Gutters for flat roofs. Funnels for flat roofs Plastic roof drainage funnels

The roof drain is the main element of drainage systems for flat roofs. Its purpose is to collect rain or melt water and drain it into drains. The installation of such elements is very important for flat roofs, from which moisture cannot leave by gravity. And excess water on the surface can lead to destruction of the coating, depressurization of the structure and leaks.

The installation locations of drainage funnels for flat roofs should be determined at the design stage. When installing concrete covering or installing thermal insulation on the roof, slight slopes are created so that water flows and collects at certain points. In such places, funnels for flat roofs and gutters are installed. Slopes are created either by the thickness of the screed or by reducing the layer of thermal insulation material.

Roof funnel: design features and varieties

A standard funnel consists of three parts:

  • upper part – extension structure, grille and flange;
  • middle – extension cord in the form of a pipe of a certain diameter;
  • the lower one is the body where the heating element can be placed.

A drainage funnel for a flat roof can have a horizontal or vertical outlet– products differ in the location of the outlet pipe. Their type is selected depending on the angle at which the gutters are located. Funnels can be rectangular or round, made of metal, polymer materials or combinations thereof. Metal products are usually installed on roofs made of sheet metal, and plastic models are great for soft roofs.

Today you can buy funnels for flat roofs with heating systems, but the price of such products will be higher than standard models. Heating prevents water from freezing when sub-zero temperatures air and provides normal functioning drainage system. The number of funnels is calculated taking into account the intensity of precipitation in a certain area and the area of ​​the roof, and their type depends on the type of roofing material.

January 3, 2018
Specialization: philological education. Work experience as a builder - 20 years. Of these, for the last 15 years he led a team as a foreman. I know everything about construction - from design and zero cycle to interior design. Hobbies: Vocals, psychology, quail breeding.

Greetings, my dear readers!

Now flat roofs, which were previously used for industrial, utility and high-rise buildings, are also used in domestic construction. Such a roof provides free space on which you can place winter Garden, sports ground, terrace, etc. To protect the roof from atmospheric moisture, it must be equipped with a drainage system. Its central element is a drainage funnel for a flat roof.

Types of roof drainage systems

Roof gutters are divided into two types:

  1. Outdoor system. It is mounted along the perimeter pitched roofs and very rarely flat analogues. Horizontal gutters and vertical drains are used to drain water.
  2. Internal network. It is designed for flat roofs.

Internal drainage systems are divided into two types:

  1. Gravity (traditional, gravity) network. It requires the installation of many funnels; moisture is removed through the pipes by gravity. For proper functioning gravitational system it is necessary to correctly design the slopes on a flat roof. Funnels are placed in the lower areas. The number of water intakes depends on the roof area.

The funnels are connected to a vertical riser using pipes. It discharges water into the storm drain. Horizontal network pipes are laid at an angle so that water can flow away by gravity.

  1. Siphon-vacuum system. It has high throughput with minimal structural elements. A vacuum environment is recreated in funnels with siphons. Thanks to this, the liquid is absorbed from the roof covering and flows through the communications very quickly.

Advantages vacuum system drainage:

  • the discharged water flows have a high speed;
  • ease of installation - few water inlets and pipes are needed to set up the network;
  • low weight - the system does not create heavy loads on the roof;
  • efficiency - water intakes and communications of a smaller cross-section are used than in the gravitational system;
  • The system is self-cleaning, so network throughput indicators remain unchanged during its operation.

The water intake of the vacuum network with a horizontal pipe with a cross-section of 7.5 cm passes up to 16 liters of moisture per second. In order for the gravity system to have the same throughput, it is necessary to install funnels with outlets with a diameter of 20 cm.

Design of the water receiving funnel

Water intake funnel - the main element storm sewer roofs. Through it, melt and rain moisture is removed from the roof. Next, the liquid flows into storm drain pipes laid inside the building. Through them it is discharged onto the ground or into the drainage sewer.

A modern funnel for water drainage consists of the following parts:

  1. Lid. It covers the top of the product.
  2. Lattice. Protects the drain from contamination and the penetration of foreign objects into it.
  3. Sealing ring. This element gives the funnel a seal.

  1. Release. This pipe can be horizontal or vertical.
  2. Water intake bowl. Liquid flows into it, which is then redirected to the drain.
  3. Stuffing box. It seals the interface between the drainpipe and the outlet.
  4. Flange or bolt. These elements secure the funnel.

Classification of water intakes

Water intakes for flat roofs are classified according to several parameters. Now manufacturers produce many of their models, so it will not be difficult for you to choose the right product.

Flat roof with internal drain, based on its features, can be equipped with the following types of funnels:

Image Funnel view


This type of water inlet is equipped with a convex protective mesh, very similar to a cap.

This type of water intake copes well with large volumes of water flows.

The mesh effectively filters liquid from foreign objects.


This funnel is installed flush with the roofing.

Flat water inlets on existing roofs lined with paving slabs or asphalt concrete.


Inside such a funnel is placed electrical cable. It provides network heating in winter.

Thanks to this, the drainage system does not become clogged with ice.

One- or two-stage water intake.

The first type is used on roofs with roll polymer or bitumen coating.

The second type is used on roofs that are subject to movement (non-ventilated and wooden).

Water inlet, equipped with a rebate or without it.

This crimp element is a universal fastener that is suitable for all types of bases.

Funnels without rebate are equipped with an apron made of film or roofing felt. They are selected based on the type of roofing cladding.

Funnel with vertical, horizontal or hinged outlet.

Water from such outlets flows through pipes placed along or across the walls of the building.

A vertical water inlet is used for a conventional flat roof.

The horizontal analogue is optimal for roofs without an attic. Water inlets with a rotating hinge can be connected to the storm drain at any angle up to 90˚.

The water funnel may have a different cross-section. But in any case, it must coincide with the diameter of the drain. Most often, water intakes with a diameter of 10 cm are used. This size is enough for the rapid discharge of large volumes of liquid from roofs of different areas.

Materials for making funnels

Water intake funnels are made from the following materials:

  1. Plastic. The basis of such devices is a durable polymer that is resistant to mechanical loads and external influences. Installation of plastic water inlets is quite simple and does not require glue.

This option is optimal for installation on a roof that is not in use or is used infrequently.

  1. Steel. It is another common material for water intakes. Metal water inlets have high strength. Therefore, they can be mounted on existing roofs with a high level of traffic.

Most often, metal funnels are made from galvanized or of stainless steel. This material is quite reliable, tough, durable, resistant to deforming loads and corrosion.

  1. Composite. IN in this case The funnel is made from a combination of a couple of materials, usually metal and plastic. The body of the water intake is made of plastic, and the protective grille is made of cast iron or stainless steel.

Composite products are used on roofs with an average level of traffic and moderate mechanical loads.


Funnels for flat roofs make it possible to drain melt and storm water from them. There are many types of them. Therefore, you can always choose the water inlets that are best suited for the roof of your home.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. Therefore, I say goodbye and success to you in your endeavors.

January 3, 2018

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To prevent freezing of water in the receiving hole, during the transitional season (autumn-winter-spring), ALL Tatpolymer roof drains can be equipped with a heating system. The heating system includes a fixation rim, into which a self-regulating cable is placed and secured to the funnel body. The self-regulating cable used with an operating voltage of 220V and a power of 15W changes its heat output depending on the temperature environment. To limit heating and save energy, it is recommended to connect a self-regulating cable through a thermostat operating in the temperature range from -5°C to +5°C. Otherwise, heating will be carried out at lower sub-zero temperatures, which is not necessary, since during frosts the snow on the roof does not melt and there is no need to drain water.

Tatpolymer funnels can also be equipped with sealing gaskets based on welded or adhesive modified polymer-bitumen materials or PVC membranes. If it is necessary to create two or more layers of vapor barrier/waterproofing, to drain water from several levels, to use Tatpolymer funnels on inverted, exploited, “green” roofs, it is necessary to use additional elements produced by Tatpolymer: a drainage ring, an extension pipe, an extension without a steel pressure flange, extension cord with clamp steel flange, ladder with decorative grille from stainless steel or cast iron, transition 110/125, 110/160.

For roofs not having the ability to place vertical risers of drainage systems funnels with horizontal outlet with diameter D110 are offered.

TU 5285-001-95431139-2007

  1. Specifications:
    • diameter receiving funnel— 220 mm
    • intake pipe diameter - DN 100 (DN 110)
    • pipe length - 102/600 mm
  2. Pressure flange - stainless steel
  3. Operating conditions: t -50°С+90°С
  4. Capacity 8 l/s.

* For modification with electric heating: Power consumption - 15BT/220V

Drainage systems are divided into open and closed. Open - this is what we see on most pitched roofs: a gutter runs along the perimeter of the roof, from which water flows into the funnel of the pipe, then down the pipe: into drainage system, into the collector, just at some distance from the facade (so as not to wash away the base and leak to the foundation).

Closed ones are used on flat roofs. Here the angle of the roof is not sufficient for water to drain into the gutter. Moreover: flat roofs are often surrounded by a parapet, through which water, in principle, cannot get beyond the roof. In this case, drainage funnels for flat roofs are used. Through them, rain and melt water enters the riser running inside the house.

Funnels are installed at the bottom of a flat roof (a flat roof also has a slight slope). I'll talk a little about these funnels, installation features and selection.

Why are gutters needed on a flat roof?

Without an outflow device, water will stagnate on the roof. There is nothing good about this: water gradually destroys the coating, penetrates into the thickness of the roofing pie, spoils the insulation, and seeps through the ceiling into the house.

If there is no parapet, and the flat roof has a noticeable slope (up to 10 degrees), the drain funnels can be replaced by an external system, gutter + pipe.

Or the worst option: an unorganized drainage unit from a flat roof. Its only advantage is savings on purchase and installation. Everything else is bad: an unorganized drain erodes the soil near the base and penetrates to the foundation. Streams of water over front door- also not a very pleasant thing.


According to SNiP standards, unorganized drainage is permissible only in houses up to five floors in areas with little rainfall, if there is a sufficiently large distance to the roadway and sidewalk. But even in this case, it is harmful to the walls and foundation of the house.

If there is a continuous parapet, any external systems drainage systems are not considered in principle.

Device and types

The components of the funnel are a wide side, a cap and a glass.

The systems themselves are divided into two large groups:

  • Traditional. There are a lot of pipes in the house, and there are also a lot of funnels. The systems are mounted on overhangs or special ledges located on the roof lows with a slope of 3 degrees. When using such a system, funnels are placed every 25 meters. All of them are connected to one riser.

  • Gravity-vacuum. The principle of operation is the ejection effect, in this case the ability of one medium to entrain another. When a vacuum is formed in the riser, water under the pressure of air masses is drawn into the riser at high speed.


The advantages of this system are high throughput, the ability to self-clean pipes, the use of small diameter pipes, and a smaller number of receiving funnels.

Calculation of drainage funnels on a flat roof

Funnels are installed based on the calculation of one piece per 150-200 square meters, but not less than two pieces per roof. Those. For small house 10 by 10 will require two, for 15 by 15 also two, for a roof of more than 300 squares - three, etc.

Features of selection and installation

Materials for making funnels are plastic and metal. The choice is usually based on what material the roof is covered with:

  • If it is a seam or metal profile roof, then the funnels are also chosen from metal;
  • For and polymer coatings funnels made of polymer compounds are preferred.

Installation requirements:

  • The connection between the funnel and the roof must be perfectly sealed. It is recommended to lay additional pieces of waterproofing at the joints. Moreover, the insulation should be glued directly to the side of the funnel;
  • If there are two waterproofing layers on the roof, the edges of the funnel are placed between them;
  • The funnel must be equipped with a removable lid and protected from dirt by an umbrella;
  • The cap should be well secured;
  • To avoid freezing of water in the riser, it is necessary to heat the drain funnels on a flat roof;


To install the funnel, hot bitumen or mastic is used, in addition - mechanical fastening (screws).

Who produces drainage funnels and at what price?

Gutters for flat roofs TechnoNIKOL. Diameter 110, 90, 160. With crimp flange, with sheet catcher, with or without heating. Cost from 300 rubles to 4.5 thousand.

SK TUOTE OY (Finland). Diameter from 7.5 to 16 centimeters, price from 800 to 4 thousand rubles.

"Tehnoresurs" (RF). Diameter 11-16. The cost of funnels with a leaf catcher filter, with and without heating, ranges from 400 rubles to 4 thousand.

Installation internal system drainage is orders of magnitude more difficult than installing gutters and pipes on the façade side. Without the appropriate equipment and qualifications, this task cannot be accomplished.

We will help you choose desired type funnels for your roof and we will carry out installation - quickly, inexpensively, competently and with a guarantee.

You can see photo reports of our work with descriptions and costs.

Excess water on the roof and improper drainage have a negative impact on the entire structure. This issue is especially acute for flat-shaped roofs, and for pitched and hip roofs, due to the slope, liquid flows down. With the help of a drain funnel, you can solve such a problem as excess water on the roof.

What it is?

A roof funnel is an indispensable thing in drainage system. It allows you to divert wastewater from the roof. With the help of this element, liquid enters drainpipe, and then either into a special sewer or onto the ground.

During operation flat roof a certain slope is required so that wastewater does not linger on the roof surface. This allows you to increase the durability and reliability of the building.

The optimal slope for flat roofs ranges from 2 to 5%. With such a slope, liquid will never linger on the roof. But in some cases, the slope is not enough to drain the water mass. Therefore, now special attention is paid to storm systems, which operate smoothly and also ensure proper drainage from the roof. The most common option is to install roof funnels.

The reliability and reliability of the drainage system is ensured by absolute tightness. In particular, this applies to roof drains, since the speed of drainage of rainwater, the strength of the roof and the safety of the entire structure depend on the quality of its installation.

Where is it used?

Repair drain funnels are used when repair work on the roof. They can significantly reduce material costs during repairs. The funnel includes a pipe with numerous flexible skirts along its entire diameter. When the storm drain is damaged or there is a need to replace the waterproofing, you can do without dismantling it. Repair funnel is located inside the old one, and a new insulating material is installed under the flange, which ensures easy and quick repairs.

When roofing funnels are combined with an additional drainage ring, extension pipe, ladder, or adapter, water masses can be drained from several levels.

For simple roofs, there are special models with an installation box, which allows you to securely install the structure on the roof.

On exploited flat roofs, funnels are used that have flat cover so that it is convenient to walk on them. And options with special ladders or with steel or cast iron grates can also be used.

For ours climatic conditions devices are used that are resistant to frequent temperature changes. They are made from heat-resistant plastic, polymer materials and stainless steel. The main advantages of these types include high strength, resistance to corrosion and durability. They are also resistant to ultraviolet rays, which allows them to be used not only for mild conditions, but also at temperatures from -50 to +75 degrees.

The average service life of roof drains is 50 years. During this time, the waterproofing is often destroyed, so there is no need to replace only the funnel. But with different mechanical damage any device fails, and the roof funnel is no exception.


Gutters are made from materials such as copper, cast iron, polyvinyl chloride and galvanized metal.

  • Due to the low price, galvanized options are more common among buyers. Zinc is considered a strong, reliable element and resistant to destructive corrosive effects.
  • Copper funnels are suitable for all roofing materials; in addition, due to their high price, copper funnels are not very popular.
  • Steel structures are highly durable, which allows them to be installed on roofs with high traffic.

  • PVC funnels are combined with materials such as soft tiles, ondulina and shinglas.
  • Cast iron options are durable and affordable.
  • Plastic products are resistant to negative external influences and loads. They are easy to install, since there is no need for adhesives, and have an affordable cost.
  • Combined funnels are made from several materials. Most often, plastic is used as the main component, and for additional elements– metal. Galvanized and cast iron options are available. Combined structures are suitable for roofs with average traffic and load.

Models and device

Roof drains come in a variety of models.

  • Roof drain Termoclip type VB creates an effective and practical water intake of precipitation from under the roof, from the roof surface, from under the waterproofing. The use of high-strength materials in manufacturing increases resistance to negative impacts environment.
  • VF type funnels have an additional compression flange and a leaf catcher, which allows them to be installed with roofing materials With various types waterproofing materials. This option is the most durable and effective.
  • VFO type funnels with electric heating provide efficient work at any time of the year, suitable for use with various types of waterproofing.
  • Extension element type NE-M creates a functional drainage system for roofing carpets. Suitable for pitched roofs.

  • Repair heated structure type VFOR has a leaf catcher and a compression flange. The heated neck keeps the design cool in cold weather.
  • Gangway type TD2 has a drainage ring that provides a reliable, efficient and functional storm drain. Installed for inversion, ballast and roofing coverings.
  • Roof drains with vertical and horizontal releases consist of several components: an extension, an extension structure and a drainage flange. They differ from each other in the location of the side hole for draining liquid. Horizontal funnels are not entirely advantageous compared to vertical ones, since when replacing a fitting or pipe you will have to open up a large area of ​​the roof.
  • Funnels with external drainage consist of water inlet funnel and gutters, risers and drainage pipes.


Standard sizes roof funnels:

  • height – more than 100 mm;
  • intake pipe diameter 110 – 160 mm;
  • outlet diameter 110 – 210 mm;
  • Dimensions (height x length x width): 110 x 110 x 450 mm.

Typically, the inlet pipe diameter and outlet diameter are the same, but in some cases they can differ by up to 50 mm.

Review of manufacturers

Modern market building materials is represented by a huge variety of domestic and foreign roofing funnels. The most popular German company HL produces about 50 types of fittings.

Domestic company "TechnoNIKOL" has also proven itself well in the building materials market. The company's products are much cheaper than those of foreign manufacturers.

How to choose?

Gutters are selected depending on the roof structure.

Before going to a hardware store, you need to decide on the number of fittings.

To calculate the number of funnels you need to know:

  • roof dimensions;
  • the diameter of the storm pipe and the material from which it is made;
  • is there a need for heating;
  • information about mechanical loads, high level waterproofing.

Taking into account the average amount of precipitation and reserve, we can come to the conclusion that the roof area per funnel is 200 square meters. meters. If the surface is larger, you can mount several funnels with a diameter of 100 mm. These values ​​are typical for all materials, be it cast iron, plastic or polyvinyl chloride.

As for the choice of material, you should focus on the roof material. The best option– the funnel along with the rest of the drainage parts are made of the same material. For example, if the roof is made of copper, then it is recommended to choose the roof drain and the entire drain from copper.

When choosing a roof drain, advice from manufacturers will not hurt: they will recommend a suitable device depending on the roof section.

How to make it yourself?

The most accessible and popular material for the roof funnel - galvanized sheet. To make a fitting, you need to purchase a square sheet 0.7 mm thick.

The production of a drainage funnel occurs in stages.

  1. Cut out the blanks using metal scissors, making marks on the sheet in advance.
  2. The edges are folded for folding.
  3. Pipes and gutters are formed using rollers. For the mandrel, you can use a beam or a pipe - place a workpiece under it and bend it until the edges meet. Then they are joined by folding.
  4. To make the funnel itself, several parts are needed: a cone, a rim and a glass, the diameter of which equal to diameter drainage
  5. The drainage funnel is cut at a certain angle.


First of all, choose places to install the roof funnel. These should be the lowest points of the lid. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that they are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the roof, which will help achieve maximum efficiency of the drainage system.

Then they make a hole in the intended location and proceed to the actual installation of the structure. The funnel should not be fixed to the surface very firmly, as this can lead to damage due to temperature changes. Next we move on to insulation and waterproofing. Then you can fix top part fitting to the bottom. For sealing, O-rings can be installed at pipe connections.

The funnel's film apron is placed between the lower and upper roofing felt and connected with mastic made from molten bitumen.

The water intake cannot be installed near support columns, because various deformations most often occur here, which reduce the durability of the drainage system.

For a flat roof, fittings are installed at the rate of 1 piece per 150 m2 of surface, and there must be at least two funnels.

At the final stage, a layer of roofing is laid, which is inserted into the funnel bowl and reinforced with a pressure flange. Then it is necessary to check the functionality of the system, for which water is poured near the water intake and observed whether the drain takes in the entire volume of liquid.