Functional division of labor in management. Division of labor and levels of management

There are the following forms of division of labor in enterprises:

functional- depending on the nature of the functions performed by employees in production and their participation in the production process. On this basis, workers are divided into workers (main and auxiliary) and office workers. Employees are divided into managers (linear and functional), specialists (designers, technologists, suppliers) and technical performers. In turn, workers can form functional groups of main workers, service workers and auxiliary workers. Among the latter are groups of repair and transport workers, quality controllers, energy service workers, etc. The functional division of labor manifests itself in two directions: between categories of workers included in the personnel of the enterprise, and between main and auxiliary workers. The first means the identification of such categories of workers as workers, managers, specialists and employees among the personnel of enterprises. A characteristic trend in the development of this type of division of labor is the increasing share of specialists in the production personnel. Another direction of the functional division of labor is the division of workers into main and auxiliary workers. The first of them are directly involved in changing the form and condition of the objects of labor being processed, for example, workers in foundries, mechanical and assembly shops of machine-building enterprises, engaged in performing technological operations for the manufacture of main products. The latter do not directly participate in the implementation of the technological process, but create the necessary conditions for the smooth and efficient operation of essential workers. Classification of operations corresponding to the requirements of the division of labor between managers, specialists and employees (three interrelated groups): 1) organizational and administrative functions - their content is determined intended purpose operations and role in the management process. Performed mainly by managers; 2) analytical and constructive functions are predominantly creative in nature, contain elements of novelty and are performed by specialists; 3) information technology functions are repetitive in nature and are associated with the use technical means. Performed by employees;

technological- this is the division and isolation of the production process according to the subject or operational principle. Due to the development of scientific and technological progress and the deepening division of industries into sub-sectors and micro-sectors specializing in the production of technologically homogeneous products, the production of certain items, goods or services; types of technological division of labor are: subject and operational division; The forms of manifestation of the division of people in this case are: profession (oriented towards the final product) and specialty (limited to an intermediate product or service). Subject (detailed), i.e. specialization in the production of individual products, division involves assigning to the worker a complex of various operations aimed at producing a certain type of product. Operational - based on assigning a limited set of technological operations to specialized workplaces and is the basis for the formation of production lines. The technological division of labor is classified by phases, types of work, products, units, parts, and technological operations. It determines the placement of workers in accordance with production technology and significantly influences the level of content of work. With narrow specialization, monotony appears in the work; with too broad specialization, the likelihood of poor quality work increases. The responsible task of the labor organizer is to find the optimal level of technological division of labor;

professional- by specialty and profession. Reflects the production and technological side and functional content of labor. As a result of the professional division of labor the process is underway separation of professions, and within them - the selection of specialties. It is also related to social structure society, since the professional division of labor is closely related to its social division. Based on this form of division of labor, the required number of workers in different professions is established. A profession is a type of activity of a person who has certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained as a result of professional training. Specialty - a type of profession, the specialization of an employee within the profession;

qualifying- division of labor within each professional group, associated with the unequal complexity of the work performed and, consequently, with different requirements requirements for the employee’s qualification level, i.e. division of labor of performers depending on the complexity, accuracy and responsibility of the work performed in accordance with professional knowledge and work experience. The expression of the qualification division of labor is the distribution of work and workers by category, and employees by position. Regulated by tariff and qualification reference books. The qualification structure of the organization’s personnel is formed from the qualification division of labor. Division of labor here it is carried out according to the level of qualifications of workers based on the required qualifications of the work.

There are also three forms of social division of labor:

general division of labor is characterized by the separation of large types (spheres) of activity, which differ from each other in the form of the product (agriculture, industry, etc.);

private division of labor is the process of separating individual industries within large types of production, divided into types and subtypes (construction, metallurgy, machine tool building, animal husbandry);

single The division of labor characterizes the separation of the production of individual components of finished products, as well as the separation of individual technological operations, i.e. separation of various types of work within an organization, enterprise, within certain structural divisions (shop, site, department, management, team), as well as distribution of work between individual employees.

The meaning of division of labor is:

a necessary prerequisite for the production process and a condition for increasing labor productivity;

allows you to organize sequential and simultaneous processing of the object of labor in all phases of production;

promotes specialization production processes and improving the labor skills of the workers involved.

The unit of division of labor is a production operation, which is understood as a part of the labor process performed by one or a group of workers at one workplace, on one object of labor. A change in at least one of these signs means the completion of one operation and the beginning of another. The operation, in turn, consists of techniques, labor actions and movements.

Labor movement is a single movement of the worker’s arms, legs, and body during the labor process (for example, reaching out to a workpiece).

A labor action is a set of labor movements performed continuously and having a specific purpose (for example, the labor action “take a workpiece” consists of movements performed sequentially and continuously “extend your hand to the workpiece”, “grab it with your fingers”).

A labor technique is a set of labor actions, united by one purpose and representing a completed elementary work.

Boundaries of the division of labor (ignoring them may have a negative impact on the organization and production results):

1) the division of labor should not lead to a decrease in the efficiency of using working time and equipment;

2) it should not be accompanied by impersonality and irresponsibility in the organization of production;

3) the division of labor should not be excessively fractional, so as not to complicate the design and organization of production processes and labor standards, and also not to reduce the qualifications of workers, not to deprive work of meaningfulness, not to make it monotonous and tedious.

The monotony of labor is a very serious negative factor that manifests itself in the process of deepening the division of labor in production.

Remedies against monotony can include periodic changes of jobs, elimination of the monotony of labor movements, the introduction of variable labor rhythms, regulated breaks for active recreation, etc.

Division of labor- an economic phenomenon in which professional specialization occurs, narrowing and sometimes deepening the functions of an individual specialist. The overall production process is divided into extremely simple operations, each of which is performed by a separate person. (5) The determining condition for the division of labor is the growth of the productive forces of society. “The level of development of a nation’s productive forces is revealed most clearly in the degree to which its division of labor is developed” (K. Marx and F. Engels, ibid., vol. 3, p. 20). At the same time, the development and differentiation of instruments of production play a decisive role in deepening the division of labor. In turn, the division of labor contributes to the development of productive forces and the growth of labor productivity. The accumulation of production experience and work skills among people is directly dependent on the degree of division of labor, on the specialization of workers in certain types of labor. Technical progress is inextricably linked with the development of the social division of labor. (6) Division of labor, qualitative differentiation labor activity in the process of development of society, leading to the isolation and coexistence of its various types. Division of labor exists in different forms, corresponding to the level of development of the productive forces and the nature of production relations. A manifestation of the division of labor is the exchange of activities.

The concept of the division of labor is described quite fully in the first three chapters of his five-volume treatise, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.

Highlight social division of labor- distribution in society between people - and the division of labor has led in the modern world to the presence of a huge variety of all kinds of different professions and industries. Previously (in ancient times), people were forced to almost completely provide themselves with everything they needed; this was extremely ineffective, which led to a primitive life and comfort. Almost all achievements of evolution, scientific and technological progress can be explained by the continuous introduction of the division of labor. Thanks to the exchange of the results of labor, that is, trade, the division of labor becomes possible in society.

From the point of view, the division of labor is functional. It is often possible to isolate a part into a separate type, which can then be entrusted to a machine. Thus, the division of labor continues to occur today and has a close connection, for example, with processes. In the field of intellectual work, its division is also possible and very useful. (5) My goal test work is to prove that the division of labor is interconnected with other processes and is an integral part of every organization. And show that thanks to the existence of management levels, each organization achieves the desired success.

1. Division of labor

1.1 Division of labor in organizations

Under division of labor in production, we understand the differentiation of people’s activities in the process of joint labor. Division of labor presupposes the specialization of individual performers in performing a certain part of joint work, which cannot be accomplished without clear coordination of the actions of individual workers or their groups.

The division of labor is characterized by qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Division of labor according to quality This feature involves separating types of work according to their complexity. Performing such work requires special knowledge and practical skills. Division of labor according to quantitative the attribute ensures the establishment of a certain proportionality between qualitatively different types of labor. The combination of these characteristics largely determines the organization of work as a whole.

Ensuring a rational division of labor at an industrial enterprise within a particular work team (team, section, workshop, enterprise) is one of the important areas for improving labor organization. The choice of forms of division and cooperation of labor largely determines the layout and equipment of workplaces, their maintenance, methods and techniques of labor, its rationing, payment and provision of favorable production conditions. The division of labor in an enterprise, in a workshop, determines the quantitative and qualitative proportions between individual types of labor, the selection and placement of workers in the production process, their training and advanced training.

Correctly chosen forms of division of labor and its cooperation make it possible to ensure rational workload of workers, clear coordination and synchronicity in their work, and reduce time loss and equipment downtime. Ultimately, the amount of labor costs per unit of production and, consequently, the level of labor productivity depend on the forms of division and cooperation of labor. This is the economic essence of rational division. (1) The concept of personnel of an enterprise is characterized by the number and composition of employees employed there. In order to effectively manage the process of formation and use of personnel, enterprises use a classification of employees by category. There are three categories of workers among the personnel of enterprises:

a) management personnel;

b) operational staff;

c) support staff.

The division of enterprise personnel into categories of workers represents the most general shape functional division of their labor. The main goal of managing the number and composition of personnel is to optimize the cost of human labor to perform the main types of work related to the activities of the enterprise, and to ensure that the necessary jobs are filled with workers of the relevant professions, specialties and skill levels.

The design of labor processes at enterprises involves determining the total volume of work and its distribution in the context of individual groups of performers. The total volume of work performed must be distributed between separate groups of performers. This distribution is based on the division of labor, i.e. on the relative isolation of various types of activities of the enterprise. (3)

1.2 Types of division of labor

At enterprises, the following types of division of labor are distinguished: technological, functional, professional and qualification.

Technological division of labor involves the separation of groups of workers on the basis of their performance of technologically homogeneous work in individual phases, types of work and operations (at engineering and metalworking enterprises - foundry, forging, machining, assembly and other work; at mining enterprises - mining preparation and cleaning work; at enterprises of worsted production of the textile industry - scattering, opening, carding, tape, roving, spinning, twisting, winding, sizing, weaving and other works). Within the framework of the technological division of labor in relation to certain types of work, for example assembly work, depending on the degree of fragmentation of labor processes, operational, detail and subject division of labor is distinguished.

The technological division of labor largely determines the functional, professional and qualification division of labor in an enterprise. It allows you to determine the need for workers by profession and specialty, and the level of specialization of their labor.

Functional The division of labor differs in the role of individual groups of workers in the production process. On this basis, first of all, two large groups of workers are distinguished - main and service (auxiliary). Each of these groups is divided into functional subgroups (for example, a group of service workers into subgroups engaged in repair, adjustment, instrumental, loading and unloading work, etc.).

Ensuring at enterprises the correct ratio of the number of main and auxiliary workers on the basis of a rational functional division of their labor, significant improvement in the organization of labor of service workers are important reserves for increasing labor productivity in industry.

Professional The division of labor is carried out depending on the professional specialization of workers and involves performing work in a particular profession (specialty) at the workplace. Based on the volume of each type of work, it is possible to determine the need for workers by profession for a site, workshop, production, enterprise and association as a whole.

Qualification division of labor is determined of varying complexity, requiring a certain level of knowledge and experience of workers. For each profession, a composition of operations or works of varying degrees of complexity is established, which are grouped according to the assigned working tariff categories. On this basis, the number of workers in each profession is determined according to their qualification categories. (2)

The names of professions and specialties of workers are regulated by the Classifier, which has the force of a state standard, and the content is determined by the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers /ETKS/.

ETKS is intended for tariffication of work, assignment of qualification categories to workers, as well as for drawing up programs for training and advanced training of workers.

Tariffication of work is carried out on the basis of tariff and qualification characteristics. In this case, the billable work is compared with the corresponding work described in the tariff and qualification characteristics, and with typical examples works included in the reference book or in additional lists of examples of work. If the work is performed by a team (link), the work is charged differentially for each operation or the amount of operations included in this work, according to its average category. Assignment of a qualification category to a worker or its increase is carried out taking into account the complexity of the work performed.

Tariffication of work and assignment of qualification categories to workers in newly emerged professions is carried out, as a rule, in relation to the names and characteristics of similar professions and works contained in the ETKS. (4)

1.3 Main directions for improving the division of labor

The main direction for improving the division of labor is choosing the best option for each specific production site, taking into account economic, technical, technological, psychophysiological and social requirements.

Main economic The requirement for the optimal division of labor is to ensure the output of products in specified volumes and high quality at the lowest labor, material and financial costs.

Technical and technological requirements provide for the performance of each element of work by the appropriate performer on this equipment within the established time frame work time. These requirements decisively determine the technological, functional, professional and qualification division of labor.

Psychophysiological The requirements are aimed at preventing overwork of workers due to heavy physical exertion, nervous tension, impoverished work content, monotony or physical inactivity (insufficient physical activity), which often leads to premature fatigue and a decrease in labor productivity.

Social the requirements presuppose the presence of creative elements in the composition of the work, increasing the content and attractiveness of the work.

As a rule, these requirements are not met by a single organizational solution, so there is a need to choose one option for the division of labor. The complexity of this task lies in its versatility, in the choice of criteria for determining boundaries, the variety of methods of division and cooperation of labor in various types production. Moreover, the choice of option is carried out under the counteraction of various factors characteristic of the production process. For example, increasing the workload of performers increases labor productivity, but up to a certain limit, after which a decrease in productivity occurs due to premature overwork.

It is known that as a result of the division of labor, specialization of workers occurs, which, on the one hand, ensures a reduction in labor costs, and on the other, can impoverish its content, lead to an increase in monotony (after a certain limit) and a decrease in productivity. Increasing the workload of performers does not always mean an increase in the productive operating time of the equipment; the inverse relationship is also possible.

With the establishment of more intense time standards, the required number of performers decreases, but the likelihood of a decrease in the quality of products increases. Providing creative elements (calculations, setting up machines, etc.) as part of the operations performed is often associated with additional time spent per unit of production, but it increases the content and attractiveness of the work, reduces staff turnover, etc.

Choice of the most optimal solution must balance the effects of various factors and ensure the most effective achievement of the production goal. To do this, it is sometimes necessary to conduct special experiments and studies using mathematical methods and computer technology(for selection the best option). However, the economic and social effect of these works should significantly cover the costs of their implementation.

Designing the division of labor at industrial enterprises by making optimal organizational decisions is very effective and is one of the most promising areas for improving labor organization.

Division is the most important factors of production, largely determining the forms of labor organization.

The development of measures to improve the division of labor is usually preceded by a quantitative assessment of the division of labor. To do this, the division of labor coefficient is calculated ( Kr. T), recommended by the Labor Research Institute. It characterizes the degree of specialization of workers and is calculated taking into account the time they spent performing functions corresponding to their qualifications and provided for by production tasks, according to the formula

Kr. t =1 - / tcm*np -

where is the time spent on performing functions not provided for in the tariff and qualification reference book for workers in a given profession, min;

time spent on performing functions not provided for in the technological documentation, min;

tcm - shift duration, min;

np- total (on payroll) number of workers at the enterprise (in the workshop, on the site), people;

total loss of working time for the enterprise (shop, site) associated with downtime for technical and organizational reasons, as well as violations of labor discipline, min(information on all indicators should be in OOTiZ or in the NOT department of the enterprise).

From the above formula it is clear that what less costs time to perform an operation (work) not provided for in the tariff and qualification reference book, standardization or technological documentation, the greater the numerical value of the coefficient and, therefore, the more rational the division of labor in the adopted cooperation.

In the conditions of any enterprise there are opportunities to choose the most rational forms of division and cooperation of labor. In each case, the choice should be made on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the specifics of production, the nature of the work performed, requirements for their quality, the degree of workload of workers and a number of other factors.

The task is to correctly break down the entire set of operations of the production process, determine their optimal set for each workplace, arrange performers accordingly and establish the best relationship between workers through rational cooperation of their labor. Rational decision These issues make it possible to use living and material labor more efficiently, significantly reduce the loss of working time and equipment downtime, and increase production efficiency.

IN modern conditions increasing the efficiency of labor by improving its division and cooperation should be carried out on the basis of a wider combination of professions, expanding the scope of application of multi-machine (multi-unit) services, and further development of the collective (team) form of organizing workers' labor. (6)

2. Levels of control

Large organizations need to perform very large volumes of management work. This requires dividing management work into horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal principle Division of labor is the placement of managers at the head of individual divisions and departments. Horizontally divided management work must be coordinated so that the organization can achieve success in its activities. Some managers have to spend time coordinating the work of other managers, who, in turn, also coordinate the work of managers. This vertical deployment of the division of labor results in levels of management.

Vertical principle Division of labor is the creation of a hierarchy of management levels to coordinate horizontally divided management work to achieve organizational goals.

The vertical division of labor leads to the formation of vertical management levels - in the example of a military organization, as well as in a business organization. It does not follow from the titles of the posts that similar positions are directly comparable in different organizations. It is usually possible to determine in an organization where one manager stands relative to others. This is done through the job title.

Organization size is just one of several factors that determine how many layers of management a company must have to achieve optimal results.

Regardless of how many levels of management there are, managers are traditionally divided into three categories.

LOW-LEVEL LEADERS ( operational managers). mainly monitor the implementation of production tasks to continuously provide direct information on the correctness of these tasks. Managers at this level are often responsible for the direct use of resources allocated to them, such as raw materials and equipment.

MIDDLE MANAGERS. The work of junior managers is coordinated and controlled by middle managers. They prepare information for decisions made by senior managers and transfer these decisions, usually after transforming them in a technologically convenient form, in the form of specifications and specific tasks to lower-level line managers.

SENIOR MANAGERS. The highest organizational level - senior management - is much less numerous than others; they are responsible for making the most important decisions for the organization as a whole or for the main part of the organization. Strong senior leaders imprint their personality on the entire image of the company. (1)


Production is unthinkable without cooperation, the cooperation of people, which gives rise to a certain distribution of activities. “It is obvious,” wrote K. Marx, “that this necessity of distributing social labor in certain proportions cannot in any way be destroyed by a certain form of social production - only the form of its manifestation can change.” The forms of distribution of labor find direct expression in economic labor, which also determines the existence of historically determined forms of property. “The various stages in the development of the division of labor,” wrote Marx and Engels, “are at the same time various forms property, i.e. each stage of the division of labor also determines the relations of individuals to each other according to their relation to the material, tools and products of labor" (6).

The reduction of the working day and the enormous increase will give people the opportunity, along with professional creative work, to constantly engage in their favorite activities: art, science, sports, etc. In this way, the one-sidedness caused by antagonistic R.t. will be completely overcome, and the comprehensive and free development of all people will be ensured. (5)


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This is a kind of “nutrient medium”, an objective prerequisite and basis for the social division of labor. But by the nature of the exchange of activities of specialized functionaries, it cannot be classified as a type of social division of labor, since the diverse forms of manifestation of human activity, determined by the functional division of labor, are inherent in both the individual, private, and general division of labor. In fact, function and position as the primary forms of relations of human activity take place in varieties of technical, technological and social division of labor. The emergence of such forms of activity as a functional body, service, department, sector, laboratory, group is legitimate only for the technological and social division of labor. A various forms human activity, determined by the type of occupation or activity, branch of the military, type of art, functional aspects of leadership (political, administrative, economic, scientific), although generated at one time by the functional division of labor, are now distributed within the limits of types and varieties of only the social division of labor.

The forms of manifestation of the functional division of labor are the following types of labor:

Producing, performing the functions of expanded reproduction;

Protective (a set of self-defense functions);

Informing (informing functions);

Creatively constructive, creative (functions of creativity);

Leading (a set of self-government functions).

In accordance with the functionally distinguished types of work, people are divided by occupation and their attitude towards work into:

Producers engaged in public production
productive work;

Defenders who devoted themselves to the cause of defense and security;

Informants, signalmen providing the information process;

Creative workers who direct their talent and creative work to the development of various types of art;

Leaders with strong-willed and didactic qualities, a specific ability for communication, mobilization, prompt decision-making, system analysis,
generalization of experience, practice and, therefore, endowed by society with the right to lead other people;

Deputy and assistant managers (organizers, administrators, researchers) ensuring implementation
in it the process of self-government.

The indicated functions and types of functionally divided labor are characteristic of any inextricable whole social organism. The loss of at least one of them leads to degradation of the whole and chaos in relation to its parts.

Like expanded reproduction, self-defense is an eternal, natural condition for the existence and development of not only any organism, but also a socio-economic system. Self-defense in the broadest sense of the word refers to the system’s opposition to external and internal disruptive forces. Thus, the constituent elements of self-defense that characterize the content of this function at the current level of its development are:

National defense;

Nature conservation and protection from its impact elemental forces;

Protecting people's health, public order, civil
rights and constitutional norms of legality;

Occupational health, safety and industrial sanitation;

Protection of property and other elements of the socio-economic system.

The functions of joint, coordinated activities of people are not implemented in isolation from each other, but are in complete interconnection, in relation to mutual support. For example, the production process is impossible without informing performers about the level of inventories and transformation of objects of labor, information about the state of technology and the conditions of production and exchange, without organizing and managing the latter. At the same time, any production process, to a certain extent, requires labor protection and safety measures. In turn, no protection system can be imagined without signaling, notification, i.e. informing, creating for her protective devices, the organization of this system. At the same time, the information process also requires its organization, selection of information, protection from interference, etc.

Creativity is in the same relationship (mutual support) with other functions. Whatever serves as the subject of human activity, i.e. whatever function is performed, in to a certain extent There are elements of creativity in it. The combination of core activity and creativity transforms any human work into what is commonly called the work of “passionate”, “masters of golden hands” or work “with soul”, “with a spark”. And the result of such a combination is, as a rule, innovative innovations, rationalization proposals, and inventions. When creativity turns into the main activity of a functionary and actually takes place in his work, then his product becomes everything that is called a work of art.


1. Functional division of labor in the management process and its


3. Characteristics of OJSC Dalsvyaz

4. Characteristics of the distribution of management functions across levels and links of the management apparatus of OJSC Dalsvyaz



For the correct construction of an organization's management system, determining its structure, the degree of centralization and decentralization, establishing the range of rights and responsibilities of departments and individual employees, the definition of management functions and their clear, justified classification is important.

Management functions arise from the content of the organization’s activities and are determined by their objects and the composition of the tasks to be solved. Each of the specific control functions provides a targeted impact on a particular object. There is a separation of various functions, such as personnel management, finance, technical support, etc. The specifics of the managed object determine the content of these functions. Control functions are specific types activities that have a unity of purpose, the nature of the work and operations performed, aimed at a certain part of the managed object to achieve the goal.

To perform management functions, a management apparatus is created, and separate structural units- to perform a particular function (or a number of functions). Only in combination the functions provide normal functioning and development of the managed facility.

The management function is divided into its component parts: work, operations, elements. Most often, the entire function is performed by a larger or smaller number of workers, each of whom, in the course of daily work, performs individual species works Correct allocation of functions allows work that is close and similar in nature to be combined into one management unit, thereby simplifying the structure and facilitating the coordination of the activities of functional units.

1. Functional division of labor in the management process and its characteristics

Based on the composition and scope of work for management functions, the rational construction of the management system and the number of employees for each function are determined, and organizational regulation documents are developed. The functional division of management processes is important for their organization, since it determines the goals, objectives and directions of activity of management workers.

Compliance with controllability standards is ensured by introducing an additional link in the management hierarchy. At the same time, a certain number of intermediate level managers are subordinate to the top manager, each of whom will have control over a permissible number of subordinates.

The introduction of second-level managers frees up managers top level to solve more important and long-term issues of development of the entire organization. In addition, more attention is paid to the management of ordinary performers, since fewer of them report to each of the second-level managers.

The issue of limiting the controllability rate is of great importance practical significance.

Deciding on the appropriate number of levels in the hierarchy organizational management, the number of subordinates each manager has is one of the central issues in the formation of a management structure. When analyzing the controllability standards that have developed in an organization, one should not draw hasty conclusions. There are cases when, in organizations that function very effectively, the sphere of control of some senior managers significantly exceeded the theoretically calculated optimal value. The possibility of overloading top management depends on whether the manager actually exercises real management of all divisions and persons who are subordinate to him, how much time he devotes to each of them, how effective the system of communications and information about the state of affairs in the divisions entrusted to him is. Much depends on the business qualities of deputy senior managers and the degree of their independence. In some cases, divisions in an organization are subordinated senior management only for reasons of increasing their general status, but in reality they do not burden the manager with resolving their issues and act relatively independently.

Unlike the linear system, when the manager is responsible for the entire volume of activities of the unit entrusted to him on the basis of unity of command, functional management is based not on general, but on specialized responsibility for a specific function in the organization.

The functional division of labor in the management apparatus is usually based on the stages of the decision-making process (planning, control, information processing, etc.), stages of the production and economic process (supply, production, sales, etc.) or elements of production (products , technology, etc.). The need to form specialized functional units depends on many other factors, for example, on the volume of work to perform the function, the degree of its importance for achieving the ultimate goals of production organizations, as well as on the degree of interaction of the organization with external environment, from the need to set new goals and objectives and from the availability of qualified personnel. The key issue in identifying functional services in the management structure is determining their status and relationships with line managers. If the line manager determines the need to carry out certain actions, the time, place and specific performers of these actions, then the role of functional managers comes down primarily to determining appropriate methods and procedures for carrying out these actions. That is why specialists and heads of functional departments must have, first of all, such qualities as competence in their field, the ability to analyze and independently evaluate processes and phenomena, as well as to effectively communicate their conclusions and recommendations to line managers who have the right to act on the basis of these recommendations . The parallel existence of linear and functional management in an organization creates certain problems in the process of its functioning. On the one hand, the principle of unity of command implies the need to establish a formal organizational structure in which each subordinate receives orders and instructions from only one leader and reports only to him. On the other hand, if this principle is taken literally, then employees of functional services should generally only deal with line managers.

2. Classification and content of management functions

The classification features of management functions are divided into:

a) in the sphere of production and economic activity - the functions of managing production itself and the functions of managing non-production activities;

b) elements of the production process - management functions labor resources(human resources management functions); management functions of equipment and production technology; material resource management functions; financial resource management functions;

c) stages of production - management functions of production preparation (scientific, technical, economic, social), management functions production stage(main and auxiliary service production);

d) levels of management hierarchy - management functions of a site, workshop, enterprise, association;

e) the nature of management functions - basic, specific, auxiliary management functions;

f) the content of management goals - general (basic) management functions (planning, organization, coordination, stimulation, control) and specific (specific and private) management functions (management of design preparation of production, management of technological preparation of production, management repair service, management capital construction, occupational health and safety management, product (service) sales management, labor management and wages, management of financial and accounting activities, operational management production, personnel management, personnel training management, management of technical support of the management system, improvement of the management system, etc.).

Currently, the last sign of classification of management functions is highest value.

These common (basic) functions for management employees reflect the target orientation and the tasks that the management system must solve. General Features inherent in any management system, characteristic of both general and specialized types of management activities. The management process begins with setting goals (planning) and ends with accounting and analysis of their implementation. Only by the totality of these functions is the goal achieved, for the achievement of which the control system is created, and the normal functioning of the controlled object is ensured. The general functions of management are strictly interconnected and, therefore, the activities of any management employee achieve the highest efficiency when all the main functions are given the necessary attention and each is implemented in accordance with its place and content.

Planning as a management function is to determine the goals (tasks) of the managed object and develop a program of its actions to achieve them. The actions of all other management functions are in one way or another subordinate to the tasks defined in the planned tasks. Therefore, this function is fundamental among other basic functions.

The function of the organization is designed to ensure the implementation of the goal outlined in the plan by establishing proportions between the elements of work activity and the order of their interaction: the formation of managed and control systems; determining the place and role of each employee in the system and distributing them among departments; organizing clear interaction between them; development of documents regulating the activities of the entire management apparatus, individual departments and employees, in order to ensure the desired flow of the production process and the performance of all functions.

The purpose of the regulation function (coordination, management) is to achieve agreements between various parts of the managed system by establishing the most rational internal and external relations. With the growth of economic, organizational, technical and other connections, the need arises for their streamlining and rational organization. As deviations, failures, and shortcomings are revealed during monitoring, the system also needs to be regulated, brought into normal condition.

The control function consists of continuous observation, analysis, assessment of the actual progress of the system and comparison with that established in the program, plan, and identification of necessary actions in the next management cycle. Systems, forms and methods of control are diverse and are determined by the tasks assigned to it and the nature of the functioning of the object. Effective management of any organization is possible only when its activities are reliably and continuously monitored.

The function of accounting and analysis is organically connected with control, which gives credibility to all types and forms of control. This function also consists of characterizing the implementation of the plan and using accounting information to analyze and develop a new plan.

Thus, the general (basic) management functions in unity ensure the integrity of the organization's management process.

3. Characteristics of OJSC Dalsvyaz

Dalsvyaz provides communication services in 7 regions of the Far East: Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territories, Sakhalin, Amur, Kamchatka, Magadan and Jewish Autonomous Regions (JAO). The regional territory is 3.3 million square meters. km. (20% of the territory of Russia), where 6.1 million people live (4.2% of the total population of Russia), including 4.8 million people in the urban population and 1.3 million people in the rural population.

Currently, OJSC Dalsvyaz, in a competitive market, is an operator-supplier of a full range of telecommunications services in the Far Eastern Federal District, serving 1 million 259 thousand subscribers of the local telephone network, providing other modern communication services. Telephone network companies are closely linked to facilities
OJSC Rostelecom is the regional part of the network common use Russia. Alternative telecom operators have the opportunity to be included in this network.

The company was registered by the Administration of Vladivostok on May 12, 1994. Registration number 5464. Included in the Unified State Register legal entities September 6, 2002 by the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation for the Leninsky district of Vladivostok. Assigned OGRN 1022501276159.

The management bodies of the Company are General meeting shareholders, Board of Directors, Management Board, General Director. The Company's control body is the Audit Commission.

Priority areas of activity are determined by the Company's mission - "Formation and full satisfaction of customer needs for modern communication services in the Far Eastern Federal District."

The main objectives of the Company are:

Providing a full range of telecommunications services;

Implementation of the functions of a reliable operator - a leader providing high-quality communication services available to all categories of users;

Improving the way we serve and interact with clients; comprehensive development of services based on modern technologies;

Creating conditions under which the fullest realization of the abilities of each employee is possible for the benefit of the entire company;

Growth of income and capitalization of the company, creation favorable conditions to attract investment.

4. Characteristics of the distribution of management functions across levels and links of the management apparatus of OJSC Dalsvyaz

The organizational structure of the management of OJSC Dalsvyaz is presented in Appendix 1.

Existing distribution order functional responsibilities between the structural divisions of OJSC Dalsvyaz is represented in
table 1.

Table 1 Functional table for analyzing the distribution of functions of structural divisions of OJSC Dalsvyaz

Name and content of management functions

Name and content of management subfunctions

Name and content of procedures and operations


General Directorate

Department management

Department management

Department specialists

Forecasting and


1. Establishing the goals and objectives of the organization’s activities

2. Development of strategies, programs and plans

3. Determining the required resources

Mission Statement

Vision and Goals

Hierarchy of goals

Determining priority areas of development

Organization's strategic plans

Divisional strategic plans

Determining Resource Needs

Resource Allocation

Work organization

1. Technical and design training


2. Financial activities

3. General office work

Introduction of modern technologies

Equipment service

Implementation of investment projects

Financial management

Approval of document forms

Preparation of documents, etc.


1. Organization of labor and wages

2. Development of motivation schemes;

3. Organization and regulation of labor

Setting salaries

Development of a financial incentive program

Determining employee needs;

Choice of motivation methods, etc.

Improving working and rest conditions;

Determination of labor norms and standards

Coordination and


1. Legal support

2. Formation of corporate culture

3. Tariff regulation

Preparation of legal documents

Permission conflict situations

Defining the organization's values;

Development of organizational culture

Tariff development

Tariff approval

The table applies the following symbols: · - direct execution of operations; d – preparation of documentation; +/- - computational and settlement operations; c – approval, approval of documents; k – execution control; and – instructions, consultations, assistance in performing operations, etc.

5. Proposals for improving the distribution of functional responsibilities

In order for an organization to operate effectively, improved management techniques are necessary.

The essence of improvement is that every leader of an organization or another level of management was interested in every employee, in his personal interest. This can be achieved in different ways: improving the moral climate in the team or having the opportunity to retrain personnel, and it can also be material incentives, social success (help for the family, health, morale).

It is necessary for the manager to develop current leadership and management plans, where it is necessary to reflect current and long-term development activities of the organization: improving the style and methods of work, analysis own mistakes, organization of work of the team.

In order to reduce staff turnover and secure young specialists in key positions, it is proposed to study the socio-psychological climate of the team to identify the needs of personnel, introduce programs for providing loans to employees, etc.

Increasing importance should be given to the organization of corporate and in-house training.

In order to improve the management structure of the enterprise and increase the efficiency of its functioning, it is recommended:

Implement a set of measures to improve the organization of work at the enterprise, the rational distribution of functional responsibilities, and strengthen the performance discipline of employees;

Make more active use of the funds approved for this purpose to materially stimulate skilled workers and secure them in production;

Streamline the planning of repair and maintenance work, basing it on the results of regular inspections, at least 2 times a year;

Develop your own production in order to reduce the cost of services when performing work, use your own materials to a greater extent;

Intensify efforts to collect payments from the population for services provided.


Enterprise management is intended to preserve its mission and is carried out by counteracting the destruction of the enterprise as a result of its interaction with the external environment. Considering the process of enterprise management as a technology, we can imagine it as a set of cycles performed by employees of the management apparatus, based on the division of labor.

Division of labor is one of the main principles of organizing the management process. It is based on the functional, professional, qualification and operational-technological division of labor.

The functional division of labor in the management process is based on the hierarchy of enterprise management functions (research, design, regulatory, planning, technical, organizational, coordination, support, accounting and sales) and is a combination of certain groups, complexes of operations that are consistently repeated during their implementation.

To properly organize each functional process in the management system, it is necessary:

Determine the number, sequence and nature of the operations that make up the process; ·

Select (develop) appropriate methods, techniques (techniques), and technical means for each operation;

Define optimal conditions the course of the process in time and environment.


1. GOST 24525.0-80 "Management of a production association and industrial enterprise".

2. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management. – M.: Gardariki, 2002.

3. Business planning: Methods. Organization. Modern practice. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1997. - 368 p.

4. Mukhin Yu.I. The science of managing people: a presentation for everyone. - M.: Folium, 1995. - 368 p.

5. Fundamentals of Management / Ed. D. D. Vachugova. – M.: graduate School, 2002.

6. Semenov A.K. Nabokov V.I. Fundamentals of management. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003. – 465 p.

7. Khan D. Planning and control: the concept of controlling / Transl. with him. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1997. - 800 p.


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Division of labor is the division of people's activities in the process of joint labor. The following forms of division of labor have developed in LPUMG: functional, technological and qualification (operational distribution of labor in LPUMG has not found distribution).  

There are four types of division of labor: functional, qualification, technological, and operational.  

There are three types of unit division of labor: functional, technological and qualification.  

As noted, the desired system was defined by management as closed, based on strong leadership, with formal and subordinate general rules communications. The principle underlying the division of labor is functional. Managers, specialists and performers were identified.  

At enterprises, a distinction is made between technological, functional, professional and qualification division of labor. Technological separation is the separation of groups of workers based on their performance of homogeneous work in separate phases, types and operations. Within its framework, an operational, detailed and subject-specific functional division of labor is possible - the identification of two large groups of workers - main and auxiliary, each of which is divided into subgroups. With a functional division of labor, employees, etc. are also distinguished. Professional - carried out depending on the specialization of workers; the qualification division is due to the varying complexity of the work performed, which requires a certain level of knowledge and experience of workers.  

At oil refining and petrochemical enterprises, all four forms of intra-production division of labor - functional, technological, qualification and operational - are represented, although to varying degrees.  

In the formation of the composition of services and departments, the content of the process of division of labor is expressed - functional subsystems and structural divisions are identified according to management functions, and work is distributed within services and departments. This creates the basis for the specialization of management activities.  

THE NEED FOR COORDINATION. The need for coordination, which always exists, becomes truly urgent when work is clearly divided both horizontally and vertically, as is the case in large modern organizations. Unless management creates formal coordination mechanisms, people will not be able to get work done together. Without appropriate formal coordination between different levels, functional areas and individuals can easily focus on promoting their own interests rather than the interests of the organization as a whole. Formulating and communicating the goals of the organization as a whole and each of its units is only one of many coordination mechanisms. Each management function plays a specific role in coordinating specialized divisions of labor. Leaders must always ask themselves what their coordination responsibilities are and what they are doing to fulfill them. Therefore, coordination is a topic to which we will return frequently.  

In an organization, each functional unit (department, department or sector) is required to perform part of the overall work. Each such part is necessary to achieve the organization's many goals. The result of this division of labor, however, is that each functional unit develops its own goals. For example, a manufacturing department typically deals with the goals of reducing production costs and increasing production volume. The marketing department tries to reduce costs per unit of sales volume to a minimum and increase that volume to the maximum. The finance department tries to optimize the organization's capital investment policy. The HR department makes every effort to hire good employees at minimum cost and retain them in the organization, etc. These goals are not always consistent; in fact, they often conflict with each other 2.  

To ensure the effectiveness of the analysis of technical information, it is necessary to consider both the enterprise as a whole and its individual structural units (productions, workshops, departments, sections, teams and workplaces). It is also necessary to study such issues as the organization of the workplace, cooperation and division of labor according to technological and functional characteristics, the use of working time, the introduction of advanced methods of performing work and labor techniques, the levels of mechanized (automated) and manual labor for individual technological stages (stages, phases) of the production process, the efficiency of using working machines and mechanisms and ways to increase their work shifts, improving working conditions, working hours, improving standardization and remuneration, a system for monitoring labor discipline, organizing socialist competition, etc.  

PRINCIPLES DETERMINING THE DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - basic theoretical principles - rules including the concentration of workers of a separate unit or the entire personnel management system to solve basic problems or the concentration of homogeneous functions in one unit of the personnel management system, which eliminates duplication of specialization (division of labor in the management system personnel - the work of managers, specialists and other employees is allocated, separate units are formed that specialize in performing groups of homogeneous functions) parallelism (involves the simultaneous implementation of individual management decisions, increases the efficiency of personnel management) adaptability (flexibility) - means the adaptability of the management system to the changing goals of the organization and the conditions of its work, continuity - presupposes a general methodological basis for carrying out work on the formation of a personnel management system at its different levels and by different specialists, their standard design, continuity (no interruptions in the work of employees of the personnel management system or departments, reduction in the time spent on documents, downtime of technical controls etc.) rhythm - involves performing the same amount of work at equal intervals of time and regularly repeating the functions of personnel management; directness - means the orderliness and purposefulness of the necessary information to develop a certain decision, there can be horizontal and vertical (relationships between functional departments and relationships between different levels management).  

STRUCTURE OF LABOR-INTENSITY OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS - the ratio of management functions according to the time spent on their implementation in the total labor-intensity of the functions of the organization's personnel management system for a certain period of time (for example, for a year). S.t.f. according to u.p. can be established on the basis of their significance in the personnel management process (by significance coefficients, ranks of goals and objectives in the “tree of goals” of the personnel management system) on the basis of planned (actual) time expenditure (in man-hours) to perform individual functions. S.t.f. according to u.p. used to analyze the functional division of labor in individual units of the personnel management system, redistribute workers between units, eliminate duplication in the performance of functions, develop measures for the technical equipment of managerial work, the acquisition of technical management tools, office equipment.  

FUNCTIONAL DIVISION OF LABOR - division of labor depending on the nature of the participation of performers in the production process, on the functions performed. At the same time, a distinction is made between workers, managers, specialists and other employees. In turn, in each of these enlarged functional groups there is a more detailed division of labor - among workers there are main and auxiliary workers among managers - linear and functional among specialists - designers, technologists, suppliers, etc.  

The functional principle in management provides for the division of labor between managers and performers and the performance by each link of a certain function or part of it. The functional construction of a management system is associated with the complexity and diversity of production processes, the management of which requires special knowledge and skills, the work of a large team of workers.  

Functional division of labor is the separation of separate groups of workers depending on their role and the functions they perform. All personnel of the enterprise are divided into the following functional groups: workers, engineering and technical workers, office workers, junior service personnel, and security. Within each group, workers also perform different functions. Workers perform especially diverse functions. They transform the subject of labor, carrying out the technological process, including monitoring the supply of raw materials, loading (unloading) of serviced machines, devices and units. These functions are performed by essential workers. Auxiliary workers do not directly participate in the technological process, but contribute to its implementation by performing the necessary set of interrelated functions for infection  

At the same time, the level and quality of balance sheet calculations for various functional and resource aspects of the plan are not the same. Therefore, along with further development traditionally widely used balance calculations, such as, for example, calculations for the logistics plan, the labor and personnel plan and others, it is necessary to significantly expand the range of balances used in justifying planned designs for social development and improving the living standards of the people, scientifically technical progress, financial resources, etc. In the context of an increasing territorial division of labor and the need for a deeper justification of planned targets in the field of production infrastructure, the development of various balances on a regional basis is of particular importance.  

The influence of the level of use of working time and the level of functional division of labor can be expressed in the following form  

At electronics industry enterprises, the following forms of division of labor are common: technological, i.e., division of labor by stages of the technological process, when workers perform certain types of work or operations; qualification, in which work is distributed among performers depending on its complexity and qualifications of workers; functional, when workers perform various production functions (main, auxiliary, maintenance, etc.).  

A single division of labor carried out within an enterprise (shop, section, team) has three forms: functional, technological, and operational.