Analysis of the functional division of labor at the enterprise. Functional division of labor in management

Functional separation labor is determined not by the skills and skill of the worker, but by the division production process on its component parts, as a result of which the performers find themselves in a different relationship to this process: some directly influence the object of labor, others indirectly participate in the creation of products. Otherwise saying functional division of labor involves dividing the entire complex of work depending on the role (function) performed by participants in the production process in creating products, and separating various types labor activity in terms of content and scope of performance of certain functions by the relevant groups of workers. Functional division of labor means that each category of workers consists of workers of different professions, within which they are divided into specialties (professional division of labor).

Professioncharacterizes a certain type of work activity, a relatively permanent type of occupation, requiring special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by the employee as a result of training or in practice. An example would be the professions of metallurgist, turner, mechanic.

Speciality,being a type of profession, it characterizes the type labor activity within a profession, characterizing and limiting work activity to a narrower range of work that requires additional theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired through specialized training or practical experience. For example, a general-purpose turner, a plumber, a metallurgist-foundry worker.

The functional division of labor is carried out according to several classification criteria: by field of work (by profession), by level of responsibility, by the level and profile of special training.

Depending on the field of work all personnel (using industry as an example), in accordance with the accepted classification, are divided into employees of government bodies (ministries, local industrial authorities) and industrial workers. Industrial workers are divided into industrial production personnel and non-industrial personnel. Industrial production personnel (IPP) are employees of the main activity. These include persons directly involved in the production of material assets or the provision of services, including administrative and technical personnel. Their participation in the activities of the enterprise is associated with the preparation and implementation of the entire cycle of production and sale of products or provision of services. Non-industrial personnel (employees of non-core activities) include persons who are completely unrelated to the core activities of the enterprise. They are workers social institutions, which are on the balance sheet of this enterprise. The list of such institutions is given in the “Instructions for filling out information by organizations on the number of employees and the use of working time in the forms of Federal State Statistical Observation”, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 7, 1998 No. 121.

Depending on the role and place of various groups of workers in the production process As a result of the functional division of labor, industrial production personnel are divided into the following categories, engaged in the performance of functions similar in content: management staff, workers, students, junior service staff and security (Fig. 3.2).

TO workers include persons engaged in the production of material assets, servicing this process and providing material services. The “workers” category includes:

Basic (production) workers, i.e. workers who, using tools of labor on the object of labor, change its shape, size, properties, for example, a turner, a mechanic, a press operator;

Auxiliary workers, i.e. workers performing maintenance functions and ensuring the normal course of the production process, for example, transport, warehouse, repair workers.

The content of the work of each employee depends on the specific workplace or position that he occupies, and on their economic role in the general production process and organizational structure. The more fully the functions of each employee in an enterprise are defined, the more accurately it is possible to establish the range of responsibilities and content of work of each category of employees.

In enterprises and organizations there are several forms of division of labor:

  • · - functional;
  • · - professional;
  • · - technological;
  • · - qualification and others.

Functional division of labor means the delimitation of the activities of groups of workers according to management functions as relatively independent areas of activity.

The largest functional group of personnel is represented by workers, who are divided into main and auxiliary. The former are directly involved in the implementation of the main production functions, the latter ensure the implementation of these functions (adjustment, equipment repair, materials control, etc.). Based on the functions performed, other well-known categories of personnel are also distinguished: managers, specialists, employees, technical performers, etc. At the enterprise of the Siberian Agrarian Group, the functional division of labor serves as the basis effective use all categories of personnel. Increasing the efficiency of the functional division of labor involves the specialization of workers, engineering and technical workers and employees on the basis of a clear division of the functions of marketing, management, product production, personnel management, etc.

Forms of division of labor

The division of labor in an enterprise is a division between individual structural units. The purpose of the division of labor is to produce products with at the lowest cost and within a certain time frame. At an enterprise, according to the technological process, sections are divided, where each section is responsible for the work performed. Let us consider a chain of sections divided by functional significance and interconnected by the technological process. These areas employ key employees who are involved in the production and release of products:

deboning area - raw materials in the form of half-carcasses arrive at the site, the main workers’ task is to cut the half-carcasses into cuts, debon the meat (cut out all the bones according to technology). This operation is performed very carefully, that is, so that there is no pulp left on the bones and pieces of meat (muscles) do not have unnecessary deep cuts.

Meat trimming involves removing coarse tendons and films from the meat. In addition, when trimming, excess fat is cut off, and large pieces of meat are also trimmed from the edges to give them a more regular shape. Small pieces of meat (trimmings) resulting from deboning parts of the carcass are also trimmed.

Raw materials preparation area - at this stage, the raw materials are twisted into minced meat and are in the process of maturation.

Forming area - in this area, highly qualified workers perform the task of forming sausages;

Delicatessen section - to this section, raw materials come from the deboning section, according to the instructions, certain cut muscles from which high-quality products are produced - balyka, meat nuts, rolls, etc.

Heat treatment area - in this area the product is prepared by smoking and cooking.

Product packaging section: In this section, products pass through packaging machines and in this form arrive on the counter to the consumer. Having described all the areas, we understand that each of these areas employs highly qualified specialists who are responsible for the quality of the products.

Features of the division of labor in the SAG organization

The strategic goal of the Agrarian Group Group of Companies is to achieve unconditional leadership among the leading Russian agro-industrial associations. The management of the enterprise has chosen the right strategy in achieving its goal: every year the Siberian Agrarian Group implements large investment projects - building new livestock complexes and meat processing plants, reconstructing existing production facilities, acquiring new assets and increasing market shares in all areas of the company's activities.

A comprehensive strategy for the Siberian Agrarian Group to achieve “No. 1” status in the eyes of consumers in Russian market includes permanent job in the following areas:

  • · full industrial safety food products produced and sold by the company;
  • · continuous improvement of product quality and taste;
  • · meeting the consumer demand of various population groups through constant management of the range of products offered;
  • · careful attention to the company's pricing policy, main goal which is to ensure the economic accessibility of food to all groups of the population.

The mission of the enterprise is to improve people's lives by producing tasty and guaranteed healthy food products, saving people's energy and time on cooking.

In our enterprise, based on the division of labor between its participants, an individual employee cannot be a direct producer of a product, since he performs only that part of the operation that is functionally predetermined for him. And we are now introducing cooperation within an enterprise as an experiment; this is a systematically built system of production connections between production areas by establishing relationships between individual workers. Individual labor organization is characterized by assignment to the workplace of operations that are similar in complexity of execution. The combination of professions leads to an improvement in the content of work, an increase in the qualifications of workers, an improvement in the use of working time, a more complete utilization of equipment, and an increase in labor productivity.

The combination of functions and professions occurs primarily through the combination of related professions, i.e. professions of basic workers with professions related to technical maintenance equipment, product quality control. The problem arises that with this peculiarity of combining functions, it is difficult to find ready-made specialists for work requiring increased complexity, and at this stage the enterprise has to create some kind of school for training personnel who combine both the main profession and a related one. I’ll give you an example that has already gone through the entire cycle of tasks and is successfully operating in an enterprise. A problem arose when purchasing a new high-performance line of semi-finished products (dumplings); we needed employees who could not only produce the product, but also service the line. To begin with, all support services were tasked with working on the main areas:

The mechanical repair service had to prescribe a training block on the operation and initial maintenance of the line.

The technology department needed to register the entire technological cycle and all the basic operations that future employees working on this line had to master.

Labor Department and wages it was necessary to work out a job title that would combine two professions at once: an operator for the production of test semi-finished products and a mechanic for the operation of equipment, determine the rank and determine the salary.

The HR department will select candidates for this specialty from the labor market and begin training.

While the line was being installed and technological aspects were being worked out, our candidates successfully completed the task and now the company has such a specialty as “operator for the production of test semi-finished products.” As a result of improving this method of training specialists, it is expected to increase efficiency due to:

  • · minimizing financial risks and the possibility of redistributing resources for the development of the core activities of the enterprise;
  • · Optimization of the number of personnel of the enterprise;
  • · Cost savings based on reduced cost of services.

The enterprise also constantly monitors the overall level of professional compliance of personnel. This assessment is made on the basis of passing a theoretical exam in the form of a professional test, assessing practical skills in the workplace.

Horizontal division of labor

Does not exist general rules, which could be used to determine the appropriate "scope of control". It depends on the various circumstances- on the manager’s ability to establish connections with employees subordinate to him, the nature of the functions performed, the territorial location of the departments, the qualifications and experience of employees. The more different areas an organization has that require specialized knowledge and skills, the more complex it is. Horizontal specialization aims to differentiate functions. It covers the definition of work (connecting various individual knowledge) and the definition of the relationship between different types of work that can be performed by one or more workers.

  • - functionalization of the organization, i.e. establishing a set of diverse tasks that must be completed to achieve the organization's goals;
  • - division of the organization into structural parts - departments, sectors, workshops, sections and other divisions

Labor organization at scientific basis objectively requires appropriate forms of its division, the main goal of which is the specialization of workers to perform certain types of work, operations and procedures. Work is distributed among participants in the labor process according to professional characteristics. The efficiency of labor and the personal labor contribution of performers will depend on how fully and deeply the qualifications are taken into account.

The qualification division of labor is based on the fact that when determining the types of labor activity, they proceed from the complexity of the work and the qualifications necessary to perform it. When dividing qualifications, the principle should not be violated, according to which not a single highly qualified worker, for example: a deboner, a meat product heat treatment operator, a minced meat preparer, should do work that can be performed by a lower-skilled worker (auxiliary worker). Violation of this principle increases the cost of work and leads to waste of human resources.

Vertical division of labor

In an organization, individual managers have to coordinate the work of other managers, and if we describe the vertical division of labor, then managers can be divided into three groups:

First group - Senior managers develop and promote organizational policies practical implementation, these usually include the director, deputy directors, chief accountant;

The second group - middle managers ensure the implementation of the organization's operating policies and are responsible for communicating more detailed tasks to their structural units. The specialists included in this group, as a rule, have a wide range of responsibilities and have freedom of decision-making; these include heads of structural units;

The third group is lower-level managers, most often junior managers who are responsible for bringing specific tasks to performers (workers), these include site foremen and site foremen. Horizontal relationships are consensual in nature and are, as a rule, one-level.

At the enterprise, I can highlight several basic management principles for the director of Siberian Agrarian Group JSC. In relation to the team, the leader is always honest, keeps his word, is loyal and shows respect. Periodically, he holds meetings with the company’s employees to talk about the further development of the company and upcoming changes or tasks received from general director holding, also to identify the personal qualities of people, what motivates them, conveys to them the main ideas regarding their work and the principles of performing the duties that are required of them.

The manager, as a rule, does not have contact with suppliers and network sales markets. These powers are fully delegated to deputy directors. It is also extremely rare that he interferes with everyday concerns if they do not attract his attention.

Management principles are based on honesty, full fulfillment of obligations under contracts with counterparties, and punctuality. Maximum priority is placed on timely, high-quality production.

Division of labor is the division of people's activities in the process of joint labor. The following forms of division of labor have developed in LPUMG: functional, technological and qualification (operational distribution of labor in LPUMG has not found distribution).

There are four types of division of labor: functional, qualification, technological, and operational.

There are three types of unit division of labor: functional, technological and qualification.

As noted, the desired system was defined by management as closed, based on strong leadership, with formal and subordinate general rules communications. The principle underlying the division of labor is functional. Managers, specialists and performers were identified.

At enterprises, a distinction is made between technological, functional, professional and qualification division of labor. Technological separation is the separation of groups of workers based on their performance of homogeneous work in separate phases, types and operations. Within its framework, an operational, detailed and subject-specific functional division of labor is possible - the identification of two large groups of workers - main and auxiliary, each of which is divided into subgroups. With the functional division of labor, employees, etc., are also distinguished; professional division is carried out depending on the specialization of workers; the qualification division is determined of varying complexity work performed, which requires a certain level of knowledge and experience of workers.

At oil refining and petrochemical enterprises, all four forms of intra-production division of labor - functional, technological, qualification and operational - are represented, although to varying degrees.

In the formation of the composition of services and departments, the content of the process of division of labor is expressed - functional subsystems and structural divisions are identified according to management functions, and work is distributed within services and departments. This creates the basis for the specialization of management activities.

THE NEED FOR COORDINATION. The need for coordination, which always exists, becomes truly urgent when work is clearly divided both horizontally and vertically, as is the case in large modern organizations. Unless management creates formal coordination mechanisms, people will not be able to get work done together. Without appropriate formal coordination between different levels, functional areas and individuals can easily focus on promoting their own interests rather than the interests of the organization as a whole. Formulating and communicating the goals of the organization as a whole and each of its units is only one of many coordination mechanisms. Each management function plays a specific role in coordinating specialized divisions of labor. Leaders must always ask themselves what their coordination responsibilities are and what they are doing to fulfill them. Therefore, coordination is a topic to which we will return frequently.

In an organization, each functional unit (department, department or sector) is required to perform part of the overall work. Each such part is necessary to achieve the organization's many goals. The result of this division of labor, however, is that each functional unit develops its own goals. For example, a manufacturing department typically deals with the goals of reducing production costs and increasing production volume. The marketing department tries to reduce costs per unit of sales volume to a minimum and increase that volume to the maximum. The finance department tries to optimize the organization's capital investment policy. The HR department makes every effort to hire good employees at minimum cost and retain them in the organization, etc. These goals are not always consistent; in fact, they often conflict with each other 2.

To ensure the effectiveness of the analysis of technical information, it is necessary to consider both the enterprise as a whole and its individual structural units (productions, workshops, departments, sections, teams and workplaces). It is also necessary to study such issues as the organization of the workplace, cooperation and division of labor according to technological and functional characteristics, the use of working time, the introduction of advanced methods of performing work and labor techniques, the levels of mechanized (automated) and manual labor for individual technological stages (stages, phases) of the production process, the efficiency of using working machines and mechanisms and ways to increase their work shifts, improving working conditions, working hours, improving standardization and remuneration, a system for monitoring labor discipline, organizing socialist competition, etc.

PRINCIPLES DETERMINING THE DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - basic theoretical principles - rules including the concentration of workers of a separate unit or the entire personnel management system to solve basic problems or the concentration of homogeneous functions in one unit of the personnel management system, which eliminates duplication of specialization (division of labor in the management system personnel - the work of managers, specialists and other employees is allocated, separate units are formed that specialize in performing groups of homogeneous functions) parallelism (involves the simultaneous implementation of individual management decisions, increases the efficiency of personnel management) adaptability (flexibility) - means the adaptability of the management system to the changing goals of the organization and the conditions of its work, continuity - presupposes a general methodological basis for carrying out work on the formation of a personnel management system at its different levels and by different specialists, their standard design, continuity (no interruptions in the work of employees of the personnel management system or departments, reduction in the time spent on documents, downtime of technical controls etc.) rhythm - involves performing the same amount of work at equal intervals of time and regularly repeating the functions of personnel management; directness - means the orderliness and purposefulness of the necessary information to develop a certain decision, there can be horizontal and vertical (relationships between functional departments and relationships between different levels management).

STRUCTURE OF LABOR-INTENSITY OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS - the ratio of management functions according to the time spent on their implementation in the total labor-intensity of the functions of the organization's personnel management system for a certain period of time (for example, for a year). S.t.f. according to u.p. can be established on the basis of their significance in the personnel management process (by significance coefficients, ranks of goals and objectives in the “tree of goals” of the personnel management system) on the basis of planned (actual) time expenditure (in man-hours) to perform individual functions. S.t.f. according to u.p. used to analyze the functional division of labor in individual units of the personnel management system, redistribute workers between units, eliminate duplication in the performance of functions, develop measures for the technical equipment of managerial work, the acquisition of technical management tools, office equipment.

FUNCTIONAL DIVISION OF LABOR - division of labor depending on the nature of the participation of performers in the production process, on the functions performed. At the same time, a distinction is made between workers, managers, specialists and other employees. In turn, in each of these enlarged functional groups there is a more detailed division of labor - among workers there are main and auxiliary workers among managers - linear and functional among specialists - designers, technologists, suppliers, etc.

The functional principle in management provides for the division of labor between managers and performers and the performance by each link of a certain function or part of it. The functional construction of a management system is associated with the complexity and diversity of production processes, the management of which requires special knowledge and skills, the work of a large team of workers.

Functional division of labor is the separation of separate groups of workers depending on their role and the functions they perform. All personnel of the enterprise are divided into the following functional groups: workers, engineering and technical workers, office workers, junior service personnel, and security. Within each group, workers also perform different functions. Workers perform especially diverse functions. They transform the subject of labor, carrying out the technological process, including monitoring the supply of raw materials, loading (unloading) of serviced machines, devices and units. These functions are performed by essential workers. Auxiliary workers do not directly participate in the technological process, but contribute to its implementation by performing the necessary set of interrelated functions for infection

At the same time, the level and quality of balance sheet calculations for various functional and resource aspects of the plan are not the same. Therefore, along with further development traditionally widely used balance calculations, such as, for example, calculations for the logistics plan, the labor and personnel plan and others, it is necessary to significantly expand the range of balances used in justifying planned designs for social development and improving the living standards of the people, scientifically technical progress, financial resources, etc. In the context of an increasing territorial division of labor and the need for a deeper justification of planned targets in the field of production infrastructure, the development of various balances on a regional basis is of particular importance.

The influence of the level of use of working time and the level of functional division of labor can be expressed in the following form

At enterprises in the electronics industry, the following forms of division of labor are common: technological, i.e., division of labor according to the stages of the technological process, when workers perform individual species work or operation qualification, in which work is distributed among performers depending on its complexity and qualifications of workers; functional, when workers perform various production functions (main, auxiliary, maintenance, etc.).

A single division of labor carried out within an enterprise (shop, section, team) has three forms: functional, technological, and operational.

Work activities are very diverse. There are different types of work activities: a) main, auxiliary. b) manual, automated. c) mental, physical. d) scientific, practical e) simple, complex. f) managerial, performing. g) technical, economic, many others.

Basically, the participants in many circular processes are different enterprises, organizations, firms, and institutions.

All employees of the enterprise contribute to the process individual labor. Therefore, the work of every person, team of an enterprise, company must be planned and organized in advance.

The better the functions of each workplace and position at a particular enterprise are defined, the more accurately it is possible to establish the range of responsibilities and the content of labor of each category of workers. Here, the correct division of labor allows you to arrange all participants in the production process into given jobs, taking into account their personal characteristics, and professional business qualities. Division of labor means separation different types labor, assigning them to the participants in this process.

Proper division of work activities contributes to good growth professional qualities, underground in production, etc.

Three types of division of labor are considered:

1) General division of labor. (variation of activities across the country, e.g. Agriculture.)

2) Private division of labor. (difference in types of activities within the industry, for example hairdressing salons, stalls)

3) Unit division of labor (difference in types of activities within the enterprise, its divisions).

In enterprises, organizations, firms there are several forms of division of labor: 1) technological division;

2) functional separation;

4) qualification division, etc.

Functional division represents the differentiation of the isolation of the activities of workers according to management functions as in relation to independent areas of activity.

Functional division provides for the separation in organizations of individual jobs and categories of personnel depending on their content and functions. Large group represents the working personnel, they can be divided into auxiliary and main. The first workers are busy reproducing the main functions of production, the second workers work to ensure that these functions are carried out fruitfully (repairs equipment, controls materials.)

According to the performance of the function, various categories of personnel are distinguished: a) manager.

b) specialist.

c) employees.

d) technical performers.

d) junior staff.

IN modern enterprises functional division is the basis good use all categories of personnel.

Increasing a good functional division of labor involves the specialization of workers and employees on the basis of a clear division of the functions of marketing, design, management, production of goods, personnel management, etc.

Thus, the division of labor on a functional basis can proceed from the labor of specific workers assigned to perform a particular operation and up to senior managers who direct and control specific processes.

Scientific and technological progress leads to the development and improvement of tools - machines, mechanisms, tools, and to progressive changes in production technology. The more production is mechanized and automated, the further away the worker is from the subject of labor and from its direct transformation. The functions of a worker are performed by a machine, automatic machine or corresponding equipment. At the same time, two somewhat contradictory trends appear: on the one hand, the labor process is facilitated, but at the same time it requires a higher qualification of the worker (knowledge of the machine, management skills, study of technology, etc.) for its implementation. On the other hand, the mechanization of labor processes is accompanied by their deep division into small and insignificant labor operations, which leads to monotony of work. As a result, the employee’s fatigue increases, interest in work is lost, and a desire arises to leave this place of work and change the area of ​​application of his work.

Within the framework of the functional division of labor, a change occurs in the functional groups of workers: in general, the number of workers decreases with an increase in the number of employees, and among the number of workers, the share of auxiliary and service workers increases rapidly compared to the main ones.

The division of labor on a functional basis, as we found out, is divided into direct manufacturers, auxiliary workers, service personnel and management personnel and specialists.

In general, the process of division of labor includes the definition in activity:

· functional areas;

· functional units;

· actions (sustainable labor functions);

· operations.

To determine these elements of activity, we use the so-called functional-level approach, from the position of which activity is considered as a multi-level system, each level of which has its own elements. Each of these elements implements certain functions in relation to the “higher” level or to the entire activity.

Functional areas of activity combine those elements that are related to the performance of any organizational function - financial, production or personnel management. Typically, in an organization, each of the specified functions has its own structural unit (or manager).

Functional activity units (FAU) are already components of an area of ​​activity that are “responsible” for the implementation of some tasks that are similar in content and complexity. For example, in the activities of a manager or personnel manager, there are several such units: training (training and retraining of personnel, advanced training, etc.), control (monitoring compliance with discipline, labor legislation, etc.), communicative (conducting interviews and interviews with candidates) and others.

Each FED includes certain actions. These are the smallest units of activity that retain all its characteristics. Action is a stable labor function, that is, it is a behavioral act in which the meaningfulness of behavior is preserved - the object is realized (what the activity is directed towards), the goal is comprehended, the procedure is thought out, and the means of its implementation are consciously selected. Continuing the process of division of labor using the example of a personnel manager, in the training unit of his activity the following actions can be distinguished: determining the need for training, developing training goals, drawing up a training plan, etc.

Actions consist of operations - most often of unconscious, automated particles of action. That is, when performing a certain operation, a person practically does not think about its subject and purpose.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Ural State Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Management, Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel

Department of Theory and Practice of Organization Management

2nd year student of the Faculty of Management, Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel

Functional division of labor in the personnel management system

Course work

Scientific adviser:


1. Introduction

2. From ancient times

3. The principle of division of labor

4. Types of division of labor

5. Functional division of labor as the basis of an enterprise

6. Temporary resource.

7. Labor cooperation as an integral part of the division of labor

8. Pros and cons of functional division of labor

9. Conclusion


Relevance .

Nowadays it is very difficult to determine what the structure of the organization should be for successful business and without highly qualified specialists this is simply impossible. Depending on the scale of the organization, the material and intangible goods or services it produces, the structure of the labor organization is determined. Many structures can be involved at the same time, but each manager sees the only correct and main one of them, in which all resources will be used to the maximum, bringing benefits and without causing damage to the organization.


The purpose of our work is to familiarize ourselves with the structure of the organization, to analyze the types of division of labor, of which we will focus on the functional division of labor.

The division of labor contributes to the growth of professional skills, improving the quality of work, increasing labor productivity, etc.

Otherwise, the following types are distinguished:

· - the general division of labor provides for the separation of various types of activities throughout the country, for example industrial production, agriculture, service sector, etc.;

· - private division of labor involves the separation of various types of activities within the industry, for example, automobile manufacturing, hairdressing, etc.;

· - single division of labor provides for the separation of various types of activities within the enterprise or its division.

In enterprises and organizations there are several forms of division of labor:

· - functional;

· - professional;

· - technological;

· - qualification and others.