Milking machines for cows: types, design, characteristics. Vacuum systems of milking machines What kind of electric motor is on a vacuum milking machine?

To create a vacuum when operating a milking machine, air units are used, consisting of a vacuum pump, a vacuum tank-receiver, a vacuum regulator, a vacuum gauge, a pipeline system with fittings and an engine, which are divided into rotary, piston and ejector. In turn, rotary vacuum pumps are divided into vane, liquid ring, Roots type and others. The most widely used on farms are rotary vane vacuum units of the UVU-60/45 brand and liquid ring air pumps VVN-3, VVN-6, VVN-12.

The operating principle of ejector (jet) pumps is as follows. When a liquid (or gas) flows through a pipe that has a constriction, the pressure in the constriction is lower than in the rest of the pipe (unless the flow speed in the constriction reaches the speed of sound). This was first established by the Italian physicist G. Venturi (1746-1822), after whom a tube based on this phenomenon was named. If the pumped volume is connected to the pipe at the point of its narrowing, then the gas from it will pass into the region of low pressure and be carried away by a stream of liquid. Ejector (jet) units are mounted on the exhaust pipe of the tractor and the vacuum is created due to the high-speed flow of exhaust gases.

A rotary vane vacuum unit of the UVU type includes (Fig. 2.2) an electric motor 1, a vacuum cylinder 3, a vacuum regulator 4, a vacuum gauge 6, a vacuum line 5, a vacuum pump 2. In case of frequent power outages, it can be equipped with a backup internal combustion engine 7. The UVU-60/45 unified pump operates at a vacuum of 53 kPa with an air capacity of 60 and 40 m 3 /h. To obtain the required flow rate, the rotor rotation speed is changed by placing pulleys of different diameters on the electric motor shaft.

Rice. 2.2 General view of the vacuum installation UVU 60/45

The rotary vane vacuum pump is designed for operation in areas with a temperate climate in the open air in the range from minus 10 to plus 40 0C and an altitude above sea level of no more than 1000 m, available in four versions.

Inside the cast-iron cylindrical body 22 (Fig. 2.3) with a ribbed surface for better thermal insulation, a rotor 17 rotates. The rotor has four grooves in which textolite blades 16 move freely. The rotor rotates in ball bearings 14 installed in the mounting holes of the covers 12 and 19, located eccentrically relative to the axis of the body. The bearings on the side of the internal cavity of the pump are closed with washers 15. To orient the covers relative to the housing when assembling the pump, pins 5 are installed. The direction of rotation of the rotor is indicated by an arrow on the pump housing. Depending on the design, the pump has one or two rotor outlet ends.

In the middle part of the cylindrical body there are exhaust ports that connect to the exhaust pipe of the frame. A muffler is installed at the end of the exhaust pipe, the body of which is filled with glass wool to retain spent lubricant.

The technological process of the vacuum installation occurs as follows. When the rotor 17 rotates (Fig. 2.3), the blades 16, under the action of centrifugal forces, are pressed against the housing 22, and form closed spaces limited by the rotor 17, the housing 22 and the end walls 12 and 21, the volume of which first increases per revolution, creating a vacuum between blades on the suction side and then decreases. In this case, the air is compressed and forced into the atmosphere through the outlet.

To lubricate bearings and rubbing surfaces, the pump is equipped with a wick-type oiler, which ensures a uniform and continuous supply of oil to the pump.

The oiler consists of two main components: glass 5 (Fig. 2.4) with a capacity of 0.6 l and cup 2. Oil is poured into the glass, which is closed with a lid 7 and fixed on the cup with an arc 6. Oil flows from the glass into the cup until until its level reaches the top of the wedge-shaped cutout of the cap tube. The oil level in the cup of the oiler, version UVD.10.020, is not adjustable. The oil level in the cup of the UVA 12.000 oiler depends on the length of the protruding end of the tube and should be within 13.18 mm. When the oil level drops, air enters the glass through a cutout in the tube and the oil flows out until it reaches the set level.

The lubrication process occurs as follows. From the cup, oil flows through wicks 3 into the oil-conducting channels and, under the influence of the pressure difference in the oiler and pump, through hoses 9, holes in covers 12, 21 (Fig. 2.3) of the pump, enters ball bearings 14, through the channels of washers 15 into the grooves of the rotor 17, lubricating surfaces of blades 16, housing and pump covers. Next, the oil is discharged by a stream of air through the outlet of the pump.

The oiler ensures the supply of oil to the pump with a flow rate of 0.25-0.4 g/m 3 of air, which corresponds to the flow of oil from the glass when the unit is operating by one division on average for 1.5 hours of operation of a vacuum unit with a capacity of 0.75 m 3 /min , and on average in 1.1 hours for a vacuum installation with a capacity of 1 m 3 /min.

The flow of oil into the bearings is monitored visually through plastic hoses, and the total flow rate is monitored by divisions on the glass.

Rice. 2.3 Vacuum pump:
1.20 - bolts; 2, 15 - washers; 3 - retaining ring; 4 - pulley; 5 - pin; 6 - key; 7 - screw; 8, 22 - covers; 9 - plug; 10,11 - gaskets; 12 - right cover; 13 - cuff; 14 - ball bearing; 16 - blade; 17 - rotor; 18 - body; 19 - left cover; 21 - bushing; 22 - body

Ensuring the required oil consumption during operation is done by periodically cleaning the oil-conducting channels in cup 2 (Fig. 2.4) and plugs 4, washing the wicks in diesel fuel or changing the number of threads in the wick, and for the UVA 12.000 oiler, also changing the length of the protruding part of the tube.

To eliminate possible reverse rotation of the rotor and breakage of the blades when the electric motor is turned off, the pump inlet is connected to the vacuum line through a safety valve.

Rice. 2.4 Oiler UVD.10.020:
1 - bracket; 2 - cup; 3 - wick; 4 - plug; 5 - glass; 6 - arc; 7 - cover; 8 - gasket; 9 - hose

Rice. 2.5 Vacuum regulator

Vacuum bottle 3 (Fig. 2.2) smoothes out the vacuum pulsation that inevitably occurs during pump operation, collects moisture and milk trapped in the vacuum line, and is also used as a drain container when flushing pipelines. When the pump is running, the lid of the vacuum cylinder must be tightly closed.

Vacuum regulator 4 (Fig. 2.2) maintains a stable vacuum in the vacuum line. It consists of valve 1 (Fig. 2.5), spring 3, set of weights 4, damping plates 5 and indicator 2.

The vacuum regulator works as follows. The force acting on valve 1 from below due to the difference between atmospheric and vacuum pressure in the vacuum line lifts the valve upward, overcoming the weight of load 4. As a result, through indicator 2, the vacuum line begins to flow atmospheric air. The amount of vacuum at which valve 1 rises is set by the weight of load 4. The amount of air flow through the vacuum regulator is controlled by the readings of indicator 2. At normal flow, the arrow of indicator 2 should be in the middle position. To soften the vibration of the load 4, they are suspended on a spring 3, and the damping plates 5 are located in a layer of oil at the bottom.

Water ring machines of the VVN type are designed to create a vacuum in closed devices and systems. Manufactured in two versions: ВВН1 - with a nominal suction pressure of 0.04 MPa; ВВН2 - with a nominal suction pressure of 0.02 MPa.

VVN type machines are liquid-ring machines with direct drive from an electric motor through an elastic coupling.

The water ring installation VVN-12 consists of a water ring machine 4 (Fig. 2.6), driven by an electric motor 1 through a coupling 2. All this is placed on the foundation plate 3.

The water ring machine consists of a cylinder body 2 (Fig. 2.7), closed at the ends with caps. In the cylinder there is an eccentrically located impeller 1, mounted on a shaft. The shaft exit from the faces is sealed with soft-packed oil seals. The water supplied to the machine feeds the water ring 7 and creates a hydraulic seal in the seals. The shaft rotates in bearings located in housings attached to the heads.

Before putting it into operation, through the suction pipe 5, the machine is filled approximately to the shaft axis with water. When starting, the liquid is thrown away from the rotor hub to the housing by centrifugal force. In this case, a liquid ring and a crescent-shaped space are formed, which is the working cavity. The working cavity is divided into separate cells, limited by the blades, wheel hub, blades and the inner surface of the liquid ring. When the wheel rotates, the volume of the cells increases (clockwise rotation in Fig. 2.7) and gas is sucked through the suction window 6. Then the volume of the cells decreases, the gas is compressed and pushed out through the discharge window 3. Water is released through the discharge pipe 4 along with the gas. To separate water from gases and collect it directly on the discharge pipe, a water separator with an open overflow pipe is installed in vacuum pumps. To separate water from gas in vacuum pumps VVN-12, a direct-flow separator 5 is used (Fig. 2.6). The direct-flow separator is a non-separable vessel with a volume of about 24 liters with a multi-blade grid built inside, through which the gas-liquid mixture discharged from the pump is separated. It provides virtually full separation water from gas under all possible operating modes.

When using the machine as a compressor, a water drain is connected to the drain pipe of the separator, ensuring water drainage without gas leakage.

The advantage of liquid ring vacuum machines over vane vacuum pumps is that when rotating, the rotor does not touch the stator walls. However, when the rotor rotates, the temperature of the water in the pump stator increases, which reduces its flow. To increase the stability of the VVN pump, a special water cooler is installed.

Rice. 2.6 General view of the vacuum pump VVN-12

Rice. 2.7 Diagram of a water ring machine

The main parameters of the applicability of water ring machines are presented in Table 2.1.

2.1. Indicators of water ring vacuum machines
Index Standard size
VVN-3 VVN-6 VVN-12 VVN-25
Productivity at nominal suction pressure, m 3 /min 3 (2,7)
12 (10,8)
25 (22,5)
Nominal vacuum pressure versus barometric pressure, %
60 (80)
Maximum vacuum from barometric pressure, %
Specific water consumption at nominal mode, dm 3 /s
0,13 (0,2)
0,3 (0,47)
0,5 (0,75)
1,0 (1,5)
power, kWt 13
Weight, kg
Note: values ​​in parentheses are for vacuum pumps version 2

Rice. 2.8 General view of the water ring vacuum unit UVV-F-60D:
1 - vacuum line; 2 - fuse; 3 - pump; 4 - water container; 5 - electric motor; 6 - exhaust pipe; 7 - discharge pipe

The water ring vacuum unit UVV-F-60D is designed to create a vacuum and is used to complete milking machines of all types. The unit is not intended for pumping out aggressive gases and vapors.

It consists of a liquid ring vacuum pump 3 (Fig. 2.8) driven by an electric motor 5 (power 6 kW), installed above a water tank 4. The vacuum pump is connected to the vacuum line 1 through fuse 2. Residual air along with water is discharged from the room through pipeline 6 .

The main technical characteristics of the water ring vacuum unit UVV-F-60D are presented in table. 2.2.

2.2 Main technical characteristics of the UVV-F-60D installation
Parameter name and unit of measurement Parameter value
Productivity at h=50kPa, m 3 /h
Power consumed at rated mode, kW 4±0.4
Ultimate residual pressure, kPa
Overall dimensions, m
Weight without water, kg
Volume of liquid poured into the water separator, dm 3
Nominal diameter of the pipe, mm

Some processes require very high pumping speeds, even if not at very low pressures. These requirements are met by two-rotor positive displacement pumps such as Roots blowers. The diagram of such a pump is shown in Fig. 2.9.

Rice. 2.9 Diagram of a Roots-type double-rotor pump

Two long rotors with a cross-section resembling a figure eight rotate in opposite directions without touching each other or the housing walls, so that the pump can operate without lubrication. There is also no need for an oil seal, since the gaps between the fitted structural parts are very small.

The rotor rotates at a frequency of up to 50 s -1, and high pumping speed is maintained up to pressures of the order of one millionth of atmospheric pressure. Each rotor may have two or three cams.

Although such pumps are capable of operating with direct exhaust to the atmosphere, they are usually equipped with an auxiliary rotary oil pump at their outlet, which not only lowers their ultimate pressure, but also increases efficiency by reducing power consumption, allowing for less cost. complex system cooling. The auxiliary pump, which passes the same mass of gas but at higher pressures, can be relatively small.

Without a vacuum pump for a milking machine, no system will work. It can safely be called the heart of the entire unit. Beginning farmers are often faced with the problem of choosing this equipment. There are a lot of offers and each seller praises his own. Therefore, we decided to explain in an accessible form what determines the choice of one or another model, and what can break in such equipment. This information will also be useful to those who decide to assemble the device with their own hands.

Components and types of devices that create pressure

The vacuum system used in the milking machine, regardless of the manufacturer, consists of the same components. This includes the cylinder on the basis of which the vacuum is created, the vacuum pump itself, control equipment (vacuum gauge), pulsator and vacuum regulator for the milking machine. By the way, the last node is one of the most important.

For normal milk flow, optimal pressure must be created in the teat cups, and it is 0.48 bar.

The vacuum pump must create a variable vacuum with exactly this indicator. If it is more, it means that the cows’ teats will be injured, and if the indicator drops below the permissible norm, the glasses will fall off. The periodicity is created by a pulsator; it ranges from 45-65 cycles per minute. A pulsator is a small valve that is quite easy to adjust and rarely breaks.

And here we come to the most important point that determines normal work, namely the types of pumps:

  • vacuum milking unit with a dry rotor;
  • oil devices for creating vacuum;
  • water ring vacuum devices.

Let’s immediately warn those who make their own: you can only assemble ready-made knots with your own hands; you won’t be able to make the knots themselves from scratch.

Dry rotor

Here we come across the first trick of the sellers. In addition to creating optimal pressure, there is such an indicator as productivity. For an individual milking machine, that is, we milk one cow with one machine, it is 110 l/min. If you are going to milk two cows at the same time with one device, then the productivity should be 220 l/min. And so on increasingly.

The blades in such units are graphite. This lubricant actually has a very high slip coefficient, which is the reason for its silent operation. But during prolonged use, the blades overheat and can become deformed. Simply put, the pump jams quite quickly. And when contacting service center you may be accused of violating operating conditions and be denied warranty service.

We conclude that vacuum devices with a graphite dry rotor are a good thing, but only if you have no more than 2-3 cows on your farm.

Myths and truth about oil systems

If we compare the operating principle of oil and dry units, then structurally they are not much different. It’s just that instead of a graphite one, these pumps have a textolite blade boiled in oil.

Plus, there is constant oil circulation. As a result of this innovation, it serves not only its intended purpose, that is, lubrication, but also provides heat removal and prevents overheating.

The most common myths regarding such oil systems are rumors about supposedly complex settings and high consumption lubricant. We can assure you that adjustment in such systems is no more difficult than in dry ones. And the tales about wasteful use were most likely invented by competitors.

Therefore, for small farms where individual milking of cows with one machine is provided, it is better to use an oil system. As practice shows, such a vacuum pump can operate without a cooling break for up to 3-4 hours.

Water works

Water ring pumps are installed in milking parlors that simultaneously serve more than 6-8 cows. As the name suggests, the working fluid in them is water, and maintaining its set temperature requires the installation of additional equipment and tracking sensors.

In liquid ring pumps, vacuum regulators for milking machines are complex multi-component devices, and setting them up requires some preparation. We do not recommend purchasing such equipment for farms with less than 50 heads of livestock. And on individual devices such pumps are not installed at all.

Choice vacuum equipment For cattle milking systems, this is a delicate matter, but with a strong desire, this issue can be sorted out. The main thing for you is to decide on the number of heads, the operating time of the pumps and the order of milking.

Tell us in the comments if you have ever used such systems.

Technological basis of machine milking
A cow's udder consists of 4 lobes: 2 anterior and 2 posterior. The right and left halves are separated from each other by a subcutaneous elastic septum made of connective tissue, which also serves as a ligament supporting the udder. Each nipple has its own excretory duct, and milk cannot move from one nipple to another. The udder is firmly attached to the pelvic region by suspended ligaments and connective tissue. Blood circulation in the udder is very intense. The formation of 1 liter of milk involves approximately 500 liters of blood passing through the udder. Each lobe of the udder includes: mammary gland, connective tissue, milk ducts and nipple.

The capacity of the milk tank of the udder lobe is 0.4 l, the teat cavity is 0.05-0.15 l. The shape of the udder and the uniformity of development of its lobes affect the speed and completeness of milking, as well as the incidence of mastitis in cows. The highest milk productivity is distinguished by cows with a tub-shaped and cup-shaped udder, evenly developed lobes, with medium-sized teats located at the same level and at an equal distance from each other, with a tight attachment to the body in front and behind, at a distance from the ground of at least 40 cm.

The formation of milk occurs in the alveoli of the mammary gland as a result of complex biochemical processes due to components entering the udder with the bloodstream. Milk sugar (lactose), milk fat, milk proteins and some vitamins are synthesized directly in the mammary gland. Minerals and some vitamins come into milk directly from the cow. Cow's milk contains on average 87.5% water, 3.8% fat, 3.5% protein, 4.7% milk sugar and 0.7% minerals.

Milk is produced in the udder between milkings. Only a small part of it is formed during the milking process. Usually milking is carried out 2-3 times a day.

Before starting machine milking, it is necessary to evoke the milk ejection reflex in the cow. To do this, the udder is prepared, which consists of sanitizing it (washing), massage and milking the first streams of milk into a separate container, which is used to judge the cow’s readiness for milk production and the condition of the udder.

When the nerve endings of the nipples are irritated, a signal enters the cow’s brain, from where a command is sent to the pituitary gland. The latter releases the hormone oxytocin into the blood, which causes contraction of the myoepithelium of the udder, as a result of which milk passes from the alveoli into the milk ducts and further into the cistern and nipples.

The milk ejection reflex has a two-phase character: contraction of the myoepithelium and squeezing of milk from the alveoli are preceded by a short-term decrease in the muscle tone of the tanks and a slight drop in pressure in the udder. Then the tone of the smooth muscles of the cisterns and broad ducts increases, and milk, after forced opening of the sphincter of the nipples, comes out. The hidden (latent) period of the onset of the milk ejection reflex lasts 30-60 seconds in cows with different types of nervous activity. Only after making sure that the cow is ready for milking does the milker begin to connect the milking machine. The milk supply is controlled by milking the first streams, while the health of the animal’s udder is also assessed. The first streams of milk, as the most contaminated, are put into a separate container and should not be used. The presence of blood, clots and flakes in them indicates a disease in one or another part of the udder.

The effect of the hormone oxytocin in the blood is limited and lasts 5-7 minutes. It is during this period that the cow must be milked, because then milk production stops. The implementation of the milk ejection reflex is influenced, along with unconditioned reflexes, that arise in the process of servicing animals. conditioned reflexes associated with the arrival of the milker, the noise of the operating milking machine, and the distribution of feed, which form a stable milking stereotype, the violation of which, in turn, negatively affects the process of milking the cow. Therefore, all operations related to servicing animals must be strictly performed in a certain sequence at the same time, as provided for in the daily routine.

Machine milking technology includes the following operations:

  • preparing the udder (washing with warm water and massage) - 30–40 seconds;
  • milking the first streams into a separate bowl - 5 seconds;
  • wiping the udder with a dry cloth;
  • connecting the milking machine - 1–10 sec;
  • automatic operation of the milking machine (without the participation of the milker) - 5–7 minutes;
  • machine milking when the milk flow decreases to less than 400 g/min - 20–40 sec;
  • removing the milking machine at the end of milking - 5–10 seconds.
Depending on the degree of automation of the milking machine, the last two operations can also be carried out automatically.

Zootechnical requirements for milking machines and installations
In the process of machine milking of an animal, individual links are combined into a single biotechnical system “man-machine-animal”, therefore the milking machine must meet various physiological, technical, ergonomic and economic requirements.

Physiological requirements:

  • the milking machine must ensure quick and clean milking of all lobes of the cow's udder in 5-7 minutes with control manual milking not exceeding 200 g in 90% of animals;
  • the milking machine should not have a pathological effect on the mammary gland and cause mastitis in cows;
  • parts in contact with milk and the cow's teat must be made of materials approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • the main operating parameters of the milking machine (vacuum, pulsation frequency, ratio of strokes) should be adjusted depending on the speed of milk production and the individual characteristics of the animals;
  • the actuators of the milking machine (milking cup, collector, milk hoses) must be designed for a maximum milk flow of 5-7 l/min.
The technical requirements comply with the requirements of the international standard ISO 5707 “Milk installations, design and technical characteristics”, and the following must be ensured:
  • constancy of vacuum pressure in the line (deviations at any point of the milk-vacuum line should not exceed ±2 kPa);
  • the deviation of the pulsation frequency and the ratio of cycles from the nominal values ​​should not exceed 3%;
  • milking machines and installations should ensure, if possible, the automatic execution of operations of individual and group milk accounting, machine milking and removal of teat cups, the shortest path for removing and transporting milk from the animal to the milk collector;
  • milk-conducting paths of milking machines and installations must be well cleaned during circulation washing and meet the appropriate sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • components of milking machines and installations must withstand exposure to aggressive environments (barn air, washing solutions) and be made of appropriate materials.
Ergonomic and economic requirements:
  • The operator’s working posture should, if possible, be rational (excluding frequent bending);
  • the noise at the operator’s workplace should not exceed 80 dB, and the components of the installations (a machine for processing animal udders, a manipulator) should not frighten animals;
  • the fencing of milking machines must provide protection for the operator from the influence of animals;
  • portable sets of milking machines must be lightweight and accessible for disassembly and assembly;
  • the cost of equipment must correspond to the financial capabilities of the consumer.
Milking machines
Three methods are used to extract milk from the udder of animals: natural (calf suckling), manual and machine.

Since the beginning of the last century, milking technology has undergone an evolution from milking tubes - catheters and mechanical squeezing devices to a modern milking machine.

In 1902 A. Giles invented a device with a two-chamber glass and a pulsating vacuum mode (Fig. 1). The glass of the device has a nipple rubber 7, located inside the body with tension, which gives it the necessary elasticity.

Rice. 1. Scheme of operation of a two-chamber milking machine in two-stroke (a) and three-stroke (b) machines:
1 - interwall chamber; 2 - sub-mammary chamber; 3 - pipe; 4 - viewing cone; 5 - connecting ring; 6 - working vacuum; 7- nipple rubber; 8 - glass body; 9- rubber cuff; 10 - atmospheric pressure

When there is a working vacuum in the nipple 2 and interwall chambers 1 of the glass, the teat rubber does not prevent the flow of milk from the udder, and under the influence of the pressure difference, the milk flows out, overcoming the resistance of the sphincter of the nipple. The sucking stroke is followed by the admission of air into the interwall space of the glass, while the body of the nipple is compressed by the nipple rubber. The compression stroke interrupts milk ejection and massages the nipple, preventing blood stagnation in the body of the nipple and related diseases.

Over the entire more than hundred-year history of the development of milking technology, various designs of milking machines have been created, which can be classified as follows:

  • by the number of working strokes (two-, three-stroke and continuous suction);
  • according to the principle of operation (vacuum-type squeezing and suction);
  • by the synchronism of the teat cup drive (circular alternating change of strokes in the teat cups, simultaneous change of strokes in all teat cups, pairwise change of strokes of the front - rear, left - right udders);
  • by degree of mobility (mobile, portable, stationary);
  • for collecting milk (for milking in a bucket, for milking in a milk line);
  • according to the degree of automation (with a constant operating mode, with a controlled operating mode according to the milk ejection speed, with and without automatic stimulation of the milk ejection reflex, with an automatic manipulator or with manual removal of cups, fully automatic systems without human participation in the technological process - milking robots).
Of the variety of proposed designs, the most widely used in Russia and abroad are vacuum push-pull devices with paired or synchronous drive of teat cups and varying degrees of automation.

Rice. 2. Milking installation diagram:
1 - electric motor; 2 - fence; 3 - vacuum pump; 4 - vacuum line; 5 - exhaust pipe oil collector; 6 - dielectric insert; 7 - vacuum cylinder; 8- vacuum regulator; 9 - air valve; 10 - vacuum gauge; 11 - milking cup; 12 - collector; 13 - milk hose; 14 - vacuum hose; 15 - main hose; 16 - pulsator; 17 - milking bucket

Milking machine included integral part into the design of the milking machine (Fig. 2), which has a vacuum pump 3 with an electric motor 1 and a drive, a transmission - a vacuum line 4, a working body - a milking machine with an actuator (milking cups II). The milking machine is connected to the vacuum line with an air valve. The amount of vacuum is controlled by a vacuum gauge 10 and maintained at a given level by a vacuum regulator 8. The vacuum balloon 7 smooths out vacuum fluctuations when the vacuum pump 3 operates.

Milking machine ADU-1. The design of the apparatus includes milking cups, a collector, a pulsator, milk and vacuum pipes and hoses. The pulsator (Fig. 3, a) converts a constant vacuum into an alternating one, which forms the operating mode of the collector and milking cups. The collector (Fig. 3, b) distributes alternating vacuum over the milking cups, forms their operating mode, collects milk from the cups and facilitates its evacuation into the milking container (bucket, milk line, milking tank, etc.).

Rice. 3. Assembly units of the milking machine DDU-1:
a - pulsator: 1, 12 - nuts; 2 - gasket; 3 - cover; 4 - valve; 5 - clip; 6 - membrane; 7 - body; 8- camera; 9, 10 - rings; P - air filter casing; 6- collector: 1 - milk collector; 2 - distributor; 3 - cover; 4 - gasket; 5 - body; 6- shut-off valve; 7- rubber washer; 8- lock washer; 9- latch; 10 - variable vacuum chamber; 11 - screw

The ADU-1 device operates as follows (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Scheme of operation of a push-pull milking machine:
a - sucking stroke; b - compression stroke; 1 - vacuum main hose; 2 - valve; 3 - atmospheric pressure chamber; 4, 18 - variable vacuum chambers; 5 - constant vacuum chamber; 6 - channel; 7, 9, 13, 16 - rubber hoses; 8 - manifold distributor; 10 - teat cup chamber; 11 - glass body; 12 - interwall chamber of the glass; 14 - milk chamber; 15 - retaining valve; 17 - rubber gasket; 19 - bucket; 20 - throttle; 21 - membrane

The vacuum from the main line passes through hose 1 (Fig. 4, a) to chamber 5 of the pulsator. The rubber membrane 21, under air pressure, lifts the valve 2, the vacuum spreads into the chamber 4 and then along the hose 7 through the distributor 8 of the manifold into the interwall spaces 12 of the teat cups. In the nipple chambers of 10 glasses, a constant vacuum is established from the milking container 19 and with its formation in the interwall spaces of the glasses, a sucking cycle occurs: the milk goes through the milk chamber of the collector into the milk collector. During the stroke, the vacuum spreads through channel 6 of the pulsator through throttle 20 to the control chamber 18. Atmospheric pressure from chamber 3, acting on valve 2, moves the membrane-valve mechanism of the pulsator to the lower position (Fig. 4, b), and valve 2 blocks the path to vacuum in chamber 4. Air through chamber 4 enters hose 7 and then into the inter-wall chamber 12, forming a compression stroke. In this case, air passing through throttle 20 gradually fills chamber 18, lifting membrane 21 (chamber 5 is under constant vacuum). The sucking cycle is repeated. The pulsation frequency is determined by the areas of the membrane and valve, as well as the pneumatic resistance of the throttle channel 6.

Low-vacuum device DTSU-1-03 with a pulsator. The device was developed by the All-Union Institute of Electrification Agriculture(VIESKh) in order to stabilize the vacuum pressure in the submammal space. When the device is turned on, the vacuum from chamber 1 (Fig. 5, a) of the pulsator passes into chamber 3, under the influence of the pressure difference between chambers 1 and 14, the membrane lifts valve 13, which closes the passage between chambers 3 and 2 and opens the way for air to be sucked out of the chamber 3. The vacuum passes into chamber 10 of the collector and into the interwall chambers of 4 glasses.

Rice. 5. Scheme of operation of a low-vacuum milking machine:
a - sucking stroke; b - compression stroke; 1, 8 - constant vacuum chambers; 2, 6 - atmospheric pressure chambers; 3, 7 - variable vacuum chambers; 4 - interwall chamber; 5 - suction chamber; 9, 15 - rubber membranes; 10 - variable vacuum chamber of the manifold; 11 - channel of variable vacuum chambers; 12 - throttle; 13 - valve; 14 - pulsator control chamber; 16 - upper platform of the pulsator valve; 17 - lower platform of the pulsator valve

From chamber 3 of the pulsator, the vacuum passes through channel 11, connecting chambers 3 and 14, through throttle 12 into chamber 14. The atmospheric pressure of chamber 2 lowers valve 13 and, passing to chamber 3 and into the inter-wall chambers of the glasses, forms a compression stroke (Fig. 5, b). Pulsator valve 13 separates chambers 3 and 1. Air is sucked out of chamber 14 through a long throttle 12, the cross-section and length of which affect the suction speed. During the compression stroke, the air pressure values ​​in the distribution chamber of the collector 10 and chamber 6 are equalized, and the pressure difference directed towards chamber 7 lowers the membrane-valve mechanism and opens free access to atmospheric air into chamber 7, facilitating the evacuation of milk from the milk chamber of the collector .

Milking machine ADU-1-09. The device includes a push-pull collector and a vibrating pulsator ADU.02.200, which allows you to stimulate the milk flow process by vibration (frequency 600 min-1) from the nipple rubber on the nipple body during the compression stroke. The pulsator converts a constant vacuum in the vacuum system of the milking unit into a pulsating one (sucking and compression strokes), while simultaneously creating pressure vibrations in the interwall space of the cups during the compression stroke with a difference of about 4...8 kPa.

Milking machine "Nurlat". The design of the device is made according to the type of milking machine "Duavak-300" from the Swedish company "Alfa-Laval-Agri". The device provides two vacuum levels: low vacuum level (33 kPa) and nominal vacuum level (50 kPa). The device automatically monitors the cow's milk yield level (the amount of milk secreted by the cow per unit time) during the milking process and adjusts the vacuum value depending on the specific milk yield level. At a milk yield level of less than 200 g/min, the device provides a low vacuum; at a milk yield of more than 200 g/min, a nominal vacuum.

Functionally, the device can be divided into four blocks: a milk ejection sensor, a two-position two-cavity vacuum reducer, a pulse setter and a collector.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: the milk ejection sensor compares the actual level of milk ejection with the specified level, and depending on the ratio of the actual and specified levels magnetic valve, located in the vacuum reducer, moves the vacuum reducer from one vacuum value to another. The vacuum created by the vacuum reducer determines the frequency of changes in compression and sucking strokes created by the pulse setter. The process of milking, changes in vacuum levels and milk yield is shown schematically in Fig. 6.

Rice. 6. Scheme of the milking process

Structurally, the control unit 6, receiver 7 and pulsator 9 of the device are combined into a single unit (Fig. 7). In the PAD 00.000-01 version, the specified unit is attached to the milking bucket by means of a bracket located in the lower part of the control unit 6. During the period between milkings, the suspension part is suspended from a bracket located on the handle of the control unit 6. The pulsator 9 is connected to the manifold 4 with two AC hoses. pressure 15. Manifold 4 is connected to the receiver/milk hose 5. The control unit 6 is connected to the milking unit with a vacuum hose 13. Receiver 7 is connected to the milking unit with a milk hose 14.

Rice. 7. General view of the device connected to the vacuum milk line:

1 - milking cup; 2 - nipple rubber; 3 - tube; 4 - collector; 5 - milk hose; 6 - control unit; 7 - receiver; 8 - bracket; 9 - pulsator; 10 - handle; 11 - vacuum wire; 12 - milk pipeline; 13 - vacuum hose; 14 - milk hose; 15 - variable pressure hose

The parts of the receiver 7 and the collector cover 4 are made of transparent materials, which allows the operator to observe the milking process.

During operation of the apparatus, a constant vacuum pressure is created at the output of the control unit 6, in the supra-membrane cavity of the receiver 7, in the receiver 7, in the milk-vacuum cavity of the collector 4 and in the nipple spaces of the teat cups 1. In the stimulation phase or in the milking phase, a variable vacuum level (change with a certain frequency of vacuum 33 kPa and atmospheric pressure) is created by a pulsator 9 in the pulsation chambers of the milking cups 1.

In the main milking phase, a variable vacuum level (50 kPa) is created by a pulsator 9 in the interwall chambers of the milking cups 1.

The milk collected in the milk-vacuum cavity of the collector 4 is removed from the receiver 7 into the milk line 12 of the milking unit at the moment of the sucking stroke.

When milk yield is less than 200 g/min (in the stimulation phase and in the milking phase), the milk is removed from the receiver 7 without raising the float in it. When milk yield is more than 200 g/min (in the main milking phase), the milk raises the float in receiver 7, which leads to switching of the vacuum level mode in control unit 6.

The operation of the control unit is shown in the diagram (Fig. 8). The control unit has two operating modes: low vacuum mode (Fig. 8, a) and nominal vacuum mode (Fig. 8, b). In both modes, a vacuum of 50 kPa is created in cavity 12 of the control unit.

Rice. 8. Scheme of operation of the control unit in low (a) and high (b) vacuum modes:

1 - magnet; 2, 7, 10,12 - holes; 3 - membrane; 4 - bellows; 5,6,9 - cavities; 8 - control valve; 11 - valve

The low vacuum mode (see Fig. 8, a) corresponds to the stimulation phase or the additional milking phase during the milking process. Magnet 1 is in the uppermost position and closes hole 2 connecting the atmosphere with the internal cavities of the control unit. Magnet 1 is held in the upper position due to the attractive force of magnet 7 and the magnet located in the receiver float. Hole 12 is open, which leads to equalization of the vacuum in cavities 9 and 5. The vacuum created in cavity 5 compresses the bellows 4 and pushes the membrane 3 connected to the control valve 8 to the upper position. The control valve 8 closes the hole 7. Due to throttling by the valve 11 of hole 10 connecting cavities Pu 6, a constant vacuum of 33 kPa is established in cavity b. The same vacuum level is established in the pulsator, collector and above the membrane cavity of the apparatus receiver.

The nominal vacuum mode (see Fig. 8, b) corresponds to the main milking phase. Due to the increase in milk flow and the floating of the float in the receiver, the force of attraction arising between the float magnet and magnet / is not enough to balance the gravity of magnet 7 and keep it in the upper position. The magnet / falls under its own weight, opens hole 2, through which air rushes into cavity 5. Due to the difference in atmospheric pressure created in cavity 5 and the pressure in cavity 9, the magnet is held in its lowest position, locking hole 12. Due to the lack vacuum in cavity 5, membrane 3 takes its original position. The control valve 8 connected to the membrane 3 takes the lowest position and completely opens the hole 7. In this case, the pressure in the cavity 6 is equalized with the pressure in the cavity 9 and takes on vacuum pressure, the bellows 4, due to its own elasticity, takes on its original (uncompressed) shape.

The receiver is designed to control the level of milk output, switch the control unit from mode to mode, regulate the vacuum level in the teat cup space and automatically lock the vacuum line in the event of the teat cups falling off the cow's udder teats. The operation of the receiver is shown in the diagram (Fig. 9). The receiver operates in two modes: nominal vacuum mode (Fig. 9, b) and low vacuum mode (Fig. 9, a), in both modes a vacuum of 50 kPa is created in cavity 9 of the receiver.

Rice. 9. Scheme of operation of the receiver in low (a) and high (b) vacuum modes:

1 - hole seat; 2 - glass; 3 - rod; 4 - float; 5 - hole; 6 - supramembrane cavity; 7 - throttling hole; 8 - membrane; 9 – submembrane cavity; 10 - magnet; 11 - control unit magnet

The low vacuum mode corresponds to the stimulation phase or the milking phase. When milk yield is low during the indicated phases of the milking process, rod 3 or float 4 are at the bottom of glass 2. All the milk manages to pass through the drainage hole located in the lower part of rod 3. In this mode, magnet 10 of float 4 holds magnet 11 of the control unit in the upper position, The control unit is in low vacuum mode; a vacuum of 33 kPa is set in the supra-membrane cavity 6.

Due to the pressure difference in the above-membrane cavity 6 and the sub-membrane cavity 9, in which a constant vacuum of 50 kPa is maintained, the membrane 8 is pressed to the lower position and throttles the hole 7 Throttling the flow section of the hole 7 creates a pressure difference in this section, which leads to a decrease in vacuum in the cavity 5 to 33 kPa.

The same vacuum is installed in the teat cup space.

The nominal vacuum mode corresponds to the main milking phase. With high milk yield, milk does not have time to pass through the drainage hole in the lower part of the rod 3. The milk collected in the glass 2 raises the hollow float 4, which, in turn, lifts the rod 3. The open hole 1 allows the free exit of milk into the milk line. In this case, the magnet 10 of the float 4 ceases to hold the magnet 11 of the control unit in the upper position. The control unit switches to high vacuum mode, therefore a vacuum of 50 kPa is established in the above-membrane cavity 6. There is no pressure difference in cavities 6 and 9, membrane 8 takes its original position and completely opens the flow area of ​​hole 7. In cavity 5, and therefore in the nipple space of the teat cups, a vacuum of 50 kPa is established. If the milking cups accidentally fall off the cow's udder, atmospheric pressure is instantly established in the cavities 5. Due to the pressure difference in cavities 6 and 9, membrane 8 closes hole 7.

Pair action pulsator. The pulsator is designed to convert a constant vacuum into a pulsating one (an oscillatory process of changing vacuum and atmospheric pressure), which forms a process of compression of teat rubber in teat cups that repeats with a certain frequency.

The pulsator (Fig. 10) consists of a body 22, base 3, rod 7, rocker arm 2, slider 4, spring 1, membrane 21, needle 18, right cover 15, left cover 5, plug 19, cap 20, fittings 11 and 13 .

Rice. 10. Pair action pulsator:

1 - spring; 2 - rocker arm; 3 - base; 4 - slider; 5 - left cover; 6 - carrier; 7- rod; 8, 21 - membranes; 9 - washer; 10, 12, 23 - axles; 11 - left fitting; 13 - right fitting; 14, 16 - washers; 15 - right cover; 17 - nut; 18- needle; 19 - plug; 20 - cap; 22 - body; A - left supramembrane cavity; B - left submembranous cavity; B - right sub-membrane cavity; G - right supramembrane cavity

All parts of the pulsator are mounted in housing 22. Using a bayonet connector on housing 22, the pulsator is installed on the control unit.

The base 3 is secured with three screws in the housing 22. A carrier 6 is installed on the axis 12 of the base 3, a rocker arm 2 is installed on the axis 23. An axis 10 is attached to the carrier 6, which holds the spring 1. The carrier 6, the rocker arm 2 and the spring 1 form a click mechanism.

The rod 7 slides in bushings pressed into the body 22. At the ends of the rod 7, membranes 21 are secured through washers 14 and 16 using a nut 17. Two washers 9 installed on the rod 7 move the slider 4, which blocks a certain group of channels in the base 3 when its movement. Done in rod 7 through hole, the sections of which are throttled by needle 18.

The rocker arm 2 is installed on the axis 23 of the base 3 and is designed to cover a group of holes in the base 3. During operation, the rocker arm 2 takes two extreme stable positions: right and left.

Spring 1 is designed to change the position of rocker arm 2.

The right cover 15 and the left cover 5 are attached with self-tapping screws to the housing 22. In the right cover 15 there is a hole designed to rotate the needle 18 when setting the frequency. In the working position, the specified hole is sealed with a plug 19 and closed with a cap 20.

The click mechanism is covered from the outside by a membrane 8. Under the membrane 8 there is a mesh that holds two polyurethane gaskets. These gaskets are designed to clean the air sucked in by the pulsator.

The right fitting 13 and the left fitting 11 are screwed into the housing 22, through which the pulsator is connected using variable pressure hoses with the corresponding fittings of the manifold distributor.

The right supra-membrane cavity G communicates with each other through a channel located inside the rod 7. At the same time, both of these cavities are sealed from the atmosphere and the remaining cavities of the pulsator.

The pulsator works as follows. In the initial position, rod 7, carrier 6 and slider 4 are in the extreme right position, and rocker arm 2 is in the extreme left position. In this position, the slider 4 connects the central groove of the base 3 with the right groove. Rocker 2 connects the central hole of the base 3, connected to the central groove, with the right hole connected to the right submembrane cavity B. Air is sucked through the central hole in the base 3, which leads to the creation of a vacuum in the right fitting 13 and in cavity B. In this position the left hole and the left groove in the base 3 are in open position. The left fitting 11 and the left submembrane cavity B are under atmospheric pressure.

The vacuum created in the right submembrane cavity B presses the membrane 21 to the left position, which moves the rod 7, carrier 6 and slider 4 to the left position. In this case, a vacuum is created in the right over-membrane cavity D, the value of which is lower than in the right submembrane cavity B (due to the flow of air through the channel of the rod 7 from the left supra-membrane cavity A). When the rod 7 moves from the right to the left position, the rocker arm 2 remains in the right position until the carrier b takes the extreme left position. At the moment the rod 7 reaches the extreme left position, the carrier 6 disengages from the rocker arm 2, which is under the influence of the spring, i.e., the channels and holes in the pulsator switch. In this position, a vacuum is created in the left fitting 11 and in the left submembrane cavity B, and the right fitting 13 and cavity B are under atmospheric pressure, i.e., the movement of all parts is repeated, but in the opposite direction.

The switching speed of the pulsator (pulsation frequency) depends on the speed of air flow from one supra-membrane cavity to another. Regulation of the air flow rate, and therefore the pulsation frequency, is carried out by changing the flow area of ​​the throttle hole in the rod 7 when the needle 18 rotates.

In table 1 shows brief technical characteristics of some milking machines.

The zootechnical milk recording device UZM-1A (Fig. 11) is part of the milking equipment. The operating principle of UZM-1A is that milk from the milking machine flows through pipe 2 into receiver 4, from which it passes through window 5 into chamber 7 and fills it. When the chamber is filled, the float 8 floats up, blocking the air exhaust tube 3 and window 5. Through the air inlet hole 6, atmospheric pressure displaces the milk through the tube 11 with a calibrated outlet nozzle, as a result of which the flow passes through this section with a slightly increased pressure and through the calibrated channel 13 approximately 2% of the total milk flows into beaker 9.

Rice. 11. Scheme of operation of the zootechnical milk recording device UZM-1A when filling (a) and emptying (b) the measuring chamber:

1 - milk outlet pipe; 2 - milk inlet pipe; 3 - air suction tube; 4 - milk receiver; 5 - window into chamber 7 and float seat; 6 - air intake hole; 7 - dimensional chamber; 8 - float; 9 - beaker; 10 - tube for milk entering the beaker; 11 - milk outlet tube; 12 - valve; 13 - calibrated channel

Table 1. Technical characteristics of milking machines

Device brand Parameter DA-2M "Maiga" ADU-1 ADS (ADU-1.04) ADN (ADU-1.03) "Volga" "Nurlat" Duovac 300 “De Laval” (Sweden) Stimo-pulsC "Westfalia" (Germany) Uniflow 3 S.A.C. (Denmark) 1 Profimilk (Russia-Italy)
Number of cycles 2(3)
Vacuum value in the system, kPa 48-50 48(53) 52-53 50-51 48-50 48-50 44-46 48-50
Number of phases during milking
Vacuum value in phases, kPa: stimulation of the main milking, additional milking 48-50 48 (53) 52-53 33 50 33 33 50 20 50 44-46 48-50
The amount of milk yield when changing phases, g/min - - - - - - 450-500 -
Milking pattern simultaneous simultaneous simultaneous simultaneous simultaneous pairwise pairwise pairwise pairwise pairwise
Number of pulsations per minute 90-120 65-75 (60-70) 60-70* 60-70 45/60/45 45/60/45 300/60
Ratio of beats: sucking compression rest 70 30 66 (66) 34(16) - (18) 72 28 60 10 30 60 40 - - - 50; 60; 70 50; 40; 30
Weight of suspended part, kg 2,8 3,0 (2,0) 2,9-3,1 2,9-3,2 1,8-2,2 1,6 1,5 - 1,36 2,6
Length of nipple rubber, mm 140;155
approximate cost(without milking bucket) for 2005, USD
*The number of pulsations of the high-frequency block is 600 pulses/min.

The rest of the milk goes through pipe 1 into the milk line. Upon emptying of milk, chamber 7 is evacuated through the channel of tube 11, the float is lowered, as the pressure on it from below drops sharply, and chamber 7 is filled with a new portion of milk.

When the device is operating, the air resistance in the beaker should not interfere with the flow of milk through the calibrated channel 13. The release of excess air occurs through valve 12 on the drain tube 10. On the beaker scale, each division corresponds to 100 g of milked milk. When removing the beaker, the air frees the channels from milk residues. To clean tube 11, remove the upper cap of the device and the cover on tube 10 opposite the channel.

The UZM-1A device allows you to keep track of milk with a relative error of ±5% when measuring milk yield within the range of 4...15 kg and operates under a vacuum typical for milking machines (48...51 kPa). The weight of the device is 1.1 kg.

Foreign-made milking machines. Distinctive Features milking machines of foreign designs are an electronic or pneumatic paired pulsator, a collector of increased volume (250...600 ml) with an air inlet hole in the upper part with a diameter of 1 mm, milk rubber or PVC hoses with a diameter of 16 mm, a constant or controlled operating mode with changing values vacuum or pulsation frequency, with automatic removal or indication (light, sound) of the end of the milking process.

Comparative characteristics of milking machines from foreign companies are given in Table. 1.

The main types of pulsators used in foreign milking machines are hydropneumatic with an autonomous drive and electronic with autonomous or central control of pairwise action. As a rule, electronic pulsation systems are more often used in milking parlors on automated installations. However, electronic pulsators can also be used in livestock housing facilities. In both modifications of pulsators, the ratio of cycles is, as a rule, 50/50 and 60/40, with the possibility of regulation in electronic versions. Thus, the LOW POWER electronic pulsation system from SAC (Denmark) allows you to adjust the cycle ratio within 50/50...60/40 and the pulsation frequency 50...180 min-1. In addition, this system has a phase shift, which ensures periodic operation of all milking machines and uniform air consumption during operation of the installation.

The "Stimopulse" system from Westphalia Separator (Germany) provides electronic pulsation within 80...300 min"1. At the beginning of milking, the stimulation mode is activated with a pulsation frequency of up to 300 min"1, in which the time interval specified by the program operates, then the system switches to normal milking mode. Pulsators of various modifications of milking machines and companies have, as a rule, the same type of design and parameters that comply with the ISO 5707 standard “Milking installations. Design and technical characteristics".

Classification of milking machines
Heterogeneity and differences in solution organizational forms machine milking are reflected in modern classification milking installations (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Classification of milking machines

Diagrams of the main types of domestic milking installations are shown in Fig. 13, and in table. 2 shows their brief technical characteristics.

2. Technical characteristics of the main types of domestic milking machines

Index AD-100B ADM-8A UDA-8A "Tandem" UDA-16 "Herringbone" UDS-3B
Number of machines - - 2x4 2x8
Number of machine milking operators 2...4
Throughput, cows/h 56...112 60...70 66...78 50...55
Livestock served, cows 100...200
Type of milking machine ADU-1 ADU-1 Manipulator MD-F-1 Manipulator MD-F-1 "Volga" or ADU-1
Installed power, kW 4,75…8,75 18,1 20,1 6,5/5,5
Installation weight, kg

When cows are kept in stalls, milking is used in buckets and in a milk pipeline, and if there are automatic devices for untying and tying animals, milking platforms are used. Free-stall housing requires its own forms of organizing the process - these are group milking platforms, conveyor milking platforms, etc. Mobile units operate on pastures.

Rice. 13. Schemes of milking installations:
a - milking in stalls using portable machines in buckets; b - the same, in the milk pipeline; c - “Tandem” with lateral entry of animals; g - group “Tandem”; d - group “Herringbone”; d - conveyor-ring “Tandem”; g - “Herringbone” conveyor; h - “Rotoradial”; and - “Polygon”; k - “Traygon”; 1 - vacuum pump; 2 - milk collector with milk pump

Milking machines with milk collection in a bucket and milk line
Milking machines with portable buckets such as DAS-2V, AD-100B are used in farmyards with a population of 100...200 cows and in maternity wards. They consist of a UVU-60/45 vacuum unit and milking machines with portable buckets and are two-stroke (DAS-2V) and three-stroke (DC-100B). Milk is transferred from buckets to flasks and transported to the milk department, where it is cleaned, cooled and drained into a storage tank. Three to four operators work at the installations, serving 20...30 cows. The milker's productivity is small - 18...20 cows per hour. Currently, these units are being gradually replaced by units with a milk pipeline.

The milking unit with milk pipeline ADM-8A in the version for 100 cows has 6, and in the version for 200 cows - 12 milking machines and, accordingly, one and two power units UVU-60/45. The kit includes glass milk pipelines, group milk yield meters, zootechnical accounting devices, universal milk pumps NMU-6, vacuum pipelines, devices for washing milk pipelines, filters, a plate milk cooler, electric water heaters, vacuum regulators, equipment for installation and control of the operation of units installations. The set does not include a refrigeration machine, tanks for storing milk and milk purifiers, which are purchased separately by the farm.

In the milking mode, the technological process includes the operations of putting the unit into operation and preparing the animals for milking, turning on the machine, putting teat cups on the udder nipples, milking (control milking with the connection of the UZM-1A milk meter), transporting milk through the milk pipeline to the group meter milk yield, into a milk collector and pumping it with a milk pump through a milk filter, plate cooler into a container for collecting milk (milk tank, cooling tank).

The branches of the milk pipeline in the barn above the feed passages are equipped with lifting sections with a pneumatic lifting and lowering system. In the intervals between milkings, sections of the milk pipeline are raised above the feed passages to allow passage of mobile feed dispensers.

Before milking begins, the branches of the milk pipeline are separated by a separator tap (each branch serves 50 cows).

Turn on the vacuum pump and check the vacuum in the line. The milking machines are connected to the vacuum-milk pipeline system, the remaining operations of preparing for milking are performed and the milking cups are placed in a certain sequence on the udder teats. Milk from the machines goes through a milk pipeline to group milk meters, from where it enters the milk collector.

In Fig. 14 shows dairy equipment designed for collecting, accounting, cleaning, cold processing and pumping milk. Glass milk collector 7 with a float valve is connected to a vacuum wire through a safety chamber. A sensor 10 is installed in the lower part of the collector. When filled with liquid, the float 11, floating up, closes the hole on the tube 12 connecting the cavity of the collector with the sensor, disconnecting it from the vacuum. Atmospheric pressure, acting through the sensor membrane on the switch, turns on pump 8, pumping liquid through filter 9 and cooler 6. When the float is lowered, the pump is turned off.

Milk meters ADM-52.000 (one per group of 50 animals) have 14 dispensers equipped with a 15 measuring chamber and 15 float-valve devices. Counter 1 shows the milk yield from a group of cows in kilograms.

Fig. 14. Dairy equipment:
1 - dispenser counter; 2 - valve fuse; 3 - vacuum valve; 4 - milk receiver cover; 5 - control panel; 6 - plate cooler; 7 - milk collector; 8 - milk pump with electric motor; 9 - milk filter; 10 - sensor; 11 - sensor float; 12 - tube; 13 - collector; 14 - dispenser; 15 - dimensional chamber of the dispenser; 16- milk hose; 17- float-valve device; 18, 19 - rubber pipes; 20- air hose; 21 - milk pipe switch

The automatic washing machine (Fig. 15) is used to automatically control the washing cycle of the milk pipeline and dairy equipment according to a given program. It provides pre-milking rinsing and post-milking rinsing.

Rice. 15. Automatic washing machine:
1 - tank; 2 - pneumatic valve; 3 - plug; 4 - fixing belt; 5 - tap; 6 - adapter; 7 - switch; 8 - control unit; 9 - valve; 10 - from the water supply; 11 - to the water heater; 12 - pipeline; 13 - from the water heater

The machine has a tank 7, in which a pneumatic valve 2 is located to switch the direction of the flow of washing liquid to circulation or to the sewer and a float regulator to maintain a certain level of the liquid. Control unit 8 consists of a program roller with eight disks and an outward pointer driven by an electric motor, three electro-pneumatic valves controlled by program disks, a limit switch and a switch. The dosing device is a glass measuring container with a hose for sucking a concentrated cleaning solution (desmol, etc.) from a canister, a vacuum supply hose from tap 5 and a hose for draining a dose of solution into tank 7. Valve block 9 is designed for supplying the tank according to the cold program and hot water. The program is activated by pressing a button on the control unit.

During pre-milking rinse cold water is poured into tank 7 to a predetermined level, and then sucked through the washing heads of the collector pipe and milking machines into the milk line and then through group meters into the milk collector. From it, water is discharged into the sewer system by a milk pump through the pneumatic tap of tank 1.

After rinsing, the milk ducts are dried with atmospheric air.

During post-milking rinsing, the milk ducts are rinsed with warm water, supplying tank 7 with cold and hot water at the same time and draining it when returning to the sewer. Then carry out circulation washing. A vacuum is applied to the chamber of pneumatic valve 2, the valve is switched, the drainage of liquid into the sewer stops, and it is again supplied to tank 1 through the bowl of washing concentrate. A dose of concentrated cleaning solution from a glass flask is pre-drained into this bowl, as a result of which water and concentrate are mixed and then the solution is poured into the tank. After the circulation washing time specified by the program, the solution is drained into the sewer. After this, clean water is supplied to tank 1 again. warm water, which, while circulating, rinses the milk ducts and drains into the sewer. The water supply to the tank stops, and atmospheric air is sucked through the milk-conducting pathways, drying them out. At the end of the washing cycle, the milk pump is turned on briefly to remove residual water from the milk collector and the vacuum units are turned off.

In case of problems, the control unit provides manual control of the process of washing the milk passages of the unit. The duration of the automatic rinsing cycle before and after milking is 66 minutes. In this case, pre-milking rinsing with drying lasts 16.5 minutes; post-rinse - 8, circulation rinsing - 16, rinsing - 10, drying - 15.5 min.

The operation of the ADM-8A milking unit includes the following main operations: washing the milking machines and milk pipeline before milking; preparing the cow for milking; milking; measurement of milk produced from each cow (during control milkings); transportation of milk to the dairy department; measurement of milk produced from a group of 50 cows; milk filtration; milk cooling; supplying milk to a storage container; washing and disinfection of milking machines and milk lines after milking.

Modernized range of standard sizes of domestic milking machines for milking cows in stalls

The milking machines of this series are based on a block-modular construction principle, based on the use of unified multifunctional blocks, such as a milking machine with feedback and a controlled gentle mode of operation, a device for group accounting and transportation of milk, new milk pipeline schemes for milking machines, etc. The installations make it possible to mechanize the process of milking and primary processing of milk in farms with different sizes and forms of ownership, which most fully contributes to the modern concept of building an expanded standard range of milking equipment for a multi-structure economy.

Milking machines with portable buckets for 10...100 cows are mainly of the farm type and can be used on small collective farms.

In Fig. 16 shows a general diagram of the installation, including milking machines 4, vacuum line 1, monoblock washing device 3, vacuum installation 2. The milking machines contain a milking bucket of a new design made of high-quality stainless steel. A special feature of the installation is a new layout with a monoblock washing device (Fig. 17), consisting of a vacuum cylinder-emptyer 7, a two-section bath 6 with a partition having a closable hole in the lower part for performing rinsing and circulation washing modes of milking machines 4 installed in pairs lids onto the flushing ring, connected by a hose 3 that has a clamp with the inlet pipe of the emptyer. The vacuum cylinder-emptyer 7 is mounted on the frame of the washing device and is a modification of a multifunctional device controlled by a pulsator with a pulse amplifier. The modified washing device involves separate washing of milking machines with lids and manually rinsed buckets, which simplifies the design of the device, its installation and increases the level of automation of the installation as a whole by reducing labor costs for washing compared to the DAS-2V type installation.

Rice. 16. General view of the milking machine UDV-30:
1 - vacuum wire; 2 - vacuum installation; 3 - washing device; 4 - milking equipment

Rice. 17. General view of the multifunctional unit - washing device:
1 - to the vacuum pump; 2 - from a vacuum pump; 3 - washing hose; 4 - milking machines; 5 - sewerage; 6 - two-section bath; 7 - vacuum cylinder-emptyer

The milking technology does not differ from that used on milking machines with portable buckets. In the washing mode, the installation works as follows: after carrying the milking machines and installing them on the washing device, the bath is filled with washing liquid and the clamps on the hoses are opened. In this case, the liquid is sucked through the teat cups and enters the flushing ring through hoses; jets of liquid wash the opposite walls of the lids. As the volume enclosed between the covers and the ring is filled, the vacuum in the latter drops, and the liquid is sucked into the vacuum emptying container 7, which automatically removes the flushing liquid from under the vacuum into the bath. After the ring is emptied, the liquid is sucked back in and the flushing cycle is repeated. The outlet of the ring has a throttle, so the flow of liquid from the ring into the vacuum cylinder-emptyer is less than the supply flow from the milking machines into the ring, resulting in an intermittent pulsed nature of washing the milking machines. In versions of milking machines for 50 cows, the number of flushing rings and the size of the bathtub are increased. The 100-cow version uses two monoblock washing devices used in size 50.

Milking plants with a milk pipeline for farms for 25 and 50 cows, currently used on family dairy farms, as noted earlier, contain complex and expensive components:

  • milk emptyer with control unit and milk pump;
  • devices for lifting milk pipeline branches.
These installations are not fully suitable for dairy farms and are difficult to operate, so new types of milking installations with a milk pipeline are needed, in which the listed complex components would be replaced with simpler and more reliable ones. Such settings could be:
  • milking unit with a milk line for 25 cows UDM-25 with the milk line arranged in one line and a pneumomechanical device for removing milk from under vacuum;
  • milking unit with a milk line for 50 cows UDM-50 with a device for lifting milk through the feed passage, made on the basis of a modernized milk dispenser, and a pneumomechanical device for removing milk from under vacuum;
  • milking installation with a milk pipeline for 50 cows UDM-50 without a device for lifting milk through the feed passage and a pneumomechanical device for removing milk from under vacuum.
As a device for removing milk from vacuum and at the same time a device for circulating washing of the milk line, a pneumomechanical emptyer driven by a pulsator, based on the ADM-52.000 milk dispenser, has been developed. Main components advanced milking installations are:
  • improved milking machine;
  • modernized milk pipeline with stainless steel pipe;
  • a device for lifting milk through the feeding passage and at the same time accounting for it;
  • a device for removing milk from under vacuum and circulating washing of the milk pipeline;
  • milking-washing switch;
  • milk flasks or tank for collecting and cooling milk;
  • a unified vacuum installation of appropriate performance, providing operation from three to 12 milking machines.
The layout of the installations can be carried out in a double-row version (UDM-50) and a single-row version (UDM-25) with both the milk and washing lines located on the vacuum line at the same time. The milk line equipment of these units is completely unified.

The UDM-25 milking machine has one row of milk pipelines and serves 25 cows. The milking and washing process does not differ significantly from the UDM-50 milking machine layout.

A special feature of milking machines UDM-25, -50 is that they are made on a block-modular basis, the main components of which are an integral part of milking machines for larger livestock - for 100 and 200 heads, and also that the primary and final milk receivers are modifications of the modernized milk dispenser.

Based on the considered basic technological diagrams of milking plants with a milk line, an improved standard technological diagram of a milking plant with a milk line for 100 and 200 cows has been developed. This scheme is universal and can be implemented in any way.

The essence of the installation is illustrated in Fig. 18 and 19, which show diagrams of a milking installation with a milk line in milking mode and in washing mode.

Rice. 18. Improved diagram of a milking plant with a milk pipeline for 100...200 cows in milking mode:
1 - milking machine; 2 - milk pipeline; 3 - upper transport milk pipeline; 4 - vacuum pipeline; 5 - distributors; 6 - milk dispenser; 7 - milk receiver; 8 - main vacuum wire; 9 - vacuum installation

The milking installation contains milking machines 1 (see Fig. 18), connected to the stall vacuum wire and milk line 2, primary milk receivers-milk dispensers 6, transport milk line 3, vacuum pipeline 4, controlled liquid flow distributors 5, secondary milk receiver- releaser 7 connected to vacuum line 8, which, in turn, is connected to vacuum unit 9. Transport milk line 3 is connected to milk receiver-releaser 7, with one loop of stall milk line and dispenser 6. Vacuum pipeline 4 is connected to dispensers 6 and milk receiver 7 respectively through controlled liquid flow distributors 5.

The milking machine works as follows. In milking mode (see Fig. 18), the milk-air mixture from milking machines 1 enters the stall milk line 2 and then moves to dispensers 6, from which it is pumped in separate, countable portions into the transport milk line 3. From the transport milk line, milk flows through a controlled flow distributor 5 into the secondary milk receiver-releaser 7, which removes milk with a pump through the filter into the tank. Returning to the dispensers, it should be noted that along with milk, air also enters them, which is separated in the receiving chamber and sucked into the vacuum pipeline 4, which helps to stabilize the vacuum regime in the stall milk pipeline and milking machines. Milk moves through the transport milk pipeline in a free-flow mode, and the vacuum mode in the pipeline does not affect the similar one in the stall milk pipeline, since when milk is pumped, the receiving chamber of the dispenser is separated from the dosing chamber. The transport milk pipeline and vacuum pipelines are located at a height sufficient for the passage of the feed dispenser.

The milker works with 3...4 milking machines, as in the serial milking machine ADM-8A, with the only difference being that the animals he serves are arranged in one line. The milk passing through the dispensers is counted and shows the yield from a group of 50 cows served by one milker. The dispensers are connected to the stall milk pipelines with one of their inputs through tees. The maximum length of the path for the joint movement of milk and air along a stall milk pipeline is approximately 30 m or 25 cattle places, whereas in the serial scheme this is the entire length of the milk pipeline to the milk receiver (about 100 m). To prevent animals from interacting with the dispensers, the dispensers are usually placed in an enclosure that is welded to the stall frame. Milk hoses from dispensers are connected to the milk transport line directly or through an air separating chamber, depending on the type of dispensing device used, with or without air inlet.

Let us now consider the washing mode (see Fig. 19).

Rice. 20. Improved scheme of a milking plant with a milk pipeline for 100...200 cows in washing mode:
1 - milk pipeline; 2 - upper transport milk pipeline; 3 - vacuum pipeline; 4 - distributors; 5 - milk dispenser; 6 - washing station; 7- milking machine; 8 - milk receiver; 9 - main vacuum wire; 10 - vacuum installation

Controlled distributors 4 are set to the “flushing” position. The flushing liquid from the washing machine through the milking machines 7 enters the pipelines and then through the corresponding distributors 4 into the flushing pipeline 3 of the near and far lines (they are also the vacuum pipeline during milking). Passing through the stall milk pipelines through stationary U-shaped permanently raised end sections, the liquid is directed along opposite lines of the stall milk pipeline, simultaneously pouring into opposite dispensers and passing through into another line of looped milk pipelines (approximately 30% into the dispenser, 70% across), and returns to to the first dispensers in each line. From the dispensers, the washing liquid is directed into the milk transport line 2, washing it, and returns through a controlled liquid flow distributor to the milk receiver 8, from which it is pumped back into the automatic washing tank by a pump. When using an air separating chamber, during each emptying cycle of the dispenser, the air entering it is transferred into the flushing pipeline 5, enhancing the circulating effect of the flushing liquid. Removal of milk residues and washing liquid from the milk lines occurs using foam wads, which are alternately directed through controlled distributors 4 into the line, while the distributors 4 at the dispensers must be closed. The wads, following the path of the flushing liquid in the pipeline system, return and are retained in the controlled distributors 4.

Milking machines “Herringbone”, “Tandem”, “Carousel”
Milking installations UDA-16A "Elochka" and UDA-8A "Tandem" are unified in milking, washing and control lines.

The milking machine UDA-8A “Tandem” is shown in Fig. 20. The MD-F-1 manipulator is installed at each milking machine of automated installations and performs milking, milking control and removal of teat cups from the udder after milking.

Rice. 20. Diagram of the UDA-8A “Tandem” milking machine:
I - pre-milking area; II - trench for the operator; III - corridor for the passage of cows; IV - corridor for animals to exit; V-pit for placing dairy equipment; VI - room for vacuum pumps; VII- dairy premises; VIII-room for electric water heater; 1 - milking machine; 2 - vacuum line and milk line; 3 - place for the manipulator; 4 - entrance door of the machine; 5- door for releasing a cow; 6- feeder; 7 - power station; 8 - exhaust pipe pit; 9 - milk tank; 10 - cabinet for spare parts; 11 - electric water heater; 12 - set of equipment for circulation washing; 13 - plate cooler; 14 - milk collector

The manipulator diagram is shown in Fig. 21. The operator, located in the trench of the installation, using a pneumatic control system for the movement of animals, opens access from the pre-milking room to the next cow, which passes into the free pen of the platform. After carrying out the operations of preparing the cow for milking (washing, massage, milking the first streams into a separate container, drying the udder, inspection), the operator turns on the manipulator by moving the handle of the distributing tap 16 to the extreme position a. The vacuum along the vacuum line 17 through the hose 9 will move the piston of the cylinder 8 to the right, and the milking cups 1 will rise to the udder in a vertical position. The operator, pressing with one hand on the glasses to clamp the milk pipes 39, lifts the head 21 of the manipulator sensor and rests it on the falling bracket 22. Bringing the glasses under the udder, he quickly puts them on the teats and switches the distributor valve 16 with the handle to milking mode b.

Rice. 21. MD-F-1 manipulator:
1 - milking cups; 2 - pipe; 3 - variable vacuum distributor; 4 - variable vacuum hose from the pulsator; 5 - bracket-holder for milking cups; 6 - air-vacuum hose; 7 - piston rod; 8 - cylinder for lifting and milking the teat cups; 9 - milking cylinder hose; 10 - bracket; 11 - boom; 12 - piston rod of the removal cylinder; 13, 17 - power vacuum wires; 14 - bracket-bracket; 15 - hinge of the removal cylinder bracket; 16 - distributor valve; 18, 19 - hoses; 20 - power cylinder for removing teat cups; 21 - machine head; 22 - bracket; 23 - machine body; 24 - valve; 25 - outlet sleeve; 26 - float; 27 - pneumatic sensor; 28 - clamp; 29 - milk pipeline; 30 - tee; 31 - milk outlet; 32 - calibrated

Milking machines, Design, buy a milking machine, device, characteristics, reviews, Doyarka.RU, Doyar.RF, scratcher for cows, brush for cows, spare parts, anti-kick, butter churns, milk separators, milking machine for cows, goats, sheep, milking installation, milking machines manufactured in Turkey, Russia, Italy, Germany, China, Poland, NTAMilking, Milkingmachine, milkingmachinery, BarbarosMotors, IDA, DeLaval, Yildiz, Melasti, Tamam, Burenka, AD-01, Bartech, Lucas, Leader, LUKAS, AD -02 Farmer, Doyushka, Zorka, Moya Milka, ADU-1, delivery, buy milking machine in Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Bryansk, Orel, Belgorod, Kursk, Moscow, Penza, Saratov, Tula.

Vacuum systems
Vacuum production is one of the key points for the correct functioning of the milking machine. Vacuum generating and control systems must guarantee the protection of animal health.
Vacuum is used at different stages of milking:

  • Movement of milk during milking
  • The operation of vacuum pulsators, which guarantee massage movements in alternating phases
  • Pumping milk through a milk pipeline into a cooling tank
  • Ensures the operation of valves in many parts of milking equipment.

Milking equipment must have an appropriate, stable and uninterrupted vacuum level to avoid over-stimulation of the teats. Thanks to special production procedures and strict control of Milkline, vacuum pumps guarantee, with equal power consumption, high flow rates without compromising the reliability and durability of milking equipment. Milkline vacuum systems can meet the requirements of any milking system. The compact and practical design of Milkline units “allows vacuum stations to be easily installed and maintained.

Vacuum stations are divided into three groups:

— Oil-free/dry paddle units with capacity from 150 to 250 liters per minute. This is the simplest type of vacuum stations and they are used in small farms. The vacuum pump does not require oil at all and the consumable part in such pumps is just graphite plates/pump blades, which wear out and are replaced as needed. The normal service life of blades is 3-4 years. Such installations are installed on mobile milking machines, which can simultaneously serve a maximum of 2 heads. Or you can design your own stationary milking machine yourself.

In this embodiment, the vacuum station is used as a frame for the milking machine. Depending on the type of mobile milking unit (for 1 or 2 cows), an appropriate pump is installed. Replacement graphite pump plates are designated PM3 GRAPHITE or PM4 GRAPHITE.

Oil installations with a capacity from 250 to 3000 liters per minute. The most common and often found on farms with milking parlors or linear milking units. They are also used to provide uninterrupted vacuum to milking machines through vacuum lines. Here the calculation for the vacuum station you require is as follows: 200 liters per milking machine. You count and order what you need. The pump is considered reliable, but requires careful attention in terms of replenishing lubricant. The pump also has Kevlar plates on the rotor of the vacuum pump. They are marked PM16 KEVLAR, PM20 KEVLAR and PM30 KEVLAR. The electric motor is eternal.

Cam oil-free vacuum stations. This is considered the most powerful and reliable. Such stations are produced with operating data from 2100 liters per hour to 4300 liters per minute.

Sometimes the vacuum gauge needs to be replaced. Well, in general, it lasts a long time, and will last a cow for a century.

Now the cost for plate vacuum units:

Name and volume of the vacuum receiver, l Pump type Productivity, l/min Power, kWt Power, V Cost RUB including VAT
PVU 20, 15 l. (vacuum installation for mobile milking machines and domestic home milking machines) vane-rotor 190 0,6 220 35000,00
PVU 45, 50 l. vane-rotor 450 1,1 380 77000,00
PVU 95, 100 l. vane-rotor 950 2.2 380 114000.00
PVU 160, 100 l. vane-rotor 1600 3.0 380 134000.00
PVU 200, 100 l. vane-rotor 2000 4,0 380 142000,00
PVU 300, 100 l. vane-rotor 3000 7,5 380 161000,00
Machine milking is used on dairy farms and complexes. It is beneficial even in small farms with 5-10 animals.

This technology significantly increases labor productivity, improves the quality of milk, and makes human work easier. The main mechanism it uses is a milking machine.

Milking units

The installation is a set of milking equipment, which includes a vacuum pump with an electric drive, a vacuum cylinder (receiver), a regulator, pipelines and a milking machine, one, two or more. There are also washing systems and units for primary processing of the resulting raw materials. The operation of all industrial and domestic installations is based on the use of vacuum. The vacuum is created using a diaphragm, rotary, centrifugal or piston type pump. The pulsator serves to direct the vacuum at the right time to the appropriate chambers of the glasses, thereby ensuring alternation of strokes.

Milking machines

A milking machine is a device for obtaining milk from the udder of a cow or other animal. The milking machine for cows consists of a pulsator, a collector, a bucket (16 - 40 l), hoses and milking cups (4 pcs.), which are the main working units. Each glass consists of two tubes: an outer metal one and a rubber one located inside it (a more modern version is a metal body and two nipples rubber tubes, external and internal). The space between these tubes is called the interstitial chamber, and between the rubber (internal) tube and the animal's nipple is called the nipple chamber.

The milking machine for goats is designed similarly, taking into account biological features animal (there are only 2 glasses in it).

According to the milking method, the machines are divided into three- and two-stroke.

Three-stroke milking machines

Devices of the first group operate according to following diagram. During the first stroke (sucking), a vacuum is created in both chambers, interstitial and sub-mammary. The nipple is drawn into the glass and the milk is milked out. During the second stroke (compression), vacuum is given only to the nipple chamber, and atmospheric pressure is applied to the interwall chamber. The nipple contracts. On the third stroke (rest), there is no vacuum in both chambers, the nipple rests in its natural position, and blood circulation in it is restored. The time cycles are distributed as follows: 1st - 60%, 2nd - 10%, 3rd - 30%. 60 pulsations occur in 1 minute.

Push-pull milking machines

In a push-pull apparatus there is no rest, there is only sucking and squeezing. Here, 80 pulsations are carried out per minute. Push-pull devices are more productive.

However, they have a higher probability of the cow contracting mastitis if the glasses are not removed in a timely manner. Three-stroke models better match the natural suckling process of the calf. They more intensively stimulate milk production, promote milk production and increase animal productivity.

Milking units can be mobile or stationary. Collecting milk - in cans (buckets) or milk pipeline. With the first option, 1 operator serves 16 - 20 individuals, with the second - up to 50 or more. During milking, cows are located in stalls or pens. In the latter case, the process takes place in special rooms or sites, possibly using robots. Depending on the number of cows in the pen, the installation can be individual or group. Machines are divided into movable (conveyors) and stationary; they can be located in different patterns: parallel, radial, sequential or at an angle. Domestic installations are equipped with the same milking machines, with the choice of the most suitable of several standard types and varying degrees of mechanization.

Milking time for one cow ranges from 4 to 6 minutes. The interval between milkings should be no less than 5 hours and no more than 12 hours.

Mobile milking units

Mobile milking units with milk collection into cans are mounted on a support frame, which for ease of movement has one or two handles and two wheels. They are designed for milking one or two animals at the same time. Designed for individual and small farms with an optimal herd size of 5 - 6 animals. Some models, for example, Argo, equipped with piston engines, operate according to a simplified scheme. In them, a vacuum is created due to the movement of the piston, and a ball valve provides pulsation in the system.

Stationary installations

Stationary installations for milking in stalls are used in cases of tethered, stall-camp or stall-pasture housing of animals. The milk is collected in buckets or a milk pipeline, after which it is sent for primary processing (cleaning, cooling) and temporary storage. Advantages: animals do not need to be moved to the milking areas; access to them is more convenient.

When milking in buckets set technical means minimal and inexpensive. Flaws:

  • High labor costs (1 milkmaid accounts for a maximum of 30 animals).
  • The density of somatic cells and bacterial contamination increases, grade and quality decrease, and the cost of milk decreases.
  • When transferred and poured into tanks, raw materials come into contact with air (often contaminated), sanitary requirements are violated.
  • When using bucket milking technology, outdated milking machines (Maiga, Volga) are usually used.
  • It is difficult to control the productivity of each cow.

When collecting milk in a linear milk pipeline, the raw materials do not come into contact with air, thereby improving sanitary and hygienic conditions. Labor productivity increases. One milkmaid can serve up to 50 cows using a system with pneumatic pulsators and up to 100 using modern milking machines that automatically turn off and remove cups.


  • During transportation to the cooling tank, milk loses from 0.1 to 0.3% fat content.
  • Increased requirements for personnel.

Milking parlors are used on farms with free-stall housing for cows. Abroad, their share among installations different types reaches 90%. The most common types: Tandem, Herringbone, Parallel and Carousel.


Cows stand parallel to the milking pit. The milking machine is connected from the side. The number of animals served is 50-250 heads. Rarely used in Russia.


  • Good view of the case, easy reading of the ear tag.
  • Convenient to automatically distribute formula feed.
  • Each animal enters and exits individually; the group does not have to wait until the slowest milking cow is served.


  • The milking front is very large, 260 cm per 1 individual, because of this the intensity of the milker’s work is reduced.
  • A long milking pit and, accordingly, the premises require large construction costs.
  • Expensive equipment (per 1 post).


Universal and inexpensive technology. Animals are placed to the milking pit at an angle of 30 or 60 degrees. In the first case, the milking front is 110 cm, in the second - 80 cm. The device is connected, respectively, from the side or from the rear. Animals come out one at a time or in groups. The milk line is located below, and each post has its own milking machine. Or from above (Top Swing), then one device works for 2 posts. Number of animals served: from 150 to 600 (Top Swing - up to 1000) heads. Today this is the most common type of milking parlor, both in Russia and abroad.


  • Small milking front.
  • Inexpensive equipment.
  • Wide range of sizes.
  • A large number of options for organizing the process makes it possible to take into account production conditions.


  • The maximum number of animals served is limited.
  • The operator is not working hard enough.


Compared to the Herringbone, this is a more industrial technology. The milking front is 70 cm. The operator is protected as much as possible. Mandatory organization of quick exit is required. The number of animals served is from 500 to 1200 animals. Therefore, due to the consolidation of farms, this model is becoming increasingly popular.


  • Small milking front.
  • Intensive operator work.
  • The cost of equipment (per unit of productivity) is of the same order as that of Elochka.
  • Wide range of sizes.
  • The frame structure is more durable, as it is designed for intensive work.


  • The room should be wide.
  • High demands on the shape of the animal's udder.


This is a conveyor type milking parlor. The animals are located on a rotating platform, in posts in a circle, with their heads towards the center. The operator can be in the center of the platform ("rotating herringbone") or outside ("rotating parallel"). The milking front is reduced to zero, since the cow itself drives up to the operator, who connects the machines while remaining in place. The rotating parallel is better suited for intensive work with large livestock. The rotating Christmas tree has a classic lateral connection of devices and better visualization. It is used for conveyor production on small livestock.


  • Flow technology with high work intensity.
  • Maximum productivity per unit of time.


  • Increased requirements for the preparatory stage of construction, as well as for equalizing animal performance in terms of udder structure, milk production and productivity.
  • Relatively high costs for 1 post.

Milking robot

The most modern type of milking equipment, which is just beginning to gain popularity, is robots. The first industrial model appeared in Holland in 1992 (Lely NV). The milking robot is an arm capable of making movements in three dimensions in the milking box.

The kit also includes:

  • Udder and teat cleaning system.
  • Scales.
  • Mechanism for putting on and taking off glasses.
  • Control sensory devices.
  • Identification device.
  • Computer with appropriate software.

The person is not directly involved in the milking process. The cow herself determines when she needs to enter the milking box. Using a special camera, it is possible to recognize any shape of the udder and find the location of the nipples even in restless individuals. One robot serves 60 - 70 cows and milks about 2.5 tons of milk per day.

Types of robotic systems:

  • One box with one robot arm.
  • Several boxes with one robot to serve everyone.
  • Several boxes with the same number of robots, combined into one system.

According to experts, by 2025, farms with 50-250 animals will switch to the use of milking robots.

When choosing milking equipment, you need to pay attention to the following conditions:

  • Milking speed and throughput (productivity).
  • The price is not only for the milking machine, but also for its maintenance.
  • Unit unification and maintainability. Possibility of replacing components and consumables.
  • Operator work intensity - how much time it takes to service 1 individual.
  • Availability of service and sufficiently qualified personnel.
  • Features of the installation: milking mode, milk flow rate, milk accounting capabilities, automatic removal of glasses and others.
  • The unit corresponds to the type of animal keeping - tethered, loose.

Milking equipment is not a whim, but a necessity. Without it it is impossible to organize effective work dairy farm. When purchasing a unit, in each specific case, you must be guided by the rule that says: there are no good or bad milking machines (they are all good), there is a right or wrong choice.