White ash tree esoterics preparation. Ash tree "burning bush" in the garden: growing rules

For the third year now, it has been impossible to grow ash trees from seeds. This year I also bought a bag and put it in the refrigerator. Tell me what to do next?

Ash (dictamnus) seeds have a very dense, glossy shell. To germinate such seeds, you need to repeat the process that occurs in nature.

The seeds, after they ripen (the ash tree shoots them 2-3 m), fall to the soil surface. In the fall, they are soaked by rain, they swell, the shell loosens, but the onset of frost does not allow them to germinate.

In this “preserved” form, the seed remains until warm days. In the spring, with melt water, it is drawn into the soil and, when it warms up, the seed germinates. This process is called stratification. Trying to replace it by storing a bag of seeds in the refrigerator will do nothing.

If you did not have time to sow ash seeds before winter to allow them to undergo natural stratification, this can be done at home (even now).

The seeds are soaked at room temperature in a damp cloth for 7-10 days, then they are sown in damp sand (shallow). The container is placed in plastic bag and put in the refrigerator (not the freezer!) for 50-60 days.

Make sure that the sand is damp, but there is no stagnation of water. Ventilate regularly to prevent mold from forming. In the spring, sow the seeds prepared in this way into the ground. I would advise sowing immediately permanent place.

In the first year, Dictamnus develops unnoticed by us - it increases root system, and there are only 2-4 leaves. Even young 2-year-old seedlings can hardly tolerate replanting.

Ash tree is a sun-loving plant. It also develops well in partial shade, but in the sun the aroma of the flowers is stronger. Does not like acidic soils, responds gratefully to regular watering.

It does not require shaping or staking, as the stems do not lie down. It overwinters without special shelter under a layer of fallen leaves.

The perennial plant ash tree, popularly known under the poetic name “burning bush”, is a rather exotic crop that requires care and attention. Dictamnus bushes (that's exactly what they are) scientific name of this plant) can ignite from open fire and can also leave a burn on the skin. Many gardeners agree to put up with such a danger and do not deny themselves the pleasure of having at least one plant, taking necessary measures precautions.

Spectacular and dangerous - description of the dictamnus ash tree

Ash tree grows everywhere in Europe and in temperate regions of Asia. has a straight but bushy trunk, capable of creating entire thickets. Its famous popular name- burning bush - dictamnus received for the ability to flare up from an open fire on hot days. This plant can leave quite noticeable chemical burns on human skin.

The ability to cause a burn and burn is inherent in ash not for reasons of a supernatural nature. Everything is explained quite simply - in the heat the plant emits a large number of essential oils - flammable and irritating to skin receptors. It was the self-ignition of essential oil, quite possible in hot climates, that gave the basis to the biblical legend of the burning bush.

However, one is afraid that this feature will cause a fire, don't. After all, the combustion temperature of essential oil is not sufficient to harm the plants in the neighborhood. However certain rules Safety is still worth observing.

The genus of these plants is small; previously only six representatives were identified. They are all similar in structure and appearance, and differ in aesthetic appeal, especially during flowering. This is what attracts the attention of gardeners around the world to them.

Garden ash

Today, all forms of ash are united by botanists under one name - dictamnus alba.

It represents high perennial, growing up to one meter in height. The shoots are straight, covered with edges, the rhizome is developed and powerful. The shoots harmonize well with the leaves sitting on long stems. The basal leaves are entire, the stem leaves are odd-pinnate, resembling the shape of ash greens. The foliage is very fresh and has a distinct juicy green color. Even in very hot weather, the ash tree looks as if it has just been watered - fresh and juicy. The fairly sharp leaf shape harmonizes perfectly with delicate color plants.

Video about the poisonous ash plant:

The color of dictamnus attracts attention with its original color and shape. The flowers reach 2.5 centimeters in diameter and are pale pink or white in color. The petals are pointed in shape, the stamens are graceful, light green, or, less commonly, yellowish in color. The inflorescences reach twenty centimeters in length. They are not particularly magnificent, but are usually large and graceful in shape. The veins on the petals are clearly visible, which adds elegance to the flower.

The plant has a strong odor that it emits during the flowering period. The aroma of ash, bitter-spicy and reminiscent of dried zest, is very recognizable, but some may find it too intrusive.

Basic garden forms plants common among us are pink or dark red. The flowers of the plant are either white or pink. Largely due to the presence of veins of a darker color, pink petals always have very interesting and varied shades. It is almost impossible to find two ash trees that have the same color, which only adds to the attractiveness of the garden ensemble of bushes of this plant

Flowering of ash begins in June and continues for one and a half months. There are also flowerless forms of the plant, which resemble the stem structure and color of magnolia. They are suitable for people who cannot stand the peculiar smell of blooming ash.

Precautionary measures

Dictamnus, being a toxic and poisonous plant, requires some caution. Common judgments about the mortal or even significant danger of this plant are highly exaggerated, but they have certain grounds. Some time after direct contact with the plant, chemical burns may form on the skin. It is dangerous to inhale too much ash aroma - essential oils can cause burns to the respiratory tract. Moreover, all the unpleasant consequences are not felt immediately.

It is necessary to replant, trim and fertilize the ash tree, covering the skin as much as possible with thick clothing. There is no need to bring your face too close to the plant, especially during the flowering period. It is better to protect your hands with gloves, and do not forget that after contact with the plant you should not touch your face and, especially, rub your eyes.

The need for any kind of care for dictamnus occurs very rarely. If you plant the plant correctly, giving it the space it needs to grow, you can limit yourself to infrequent watering - no other care actions will be required for a long time.

Conditions for growing dictamnus

Ash tree is relatively unpretentious, and you can find a place for it in almost any garden. Its main advantage is its complete undemandingness to soils. After all, initially dictamnus grew on clayey and rocky lands, with insufficient moisture content and nutrients. Therefore, light and loose soil with a high content of sandy rocks is perfect for the plant. The ash tree is not picky about the nutritional value of the soil. The plant does not like dampness, marshy soils and excessive watering. Bright and strong flowering is observed on calcareous soil, or on soil with a high alkali content.

The ash tree loves light, but light shading will not harm it. You should not plant it under large trees, this may have a bad effect on the color of the stems and general condition plants.

Planting ash

The best period for - early spring or early autumn. It is better to choose a cloudy, cool day for the procedure. You cannot plant the plant in hot weather - it will not take root and will die.

Dictamnus is planted in regular planting holes, and after planting it is watered abundantly. Abundant watering should be carried out constantly until signs of plant growth appear. After this, excessive moisture can be harmful.

After the ash tree has taken root, it almost always survives in a new place. If signs of root rot appear, this means that the intensive watering was stopped too late, or the soil at the planting site is not suitable for the plant.

It is necessary to ensure that a distance of at least half a meter is maintained from the place where the bush is planted to the nearest plants. It is better if the distance is greater - this will save the gardener from the need to regularly trim the bush and allow the plant to form independently without interfering with other bushes.

Caring for dictamnus

The plant is easy to care for. It is hardy and very resistant to drought, because it requires a minimum amount of water even in very hot periods. The exception is the flowering period if it occurs in dry weather. In other periods, the ash tree does not require watering. Even if you do not water at this time, the plant will not die, but flowering may stop.

Fertilizing the soil for ash is absolutely not necessary, although it grows better in rich soil. It is much more important to maintain a sufficiently high alkali content - ash does not like neutral soil. It is best to apply alkalizing fertilizers once a year, in the spring - this will be enough. It is worth starting from the third year of growth of the bush. If the soil is very poor, you can apply fertilizer in the second year after planting.

If dictamnus grows in a group with other plants, it does not even need periodic loosening of the soil. After completing the soil mulching procedure, you won’t even need to loosen the soil near separately growing bushes. All that is necessary is periodic pruning of the plant.

Can be carried out at almost any time, at the choice of the gardener. Best period for its implementation - early spring, until mid-April, or late autumn, before the onset of significant frosts. A plant planted long enough limited space, more demanding when it comes to pruning.

How does dictamnus overwinter?

There is no need to take any measures to protect the plant in winter. The ash tree tolerates very harsh winters in the middle zone without additional shelter or other measures.

Ash pests

Diseases and pests usually do not threaten the plant. The main reason poor growth or plant death - errors during planting. If the procedure is completed correctly, the plant is not subject to any diseases or pest attacks. Spraying and other methods preventative treatment plants are not practiced. Weeding from weeds is also more of an aesthetic nature - most pest plants cannot “kill” an ash tree.

How to propagate ash tree

There are three types of propagation of this crop - by seeds, by dividing the bush and propagation by cuttings. In practice, all three methods are used, and the gardener himself chooses which one to give preference.

Growing ash from seeds

Propagation is carried out with freshly collected seed material, immediately after collection, in open soil. Sowing is not done immediately in the place chosen for the plant, but in a seedling row. The plants that appear in the next spring season are thinned out and planted, and then grown for two to three years.

After growing, they can be transferred to their place of permanent growth. In the third year the ash tree will bloom, so decorative function in the first two years the plant does not perform. If you sow the seeds not immediately after collection, but in late autumn or spring, they will still sprout, but some of them will germinate for a whole year.

Dividing the bush

The bush can be divided either in early spring, until the twentieth of May, or in September. To divide, you need to wait for cloudy weather and choose fairly large divisions. Divided plants require abundant watering, otherwise they may not take root. When the bush has taken root, the intensity of watering decreases - otherwise it is possible to provoke rotting.

Cuttings of dictamnus

Young ones, correctly cut from the plant, also take root in the soil quite successfully. In order for cuttings to be successful, not only sufficient watering is necessary young plant, but also the introduction of growth accelerators. After such an operation, the success of planting is practically guaranteed; the ash tree will definitely take root.

Remember to protect the skin during all operations with the plant. When carrying out cuttings, it would be useful to protect your eyes from getting juice by wearing glasses. After completing the work, you should wash your hands and face well and change your outerwear. If juice gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water. The areas of skin on which the juice has come into contact are thoroughly washed with soapy water.

A correctly and timely operation of dividing, cutting or planting seeds guarantees success - the plant grows without the need for special care or frequent application of fertilizers, and already in the second year it begins to perform a decorative function, in the third year it pleases the eye with beautiful and long flowering. The burning bush is a beautiful, bright plant that stands out in any flower garden - a gardener and his household will love it.

Dictamnus in landscape design

The use of this plant for decorative purposes varies. The ash tree will complement and decorate the landscape when used:

  • Like a landscape peak on the highest part of a flower garden
  • As a decoration in flat flower beds.
  • To create the effect of a flowering relay race.
  • In any ensemble with a predominance of pink tones.
  • To complement landscape groups.
  • As a background for other flowering plants.

When planning a planting site for dictamnus, you need to remember its toxic properties and strong aroma. You should not plant the plant near walking paths or near recreation areas. It is better to place the ash tree in the depths of the flower ensemble, so that it pleases the eye with color, and its aroma can be heard only slightly, but so that accidental contacts with it are completely excluded. Daylilies, Kermek, and Heuchera are well tolerated in proximity to ash trees.

Types of ash with descriptions and photos

Caucasian ash tree Dictamnus caucasicus

Large imparipinnate leaves are located on high trunk up to 80 cm. The oblong-lanceolate leaves are slightly pubescent. The stem is crowned with a paniculate or racemose inflorescence up to 15 cm in diameter. Flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter are white with dirty purple veins or pinkish-lilac with dark purple veins. Flowering begins in June and lasts up to 45 days. Without replanting and dividing, the bushes do not degenerate until 15 years, but in the conditions of the Moscow region they practically do not set seeds.

Holostolumbar ash tree or burning bush Dictamnus gymnostylis

It grows on the banks of rivers in Ukraine and Russia, on the edges of forests and among bushes. The perennial grows up to 40-80 cm in height, slightly pubescent. The elliptical leaves are elongated and pointed at the tips. The inflorescence is racemose, sometimes paniculate. Lanceolate bracts and flowers are located on a bare stem. Blooms in May-June.

Hairy ash tree Dictamnus dasycarpus

Found in East Asia, Siberia, Far East. Stems are erect, 80 cm or more in height. Bottom part The stems are bare, there is slight pubescence. The leaves have a pronounced axis and venation, and an elongated, pointed shape. Inflorescences are paniculate-racemose or racemose. The flowers are irregular, large, 2.5-4 cm in diameter.

White ash tree Dictamnus albus

Distributed in the Middle and Western Europe. Perennial with a well-developed root system. Erect stems up to 90 cm high are densely covered with short, pubescent leaves of dark green color. The paniculate or racemose inflorescences are large, up to 20 cm long. Flowering occurs in June-July, and the seeds ripen in August-September.

Dictamnus albus



Family - Rutaceae - Rutaceae.

Parts used are grass and roots.

The popular name is wild star anise, volcana, ash tree, bodan, ash tree, bergenia, burning bush.

Pharmacy name - ash grass - Dictamni heiba (formerly - Herba Dictamni), ash roots - Dictamni radix (formerly - Radix Dictamni).

Botanical description

Perennial herbaceous plant, up to 1 in height, with a highly branched root system, from which grow numerous erect, pubescent stems, covered in the upper part with black dots - glands. The whole plant, especially the fruits, emit a lemon scent when crushed. The leaves are dark green, odd-pinnate, alternate oblong-lanceolate (similar to ash leaves), the leaflets are pubescent, and look punctured when viewed through the light. large up to 2.5 cm, white or pinkish (sometimes purple-red with dark veins) collected in loose racemose inflorescences up to 15 cm in length, 5 sepals, 5 petals, four of which are turned upward, and the fifth downward, 10 stamens.

Blooms in June-July.

The fruit is a five-locular capsule with black shiny seeds, which disintegrate into five sacs when ripe, and the intracarp separates and pops out with the seeds. The plant is very rich in essential oils and in very hot weather, under the direct rays of the hot sun, an ash bush can spontaneously ignite - its top flares up with a blue flame, or if a match is brought to the bush. But the bush itself is not burned; the ash tree remains unharmed after the outbreak. Precisely fuel essential oil flares up when high temperature

That’s why the white ash tree is called the burning bush.

It is found in southern Germany in sunny, dry places, in light bushes and clearings of deciduous forest, only occasionally in dense forest.

Collection and preparation

Collect the upper parts of shoots from plants grown in the garden and dry them in bunches in the shade. The roots are dug up either in early spring or late, cleaned, cut into pieces and dried in the shade.

Active ingredients

Alkaloids, essential oil, bergapten, saponins, bitters, anthocyanin and flavone glycosides.

Use in homeopathy Homeopathic remedy Dictamnus albus is prepared from fresh leaves, which are collected shortly before flowering. It is given for gastrointestinal diseases with flatulence and bad-smelling stools, but mainly for irregular


Healing effect and application Used for skin diseases, melancholy and nervous disorders

, regulates menstruation, serves as a diuretic and eliminates bloating. A decoction of the root acts as a fixative and anthelmintic.


Ash tree is a perennial plant from the Rutaceae family. People call ash tree, bergenia or wild star anise. Yasenets is considered a rather unpretentious plant and very common throughout Russia.

The ash tree grows up to one meter in height, the stems of the ash tree are densely pubescent with glandular hairs, they are erect. Thanks to the hairs of the ash tree, it received its second name: burning bush. And all because when they come into contact with the skin, these hairs release a substance that, under the influence of sunlight, can cause burns. When working in a flower garden where ash trees grow, be careful.

There is an opinion that if you bring a burning match to this plant in dry, hot weather, a flame will ignite.

Otherwise, the ash tree is very attractive. White or pink flowers ash trees with red veins, fragrant, collected in tall racemose inflorescences.

Immediately after the ash seeds are ripe, they are sown in open ground. Ash seeds can also be sown in spring or before winter.

The ash tree blooms at a “mature” age, usually in the fourth year. The ash tree will not cause you any more problems. It will grow in one place for many, many years. Also, ash trees can be propagated by dividing the bush. Its roots are divided in autumn or early spring. In summer, ash trees can be propagated by green cuttings. For better rooting, cuttings can be treated with rooting stimulants and covered on top plastic bottle before rooting.

Ash tree can grow well in sunny areas and in the shade. It grows and develops especially well on neutral or alkaline soils. It is necessary to remember that ash tree does not tolerate damp soil, and if there is close underwater groundwater on your site, then when planting the plant, do not forget about drainage.

Ash tree care a lot of work has no idea. Watering, weeding the soil, loosening the soil. During the flowering period, it is recommended to feed with complex fertilizers.

The ash tree blooms in June within 30-45 days. The ash tree looks great in group plantings. In flower beds, ash looks good with heuchera, daylily, monarda, and liatris.

Ash tree (Dictamnus) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Rutaceae family. It is popularly known as the “burning bush.”

It has a characteristic and dangerous feature - in hot and dry weather, the stems and leaves release volatile, flammable substances into the air. If you bring a burning match to a plant, it will momentarily burst into flames without being harmed by the fire.

Refers to poisonous plants. This must be taken into account when planning to plant a flower on your site. If you touch the stems and leaves in hot weather, you can get a chemical burn that does not heal for a long time. Inhaling the aroma of dictamnus, there is a risk of getting burns to the respiratory tract.

The most common types of ash in flower beds are white and Caucasian. This unpretentious plant, which does not cause much trouble in growing, in middle lane our country and in particular in the Moscow region.

Dictamnus forms bushes with erect shoots up to one and a half meters high. The stems are covered with hairs with glands that secrete a burning substance. When working with the irresistible bush, you only need to wear gloves and closed clothing!

Ash inflorescences are a raceme, 20–30 cm long, consisting of large white with pink stripes, dark pink or lilac flowers, shaped like orchids or lilies. The aroma of blooming dictamnus is pronounced lemon. Ash flowering occurs at the beginning - mid-summer, and lasts 35 - 40 days. The seeds ripen in August and are enclosed in a fruit capsule.


  • White ash is common in Siberia and Europe. Forms bushes up to 150 cm high. Blooms with pink or red flowers with a cinnamon scent.
  • Caucasian is found in southern Russia. It reaches a height of 80 cm. The flowering is white or lilac. May cause allergies and dermatitis; do not touch or smell it with bare hands.
  • Holostolbikovy grows in the Crimea, in the Lower and Middle Volga. The height of the stems is slightly more than 100 cm, the flowers are large white or pinkish, with a dark red longitudinal stripe on the petals. May cause skin burns when touched, especially in hot weather. Winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

Choosing a site in the garden and preparing the soil

Ash tree grows well on sunny places and in light shade, because in nature it is found mainly at the edge of the forest. Dictamnus is undemanding to soils; it can grow on poor sandy soils and tolerate excess moisture. But in order for the plant to demonstrate the beauty and splendor of flowering as much as possible, it is worth choosing fertile soils with moderate humidity.

Loams or sandy loams filled with humus and sand, with the addition of rotted manure or compost, are suitable. When lying close groundwater Drainage (crushed stone, expanded clay, pebbles and sand) must be poured into the planting holes.

An ash tree can grow in one place for 20 years, so you need to prepare the area for the flower with the utmost care.

Reproduction of the burning bush

Ash tree can be propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. The last method is the simplest and most often used by gardeners. At the beginning of summer, a part of an adult dictamnus bush is cut off with a sharp shovel and transplanted to a new place. The resulting hole near the mother bush is filled with humus. It is important to carry out the operation quickly, without allowing the roots to dry out. For better survival, ash divisions are watered with a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin. Plantings are mulched to retain moisture in the ground.

Ash seeds do not always have time to ripen in climatic conditions Moscow region, therefore, it is better to purchase them from large manufacturers. You need to take fresh ones, as the ash tree quickly loses its viability.

Sow before winter in a prepared bed with loose, weed-free soil. The burning bush can sprout even a year or a year and a half after sowing, so you should be patient.

Spring sowing of ash is carried out as soon as the soil has warmed up a little (around April). Place the seeds at a distance of 15 cm, cover the crops with film or lutrasil.

Seedlings emerge and grow very slowly, and bloom only in the third or fourth year. At the entire stage of ash tree growth, they strictly monitor the cleanliness of the soil from weeds and regularly water the plantings.

Caring for mature plants in the garden

Ash tree is an unpretentious plant. It requires watering only during the dry period; in a normal summer in the middle zone there is enough natural precipitation. Responds positively to mulching the soil surface with humus, tree bark, and mown grass. Under the cover, the soil does not dry out or overheat, and the growth of weeds is inhibited.

The plant does not require fertilizing. It is enough early in the spring to sprinkle the soil around the bush with rotted compost or manure. In mid-summer, it is useful to scatter 250 - 300 g of wood or grass ash under the bushes.

Faded shoots from the plant are cut off so that the bush retains its decorative appearance.

The ash tree does not suffer from any diseases. Pests also bypass poisonous plant side.

In the middle zone it winters well under snow cover; additional shelter is not required. The above-ground part of the flower is cut off before the onset of stable frosts.

Ash tree in a flower garden

Overgrown flowering bushes Burning bushes look beautiful in single plantings on the lawn. Ash trees are planted in rock gardens, rock gardens, and in the background of mixborders. Good partners There will be: heuchera, daylilies, gypsophila, monarda.

Do not forget about the toxicity of the plant. Dictamnus should not be placed near paths, playgrounds or recreation areas. Ash peduncles are not cut for bouquets, although the flower remains decorative for a long time. It is better to admire the beautiful blooms from afar.

IN folk medicine all parts of the plant are used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and anthelmintic agent.