Violet flower - signs and superstitions. Important signs and superstitions about home and garden violets

Outwardly, the violet resembles a princess from a children's fairy tale, in a fluffy ball gown with a high hairstyle decorated with flowers. White violet symbolizes purity and peace, blue - love, blue - creativity, red - optimism, purple - spirituality.

Usambara violet is otherwise called Saintpaulia. This is one of the most common plants in urban homes, which is endowed with soft, calming energy. It creates a feeling of comfort and a festive atmosphere in the house. Where violets bloom, friendly families usually live.

The effect of violets on people

The main effect of violet is on people with decreased tone, decreased activity, and a tendency toward pessimism and melancholy. Violet revives people's desire for active activity, makes people more sociable, cheerful and calm.

Violet has a wonderful effect on the atmosphere of the house, from which it expels negative energies and harmonizes the energy of the house. This is a plant of comfort and hospitality. In a house where Uzambara violets grow, joy and harmony reign, and household members are not inclined to indulge in gloomy thoughts and pessimistic fantasies. Violet is especially recommended for those who feel lost and lonely, as well as for anyone who feels out of place in the workplace.

If we look at the leaves of the violet, we will see that they have a heart-shaped shape - this is what makes the violet a talisman for lovers. Saintpaulias are setting up, loving people on mutual understanding and trust, help to avoid disputes, conflicts and disagreements arising from misunderstandings.

The Eastern teaching of space organization, or Feng Shui, says that violets are also talismans of monetary luck that attract material wealth to a person. In addition, violets support a person’s strength, helping not to waste it.

Violets are different

The color of its flowers plays a significant role in the energy quality of Saintpaulia.

Thus, violets with white flowers help cleanse the energy of the home from destructive negative emotions. These violets will help relieve tension, cope with stress and increased fatigue. Violets with white flowers are recommended for houses whose inhabitants tend to have a very hard time experiencing failures in life. interpersonal relationships, in love and friendship.

If there are ants in your kitchen, place white violets on the windowsill: their energy can drive away small household insects. White violets - perfect flowers for children's rooms.

Violets with purple flowers are very common. The color violet carries the symbolism of spirituality, detachment from the world and vain everyday problems. Be sure to take this into account when purchasing purple violets while making active career plans. Purple violets serve a completely different function. Violets influence the atmosphere of the house in the most positive way, purifying the energy of the space and creating a harmonious, calm background.

A violet with purple flowers will help you develop intuition and unravel prophetic dream, foresee future events. It is good to keep it in the house for those people who engage in meditation, spiritual or magical practices.

Blue flowers give the violet the properties of a talisman and patron, which preserves and supports creative people in their endeavors, directing them to creative activity, inspiring and harmonizing. Such violets are especially recommended for people who strive to fully reveal their talents. At the same time, these violets will not allow the owner to indulge in laziness, boredom and idleness. Blue violets are suitable for creative studios, workplaces, as well as for school and student rooms.

There are also violets with red or pink flowers. These violets are the faithful companions of those who watch their figure and are ready to go on a diet for the sake of beauty, but are afraid to break. Violets will help you withstand fasting, diet, and give up excessive abundance and pickiness in food.

It is also worth saying that pink and red violets relieve feelings of dissatisfaction, get rid of unfounded claims and help to see not only the black, but also the white sides in life.

Finally, such violets will help organize time and calm the thoughts of people who are completely absorbed in work and financial problems. Red and pink Uzambara violets have a beneficial effect on health, especially on the condition of the throat and thyroid gland.

It is best if there are several violets next to each other in your house: these flowers feel much better in the company of their relatives.

Growing violets at home

They are called the flowers of prosperity. They are said to help you find a life partner. And Uzambara violets are one of the most delicate and beautiful plants that bloom almost all year round. Don't believe me? Try it yourself!

If you decide to grow violets at home, when purchasing, you should meticulously inspect the plants - pay attention to the color of the leaves, it should not be spotty.

When choosing a place where your acquisitions will live, proceed from the fact that a direct line should not fall on the violets. sunlight, This is enough shade-loving plant. Since violets are most often grown on window sills, the best (if possible, of course) windows for them would be north-facing windows. To protect from the midday sun, use curtains to cover the plants. IN winter time It is better to move violets to a south window and protect them from direct sunlight in the same way.

Violets do not require special care. All they need is watering with settled water. There is a nuance: it is better to water the plants in a tray or along the edge of the pot, while trying not to get water on the flower rosette - otherwise it may rot. Violets are watered as the soil dries, in winter - twice a week.

Remember that violets cannot be sprayed, but they still need moisture. Therefore, the pot with the plant should always be on a tray with wet pebbles. Possibly with peat.

By the way, Saintpaulias are one of the few plants that do not require feeding. If you want to fertilize the plant, use a solution twice as weak as for other flowers.

Secret lush flowering Usambara violets - in correct composition soil. The basis - universal primer for indoor plants with the addition of vermiculite and perlite. They loosen the soil, making it breathable and moisture-absorbing.

You can also add hydrogel to the pot - it will take away excess moisture when abundant watering and prevent root rotting. And when the plant dries out, it will give up moisture. Some people add sphagnum moss to the pot - it perfectly disinfects the soil.

Many people complain that violets stop blooming. It turns out that the whole secret is correct selection pot. It should be tight. Its diameter can be three times smaller than the diameter of the plant itself and no more than 9 cm. Otherwise, violets will develop daughter rosettes and bloom poorly.

Violets, like other plants, are afraid of drafts. An insulated loggia with a temperature of 15-17 degrees is ideal for them, but they grow well even at room temperature 20-25 degrees. In other words, if the owner is comfortable, the plants will also be comfortable.

Violets that grow on the windowsill have enough sunlight even in winter. If the pots are on racks or in a room without windows, they need additional lighting. For normal growth - 6-8 hours a day, for flowering - 10-12 hours.

If you want Saintpaulias to rage in winter, place them on a south window. If you want them to rage in the summer, on the contrary, go north.

And one more tip: remove dying leaves and flowers in a timely manner.

It harmonizes marital relationships, making them more tender, stronger and more trusting.

There is a lot of debate about indoor flowers. Some argue that they should be brought into the house. Next to plants you breathe easier, sleep better, feel more alive and better. The thing is that flowers secrete phytoncides - special volatile substances. That is why after a walk in the forest or park, your appetite increases, your mood improves, and fatigue disappears.

Others say that some flowers can be harmful. And the point is not only in allergies to odorous substances released by flowers, but also in the energy potential of plants. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the miniature violet. beautiful flowering plant has taken its rightful place on the window sills of flower growers. But there are people who deliberately do not grow these flowers. They are pleasant, but they can cause harm. Why can't you keep violets at home? Who will these beauties harm?

Analysis will take

Why can't you grow violets at home? From a biological point of view, this question is meaningless. Violets

  • do not provoke allergies;
  • do not emit toxic substances;
  • They do not have serious thorns that could accidentally injure you.

They are absolutely safe.

The prejudiced attitude towards simple beauties is explained only by superstitions and unconfirmed results of energy analysis.

1. According to an old saying, violets make you sad.

Try telling that to lovers of furry miniatures. The varied flowering of indoor plants evokes only joy and pride, but not a sad mood.

2. Another legend says that violets used to be planted near graves. Flowers neutralized all negativity and helped the souls of the departed to calm down. Therefore, bringing violets into the house is bad form. It's like filling your home with grave fear.

Maybe someone once planted violets in a cemetery. That this was a tradition is not confirmed anywhere. One thing that confuses this legend is that flowers neutralize negative energy. Then why is it not recommended to keep them in the house?! They will only help, they will normalize the energy background.

3. Violet - plant female. A lot of violets - a lot of feminine energy. This is dangerous for both single women and single men. A man in a violet house will feel depressed, and a woman in a violet house will feel superfluous.

But how many happy families are engaged in breeding violets! There can be only one danger here: the housewife became overly carried away with her indoor flowers and forgot about her husband.

Violets not only scold, but also praise. Other legends and energy analyzes say that the plant is a symbol of the family hearth and brings good luck and prosperity. Therefore, everyone makes their own decision about whether to grow violets or not.

Flowers for happiness and unhappiness

The following plants are believed to bring happiness to the home:

Myrtle. It is a symbol of family and a happy marriage. The myrtle tree suppresses envy, aggression, anger, and fear. Therefore, there are fewer quarrels and conflicts in the house.

Dracaena Sandera. Original exotic plant attracts money and luck to the house. It’s time to think about why the leaves on dracaena turn yellow. Perhaps there is a strong energy vampire nearby, taking away the family’s well-being.

Ficus. It is recommended to buy it for women who want to become a mother. Ficus also neutralizes aggression and negative emotions. But placing a tub with a plant in the bedroom is contraindicated.

Rose . The queen of flowers, like violets, is also a subject of much debate. Some believe that roses fill the home with positive energy and develop intelligence. Others believe that indoor beauties, on the contrary, take energy from a person. By the way, roses do not tolerate the proximity of other plants. If you are going to reign, then reign undividedly.

Flowers that can be dangerous:

Monstera. She is considered energy vampire bringing misfortune to the house. Therefore it is recommended to keep beautiful plant in the office.

Cyclamen. Rather, it takes away not energy, but health. A houseplant can trigger allergies. And if there is also a disease that explains why cyclamen turns yellow, then the reaction will intensify. Ferns, pelargonium, geranium, and hydrangea are also contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

Dieffenbachia. Highlights poisonous juice. Even if it gets on the skin in small quantities, it causes a burn. If there are small children and animals in the house, it is better not to grow Dieffenbachia.

Tradescantia, ivy and liana are considered indicators of energy well-being. If the plants suddenly begin to turn yellow, it means something is wrong in the home.

Some plants attract good luck and success, others carry negative energy. Violets are the favorite flower of many of us, but some folk signs It is not recommended to keep this flower in your home.

Violets are beautiful and unpretentious flowers, so many people take great pleasure in growing them in their home. However, our ancestors often attributed negative properties to the flower, believing that it could destroy happiness and scare away good luck. At the same time, some signs say that this flower brings only benefits and helps improve the quality of life. The site's experts recommend that you learn about the most important folk signs associated with violets, which will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from troubles and figure out who a violet in the house will attract success and who it can harm.

First of all, folk signs do not recommend keeping this flower in houses where an unmarried woman lives. Since ancient times, violets have been considered husband-bearers, so if a single lady grows these flowers in her home, then she may not get married soon. However, other folk wisdom refutes this sign, claiming that a flower can become a powerful talisman for attracting love. But for this you need to take good care of it.

Many attribute vampiric properties to this flower. It is believed that in a house where there are violets, household members may notice a deterioration in health, weakness, and loss of vitality. It is not recommended to keep the flower in the bedroom, otherwise the person will suffer from insomnia.

In many ways, the properties of a flower depend on its care. If a person devotes more time to this house plant, then it will be grateful to its owner and attract good luck. And if you brought a flower just to decorate your home, but often neglect it, he may be offended. In this case, it will attract troubles, illnesses and troubles.

According to one of the signs, violets attract money and prosperity. To enhance the energy of a flower, you need to bury one coin in the ground. If you believe folk wisdom, then soon the flower will attract wealth and help improve your financial situation.

In many ways, the energy of a plant depends on the color of its flower.

For example, violet with white flowers will help you find harmony and get rid of negative thoughts, emotional experiences, as well as unrequited feelings.

Red and pink violets help get rid of bad habits such as gluttony and wastefulness. This variety of violets is believed to reduce appetite, induce aversion to junk food and accelerate weight loss. People who do not know how to save and often make useless purchases buy red violets to combat their passion for waste.

Violets with blue flowers help develop new talents and find inspiration. This type of flower is especially useful creative people, since flowers help fight the crisis and speed up the search for new ideas.

Blue violets also help cleanse the house of negative energy. Therefore, if in Lately you have encountered difficulties, are going through a difficult period, often quarrel with loved ones or feel the need for cash, then this type of flower will help you get rid of accumulated problems.

Some flowers are our personal talismans, as they attract good luck and other necessary benefits. You can find out which flower will bring you happiness using your date of birth. We wish you success and prosperity, and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.11.2018 03:55

Many people believe that a cactus is a plant that brings negative energy into the house. This is not an entirely correct opinion. Magical properties...

The violet in the house is an invariable attribute of comfort and a special creative mood; it is a mystical flower that sharpens perception. Signs and superstitions associated with violets are contradictory due to the special properties of the plant. With a strong spirit, the flower helps to become stronger, reveals secrets, enhances sensuality and sexuality, gives attractiveness and irresistible feminine charms. For weak and desperate, fickle people who are in anger and despair, the flower can be dangerous.

The violet absorbs negative energy and enhances joy, but if there is nothing but sadness, anger and malice, the flower absorbs everything that is. To avoid vampirism from the flower, place it in the sun for several hours. The plant loves diffused sunlight or soft partial shade. In the dark or with too much light, the flower will wither.

  • Innocent-looking flowers are brought into family life in the house there is harmony, passion, mutual understanding, flashes of sensuality. In a house where violets live, it is impossible to get tired of each other, tired of gray everyday life.
  • The beneficial influence of the flower also extends to finances. You will not go hungry or want.
  • The flower has an excellent effect on the health and intellectual abilities of children and is highly recommended for people in adulthood and old age. It is better for boys and girls to stay away from violets.
  • White and beige flowers can alleviate suffering, pain, help with insomnia, and bring back to life.
  • Blue violets are the color of creative passion, sexuality, and intelligence.
  • Red and burgundy flowers excite the blood, raise blood pressure, and help older people.
  • A small bouquet of violets means readiness for serious relationship. At the ball, such a bouquet is equivalent to the “actively searching” badge.
  • A violet flower in the hair means consent to a bold proposal. If you haven't made a bold or indecent proposal, just planning, stay away. Your target is a lady with a bouquet in her hands or on her purse.
  • Giving a bouquet of violets - you recognize the delightful charm of the lady and express your firm intention to storm the impregnable bastions. This way you make it clear. That you are interested in flirting, and not in conversations on abstract topics, although you are ready to conduct them within the framework of flirting. A bouquet sent back means the proposal has been rejected. If the bouquet is accepted, this is not a reason to march into the bedroom, throwing off spurs and wardrobe items as you go - your proposal has only been accepted for consideration.

What you need to know if you decide to have a violet in your home

  • A single person who grows these plants is likely to maintain his status. But for a married couple, a flower will strengthen the union.
  • Violets are propagated by cuttings rooted by leaves. Flowers are often kept in hospitals and hospices because they alleviate the suffering of the sick. You can't take samples from their hospitals, unhappy or sick people. But you can safely pinch off a leaf from a school plant.
  • If you plan to give a flower in a pot, keep it in the dark for a couple of days.
  • This good gift for a wedding, birth of a baby.

Properties and signs of garden violets

In the garden, the violet is not the most harmless flower. If you are interested in something harmless, there are wild species. All of them are pleasing to the eye and give joy. garden plants help in intellectual pursuits, promote guessing and solving mysteries. Be sure to arrange flower beds with wild violets or lawn borders in places where children play - this helps develop children's mental alertness and curiosity. For flower beds, choose slightly shaded areas.

Garden violets awaken passions, promote the manifestation of unbridled sexuality and spontaneous decisions. Do not plant violets near water, artificial ponds, streams, if you do not want to create a place of pilgrimage for couples in love. Violets growing near the water attract lovers like a magnet and contribute to the ardor of feelings.

Setting up a flowerbed under a young girl’s window or balcony is also not the best best idea. Doesn't promote prudence. You can bet that under Juliet's balcony there were beautiful garden violets.

For older people, these flowers are a source of vital energy and strength, love of life and excellent health. Garden violet in flower beds helps fight insomnia. Flowers grow well in the climate of Italy, Spain, and the south of France. In Russia, plants will have to be removed for the winter.


A violet in the house preserves the emotional background, promotes violent passions, an interesting and exciting life, and adventures. In ancient times, leaves and flowers were used to make sleeping pills and love potions. Do not eat violet flowers and leaves, do not put them in tea as a flavoring - they are poisonous and bitter in taste. For example, violet juice is toxic to ants. Flowers can be placed on shelves with laundry, and it will not be saturated with the smell of dust for a long time.

Is it possible to keep violets in the house - signs

The chest of folk wisdom is filled with many different superstitions about house plants, among which considerable attention is paid to the violet. Hearing that this beautiful flower is capable of bringing bitterness and discord into the family, do not rush to conclusions and find out if this is really so.

Superstitions about the vampire flower

It would seem what a threat a loved one can pose indoor plant, which has given beauty to a home since the times Ancient Greece. Find out why the little neighbor angered the ancestors so much that they began to consider her harmful.

Exists popular belief that the violet is a vampire flower that sucks the life force from sleeping people. Indeed, many owners saintpaulia, who settled her in the bedroom, woke up more than once with a headache and a feeling of malaise. There is an explanation for this.

Like most flowers, the violet produces oxygen during the day and absorbs it at night, releasing carbon dioxide. By inhaling it, a person can get mild poisoning, which will manifest itself in muscle weakness and migraine the next morning. It is not necessary to throw away the flower; it is enough just not to keep it in the bedroom or take it to another room before going to bed.

There is a superstition that you should not buy flowers from unknown women. Allegedly, such an acquisition will provide a bad mood and may become an omen of the beginning of a dark streak in life.

Suggestible people tend to believe that the misfortunes that happen to them are the result of the evil eye or damage. acquaintances are usually the last thing they look for, but a stranger may well be suitable for the role of a secret enemy.

While adhering to such tales, refrain from purchasing a copy from an unfamiliar flower boutique.

Often unmarried girls I'm wondering if it's possible to keep violets at home. Signs do not advise people who dream of starting a family to get involved in their breeding. It is popularly believed that Saintpaulia, in other words “husband chaser,” drives potential suitors out of the apartment of young ladies.

However, this superstition has been refuted by many flower growers as unfounded. Surely a couple of beautiful flowers, not threatening women's happiness. It’s another matter when the whole house is furnished with pots of plants, and the poor suitors cannot take a step so as not to touch the vegetation. The fact that it is the violet that will be the culprit of the failed relationship, and not, for example, is very doubtful.

Try to think sensibly about a couple of the following signs:

  • Seeing another person watering violets is a sign of melancholy.
  • With proper care, a favorite plant literally withers before our eyes - it has warded off damage or a serious illness from the owner.

It's easy to see where truth ends and fiction begins. Try to sort through other folk tales about violets in the same way.

Saintpaulia, commonly known as violet, is unpretentious and thanks its owners for proper care. beautiful flowering. Healthy plant It is considered a harbinger of good events and has a positive effect on the energy in the house.

  1. Lush blooming flower is able to bring happiness to the abode of a married couple, and small sprouts with fleshy leaves attract material well-being to the family.
  2. A violet standing by a newborn’s crib will strengthen his immunity.
  3. A violet flower picked before sunrise on Monday helps lonely people find their soulmate.
  4. A violet given as a gift is considered a good sign married woman lonely friend or relative. In this case, the flower will be a sign that its new owner will soon get married.
  5. One discovered flower, different in color from the rest, portends imminent pregnancy housewives. There is information about possible conception
  6. People call “viola” a peacemaker for its ability to reconcile others. When there is distrust and frequent quarrels in the work team, a violet on the windowsill will help improve relationships between colleagues.
  7. It has long been believed that the plant repels harmful insects, such as cockroaches or ants, from the home.

Folk signs exist to warn people about upcoming changes in the future. However, you shouldn’t take what your ancestors invented for granted either, because each new generation is wiser than the previous one. Read what growing promises.

Violet has a positive effect on the energy of the room. Right choice shade will contribute to well-being in the home and help residents get rid of bad thoughts.

For children's well-being, white violets are ideal, as superstitions speak of the purity and innocence of a neutral shade. It represents the beginning of something new, bright and kind. It is not for nothing that in Rus' the color of the bride’s wedding decoration is white; many beliefs are also associated with it.

A plant with snow-white flowers will instill in the owner of the home a desire to maintain comfort and cleanliness, and will free the household from bad thoughts. As a result, there will be an order of magnitude fewer conflicts in the house.

White violet has a calming effect, so it is indispensable in a monastery where one of the family members is subject to frequent mood swings and suffers from nervous breakdowns. It also makes it easier to experience love breakups and various shocks.

Pink or red viola helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts associated with instincts and carnal desires. She manifests herself as a silent assistant in the fight against overeating. Those who are trying to lose weight to no avail should place a beauty with dawn-colored petals on the windowsill in their room.

Under the influence of the energy of the scarlet and pink inflorescences, even the laziest household members will stop idleness and think only about having fun. The plant variety also affects the health of the inhabitants, increasing their immunity.

If you want to improve the atmosphere in your home, purchase purple Saintpaulia. By absorbing all the negative energy, the plant transforms negativity into positive vibes.

Yesterday's misunderstanding, aggression or rivalry between family members will disappear without a trace the next morning. The purple resident will help you look at problems from the other side, inspire a philosophical approach to troubles and make the owners resistant to ups and downs.

Violet covered blue flowers, will give inspiration to creative people. She clears the space of negativity, while at the same time helping to reveal the inner talents of her caregivers.

Learning to draw or play musical instruments will go much faster. Heavenly Saintpaulia helps overcome boredom and get rid of melancholy.

If you lack positive emotions or want to spend more time with your family having warm, emotional conversations, it is recommended to get a blue violet.

The tricolor violet, affectionately called “Pansy” by the people, has pronounced centers that resemble pupils.

Having acquired an extraordinary beauty decorative flower, the owner receives a combination of all of the above properties, available in each color separately.

If you decide to seriously start growing the unique Saintpaulia, you can’t go wrong; it was the “pansies” that culinary experts elevated to the rank of “edible flowers”. They are often used to prepare and decorate delicious dishes, and in medicine they treat skin ailments and respiratory diseases.