In what year did the NTV channel appear? General Director of JSC "Television Company NTV" Vladimir Kulistikov: biography

Previously, RG, Vladimir Kulistikov, who headed NTV since 2004, left his post and becomes an adviser to the general director of VGTRK, and Alexey Zemsky was appointed to the place of the general director of the channel by the Board of Directors of the Gazprom-Media holding.

The new top manager has experience working at NTV - he worked on the “fourth button” from 2003 to 2004, when the channel was headed by Nikolai Senkevich. At that time, Alexey Zemsky held the position of first deputy general director at NTV.

The RG columnist called Alexei Zemsky and, congratulating him on his appointment, asked him to answer a few questions.

Does your arrival on the channel mean that its policies and team will change? Are you reformatting NTV?

Alexey Zemsky: Before answering this question, I would like to say the following: coming to the place occupied by Vladimir Mikhailovich Kulistikov is very honorable and very difficult. Because, in addition to the high-profile victories and serious projects that he had over 12 years of work, he leaves a company that has no debt, that owns real estate, and that is building one of the most modern television centers in Europe. And in general, Kulistikov is a legend who enjoys one of the greatest authorities in our industry.

As for reformatting the channel, it’s no secret that Lately NTV's ratings fell. And, probably, one of my main tasks is to figure out why this happened. Understand what the preferences of the audience are, why they left, and only after that think about any changes.

Your experience relates to production part work on TV - at VGTRK you held the position of first deputy general director for production and technical issues. What will it be like on NTV in terms of creativity and content?

Alexey Zemsky: I will remember my first education (Zemsky studied to be an actor and director - RG note), but at the same time I will say that everything is decided by people and correctly set tasks. And in order to set tasks correctly, you need to clearly understand all the problems. This is what I want to do first.


Vladimir Kulistikov, in turn, is changing his place of work - in the near future he will take up the duties of an adviser to the general director Oleg Dobrodeev at the VGTRK holding. The press service of VGTRK confirmed this information to the RG observer, emphasizing that Vladimir Kulistikov is “one of the brilliant journalists. And in this capacity, he will be able to deal with the topics that will be interesting to him as a journalist.”

“I am glad that Alexey Zemsky has joined the Gazprom-Media team. He has more than 20 years of experience in television, participation in the organization and production of large-scale television events. I am sure that professional competence Alexey and his expertise in the field of television production will contribute to the successful development of NTV as one of the leading information television channels in the country,” commented Dmitry Chernyshenko, General Director of Gazprom Media Holding JSC, on the appointment.

Direct speech

Colleagues about Vladimir Kulistikov:

Tatyana Mitkova, editor-in-chief of NTV News Service:

Eleven years next to the smart, super-erudite, educated person, endowed with an incredible sense of humor. His comments and assessments are always strikingly accurate and well-reasoned. I have long been measuring the level of this or that report or film based on Kulistikov: what would he say? This is a habit I will keep.

Vladimir Kondratyev, NTV columnist:

I believe that Vladimir Kulistikov is the best boss I have seen in my journalistic life. I remember his brilliant reports when he worked as a senior correspondent for Radio Liberty and in the Arab media, his wonderful interviews in the “Hero of the Day” program already while working at NTV and, naturally, the years when Vladimir Mikhailovich headed our television company. A journalist and historian by training, a candidate of science, an unusually erudite person who has seen a lot, perfectly found a common language with correspondents and helped them look for the exact words in their reports, without imposing his opinion at all. There are a lot of kulistikov witty man and with him, the atmosphere in the team was very human and relaxed. I would like to hope that those who replaced him will maintain the same healthy climate in our team. And I would like to wish Vladimir Mikhailovich good health and many years in the world of journalism.

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Alexey Zemsky was born on October 11, 1967 in Moscow. In 1990 he graduated from the acting department of the State Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS). From 1993 to 1996 studied at the directing department of the All-Russian state university Cinematography (VGIK) with a degree in television and feature film director.

He has been working on television since 1991. From 1991 to 2003 he was co-founder and general producer of Figaro Studio - independent manufacturer television products for Russian TV channels. During this time, he produced such successful television projects as the New Wave festival in Jurmala, New Year's Eve on the First and Golden Gramophone for Channel One, the talk show Koma for the NTV channel, and Hurry to Do Good for the channel TV Center, television films "Outpost", "Chinese Box", "Secret Guard".

From 2003 to 2004, he served as deputy general director of the NTV channel, where he oversaw the channel’s non-information projects.

From 2008 to 2015, he was Deputy General Director of VGTRK and headed the production and technology department of the holding. During this period, he took part in the organization and production of large-scale television events, among them the Military Parade on Red Square, dedicated to the day Victories in the Great Patriotic War, the “direct line” of the President of the Russian Federation and the press conference of the President of the Russian Federation.

Alexey Zemsky is a member of the International Academy of Television and Radio.

What do Kovalchuk, the Rotenbergs and Sherlock Holmes have in common? The battle for the “first button”

Realnoe Vremya analyzed information about the owners of the largest channels in Russia, Tatarstan and Russian cities with a population of over a million. The Russian television market belongs to large media groups, including Gazprom. Tatarstan channels are almost completely divided between Tatmedia and the head of Ether, Andrei Grigoriev. In Russian million-plus cities, the channels are owned either by people from the mayor’s office or by large businesses.

Scandalous start to the year for Channel One

The year had barely begun when the main Russian channel, Channel One, found itself embroiled in several scandals at once. First, a petition appeared on the Internet, on the platform, in which Channel One, represented by Konstantin Ernst, demanded to improve the New Year's show. A few days later, Ernst organized a conference at which he spoke about his vision of the problem: the main audience New Year's shows- 45+, and the creators, in pursuit of ratings, focus specifically on this category of viewers.

Nevertheless, the petition was signed by more than 160 thousand people. However, later the author of the petition apologized to Alla Pugacheva. The show with her participation was especially heavily criticized.

Literally a few days after this in open access The final episode of the fourth season of the popular series “Sherlock”, voiced by Channel One, appeared online. The premiere was supposed to take place only two days later. The source of the leak turned out to be one of the Channel One employees.

These facts prompted representatives of some media outlets to theorize that these events are nothing more than a planned attack on Konstantin Ernst, general director of Channel One. Journalists suggested that the attack was based on a conflict between Arkady Rotenberg and Yuri Kovalchuk, who owns a controlling stake in the channel.

Against the backdrop of this whole confusing and politicized story, Realnoe Vremya decided to find out who owns Russian TV channels.

The blocking stake in Channel One belongs to the National Media Group of Yuri Kovalchuk. Photo

We divided the airwaves: Abramovich, SOGAZ and NMG

The main Russian channel - Channel One - which has experienced a whole series of owners and managers over the past two decades, now operates under the legal entity of Channel One JSC.

According to open sources, the channel is 38.9% owned by the state represented by the Federal Property Management Agency. Another 24% is owned by Roman Abramovich's ORT-KB LLC, and Yuri Kovalchuk's National Media Group has a blocking stake. It can also be noted that the Federal Property Management Agency, in addition to its share in the “first button,” also has the Russia Today TV channel (via RIA Novosti).

Behind the sign “National Media Group” (NMG), if you believe the company’s official website, hides the association of media assets of the “metallurgical king” Alexei Mordashov (Severstal), who fell under the sanctions of Rossiya Bank Yuri Kovalchuk, a mysterious and wealthy representative of the Russian fuel and energy complex OJSC Surgutneftegaz and the SOGAZ insurance group (a subsidiary of Gazprom).

The empire of the National Media Group includes another highly rated federal channel, Ren TV (it is believed that it was formed on behalf of its creator, IRENA Lesnevskaya). Located on the 11th button, the channel has gained particular fame among Russians due to its love of conspiracy theories and strange investigations.

The legal entity of the channel is Acceptance LLC. The media group's share here is 82%, and the remaining 18% belongs to SOGAZ Tower JSC (as one would expect - a wholly owned subsidiary of SOGAZ JSC).

The media assets of the National Media Group also include Channel Five (72.4%), Russian News Service (100%), Izvestia newspapers (98.32%), Sport Express (75%) and "Metro-Petersburg" (100%). In addition, NMG, together with Discovery Communications, owns the Media Alliance company, which manages the Russian versions of the Discovery and Eurosport channels.

In the portfolio of a gas monopolist

It is clear that the state holding VGTRK, which controls a whole family of different television channels, stands apart. Among them are two of the most popular Russian TV channels - “Russia 1” and “Russia 24”.

One of the highest-rated channels, known to TV viewers for its high-profile investigations (how can one not recall the already ingrained “scandals, intrigues, investigations”) and endless crime series - NTV (JSC NTV Television Company). Now the channel is owned 86% by Gazprom-Media Holding JSC (35% directly, 51% through Aura-Media LLC).

NTV is now 86% owned by Gazprom-Media Holding JSC. Photo

Other assets of Gazprom-Media Holding include entertainment channels TNT, TNT4, TV 3, Friday, 2x2, sports TV channels Match, radio stations Avtoradio, Children's Radio, Comedy Radio, Like FM, Relax FM, radio “Romantika”, NRJ, “Echo of Moscow”, “Humor FM”, magazines “Seven Days TV Program”, “Caravan of Stories”. In addition, Gazprom Media owns the production companies Comedy Club Production, Good Story Media, distributors Central Partnership and Red Media, Internet services, Rutube,, Zoomby,, satellite television operator NTV Plus "

“Rain” by Vinokurov’s wife and “Zvezda” by the Ministry of Defense

The sixth most cited TV channel in Russia is Dozhd (Telekanal Dozhd LLC) owned 95% by Natalya Sindeeva, 5% by Vera Krichevskaya. Sindeeva is also one of the creators and co-owner of the Silver Rain radio station, as well as other projects included in the Dozhd media holding - these are, in particular, the Bolshoy Gorod magazine (formerly owned by the Afisha publishing house) and the Republic website (formerly portal

Let us note that the investor of all projects is Alexander Vinokurov, one of the founders of the KIT Finance company - Sindeeva’s husband. The second founder of Dozhd is Vera Krichevskaya, a journalist and television director. She is known for being the director of the “Anthropology” program with Dmitry Dibrov on NTV, the producer of the “Freedom of Speech” project with Savik Shuster (first on NTV, then launched the project on the Ukrainian ICTV). She also launched the project “Citizen Poet” with Mikhail Efremov on “Rain”.

Natalya Sindeeva and Alexander Vinokurov. Photo by Peter Antonov (

Seventh place in terms of citation index is occupied by the Zvezda TV channel. The legal entity of the channel is OJSC “TRK VS RF “Zvezda”. The owner is 99.99% - OJSC TK Krasnaya Zvezda, 100% owned by the subsidiary of the Ministry of Defense, JSC Krasnaya Zvezda. Another 0.01% of the TV channel is owned directly by the Ministry of Defense.

The ninth most cited channel in Russia - “TV Center” - operates under the legal entity of the same name (in the form joint stock company). Since the time of Yuri Luzhkov, the channel has been the main mouthpiece of the Moscow City Hall. Little has changed even now.

Ownership information varies depending on the source of information. In particular, the company itself discloses the owner of only 21.02% - this is CTK JSC (Central Fuel Company). According to Rosstat, this company owns only 18.21% of the shares. Another 0.47% belongs to Promtorgtsentr JSC, and 81.32% belongs to the State Public Institution “Department of Urban Property of the City of Moscow”. JSC CTK, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is 16.02% owned by the same Moscow Property Department, and Promtorgtsentr is owned by Andrey Ryabov and Nikolai Mikhailov.

The European TV channel Euronews closes the top ten most cited channels. Back in 2004, it was reported that VGTRK became one of the owners of the channel’s shares. She received a 16% stake in Euronews. Other owners of the television company include France Televisions, the Italian RAI, the Turkish TRT, and the Swiss SSR.

TV channel owners: Russia
TV channel Legal name Founders Share Founders Share
RASTRKOM-2002, LLC 25% 100%
ORT-KB, LLC 24% Abramovich Roman Arkadievich 100%
Russia 24 VGTRK
RT Autonomous non-profit organization"TV News" RIA NOVOSTI, FSUE RAMI ROSIMESTHESTVO
Russia 1 STC "TV channel "Russia" VGTRK

Tatarstan: 16 state regional channels

When preparing the rating, the most surprising discovery for us was that more than 60 TV channels are registered in Tatarstan! Moreover, more than half of them - 32 - are registered in Kazan. However, a significant part of them are only indirectly related to the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan.

So, almost two dozen of them, even from the name, are broadcast not in Kazan. For example, “Efir Chistopol”, “Bavlinskoye Television and Radio”, “Chally-TV” and others. 16 channels are registered at one address - st. Akademicheskaya, 2. This is easily explained: the legal entity of the owner, JSC Tatmedia, is registered at this address. Accordingly, they all have one founder - the republic (the Ministry of Land Property of Tatarstan, to be more precise). The list of channels includes most of the “regional tabs” to federal channels, the “Tatarstan-Novy Vek” or “Tatarstan-24” channel.

Standing apart is the Tatarstan-24 TV channel, which became the joint brainchild of Kazan private media magnate Andrei Grigoriev (UK Efir LLC) and Tatmedia. He united the “Ethers” and the team of the deceased “KZN”. It is on this joint project that the Tatarstan authorities have high hopes.

Andrey Grigoriev is the founder of nine channels. Photo

Nine “Ethers” by Andrei Paramonovich

If we talk about Andrei Grigoriev, then, according to open data, he is the founder of nine channels. The main one is, in fact, the Efir television company, partially rebroadcasting Ren TV, and all its regional legal entities in Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Leninogorsk, Bugulma, Chistopol and Almetyevsk. In all these legal entities, Andrey Grigoriev owns 97.23%. Among the remaining minority shareholders are Grigoriev Jr. and Ilshat Aminov, who worked with the founder of Efir even before joining TNV. In addition, Andrey Grigoriev fully owns the Efir-24 Relax TV channel, and Efir Management Company LLC owns 31.58% of the Luch-Almetyevsk television company. The remaining shares belong to Management Plus LLC (63.16%), Alexey Baganov (2.63%), Alexey Sobolev (2.63%).

Grigoriev, in addition, owns 50% in Efir-Transit LLC, 34% in TsRT Stolitsa LLC, 50% in Radiotelecom LLC, 25% in DTV-Kazan LLC, 76% in CHOP LLC "Rubezh-Efir". In total, he is a founder in 33 companies and a director in Rent LLC (engaged in the rental of real estate, registered at Gladilova, 17).

How a Chelny builder turned out to be a media tycoon

Three channels - Ilnar Gaisin. He owns 26% of three Chelny channels - STV, Ren TV-Naberezhnye Chelny, Chelny-24. All three channels are represented by one legal entity - InterTeleCom LLC. Another 19% is owned by Galina Khanmurzina, and Abdulkhak Batyushov, Yuri Gorbunov and Maria Egoshina each have 18.5%. The company was founded in 2002.

In total, Ilnar Gaisin owns 17 construction companies. But the basis of his empire is Eurostyle LLC. It is engaged in the construction of a cab plant for the Daimler Kamaz Rus joint venture, as well as the emergency hospital building, the Ice Palace, the building of the 2.18 business center in Naberezhnye Chelny, as well as the Chelny IT park. Eurostyle also built a school building in Naberezhnye Chelny by order of GISU. Activist Ivan Klimov filed a complaint regarding this order in September 2016: the school began to be built even before the tender was published.

As for the director and one of the founders of InterTeleCom, Abdulkhak Batyushov, he is also the founder and director of Radio Mendeleevsk LLC (former Elkom LLC), as well as the chairman of the board in the Chelny territorial branch of the Republican public movement Tatarstan-Novy Century". He also heads two more companies - Trio Plus LLC and Modern technologies", in which he is also a founder with shares of 18.5%. The main shares belong to Ilnar Gaisin.

Batyushov is a deputy of the City Council of Naberezhnye Chelny, a member of the United Russia party. The website of the local party branch says that to this day he is the general director of the STV-Media holding.

Let us note that Abdulhak Batyushov is one of the most famous media managers in Naberezhnye Chelny. Until 2001, he was a director at the municipal Chally TV, but later resigned from his position due to a conflict with the former mayor of the city, Khamadeev. In 2002, he registered InterTeleCom, and in 2004 the channel began broadcasting. At the moment, the assets of InterTeleCom (STV-Media holding) include the Chelny versions of Ren-TV and Channel Five, as well as Avtoradio, NRJ, Humor FM, Radio 7, Radio Dacha" and Comedy Radio.

Abdulkhak Batyushov is one of the most famous media managers in Naberezhnye Chelny. Photo

TV moguls, but small ones

More than a third of the package of two Almetyevsk channels operating under one legal entity (Almetyevsk Radio Television Company LLC) - Video Set and RTKA - belongs to Lidia Maslova. RTKA LLC is headed, by the way, by Gennady Maslov. Together with Lydia, they also own another local channel - Vega-TV-Almetyevsk LLC. As we learned from the open ones, Gennady Maslov is the director of the local branches of Avtoradio, NRJ and Humor FM.

As for the other owners of RTKA, 25% belong to Irina Samoilova, 20% to Marina Strelova, 10% each to Alexander Panyuta and Akhmat Salimov.

Chelny LLC “TV-7” is engaged in rebroadcasting of two channels “Sem TV” and “Ru.TV”. The company is owned in equal shares by Elza Kabirova (also heads Radio Record LLC, Google.Pro LLC, Good Services Bureau LLC, Chelny-Telecom LLC) and Fanzila Poleva.

Two more channels - "ChTTs" and "ChTTs-Plus" - are registered with the LLC "Teleradiocompany ChTTs" from Chistopol. 40% of the company belongs to Rafgat Kamalov, 20% to Gulnara Khamaeva, 10% each to Arthur, Ildar, Zaudat, Arthur and Albert Kamalov. It is interesting that Albert Kamalov also owns 27% of the Efir 12 Channel broadcasting company from Chistopol. The channel rebroadcasts Ren-TV, with another 27% from Khamzi Kashapov, 26% from Andrey Mikheev, 20% from Rafgat Kamalov. Interestingly, in 2012, a conflict broke out between the owners of the Efir Channel 12 shopping and entertainment complex - Kashapov held an extraordinary meeting of shareholders and transferred the company’s property to himself in trust.

A large federal holding - STS Holdings LLC - owns two channels. This is “Che” and, in fact, “The First Entertainment STS”. Both channels operate under the legal entity CJSC Channel 6, registered in Kazan, on Gladilova, 34. Another 29.98% of the company belongs to JSC STS, and 21.04% to JSC STS-Region. The holding owns the channels “STS”, “Domashny”, “Che”.

“Tatarstan-New Age” and the satellite version of the TNV Planet channel belong to the TAIF company and the Ministry of Land Property of Tatarstan.

In addition, the executive committee of the Bugulminsky district also got involved in something like a holding. He is the sole founder of two channels - “51 MTV” (MUP “MTV”) and “Elabuga News Service” ( Autonomous institution Yelabuga municipal district "Elabuga news service").

“Tatarstan-New Age” and the satellite version of the TNV Planet channel belong to the TAIF company and the Ministry of Land Property of Tatarstan. Photo by Maxim Platonov

One channel

The remaining Tatarstan channels do not belong to holdings, but to individual individuals and legal entities. For example, "U-TV" (legal entity - LLC " Information Systems plus") belong to Gabdulgaziz and Faruza Bikmullin (27% and 24%), Vyacheslav Dolgopolov (23%), Nikolai Korchagin (2%) and TV-Service JSC (24% - the holding also owns Muz-TV, which has turned into a cable channel, “Home”, “Che”, Disney channel). Let us note that there is also the Information Systems company, the chairman of the board of directors of which is Marat Gabdulgazizovich Bikmullin, a deputy of the Kazan City Duma. Let us note that he is also the founder of BIM-Radio. The current head of the radio station, Vyacheslav Dolgopolov, 100% owns the cable music and entertainment TV channel BIM-TV.

Kazan Federal University also has its own channel. It is represented by the legal entity of the university itself; accordingly, the founder can be considered the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Among the channels with completely their own broadcasting network, we can also highlight “First City Channel” and “Tatar Musical TV Channel Maidan”. “First City” in Kazan was founded by Maxim Solodyankin (50%), Vadim Skopin (33.33%), Vladimir Suvorov (16.67%).

“Tatar Music Channel Maidan” was founded by Ruslan Khalilov (51%), Damir Davletshin (37%), Eduard Utyaganov (12%).

The remaining channels, and there are 11 of them, represent regional “tabs” in the broadcast of federal channels. You can note here the Nizhnekamsk TV channel "Neftekhim", the founder of which is PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim", and the Almetyevsk channel "Alma" - it was founded by the son of Shafagat Takhautdinov, the former head of Tatneft - Rustem Takhautdinov.

Among the remaining channels, most are located in Almetyevsk: these are “Family TV-Almetyevsk” (owned by Valentina Zinovieva), “Gambit” (owned by Vasily Ipatiev), “Rekom TV” (owned by Rinat Mirgaliev), “Region-TV” (owned by Anisa Yamalieva ).

Two more channels are based in Elabuga - “Domashny-Elabuga” (owned by Nikolai Gordeev and Marat Mukhamedzyanov) and “TNT Elabuga” (owned by Alexander Kozlov). In addition, another channel is based in Aznakaevo (“Aznakaevo Radio and Television” by Ilkam Gazizyanov, Marat Basariev, Nail Iskhakov, Ramil Islamov, Igor Rodionov, Niyaz Khamzin and Farkhat Yusupov), Urussu (“KTV-Urussu” by Alexander Koshchienko) and Bavlakh (“TV-Fortuna” by Rishat Yunusov, Olga Lyamina, Rashit Samarkhanov).

TV channel owners: Tatarstan
Name (name) of the product being distributed mass media Company name and legal form legal entity Founder Share Founder Share
Yu-TV Limited Liability Company "Information Systems Plus" Bikmullin Gabdulgaziz Shamsivaleevich 27,00% Bikmullina Faruza Barievna 24%
TV and radio company "Aznakaevskoe Radio and Television"; TNT Limited Liability Company Television and Radio Company "Aznakaevskoe Radio and Television" Gazizyanov Ilkam Magsumovich 70,00% Basariev Marat Nailievich 15,00%
TV company STV; St. Petersburg – Channel 5 Limited Liability Company "Trio Plus" Gaisin Ilnar Lenarovich 26,00% Batyushov Abdulhak Mustafovich 18,50%
REN - TV - Naberezhnye Chelny; TV channel REN-TV Gaisin Ilnar Lenarovich 26,00% Batyushov Abdulhak Mustafovich 18,50%
Chelny 24 Limited Liability Company "InterTeleCom" Gaisin Ilnar Lenarovich 26,00% Batyushov Abdulhak Mustafovich 18,50%
Home-Elabuga; Home Limited Liability Company "PressMedia" Gordeev Nikolay Ivanovich 50,00% Mukhamedzyanov Marat Azatovich 50,00%
Air Nizhnekamsk; TNT Limited Liability Company "TV-Kamsk" Grigoriev Andrey Paramonovich 97,23% Aminov Ilshat Yunusovich 1,70%
TNT; Ether Naberezhnye Chelny Limited Liability Company "Fortuna-TV" Grigoriev Andrey Paramonovich 97,23% Aminov Ilshat Yunusovich 1,70%
Air Leninogorsk; TNT Limited Liability Company "Prime-TV" Grigoriev Andrey Paramonovich 97,23% Aminov Ilshat Yunusovich 1,70%

Russian millionaires: local big business and city hall officials

As for Russian cities with a population of over a million, in most regions the first place in ratings, according to TNS Russia data, is occupied by regional representative offices of VGTRK. These regions include St. Petersburg (rating 1.3%), Yekaterinburg (1.4%), Omsk (1.3%), Volgograd (rating 1.6%), Ufa (0.9%), Nizhny Novgorod (1%), Samara (2%), Novosibirsk (1.7%), Chelyabinsk (1.6%), Rostov-on-Don (1.7%), Voronezh (1.3%), Izhevsk (0 .8%), Saratov (1.2%).

It is interesting that in Russian cities with a population of more than a million, only in four cases the first places in the ratings were taken not by VGTRK branches, but by other channels. These regions include Kazan, Perm, Krasnoyarsk and Moscow (in the latter case we're talking about specifically about channels broadcast exclusively to Moscow).

As for the Perm channel “Rifey-Perm”, its rating, like that of “Ether”, is 2.1%. The actual audience of “Ether” is larger - 24 thousand people versus 20 thousand. For now sole founder The company is Rifey-Invest LLC, which belongs to Alexey Bodrov. According to the Kartoteka service, he founded eight companies, including EKS Real Estate Management LLC, EKS Construction Management LLC, E.K.S. LLC. International". According to the company's website, Alexey Bodrov is deputy director for corporate and legal support. The company itself is engaged in construction and development, including the opening of the “Semya” shopping and entertainment complex in Perm and Ufa, the company produces food products under the “Whales of Food” brand, Family Choice. Bodrov, in addition, is a deputy of the Legislative Assembly Perm region from the United Russia party.

Let us note that the Rifey-Perm television company itself is considered to be one of the assets of the former governor of the Perm region Oleg Chirkunov; Bodrov is called a deputy close to Chirkunov. Chirkunov, according to Kommersant, was the owner of the SemYa chain, but in February 2015 he transferred his share to new owners, who, however, were still close to the ex-governor.

The Rifey-Perm television company is considered to be one of the assets of the former governor of the Perm region Oleg Chirkunov. Photo

The third regional TV channel, occupying a place in its region above VGTRK, is the Krasnoyarsk TVK. The channel's rating is 1.6%, the audience is 16 thousand people. The legal entity of the company is Krasnoyarsk Information Television LLC (TVK-6 channel). The company is owned by two legal entities - 64% by Shares LLC and 35% by For Media LLC. The “shares” belong with equal shares to Marina Dobrovolskaya, Vadim Vostrov and Natalya Klyukina. Form Media is owned by Pavel Ezubov (through Tensor JSC and Polaron LLC). The latter company, according to RBC, previously belonged to Oleg Deripaska’s Basic Element, and Ezubov is called the son of State Duma deputy from United Russia Alexei Ezubov, the brother of Deripaska’s mother. The company also operates television and radio stations in Bratsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Abakan, Sayanogorsk and Nizhny Novgorod. As for the first company, the only person from the founders involved in other companies is Vadim Vostrov - former director of TVK-6 Channel ", in 2001-2006 he was a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In the capital, among regional channels, the first place in rating is occupied by the Moscow-24 information channel. The channel's rating is only 0.2%, but the actual audience is quite large - 27 thousand people. The legal entity of the company is JSC “Moscow Media” (it also includes the channel “Moscow. Trust” with the same rating). The founder of the company is TV Center. The company itself was created by VGTRK. Its director was Igor Shestakov, author of the morning channel “ Good morning, Russia!" on the RTR channel (later Russia 1), former producer of the Vesti channel (now Russia 24), editor-in-chief of the Russia-2 channel, as well as chief producer of the Russia-1 channel. One of the channel’s presenters, we recall, is the former presenter of the “Efir-24” channel, Ksenia Sedunova. Sedunova also works as a host for corporate events - for a New Year's event with her participation you need to pay 200 thousand rubles.

As for the highest-rated channels that do not belong to VGTRK in other regions, the key figures here are most often associated with the city leadership. In St. Petersburg, however, the first place in the rating after the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "St. Petersburg" is occupied by the Life 78 channel with a rating of 0.2%. The legal entity of the company is TV-Kupol LLC, whose general director is Aram Gabrelyanov, president of the News Media publishing holding, which includes the Life newspaper, LifeNews TV channel, RSN radio, and the portal. Legal entity Life 78 belongs to News SPb LLC, founded by Ikar LLC and Aram Gabrelyanov. News SPb belongs to Sergei Rudnov and Marina Kotelnikova. Rudnov is the son of Oleg Rudnov, the head of the Baltic Media Group, who died in 2015. After the death of Oleg Rudnov, News Media received control of the Baltic Media Group.

Life 78, however, fell on hard times. In mid-January, in particular, it became known that the channel would stop broadcasting on February 1. At the same time, according to the FlashNord agency, about 70-80% of almost five thousand employees have already been laid off. At the same time, in mid-2016, News Media lost control over the Izvestia newspaper - the National Media Group did not renew the contract with Gabrelyanov’s company, and at the end of 2015, it was reported that a third of News Media’s employees were being laid off due to the difficult financial situation in the country and crisis in the advertising market.

TNT-Saratov, the highest-rated local TV channel after VGTRK, is officially owned by Sergei Vasiliev and Oleg Chistyakov, but local media associate it with the mayor of Saratov, Oleg Grishchenko.

The highest rated non-state channel with its own news in Yekaterinburg is “41 Domashny”, formerly “Studio 41”. Channel rating 0.5%. The channel belongs to LLC NVF Author's Technologies, CJSC Intourist-Ekaterinburg, CJSC Uralstinol and CJSC PKP Avtopromkompleks. NVF "Author's Technologies", the largest shareholder, belongs to Denis Levanov. In 2006, Kommersant called the owners of the channel close to the Yekaterinburg mayor’s office.

In mid-January it became known that Life 78 would stop broadcasting on February 1. Photo

Omsk TV channel "Antenna 7" with a rating of 0.6% is 80% owned by Valery Kokorin, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region and director construction company"ASK". He is also called the owner of ASK with an asset value of 6 billion rubles. According to the company's website, it built the Nativity Cathedral in Omsk, the surgical building of the oncology clinic, the Continent hypermarket, and the Cascade trade and exhibition complex. In addition, the company built a temple in the name of the Resurrection of Christ in Khanty-Mansiysk, and the Gorskiy City Hotel in Novosibirsk.

The Izhevsk channel “New Region” with a rating of 0.7% belongs to Tatyana Bystrykh (she has a tax identification number of the Perm Territory), and the Novosibirsk channel “NTK” belongs to VGTRK and Gennady Uvarkin’s TV Development LLC. He is the founder of the Moscow LLC "Center for Corporate legal protection", as well as director of LLC "Legal Bureau "Omega". The latter appeared as a performer of “dubious government orders”, according to the All-Russian Popular Front: in particular, the company fulfilled an order from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications in 2014 to analyze law enforcement Russian legislation in the field of media and carrying out research work to develop recommendations in the field of regulation sound signals in television and radio broadcasting. The ONF found it strange that the performance of services of different nature was entrusted to one company. Regarding this situation, Gennady Uvarkin told RBC that “the company specializes in carrying out research and analytical work on orders from federal executive authorities and enterprises in the media and telecommunications industry. Among the company's clients are the TV channels Rossiya Segodnya, Euronews, Public Television of Russia and many others. For us, participation in research work for the needs of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is an opportunity to demonstrate our qualifications in the area of ​​our specialization.”

In Volgograd, municipal television is second in ratings (0.1%). In Ufa, the BST TV channel with a rating of 0.2% is a state unitary enterprise. The Nizhny Novgorod television company "Volga" with a rating of 0.5% is owned by Sergei Kondrashov, a deputy of the city Duma and the brother of the former head of the administration of Nizhny Novgorod Oleg Kondrashov.

Samara TV channel "Skat" with a rating of 0.6% is owned by Interfax-TV LLC, as well as Elena and Georgy Limansky. Georgy Limansky is the former chairman of the Samara City Duma and the head of the Samara city district, and Elena is his wife, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation and composer.

Chelyabinsk channel "STS-Chelyabinsk" with a rating of 0.6% (Info-TV Enterprise LLC) belongs to Elena Silaeva. She is called a relative of Alexey Silaev, a member of the board of directors of the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant. The Voronezh channel "TNT-Guberniya" with a rating of 0.3% belongs to the regional property department.

Owners of TV channels: Russian millionaires
Rating in the city City Channel name Name of legal entity Audience* Rating, %*
1 Kazan AIR (KAZAN) Efir LLC 24 066 2,1
2 Kazan State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "TATARSTAN" (KAZAN) FL FSUE VGTRK State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Tatarstan" 8 604 0,8
3 Kazan TATARSTAN NEW CENTURY (KAZAN) OJSC "TV and Radio Company "NEW AGE" 1 023 0,1
1 Izhevsk State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "UDMURTIA" (IZHEVSK) FL FSUE "VGTRK "GTRK Udmurtia" 4 882 0,8
2 Izhevsk NEW REGION (IZHEVSK) LLC "NR" 4 466 0,7
3 Izhevsk MY UDMURTIA (IZHEVSK) State Unitary Enterprise of the Udmurt Republic “TV and Radio Broadcasting Company “Udmurtia” 2 510 0,4
4 Izhevsk STS-IZHEVSK (IZHEVSK) INFO LLC 2 328 0,4
1 Permian RIFHEI-PERM (PERM) LLC "Television Company "Rifey - Perm" 20 140 2,1
2 Permian PGTRK “T7” (RUSSIA 1) (PERM) FL FSUE "GTRK "PERM" FSUE "VGTRK" 10 503 1,1

Maxim Matveev, Fail Gataulin

Kulistikov Vladimir Mikhailovich is a famous journalist and media manager. His life is a progressive path to the top; he has gone through all the steps of the career ladder, reaching the top level.

Childhood and youth

On May 20, 1952, a son, Vladimir Kulistikov, appeared in a family of Soviet specialists working in Germany at a joint venture for uranium mining. The boy’s biography in his childhood was not much different from many Soviet children. He studied well at school and was able to enter the most prestigious university in the country.

Best start

In 1969, Kulistikov entered MGIMO to study at the Faculty of International Journalism. The future media manager always had a thirst for knowledge and read a lot; he also showed a high ability to study foreign languages. He speaks five languages ​​fluently: English, French, German, Serbo-Croatian and Arabic. Having received better education, Kulistikov gets the opportunity to realize his potential in a variety of areas of activity.

After graduating from MGIMO in 1975, Vladimir Kulistikov did not go to work directly in his specialty - journalism, but began to work at the Ministry of Foreign Trade. This was a great start to a career for a young specialist. After working for three years in the ministry, Vladimir decides to change his field of activity, he is attracted by science, and he goes to the Institute of Scientific Information of the USSR Academy of Sciences as a research assistant. For seven years he has been studying European law, defending his PhD thesis on legal means of resolving international conflicts, and is confidently pursuing career ladder up.

However, in 1985, he decides to return to journalism and comes to the magazine “New Time” as a columnist. The publication covered events in the world, distinguished by the relative freedom of the authors to express their opinions. Kulistikov came to “New Time”, when, in the wake of perestroika, journalism was becoming a very interesting activity. He worked for the publication for 5 years and went from correspondent to deputy editor-in-chief. These were the years of enormous popularity of the magazine, so Vladimir Mikhailovich gained invaluable experience working in a large media outlet; he developed not only his skills as a reporter, but also management techniques.

In 1990, Kulistikov worked in his immediate specialty - he became his own correspondent in Moscow for the Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat (Life). Times were difficult, especially from an economic point of view, and the journalist decides to test himself in business. He becomes an advertising advisor to the president of the Russian House commercial company, during these years the company's turnover reaches $200 million a year. Despite the successes in real business, Kulistikov does not part with journalism, but is looking for new platforms for self-realization.

Life on the radio

In 1993, Savik Shuster, editor-in-chief of the Moscow Bureau, brings Vladimir to the Radio Liberty station. For three years, Kulistikov has been working on radio, mastering a new field for himself. He starts as a correspondent, then becomes a commentator, and in 1993 he creates his own weekly program, Liberty Life, which covered the events of the day live. Here the journalist’s talent is fully demonstrated: he knows how to present news vividly, gives accurate and witty comments on events. He also demonstrates the ability to manage a creative team and good managerial qualities. He quickly outgrows the scale of the program, it is no longer enough for him to be the head of the program, Kulistikov again goes in search of something new.

Television is a matter of life

In 1996, Vladimir Kulistikov came to NTV as deputy editor-in-chief of the information service. Here he begins to work under the leadership with whom the journalist developed friendly relations; subsequently they will collaborate repeatedly on different channels. Vladimir Mikhailovich also hosts his own program “Hero of the Day”, it is an interview with some interesting person. Many political and public figures, representatives of culture and art visited Kulistikov’s studio. During his year of work in the program, the journalist showed himself to be a person of boundless erudition, with subtle humor and a sharp tongue.

At NTV, Vladimir Mikhailovich found the best place to grow and realize his career and creative plans. In 1997, he became editor-in-chief of the information service and began to implement his many ideas, without forgetting the main task that the founders assigned to him - increasing ratings and attracting advertisers. Here Kulistikov’s experience in business came in handy; he applied management techniques to the media environment and achieved good results. In 2000, he became NTV, continuing to head the information service.

In the fall of 2000, Kulistikov left NTV for the first time to become chairman of the board of the Russian news agency Vesti. This short absence from the life of a television journalist showed him how much he loved this field and how successful he was in it. When there was a change of leadership at NTV in 2001, Kulistikov returned to NTV as the editor-in-chief of the television company, and also as a member of the board of directors.

In 2002, the journalist’s contract with NTV expired, and he changed his place of work, going to VGTRK as a deputy to Oleg Dobrodeev, the chairman of VGTRK. In two years, Kulistikov goes through all the stages of his career in the television company and becomes the first deputy general director of VGTRK and director of information programs; for him, news is still the most important thing.

Best project - NTV

From 2002 to 2004, scandals constantly developed between the team, company management and investors on NTV. The television company needs a person who could bring everything back to normal. Also, all parties agree that what is needed is not a new manager, but a person familiar with the problems and concept of NTV and well versed in news, and Vladimir Kulistikov becomes the best solution for the television company. NTV became for him a place for the implementation of plans and significant achievements. From 2004 to 2015, Kulistikov worked as the general director of the television company, and during this time he was able to again lead it to a leadership position. NTV has been releasing many new programs these years that have high ratings: "Maximum program", "Profession - reporter." Vladimir Mikhailovich does not hide the fact that he was faced with the task of extracting maximum profit from the channel, and he successfully solved it. The changes led to the closure of some programs: “School of Scandal,” “Today at Midnight,” “Real Politics,” “Sunday Evening.” The general director was accused of removing information programs from the network, replacing them with entertainment ones. But at this time Kulistikov received government awards: Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd and 3rd degree,

Kulistikov Vladimir Mikhailovich - a born manager

Managing people in a large creative team is not easy. Vladimir Mikhailovich Kulistikov reached significant heights in this art. The nationality and sexual orientation of the employees did not interest him as a manager; he says that he always chose employees based on their professional qualities, everything else did not matter. NTV colleagues speak very warmly of their former leader. Vladimir Takmenev notes that the television company has acquired a new face; high-rated programs have appeared on its schedule: “Country and World”, “Central Television”, “New Russian Sensations”. says that she and her colleagues were lucky that they were taught to work and think by such a professional as Vladimir Kulistikov. Vadim Glusker notes that their leader is distinguished by his encyclopedic knowledge and impeccable leadership talent.

Unexpected turn: resignation

In October 2015, everyone was struck by sudden news - Vladimir Kulistikov was leaving NTV. He said that he was leaving the company for health reasons, and that there was no reason behind this event. But at this time there were many difficulties on the channel: several journalists left the channel, disagreements with investors appeared, growing pressure from the authorities, an economic crisis, so it became increasingly difficult for Kulistikov to implement his plans. And he decides to leave NTV. And within a few days he becomes an adviser to the general director at VGTRK Oleg Dobrodeev. History repeats itself, perhaps to be continued.

Family and Children

Many journalists hide the details of their private lives, and Vladimir Kulistikov does the same. The son of a journalist, Dmitry, as you know, followed in his father’s footsteps; today he works as a correspondent for VGTRK Rossiya. No details are known about his wife, Margarita Viktorovna Kulistikova.

The NTV channel is broadcast in all regions of the Russian Federation, and the technical signal covers 97% of the population. NTV's target audience is viewers aged 18+, for whom the channel offers a wide range of content: news and socio-political talk shows, TV series and films, entertainment and educational programs, documentaries and social projects.

The NTV news service operates as a 24-hour news channel. Episodes are released almost every hour, sometimes broadcast in parallel from different studios to different orbits. Every weekday, the Directorate of Information provides up to 5 hours of original live content. For many years, the NTV information service has paid special attention to the topic of charity. In 2017, the channel aired more than 80 stories about people in need of help, with the caption of a short number or a charity account.

NTV is a pioneer in the development of new television ideas, formats and genre trends. These are socio-political talk shows, lifestyle programs, big game shows, drama series, social projects and others.

NTV is largest producer action-packed serial content that is in demand both on the Russian and international markets.

The TV channel actively creates socially significant and charitable projects. Thanks to the efforts of the channel, the New Year's Eve is taking place Charity Event“The Journey of Santa Claus with NTV”, and children left without parental care have the opportunity to show their creative potential in the “You are Super!” competition.

The professionalism of the NTV creative team has received recognition in Russia and throughout the world. The television company has been repeatedly awarded with industry awards, and NTV reporters, columnists and presenters have received high government and journalistic awards.


127427, Moscow, st. Ak. Queen, 12

In the fall of 1993, journalists of the Ostankino TV channel (in 1995 ORT; in 2002 Channel One) Oleg Dobrodeev and Evgeny Kiselev, as well as the deputy head of the channel, Igor Malashenko, with the financial support of banker Vladimir Gusinsky, created their own independent media, which would later become television company NTV.

More recently, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics split into parts. The unstable situation in Russia is aggravated by the political and economic crisis. Television is also experiencing better times. The Ostankino television company, where Kiselev, Dobrodeev and Malashenko work, is experiencing serious financial difficulties and is reducing its staff.

Having shown the initiative, Kiselyov asks businessman Vladimir Gusinsky to finance the television program “Itogi”, to which he receives a response proposal to create an independent television company, which will soon receive the name NTV.

New media begins to produce the information program “Today” and the analytical program “Itogi”. They are broadcast on the Fifth “St. Petersburg” TV channel, accessible to the European part of Russia.

Results" (October 1993) about the October events in Moscow

About this time they will later say that “ you could get to television from the street”, since many journalists and correspondents were hired by NTV without special education. In the period from 1993 to 1994, the main backbone of the television company was formed, the following people came there: Tatyana Mitkova, Alexey Pivovarov, Mikhail Osokin, Ernest Matskevichus, Alexander Khabarov, Vasily Utkin, Elena Masyuk, Nikolai Nikolaev, Pavel Lobkov, Leonid Parfenov and others.

On December 22, 1993, by decree of President Boris Yeltsin, NTV received evening time, from 18:00 to 00:00, on the frequency of Channel 4 (the rest of the time the state channel “Russian Universities” broadcasts).

The actions of the authorities seem incredible; before NTV, there were no television channels with information or analytical programs independent of the state; until recently, even the most harmless programs were subject to censorship on Soviet television. In the psychology of the old thinking, now power, " just anyone", trusts to tell the population about what is happening in the country and the world.

NTV immediately becomes one of the most prominent TV channels. In addition to news and analytics, the broadcast network now has room for new programs and Hollywood films that are inaccessible to a wide audience due to the high cost of VCRs. NTV is one of the first TV channels in new Russia, aimed at a program in the genre of political satire. The program “Dolls” is aired.

First episode of the “Dolls” program (NTV, 1994)

From 1994 to 1996, the first Chechen War. Chechnya is one of the North Caucasus republics, since 1991 it has wanted to secede from Russia and is actually independent. Since '94, there Civil War, “ethnic cleansing of the non-Chechen population” and the first fighting with armed forces Russia, which for the most part consists of untrained conscript soldiers.

NTV covers the war in more detail than others: correspondents go on air from the scene of hostilities, do not hush up the casualty figures, and talk about the facts of the atrocities of Chechen militants. Journalist Elena Masyuk manages to interview one of the leaders of the Chechen separatists, Shamil Basayev, which will become unattainable for other media outlets, the pinnacle of objectivity in covering the war.

Despite the extremely unprofitable coverage of the first Chechen military campaign for the authorities, NTV correspondents: Ilya Kanavin, Boris Koltsov, Arkady Mamontov, Maxim Ushanov, Alexander Khabarov and Viktor Shcherbakov will receive state medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

The role of the media in the socio-political life of Russia increased many times by the mid-nineties. Vladimir Gusinsky, who made a far-sighted investment, is now called not only an oligarch, but also a media tycoon. The television companies NTV and NTV+, the Ekho Moskvy radio station, the newspapers Segodnya and Sem Dni, and the Itogi magazine were under the control of his financial group Most.

Russian businessmen were able to “grow fat” thanks to President Boris Yeltsin, whose rating on the eve of the 1996 elections tends to zero; judging by the polls, Gennady Zyuganov, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, comes out on top. Yeltsin, the hope of the Soviet people in the late 80s, approaches the mid-90s as a drunken, extravagant grandfather.

“Yeltsin slept through Ireland.” Scene from the documentary series “The other day. Our era"

In order to preserve their wealth, Russian oligarchs-media tycoons openly use all their resources to bring a person convenient for them to power, for example, NTV General Director Igor Malashenko joined Yeltsin’s election headquarters.

At the end of the campaign, the owner of ORT, Boris Berezovsky, and NTV, Vladimir Gusinsky, will demonstrate the wonders of cooperation by showing on Channel One, two days before the elections, the release of the TV game “Field of Miracles” with figures from the TV program “Dolls” (NTV). The Yeltsin doll will win the program by answering: “ I", to the question in the super game: " who will be the next president?».

“Field of Miracles” with “Dolls” NTV (ORT, 1996)