Soviet utensils that we use to this day. Useful information about pans Aluminum casting

Hi all! It's time to talk about frying pans. A frying pan is a necessary prop for your wife in the kitchen. It can be used both for its intended purpose and.........the main thing is not to fall into the hands of an evil wife. But this is all a moment of humor, now about electric frying pans used in catering.

Electric frying pans

The frying pans are designed for sautéing vegetables, frying foods, as well as stewing and poaching meat, fish and vegetable culinary products. Frying pans can also be used for deep frying, but it is best to use deep fryers with “cold zones” for this purpose. Frying pans can be directly or indirectly heated, stationary or mobile, electrically or gas heated.

The basic design diagrams of the frying pans are shown in the figure.

Schematic diagrams of electric frying pans

During the Soviet period, industry produced modulated frying pans SESM-0.2, SESM-0.5. as well as electric frying pans SNE-0.2 (SE-2), SNE-0.5 (SE-1). All listed frying pans are electric, with direct heating. Heat treatment food products are produced directly on the frying surface.

The technical characteristics of the frying pans are given in the table.

Technical characteristics of frying pans

Frying pan SESM-0.5

The frying pan consists of a base, two pedestals, a loading bowl, a tilting mechanism and electric heaters open type.

Frying pan SESM-0.5

It is based on a welded frame mounted on four height-adjustable legs. Frameless cabinets, made of steel cladding sheets coated with silicate enamel white. The outer cladding of the cabinets from below is fastened with screws to the frame, and from above they are covered with tables made of of stainless steel. Inside the cabinets, cast iron brackets with sliding bearings are mounted on supports, into which the axles of the frying pan bowl are installed. Inside the left cabinet there is a panel with electrical equipment, and on its front facing there is a panel. The SESM-0.5 frying pan has buttons for turning on and off electric heaters and two signal lamps on the front panel.

Electrical and composite circuit of the electric frying pan SESM-0.5

The flywheel of the bowl tilting mechanism, mounted inside the cabinet and consisting of a worm and a worm sector, is located on the front facing of the right cabinet. It allows you to rotate the pan bowl 180 degrees.

The loading bowl, which has a rectangular shape, is cast from gray cast iron. On the outside, along the perimeter, it is lined with steel sheets coated with white silicate enamel, and on the bottom - with perforated steel sheet. The facing sheets are screwed to the angle steel frame. Asbestos sheets are fixed between the frame and the cladding, which, together with a layer of alfol and air gap serve as thermal insulation.

At the top of the front wall of the bowl there is a spout for draining fat.

Under the bottom of the bowl, in special grooves, electric spirals are placed, insulated with porcelain beads. Wires to electric heaters are supplied through the left trunnion. Under the spirals, sheet asbestos is placed as insulation, held in place by a steel sheet, which is attached to a cast iron bowl with pins. A thermal balloon is mounted under the bottom of the bowl, with the help of which the set temperature is automatically maintained on the bottom of the frying pan bowl. The temperature relay dial is located on the front facing sheet of the bowl.

Frying pan SESM-0.2

The frying pan has a device similar to that of the SESM-0.5 frying pan, but differs from it overall dimensions and power consumption.

Frying pan SE-2

The frying pan consists of a fork-shaped frame, a body, a cast iron bowl, an open type electric heater, rotary mechanism and a removable cover.

The round-shaped loading bowl is made of gray cast iron. The thickness of its walls is 6 mm, the bottom is 7 mm. The bowl is placed on a stainless steel casing. The frying pan, with the help of axles fixed to the body, rests on sliding bearings mounted in the upper part of the cast iron racks of the statin. The space between the walls of the loading bowl and the metal casing is filled with thermal insulation, consisting of several layers of crumpled alfol. The electric heater spirals are insulated from the cast iron bottom with porcelain insulators. The electric heaters are insulated from below with a layer of asbestos and protected by a removable metal casing. The bowl rotation mechanism consists of a single-pass worm and a worm wheel mounted on a key with a handle attached to the right axle. The worm shaft with a handwheel with a handle mounted on it is brought out.

Electrical wires are connected to the terminal board, from where along the left stand of the frame - to the switch. From the latter, three wires are connected through sliding contacts and a hollow left trunnion to the output ends of the electric heating element. Power consumption is adjusted using a packet switch in a ratio of 4:2:1.

Electric frying pan SE-1

It differs from the SE-2 frying pan in the shape of the loading bowl and frame, electric power heating elements and the number of heating steps. The cast iron bowl has a rectangular shape. The bed is made in the form of two cast iron hollow pedestals. At the bottom of the bowl, eight heating elements are placed in special grooves, covered with shields and a removable bottom. The degree of heating is regulated by three switches, the handles of which are located on the outside of the left cabinet. The frying pan has four heating stages (8, 6, 4 and 2 spirals are included). The cover is hinged on two remote brackets.

Operating rules and main performance indicators of frying pans

The pans are placed on the floor in a strictly horizontal position. Before connecting to the network, check the reliability of their grounding, the tilting mechanism and sanitary condition, and also fill required amount fat

Modulated pans are turned on by setting the relay sensor dial to desired temperature, and the warning light comes on. The product is loaded after the lamp goes out.

For frying pans SESM-0.5D and SESM-0.2D, switching on is done by pressing the black “Start” button after setting the thermostat dial to the required temperature. At the same time, the green and yellow lights light up. The product is loaded when the set temperature is reached, when the yellow “Heating” light goes out.

The frying pans SE-1 and SE-2 are turned on by turning the switch handle to maximum level heating After heating, load the product into the frying pan and switch it to medium or low heat, depending on the technological requirements.

You should not turn on the device if there is no fat in the bowl, and you should not leave it on after the end of frying. Failure to comply with these requirements can lead to burning of the bowl and premature failure of electric heaters.

You need to tilt the pan bowl smoothly without jerking.

At the end of the work, turn off the frying pan and clean the bowl of any remaining product, scraping off the burnt particles with a knife or wooden scraper.

After washing the bowl, it is left open to dry, and then lubricated with a swab dipped in fat and closed with a lid.

White enamel cladding is washed warm water. To add shine, stainless steel parts are periodically polished with chalk or tooth powder, followed by wiping with felt or a dry soft cloth.

Regulatory control devices are systematically inspected and repaired. Temperature relays and check the reliability of grounding.

To access the panel with electrical equipment and a set of clamps for the SESM-0.2 and SESM-0.5 frying pans, remove the front lining of the left cabinet, having first unscrewed the screws securing it to the frame and table.

To access the electric heating coils, turn the bowl 180 degrees, unscrew the screws securing bottom sheet on the screed and remove it. Then, having unscrewed the central pin, disconnect the supply ends of the wires and spirals from the terminal block, unscrew the nuts at the corners of the shield and remove it along with the sheet and gasket. If the spiral breaks, it can be fused by twisting or a voltaic arc.

Tight rotation of the flywheel of the bowl tipping mechanism is observed in the absence of lubrication at the support pins of the loading bowl or worm pair, or when the worm axis is jammed in the bearing bushings due to their misalignment.

The operation of the bowl tilting mechanism is checked by turning it 180 degrees and returning it to its original position at least five times (with the frying pan turned off). The rotation angle must be within 180 degrees.

The journals are lubricated with universal refractory grease UT-1, filling the oil can with it once every 6 months. To lubricate the worm rotating mechanism, automotive transmission oil is poured into the bracket bath so that the turns of the worm are immersed in it. The lubricant is replaced every six months.

To gain access to the trunnions and the bracket tub, remove the tables from the left and right posts, having first unscrewed the screws securing them to the cladding.

The secure fit of the lid is checked by opening and closing it at least five times. If the pan lids do not lock in any position, it means that the adjustment of the springs that balance them is incorrect. The springs are twisted and untwisted by turning the axis of the bolt with which they are rigidly connected.

The main performance indicators of frying pans include: thermal voltage under the heater, specific consumption fuel per 1 kg of prepared products q, efficiency, average temperature on the hearth t cf, time for heating the pans to working condition, indicator of uneven temperature distribution on the hearth delta t max, specific metal consumption m and indicators of the reliability of their operation. These indicators of frying pans are determined in the same way as the indicators of the frying surface of the stoves.

Svetlana Vladimirovna, I also have several cast iron frying pans inherited from his great-grandmother.

IN Lately I don’t use this kitchen “classic” - modern branded utensils turned out to be too convenient.

But these frying pans have served faithfully for several generations, and I have also used them all my life - so I can’t get rid of them...

I always freed (or rather lightened!) a frying pan from carbon deposits like this: I baked it on the stove over very low heat for a whole day.

Many black layers disappear - but, of course, new frying pan, having lived for a century and a half, will never become.


I usually, when there is a lot of soot, sprinkle salt on a cast-iron frying pan and let it ignite. When the carbon begins to burn and smell, I carefully clean the carbon with a knife and put it back on the fire, and so on several times until the result satisfies me. The only thing you can’t do is put a hot frying pan under water - it might crack. After completing the procedure, rinse the frying pan well, but be sure to wipe it dry, otherwise it will begin to rust. Or lightly grease it with sunflower oil.


If you have a summer cottage where you can make a fire, then such frying pans can be cleaned of carbon deposits by heating them in the fire. You can even cover them with hot coals and leave them overnight. I managed to clean old Soviet frying pans in this way, although they are not very nice in appearance, but the scale disappeared completely, and, most importantly, the frying pans retained their working qualities. After such cleaning, cast iron frying pans need to be rubbed so that they do not rust vegetable oil with salt and put in the oven for a couple of hours. In the future, when using a cast iron frying pan, do not scrub it with hard brushes or abrasive powders to maintain a thin oil film on the surface. Then the cast iron frying pan will not burn and rust.

The most radical method of removing carbon deposits from cast iron frying pans is this: if you have a REU or ZHEU nearby, then there are always gas burners with cylinders, and mechanics work with them. So you can ask them to burn the frying pan with this gas burner. After this, your pans will look normal.

IN Soviet times Thick-bottomed frying pans were made from what aluminum alloy. My aunt cleaned such pans with the most ordinary sand. I'm too lazy to deal with sand, so I scrape the pans with a regular sharp knife. And so that the scale comes off easily, you can boil the dishes in the following solution: half a pack of acautic soda and 1 bottle of regular office glue for 10 liters of water. I read this recipe in my mother’s old magazine “Peasant Woman” and used it with success more than once. By the way, you can also clean very dirty enamel dishes. You just need to boil it longer, about an hour. You can try cleaning cast iron pans with Amwey product. The product is called "Oven Cleaner", but you need to use it very carefully, it is very strong.

The ideal way clean all utensils from compressed fat and black carbon deposits, I still use this method, there is no dirt or dust.
To do this, you need to purchase (find! in hardware stores):
Soda ash, such as was available in Soviet times, was used for washing clothes, and ordinary office glue (in a transparent plastic bottle), also from Soviet times (all offices and accounting departments received glue, which, when hardened, became like frozen glass).

It is still sold in Soyuzpechat kiosks and Stationery stores today.

1.Take 5 jars of 100 grams of glue; 2. Half a pack of household soda ash (or five packs of regular baking soda);

Pour everything into large capacity with water (8-10 liters), stir well and put on fire.
Place a frying pan or saucepan into this solution, let it boil and leave until it cools.

The solution can be reused by adding a small amount of soda and glue.

What happens to the thick layer of black soot?
The carbon deposits will become soft and (sometimes) sticky, which can be removed while still warm with any kitchen brush or hard kitchen sponge.
The following utensils are suitable for processing using this method: cast iron frying pans, metal frying pans, enameled pots and pans, duralumin-aluminum cookware, thick aluminum pans and thin aluminum pans.

For processing in this way: copper utensils and modern dishes with a mirror surface.
Use a cleaner for stainless steel surfaces:
Electrolux STALRENS-cleaner for steel and chrome.

Good luck!

In order to clean the frying pan from scale, you need to squeeze silicate glue into a basin filled with water. Place the saucepan in a bowl. The water should completely cover it. The basin must be placed on the stove for the water to boil. Then the frying pan must be thoroughly rinsed with water so that no traces of glue remain on the frying pan. This way you will get rid of soot.

Cast iron cookware is cleaned over a hot fire with coarse salt, then allowed to cool slightly. Wipe the still hot cauldron several times with a clean, dry cloth or paper napkin. If the rag remains clean, this means the cauldron is well prepared. Cast iron pans should never be washed with water.
You can also buy the product SCHUMANIT, made in Israel, it cleans well of carbon deposits.
I also advise you to clean it this way: take a pack of soda, a piece of laundry soap and 1 tube of office glue, put all this in a bucket, boil until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then you can boil the dishes there. Everything will be like new.
Good luck!

From the author: “This is how modern newspeak clogs the mind. Here on the radio “Moscow Speaks” we tried to remember Soviet cuisine and we say “kitchen gadgets.” „
So, after all, Soviet kitchen utensils!

So, in the photo above - soviet waffle iron. Heavy double cast iron frying pan. They were also electric, but this one is for gas stove. Why is it heavy? It's simple. Even such a unit had difficulty maintaining a constant temperature. And this was extremely important for baking.

This - forerunner of modern mixers. Hand whipped for cream. A masterpiece of Soviet engineering, which enjoyed constant popularity among housewives. An alternative was a similar manual unit that was screwed onto glass jar. In this case, from above (as in a coffee grinder) it was necessary to turn the handle, which set the beater blades in the jar in motion. And also electric mixers made in the GDR that began to appear in the mid-1960s.

And this is Soviet stove "Miracle".
In fact, a form for baking various flour products, as well as for stewing meat and vegetables; You can bake fish and apples in it.
Baking in a “miracle” oven is done on a gas or electric stove with hot gases that pass through the hole in the tray and wash the bottom of the pan and pan. The side openings are used to regulate the temperature in the oven and to allow air to enter. At the beginning of baking (15-30 minutes depending on the heating strength), the holes should be closed while baking Bottom part products. Then the holes should be gradually opened (turning the lid around its axis), while the top is baked (brown).

Apple crusher (juicer). Inside is a durable metal cup with a holey bottom. The entire solid part of the apple remains in it, and the juice is squeezed down and then drained through the spout on the outer glass.

Meat grinder "Ural". Even the harsh Chelyabinsk men cursed as they turned the stringy Soviet meat through it. It was usually regularly wound around a knife, and at the exit from the meat grinder, meat juice and chopped fat poured out. But no matter, the dumplings even from this minced meat turned out great.

By the way device for dumplings. This mold really made the modeling process easier, allowing me to prepare a batch of 37 dumplings in 5-7 minutes. You only had to try it once to, as they say, “feel the difference.”

Baltic containers for cereals. A must-have item on the shopping list for all business trips to Riga in the 1970s.

Vegetable cutter. Worked well with tomatoes. But something denser was difficult to cut, since the metal strips were not very rigid and “spinned” around their axis, ruining the beauty of the slices being cut. Some of the most skillful housewives managed to cut cheese in this way.

Another “device” for advanced Soviet housewives. Device for baking brushwood. Replaceable metal molds were screwed onto the handle. Then they dipped into a specially prepared liquid dough (with the addition of vodka!) and then into boiling oil. The dough was fried in the form of a crispy, crispy butterfly or flower.

These nickel silver cutlery (above and below) are probably remembered by every reader who visited the USSR.

But this little thing at the top is not familiar to everyone. In fact, this is an attachment to a special mill (something like a small meat grinder) for the production of homemade cookies. It was screwed onto the mill and a shortbread sausage was squeezed out of replaceable (movable) mold holes. Substituting her hand, the hostess pressed 5 centimeters of this product and cut the dough with a knife. Then the “cookie” went onto a baking sheet and into the oven.

But this thing is both Soviet and anti-Soviet. This is actually a mold for baking an Easter lamb. I suspect that they were made at defense factories in their spare time. And then, somehow they were not very officially sold in consumer cooperative stores. In any case, there are no identification marks or factory marks on this product.

The hammer and sickle, the star, the hydrofoil “Raketa” on cutlery, according to their manufacturers, apparently should have contributed to the appetite of Soviet citizens. "Bon appetit!"

IN last years Friends from different regions Russia and even from other countries with an unexpected question: “Yesterday we bought a cauldron (frying pan, frying pan), and at the bottom it says “kukmara”, is this from your homeland?”
At first it surprised me, and then we aksanova We decided: how much can we talk about overseas wonders and distant regions, when in my native Kukmor not everything interesting has been studied and shown!

Today we will tell and show how dishes are made under the Kukmara brand, which, as it turns out, has already spread throughout the planet. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised by this fact. While we were studying the production, we learned that even Galileo had already visited Kukmor and filmed a report on how a cauldron for pilaf was made! I invite you now to find out about this later in the post.

2. So, where did we end up?! This is OJSC "Kukmor Metalware Plant" - one of the main manufacturers of cast aluminum cookware since 1950. A few centuries ago, the plant was called a copper smelter and was engaged in the manufacture of samovars, trays, and pots from copper.

When I first heard that 60% of cast dishes produced in Russia are made in my native regional center of Tatarstan, Kukmor, I didn’t believe it. And this is exactly so!

3. Currently, cauldrons, uchagi, pots, pans, pancakes and much more are produced here!
There are even giants - 110 liter cauldrons!

4. We go straight to the workshops to observe the stages of making dishes.
Aluminum for production comes in ingots of 10 kg. Its composition is tested in a special laboratory of the plant for suitability

5. Production begins with melting aluminum alloys in furnaces at temperatures from 700 to 850 degrees! Heat!

6. The foundry is a real hot spot.

7. B special forms Liquid aluminum is poured with a ladle. A fascinating sight!

8. They make an excellent tower).

9. Oh how! Do you understand how to work?

10. After casting, excess metal remains on the workpieces

11. In this regard, the product is subjected to further cutting and cleaning on special lathes



14. Like sculptures! We cut off the excess and get the result

16. Now you can start painting. It is produced in several stages. Coatings (2 and 3 layers) are applied manually by spraying using special spray guns or on semi-automatic coating lines. Products are covered with inside, and from the outside

17. First, primer, it provides better adhesion of the metal to the non-stick coating, increasing the service life of the product. The soil dries in a conveyor oven, where the product is sent

18. We have already started operating an automatic line, where all stages of coating are carried out on special equipment In one place

19. German and Italian non-stick coatings. Stored in a special refrigerator


21. The product with dried primer comes out of the other side of the conveyor and is again sent to the painting stand.
The product is coated with a non-stick coating on the outside and inside and then baked again. The cookware is exposed to temperatures of over 450 degrees in these tunnel ovens.

22. The next stage after coating is drying followed by cooling

23. And cast cookware without coating undergoes grinding, assembly, quality control, assembly and packaging


25. The final stage in the production of aluminum cookware with a non-stick coating is the groove of the bottom of the product.
Grooving is the removal of shavings from the bottom of the cookware

26. What makes it possible to use not only gas and electric stoves, but also on glass-ceramic ones.
Leveling the bottom increases the area of ​​contact between the bottom of the cookware and the stove, which affects the speed and uniformity of heating of the cookware


30. Grooving is also done for aesthetic purposes.

31. It's nice to see that the plant is growing and expanding. These are new workshops. I was surprised by the number of employees at the enterprise - almost 700 people. For Kukmor, with a population of 17,000 people and not the best conditions for finding a good job, such an enterprise is a solution to the problem for many of my fellow countrymen


33. There is also a tin products workshop where tripods, rods, molds, and stamps are produced. They are coated with special oil to prevent them from rusting.

34. Further, depending on the assortment, the products are equipped with glass or metal lids and removable handles. For packaging they are used as materials own production(stainless steel handles, rims for camping boilers, aluminum handles, etc.), as well as materials purchased from other manufacturers (glass lids, bakelite and wooden handles, fasteners, packaging containers). The fittings are mostly imported

34. Since I was born and raised in Kukmor, almost everywhere at the enterprise I met familiar faces - classmates, friends, acquaintances. It was nice!

35. Everything is ready and now all that remains is to pack and send to the warehouse, wait for shipment to the wholesale customer

36. Liked the packaging design

37. Products are packaged in film and then packed into shipping containers


39. I was very surprised by the variety of the plant’s products. Before the tour, we were able to see a huge tableware stand in the marketing department. And I thought they only made frying pans and cauldrons!

40. Please wrap me each item in two, no, three pieces!

Rinat Bilalovich, technical director of the plant, and commercial director Amina Zagitovna told us about production very clearly and in detail. Thanks to everyone who organized this interesting and educational excursion for us!

What should be the universal, ideal and favorite frying pan? This question arises for everyone who approaches the stove. A million offers. What and how to choose? Let's try to do this together with the German plant BORNER.

Modern manufacturers produce kitchen utensils made of steel, cast iron or aluminum. The cookware can be painted on the outside and coated with a non-stick coating on the inside.

Stainless steel is an alloy of iron with chromium and nickel. Dishes made from this metal look very beautiful - shiny saucepans will decorate any kitchen interior. It has high anti-corrosion properties, is resistant to acids and alkalis, and does not change the taste and color of food. However, stainless steel does not like overheating - it leads to instant deformation and the appearance of rainbow stains on the walls of the cookware. Brown burnt spots from oil splashes outside you will never be able to wash it, just scrape it off with an abrasive, scratching the dishes.

Cast iron frying pans are familiar to us from Soviet times. Many housewives are still faithful only to cast iron cookware: this is truly the most durable frying pan - fireproof, wear-resistant. The main disadvantage of cast iron cookware is rust. It should not be left damp to dry until the morning - in the morning you will find it with rusty spots. Weight is also a problem (cast iron is not a light metal). It’s not for nothing that our ancestors worked at the stove with a grab handle - and not every housewife can lift food from the stove. Well, relative fragility - if your Cast-iron pan falls on the floor - it may break, although first it makes sense to think about the legs, and then about the frying pan!

As a result, not everyone likes to use heavy cast iron cookware; many prefer lightweight aluminum frying pans.

Aluminum frying pans are divided into two types - stamped and cast. The cheapest cookware is frying pans stamped from sheet aluminum. You can recognize them by their light weight and equally low price. For those who want to pay less, they will have to pay more often. Try it, buy the cheapest frying pan, for three to four hundred rubles. Heats up quickly and doesn't stick several times. However, less than a month later, we see a completely different result than we expected: all the products not only stick, but burn to death! Moreover, the bottom bent in an arc - you put the frying pan on the stove, and it spins on it like a top. As they say, price equals quality, what you pay for is what you get. The manufacturer is not a magician. Although the frying pan is stamped, there are a lot of parts and assembly operations. Accordingly, “if you ordered, you will receive!” The price-quality ratio you have chosen does not suggest a frying pan, but a “dummy frying pan”, well, almost disposable tableware.

More reliable, and therefore more expensive, are cast aluminum pans. In general, aluminum is a material ideal for frying pans and pots. It is lightweight and has 10 times greater thermal conductivity than cast iron and 4 times more than stainless steel.

Table in units of watt/meter*kelvin.

In such a frying pan there is no overheating area or cold edges, even if you cook on a small gas burner. Uniform heating is a gift for an understanding cook. Cooking time is reduced and your food is not a mixture of burnt and undercooked. The most durable aluminum frying pans are cast, with a bottom thickness of at least 6 mm, walls at least 3.5 mm thick and a ceramic-reinforced multi-layer coating.

Non-stick. How not to make a mistake with coating

Now that we understand the types of materials from which they are made metal utensils(we’ll leave out the rare copper and enameled ones), let’s talk about coatings. In Soviet times, you could buy a clean aluminum frying pan, without any coating. But with the advent of capitalism in Russia, Western achievements also came to us. The first non-stick frying pans that appeared in Russia were made of aluminum coated with Teflon from the company Tefal (hence the name tef-al). Since then, by inertia, we continue to call any non-stick utensil Teflon. In fact, each company has its own proprietary coating recipe. It is based on a fluorine-containing polymer plus various additives. The most common non-stick materials in our country are the aforementioned “Teflon” (an invention of the American company “Dupont”), “Stalaflon”, domestic “Adgelast”, etc. Such pans are a waste of money: they will not last long.

A good frying pan should be weighty, with thick walls and a bottom. Then the dishes will not overheat and the non-stick layer will not be destroyed. Non-stick coating is applied to thick-bottomed pans by spraying various polymers in several layers. One layer ensures the strength of the non-stick coating, the second provides scratch resistance, and the third enhances the non-stick properties during long-term use. Some people are mistaken in believing that food does not burn in a pan. Alas, the non-stick coating does not save the food from burning, but the frying pan itself. At high temperatures the food may even char, but it will not stick to the bottom. For a non-stick coating, it doesn't matter whether there is oil in the pan or not.

But any non-stick coating is afraid of scratches and does not like being scraped with a metal spatula or spoon. To make it stronger: reinforcing materials are added to the polymer - particles of hard metals or minerals. The service life of such a frying pan depends on the thickness of the coating, its quality and the metal from which it is made. According to Russian standards, the thickness of the non-stick coating must be at least 20 microns. Serious companies, in the fight against low-quality products, and in order to avoid the spread of counterfeits, indicate on the label the thickness of the coating and the number of layers applied. In addition, if the non-stick coating has a cellular structure, its lifespan increases by 3-5 years.

Aluminum casting. What to look for when purchasing

BÖRNER has been known for years as reliable manufacturer kitchen goods.

We guarantee you best quality products at the highest technological level.

The temperature of the liquid metal is approximately 750° C. After the liquid aluminum has cooled, the product is removed and checked using ultrasound for possible casting defects.

And now we are ready to offer you products of unsurpassed quality that will satisfy the requirements of the most demanding customers. All our frying pans are manufactured in a factory in Germany. Each one is cast from high-grade aluminum alloy, checked, assembled and packed by hand.

Each pan is then carefully sanded. Due to the bottom thickness of approximately 10 mm, and the walls from 4 to 8 mm, the body of any cast cookware has excellent heat absorption and optimal thermal conductivity.

  • Aluminum casting
  • Then under high pressure sandblaster A rough surface is created on aluminum casting. It is this procedure that makes possible stable adhesion of the casting and the next layer.
  • Then, using a plasma jet, a layer of ceramic chips with titanium-aluminum oxide is applied. This gives soft aluminum hardness and wear resistance.
  • Then priming
  • Next is the application of the patented layer “KERAVIS” with mineral particles.
  • Then all pores and artificially created roughness are filled with a non-stick coating.

After quality testing, each of our cast products receives an individual number, which you can see on the bottom.

Also on all our exclusive pens you will see the inscription BornerGermany.

Our logo and individual product number in the series are a guarantee of the quality of the German products you purchase.

Our frying pans and pots are highly popular not only in ordinary kitchens, but are also loved by professionals. We are sponsors of culinary competitions in Europe, and during culinary championships, it is on our dishes that the world's best specialists prepare their masterpieces.

Cast aluminum nonstick frying pans are quite versatile. In frying pans with a side height of 5-7 cm, you can fry, stew and cook perfectly. But it’s still not very convenient to make an omelette for one in a frying pan with a diameter of 28 cm, and it’s difficult to accommodate two well-beaten Wiener schnitzels in a frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm. This means you need several items. I want to do it optimal choice with a wide range of possibilities.

Director of BernerEast LLC and President of Carving Academy LLC Alla Mishina.