What is communication on the Internet? Blogs. Virtual diaries. Features of communication on the Internet

Currently, there are quite a lot of different means and methods of communication in the world, and the Internet plays a huge role in this process. After all, communication is a way of people interacting with each other, and with the advent of the World Wide Web, this communication has gone beyond the boundaries of one home, city and even one country.

E-mail, all kinds of forums and magazines organized in the network space, numerous Internet magazines and Internet newspapers, and so on, have become no less important aspects of everyday life for many than television or telephone.

To do this, they connected these computers using multiple channels that, if damaged, could travel through another. At the same time, with a regional character, such initiatives have been developed in the United States, Europe and Asia. The expansion of these interconnections led to what we now know as the Internet.

The most common way to refer to the Internet is to simply call it a "network". Internet is world wide web, consisting of millions of computers connected to each other through a wide telecommunications infrastructure, which, among other things, allows the exchange of information in different formats: text, images, sound, etc.

Undoubtedly, for many years there were other means of transmitting information over distances (for example, mail, telephone, telegraph), but the inconveniences that participants in such communication often encountered forced many to join the ranks of those who had already appreciated the advantages of the new world of digital technologies and the Internet. as the most significant phenomenon in this world.

There are currently hundreds of millions of users on the Internet in the world, and the number is increasing every day. But perhaps one of the most distinctive aspects of the Internet is that it is not owned by any one country, company, or individual, but rather is an amalgamation of the work of many people.

There are many activities that we can do using the Internet. For example, send emails, communicate with people anywhere in the world, study in training centers no matter where you live, visit libraries, buy all kinds of items, organize a trip and so on. All this twenty-four hours a day and three hundred sixty-five days a year. The Internet does not sleep, and every day there is something that we can do through the network, with just the movement of our mouse.

If you turn to modern life Western European countries and America, then you can see that the Internet has already become so firmly entrenched in the everyday life of these people that the ideas of creating so-called “smart homes”, which are controlled via the Internet, no longer seem unattainable, but are becoming no less real than going to a store, museum, library, without leaving home and without even getting up from your chair.

A network is a collection of computers linked to each other, but which computers are we linking to? In principle, two types of computers coexist on a local network: clients and servers. A client is a computer that receives services from another more powerful system called a server. The server is the computer responsible for managing general functions for client computers. Servers have large capacity and information processing. . Each network consists of several client computers and one or more servers.

Network operation allows, for example, some programs that we use to be used only on the server and for all clients on the network to be able to execute them without requiring them to be completely installed. Office software packages that include word processors, databases, and spreadsheets are those that are typically installed on servers. On the Internet, servers store information that we visualize through the browser. Many of them also perform message storage and routing functions Email messages sent from client computers.

Thus, the huge role of the Internet in everyday life, and in particular in communication, is becoming more and more obvious every day. Perhaps, in a few decades, every person, regardless of his age and social status, will have his own computer with a permanent Internet connection, an electronic mailbox, or even a personal Internet page.

An example would be using a program to send and receive email messages. The client writes a message to his computer and sends it to a specific address. A server is a messaging program that allows you to send and receive messages, store them, and route them from one user to another.

Depending on the range, computer networks can be divided into two types. The first are networks that can cover extensions of approximately 10 km, equivalent to a city. The second, 000 km long, can cover the country. . The computers that make up the Internet are connected to each other through different telecommunications systems.

The history of the Internet, in a sense, begins in 1958, when, in response to the launch of the first satellite, the United States organized an organization called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency). She played a huge role in the creation of this new system communications. This organization originated within the US Department of Defense. In 1968, the first Network was built, based on modern Internet principles. Over the next ten years, many organizations and universities joined the ARPANET. By 1978, all the basic protocols (that is, the languages ​​of communication between computers) had been developed, which are still used on the Internet. In 1989, the number of connected computers reached one hundred thousand. By the end of the 80s of the 20th century, more than ten countries were connected to the Network. In 1991, WWW (World Wide Web) technology was developed. By this point, ARPANET had already ceased to officially exist. It's time modern Internet. In 1991, Russia joined the Internet. By 1992, there were more than a million computers on the Internet. In 1993, the Web grew three and a half thousand times. Since then, the Web has reached global distribution, but has not fundamentally changed. Many new technologies were invented, communication channels improved, the number of computers increased to tens of millions, and the number of users increased to hundreds of millions. As a result, the Internet became widely known, and it became commercially profitable not only for those who provide access to the Network.

Coaxial cable: Has higher capacity than copper cable and is less susceptible to interference. Satellites: Combined with microwave and mobile phone systems, information travels through the air via waves.

  • Copper Cable: The one that typically uses the telephone system.
  • Its most common use is cable television.
  • Fiber optics: Consists of fiberglass strands.
  • This allows you to increase the transfer speed.
Telecommunication systems determine the amount of information that can be exchanged and the speed at which the data moves.

WITH technical point In our view, the Internet is simply a collection of hosts (computers, each with its own unique IP address) scattered around the world, connected to each other. From a humanitarian point of view, the Internet is a new dimension of culture, new way storage and dissemination of knowledge and information, even a new way of existence for humanity itself. The use of the Internet gives humanity unprecedented opportunities, but at the same time it gives rise to a lot of new problems.

How does our computer connect to the Internet? The person responsible for this action is a device called a modem. Its function is to translate information found in computers so that it can be sent through telecommunications channels such as the telephone, and that the computer that receives it can process it. It's as if computers only spoke English and French telephone lines. The modem will be responsible for translating first from English to French when the computer connects to the Internet, and then from French into English in order to receive information that comes to us from the Internet.

From a humanitarian point of view, the use of the Internet in developed countries (USA, Western Europe) is focused primarily on commerce (promotion of goods), while in Russia and Ukraine the Internet performs primarily an information function (politics and news). This is due both to the difference in the circle of actual users of network services, and to the peculiarities of the mentality of the population of different states. If we talk about the age aspect, the new generation uses the Internet primarily as a means of communication and a medium for entertainment. As a new “virtual reality”, the Internet has turned into a huge springboard for freedom of speech and has given birth to a mass of so-called “virtuals” - modest and quiet people in “ordinary” life, who, once online, immediately turn into zealous advocates of various marginal movements. In this regard, the Internet has become a new means of self-expression, a way of escaping the gray reality, providing an opportunity to express themselves to many people who have not been able to find their place in real life.

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Like other types of communication, Internet communication also has a number of unique features. To identify these features, an initial study was conducted, which included observation, analysis of correspondence texts, and conversations with users of various Internet applications that serve communication. In addition, a survey was conducted of network users aged 21 to 30 years with higher and incomplete higher education different gender and professional background.

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Based on the study, the following assumptions were made about the features of communication via the Internet:

1. Anonymity . This feature of communication via the Internet has a number of consequences. Firstly, non-verbal means of communication lose their importance in communication. Despite the fact that in text communication it is possible to express one’s feelings using “emoticons,” the physical absence of communication participants in the act of communication leads to the fact that feelings can not only be expressed, but also hidden, just as it is possible to express feelings that a person not currently experiencing it. On the Internet, people are less likely to be offended, because there it is meaningless - you still can’t see how offended you are, on the Internet you can communicate with unattractive (outwardly) people, on the Internet you can speak on equal terms with a person much older than you, and this does not interfere with communication. That is, on the Internet, as a result of the physical lack of representation of communication partners to each other, a number of communication barriers lose their significance.

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Another important consequence of a person’s physical lack of representation in text communication is the ability to create any impression of oneself of one’s choosing. In a virtual environment, it is possible to create any image for yourself, look whatever you want, be a creature of any gender of your choice, so a person does not have any restrictions characteristic of the material world.

The data provided by the interested party will be used with a unique and exclusive character for the purposes provided for in the procedure or action in question. The authority responsible for the file in which these data are collected is the Directorate of Lifelong Learning of the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government, before which rights of access, correction, cancellation and opposition may be granted.

Internet: architecture of freedom? Free communication and control of power. This is an eternal debate in which personal dreams, degrees of technological knowledge, routines of power and the speed of change of reference parameters are mixed. In a technical sense, John Gilmore's famous assertion that Internet streams interpret censorship as a technical glitch and automatically find another way to transmit messages is correct. As a global network with multi-reliable information processing and communication, the Internet does not recognize boundaries and establishes unlimited communication between all its nodes.

The anonymity of communication on the Internet enriches the possibilities of a person’s self-presentation, giving him the opportunity not only to create an impression of himself according to his choice, but also to be whoever he wants. That is, the features of communication on the Internet allow a person to construct his identity according to his choice.

Despite the fact that it is sometimes possible to obtain some personal information and even a photograph of the interlocutor, they are not sufficient for a real and more or less adequate perception of the person. As a result of such anonymity and impunity, another feature appears on the Internet related to the reduction of psychological and social risk in the process of communication - affective liberation, non-normativity and some irresponsibility of communication participants. A person online can and does exhibit greater freedom of speech and action (even insults, obscene language, sexual harassment), since the risk of exposure and personal negative evaluation by others is minimal.

The only possible direct censorship on the Internet should not be on the Internet. And it is becoming increasingly costly for governments, societies, companies and individuals. You can't be "a little bit" online. It is possible, yes, to issue one-way messages distributed on the Internet without feedback, to the extent that the country's servers remain disconnected from the internal network. But any network connection of computers with Internet protocols allows global communication with any point on the network.

However, if the network is global, access is local, through the server. And it is at this point of contact between each computer and the global network that the most direct control occurs. This is possible and is done in all countries to deny access to the server, shut down the server, or control who reports to whom through electronic surveillance of messages that are distributed through the server. But censors are not as easy as it seems. Firstly, since in some countries there is a significant legal protection freedom of expression and communication on the Internet.

2. The uniqueness of the processes of interpersonal perception in the absence of non-verbal information. As a rule, the mechanisms of stereotyping and identification, as well as the expectation of desired qualities in a partner, have a strong influence on the idea of ​​the interlocutor.

3. Voluntariness and desirability of contacts . The user voluntarily makes contacts or leaves them, and can also interrupt them at any time.

The power of the Internet is chaos. Just as the power of the Internet is chaos, the power of our freedom depends on the chaos and cacophony of unrestricted expression that the First Amendment protects. By the way, I want to point out that this does not allow the song to be interpreted as the United States as the land of the free: it is in some aspects, but not in others. But as far as free expression on the Internet is concerned, it represents a tradition of constitutional liberalism that is a crucial element of the ability to communicate autonomously over the Internet.

If you can't censor communications in the United States, there are always ways to connect to any node on the network, passing through the United States once the message leaves the server. However, censors have the power to shut down a server, punish their administrators, or identify the source or recipient of an illegal message and suppress it separately. This is what the Chinese, Malays, Singaporeans and many others are doing diligently, and this is what proposed legislation in some European countries, notably Spain, suggests.

4. Difficulty in the emotional component of communication and, at the same time, a persistent desire for emotional content in the text, which is expressed in the creation of special icons to indicate emotions or in describing emotions in words (in parentheses after the main text of the message).

5. The desire for atypical, non-normative behavior . Users often imagine themselves from a different perspective than in real life. social norm, play out roles, scenarios, and non-normative behavior that are not realized in offline activities.

Reasons for turning to the Internet as a communication tool can be:

1. Insufficient saturation of communication in real contacts . In such cases, users quickly lose interest in Internet communication if opportunities arise to satisfy corresponding needs in real life.

2. The ability to realize personal qualities, play roles, experience emotions that, for one reason or another, are not realized in everyday life .

These are not all the reasons why people turn to the Internet as a means of communication, because each person has some personal reason to turn to this source of communication.

The following forms of communication on the Internet can be distinguished: teleconference, chat, various forums and correspondence by e-mail. Internet communication researchers typically categorize online communication methods according to their degree of interactivity. The most interactive communication environments are chats and forums, the least interactive are e-mail and teleconferences. In a teleconference and when communicating via e-mail, communication occurs off-line, in contrast to a chat, where people communicate on-line. In a conference, communication occurs around a specific subject, while chat does not have its own topic. However, chat rooms are mostly about communication for the sake of communication, while teleconferencing is often about a specific subject. As a separate form of communication on the Internet, we can highlight communication in the so-called MUDs (from "multi-user dimension" - role-playing game, in which many users are united in one virtual space), which is close to chatting in that it happens on-line, but differs from it in the presence of a goal - the desire to win.

Now we will consider each form of communication separately and draw conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

3.1. Email.

It is an analogue of the well-known system of communication through letters sent in envelopes indicating the destination and addressee data, differing in that the letter exists in the form of an electronic message that is sent from the addressee’s computer to a mail server, and then delivered to the addressee on his mail box. The whole procedure good conditions takes no more than 3-5 minutes.

The mailbox address is the following: [email protected] (for example: [email protected]). A letter, like a regular letter in an envelope, can contain various attachments in the form of graphics (photos, drawings), audio (music, speech) and other types of files.

Like paper correspondence, electronic correspondence has some peculiarities. Such communication, as a rule, is more often of an interpersonal or group nature, but sometimes it can also be mass (in the case of sending one letter to a large number of recipients). It is always indirect (the computer and the postal service act as intermediaries) and remotely. According to the method of interaction, it can be a monologue or a dialogue (if each subsequent letter answers the questions of the previous one). The form, as on paper, is written, but if communication takes place using audio speech files attached to letters, then this form can be called oral. There are no restrictions on the style of speech: it can be either official business or any other, up to colloquial speech and use profanity. Here a lot depends on the level of development of the interlocutors, their relationships and the goals they pursue.

Advantages of email compared to paper:

Minimal time spent (both by the addressee to send, and by the addressee to receive and respond);

Minimum shipping costs;

Less data required for successful delivery;

Possibility of sending audio materials along with the letter;

It is possible to simultaneously send one letter to several recipients;

Possibility of forwarding letters.


You must have a computer, Internet access, an electronic mailbox, as well as basic knowledge of managing PC software;

When sending a large number of attachments or files big size(from 25 MB) it may be more advisable to use regular mail.

3.2. Forums.

In fact, this method communication is a simulator of this event in the usual understanding of this concept, that is, the organization of the exchange of information and communication between a large number of interlocutors who are interested in the topic of a particular discussion, which, in fact, is the reason for the concentration of these people in one place to bring it up for general discussion. The difference is that when organizing Internet forums, there are no strict restrictions on the number of participants - they can be almost any users registered on a particular forum. There is also no time frame for discussing the topic - the process continues as long as the topic is interesting to the interlocutors. There are different forums in terms of topics, number of participants and goals pursued: some are actual Internet analogues of previously held meetings on some topics that require further discussion, but can no longer be held due to possible transport and other kinds of difficulties that prevent them from being held in the usual way. form, others more often exist to organize communication between people (usually having friendly relations outside the Internet, that is, in ordinary life), By various reasons unable to gather in one place for live, non-mediated communication. Forums of the first type usually have scientific or socio-political topics and pursue appropriate goals, which may include solving any problems related to this topic. Such forums are characterized by a certain formality and an official business, scientific or scientific journalistic style of speech. As a rule, communication takes place within the framework of the Russian national literary language. Forums of the second type differ primarily in their subject matter - various everyday spheres of life, social events, or the work of creators in the field of art (including music, painting, poetry and prose, and so on) can be discussed, as well as in the informality of communication. In addition, depending on the number of participants, all language means are used without restrictions. Communication takes place mainly in a conversational style of speech, but there are no strict boundaries here. The goals can be considered to be the acquisition by participants of various knowledge, communication experience, as well as obtaining some truth in disputes regarding a particular phenomenon or individual preferences.

In general, many forums have the same unwritten rules: discussion of any topic begins, first of all, with a monologue by the author in the form of an article (review, review, opinion on any of the positions of interest to many), containing the essence of the problem and the author’s reasoned arguments in favor of one point of view or another. Next, all interested parties (or one person) join in discussing the topic with the author. Thus, the method of interaction can already be called either a dialogue or a polylogue, if communication takes place between several participants who can address the author or each other. The purposes of discussions on forums can be informative, prescriptive, emotive, or mixed. The duration of discussion of one topic can range from several hours to several months or even years.

Many forums have rules of behavior that are enforced by a moderator. This is the forum administrator or an authoritative participant who can direct the course of the discussion, delete or change messages that are incorrect from his point of view.

Advantages of Internet forums over live ones:

There is no need to make long journeys to the venue - you just need to turn on your computer and type the desired email address;

Enormous savings of time, effort and money when participating in the forum;

Ability to participate simultaneously in several forums;

The lack of physical contact with opponents eliminates the possibility of using physical force in controversial situations to achieve the necessary results;

The period of the forum does not have a strict time frame.


You must have a computer, Internet access, an electronic mailbox, registration on the forum, as well as basic knowledge of using PC software;

Frequent absence visual representation about the interlocutors due to their reluctance to put their photos on public display.

3.3. Chats.

Chat (chat) is a place for quick exchange of short messages in which several people participate simultaneously. To participate in the chat, you must register under a certain nickname - “nickname”. After this, messages from the participants begin to appear on the computer screen, highlighted in a different color for each of them. The written message is instantly displayed on the screen, but during a lively conversation it disappears just as quickly, replaced by new lines. Participating in the chat requires some skill and attention. If desired, two participants go “private” - their messages are displayed in a separate window and are not available to others.

We can say that chat is a type of forum that differs from them in the absence of any specific scientific or social topic. They are created directly to simulate live group communication, mainly of young people. Communication often takes place in the form of polylogue strangers pursuing the goal of making acquaintances.

Like live acquaintance, to achieve this goal, as a rule, there are several stages: participants, reading various statements, find a person close or interesting to them with whom, at first, they exchange general information about themselves, or openly invite him to get to know each other. This is followed by a dialogue that exists to study the interlocutor in more depth, and, ultimately, if the interlocutors are interested in each other, they agree to meet in real life. At the same time, all participants in the chat have the opportunity to observe their communication or join them. Distinctive feature is the relative short duration (compared to forums) of any debate between opponents.

The advantages and disadvantages of chats are the same as those of communication on forums.

3.4. Internet pagers using the ICQ protocol (ISeekYou).

Before the advent of ICQ, communicating online with exactly those you needed was difficult: you had to discuss the place and time of the “meeting” in advance, or sit for a long time in some chat, waiting for a friend, or wait for him to read the e-mail. mail and will respond. ICQ, in fact, successfully solved all these problems by introducing interactivity and instant availability of the interlocutor into virtual communication. Upon registration, each user receives his own number - UIN (User Identification Number), which he can exchange with his friends, like a phone number. The ICQ service provides messaging capabilities both in real time and in e-mail mode. The user can search for like-minded people, create contact lists of his friends, who will be automatically notified when he connects to the network, and keep archives of correspondence.

The operation of ICQ is no different from the operation of a regular pager.

3.5. Blogs.

Today they are a popular means of communication (from the English blog, web log - online journal). These are online diaries that are maintained on special sites that provide the ability to quickly add entries, comment, compile a list of friends, and so on. Blogs are used not only for self-expression, but also for business purposes. Many companies maintain corporate blogs, which are online bulletin boards.

3.6. IP telephony is a modern means of communication between subscribers.

IP telephony connects two most important attribute modern life - telephone and Internet. More recently, telephone networks and packet-switched networks (IP networks) existed virtually independently of each other and were used for different purposes. Telephone networks functioned only for the transmission of voice information, and IP networks for data transmission. A modern means of communication - IP telephony has united both networks through a device called a gateway. A gateway is a device that, on one side, includes telephone lines, and on the other hand - an IP network (for example, the Internet).

IP telephony has become one of the fastest growing and reliable methods of communication in Lately. Compared to conventional telephone communication, IP telephony has a number of significant advantages. Any calls can be made very quickly and cheaply; for long-distance calls, IP telephony provides the client with significant communication advantages, making it much more accessible, and therefore longer.

Thanks to IP telephony, it is possible to talk with a dear, loved one and loved one who is located hundreds and thousands of kilometers away, without thinking that precious minutes of conversation are being wasted, for which you will have to pay a lot of money. Regular telephone communication for long-distance calls will cost much more.

The technology of voice transmission over an IP network is of interest to many. IP telephony can be provided through the following schemes: computer - telephone or computer - computer, as well as telephone - telephone. The main and irreplaceable thing in IP telephony is the Internet, since it is used to carry out voice conversations. From any corner of the world, using IP telephony, you can make a call from a computer or phone, if the necessary settings are installed there. software. Today, many Internet providers provide this service on very favorable terms.

3.7. Other ways to communicate via the Internet.

In addition to text communication on the Internet, which is currently the overwhelming majority, there are also various means for audio and video communication over the Internet. This requires additional technical equipment - a microphone and a webcam - and software. However, the use this tool communication in the realities of the Russian Internet is almost impossible.

In text-based communications on the Internet, people often create so-called “virtual identities” for themselves, describing themselves in a certain way. The virtual personality is given a name, often a pseudonym. The nickname is called "nick"(from "nickname"- pseudonym) or "label"- "label", "label".

The fact that people create certain “virtual personalities” for themselves on the Internet creates additional features for the study of identity. The question of how the real “I” relates to the virtual personality and where the boundaries between self-presentation, simulation and self-actualization are is the main question that arises when considering games with identity.

More specifically, the following problems can be identified. Firstly, the relationship between the “virtual self” (that is, the “self” that a person uses in telecommunications) and the real and ideal “self” of the same person. According to data obtained using a personal semantic differential, a teenager’s virtual personality (aka self-presentation on the Internet) is more relaxed, more shocking and less socially desirable compared to the real one, and even more so compared to the ideal “I”.

A hypothetical explanation for why some people construct virtual personalities, while others do not, may be the degree of social rigidity of the individual (the inability or difficulty of the individual to change a previously planned program of action in connection with new circumstances requiring its restructuring). There are two main types of social rigidity. The first is role rigidity (or the rigidity of the “I” - concept), which manifests itself in the fact that a person perceives himself as a performer of a strictly defined set of roles and, accordingly, “persists in certain types of role behavior.” The second is dispositional rigidity (the presence of rigid attitudes that determine the perception of the world in black and white).

The study by A. S. Volovich (1990) states that “for non-rigid assimilation of group norms, it is necessary that a person’s social “We” be sufficiently broad and not limited to identification with a separate group. This is ensured due to the presence of a large number of reference groups and freedom of exit from them."

Based on this, it can be assumed that people who construct virtual identities have low social rigidity, and people who never construct virtual identities have high social rigidity. Regarding the identity of these two groups of people, the following assumptions can be made. People constructing virtual identities either have a large number of reference groups from which they can freely withdraw (that is, they have a broad social identity), or in their identity social identity is not a predominant aspect at all, and a positive identity is generally supported by a positive personal identity. For people who are not inclined to construct virtual identities, it may be typical high degree social rigidity and the predominance of social identity in the overall identity.

The construction of virtual personalities can be age-related and related to self-determination. Many authors note the existence of an identity crisis in adolescence, when the teenager’s own “I” seems blurred. At the same time, virtual personalities can perform the function of self-verification. There is also a point of view according to which the construction of virtual personalities on the Internet is a reflection of changes in the structure of a person’s identity (the tendency towards multiple identities in real life), which is a reflection social change

It is obvious that in order to construct virtual personalities, one must not only be, in principle, able to see oneself as a potential performer of various roles, but also want to perform these roles. It can be assumed that the desire to construct virtual personalities may be due to the fact that reality does not provide opportunities for the realization of various aspects of the “I”, or that reality may be too “role-playing”, too normative. This gives rise to a person’s desire to overcome normativity, which leads to the construction of non-normative virtual personalities. In particular, this can manifest itself in the construction of virtual personalities of a different gender than their owner, or even asexual. In real society, there are certain norms that prescribe behavior appropriate for a person of a certain gender. In a virtual society, a person can be spared from demonstrating socially desirable behavior for his gender by introducing himself online as a person of the opposite sex. That is, if real society limits a person’s possibilities for self-realization, he becomes motivated to go online and construct virtual personalities. If a person fully realizes all aspects of his “I” in real communication, he most likely has no motivation to construct virtual personalities. In the described case, communication on the Internet is in the nature of an addition to the main communication. But it can also have a compensatory, replacing nature. This occurs in the case of Internet addiction.

Internet addiction is defined as “an obsessive (compulsive) desire to access the Internet while off-line, and the inability to exit the Internet while on-line.”

The rapid development of Internet technologies and the increase in the number of users of the World Wide Web have led to the fact that the Internet today has become an integral part of the lives of a significant number of people around the world. The Internet has made communication processes fast and multifaceted - and not only due to the fact that many devices have appeared for accessing the Internet, but also due to the fact that communication can now have different kinds– from correspondence to communication using a webcam.

Today, connecting to the Internet is possible through a computer and through mobile phone and other means of communication, information exchange processes are constantly being improved and become more universal.

The Internet has significantly increased the pace and possibilities for the exchange of information, making it possible to market economy could not but affect the development of such aspects of the use of the Internet as online advertising. Having become one of the traditional platforms for advertising and proving its effectiveness, the Internet has significantly complicated the competition, since now, with a small budget, companies could achieve a significant increase in sales of their products and growth in profits, which pushed not only the development of Internet advertising technologies, but also the market various goods and services.

In addition to exchanging information and posting advertisements on websites, people now have the opportunity to quite simply and quickly download music, films, or listen and view them online, which eliminates the need to purchase expensive DVDs.

Today's life is completely impossible without the Internet and, accordingly, without its inherent Internet communication, as an integral and very important component of this technical phenomenon, which every day is becoming more and more firmly entrenched in all spheres of our lives, including the exchange process and the transfer of information of a different nature between people - that is, communication.

Every day, gigabytes of conversations, information, programs, data are transmitted via the Internet, hundreds of sites are opened, and there is nothing easier than trying to find your niche in this still little-explored space of the virtual world.

But I would like to say on my own that no matter how interesting, fruitful, and easily accessible the communication in various chats, forums, and Internet messengers is, it will not notice to us the communication with real people in real life. After all, by communicating with people live, we can get to know this or that person better from various aspects of him, spend our free time much better and, finally, the opportunity for self-development arises.

1. Communication on the Internet http://olimpiada-school116.narod.ru/internet.htm

2. Social and psychological aspects of communication on the Internet http://flogiston.ru/articles/netpsy/refinf

3. Modern means of communication http://galleo.ru/articles/sw203

4. Features of communication on the Internet http://www.5ballov.ru/referats/preview/78858/

5. IP telephony – modern remedy communication between subscribers


6. Internet as a means of communication and self-realization


7. Science and technology: technology and industry


8. The influence of the Internet on modern society


The study of virtual forms of communication is currently becoming increasingly relevant. This is not least due to the inclusion of new information technologies in the space of educational practices.

The following forms of communication on the Internet can be distinguished: teleconference, chat (meaning IRC (Internet Relay Chat), MUDs and e-mail correspondence. Researchers of Internet communication usually divide methods of communication on the Internet according to the degree of their interactivity. The most interactive communication environments are considered chats and MUDs, the least interactive are e-mail and teleconferences. In a teleconference and when communicating via e-mail, communication occurs off-line, in contrast to chat (IRC) and MUDs, where people communicate on-line. occurs around a specific subject, while chat, again, as a rule, does not have its own topic. Nevertheless, in chats, for the most part, communication is practiced for the sake of communication itself, while teleconferences are most often devoted to a specific subject.

As a separate form of communication on the Internet, we can highlight communication in the so-called MUDs (from “multi-user dimension” - a role-playing game in which many users are united in one virtual space), which is close to communication in chat in that it happens on-line , but differs from it in the presence of a goal - the desire to win.

When describing the process of communication in the chat system, it is necessary not only to note the characteristic features of this interaction, but also to try to give a psychological explanation for this phenomenon. It is well known that in the process of written communication, almost every participant supplements his statement with certain symbols. Most of them are a stylized image of a human face. They are intended to convey emotional condition communication participants. With the help of these signs you can convey a smile, a sly grin, concern, anger, and also express other emotions. Sometimes users do not limit themselves to such stylization and send drawings reminiscent of primitive painting. Similar features of written speech were observed and studied by the Italian psychiatrist Caesar Lombroso more than a hundred years ago. He showed that this kind of writing was characteristic of most ancient cultures. There are others, no less amazing facts, bringing IRC writing closer to the primitive writing of ancient civilizations. The use of acronyms - unique symbolic abbreviations of entire phrases and sentences - has become quite widespread on the Internet. You may notice that many acronyms are written without using vowels: bb - bye bye, BRB - Be right back (I'll be right back), BTW - By the way (by the way), pls - please (thank you), L8R - Later (later) and etc. It is also reminiscent of some ancient forms of writing, in particular the Hebrew letter, in which only the consonants were written and the vowels were omitted.

In other words, the writing of modern computer network users, for certain reasons, has acquired atavistic features that were once characteristic of the entire written culture. This effect is observed in normal conditions either in children, as a consequence of their syncretic and paralogical thinking, or in cases of illness and disruption of the thinking process.

It can be noted that most statements in such “dialogues” are essentially replicas to nowhere, and are intended to express the opinion or state of the author of the statement, and not to find out the opinion or state of the interlocutor. Such speech can be characterized as egocentric in the terminology of J. Piaget. Moreover, it is known that high level egocentrism is characteristic of early childhood.

It is necessary to note a number characteristic features communication using computer networks. Firstly, the possibility of simultaneous communication between a large number of people located in different parts of the world, and, therefore, living in different cultures; secondly, the inability to use most nonverbal means of communication and self-presentation; thirdly, impoverishment of the emotional component of communication; and fourthly, anonymity and reduction of psychological risk in the communication process. These characteristics lead to the development of new forms and styles of interaction and the emergence of a unique Internet etiquette.

All these forms of communication, due to its mediation by a computer, have the following characteristic: anonymity, which has a number of consequences. Firstly, in communication on the Internet, non-verbal means of communication lose their importance. Despite the fact that in text communication it is possible to express one’s feelings using “emoticons”, the physical absence of communication participants in the act of communication leads to the fact that feelings can not only be expressed, but also hidden, just as it is possible to express feelings that a person not currently experiencing it. On the Internet, as a result of the physical lack of representation of communication partners to each other, a number of communication barriers lose their significance, due to such characteristics of communication partners as expressed in their appearance: gender, age, social status, external attractiveness or unattractiveness, as well as a person’s communicative competence, or rather, the nonverbal part of communicative competence.

Despite the fact that it is sometimes possible to obtain some personal information and even a photograph of the interlocutor, they are not enough for a real and more or less adequate perception of the person. In addition, there is concealment or presentation of false information. As a result of such anonymity and impunity, another feature appears on the Internet related to the reduction of psychological and social risk in the process of communication - affective liberation, non-normativity and some irresponsibility of communication participants. A person online can and does exhibit greater freedom of speech and action, since the risk of exposure and personal negative assessment by others is minimal.

Another important consequence of a person’s physical lack of representation in text communication is the ability to create any impression of oneself of one’s choosing. The above touches on another important problem, which can be described as the problem of identity on the Internet.

Indeed, in text-based communication on the Internet, people often create so-called “virtual identities” for themselves, describing themselves in a certain way. The virtual personality is given a name, often a pseudonym. The fact that on the Internet people create certain “virtual identities” for themselves, which gives rise to additional opportunities for the study of identity.

There is a point of view according to which the construction of virtual personalities on the Internet is a reflection of changes in the structure of a person’s identity (the tendency towards multiple identities in real life) and is a reflection of social changes. If a person fully realizes all aspects of his “I” in real communication, he most likely has no motivation to construct virtual personalities. In the described case, communication on the Internet is in the nature of an addition to the main communication. But it can also have a compensatory, replacing nature. This occurs in the case of Internet addiction.

Social support is provided through the inclusion of a person in some social group(chat, MUD, or teleconference) on the Internet. Like any community, the culture of cyberspace has its own set of values, standards, language, symbols, to which individual users adapt. By joining such a group, a person receives opportunities to support a positive self-image through a positive social identity.

The Internet is especially important for those people whose real life for one reason or another (internal or external reasons) is interpersonally impoverished. People are more likely to use the Internet as an alternative to their immediate (real) environment. Computers (meaning computer-mediated communication) create the illusion of companionship without the demands of friendship. Deterioration interpersonal relationships in reality leads to Internet addiction.

In general, it is obvious that the majority of Internet addicts are addicted to communication for the sake of communication. This may indicate the compensatory nature of communication on the Internet. Internet addicts get on the Internet various shapes social recognition. Their dependence may indicate that in real life they do not receive social recognition, and also that in real life this group of people may have certain communication difficulties that reduce their satisfaction with real communication.

It seems that this theory can be fruitfully used to develop a psychological explanation of the effect of dependence on various types of network activities. The phenomenon of Internet addiction can and should be understood not just as an exclusively obsessive addiction, which should be gotten rid of at any cost, but also as a cognitive activity rich in internal motivation.