Everything is completely bad, what can I do? What to do if everything is bad in life

Unfortunately, life circumstances do not always work out the way a person wants. This may lead to depression or stress. It is better to avoid such a state and try to put yourself in a positive attitude.

What to do?

What to do when everything is bad in life? Not every person can easily overcome life's difficulties and solve any problematic situations. Some people need practical guide, explaining what to do when everything in life is bad. Sometimes a person goes through periods when it seems to him that everyone is against him. In these situations, it is important to remember that people’s thoughts have the property of being translated into reality. Therefore, when a person thinks that everything is bad for him, this is actually what happens. Even the weather can be inclement during these periods of life. Troubles follow a person everywhere: at home, at work and even on vacation.

In order to get out of this state, you need to pause and think about whether everything is really that bad. Ideally, you need to look at yourself from the outside. You should also remember that Therefore, you can pay attention to the life difficulties of other people. Then, perhaps, your problems will not seem so significant and large-scale.

How to fight and what to do when everything is bad in life? First, you need to understand what life situation provoked a bad mood and a depressive mood. As a rule, all incidents that lead to loss of strength have long been known. These include: personal feelings towards the opposite sex, financial difficulties, conflicts at work. Of course, this list is incomplete. For example, depression may begin due to death loved one. But here we are not touching on such a serious problem, but will touch on the simpler experiences of people.

What to do when everything is bad? Secrets of success in your personal life and career

So, now let's talk about personal experiences associated with the opposite sex. Both men and women can worry about a breakup. In this case, you should take this problem philosophically and think about what would be better: continue the conflictual relationship and be in an uncomfortable state for yourself, or let the person go and try to improve your personal life on your own. You also need to know that life is set up according to the principle of a pendulum, that is, you need to remember that if a person is now going through a crisis, then after a short period of time the Universe will give him positive points, from which he will feel joyful and light in his soul. There are often cases when a problematic situation turns into a good outcome. At this moment, it is worth thinking about the fact that if it had not been there, then further favorable developments of events would not have happened.

Financial difficulties are also one of the most common sources of low mood in people. Men especially worry about this. They think that they are not able to provide for their family. The wife can also “add fuel to the fire.” Instead of support, the spouse begins to demand money from her husband for the family, children and household expenses. Women should not be blamed for this situation, since by their nature they want their children to not need anything, to be beautifully dressed, with shoes, and to attend good schools and sections. Men need to calm down and think about the possibility of changing the area of ​​implementation of their professional skills. Or change, make new acquaintances, etc.

Professional environment

How to behave if a dark streak has come in life? What to do when everything is bad in professional field? If speak about conflict situations that happen at work, then you should adhere to the following rule: you should not take them to heart. Everything that happens in the work team should be left there. We need to look for solutions, and not delve into the conflict and the situation itself. You should not strive to please everyone in the work team.

People come there to make money. Therefore, communication with colleagues should be built in a businesslike manner. Of course, there are friendly teams that move to a closer level of communication. But it will still be better if relations with employees remain neutral.

Reflect on what is happening

What to do when everything is bad in life? Now we'll give practical advice. First of all, you should sort out your experiences, that is, figure out what is the reason depressive state, and what to do if everything is bad. Next, you need to think about whether there is a possibility of resolving this situation. If yes, then you need to take action to solve this problem. If there is no opportunity to turn the situation in your direction, then it is better to refuse to resolve it and let it go.

For example, when a person has a personal conflict with an employee in a team, he should consider the option of dismissal and changing jobs. You shouldn’t think that after leaving one large company, it will be impossible to get a job in another one. It is better to think that there is a more advantageous offer for the implementation of professional skills. And then you won’t have to think about what to do when everything in life is bad.

Positive thinking

You need to learn, that is, to look at all life's troubles through the prism of a smile and a good mood. You need to be able to turn any problem to your advantage and extract positive aspects from it.

For example, if a person has financial difficulties and is struggling to survive, it is worth thinking about the fact that perhaps he should change his field of activity and do something else. There is a possibility that he is not in his niche, and his current work does not bring him either moral or material satisfaction.

Forget about bad habits

Don't become dependent on bad habits. People's behavior such as alcohol and tobacco abuse during periods of experiencing any difficulties is common. Should not be doing that! Because bad habits will not solve those problems that require attention. In addition, they will take away a person’s vitality and health. Time will also be lost that could be better spent on solving necessary problems.


Sport is an excellent support for getting out of depression. Firstly, physical exercise help improve blood circulation in the human body. And this is directly related to the stimulation of the brain. Secondly, stress on the body allows you to escape from accumulated experiences. People can look at it sensibly and evaluate the situation in which they find themselves. In addition, excellent physical shape will allow you to feel confident and free in any situation.

Good deeds

Doing good deeds also helps relieve depression or stress. Currently there are many charitable foundations and volunteer organizations that provide assistance to people in need. It is quite easy to join such movements.

They will be happy with any help that is offered to them. As mentioned above, everything is learned by comparison. When a person sees with his own eyes what life situations There are other people, then their problems will seem funny and insignificant to him.

Burn the bad

You should force yourself to get rid of negative thoughts. Don't constantly think about how bad everything is. In order to tune in to a positive perception, you can write on a piece of paper what brings you dissatisfaction, and then burn this piece of paper. You also need to learn not to cling to bad thoughts. But there is no point in pushing them away either, since in this case the emphasis is also placed on them. You just need to ignore the negativity and let it pass by. But if a positive thought comes to your mind, from which a smile appears, then you can spin it in your imagination, imagine yourself in different situations, which bring satisfaction, give harmony and delight.

Contact a professional

What to do if everything is bad? The psychologist's recommendations should help in solving this problem. If you can’t cope with the problem on your own, then you should consider turning to professionals for help. Psychologists, priests, confessors, as well as friends and relatives can help. You should choose someone whose conversation will make your soul feel better. You need to believe that if you share your experiences with other people, they will decrease. Maybe someone can help good advice or action.

Positive thoughts will help you get out of it faster. difficult situation, so force yourself to think that everything will be fine tomorrow. Then the question of what to do if everything is bad in life will not arise. There is a practice that boils down to the fact that you need to learn to think about good things as if they had already happened to you. You can practice on simple desires that cannot be realized a lot of work and then move on to more complex tasks. At first, it will take more time to implement your plans. But in further use similar practice will give positive results in a shorter time.

Take action

What to do if everything in life is bad? Action will lead to a quick resolution of the problem. You shouldn’t wait for the weather by the sea and think that everything will resolve itself. It is better to take all possible actions to resolve the conflict. This applies to both work moments and personal experiences. Everything possible should be done to get out of this situation.

Accept what is happening

If a situation occurs that is impossible to influence, then you need to come to terms with it and accept it. Here we are talking about the passing of a loved one from life. You should also learn to approach life philosophically; you should not blame anyone or anything for your problems. If this happens, then it is necessary. We cannot influence any situations that happen to us. Therefore, it will be better to learn to overcome the trials that fate has in store for us.


There is one simple answer to the question “What to do when everything is bad” - enjoy the moment, so as not to miss it later, because soon the crisis will pass and a bright streak will come! But seriously, in order for the gloomy clouds overhead to disperse, it is enough to take simple 9 steps, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time.

Need specifics

Many of us have a well-developed ability to exaggerate. To do this, many use a technique known from literary theory as hyperbole. Its meaning is deliberate exaggeration to enhance effect, emotional enhancement, and so on. Most often, under the phrase “everything is bad” there is an exaggerated “something specific.”

In other words, these are certain moments or situations on which depends general state person. It is advisable to find them. To do this, you need a piece of paper and a pen that will “endure” everything bad. Most likely, from the first line it will turn out that there are not so many reasons for depression.

But those reasons that exist and are specifically defined have created the effect of a snowball that impudently fell on tired shoulders. If the same question has been ringing in your head for a long time: “What to do when it’s very bad?”, it is advisable to start resolving the current situation right now. Which, in fact, is already happening.

Negative overboard

In order to cope with the surging problems, you need at least enthusiasm and desire. But where do they come from when everything has been “eaten up” by the “what to do” state? To change the situation, you will have to gather the last drops of strength and throw them into a healing activity, which is different for everyone.

This could be going to the bathhouse, cycling, skating, jumping on trampolines, in general, anything that will get rid of the negative, replacing it with the positive. The main thing is to get physically tired, throw out your emotions by screaming or laughing, and also switch. It's worth it, because what's at stake is the common emotional condition. It is this that determines our readiness to fight for things to improve. Don’t forget that a healthy mind is in a healthy body, so delicious food and good sleep are exactly what the doctor ordered.

Black humor

Sometimes black humor and self-irony remain underestimated helpers in the fight against depression, but about them healing properties a lot is known in the world of modern psychotherapy. Perhaps it is worth thinking about what is “missing” for a complete picture of hopelessness. After all, it can always be worse. Laughing at yourself, and this is considered a sign of a strong personality, not only lifts your spirits, scaring away the snowball of failures, but also reminds you that everything is really not as bad as it can be.

If it’s hard for you to find a reason to laugh, then it’s time to go to the movies, but only to see a comedy. Movies are therapeutic, so choose something incredibly explosive.

Algorithm of actions

When the negative emotions have gone away a little, it’s time to return to the “black” list. Opposite each item that “poisons lives” you can write detailed instructions on how to provide yourself with emergency help. medical care. That is, think through your actions, the so-called ways to overcome the problems that have arisen, in order to clearly determine for yourself what to do if everything is bad.

The main thing is not to look for global and sophisticated solutions, but to find accessible and simple options, which are easy to do.


It is worth admitting that rarely does anyone in all spheres of life perfect order. Many different things have been put off for years in a long box of immense size. Now is the time to carry out an audit in this “long box”, thereby making general cleaning in him.

If you are passionate about doing something, improvements will begin imperceptibly in at least one area of ​​your life. Decorating furniture, traveling to distant relatives, replanting flowers will be a good reason for global vital reforms.

Equilibrium as an axiom

Many scientists from different fields agree that everything is balanced in the world. If it disappears somewhere, it soon appears in another place. So, in every unpleasant situation there is a second side of the coin, on which bright colors a rainbow is drawn, you just need to look at it.

  • Is your dress torn? There was an opportunity to update the style by altering it in the workshop.
  • Got fired? It's time to take a break and find something more worthwhile.
  • Has your husband (wife) left? That's what he needs, but for me new life begins!

Healing Humility

Sometimes people, hastily searching for what to do when everything is bad, need to calm down and stop doing anything at all. There are things that do not depend on us. Naturally, it is quite difficult for those who are accustomed to control their own destiny to come to terms with such a statement. But no one can predict illness, accident or the loss of a loved one.

It is important to try to forgive your fate, accepting its “gifts” with humility and gratitude. This is difficult, but effective, because a little humility and understanding attracts love, and anger and resentment attract hatred.

Good deed

If we don’t know what to do when everything is bad, then the whole world seems unfair, spoiled, embittered. If gray, gloomy weather is added to the dejected mood, then a meeting with apathy is guaranteed. To warm yourself up by helping good defeat evil, you can do something good for another person.

This could be anything: a charity dinner, gifts for children with special needs, visiting a sick person, and so on. As a result, it turns out that this helped ourselves first of all, because sincere gratitude from others heals, over time returning goodness threefold. And the ability to share and sacrifice leads to a mature alignment of priorities and values. It’s not without reason that they say that the hand of the giver will never fail.

Looking in the mirror

If, after some time, the situation has not improved, but only worsened, moving into the chronic stage of losing on all fronts, then it is time to use heavy artillery. It is a critical self-analysis of one’s actions and behavior. A psychologist, spiritual mentor, or other person with good life experience will help you cope with this.

It’s worth asking yourself questions: “What did I do wrong?”, “How do I respond to other people’s requests?”, “How do I feel about fulfilling my duties?” The main thing is to remain honest with yourself. Only under this condition can you see yourself from the outside. Having determined which behavior pattern attracts trouble, breaking the chain of failures will become much easier.

These 9 steps were created for a person who is tormented by the question “What to do when everything is bad?” Each step is a small hint leading to the answer. Those who have decided to act, grow and change their life for the better can use them. Perhaps there are those in your circle who need advice at this moment. Share this post with them to help cope with the cloud of problems flying at their heads and prevent the onset of the Ice Age.

It happens that no matter where you look, everything is bad. You give up, you don’t want to do anything, your soul is sad and, as luck would have it, your friends don’t call, work is a mess, and the television on TV is a complete nightmare.

Are there many reasons when a person can despair, give up and become depressed? If you find yourself in such a situation, then you urgently need psychological help. And first of all, you must accept it from yourself.

And I will help you do this. How to cope with depression and regain the joy of life. What to do when everything is bad? I hope that the following simple advice from a psychologist will help you overcome your problems and change your life for the better!

1. Don't hold back your emotions:

What to do when you feel bad? When did you most recently experience deep emotional distress? Give free rein to your feelings. Everyone does it differently. Someone is crying on your shoulder close friend, and someone throws a huge party to distract themselves. Do what you want (within the law, of course), and you will see that it will become easier.

2. Break the problem down:

Try to think about it objectively and impartially. Find out the reason and think about it possible ways solutions to the problem that can be done now. When everything is bad, you want to withdraw into yourself and grieve, but this is not a way out of the situation. Staying in this state is enough for a long time- means registering two new tenants in your house: depression and hopelessness. Strong people act while the weak sit and feel sorry for themselves. Be strong, call me and make an appointment with a psychologist and then you will get the true psychological assistance and support.

3. Despite the fact that the current situation brings nothing but grief, as it seems to your first PSYCHOLOGIST, still think about what it has taught you. It is problems that build character and make a person more experienced and wiser. Think about what exactly your problem taught you, what experience you learned from it.

We can't be optimistic all the time. No matter how brave you are or try to keep yourself positive, there comes a time in life when you just want to lie there, wrapped in a blanket. Don't see or hear anyone.

It happens that troubles happen at the same time. They come so unexpectedly that they take us by surprise. As they say: “trouble does not come alone,” “where it is thin, it breaks.” How to survive this period and maintain good spirits?

  1. Calm down. Of course, this advice is banal and can cause a new wave of despair. But while you are on the verge of hysteria, you will not be able to think constructively. Everything bad that could happen has already happened. Now all that remains is to sort out all the problems that have arisen and slowly begin to solve them.
  2. Stop being angry and considering your life hopeless. If you think like that, you will attract new troubles for yourself. Nobody says that you need to artificially enjoy life, but you also can’t project all the bad things. As F. Nietzsche said: “If you look long into the abyss, the abyss will look at you.”
  3. Don't take your anger out on your family and friends. They are not to blame for anything and also suffer because you feel bad. Better talk to them, discuss the current situation, listen good advice. After all, you have no one dearer than them.
  4. Thank fate for what you have. Are you not in a wheelchair? Don't live in orphanage? Do you have your own home and bread on the table? Yes, you are lucky! Think about those who have none of this, who have nowhere to sleep, who have nothing to eat. To them your problems would seem worthless.
  5. Read interesting books on the topic of overcoming life's adversities. Watch movies with happy endings. Rethink your situation. After a while it won't seem so hopeless anymore.
  6. Write all your dreams on a large piece of paper. Make a plan for making your dreams come true and follow it.
  7. Have a day of rest and idleness. You deserve it. Lay in bed all day, sleep, read, watch TV - in a word, take a break from everyone. Well, if passive relaxation is not for you, then take a walk in unfamiliar places. The forest is especially good in this regard. Fresh air, birds sing, trees rustle - silence, peace. This peace will settle in your soul after such a walk.
  8. Play sports. Sport frees you from negative thoughts. Throw out all the negative emotions during training. Beat the bag, after all.
  9. Allow yourself some alcohol. Not very good and useful way. But sometimes it is quite effective. But often using it is detrimental to health, both physical and mental.
  10. Let go of the situation. Sometimes some problems go away on their own, without our participation. You just need to stop beating yourself up and the solution will not keep you waiting.
  11. Read V. Zeland “Transurfing of Reality”. His famous work will change your mind about the world order and even help in solving problems.
  12. Stop watching news and action movies. They lead to even greater despondency. Crisis in the country, poverty, plane crashes, devastation, war. Do you need it? And films where blood flows like a river are also not needed to watch now. Better watch some light, life-affirming comedy.

  1. Remember all the moments that prevent you from living. Write them down in your notebook point by point. Be responsible in completing this task. Write down all problems, even those that date back to childhood.
  2. Draw a cause-and-effect relationship between problems. Often one problem leads to several others. And its solution automatically solves the rest of the troubles, at least partially.
  3. Think about how you can improve the situation. What needs to be done to alleviate your situation or not to make it worse.
  4. Write down ways to solve the problem and start implementing them. Gradually, without rushing, you will achieve your goal.

This plan is necessary for people who believe that their situation is hopeless. But as practice shows, this is often not the case. And the problem, written down on paper and analyzed, no longer seems so scary and unsolved.

And in general, you just need to look positively at even the most negative events and incidents. Your life is subject to your actions and actions.

Go to bed and wake up only with a smile and in a great mood, take many troubles to heart less, and perhaps avoid them altogether. Minimum stress, maximum positive emotions.

Spend more time with children, who with their spontaneity will show you the way to something new and interesting, their emotions are not fake, they only know how to live sincerely, which is what we wish for you too.

Take care of yourself and be healthy and happy!

Hello dear readers of the site www. rainbow - schastie. ru . The topic of our new article:What to do if everything is bad in life?If you have been thinking for a long time why everything is bad and what to do in this situation, then this motivating article is for you! If you are afraid that sooner or later you will be overtaken by a bad streak in life, then read this article!

Where can you start a conversation? A good question that goes like this: “ Why is everything so bad for me? Why has this been happening to me for a long time?” Unfortunately, we all know when a day, a week, or an entire month involves a series of setbacks. We know that another dark streak has come and we believe that it will end someday. And, in principle, this is how it happens. Our whole life is not stable. Nothing in this world is stable. Even you! Today you have good mood, and tomorrow it’s terrible, despite the fact that things are going well for you. Tomorrow you want one thing, and after tomorrow something completely different. Our desires change over time. Today we dream of becoming successful actors, and in 5 years we want to be deputies. But even here, some of you are faithful to only one dream.

What to do if everything is bad in life?

To begin with, you should ask yourself this question out loud: Why am I doing so badly? What exactly is wrong with me now? This important step. After all, a person can itch endlessly: “Oh, how terrible everything in my life is. I don't want to live. My life is pure horror." But if you ask him what exactly is wrong with you, he may go into a stupor! It turns out everything is quite good. There is just a habit of being a victim and you need to complain to someone about something. Test yourself! Are you one of those people?

We have taken the first step! Now we need to identify the reason why everything is bad. What did you do wrong? Where did you make a mistake? And in order for you to think faster, you need calm down. Without this, your brain will not be able to find you real reasons. While you are angry and irritable, everything gets worse (certainly not better). Most The best way calm down, thisdraw air into your stomach at a speed of 4 seconds and exhale smoothly for all 8 seconds.Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds. Try this exercise now!

And the third step remains - start thinking positively and enjoying life. This is the only way you can get your white streak back. In order to start thinking positively, you need to keep yourself busy with something interesting. If you are currently depressed, then only sports will help you. Especially running. Running shakes everything out "dirty" thoughts and only energy remains, which charges you for the whole day.

If you just want to improve your mood, then this will help youway of comparison.

1. Compare yourself with people who live much worse than you. Remember people with disabilities who are limited in their movements (and not only). Remember children from orphanages, beggars who don’t even have normal clothes, pensioners who spend their entire pension on medicine, bread and water.

2. If you have a dream, then dream. It's better than not dreaming. We have already said that without a dream a person is the same as dead. Make a map of your desires and all possible actions to implement them. This will make you forget and remember how much good can await you.

3. Start reading positive books, watch funny comedies, watch various videos. You can even play a video game that is interesting to you (the main thing is that it does not annoy you). And what you shouldn't do is drink alcohol. Everything else is possible!

4. Go to the gym, sauna, massage.

This is all that will make you forget about a difficult situation for a while, let your brain calm down, and before you notice it, life begins to get better. Imperceptibly, but getting better.

It is important to know and clearly understand:panic, stress, irritability, constant search for reasons why everything is so bad will not help you. Only by calming down with a cool mind can you overcome the black streak. And only by enjoying life will you reach a streak of good luck!

And the last thing that is important to remember: Your problem may go away on its own. This phenomenon exists in our lives. The more you touch your problem, the bigger it becomes. Once you forget about her, everything falls into place. But it depends on the problem itself. We need to analyze them, since many of them will require your intervention. But if you do intervene, then with a smile on your face and a cool head.

That's all and see you later!