitchen, laundry and service rooms. Color solution The façade is reminiscent of Italy - the combination of calm and rich beige and light yellow with bright living green plants looks quite Florentine. Near the foundation, the walls are decorated with mosaics in brown shades.

The terrace of the house begins under the internal arch of the building and encloses in a regular wide ring an elegant, stylized European palace pond, a perfectly round pool decorated with mosaics. And the recreation area, equipped on the terrace around the pool, is decorated in an oriental rather than a European style.

On the opposite side, the estate is decorated with a gazebo. This is an elegant oriental tent, topped with perfect white fabric, wicker furniture and a Moroccan pouffe chair.

The interior features of the mansion are typical for nobles of Arab countries. The living rooms occupy the first floor from the front of the house. On the second floor there are bedrooms and bathrooms.

Sheikhs are sheikhs... invariably decorated with numerous inlays of semi-precious stones on the walls; their beds are huge, exclusive, with fine carvings; their kitchens rival those of fashionable restaurants in size and equipment; their bathrooms resemble a small spa treatment room.

Participants of the entertaining forum can only state the ideality dream houses from Muhammad Taher, because she is surprisingly harmonious on the outside and cozy on the inside.

Are you attracted by the flavor of the East? Today you don’t have to live in Dubai to afford a chic oriental-style country house. It will not only be a presentable, rich-looking building, but also quite stylish, comfortable, and cozy for every family member and guests.

Create your own unique world, reminiscent of the tales of the Thousand and One Nights.

Elite houses in oriental style - an advantageous combination of luxury and comfort

Today, more and more people are turning to the more daring, modern solutions. Classic options are moving aside today, giving way to creativity and dedication. professional designers. Although the oriental style is not for everyone, adherents of the domestic style consider it completely unacceptable in our area. It's quite difficult to achieve home comfort and upscale, earthy luxury with any other design direction.

What is oriental style? Let's dive into history

This direction in architecture and design was actively developed in China, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia. But if you clearly divide, there are 3 directions:

  • Chinese;
  • Japanese;
  • Colonial.

Today, the oriental style is popular thanks to Feng Shui (Chinese style). It is characterized by a clear organization of space, giving each detail a special place in the room. Everything here is clearly ordered, but at the same time it looks lively and attracts attention. When arranging the interior, as well as local area neat, miniature elements are used. This is due to the size of the country and the inability to use massive, large objects. This is confirmed by minimalism in the interior, the arrangement of miniature ikebanas and gardens.

What can be said about the architecture in oriental style house designs?

The architecture of such buildings shows the interweaving of several directions. This is due to the fact that religious, political, cultural and social factors had a huge influence. Today there is a division of eastern architecture into:

  • Moorish, which intensively developed under the influence of Berber and Spanish. The White Mosque in Cordoba, the Alcazar Towers, and the Grenada Palaces are striking examples of this trend.
  • Islamic, which fully manifested itself in the construction of mosques and structures intended for Muslim worship. They, in turn, are quarterly, open (Namazokh), Juma mosques, etc.

The design of houses in the oriental style began to actively gain popularity in the 18th century. Even then, the attention of Europe was captured by magnificent patterns, expensive fabrics, interesting decor and a combination of rich colors. A new trend for that time lingered for a long time at the peak of popularity - to this day it attracts the attention of true connoisseurs of beauty, chic and comfort.

What does the interior of an oriental-style cottage look like?

  • The living room should be spacious, bright, and create a friendly environment. It is typical for Asia to use bamboo floors, but in modern buildings this is the usual high-quality covering - laminate or parquet in light colors. Accommodation here is acceptable large quantity colorful, luxurious carpets, floor pillows, a large chandelier is installed in the middle of the ceiling.
  • The bedroom has wide, low beds, colorful bedspreads, and small cube-shaped nightstands. The overall look can be complemented by expressive textiles (curtains, curtains) and many pillows.
  • The kitchen is distinguished by its functionality, conciseness, and simplicity. In the design of a house in an oriental style, parts made of colored glass and copper become an integral part of the kitchen. kitchen utensils. There are tiles on the floor different colors, it is possible to arrange floor vases as decoration (they should not interfere or impede freedom of movement).
  • The bathroom should presumably be allocated large room. The bathroom itself is located in the middle, next to it round table, the room is decorated using ceramic tiles in the appropriate oriental style.

House designs in oriental style - features of the materials used

To amaze and make an impression, there should not be an ounce of falsehood. Therefore, it is important that the materials used for decoration and decoration of premises are natural, high-quality, and expensive. Bamboo, stone, and wood are used for decoration; the walls are covered with marble and limestone. Exquisite items, curtains, screens are made from satin, silk, and brocade - as a result, the rooms acquire a special look, enchanting with their elegance and sophistication.

It is bamboo and wood that are traditionally considered suitable material as flooring. The walls are often smooth, without pronounced reliefs, framed with semi-precious stones, marble, limestone, etc. Oriental-style wallpaper and wall paintings can also be used. It is important to consider that the latter is best done in large, large rooms, because this approach can visually make the room smaller.

Windows in oriental-style cottages are usually rectangular and made of wood. Both curtains of discreet colors (beige, blue, pink) and vertical or horizontal blinds are perfect for decoration.

Carrying out construction of residential cottages it's worth sticking to the basics color range(terracotta, cream, sand), but furniture design knows no boundaries. The upholstery can be made in a wide variety of shades:

  • pearl;
  • brown;
  • white;
  • red;
  • green;
  • gold;
  • blue.

The decor adds even more chic to the room. Colorful fans, luxurious carpets, complemented by weapons, etc. are placed on the walls. Inlays and wood carvings decorate the furniture, making it unique. Vases with exotic paintings, jugs, bowls of incense, and figurines complete the image. At the same time, all accessories fit perfectly, harmoniously into the room, and are combined with each other.

Indian, Arabic and other styles are characterized by the use of numerous lamps (with complex carvings, made of silk, paper, stone).

Why not dream of a “sheikh’s home”?

Do you want something unusual, interesting and well-made by professionals? Let tradition be complemented by fresh ideas.

InnovaStroy specialists will compare the interior with the exterior and develop a cost-effective project of an elite house with a swimming pool and a garage. The facade will look light, “airy”, symmetrical, and the building itself will be spacious and voluminous. Your estate can be decorated beautiful gazebo in the style typical of nobles of Arab countries - a white fabric tent with Moroccan poufs and wicker chairs.

A luxurious living room will occupy the first floor, bathrooms and bedrooms will occupy the second floor. Just imagine the living room walls shining precious stones, luxurious bedrooms with huge beds decorated with fine carvings. Your bathroom will rival those found in spas, and your kitchen can easily rival those in upscale restaurants.

By designing wide sliding panels to the terrace, you can provide convenient access to the courtyard to a luxurious swimming pool, a courtyard decorated with vegetation and small statues. Artificial small ponds, the bottom of which is lined with pebbles, and fountains that decorate the yard and soothe with their murmur are also used as decorations for the territory. This approach is ideal for those who value comfort, luxury and peace of mind.

Exotic house in oriental style - Chinese alternative

Lovers of exoticism and harmony will certainly take a closer look at this direction. If you don’t like chaos and take a responsible approach to home decoration, value brightness and colorfulness, Chinese style will become great solution. There will be nothing superfluous here.

InnovaStroy specialists carefully approach the division and organization of space “in Chinese”:

  • Often such oriental-style houses consist of one or two floors. In this case, the central entrance must be the full height of the building and can be equipped with columns.
  • Distinctive feature the structure will become a roof (this may be original design or imitation). Here, building-beam structures are used, rather than rafters, round tiles, with the help of which elaborate shapes, bends, and cornices are created. The latter ensure the stability of the building and protect the walls from precipitation.
  • The second floor assumes the presence of a so-called recreation area where the master bedrooms are located. If there is one floor, then these rooms should be slightly removed from the entrance (this feature was inherent in old Chinese houses).
  • Professionals will provide cozy “islands of nature” in the yard, in which everything should also be clear and according to a given pattern. The garden includes beautiful neat lawns, decorative ponds with bridges, gazebos, sandy paths, etc.
  • It is important to choose the right building materials and materials for interior cladding. InnovaStroy specialists will navigate the area, carefully study the topography and climatic features in order to come to the right decision regarding the selection of the type of foundation and construction technology.
  • A competent choice of colors will be provided (these are classic black, white, red, as well as additional gold, yellow, blue), as well as decorative elements(the symbolic meaning of each is studied in detail), sufficient illumination.
  • Special atmosphere will create stylistic lanterns, vases, low antique furniture and an absolute absence of sharp corners in the premises.

Do you strive for harmony of space, grace and simplicity at the same time, do you revere the philosophy of the East? Or maybe you want to always feel at your best, like a real sheikh? The InnovaStroy team will fulfill all the customer’s wishes, strictly following modern construction standards.

Cost of designing a country house in the oriental style will be fair and justified. Your expectations will be translated into reality in a matter of time!

Oriental-style house designs are, without a doubt, especially popular in the luxury resorts of the United Arab Emirates. Today we invite our readers to get acquainted with one of the amazing mansions reminiscent of the tales of the Thousand and One Nights.

The young but already world-famous Egyptian designer Muhammad Taher belongs to a new generation of architects (he received his education in 2007) who begin their projects at the PC keyboard. His favorite tools are 3ds Max and Vray. The Tuscan-style villa project we are considering was not only implemented in Dubai (UAE), but is also presented as the main page of many sites dedicated to computer design modeling.

The freshness of the project idea lies in the fact that the modern interior design in natural, warm colors and the traditional appearance of the house with the same tiled roof from the hospitable province of Italy, where it appeared, was transferred to the Arab country. And, despite other local architectural traditions, it was accepted.

If you look at the facade, the house seems light, airy, compact, symmetrical, but from the side, from either of its two wings, the view is transformed: harmonious asymmetry, volume and spaciousness become noticeable. On the right side of the house, behind classic European automatic wrought iron gates, is the main entrance to the mansion.

Near the smaller wing of the building - the right one, limited by the entrance and the courtyard - there is a small two-story outbuilding for servants. The left wing of the house was built in depth to accommodate a kitchen, laundry and service rooms. The color scheme of the facade is reminiscent of Italy - the combination of calm and rich beige and light yellow with bright living green plants looks quite Florentine. Near the foundation, the walls are decorated with mosaics in brown shades.

The terrace of the house begins under the internal arch of the building and encloses in a regular wide ring an elegant, stylized European palace pond, a perfectly round pool decorated with mosaics. And the recreation area, equipped on the terrace around the pool, is decorated in an oriental rather than a European style.

On the opposite side, the estate is decorated with a gazebo. This is an elegant oriental tent, topped with perfect white fabric, wicker furniture and a Moroccan pouffe chair.

The interior features of the mansion are typical for nobles of Arab countries. The living rooms occupy the first floor from the front of the house. On the second floor there are bedrooms and bathrooms.

Sheikhs are sheikhs... invariably decorated with numerous inlays of semi-precious stones on the walls; their beds are huge, exclusive, with fine carvings; their kitchens rival those of fashionable restaurants in size and equipment; their bathrooms resemble a small spa treatment room.

Participants of the entertaining forum can only state the ideality of the dream house from Muhammad Taher, because it is surprisingly harmonious on the outside and cozy on the inside.

Increasingly, supporters of fashionable expressions in the exterior are trying to move away from the usual classic options façade design, instead giving preference creative ideas highly professional designers. Despite its atypical nature for domestic traditions, it is becoming increasingly popular oriental style in house design. The main merit of the oriental style is an advantageous combination home comfort and squat luxury that is difficult to achieve with any other design option. In addition, individual design of houses in the oriental style is not too expensive, because it requires a minimum of expensive materials.

Features of design in oriental style

In the most general view Eastern style can be divided into several directions. A separate branch in the East is the Arabic style, while the other - Asian - is represented by Chinese and Japanese styles. House project in Japanese style And Chinese style house project have similarities in almost everything. However, you can distinguish between these style decisions by feeling the “traditions” of a particular country in the chosen design, in which a professional designer will help you better express yourself.

The main feature of the oriental style lies in the use of a minimum amount of furniture, even if we're talking about not about the interior, but about the veranda. The use of wooden furniture is encouraged, which is very successfully diluted with colorful accessories and flower arrangements. In choise color palette preference should be given to red, pink shades, as well as blue, brown and white. Almost all of the listed tones are calm, which conveys the harmony of the eastern worldview, while red is used to highlight important design components.

How to build a house in oriental style

When constructing cottages or renovating such a house, when choosing an Oriental style, it is better to buy wooden furniture threaded. In special cases, such furniture can be covered with rich fabric, but also in soft shades. Important element in oriental style - the presence of many pillows, the ornament of which matches the chosen direction. As for doorways and windows in the design of the facade, it is preferable to get rid of the typical design, preferring real oriental pointed arches.

If obtaining permission to build a house was not a problem for you, this does not mean that you will complete the construction and design work You can do it yourself. With the oriental style, many difficulties will probably arise, even if you are completely confident in your knowledge. Specialists construction company“Novation” will design your house in an oriental theme, and then build it for you in compliance with all the features of this style.

In the last 2-3 decades, Russia has experienced a boom in the construction of private houses. In the 90s, they were built as carbon copies, and you could see entire villages consisting of completely identical structures. Today, many people strive to emphasize their individuality. This also applies to the exterior of homes. Along with modern designs, exotic ones are also in fashion. We invite you to find out what an oriental-style house should look like and what kind of interior it should have.

Oriental style house: Options

A house in an oriental style can have a silhouette and exterior in the style of Muslim architecture, or Indian, Chinese or Japanese. The latter option is often chosen as a project for a wooden country house.

You can decorate a wooden structure to resemble an Arab or Indian house in an oriental style. However, then you will have to clad its façade with stone or materials imitating stone.

Japanese house in oriental style: design and exterior

The modern sphere of design requires that the house, both outside and inside, be decorated in the same style.

However, there are exceptions, since today the interiors of many mansions in a modern style are given features characteristic of the interior design of traditional homes in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Japanese house interior

A Japanese house in oriental style should be decorated from the inside with natural wood, bamboo and other natural materials.

A Japanese house in oriental style should be decorated with authentic objects of decorative and applied art. For example, the walls will be decorated with calligraphy or miniatures made in ink on silk.

Arabian house in oriental style

An Arabic house in an oriental style can be recognized from a distance by its flat roof. As you know, in the Arab East, rain is a rarity. In this regard, in these countries there is no need to arrange roof slopes. In addition, in the Middle East it is customary to sleep there overnight in the summer, since it is less hot there than indoors.

Please note! In most countries of the Arab East, wood is a rarity, so it is used only in the manufacture of furniture.

The finishing of the floor and walls can be done with stone or ceramic slabs. Moreover, the latter should be with magnificent ornaments.

A special place should be given to textiles. As you know, many types of fabrics came to Europe from India, Syria and other countries of the Middle East. Their residents loved to spend their free time stretched out on couches and sofas, under lush canopies.

When creating an interior in an oriental style, be sure to install several sofas or an ottoman on a high podium in the living room. It can be used not only as a bed, but also as a “dining room”.

In the latter case, a low table is placed on the podium, around which people sit on pillows of different sizes in bright colors.

Special attention should be paid to the design of window openings. Suitable for them with lush draperies.