A strong conspiracy to conceive. Conspiracies for an early pregnancy - rituals that bring conception and childbirth closer

Every year, more and more married couples face difficulties in conceiving a child. According to statistics, about 10% of families go to medical institutions with the problem of female or male infertility.

In women, the reasons most often lie in:

  • Adhesions of the fallopian tubes due to inflammatory processes.
  • Abnormal development of the uterus.
  • Menstrual irregularities.

For men, if they do not have obvious congenital or acquired testicular defects - a decrease in the number and viability of sperm.

Of course, there are other reasons that cause infertility, for example, immunological incompatibility of the spouses. But even with the most pessimistic forecasts, there is always a small chance, from the incredible section, of a miraculous birth of a child.

Traditional methods

With the development of medicine and the increase in the number of medical institutions, many methods and recipes of traditional healing have become a thing of the distant past, forgotten and lost. But our great-grandmothers could solve problems with conceiving children without any IVF. They knew a conspiracy to get pregnant or prayed to certain saints, and did not shy away from witchcraft. Ancient recipes had a magical effect on childless couples.

The most effective conspiracies:

  • Conspiracy for the new month.
  • Ritual with knots.
  • Spell for bath water.
  • Ritual with a rag doll.
  • Ritual with willow or birch twigs.
  • Rolling a chicken egg.

Don't despair if you haven't been able to get pregnant for a long time. In addition to traditional methods, there are many different magical ways to achieve successful fertilization.

Conspiracy for the new month

The ceremony was planned for the evening. They opened the window, recited certain words, turning to the night sky: Mandatory in the conspiracy was an appeal to God, the woman’s passionate wishes to give birth to a child, poetic phrases comparing the Lord’s work in creating the Earth with the sacrament of conceiving a new life. They ended the conspiracy with prayer chants: “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Sometimes they enhanced the ritual with honey. At the beginning of the action, they put a bowl on the windowsill, then, “charged” with holy words, they ate with their husband with the words: “The tastier the honey, the healthier the baby in the womb.”

Ritual with knot tying

This action symbolized 40 weeks of gestation. For manipulation, a special rope was needed. At 12 o'clock for 40 days they tied 1 knot on a stump, reciting a conspiracy for conception: “It is not the knot that is tied, but the fetus in the womb that is tied. It gets tied up, but doesn't come undone. I’m starting, I’m starting, I’m conceiving a child. God bless! Virgin Mary, help! Give a child to me, God's servant (called). Amen".

The rope with 40 knots tied was kept under the feather bed until the plan was accomplished.

For magical effects, many women preferred to take not an ordinary rope, but one made of linen or cotton thread, and always red.

Spell for bath water

The bathhouse at all times carried an additional, sacred, load in addition to its direct function of cleansing the body. For magic:

  • They took a ladle, a trough, and a long shirt.
  • In the washroom, the housewife went barefoot into the trough and rinsed herself, reading the pregnancy spell: “Just as the water from me, the servants of God (they were called), drains, rolls and slides, so the unfruits will roll, merge, slip. I trample with my feet, I wash with my hands. As the month grows in the sky, so the servant of God (they were called) begins. Creator, help! Our Lady, autumn! Amen".
  • The hostess wiped herself dry and changed her shirt.

A prerequisite: flower or fruit bushes are watered with enchanted water and then the fruit set is observed.

Conspiracy with a silver cross

There is another ritual no less effective than the previous ones.

  1. In the morning, on a clear day, at sunrise, well water was poured into a jug and a silver cross was lowered.
  2. They put the dishes on the windowsill until the next day.
  3. In the morning, covering their heads, they crossed themselves, took out the cross, read the “Our Father” and prayed to St. Panteleimon the Healer.
  4. Afterwards, they whispered a conspiracy against women’s ailments onto the water, repeating it to be sure. They asked the disease to hide in the deepest hole, not to return to the servant of God (they were called), the abyss, to go far away.
  5. Then they crossed themselves, sprinkled themselves with this water and drank the remaining water in small sips throughout the day.

This plot has helped many childless couples dreaming of a child.

Ritual with a rag doll

A woman dreaming of children had to make a small rag doll. It is not prohibited to use old clothes for these purposes.

What were the conditions for the conspiracy to work:

  1. The fabric was not cut, but torn by hand.
  2. The doll's outfit (scarf, apron, skirt) was not sewn on, but rather tied on.
  3. The face could not be painted - it was left faceless.
  4. Swaddling wraps were placed in the doll's hands, which symbolized future children.
  5. The body of the amulet was sometimes greatly plumped, simulating pregnancy.
  6. Any conspiracy to conceive a child was read over the finished doll and hidden in the house. As a rule, in the attic, away from prying eyes.

Men should never see the manufacturing process and storage location of the amulet.

Ritual with willow twigs

Very often, infertility is associated with stress. A healthy woman cannot conceive a child, she is nervous, worried, and begins to feel guilty. Her hormonal levels change, and the problem gets worse.

To remove the cause, the ritual “Punishment of the fence” was used. They prepared twelve birch or willow rods, and lashed the fence with whips gathered in bundles of three, shouting: “I beat you for your infertility. Help me get rid of infertility! To give fruit to the garden, and to the servant of God (called) to conceive children. As I command, so it will be. Amen".

Beating relieved tension and anxiety.

Chicken egg rolling

In the old days, childlessness was interpreted as causing damage or the influence of magic. And the evil eye and illnesses were often treated by rolling a chicken egg over the body. For this action:

  • A day-old egg was required, which was taken from a laying hen.
  • The sick person was seated near icons and lit church candles.
  • The healer stood behind and rolled the egg, without lifting it from the patient’s body, starting from the top of the head to the feet.

There are many spells related to divination or healing. One of them: “I roll an egg over my body, I drive away all kinds of illness and misfortune. Wherever it passes, all the pain will be taken away. Just as the Creator of God’s servant (they were called) preserves, so the egg will eliminate all diseases, give new life, and blow away sorrows.”

After the procedure, any conspiracy for pregnancy was pronounced. The shell was beaten and examined. The picture showed how advanced the disease was.

The rolling out was repeated a couple more times until the person was cured.

Rituals and prayers that do not require preparation

Every woman who dreamed of the joy of motherhood had her own set of ritual words, spells and prayers that she said daily. Here are just a few, but more than once proven rituals:

  1. Words about the birth of a child. They spoke them five times, during intercourse. They turned to the month, placing their palms on their stomachs: “A horse has foals, a cow has calves, a sheep has lambs, I don’t have a child.” As the month grows, it grows, so from a seed to a seed there will be a baby for me. Bless, Lord. Amen".
  2. Appeal to the four sides of the horizon. They said to each one separately: “Where are you, my child, my body is waiting for you. Fire, air and water, help my dreams!”

It doesn’t matter what ritual you choose for yourself. Your faith also plays a role here. After all, if there is no faith that the conspiracy will help, then the result may not be achieved.

How to perform rituals correctly?

Pregnancy spells and magical actions promoting the birth of a child were performed in a special spiritual and physical state. So that the child was born healthy, they tried to feed expectant mothers healthy food with a high content of vitamins and essential macro and microelements. Of course, we didn’t know such words before, but it was experimentally established that vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cereals, fish and meat helped a woman achieve the required puberty, menstruate regularly and not lose her fetus.

A woman’s weight was of great importance - with average height and body weight less than 50 kg, the chances of pregnancy decreased. However, excess weight also interfered with the birth of a child due to hormonal imbalance. Therefore, young women were prescribed strict observance of fasts so that they could become pregnant, and concessions were made to those who were thin.

How pregnancy rituals were performed:

  1. They began to prepare for conspiracies and rituals in advance, predicting their beginning at the time when the crescent moon resembled an inverted “C”. It was believed that the growing month strengthens a woman’s requests for the gift of a child.
  2. Some prayers and ancient magic spells were recited only on a certain day of the week, for example, Thursday. This happened because of the special significance of this day during Holy Week. Maundy Maundy Thursday personified the transition from a sinful life to spiritual cleansing. According to the Bible, on this day the Last Supper took place, where the Lord introduced his disciples to the rite of Holy Communion. A woman’s belly is often called the vessel of life, so requests for conception are enhanced by the spiritual filling of this day of the week.
  3. Church candles were used during rituals. They were lit in order to apply the power of holiness and to cleanse the space from demons that could enter the womb of a woman.
  4. At the moment of reading the spells or prayers, the woman focused on thoughts about the child. She visualized its presence in her stomach, imagined how the fetus was growing and moving.
  5. Conspiracies were recited by heart. Belief in a miracle was of great importance in fulfilling desires.
  6. Before starting the rituals, the married couple must undergo a rite of purification and repentance.

A man, a woman’s husband, must want a child and help his wife pray for his arrival. A man's vitality and confidence in a miracle increase a woman's prayers tenfold.

It is important to remember that the consequences of an incorrectly performed ritual are dire. In the best case, children will not be born, in the worst case, their health will be severely damaged.

Prayers at the icons

In Orthodoxy there are several prayers that helped spouses become parents. Previously, every hut had a red corner with icons, and among them were the beloved patron saints, to whom they prayed especially fervently.

The following icons were especially revered by women longing for motherhood:

  • Ksenia of Petersburg.
  • Matrona of Moscow.
  • Alexander Svirsky.
  • Serafimo-Dievskaya.
  • Assistance during childbirth.
  • Mother of God.
  • Luke Krymsky.

Infertile couples spent a lot of time praying to saints and traveling to monasteries. This helped the woman become pregnant, her mind and body were in goodness and peace. The monastic diet, drinks with herbs, a measured daily routine, and the harmonious influence of prayers on the spouses worked magic. Spells and prayers helped women conceive a child.

There are many places known for their holiness and healing of the hopelessly ill:

  1. Conception Monastery. For the grace performed by Tsar Fedor as a gift to the Creator, God gave his barren wife Irina Godunova a daughter. In the temple there is an icon of the Merciful Mother of God, who grants the happiness of motherhood to infertile women at their persistent requests.

  2. Murom Convent. There are the relics of St. Peter and Fevronia. For successful conception, people come to prayer on July 8th.
  3. The Diveyevo Monastery is famous for the fact that it was here that Tsar Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Fedorovna begged for an heir, Alexei. The monastery houses the relics of Seraphim of Sarov.
  4. The Chapel of Xenia of Petersburg is located at the Smolensk Cemetery in St. Petersburg. St. Xenia the Blessed deserved her ascension through her meek and devoted love for her husband. Patronizes expectant mothers.
  5. In the Pokrovsky Monastery there are the relics and icon of St. Matrona of the Righteous. The saint who called on those suffering to come to her with grief and joy.
  6. The source of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva in the village of Salaur, Ryazan region. At the annual religious procession, women pray for the miracle of childbirth. It is famous for its healing power. Pilgrims come to him from different places.

With the help of prayers to the saints, much can be achieved. The main thing is to believe in the power of the Lord and that He will help.

Carrying a child under your heart is the greatest happiness for every woman. However, according to statistics, every year more than 10% of married couples face the problem of infertility of unknown origin. You can solve problems with conception using white magic. A pregnancy spell helps to conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby on time.

Witch rituals for pregnancy require compliance with certain rules and sequence of actions. The decision to become parents should be thoughtful and well-balanced. Before performing magical rituals and reading hexes, spouses must go to church and ask for God's blessing and help.

You need to read magic spells in solitude or in the presence of your spouse. Thoughts must be pure and sincere, the state must be calm and peaceful. The best time to perform a ceremony for conception is the period of the waxing moon. In this case, rituals performed on the first day of the menstrual cycle will be more effective.

Video “Pregnancy Hex”

This video explains how to perform a witchcraft ritual to conceive a child using a church candle and a mirror.

Possible consequences

Faced with the problem of infertility, many couples are unable to cope with the emotions, experiences and difficulties that arise. Unfortunately, one of the common reasons for divorce is the absence of children in the family.

The desire to get pregnant as quickly as possible and give birth to a healthy child on time becomes an obsession. Wanting to achieve their goal, many women turn to magicians for help. As you know, even white magic can have negative consequences. Abuse of rituals negatively affects the human psyche. Lack of results leads to psycho-emotional disorders and even addiction to addictions.

A pregnancy spell should carry faith and sincere desire. You cannot ask a higher power to grant a child from a married man. The desire to have a child must be mutual. When one partner imposes his desires and thoughts on the other, conflicts and disagreements occur that can lead to a breakup of the couple. Therefore, when thinking about using magical rituals for a quick pregnancy, you need to take into account the opinion of your spouse/young man.

Simple rituals and prayers

Magic spells for conceiving a child, preserving the fetus throughout pregnancy and a successful delivery on time can be technically easy or complex. Most rituals can be performed at home. As auxiliary attributes that serve as amulets, they use spring or church-blessed water, a mirror, a chicken egg, a long thread or cord, a wedding ring, etc.

When God's mercy or the protection of the Most Pure Virgin Mary and the great saints is required, it is recommended that a woman light a candle and pray at the holy image in the church. You need to turn to the saints with faith in yourself and God's grace.

Let's look at several technically simple, but very effective rituals and prayers for an early pregnancy.

Before bedtime

A spell before bed relaxes the body and promotes conception. A woman needs to stand facing the window, then, folding her palms on her stomach, read the spell 5 times:

“A horse has foals, a cow has calves, a sheep has lambs, I don’t have a child. As the month grows and grows, so let a seed from a seed become a baby for me. Bless, Lord. Amen".

To the new moon

White magic considers the new month to be the birth of all life in the world. Therefore, magical rituals performed during the nascent month have special strength and power. On the night of the waxing moon, the girl stands in front of the mirror and reads the words of the witchcraft spell:

“A month is young, the groom is daring, a good place, I am your bride! How you were born today, so that I would soon give birth to a child!

The magical ritual should be repeated for 7 days. If you break the chain of sequence, the spell will not bring the long-awaited result. It is worth noting that the first day of reading a pregnancy plot on a new moon falls on Friday.

With water

Prayers and pregnancy conspiracies to the Mother of God are considered very miraculous. Thus, a simple spell about water promotes the early conception of a baby. A woman who wants to carry a baby under her heart takes a glass of water in her hands and pronounces a magic spell:

“Mother Holy Mother of God! Fly away yourself, no - so send messengers: the son is like a falcon, and the girl is like a swallow!

After completing the prayer, you should drink the charmed water. You need to drink without haste; it is advisable to spill a little water on your chest and stomach.

With knots

The most powerful witchcraft ritual for conceiving a baby is considered to be a spell of 40 knots. According to the lunar calendar, on the first lunar day of the month you need to tie a knot on a red cotton or linen thread and read the spell:

“The knot stuck tightly to the knot. She tied the knots and conceived a fetus in the uterus. The knots are strong and red, the child is rosy and healthy. To tie - not to untie! Lord, bless, Virgin Mary, help! Amen".

The ritual must be repeated for 40 days; the chain of ritual execution cannot be interrupted. It is recommended to hide the red thread from prying eyes so as not to frighten away good luck in such an important ritual. When 40 knots appear on the thread, the witchcraft ritual is completed. The number 40 has a sacred meaning. Since pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, there should be exactly 40 knots on the thread.

When the baby is born, the red thread with knots should be hidden in a secluded place. Now the thread with knots will serve as a talisman for the child.

With holy water

Washing with water blessed in the church is one of the most powerful rituals for speedy conception. The water needs to be blessed on Friday, when the moon is in its waxing phase. Don’t forget to read prayers of thanks at the icons of our Savior Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The optimal period for performing the ritual is the time interval between 22 and 23 pm. Put on a clean white shirt or T-shirt, open the curtains and drapes, open the window and stand with your feet in the previously prepared basin. Pouring a thin stream of holy water onto the top of your head, repeat the words of the spell for infertility:

“The water was dripping, holy and pure,
She rolled and slid,
So are adversity and unfruitfulness,
From me, God's servant (name),
They rolled down, disappeared,
Yes, the saints dissolved in the water.
The clear moon is growing in the sky,
And the servant of God (name) will conceive a child,
Help, Jesus Christ,
Yes, Mother of God!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After completing the procedure of washing your body with holy water, cross yourself three times and read the “Our Father” prayer. It is recommended to pour holy water into the garden under a fruit tree. Please note that you cannot go to bed in the room where the ritual was performed.

Other rituals

The magical rituals described above are considered the most powerful when problems with conception arise. However, no less effective pregnancy conspiracies are witchcraft rituals with a wedding ring or mirror.

With a mirror

A spell on the mirror and a new moon will help solve infertility problems this month. To get pregnant in the near future, you need to wait until the nascent month appears in the sky. On the eve of the day of performing the witchcraft ritual, buy 5 wax candles from the church shop. As soon as the new moon appears in the sky, bring it into the room and place a large mirror in front of the window. Place the mirror so that the young crescent moon is reflected in it. Light the candles and place them around the mirror, forming a closed circle.

Take off your clothes, place your palms on your stomach and look closely at your reflection in the mirror. Visualization increases the chances of success and increases the power of the ceremony. Imagining yourself with a rounded tummy, cast a magic spell:

“The month is young, new, dear groom, beloved, your place is dear, but only I am your bride. Today you were born, and I, the servant of God (state your full name), will give birth to a baby. For your joy, for your glory. Let it be so. Amen".

In white magic, other versions of spells for pregnancy in front of a mirror are described. You need to read the text that penetrates the soul and gives a feeling of faith:

“As the new month was born, so the fruit clung to me (name). The month will come, and the child in the womb will grow. Amen".

“Lord God! Just as you gave people the moon and the sun, light clouds and frequent stars, a clear sky and Mother Earth, so give me, God’s servant (name), to bear and give birth to a child. Just as the month in the sky was born new, so a child would be born in my womb. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

With a wedding ring

A wedding ring, as a symbol of fidelity, happiness and endless love, protects and helps to cope with various life difficulties.

A wedding ring is used in white magic to carry out witchcraft rituals for the speedy conception of a child.

“A great people will gather, all good people, all important birds. Just as a round ring rolls onto a bright image, so it is time for the little one to be in that ring, in time for the little one to be the firstborn. Old men will look with wise eyes, men will speak with rude voices. Old women with old hands will stroke the belly of God's servant (her name), and girls will comb her hair. And the little ones will run around her, they will run and will not stop. God's servant (her name) is waiting for her little one, waiting and will wait. She prepares an embroidered cradle for him, spins him a light shirt, a red shirt. Just as a round ring lies in a dark pocket, so the little one will live in her womb. My words are strong, firm, forever indestructible. I will hide the key in the black water, lock the lock on my chest. Let it be! Amen".

The charmed ring cannot be put on the finger until the love spell on conception has an effect. The wedding ring should be wrapped in a clean white handkerchief and worn in the breast pocket, which is closest to the heart.

To maintain pregnancy

If there is a threat of miscarriage, you need to read the following magic spells and prayers for the preservation, further intrauterine development and timely birth of the child:

"Mother Intercessor,
Intercede for my belly, for my child,
Save, preserve and protect me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“The body grows the fetus by the power of the Lord’s good, and I ask the Lord not to cancel the miracle of the birth of a new one and give me the strength to carry my desired child to term. May the Lord protect him from negative influences and not give me dangerous paths, so as not to interfere with the correct distribution of vital forces and development will not be distorted and disrupted, for the Lord’s hand will help me and at the right time will reveal into the world the one who is under my heart. Amen".

The text of the amulet for an unborn child must be said over holy water. The charmed water is used for morning exercise on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays:

“There is an island on the ocean-sea,
On the island there is a copper pillar.
I send you to that copper pillar,
All the words are dashing, the promises are bad.
Mind you, not me, God’s servant (name),
And not my fruit.
Go, all your promises, to the dead water,
To the ocean-sea, to the dashing island,
To the copper pillar.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Many women are afraid to use magic spells to conceive a child, carry it to term and give birth. There is an opinion that the intervention of magic can negatively affect the physiological or psychological state of the baby. Such statements are erroneous, since the basis of energy spells is prayer speeches to higher powers and saints.

Pregnancy is a reward for a woman. Due to various circumstances, not every girl can experience the joy of motherhood. A correctly performed pregnancy ritual will speed up the process of conception, improve the health of the spouses, and cleanse the energy of lovers. In magic, you must follow every detail for the ritual to work; strictly follow the instructions.

The main thing in the ritual is faith in the result and a positive attitude. Not only the woman, but also the husband should think about this. The ritual will not work if you pursue selfish goals: to keep your husband, break up someone else’s family, make financial profit. Higher powers will come to the rescue if the person is loved and desired.

In order for the ritual for pregnancy to work, you cannot tell about it even to your closest people.

Rules for performing the ritual:

  1. Spouses need to attend church and fast 7 days before the ritual.
  2. Rituals are performed on the waxing moon, full moon or new moon.
  3. Fertility rituals performed on Christmas, Epiphany, birthday, summer and winter solstice are most effective.
  4. The words of the pregnancy conspiracy must be learned by heart or copied onto a piece of paper. Read spells without hesitation, in a confident voice.
  5. You cannot do bad things that contradict the dogmas of the Christian religion: swearing, gossiping, offending other people.

Review of effective rituals for pregnancy

The energy of the luminaries (sun, moon), the power of the four elements (water, fire, earth, air) and the magical properties of the spell will help in the onset of fruiting. A conspiracy is a powerful verbal weapon that acts creatively.

The correct technique for performing the ritual for pregnancy, combined with faith in its power, will give the expected result.

When achieving your goal, it is important to discard psychological barriers and anxious thoughts and focus on the desired pregnancy. During the rituals, imagine the future baby healthy, your own joy of motherhood. Rituals are performed at home; no special preparation is required.

Ritual with an egg

For a magical effect on pregnancy, purchase eggs from a private farmstead; the fresher the product, the more effective the ritual.

  1. The husband rolls an egg over his beloved’s belly and reads the spell: “The seed will sprout where the grain falls.” After completing the ritual, boil the egg and the wife must eat it.
  2. For Easter, leave the egg on the windowsill overnight. Go to bed with thoughts about pregnancy and your future child. In the morning before sunrise, pierce the egg with a needle (the magic attribute should not burst), wash it with well water and bury it under a fruit tree.

Rituals with eggs are preferably performed in nature. After performing the ritual for pregnancy, there is no danger of kickbacks or other negative consequences.

On the ring

After sunset, read the ritual spell for pregnancy on the wedding ring:

“The golden ring is rolling, the first baby will appear. The Lord has prepared embroidery for him that will protect him from all adversity.”

If you don’t have a wedding ring, you can use any ring made of precious metals for the ceremony; a prerequisite is that the jewelry should not be new. After achieving the goal, the ring must be worn on the finger to maintain the pregnancy.

With holy water

A ritual for a woman’s fertility is performed on Friday, during the waxing moon. On this day you need to visit the temple and buy some prayed water. At 11 p.m., put on loose white clothes, comb your hair, and open the window. Place holy water in a container, scoop up the liquid with a ladle, pour it over your head in a thin stream and read the spell for pregnancy:

“Clean water flows, washes away troubles and sorrows. The moon is growing, and God’s servant (name) will conceive a baby.”

Dry yourself with a white towel and go to bed. The morning after the ceremony, pour the water under the tree; the sex of the unborn child depends on the name of the tree (apple tree - girl, poplar - boy).

Washing away infertility

Baptism is a favorable time for a pregnancy ceremony. Water is prepared independently and left in the container overnight, from January 18 to 19. The ritual action is performed when the water warms up to room temperature. The spouses go to the shower, plunge into Epiphany water and read the spell:

“Lord, send us a child (twins).”

After the ceremony, you need to visit an Orthodox church, light candles for 12 icons, read prayers and ask the saints for help. It is advisable to carry out such cleansing every month until pregnancy.


The effectiveness of rituals for pregnancy has been tested by time; achieving the cherished goal will speed up the observance of fasting and prayer. People who believe in Orthodoxy should read daily prayers to the Matrona of Moscow, Ksenia of St. Petersburg, and purchase the “Unexpected Joy” icon.

Review of effective rituals:

  1. Ritual for conceiving a child and pregnancy on the new moon. When there is a bright moon in the sky, stand in front of the mirror, stroke your stomach with your right hand and say the words: “Brother month, help. Just as you appeared in the sky today, so a baby will appear in my womb.”
  2. A ritual to get pregnant using a red thread. Buy a red wool thread and tie 40 knots on it. For each node for 40 days, read the spell: “Let my body take on new life, let the fruit settle under my heart.” A magical attribute to preserve throughout the entire period of gestation; it is a kind of talisman for the health of mother and baby. 40 days after birth, burn the red thread.
  3. Ritual to preserve pregnancy. Cut the apple into 2 halves. Rub the belly with one half, imagining a healthy and active baby, and eat the other half.
  4. Ritual using a mirror. The ritual will require 5 church candles and a new mirror. At midnight, open the curtains and place the mirror so that the moon is reflected in it. Make a circle of 5 candles around the mirror, undress naked, put your hand on your stomach, imagine yourself with a rounded tummy. At the moment of maximum concentration of energy, cast a pregnancy spell: “As the moon was born in the sky, so the seed clung to me. The moon will wax, and the child in the womb will grow.”
  5. Ritual for poppy seeds. The ritual action takes place on the Christian holiday of the Savior. At noon, a woman goes out into the street barefoot, wearing only a nightgown (without underwear). Fill a bucket of water from the well and douse yourself with well water from head to toe. The next stage of the ritual is performed in the church. You need to ask the priest to consecrate the poppy seeds, and during the sacrament say to yourself the words: “Do not grow in the earth, but become a baby in my womb. Bless me, Mother of God, for a quick pregnancy.” Place the grains on the marital bed under the sheet and remove them when the desired goal is achieved.

In order not to anger the Higher Powers, rituals are not recommended to be performed too often. Sometimes it takes time for the magic to work.

When to expect results and is a payoff necessary?

The length of the wait depends on what kind of pregnancy ritual is chosen. Rituals for the moon and with holy water have the greatest power. Since the above sacraments belong to the arsenal of white magic, payment and ransom are not required.

Don't be upset if the ritual doesn't work. Choose another ritual or repeat the magical action in a month.

In childbirth, it is not advisable to seek help from black magic and devilish forces.

Black magic rituals for pregnancy are performed faster and have a more powerful effect, but the transmission of negativity and deterioration in the health of the expectant mother and baby cannot be avoided.

The result may not come if there is sin in the mother’s soul: abortion, rituals with black magic.

White magic will help with negative energy interventions in the aura of a man and a woman. If conception does not occur due to damage, the evil eye, or a love spell, rituals for bearing a child will correct the situation. For a successful pregnancy, future parents should perform not only magical actions, but also the recommendations of doctors.

How often in women’s conversations do we hear the question: “Why does God give children to some people, even those who do not need children, but deprives others?”

Indeed, according to world statistics, about 5% of the planet’s reproductive population is unable to conceive a child.

When faced with the problem of conception and miscarriage, many first hope that the time has not yet come, then they begin to think about the reasons, and when the critical age approaches, they begin to look for ways to achieve motherhood.

But reproductive medicine is still so undeveloped (although test-tube babies will no longer surprise anyone) that it is not capable of identifying the reasons for the impossibility of conception in many cases. Hence, the number of couples wishing to become parents, asking for children from higher powers, is increasing. A pregnancy plot helps with this.

You can hear about the effectiveness and efficiency of the conception conspiracy from the stories of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. One has only to ask, and they will give out so many life legends that even the most doubtful will believe in the magic of folk readings.

Ritual design of conspiracies for “heaviness” - rules

When planning to resort to the magic of slander, a woman who wants to become a mother must strictly observe the customs and rules of the rituals.

Rule of faith. To get pregnant, it is not enough to read the magic text. It is important to understand the importance of ritual actions and to believe unconditionally that the conspiracy will work. The second rule is strength. To bring the moment of childbirth closer, it is important to strengthen the recitation with prayers, trips to temples, trips to living springs, i.e. approach the resolution of such a sensitive problem comprehensively, from different (traditional and not so traditional) angles.

Rule of love. More than one woman should desire the birth of a child, even though it is more important for her. Her betrothed must also believe and actively participate in the search for a solution to such a difficult task. Love and faith, multiplied by two, are the key to a successful result.

Rule of growth. Popular whispers and slander about “belliness” directly depend on the lunar cycle: as the young month grows, so does the child develop in a woman’s womb. It is better to read the plot on the new moon (month).

The main types of conspiracies related to childbirth

Although there are not too many conspiracies for pregnancy, the existing ones are usually divided into: conspiracies for conception, conspiracies for maintaining pregnancy, conspiracies for easy childbirth.

In order for the conspiracy to conceive a child to take effect, you must adhere to the plan for the magical ritual and understand the meaning of the text being read.

To enhance the magical properties of whispers and incantations, it is recommended to place special paraphernalia in the house: cards of visualized desires, portraits with children, painting rooms in cheerful colors and more indoor plants that help establish unity with nature.

The most famous is the conspiracy to conceive the Siberian folk healer and healer Stepanova, popularly called “40 knots.” On the third day of the new moon, you should take a rope and, reading a special text above it, tie a knot. This ritual is performed for 40 days in a row, as a result, 40 knots are formed on the rope. Conception should occur upon completion of the ritual.

Conspiracy “To conceive a child”

“I’m getting myself an assistant. So that your arms get fat, so that your body becomes vigorous, so that your legs pound, so that you can conceive a child. Just as the month grows and waxes in the sky, so the fruit of the slave (give her full name) begins and grows. In the name of Christ the Savior. Amen."

The knot in folk rituals has the ability to absorb the energy of a person, his desires and is able to multiply this energy to fulfill his plans.

The place for another, no less powerful ritual should be a bathhouse. The recitation is performed by a friend of a girl who wants to get pregnant or a relative on her husband’s side (the girl’s mother or sister cannot perform the ritual). At dawn, a woman dreaming of a child comes to the bathhouse and takes off her clothes (leaving only her nightgown). Jewelry and hair clips should also be removed.

A basin is placed on the floor of the bathhouse, into which the participant in the ritual places her right leg. The left one remains on the floor. Standing behind her, a trusted person reads the plot. When the reading of the text is finished, the expectant mother places the second leg in the basin and, closing her eyes, says: “I believe, I am full of hope, I am expecting a child.” Then he wipes his face, chest and stomach three times with the hem of his shirt.

Miscarriages and missed pregnancies are another side of the problem of motherhood. For those for whom conception is not a problem, but who cannot bear a child, spells to maintain pregnancy are suitable.

A simple ritual done early in the morning after waking up will help you survive the entire period from conception to easy childbirth. The woman holds a bowl of clean fresh water in front of her and reads magic words. During the ritual day, all the water from the bowl is drunk one sip at a time.

Conspiracy “To Preserve Pregnancy”

“The servant of God (say her full name) will stand early in the morning under the dawn with one foot in the bell. She will call the slave (say her full name) to the power of light, for good. A bright, intelligent child will give her strength. So that it screams loudly in forty quick weeks and in nine fleeting ones months. So that small, sweet lips can be attached to the young breast. So that the little one is not harmed, and the slave (say her full name) avoids the burden of childbirth. And let the husband accept the child and give him a worldly name. Just as the foot of a slave (say her full name) now stands strong, stands firm, so my word will be firm, will be strong. What is planned will be fulfilled. What is said will come true.”

But when the term of birth is just around the corner, and the fear of the upcoming birth is increasing, the use of spells for an easy birth will come in handy. When leaving the house somewhere, a pregnant woman pronounces the words of the conspiracy. Then he walks around the house three times against the direction of the clock, while reading “Our Father” and crossing himself.

Conspiracy “For an easy birth”

“Just as doors open and windows dissolve, so through the desire of my husband I, the servant of God (to be called), break through, so may my birth be resolved soon. Amen."

Returning home, having crossed yourself three times, you need to read another conspiracy on a lit red candle.

Spell “For an easy birth” on a candle

“Mountain meets mountain, boat meets boat. Jesus Christ walked across the field, carrying golden keys in the field, opening the gates for the baby and taking him in his arms. It's time the grass grew, he gave it time, like his ancestor. Amen!"

The consequences of magical spells on pregnancy

All conspiracies for conception, pregnancy, preservation and childbirth are filled with positive, righteous meaning. The texts use Christian prayers. In addition to conspiracies, the expectant mother must attend church services, pray at icons, and ask the Mother of God to perform a miracle - to give her a child.

Therefore, fears that such rituals could somehow harm the health of the woman and the unborn baby are completely unfounded.

The main thing for a married couple is to be prepared for the period of pregnancy and the birth of a new human life. Then happiness in the form of a smiling child will definitely appear in their home.

Video: Pregnancy plot

Who is a happy modern woman? This is a successful young lady who is making a career, owns her own business, and drives a car. And of course she is a wonderful mother. But this is ideal. As a rule, modern life, filled with stress, makes its own adjustments to our desires and possibilities. It seemed that everything had already been achieved: a loving husband, their own home and a stable financial situation, but the finishing touch on the easel of family life was missing - the married couple could not get pregnant.

And then, having gone through the seven circles of earthly hell, in the form of modern reproductive centers, the spouses begin to look for alternative ways to resolve their current situation. A conspiracy to conceive is one of the most ancient home methods of our ancestors, which women resort to in the hope of becoming pregnant. The main and most effective method is the Holy Orthodox prayer, which is resorted to in difficult life situations.

Orthodox prayers for conceiving a child

Holy Orthodox prayer is an appeal to Heavenly powers in everyday life and in difficult everyday situations. This is a conversation with the Lord about pressing problems and your deepest desires. And as a rule, the appeal is associated with specific life requests. One of these requests is a prayer for conceiving a child. In the event that the appeal to higher powers comes from the bottom of the heart and the desire to conceive a child is the most intimate. Heaven always listens to the requests of those who apply for the sending of children because this is laid down in the commandments. For the conception and birth of a child they pray to the Almighty, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Matrona of Moscow, Anna and Elizabeth. But no matter what Saint you turn to, the main thing is with what heart you do it.

Rules for reading prayer

  • The prayer for conception must be read by heart in order to read it without hesitation.
  • While saying a prayer, it is not recommended to think about extraneous things.
  • Meditate, focus on your deepest desire.
  • The main thing is to truly believe in what you are doing.

Types of prayers

In the modern world, more and more young couples are turning to the Orthodox religion to give birth to a child. And what is noteworthy is that the Lord hears the requests of the righteous and grants fatherhood and motherhood to everyone who wants to prolong their family line. The most important thing is to realize that the power of the prayer service depends on the faith of the person praying, his true commitment to the Orthodox faith. And then all the requests of those asking will be fulfilled.

A strong prayer for conceiving a child to the Almighty

“Lord, your unworthy servant turns to you with heartfelt grief. Look with the All-Seeing Eye, let me bear fruit and become a mother. To enjoy your child now and in old age. Merciful Lord God, forgive me all my sins, listen to my requests and send me the happiness of motherhood. And if you have mercy, let me carry him to full term. Heed my prayers, grant to the child, for the joy of my soul. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for conceiving a child

“Most Holy Mary, Queen of the heavenly Angels and Immaculate Virgin, mother of our Lord in heaven and on earth. Hear from the height of your heavenly gaze my earthly words and illuminate my sinful soul with your Divine Holiness. Cleanse the thoughts of my heart from vain thoughts and earthly suffering. Grant my child, on this earth, the fruit of my womb for joy and hope. Hear my repentance, heed my prayers, for you are in the world, above all women. I praise and thank the Most Pure Virgin Mary. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

Divine Prayer for Spouses

“Almighty and Merciful Lord, we turn to you with prayer for the sending of our child. Hear our appeal and be merciful to our requests. We appeal to your protection for the fertility of our family and its extension for many years. Grant health and happiness to our descendants, for your great mercy is forever and ever. Amen."

Rituals and rituals for pregnancy

Ancient rituals for pregnancy are quite widely used in cases where all the methods and methods of modern traditional medicine are used. When all the examinations and courses of treatment prescribed by doctors have been completed, but the desired conception still does not occur. A desperate search for alternative methods of treating infertility begins and, as a rule, household magic comes into force.

In order to use these methods, you must study them carefully and follow the instructions carefully. That's when you can hope for a positive result. Conception rituals do not require special preparation; sometimes you need to place your hand on your stomach for the greatest concentration of feminine energy.

It should be noted that most rituals for conceiving a child are performed on the new moon, on the waxing moon, after the full moon, on major holidays - Easter, Trinity and Christmas. On the Holy Easter holiday, it is necessary to defend the service and when the priest says the words: “Christ is Risen,” make your deepest wish. Also, for this, on the eve of the holiday, it is necessary to paint an egg with wax: For a boy - blue, and for a girl - red, and be sure to consecrate it in the church. And when it's time to get hot, eat it first. It is believed that on the Holy holiday of Easter, any request is fulfilled, including the conception and birth of a child.

Examples of conspiracies

Spells on a rope

For the next ritual, you need to purchase a rope for the new moon, and tie knots on it for forty days - forty in total. Every day one knot is used, thus the entire cycle of the moon is used. In addition, these words help ease childbirth. When tying, you need to read a strong, effective conspiracy to conceive a child:

“I tie the fetus to the uterus,
I punish you to conceive,
Tie it up, never untie it,
Come, gain weight,
Please me.

For the new month

This ritual is performed on the new month. Calculate this day and prepare for execution. Go out on the new month to the crossroads of three roads, face the month and pronounce the strongest conspiracy for conception:

"Heavenly powers, earthly powers,
Without your command,
Nothing happens on this earth
And day is not day, and night is not night,
It doesn't rain, it doesn't snow,
The bird does not sing, the fish does not swim,
And little children are not born.
Help to conceive a child,
Make me happy with the birth of my child.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

After this, bow three times at the feet of the new moon and go home without looking back.

On a round mirror

This is an ancient ritual that our grandmothers performed. His condition includes the use of a round mirror, which is brought to the window in such a way that the new moon is reflected in it. It is on him that it is necessary to read conspiracies to conceive a healthy child:

“The new moon is shining in the sky,
And my tummy is showing off in the mirror,
The month comes, and the baby grows.”

After this, you need to cover the mirror with your clothes and put them on yourself, exactly one day later.

Pump up the baby

There is one popular belief. In order to get pregnant, you need to pump up your baby. That is, to rock a baby stroller in which more than one generation of children has grown up, which is passed on from one relative to another. While rocking, try to imagine how you will rock your own baby, his face, who he will look like and how he will smile. This ritual is akin to those signs that advise drinking from a cup from which a pregnant woman drank or sitting on a chair on which a pregnant woman sat. The effect of such rituals is aimed at self-hypnosis and meditation.

For seven candles

This is one of the most powerful rituals carried out with the help of conspiracies for pregnancy and rapid conception. On the Great Church Holiday, buy exactly seven wax candles from the church and place them in a certain order. First to Jesus Christ, then to the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. After placing the candles, do not forget to read the prayers and wait until the candles burn out completely.

You take the remaining four candles home and light them in the four corners of your house. Wait until they burn out completely and bury the cinders deep into the ground. This ritual launches a wish fulfillment program, and if pregnancy is your goal at this moment in life, then soon it will come true.

To maintain pregnancy

Premature births, miscarriages, self-abortions and missed pregnancies are another side of the coin of problematic motherhood. For those who are faced with the problem of premature birth, the following rituals are suitable.

To Holy Water

If you have had miscarriages or premature births in the past, there is a ritual with Holy water, which is recommended both when planning a pregnancy and when there are possible signs of a threat. You need to collect Holy water from the church and bring it home, pour it into a small container. Then place the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God next to it and lower your hands into the water, while pronouncing the words of an effective conspiracy:

"Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos,
You are the Queen of everything Earthly and Heavenly,
Cover me with the veil of your intercession,
And grant the servant of God /name/ strong strength,
And the strength of the womb for my child.
In the name of father and son and the Holy Spirit."

Amulet for pregnant women

The text of this conspiracy must be memorized and read for each phase of the new month. It helps for the onset of pregnancy and for its normal course, against danger and toxicosis. You can write the desired text on a piece of paper and store it in your wallet or bag:

“Virgin Mother of God, bless me for the act of God,
I rely on you every minute of my life,
I pray to you for the salvation of my soul,
Mother of our Lord God,
You are always with me, the Lord is ahead,
Angels are intercessors behind.
I hope and trust in your help.
To quickly conceive children,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Married couples, in an attempt to have children, try countless methods: prayer for conceiving a child, conspiracies for conception, the strongest conspiracy for pregnancy and easy childbirth. But no matter what methods you choose for this purpose, the main thing is unshakable faith in what you are doing. There is one effective popular belief that says that those who do not have children should adopt, not necessarily a healthy child.

Many couples do this, and subsequently raise not only an adopted child, but also their own. In such cases, couples can choose the boy or girl they want to adopt, and there are some white magic rituals to conceive the gender of the child. After using which, a child of the required gender is born, for the joy and happiness of his parents.