It is becoming fashionable among Chelyabinsk youth not to drink alcohol. The priority is healthy communication

Militta has published more than once different materials dedicated to the fight against bad habits - smoking. But drinking alcohol is not always bad habit, many people drink alcohol only on holidays and when they go to have fun in clubs - restaurants, with the company of loved ones.

If you drink alcohol on holidays, this cannot be called a bad habit, but even in this case, alcohol causes more harm, because there are a lot of holidays in our lives. You can understand this if you lead a clearly planned life and have big goals and plans.

For an ordinary person who does not have a daily routine, clear goals and plans, drinking alcohol once a week will not bring much harm, because his life is already a sluggish existence. The average person suffers from an unloved job and various stresses, therefore alcohol for such people is a cure for boredom and depression - a breath of happiness and joy in the gray, boring everyday life.

Police officers, military officers, and politicians can also allow themselves to drink alcohol once a week, and this will not harm their career at all.

But for people who live according to a plan and want to create something, to make the world a better place, alcohol is the enemy, because after a party with alcohol you are out of schedule. Depending on the amount you drink, the losses may vary and will be reflected in everything. For a couple of days you will lose productivity and do much less. In addition, you will miss 1-2 fitness classes and do much less in many other ways.

This is how just one party with alcohol will affect you. If you start drinking regularly, for example, 2-3 times a month, then in a few months you will gradually give up fitness and much more, forget smart thoughts and original ideas. Alcohol, in addition to making you feel bad the next day, creates a cumulative depressive effect, and your potential will decline with each passing month.

Therefore, it is better to give up alcohol altogether and learn to have fun sober. It will be difficult at first, but then you will get used to it and feel the benefits of completely giving up alcohol.

Don’t rush to think that this article is far from reality. Of course, person's character- a very complex substance, you cannot talk about it, relying only on a horoscope, on a person’s preferences in food and drink, you cannot determine him only by his handwriting... In order to get to know someone well, you need to communicate with him for a long time and visit different life situations. This The best way find out the multifaceted character of a person you are interested in.

As for alcoholic drinks and their choice, it is known that choice of alcohol very often depends on emotional state, in which the person is located. Women are generally driven more by emotions. Based on their emotional experiences a woman makes a choice, any choice - what to wear today and with whom to spend the evening.

If you are on a date with the woman you love, pay attention to what drink she chooses - it depends emotional background the entire meeting and what will follow next.

Women! Read these fun facts about yourself and alcohol, perhaps this will help you understand some questions about yourself.

Alcohol and the character of women

  1. Champagne
    This fizzy drink is preferred by coquettes and gigglers. Women who choose champagne are playful and frivolous and would not mind having a lot of fun today. It is not surprising that this drink is a regular at all-female parties. It makes you drunk quickly, which means that if a woman drinks champagne with you, then she trusts you.
  2. Vodka
    This strong alcoholic drink is drunk by strong, strong-willed women with a strong character. They do not hide their desires and get drunk very slowly. Often the desire to drink vodka is caused by overload in women. Perhaps she was very tired at work or experienced severe psychological stress Lately. It’s better not to overdo it with vodka, but choose relaxation, peace and male care as a method of calming down.
  3. Cognac
    This is a drink for women who need warmth, care and affection. Pay more attention to her, try to understand why she wants to drink? Cognac is not a drink that makes you quickly drunk; it is chosen by balanced, self-confident people.
  4. Whiskey
    Women drink whiskey without any complexes. After all, everyone knows perfectly well that intoxication comes quite quickly from whiskey. If a woman goes for it, she is ready for any turn of events. Those who lack thrills and new impressions in life tend to drink whiskey. After drinking, women, like men, can show extravagance and be unpredictable.
  5. Tequila
    A drink for extravagant young ladies. Drinking tequila means having good taste, many people think and choose trendy cocktails with tequila. If there is enough too much, a woman’s behavior can become completely uncontrollable, especially if she is not used to dealing with her emotions. Therefore, it is better to stop the lover of the insidious taste of this drink in time.
  6. Rum-Cola
    A simple and understandable drink that doesn’t make you particularly drunk. It is chosen by cautious young ladies who want to control themselves and everything that happens around them. Of course, you can drink a lot of rum-cola, but usually they drink it just for show, trying not to stand out in a company where everyone drinks alcohol.
  7. Gin and tonic
    A drink for intellectuals, people who love to speculate. After drinking gin and tonic, a woman can start talking a lot and on different topics. This is a sign that she needs to talk it out, that she has few moments in her life when she can just be herself. Be an attentive listener and you will win the heart of a gin lover.
  8. Red wine
    Wine is preferred by emotional, passionate people. On the surface, a woman may be reserved, but inside she is a hurricane. Wine is chosen by women who know a lot about food and drink and have a taste for life in general. With such a drink the evening will be successful in any case.
  9. Liqueurs
    Household women who love sweets are very big connoisseurs of liqueurs. The desire to feel a sweet taste conveys a woman's desire to receive pleasure, because, as surprising as it may sound, liqueur is a very romantic drink.
  10. Beer
    A woman chooses beer to be closer to a man, to male company. There are, of course, people who simply love the taste of this drink with various snacks, but the psychological point is undeniable - beer is still a man’s drink. Such a woman is a good friend, even if it is your wife. The good thing about beer is that it doesn't make you drunk long time, and it is also not capable of doing so much harm female body, like other alcoholic drinks on this list. Smart women choose beer.

This is a fairly short list alcoholic drinks, but it will help you understand the motives of a woman who chooses this or that alcohol. Psychology does not sleep, the choice of alcohol is a wonderful indicator of the state of a beautiful lady at the moment.

It’s worth thinking about what happens in the lives of women who try to escape reality with the help of alcohol. Sometimes it’s just pampering, and sometimes it’s a way to show your loved one that she needs care, support and understanding.

The chief narcologist spoke about alcoholism, drinking culture and the effect of alcohol on the body Chelyabinsk region Boris Izarovsky in the “Healthy Conversation” program on the radio “ TVNZ»

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As soon as any holiday is planned, the doors of alcohol stores slam more and more often. Someone decided to stock up on a box of beer for an extra day off, and someone had the necks of vodka bottles sticking out of the bag. Oh, these bad habits!

What are the consequences of a passion for strong drinks? What are the health risks associated with drinking alcohol? The chief narcologist of the Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk Region, the head physician of the regional clinical narcological hospital, Boris Izarovsky, spoke about this on the radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda” (95.3 FM) in the program “Healthy Conversation”.

- Boris Vasilyevich, I wonder if there are absolute abstainers?

Certainly. These are those who cannot take alcohol for any painful reasons - it is strictly contraindicated for them. Or personal conviction, when a person even takes a sip of champagne New Year He won’t put it in his mouth. By the way, there are not so few such people in society.

But even during fasting, people give up alcohol for more than a month. Although Orthodox believers still drink red wine...

They do not consume, but take communion. Orthodox Church alcohol is not advertised or forced on anyone, it is a ritual. It is just not permissible to drink a lot during communion. I wet my lips and that was it.

There are also everyday situations when you should not drink alcohol: pregnant women or newlyweds at a wedding who are about to have their first wedding night.

Over time, scientists have come to the conclusion: when you are planning a child and when you are carrying one, it is better not to drink alcohol. And before that, for centuries there had been a strict tradition, based on the experience of popular observation: not to pour drinks for the bride and groom. Moreover, the wedding night was really the first, not like it is now.


Scientists are constantly changing their views: drinking alcohol is terribly harmful, and sometimes it’s even beneficial. How much can you do without becoming an alcoholic?

Of course, alcohol taken constantly in certain quantities can cause alcohol dependence. A glass of vodka, a mug of beer, a glass of wine will not cause much harm to the body. These are the doses that, with a single use, the body is able to utilize harmlessly.

We are now touching on a topic that, unfortunately, is not very fashionable these days - drinking culture. I am not a supporter of a ban or extreme measures in general. Let’s say a religious person, especially a Muslim, has its own rules. But it is also impossible to transfer the mentality of one nation to another. If historically in Russia, especially in its Asian part, it was traditional to drink alcohol, then there is no escape from it. Nobody used opium here, so it is prohibited in the Russian Federation. But at the same time, there was a certain drinking culture.

I am outraged by all sorts of “research”, most likely built on fabrications and myths, which say that Tsarist Russia became an alcoholic. There was no such thing! Before 1914, when the First World War began World War, Nicholas II did not absolutely introduce “prohibition” in the territory Russian Empire, but by decree he limited the consumption of alcohol. Its quantity per capita was much less than in Soviet times.

The culture of drinking still exists, there is an example of such European countries as Germany, Italy, France. Yes, there are alcoholics there too. But the bulk of the population drinks alcohol in controlled social norms. That is, without the consequences of deep intoxication, “bad” behavior and harm to the body.


The Russian Ministry of Health has published statistics: alcohol consumption in the country has almost halved over 10 years. In 2017, this figure dropped to 10.3 liters per person per year. As they say: I won’t drink that much...

By the way, we mean absolute alcohol - this is practically pure alcohol. Why try statistics on yourself? Of course, not every resident of Russia drinks. Alcohol consumption is calculated per capita, including infants, the elderly and the disabled. The bulk of alcohol consumption in our country comes from alcoholics. They drink to themselves, and to “that guy,” and to everyone else. This suggests that in our society there are a large number of people suffering from alcoholism.

Speaking about the positive statistics cited by the Russian Ministry of Health, we can say that the situation is the same in the Chelyabinsk region. There is a decline in the number of people suffering from alcoholism. For us, narcologists, a decrease in alcoholic psychosis is an excellent indicator. There are fewer and fewer of them in the Chelyabinsk region from year to year. If last year there were 900 cases, then in 2015 there were over a thousand.

There is dynamics. This suggests that alcohol tension among the population is subsiding. Preventive measures, carried out 10-15 years ago, are making themselves felt today. The influx of young people suffering from alcoholism has decreased. But the old alcoholics were and still are. And they still spoil our statistics on the amount of alcohol consumed per capita.

- Have these people already doomed themselves? Their life is probably shorter.

The bulk of patients diagnosed with alcoholism who are under observation in our hospital are people suffering from a host of other diseases who die early, lose their income, and lose their family. Life is going downhill. It is possible to get out of this situation, but it is very difficult!

Nobody wants to work on themselves with us. Everyone wants to swallow a magic pill and become healthy. It doesn't happen like that! The descent into alcoholism lasted more than one day; the disease takes months to form. You won't be able to get out of it in one hour. Having carried out some kind of treatment - coding or something else - you can get short-term remission for a maximum of a year. Then a breakdown will occur. The man was not cured. The disease just got a break and began to progress further.


- What diseases associated with drinking alcohol cannot be avoided by an alcoholic?

At least two target organs are at risk. The first one is central nervous system. In a state of intoxication, all changes occur exactly there - in the head. A drunk person behaves incorrectly and shows aggressiveness. This behavior indicates that the nervous system is not functioning properly.

The barrier to alcohol and the second target organ is the liver. She takes over main blow and sometimes it fails. Alcoholic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis occur, and liver cancer can develop in people who abuse alcohol. But in general, all organs and all systems suffer, including the cardiovascular system, leading to myocardial infarction. The urinary system suffers as the kidneys constantly filter our blood, producing urine. A ethanol, passing through the kidneys, injures the renal system.

Alcohol also affects the endocrine system and the production of sex hormones. The weaker sex begins to show signs masculine character, because production female hormones decreases. Men acquire some feminine “traits” - for example, female-pattern obesity. Dysfunctions occur in the reproductive system. No organ is protected from high concentrations of alcohol.

- At the same time, a person is unlikely to admit that all his troubles are caused by alcohol!

But this never happens. Only if it has already gone far, and the person himself, waking up in the morning, realized: something is wrong, I’m probably an alcoholic. Anosognosia is characteristic symptom denial of one's illness, lack of criticism of one's condition, which is often found among alcoholics.

You need to work with a person when the disease has just begun to form, but psychological problems are already arising. The disease is gradual, at the first stage - the formation of psychological dependence. And then the situation worsens, physical changes occur. Here on initial stages You can help a person stop and reconsider his position.


- The question is rhetorical, but still: what is the point of drinking alcohol? Why do people drink?

The answer is not difficult. There are two options: to get additional pleasure or to smooth out your negative emotions: sadness, sadness, melancholy.

- I want to drink good wine just for the taste.

Here we can return to the topic of drinking culture. When you take a glass not to cheer yourself up or to drown your sorrows in it, but just want to experience the aroma, taste, and get a slight alcoholic intoxication - this is a completely different motivation.

By the way, no matter how different the opinions of scientists may be, it has already been proven that alcohol is present in the human body. We have enzymes that digest it, and it participates in metabolic processes. The concentration of endogenous alcohol is simply tiny, but it is there. And it performs many functions.

- Which ones?

This is an excellent antidepressant - native, internal. A kind of tranquilizer that calms us down. When a person becomes nervous and, as a result of an emotional outburst, his blood pressure rises, the body produces increased alcohol.

But at very severe stress our internal “medicines” (painkillers, tranquilizers) are not enough. Therefore, a person intuitively reaches out to surrogate substitutes: alcohol and drugs. To heal your grief or cheer yourself up.


- Boris Vasilyevich, you pleased me by saying that in our region there are fewer patients with alcoholism.

We evaluate this according to the following criteria: a decrease in the number of alcoholic psychoses, a decrease in the number of hospitalizations and ambulance calls to people with a severe hangover when they cannot cope on their own. Quite objective signs.

Well, you and I, living in the city, see: there are fewer drunks on the streets. The statistics of law enforcement agencies, however, are not very good; the bulk of offenses are committed in alcohol intoxication. But there are positive developments there too.

You know, I focus on young people. As part of our preventive measures, we have to deal with young people. I like the position of the younger generation, aimed at healthy image life. This didn’t happen 10-15 years ago. Now this is a very good trend. Alcohol is not a priority for them. Communication, active recreation are the priority! Drinking alcohol is becoming unfashionable.


Where in Chelyabinsk will help you get rid of alcohol addiction

Alcohol becomes a part of our lives so quickly that many do not even notice its constant presence and do not consider themselves addicted. If living a day without alcohol is not difficult, then talking about a week, month or longer is already more difficult.

It is believed that it takes 21 days to completely cleanse the body. Some who wanted to “clean up” after a short-term addiction to alcohol were surprised that it was quite difficult to take a break.

Few people realize that drinking alcohol a couple of times a week is already common drunkenness. This is not yet an addiction to alcohol, but it is already a clearly formed problem, the solution of which requires serious efforts .

The best way to talk about how not to drink alcohol at all is from the reviews of those who have already managed to give up the influence of alcohol.

Sober living experience

According to the subjects, the first days are the hardest. All thoughts during this period revolve around alcohol. Gradually, the desire to drink recedes, and vigorous activity allows you to escape from the problem.

The matter is complicated by the fact that friends and acquaintances, out of habit, continue to invite people to drunken parties, holidays and Sabantui. It is difficult to refuse, especially when loved ones begin to joke and discredit the idea of ​​a sober lifestyle. If you manage to resist, then it will be easier. Truly good friends will not turn away if you announce to them that you are giving up alcohol. Some will begin to respect you even more, at least for the same willpower. And if friends start laughing, then why are they needed at all? It turns out that they see you not as a friend, but as a drinking buddy. Parting with them will be an additional bonus to healthy life no alcohol.

What a person who has spent thirty sober days can count on:

  • taste sensations change - familiar dishes become tastier, food ceases to be a “snack”, but begins to be an additional source of positive emotions;
  • concentration increases - after 30 days without alcohol, brain activity improves by almost 18%, which affects not only concentration and attention, but also memory, the ability to make quick decisions, etc.;
  • sleep normalizes - someone begins to see vivid dreams, and someone just sleeps like the dead all night, and the next morning feels well rested;
  • stress resistance increases - contrary to popular belief, alcohol is a strong depressant, which means that drinkers are more difficult to endure blows of fate and force majeure. In just 35 days sober life solving complex life problems is easier, and stressful situations are not taken to heart;
  • physical performance improves - those who play sports note that complete abstinence from alcohol gives a good impetus for physical development. But even those who are far from physical education admit: climbing stairs becomes easier, walking makes you happy, and physical work brings pleasant fatigue, not painful weakness.

Those who dare not drink alcohol for a month eventually realize that they have neither the desire nor the need to start drinking again. Comparing drunken and sober lives, many choose the latter and become pathological teetotalers.

Is it possible to live without alcohol at all?

Those who like experimenting often set themselves a deadline of one month, but after this period ends they want to continue the positive experience. What happens to the body if you don’t drink for 41 or more days? This is already quite a long period during which the body is fully restored. A person can lose weight if he has extra pounds, or gain weight if he is exhausted. Many smokers note that after quitting alcohol, the need for nicotine decreases. And this is also a big plus for health.

After one hundred days of sober life, there comes an understanding that alcohol is not needed at all. Acquaintances stop joking and already perceive a sober friend as a person with an iron will and unshakable principles. There is a desire to improve the result, and to a sober life they usually add proper nutrition, thoughtful daily routine, sports and active leisure activities.

But we can talk about all this only if a person has no real dependence on the beginning of alcohol abstinence. Chronic drinkers can pick up a bottle even after 7 months without alcohol, and they can undergo coding or other treatment to help overcome cravings for alcohol. To prevent such a person from relapse, it is necessary to carry out a supportive anti-alcohol course. In this sense, drugs for the treatment of alcoholism sold on the Internet are useful. They have a natural base and are not addictive.

Experts are sure that if a person was able to live 100 days without alcohol, then the previous attitudes have already been destroyed, and there is no need to start accustoming oneself to alcohol again. In the process of searching for motivation, a person discovers new opportunities, new hobbies and interests, and alcohol often contradicts them. A teetotaler is more often successful at work, he has stronger family relationships, and others are drawn to him. Many people are not ready to lose all this for the sake of alcohol, so a short-term experiment quickly turns into a way of life. But you shouldn’t think that everything will be fine right away if at the time of giving up alcohol the person was a chronic alcoholic. In this case, you will have to face exacerbation of chronic diseases and depression, which require serious medical treatment.

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I don’t know whether you noticed or not, but another war is breaking out in the army of armchair troops: alcohol versus sports. Someone is preparing for spring with all the revolutionary fervor, pumping up their abs and butt, someone posts photos with bottles, creates pages that gather hundreds of thousands of subscribers under the tag #vinishko, and selflessly fights for the right to degrade along with the cruel and unfair world.

Everyone today has their own form of protest against society and against themselves. But there is no arguing with the fact that alcohol is gaining popularity as a pseudo-philosophical concept. Isn’t that the proof of those subscriptions with girls in torn jeans with bottles and glasses, T-shirts with Jack Daniels, which everyone seems to have acquired, and tons of quotes about “Jack - best friend" Is this the case in reality? Have we really started drinking more or do we just believe that “if we start”, life will become easier, life will become more fun?

I do not undertake to consider neglected cases. Rather, I’m trying to talk about why drinking (or pretending to drink) is becoming fashionable today.

1. A person likes to change consciousness

I like to color reality or completely escape from it into the partially fictional world of my own sensations and illusions, from which it is always painful and painful to return to reality. It is easier to live in a curved personal space, because it is known that any form of intoxication frees the instincts. That is why “what is on the mind of a sober person is on the mind of a drunk person...”. Next thing you know...

2. Sports, alcohol or both in one bottle?

Almost every day in the gym where I go to prepare for spring, I am accompanied by the following picture: the same adept of barbells and protein mixtures brutally walks around the hall, and from his headphones comes the sound of, who do you think? No, not Rammstein or Chemical Brothers. "Leningrad". The harsh alcoholic “Leningrad” is about “I’m in the sky” and “I’m drinking, but someone is injecting drugs.” And every time I am overcome by cognitive dissonance: is it the barbell or the alcohol? Or is the definition of “alcohol” itself today also becoming a brand name? theoretical concept? Something from the series “Well, if nothing works out, the best you can do is start drinking.”

By the way, a note for those who drink and are not athletic: fit and trained people have better resistance to high degrees than cute pot-bellied people. Fluid-rich muscle tissue effectively absorbs alcohol and prevents it from reaching the brain too quickly.

3. “When you’re drunk, the world is still out there, but at least it’s not holding you by the throat.”

Not so terrible from the second (from the third and completely the philosopher and guru of all the disillusioned and unhappy) Charles Bukowski came up with this sacred rule for us.

But okay, Bukowski – he was supposed to stay busy with his profession. Just like Erofeev, Dovlatov, Hemingway, Faulkner, Fitzgerald, Remarque, Yesenin, Hasek... This list can be continued indefinitely. Big people big problems, usually refracted through the lens of a glass. American psychiatrist Donald Goodwin even once wondered whether literary talent and alcoholism accidentally had the same roots. And when he was asked to describe a typical portrait of an alcoholic, he replied: “American, writer, Nobel Prize laureate...”.

Well, they are laureates. They drink to think, but why do we? Work managers, the generation of Facebook, Instagram and 55% of sales, rushing between Louboutins and Nikes, unable to choose between rooibos and soursop without looking in the feed to see what is currently trending.

4. Because “It’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to give a hand to…”

Today we are doomed to constantly think about what correct solution decide how to behave, what to wear and what to order in order to keep the bar and look your best (suddenly they cancel friends in the photo, and the blouse does not harmonize with the jeans, and the liquid in the glass matches the color of the nail polish, and so on). We try so hard to be special that we end up “like everyone else” and even worse. We have forgotten how to relax without doping. Therefore, the desire to get it simply and quickly with the help of a high or not very high degree is understandable. This is due to permanent, sluggish depression.

Our life has become so boring and insipid that alcohol (or in our case, rather dreams of “here Friday comes and away we go”) is the simplest solution to the problem. The rest of the time we read our many correct subscriptions online.

About tea ceremonies and posture exercises, about the 15 main books of the year according to some version, about the 7 best scrambled eggs in the world. Life hacks, how to combine dresses with sneakers, and how to make sneakers with lace flower pot from old boots. How to behave with your boyfriend in order to refresh your relationship, what phrases to say and what absolutely not to say, what exhibitions to go to and where to check in, and what excursions are available at a discount this month (again, to check in with a glass and post on Instagram). It seems the world is watching us every second from its top social account and is about to grab us by the throat.

Phew, while I was writing all this to you here, I really wanted to drink it myself. And I haven’t mentioned yet about the tests, which great rulers are you and which one? famous actor will marry you.

5. VIP binge. It's time for thirty

Today we don’t just relax with a glass of beautiful music. We are organizing an elite drinking party. With an elite label for elite alcohol (this is important, key!), because everything needs to be done branded, individually, with the vip or luxury mark. Otherwise, how can you then share and repost this? This is a trend.

Well, if you are almost thirty, you no longer choose banal cocktails like mojitos. Now you only drink Aperol spritz because it’s healthy, tasty and everything like that. Not overused, in general, yet.

Speaking of cocktails. They were invented during Prohibition in order to hide low quality alcohol. So, when choosing at a bar between the above-mentioned Aperol and a glass of wine, give preference to the second.

6. Unhappy love

Holy point. Every girl should suffer through this and drink this too. You don't even have to go into details.

7. When I become an adult

I love watching the accounts of teenagers from 14 to 18 - an excellent barometer of modern youth. From everything that they write on their pages, I understood only one thing: at 18 they are even greater cynics and pessimists disillusioned with life than I was at 28. And this is not because of puberty, the difficulties of growing up and all that. This is because they have already grown up. My friend’s eighteen-year-old daughter (again, judging by her Instagram account) drinks ten times more than me. And her friend. And a friend's friend too.

8. Two sprays and sobriety

One thing is good: if your soul is not in favor of alcohol, there is something for you perfect option. There is a growing fashion for alcoholic fragrances around the world. You don't even have to drink. Just spray yourself with tequila or Courvoisier from a spray bottle. To be on trend, if #vinish is for you #hashtag.

And one last thing.

Personally, it still seems to me that we simply reviewed motivational pictures on the Internet, where glasses, a label on a bottle of wine, a cheese plate, and a girl on a restaurant terrace look exquisite in the frame (see picture above). In such an environment, of course, it’s not a sin to miss a glass or two. And it is necessary, and useful, and beautiful. In other cases, it is better to remember that in a state of intoxication, problems are not solved; rather, they cease to be too noticeable to worry about: a person switches, like a program, is distracted, experiences pleasure, and the stabbing reality remains beyond perception. And it is the reluctance to return to it that is the main problem of every first-time drinker.