Welding a frame for a sculpture. The art of artistic welding

First products - metal crafts were made in ancient times by skilled craftsmen. Gradually, artistic forging turned into a real work of art and, starting from the 11th century, became an integral part of architectural structures in Europe. Today, metal products have a high cost, but at the same time they can emphasize the exclusivity of the exterior or interior of an apartment or country house. We offer you several master classes that will help you do metal crafts with your own hands.

Metal owl


  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • sheets of cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • sheet metal 1.5 mm thick;
  • Bulgarian;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • welding machine;
  • chemical rust remover;
  • 2 washers and 2 bolts for them;
  • rod 6-8 mm.

Let's start making metal crafts - an owl

1) Using a pencil on a sheet of paper, draw an owl.

2) We visually break the owl into separate elements and transfer them to sheets of cardboard to make the owl life-size. Cut out the templates with scissors.

3) Now we apply the cardboard templates to the sheet metal, transfer them and carefully cut out each detail of the owl with a grinder.

4) In the part that is the eyes of the owl, we make holes for the bolts. We make them using a chisel and a hammer.

5) Now we make feathers on all the parts of the owl. To do this, take a chisel and make notches.

6) Paws are easy to make from a rod. We cut off the pieces needed for the paws from the rod and weld them together to form a paw. We do the second one in the same way.

7) From a piece sheet metal we make a beak.

9) Now you can connect the parts into one whole. To do this, carefully weld each of them to each other in the required sequence on the back side of the owl. Then we weld the beak and paws to the finished owl.

10) Now, using a chemical solvent, we clean the owl from rust. Follow the instructions on the solvent. If there is no suitable solvent, make a solution at home baking soda and water. It should be so thick that it spreads easily over the surface. Clean the owl with an old toothbrush, and then rinse thoroughly. It is recommended to do all work with solvents with gloves.

11) When the cleaning process is completed, cover the entire owl with a special varnish. It can be purchased at a special store.

Metal owl craft ready. It will become creative, made with love and skill, and will keep memories of the master forever.

Metal figurines look original in a flowerbed or in a garden. summer cottage, so with the help of our step by step instructions you can easily make a rat or some other animal out of metal.


  • Bulgarian;
  • drill with metal drill bit;
  • metal scissors;
  • electric welding;
  • grinding circle for grinder;
  • rods with a diameter of 4,6,10,12 and 14 mm;
  • 2 mm metal sheet;
  • wire;
  • metal ball from the bearing 3 pieces.

1) Take two pieces metal pipe(this rat has a height of 50 centimeters). We make a head from one of them: we cut out identical segments along the entire diameter and get a blank, as in the photo. Then we weld and, using a grinder with a cleaning wheel, clean this part. We make the body and also clean it in a similar way. Consider the proportions: the head is larger than the body. We weld the head to the body.

2) Transfer sketches of the rat’s ears and paws onto a 2 mm sheet of metal and cut them out. We roll the paw blanks into a funnel. We scald them and clean the seams. Then we electric weld each leg to the body and clean the seams again. We weld the ears to the head and don’t forget to clean the seams too.

3) Now we make the rat’s paws and hands from twigs. For the upper legs, a 4 mm rod is welded to 10 mm, and for the lower 6 mm legs, it is welded to 12 mm. We insert it into the holes of the funnels and scald it with welding.

4) We make the tail from a 14 mm rod and weld it to the body.

5) Let's move on to the rat's face. First, let's make two holes in the head for the eyes. They should be smaller than the bearing balls. Now let's drown these balls in the holes and weld them neatly and thinly. We electric weld the remaining ball in place of the nose. Drill holes for the wire whiskers and insert it.

7) Then we make longitudinal welds close to each other throughout the rat. This will create an imitation of wool. Now we clean the whole craft again using a grinder with the required disk. This is necessary in order to rid the product of scale, slag and add shine.

8) At the end of the work, we apply a special varnish to the metal rat, it can be colorless, or it can have some effect. It's up to you. The rat in the photo is coated with colorless varnish with a satin effect.

Now all that’s left is to figure out where to put it or who to give such a wonderful gift to.

Rose- This is a unique flower, the beauty of which I would like to preserve for as long as possible. Metal rose will make you happy long years and decorate classic interior bedrooms.

Materials and tools:

  • yews;
  • sheet metal 0.5 mm;
  • metal scissors;
  • steel wire 6 mm;
  • grindstone;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • metal paint;
  • welding machine.

Master class metal rose

1) During work, follow safety precautions, use gloves and a welding mask.

2) Using special scissors, cut out petals for a bud and a couple of leaves for a rose from sheet metal. We cut out the petals in the following sequence: from smallest to largest, starting from 15 mm and ending with 80 mm. You need to cut about thirty petals, then the bud will be dense and full.

3) Then smooth the edges of each petal using a sharpening stone.

4) From the remaining scraps of sheet metal, cut out triangles - they will become rose thorns. Their size should not be less than 10 mm.

5) We make a stem blank from steel wire. Our task is to get rid of its flat state. To do this, we can use a hammer to bend it a little so that it looks like a real rose stem.

6) Create a bud. The first two smallest petals need to be clamped in a yew and bent in half. Next, we begin to form eight petals in an arc relative to the center of the bud, but be sure to grab each part by welding and then clean it.

7) All subsequent petals are also formed in an arc, but bending the top of the petal. We do this procedure with a hammer. And just like the previous petals, we weld them and clean them again.

8) Now we weld the thorns to the already prepared stem. Then we clean them with a grinder.

9) Rose leaves. You need to squeeze and release the leaf in a yew to create a vein. Then we bend the edges using pliers. Now we weld the leaves to the stem and clean the seams.

10) We weld the rose bud to its stem, carefully clean it at the joints and cover the entire rose with metal paint.

A beautiful flower that combines the tenderness of beauty and the rigidity of metal is ready. An original and such a painstaking gift will delight the female eye for many years.

Metal crafts: Panel - fish

Panel- This decorative composition, which serves for beauty and comfort in the home. It can be a carved or ceramic composition, bas-relief or stucco. Panels of tiles are often found in the architecture of buildings. different color or using the mural technique. We offer to make crafts from metal: wall panels from metal frame with your own hands.


  • thick wire;
  • thin wire;
  • beads, a lot of beads;
  • a dozen beads;
  • paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors that can cut wire.

1) The very first thing you need to do is draw a sketch of the fish that will occupy a central place in the panel.

2) Based on the sketch, we begin to make a fish frame from thick wire. At the same time, we make curves, as in the photo. In paragraph 5 you will understand what they are for.

3) From the same wire we make jumpers that will increase the rigidity of the structure.

4) Thin wire is needed to fix the frame.

5) Now we begin to fill the fish with beads and beads. To do this, we attach a thin wire to the curves on the frame and begin to string beads onto it. So we braid all parts of the fish with beads, while securing the wire with the beads. To make the product look aesthetically pleasing, do this on the back side of the fish. The beads will help highlight the large scales of the fish, and one bead will be used to make the eye. The color of the future craft depends on the selected beads, so use your imagination and don’t be afraid.

The finished fish can be hung on the wall in the nursery or hallway. It will become not only an interior decoration, but also a pleasant gift for a fishing enthusiast. We recommend making several fish so that you can create a whole one on the wall.

Metal crafts parents can do it with the whole family, as they need to follow safety precautions when working with a welding machine. If you do not have special skills in working with metal, you can make a craft from wire or a tin can, which will also look exclusive. This concludes our article on DIY metal crafts. more crafts look at the site.

Usually the word “welding” is in no way associated with beauty, romance and high art. But welding is not only about iron frames, bridges and pipelines... in capable hands metal melting under a welding arc can take on any shape and turn into flowers, animals, elegant statues and decorative elements.

Appreciate the works of Kiev resident Dmitry Kushniruk, made using an innovative method of artistic titanium welding. They captivated not only visitors to the exhibition in Kyiv, but also became a sensation at shows in Helsinki, St. Petersburg and a number of US cities.

No less amazing are the creations of Russian Yuri Shurupov, who, using plasma cutting and welding, creates fantasy sculptures that have already decorated more than one private collection.

The work of Grigory Dochkin, the head of the welding school at the Institute named after. Paton. He creates elegant flowers, vases and boxes from cold metal.

The artist became interested in artistic welding in his youth when working on the design of the Lunokhod. Different temperature conditions make it possible to obtain interesting color shades on metal, which prompted the idea of ​​​​the possibility of creating unusual sculptural works. The idea was brought to life. Look what happened.

Welder is different from welder, and if for some it is hard work by which they earn a living, then for David Madero welding is an endless field of creativity. However, in order not to die of hunger, creativity must also be able to sell, so David tries his best not to repeat himself, maintain his originality and work without sparing himself.

It's hard to describe how impressive the works really are David Madero(David Madero) - not a single photograph can convey the grandeur or elegance of his statues. But, talking about himself, David says that he does not consider himself someone outstanding. "I don't consider myself a good welder technically. I never actually learned the trade, I just grew up surrounded by all these tools - my father was a welder. So it just came naturally, intuitively. But I I'm trying to fill in my gaps."

"Before today I have never met a more talented metal sculptor than my father. He started working in this field back in the 1950s, he was a real talent." On his website, David often posts the process of creating his sculptures. "I do this on purpose. Clients rarely think about how much effort and labor is put into creating a sculpture. They can’t see all this noise, scraps of metal, heat from the welding machine, burns, it’s hard for them to imagine this whole atmosphere in which the work is created. Clients feel that the sculptures are immediately created radiant, with ideal forms and on a pedestal. That's why I add a video about the creation process to the site."

The fastest and reliable way fastening of metal parts - electric welding. Anyone can learn how to use it. Having bought an inverter, and also spent half a pack of electrodes to gain practical skills, you can safely try to create metal crafts with your own hands. Installation of structures, repairs at the dacha, manufacturing garden tools and much more becomes available from now on.

The first metal crafts

Many people now have welding. Often the device is purchased for construction or repair purposes. Not even necessarily for yourself. If there is a need for it, you can call a self-taught neighbor or a familiar specialist welder. After completion of the work, the unit simply stands idle.

But sooner or later the moment comes when you should make up your mind and try to cook something yourself. There's nothing wrong with that, if you have the desire. The main thing at this stage is not to get burned and not to catch “bunnies”, and experience comes with practice. If there is or Vacation home, there will always be a use for welding. With its help, you can solve problems of territory development much faster.

Not everything can always be bought in a store. Weld the gate, build a base for a bench or table, “grab” it to metal pole a hook for fastening a rope or an additional support for weaving grapes - this seems like a trifle, but it seems inconvenient to call a welder over and over again for this reason. This means you need to master the basics and solve everyday problems yourself.

Welding Basics

Of course, it’s not worth taking on serious work with critical connections right away. You can practice on a piece of scrap metal. At the first stage, you should learn how to light an arc and hold it, maintaining a constant working gap between the workpiece and the electrode as it burns.

After this, you need to work out the technique of forming a weld, fusing a layer of metal onto a flat surface. Then you can proceed to adjusting the current for different thicknesses of the workpieces being welded. Welding is a technique for joining two metal parts, based on the melting of their surfaces at the junction. They are joined into one by adding a layer of electrode binder material.

The current is selected in such a way as to ensure melting of only the surface layer without the formation of holes. It is better to master the technique on electrodes with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm. They must not be old and must be dry, otherwise the first experience will most likely be ineffective, which may discourage you from learning how to create metal crafts.

Welding makes it possible to correct minor and sometimes serious flaws or installation errors. It is enough to cut off the seam of the “tack”, and the parts are separated. After cleaning the area of ​​unsuccessful welding, the process can be repeated.


Any owner of a country house or owner of a summer cottage will probably have metal waste on their farm. These may be the remains of pipes after the installation of a gas pipeline, water supply or heating systems. A real owner usually does not throw away the remains of a channel or pieces of reinforcement. You can also find used nails, bolts and nuts.

Such scrap metal very often becomes a material for new repairs or improvements to old ones. There will probably be an outdated one in a garage or barn. garden tools, chains, old dishes, as well as spare parts from a car, motorcycle or bicycle that have not yet been handed over to collection points.

From all this you can make useful and practical crafts made of metal. With your own hands, using welding and available materials, you can repair old garden tools or make new ones from waste, taking into account personal experience, your preferences and business conditions.

You can make your backyard cozy without purchasing new equipment. From used, but still strong metal, you can build a base for a country table or bench. Finding the right sheet of particleboard for the table top and boards for the bench won't be a problem. Racks can be made even from substandard inch pipes.

If you have a supply of material, you can swing on a swing. It is better to make the structure permanent, with the base concreted. You need two sidewalls made of pipes welded at an angle, with jumpers for rigidity. The more massive the swing seat is, the larger this angle should be. The jumpers can be welded at ground level or even below so that they are not visible.

It is better to make suspensions from chains, but you can also use a reliable rope. The beam for fastening must be massive. A thick-walled pipe, a piece of rail or channel will do. It is best to fasten frame parts and suspension brackets by welding.

At any dacha, with rare exceptions, there is a barbecue or other similar device. A couple of logs for sitting, an old stump as a table and charred bricks for limiting the fireplace and laying skewers - for some, this may be relaxation, but it is better and more convenient to use a more advanced design.

The grill can be disassembled. You can bring it with you to your dacha, it can also have permanent place registration with the possibility of transporting it to the storage location. For such a solution, a barbecue made from an old one is quite suitable. steel barrel. You can make it yourself and get by with just a grinder and a drill. However, it will be better and easier if you use a welding machine.

An empty and washed barrel is cut lengthwise along the vertical center line into two halves. Legs made of rods, fittings or pipe sections are welded to one part. Top part serves as a hinged lid and can be mounted for convenience on welded old door curtains.

Crafts made from thin sheet metal can be secured by welding only after gaining some experience. In order to reliably weld parts and not burn a hole with the electrode, you should accurately select welding current and work with short tacks with constant monitoring of seam quality.

Metal sculpture

The garden around a country house is not only an area where trees and shrubs are grown for collecting fruits and berries. This is also a place to relax! A garden sculpture will be an excellent addition to well-groomed plantings.

It may not necessarily be made of concrete or plaster. For a person with creative potential, there are no limits to its expression. If at the moment you only have at hand a welding machine, half a pack of electrodes, a crowbar and the desire to create, then from all this you can build an original and unique composition. Moreover, the complexity of execution may vary.

It depends on the available material and the idea. Such metal crafts for the garden in one case can consist of a dozen different, at first glance, incompatible parts of different origins and purpose. In another case, it can consist of hundreds of repeating elements of the same type, connected by welding into a three-dimensional model.

Where do you get ideas?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Someone, seeing random details in one place, imagines how they will fit together if they are combined into a common composition. Another purposefully goes to a scrap metal collection point and wanders around mountains of this trash in search of a suitable part for the chosen sculpture.

You can get ideas or simply take someone’s already realized idea as a basis from specialized book publications that are dedicated to metal crafts. There is nothing wrong with creating something you like from scrap materials available around the house.

In any case, DIY metal crafts created according to an existing drawing or sketch will be original. Welding is not copying, but a kind of creativity. Anything that is made with a decorative design and repeats a pattern or composition is perceived as a kind of masterpiece.

Safety precautions

So that DIY metal crafts do not serve as a constant reminder of a bad experience welding work associated with a burn or injury, caution should be exercised. Working without a mask or shield is strictly prohibited, otherwise you may be exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

A protective suit will protect clothing and body skin from flying sparks and splashes of molten metal, and thick mittens or gloves made of dense material will save your hands. It is not recommended to knock scale off a seam without protective glasses; sharp fragments flying in all directions can get into your eyes.

When working near wood or fire-prone surfaces, have a bucket of water and a wet cloth on hand. Random sparks or electrode residue that bounce off and land on such materials can cause smoldering and subsequent fire. When working indoors, you need to pay attention to proper ventilation.

"V1.ru" - information portal of Volgograd

[December 15, 2019]

Quite unexpectedly, I came across the page of the Japanese artist-sculptor Noriyuki Saitoh on Facebook. Link to his profile - www.facebook.com/noriyuki.saitoh. Looking at this page, I realized that Noriyuki is engaged in sculpture and in 2018-2019 he created miniature sculptures of insects from bamboo. He also passes on his skills to his students.

[December 11, 2019]

The working title of this sculptural composition is “Chukotka”. I received an urgent order from Chukotka friends in October 2019. The composition was supposed to represent Chukotka at the Days Far East in Moscow already at the beginning of December. I had to speed up the work process and make a fairly large (height - 3 meters) sculpture of a walrus and a couple of seagulls in a short time.

[December 10, 2019]

Fair on Novy Arbat: 12/04/2019 - 12/08/2019.

Festival at the Expocentre: 12/10/2019 - 12/14/2019.

“Days of the Far East in Moscow” is a large-scale event in which all 11 Far Eastern regions are represented. In 2019, this event is taking place for the third time and this time shopping pavilions Far Eastern fairs are located in the very center of the capital - on the territory of New Arbat. I brought there the sculptural composition “Walrus and Seagulls” created especially for this event and one of the Chukchi dogs.

It was not possible to take good photographs from the scene, so I suggest looking at photographs of the sculptural composition