St. Basil's Cathedral legends predictions. Predictions of the monk Abel about the future of Russia

Prophecies about the future of Russia

Many prophets and clairvoyants, from different countries and eras, spoke in their prophecies, predictions about the future of Russia. Foreseeing the future, clairvoyants in their prophecies general outline are unanimous in their opinion: it is behind a new civilization that will arise on the basis of the revival of religion and spiritual knowledge. Consumer society is a temporary dead end in human history. And many of them associate the way out of such a dead end and hope for spiritual development with Russia and its as yet unrevealed spiritual potential. Below are some of these prophecies...

Saint Basil the Blessed

Saint Basil the Blessed, the Moscow wonderworker, was born in December 1468 on the porch of the Yelokhovsky Church near Moscow in honor of the Vladimir Icon Holy Mother of God. Having purified his soul through great deeds and prayer, the Blessed One was also granted the gift of foreknowledge of the future. 1547 - he predicted the great fire of Moscow; extinguished the fire in Novgorod with prayer; somehow reproached Tsar Ivan the Terrible, that during the service he thought about building a palace on the Sparrow Hills.

Prophecy of St. Basil the Blessed:

“And the Russian people cannot live without a whip. How terrible is my friend and bloodsucker Ivashka the Terrible, how many curses have been poured on his head, like ash from burnt souls, but they will honor him as a great autocrat.

There will be many kings behind Ivashka the Terrible, but one of them, a hero with a cat’s mustache, a villain and a blasphemer (Peter I - note), will once again strengthen the Russian state, although on the way to the treasured blue seas a third of the Russian people will fall like logs under carts.

And the third murderer will rule for a long time (Stalin - approx.). And for the sake of the formidable order in the great power, this mustachioed king from the wild mountaineers will put on the chopping block all his comrades, and faithful friends, and thousands of thousands of husbands and wives.

Small and great temples will be burned and destroyed. And then they will rebuild them. But God will not return to them if they serve not Him, but gold in the new temples. And then the poor people will again turn away from our churches...

And Russia will live without a tsar for a whole century and will shed rivers of its blood. And then they will place an unintelligent young man on the throne, but soon he and his retinue will be declared impostors and driven out of Rus'.

The great unrest will continue in the kingdom for a long time until it is stopped by a great warrior called by all our people.

In the very south of the black Arab kingdom, a leader in a blue turban will appear. He will throw terrible lightning and turn many countries into ashes. But Great Rus' will come together and destroy this leader.

And the fourth sovereign will come, who will be called the great Horseman. If he is pure in soul and thoughts, he will bring down his sword on the robbers and thieves. Not a single thief can escape reprisal or shame. The Russian people will rejoice, but there will be evil spirits who will quietly kill the great Horseman. And there will be great mourning in Rus'.

And when terrible wars pass, turning into different countries all living things will turn to dust and ashes, the truly great Sovereign will reign on the throne, destined for a long and blissful reign, and our long-suffering Rus' will enter into its golden age" (With)

The world is living with a premonition of the end of the world... There are many signs of this, but we should not rush things. Before this end, many more events must happen - China’s attack on Russia, the restoration of the monarchy in Rus', the open appearance of aliens to humanity, the accession of the Antichrist, who will rule the world for 3.5 years...

About the future methods of the “world peacemaker-antichist” - in short, the main slogan will be Sharikovsky - “Just take and divide”, i.e. uniform distribution of wealth throughout the world, and not the concentration of all benefits in several countries (to control this, you will need laser identification - printing, a single “citizen of the world” card, etc.) And he plans to impress everyone with a one-time television broadcast throughout Earth, and telepathically (even if you don’t watch TV) and the words will be transmitted to everyone in their native language. There is information about this issue circulating on the Internet about the Blue Ray project ( Blue Beam


“Blessed Pelagia of Ryazan (1890-1966) spoke a lot about the last times. There will be great sorrow when the servants of the Antichrist will deprive believers of food, work, pensions... There will be groaning, crying and much more... Many will die, and only those strong in faith will remain, whom the Lord will choose and will live until His Second Coming. When the Lord allows the Antichrist to appear, then the majority of the clergy will immediately convert to another faith, and the people will follow them! - said blessed Pelagia Ryazan seer. The Antichrist will sacrifice many nations, which Satan will prepare for this, turning them into ruminant cattle! For that short time, Blessed Pelagia said: so that the believers prepare May linden leaves for themselves, they will be for food. There will be a terrible famine, but the linden tree will be harmless. The Monk Seraphim prepared grass - smelt, and ate it. There will be no food, there will be no water, the heat is unspeakable, the stings of animals, strangled people will hang at every step... You need to pray a lot so as not to live to see those terrible days, and especially read the akathist to the holy seven youths of Ephesus.
Most people in the world, out of hunger, will accept the seal of the Antichrist; very few will not.

This seal will forever seal those who accept it for the grace of repentance, that is, they will never be able to repent and will go to hell! The Antichrist will only have enough food for those who have accepted the seal for six months, and then they will begin a great tribulation, they will begin

look for death and will not find it! - said blind Pelagia Ryazan.


Blessed Pelagia said that the Russian people will be strangled by all means! There will be so many suicides in our country! More to come! Hunger, and in hunger - cannibalism! War and then choose the Antichrist! Make every effort so that the Lord will deliver you from the sin of Sodom. Satan will give the command to shame especially the clergy and monasticism with this sin! The Antichrist teaching will differ from the Orthodox teaching of Christ only in that it will deny the redemptive Cross! - warned the saint of God Pelagia Ryazan. Many dioceses have already lost their episcopacy before God because the rulers do not hinder and denounce the enemies of the Cross! Many stars fell from the sky, as predicted in Revelation (Apoc. 6; 13), that is, the Church lost many archpastors before God! For this, terrible troubles will befall Russia, many cities will be destroyed by the Lord Himself, although all churches will be opened.

The perspicacious maiden Pelagia said that all the evil that would be concentrated in Russia would be swept away by the Chinese. She cried bitterly about Russia:
- What will happen to her, what troubles will befall her?!
What will happen to Moscow?
- In an instant underground!
What's wrong with St. Petersburg?
- That’s what the sea will be called!
And Kazan?
- Sea! - Pelagia said about what was shown to her.


What will happen on Russian soil?! what sorrow is coming to us ahead?! - said the perspicacious maiden Pelagia. The magic will cover all of Russia!
Paris used to be a lair of Satan! From there they brought magic books to us. Later Warsaw was a lair of Satan! We built a nest closer to Russia.
Now St. Petersburg has become a lair of Satan! So much magic has been cast in it that it will collapse and a sea will form in this place!
Kazan and other cities will be in the bowels of the earth! - said the righteous Pelagia the perspicacious.


Blessed Pelagia, the perspicacious one, predicted that the Antichrist would appear from America.
She said that when the Antichrist is crowned in Jerusalem, the Jews will see not his fingernails, but his claws. This will be immediately made public among the Jews, and many of them will not put the seal of Antichrist. Whoever does not accept the seal - the kingdom of heaven, and without other feats! And whoever accepts it will become a demon in the flesh and never repent - he will receive eternal fire! Blessed Pelagia predicted that in last times there will be an increase in pensions (and in general people’s incomes), and explained that this is for the imminent arrival of the Antichrist.


There will be three great miracles: The first miracle - in Jerusalem - the resurrection from the dead of the holy patriarch Enoch and the holy prophet Elijah on the third day after their murder by the Antichrist!
The second miracle is in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra; St. Sergius will rise again after the reign of the Antichrist. He will rise from the shrine, walk in front of everyone to the Assumption Cathedral and then ascend to heaven! There will be a sea of ​​tears here! Then there will be nothing to do in the monastery, there will be no grace! And the third miracle will be in Sarov. The Lord will resurrect St. Seraphim Sarovsky, who will be alive - a fair amount of time. Whoever wishes will see him alive! Oh, how many miracles there will be then! - said the blessed maiden Pelagia the perspicacious. He will denounce the clergy of betrayal and treason, he will preach repentance to the whole world, - said the saint of God Pelagia, - Seraphim of Sarov will explain the whole story, tell everything and will expose the shepherds as babies, show them how to be baptized correctly, and much more! .
Even the Jews will believe in Father Seraphim, and through this - in the Lord Jesus Christ!


The blessed maiden Pelagia has long said that this government will change, that before the Antichrist there will be reforms... She also said: and then these... communists will come back!.. Whether a capitalist or a communist, everyone cares about himself... Only the Tsar cares about the people. God will choose him! And almost the entire people, a corrupted people right now, will choose the Antichrist for themselves!..

This will happen!.. Hardly the righteous will be saved!..


The blessed maiden Pelagia told us that the most difficult time Christians will experience is yet to come. “In recent times,” said blind Polya, “there will be even greater persecution of our Faith!.. They will even take taxes from icons!”
Porlyusica often talked about this and also about what everyone needs to prepare for. She said: “All evil spirits will take up arms against Russia, against true Orthodoxy!”


And I also remember that Blessed Porlyushka predicted that the servants of the Antichrist in the last times would impose a special tax on every icon!.. And therefore, some people of little faith will themselves, with their own hands, remove the images from themselves, hide them, well, in order to pay less... Polya said: “If these Antichrists take down icons, let them take them down, but they can’t do it with their own hands! On the contrary, we must serve prayers to these saints of God, and especially remember their parents, and then the Lord will give us as much money as is needed to pay the tax!” "And she told everyone that.


I remember well another prediction of the blind old woman Pelagia of Ryazan - about invisible blessed walls with a height of up to Heaven. And to explain to us what kind of protection the Holy Russian Land has from above, the blessed Porlyushka said this: “During the persecution - on the eve of the reign of the Antichrist - a few churches will be miraculously preserved! For example, armed thugs will go to expel Orthodox priests, so that in their place install heretics, but nothing will come of it!.. As soon as they reach the point determined by God, they will fall down dead. When they recruit desperate God-fighters again and send them a second time, then death will overtake them on the same line!.. Here they are! they will be afraid, they will remove all traces without publicity and will no longer approach that border... Only outside they will be fierce!.. So - by the grace of God - in these
chosen churches and His Sacraments will be performed!" And at the end of our conversation about this, Polya added: "There will also be a defender of the Faith - the Tsar - the smartest man...

Prepared by God Himself!"


Pelagia blind from near Ryazan was well known in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other places. Most often these were pilgrimages to various shrines.
On the way to the Sergius Lavra we passed Zaraysk near Moscow. As soon as we entered the city, Polya said to us: “Remember! Here is the Church of the Annunciation.”
And when we came to

Church of the Annunciation, Porlyushka crossed herself and said: “This temple will exist until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ! The hour will come when there will be only seven churches in Russia.” In addition to the Zaraisk temple, she indicated six others. Among them, I remembered only familiar names - Pochaev and Diveevo. It was necessary to write it down, but being young I relied on my memory. But in vain! It was revealed to her from above that at the end of time there would only be seven temples, seven sanctuaries left in this world! The Lord Himself will take care of them until His Second Coming! That is, they will stand firmly in the Right Faith. And in other places they will beat you so hard that you will barely survive! Then there will be special cruelty against believers, such that even the holy fathers could not describe!

years and eight months. Many people from all over the earth will gather to serve this King. He will not allow the Antichrist government in Russia and he himself will give an account to God for each of his loyal subjects. When will the Lord give us this the smartest person- life

it will be good! "


I remember how the blind Porlyushka warned people about future sorrows, so that everyone would prepare for them, prepare spiritually. She said: “The Lord will not forget about his people, but there is no need to save money, it will be lost!.. Many people will not bear this, because of the loss of their money they will hang themselves and commit suicide!”

Archimandrite Gabriel (Urgebadze) - 08/29/1929 - 11/02/1995.

“In recent times, do not look at the sky: you may be seduced by the miracles that will happen there, but you will be mistaken and die. In the time of the Antichrist, people will wait for salvation from space. This will become the devil’s biggest trick: humanity will ask for help from aliens, without knowing that they are demons.

The time will come when people will go to the mountains. But don’t go alone... Go into the forests and mountains in small groups. For Christians, the greatest torment will be that they themselves will go into the forests, and their loved ones will accept the seal of the Antichrist.

A believer will trust in God. And the Lord in recent times will create such miracles for his people that one leaf from a tree will be enough for a whole month. And the earth will not decrease; cross yourself and she will give you bread.

Don’t be afraid, the main thing is not to accept the seal of the Antichrist on your right hand and forehead. Do not eat the bread of a person who has received the seal of the Antichrist.

True faith finds its place in the heart, not in the mind. The one who has faith in his mind will follow the Antichrist, and the one who has faith in his heart will recognize him.

And now important events begin. Such danger has not existed on earth since the creation of the world. This last one... Imagine a mother of five children: how is she supposed to fatten her children without accepting the seal of the Antichrist? You see what traps the Antichrist sets for people. At first it will be optional. But when the Antichrist reigns and becomes the ruler of the world, he will force everyone to accept this seal. Those who do not accept will be declared traitors. Then it will be necessary to go into the forest: ten to fifteen people together. But don’t go alone or together, you won’t be saved... You will be protected by the Holy Spirit. Never lose hope. God will give you wisdom on what to do."

Prophecies of St. Seraphim Vyritsky

“The time will come when there will be a spiritual dawn in Russia. Many churches and monasteries will open, even people of other faiths will come to us to be baptized. But this will not last long - fifteen years, then the Antichrist will come. When the East gains strength, everything will become unstable. The time will come when Russia will be torn apart. First they will divide it, and then they will begin to rob the wealth. The West will in every possible way contribute to the destruction of Russia and will give up its eastern part to China for the time being. Far East the Japanese will take over, and Siberia will be taken over by the Chinese, who will begin to move to Russia, marry Russians, and ultimately, by cunning and deceit, will take the territory of Siberia to the Urals. When China wants to go further, the West will resist and will not allow it. Many countries will take up arms against Russia, but it will survive, losing most of its lands. This war that tells Holy Bible and the prophets say, will cause the unification of mankind. Jerusalem will become the capital of Israel, and in time it should become the capital of the world. People will understand that it is impossible to continue living like this, otherwise all living things will perish, and they will choose a single government - this will be the threshold of the reign of the Antichrist. Then the persecution of Christians will begin; When trains from cities leave deep into Russia, we must hurry to be among the first, since many of those who remain will die. The kingdom of lies and evil is coming. It will be so hard, so bad, so scary that God forbid we live to see this time... The time will come when not persecution, but money and the charms of this world will turn people away from God, and many more souls will perish than during the open fight against God . On the one hand, they will erect crosses and gild domes, and on the other, the kingdom of lies and evil will come. The True Church will always be persecuted, and it will be possible to be saved only through sorrows and illnesses, and persecution will take on the most sophisticated, unpredictable character.

It will be scary to live until these times.”

Word of Pr. Ephraim the Syrian about the Antichrist (from the book by Sergei Nilus “The Coming Antichrist and the Kingdom of the Devil on Earth is Near”)

St. Ephraim the Syrian, in the word “at the coming of the Lord, at the end of the world and at the coming of the Antichrist,” reasons as follows: “With a disease of the heart, I will begin to speak about that most shameless and terrible serpent, which will throw the whole of heaven into confusion and put fear and cowardice into the hearts of men. and terrible unbelief, and will produce miracles, signs and insurance, “as if it were possible to deceive even the elect” (Matthew XXIV, Chapter 24 v.), and will deceive everyone with false signs and ghosts of miracles performed by him. For with the permission of the Holy God He will receive the power to deceive the world, because the wickedness of the world has been fulfilled, and all kinds of horrors are being committed everywhere. Therefore, for the wickedness of people, the Most Pure Lord will allow the world to be tempted by the spirit of flattery, because this is what people have desired - to depart from God and love the evil one.

Great is the feat, brethren, in those times, especially for the faithful, when the serpent himself with great power will perform signs and wonders, when in terrible phantoms he will show himself to be like God; will fly through the air, and all demons, like Angels, will ascend before the tormentor. For he will cry out with might, changing his appearance and immensely frightening all people. Then, brethren, you will find yourself protected, unshakable, having in your soul a sure sign - the holy coming of the Only Begotten Son of our God - as soon as you see this indescribable sorrow, coming from everywhere to every soul, because it has absolutely nowhere, neither on earth nor on the sea is no consolation, no peace; as soon as he sees that the whole world is in turmoil, that everyone is running to take refuge in the mountains, and some are dying of hunger, others are melting like wax from thirst - and there is no one who has mercy; as soon as he sees that every person sheds tears and asks with strong desire: “Is there anywhere on earth the word of God,” and hears in response: “Nowhere!” Whoever endures these days, whoever endures unbearable sorrow, as soon as he sees the confusion of nations that come from the ends of the earth, he will see the tormentor, and many worship the tormentor, crying with trepidation: “You are our savior!” - The sea is troubled, the earth is drying up, the skies are not raining, the plants are withering, and all those living in the east of the earth are fleeing to the west out of great fear, and also those living in the west of the sun are fleeing to the east.

The shameless one, having then assumed power, will send demons to all corners to boldly preach: “The great king has appeared in glory; come and see him!” - Who will have such an adamantine soul to courageously endure all these temptations? At the mere memory of the serpent, I am horrified, thinking within myself about the sorrow that will befall people in these times, thinking about how cruel it will be to the human race. this nasty serpent, and how much more malice he will have against the saints who can resist his dreamy miracles. For then there will be many people who please God, who in the mountains and desert places can be saved by many prayers and heartfelt crying. their unspeakable tears and sincere faith, will have mercy on them, like a tender Father, and will keep them in a place where they will hide while the all-foul serpent will not cease to look for saints both on earth and on the sea, reasoning that he has already reigned on earth, and everyone is already subject to him. And not realizing his weakness and the pride from which he fell, the unfortunate one will plan to resist at that terrible hour when the Lord comes from heaven, however, he will throw the earth into confusion and frighten everyone with false magical signs.
At the time when the serpent comes, there will be no peace on earth; there will be great sorrow, confusion, confusion of death and famine in all ends. For our Lord Himself, with His Divine lips, said that “such sorrow was not from the beginning of creation” (Mark XIII, 19 v.). A courageous soul will be needed that could preserve its life among temptations. For if a person turns out to be even a little careless, he will easily be attacked and captured by the signs of the evil and cunning serpent.
We need a lot of prayers and tears so that any of us will stand firm in temptations, because there will be many dreams carried out by the beast. He himself is a fighter against God and wants to destroy everyone. For the tormentor will use such a method that everyone will have to bear the mark of the beast on themselves when in their own time, i.e. when the times are fulfilled, he will come to deceive everyone with signs; and in this case they will be able to buy food and everything they need for themselves, and appoint overseers to carry out his commands. Notice the excessive malice of the beast and the tricks of his wickedness, how he begins from the belly, so that a person, when driven to extremes by lack of food, is forced to accept a seal, that is, evil marks, not on any member of the body, but on right hand, and also on the forehead, so that a person will no longer be able to imprint the sign of the cross with his right hand and also on the forehead to mark the Holy Name of the Lord, or the glorious and honorable cross of Christ and our Savior. For he knows, the unfortunate one, that the imprinted cross of the Lord destroys all his strength; and because she seals all our members with the cross; and likewise the forehead, like a candlestick, carries on high a lamp of light - the sign of our Savior. For, without a doubt, he uses this method so that the Name of the Lord and Savior would not be named at that time; the powerless one (the seducer) does it, fearing and trembling at the holy power of our Savior. For if anyone is not sealed with the seal of the beast, he will not be captured by his dreamy signs. Moreover, the Lord does not retreat from such, but enlightens and attracts them to Himself.
Since the Savior, intending to save the human race, was born of the Virgin and in human form trampled upon the enemy with the holy power of His Divinity, then he too will plan to take on the image of His coming and deceive us. Our Lord will come to earth on luminous clouds, like terrible lightning, but the enemy will not come like that, because he is an apostate. Indeed, from a virgin, only defiled, his weapon will be born, i.e. Antichrist; but this does not mean that the enemy himself will incarnate: the all-wicked one will come, like a thief, in such an image as to deceive everyone; will come humble, meek, a hater of unrighteousness, as he will speak of himself, averse to idols, preferring piety, kind, poor-loving, high degree His appearance is beautiful, constant, affectionate towards everyone. With all this, with great power he will perform signs, wonders and fears and take cunning measures to please everyone, so that the people will soon fall in love with him. He will not take gifts, speak angrily, or show a gloomy appearance, but with a decorous appearance he will begin to deceive the world until he reigns. Therefore, when many peoples and classes see such virtues and strengths, then, suddenly, they will have one thought and with great joy will proclaim him king, saying to each other: “Will there still be a man so kind and truthful?” - And soon his kingdom will be established, and in anger he will defeat three kings. Then this serpent will ascend in his heart and spew out his bitterness, crush the universe, move its ends, oppress everyone and begin to defile the souls, not showing reverence in himself, but acting in every case. as a harsh, cruel, angry, impetuous, disorderly, terrible, disgusting, hateful, vile, cruel, destructive, shameless man, who tries to lead the entire human race into the abyss of wickedness, he will perform numerous signs, but falsely, and not truly. in the presence of a crowded crowd that will praise his dreamy miracles, he will emit a strong voice that will shake the place where the crowds facing him are gathered and say: “All nations, know my strength and authority!” - In view of the audience, he will rearrange mountains and call islands from the sea, but all this is deception and dreamy, and not real. However, he will deceive the world, deceive many, many will believe and glorify him as a mighty God.
“Then every soul will greatly weep and sigh; then everyone will sit with unspeakable sorrow oppressing them day and night, and nowhere will they find food to satisfy their hunger. For cruel overseers will be put in place, and whoever has on their forehead or on the right hand is the seal of the tormentor, he will be allowed to buy some food that is available. Then the babies will die in the bosom of their mother, and the mother will die over her child, and the father will also die with his wife and children in the middle of the marketplace, and there will be no one to bury them and put them in a coffin. From the multitude of corpses thrown down in the streets, there is a stench everywhere that greatly affects the living. With sickness and sighs, everyone will say in the morning: “When will evening come, that we may have rest?” - When evening comes, with the most bitter tears they will say to themselves: “Is the dawn soon to avoid the sorrow that has befallen us?” - But there is nowhere to run or hide, because everything will be in confusion - both sea and land. Famines, earthquakes, confusion on the sea, insurance on land. A lot of gold and silver and silk clothes will not benefit anyone during this tribulation, but everything. people will call blessed the dead who were buried before this great sorrow came to earth. Both gold and silver are scattered in the streets, and no one touches them, because everything is frozen.

But everyone will rush to run and hide, and there is nowhere for them to hide from the ambulance; on the contrary, in times of hunger, sorrow and fear, carnivorous animals and reptiles will bite. Fear inside, trepidation outside. Day and night there are corpses on the streets. The stench on the haystacks, the stench in the houses; hunger and thirst on the farms, the voice of weeping in the houses. Everyone meets each other with sobs - father and son, mother and daughter. Friends on the streets, hugging friends, end their lives; brothers, hugging brothers, die. The beauty of the face of all flesh fades, and the appearance of people is like that of the dead. Nevertheless, those who believed the fierce beast and took upon themselves its seal - the evil mark of the defiled, will suddenly approach it and say with illness: “Give us something to eat and drink, because we are all melting away, tormented by hunger, and drive away the poisonous beasts from us.” “And this poor man, not having the means to do so, will give an answer with great cruelty, saying: “Where, people, will I give you food and drink? The sky does not want to give rain to the earth, and the earth also does not give any harvest or fruit at all.” - The nations, hearing this, will cry out and shed tears, having no consolation in grief; on the contrary, another unspeakable sorrow will be added to their sorrow, namely, that they so hastily believed the tormentor. For he, the poor man, is unable to help himself, so how can he show mercy to them? From those days there will be great grief from many sorrows caused by the serpent, from fear and earthquakes, and the noise of the sea, from hunger and thirst, and the remorse of beasts. And all who accepted the seal of the Antichrist and worshiped the Antichrist as a good God will not have any part in the Kingdom of Christ, but together with the serpent they will be cast into Gehenna.
But before this happens, the Lord, in His mercy, will send Elijah the Thesbite and Enoch, so that they proclaim piety to the human race, boldly preach the knowledge of God to everyone, teach them not to believe the tormentor out of fear, saying and crying: “This is flattery, O people! does not believe it at all, let no one obey the God-fighter, let none of you be afraid, because this God-fighter will soon be brought to inaction! Behold, the Holy Lord is coming from heaven to judge all those who believed in his signs - However, few will then want to listen.” and believe this preaching of the prophets. Many of the saints who will be found then at the coming of the defiled will shed tears in rivers to the Holy God in order to get rid of the serpent, with great haste they will flee into the desert and with fear they will hide in the mountains and caves, and they will fall asleep. earth and ashes on their heads, praying in great humility day and night. And this will be granted to them from the Holy God: His grace will lead them to places designated for this, and they will be saved, hiding in abysses and caves, not seeing the signs and fears of the Antichrist. , because those who have vision will easily become aware of the coming of the Antichrist. But whoever has a mind (focused) on worldly affairs and loves earthly things, this will not be clear to him; for this is always the nature of one who is attached to everyday affairs - although he will hear, he will not cry out and will even be disgusted by those who talk about it. And the saints will be strengthened, because they have abandoned all care for this life.
Then the whole earth, and the sea, and the mountains, and the hills will cry; The heavenly lights will also weep for the human race, because everyone has turned away from the Holy God and believed in flattery, having taken upon themselves, instead of the life-giving Cross of the Savior, the mark of what is bad and God-defeating. The earth and the sea will cry, because in the mouths of men the voice of psalms and prayers will suddenly cease; All the churches of Christ will cry with great lamentation, because there will be no sacred service and offerings. After the completion of three and a half years of power and the actions of the unclean, and when the temptations of the whole earth are fulfilled, the Lord will finally come, according to what has been said, like lightning flashing from heaven, the Holy, Most Pure, Terrible, Glorious God will come with incomparable glory before Him the glory of the ranks of Arkhangelsk and Angels; yet they are a flame of fire; and the river (will flow) in a terrible bubbling, full of fire; Cherubim with drooping eyes, and Seraphim flying and covering their faces and legs with fiery wings, and tremblingly calling out: “Arise, you who have fallen asleep, behold the Bridegroom has come!” - The tombs will be opened, and in the twinkling of an eye all the tribes of the earth will awaken and look at the holy beauty of the Bridegroom. And thousands of thousands of Archangels and Angels - countless armies will rejoice with great joy, and all who have not accepted the seal of the serpent and the wicked will rejoice. The tormentor with all the demons, bound by the Angels, also all those who accepted his seal, all the wicked and bound sinners will be brought before the judgment seat, and the King gives them the sentence of eternal damnation into unquenchable fire. All those who did not accept the seal of the Antichrist and all who were hiding in the caves. They will rejoice with the Bridegroom in the eternal and heavenly palace with all the saints throughout the endless ages of ages.”

Saint Nile the Myrrh Streaming and his prophecies

“And the Antichrist will become the head over the cities, over the villages and over the districts of the villages, after there will be no head in the villages, cities and rural districts. Then he will seize power over the world, become the manager of the world, and will also begin to rule over human feelings. People will believe what he says, because he will act as a ruler and autocrat to destroy salvation. People, who have already become vessels of the devil, will have extreme confidence in the Antichrist, will make him the universal ruler and autocrat, since he will be an instrument of the devil in his last attempt to destroy Christianity from the face of the earth. Being in perdition, people will think that he is Christ the Savior and that he will bring about their salvation. Then the Church Gospel will be neglected.

Later, when destruction brings great disaster into the world, then, during these disasters, terrible signs will occur. A terrible famine will come, and the world will be attacked by great greed (gluttony). Compared to how much a person eats at the present time, then he will eat seven times more and not be satisfied. A great disaster will come everywhere. Then the covetous will open their covetous granaries (wealth will be abolished, property will be equalized on the basis of the equality of all). Then gold will depreciate like dung on the road.

And then, during that predicted disaster, the Antichrist will begin to seal people with his seal, supposedly in order to save them from disaster with this sign (for only those who have the seal, according to Apocalypse 13, 17, will be sold bread). Many will die on the roads. People will become like birds of prey, pouncing on carrion, devouring the bodies of the dead. But what kind of people will devour the bodies of the dead? Those who are sealed with the seal of the Antichrist. Christians, although they will neither be given nor sold bread for lack of a seal on themselves, will not eat corpses. Those who are sealed, despite the availability of bread to them, will begin to devour the dead. For when a person is sealed with a seal, his heart will become even more insensitive, being unable to endure hunger, people will grab the corpses, and anywhere, sitting on the side of the road, devour them.

Oh, unhappy is the one who is imprinted with this seal! This cursed seal will bring great disaster to the world. The world will then be so oppressed that people will begin to move from place to place. The natives, seeing the newcomers, will say: “Oh, unfortunate people! How did you decide to leave your own, so blessed, places and come to this cursed place, to us, who have no human feeling left?!” This will be said in every place where people move... Then God, seeing the confusion of people, from which they suffer evil, moving from their place, will command the sea to take on the heat that was previously characteristic of it, which it previously had, so that people would not cross for moving from place to place. And when the Antichrist sits on his throne, then the sea will boil like water boils in a cauldron. When water boils for a long time in a boiler, does it evaporate with steam? The same will happen with the sea. Boiling, it will evaporate and disappear like smoke from the face of the earth. The plants on the ground will dry out.

The day will rotate like an hour, the week like a day, the month like a week, and the year like a month. For human wickedness has caused the elements to become tense, to hurry and strain even more, so that the number prophesied by God for the eighth century will end as quickly as possible. When the damned glory sees Enoch and Elijah preaching and telling people not to accept the seals of the Antichrist, he will order them to be seized. The prophets will convince people not to accept the seal of the Antichrist. They will say that whoever shows patience and is not sealed with the seal of the Antichrist will be saved, and God will certainly accept him into paradise, for the sole reason that he did not accept the seal. And let everyone be marked with an honorable cross, creating a sign for every hour, for the seal of the cross frees a person from the torment of hell; The seal of the Antichrist leads a person to hellish torment. If you are hungry and require food, be patient for a short time, and God, seeing your patience, will send you help from above; you will be revived (literally: filled with life) with the help of the Most High God. If you do not have patience, you will be sealed with the seal of this unclean king, then you will repent of it later. People will say to Enoch and Elijah: “Why are those who received the seal grateful to the Antichrist?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “They are grateful, but who is grateful (who thanks them with their lips)? It is not people who thank them, but the seal itself only thanks; anger, having dominated people, expresses joy and joy through their lips, for it managed to destroy these people, how this happens to evildoers who triumph and rejoice over the crime committed. And what is their gratitude? This signifies that Satan is seated in them, imagined in the feelings of a person, and the person is not aware of what is happening to him. I print the Antichrist, becomes a demon; although he claims that he supposedly feels neither hunger nor thirst, he hungers and thirsts even more, and not only more, but seven times more against you.

Just be patient for a little while. Don’t you see that the one who accepts the seal of the Antichrist will not live, he is dead in spirit and eternal torment awaits him? Do you really also want to perish with the seal in eternal torment, so that you can be there together with those who are sealed with it, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 25:30)?”
And Enoch and Elijah will preach to people with many other exhortations.
The Antichrist will hear what two people are preaching, calling him a flatterer, a sorcerer, a deceiver and an insidious devil. Hearing this, he becomes angry, orders them to be seized, brought to him, and with flattering words asks them: “What kind of lost sheep are you, for you are not sealed with the royal seal?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “Flatterer and deceiver! demon! through your fault so many souls perished in hell! Your seal is cursed along with your glory! This cursed seal of yours and defiled glory brought the world to destruction, your destruction brought the world to this state, The world has died and the end has come..."
The Antichrist will hear such words from Enoch and Elijah and say to them: “How dare you speak like that before me, the autocrat and the king?” And Elijah will answer: “We despise your kingdom, and we curse your glory, along with your seal.” Then the Antichrist will be angry, having heard such contemptuous answers, become like a mad dog and kill them with his own hands. After the murder of Enoch and Elijah, the Antichrist will release his most wicked children, giving free rein to the evil spirits that he had hitherto restrained. These children, or spirits of evil, are: adultery, fornication, sodomy, murder, theft, theft, untruth, selling and buying people, buying boys and girls to wander with them, like dogs in the streets. And the Antichrist will command the spirits of evil, obedient to him, to bring people to the point where they do ten times more evil than before. His most wicked children will fulfill this disastrous command and rush to destroy human nature with a variety of iniquities. From the increased tension and extreme energy of his most wicked children, the human nature in people will perish sensually and mentally...
People, having become so crafty in soul and in body, will be diminished, they will be 1 3/4 arshins tall (1 arshin = 71.12 cm), we say: five spans (1 span = 17.78 cm) the length of the human body ( from 88.9 to 124.5 cm). By the acts of their wickedness these people will surpass the demons and will be one spirit with the demons. The Antichrist will see that human nature has become more crafty and vain than his most evil children; he will greatly rejoice that evil has increased in humanity, human natural properties have been lost, and people have become more crafty than demons...
And then the Antichrist, rejoicing at the sight of human evil, will suddenly find from above a “two-edged sword” with which he will be struck, and his unclean spirit will be torn out from his foul body. With the death of the Antichrist, the killing of people will come to an end. Cain marked the beginning of the murder, but the antitype (Antichrist) will make the end, it will end with him.
What will happen according to this, God alone knows. We know only one thing, that the deeds done in the life of each person will be sorted out, so that good deeds will be separated from evil deeds, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:32).”

Schema-nun Nila (1902-1999) – Prophecies about Russia

(From the memoirs of the rector of the Church of St. John Chrysostom in Voskresensk, Hegumen Innocent)

Mother predicted that times would come when, as in the days after the October Revolution, Christians would be driven into prisons, reservations and drowned in the sea.

When the persecution of believers begins, hurry to leave with the first stream of those leaving for exile, cling to the wheels of the trains, but do not stay. Those who leave first will be saved.

You will see everything with your own eyes, your generation will meet the coming of the Antichrist. “My children, how I feel sorry for you,” she cried at these words and always added, “but thank God for everything!”

Mother spoke more than once about the coming trials, that during the reign of the Antichrist, such tortures would be inflicted on people, the likes of which have not been invented for centuries. But the old woman revealed what she saw with her spiritual gaze, not at all in order to frighten, but, above all, to strengthen her in faith and hope for God’s help. She constantly said that the Lord would not abandon those faithful to Him - and would feed them in times of hunger, comfort them in sorrow, shelter them and protect them in adversity, and help them to endure any suffering, persecution and torment with dignity. At the same time, I recalled the words of the psalmist David: “They will not be ashamed in times of cruelty, and in days of famine they will be satisfied” (Ps. 36:19).

I can do all things through the Lord who strengthens me. And don’t be afraid of anything, children, you don’t have to be afraid of what will happen or could be, or even should happen according to the prophecy of the people of God. The Lord is stronger than everyone and everything, He will give help in trials, give strength to endure and humble us when necessary. If only we were obedient to His holy will. Ask the zealous Intercessor and She will not leave you.

One day, Mother Nila clasped her head with both hands and exclaimed:

What will happen! What will happen to Russia and to all of us!

She repeated this several times, then, as if she had calmed down, she said:

No, I won’t tell you anything, the Lord does not bless. Then, turning to those in the cell, she added:

You need to look for a house next to the temple, that’s the only way to be saved. It’s difficult at home - run to the temple!

With her spiritual eye, mother saw that the current and next generations, perhaps, were expecting even more severe sorrows and trials. Most often, she talked about her camp experience of surviving in conditions of hunger, when there were practically no food supplies:

How scary it is to starve, God forbid you experience this. We hardly saw any bread in the camp. When I was released, I thought that we would never have enough bread. But famine is coming. When you were a child in Ukraine, you used to look around - there were grains of bread as far as the horizon, full of ears of grain, one to the other. The wind will blow, like waves on the sea going to the very horizon. There were no weeds in them. And now you look - you can see one weed all the way to the horizon. They abandoned the land, and she is the breadwinner. Everyone needs to work on the earth. People will have to answer for the fact that the land is not cultivated. That is why famine will come because the land is abandoned. If there is a plot, every piece of land must be cultivated, sown, and the land will help withstand the time of famine. Plant potatoes and vegetables in all areas where there is food, get chickens. It will become difficult if you eat potatoes and cucumbers. Supplies will not save you, because famine will not begin immediately. Every year it will become more and more difficult, harvests will fall, less and less land will be cultivated. Everyone needs to try to be closer to the ground. In big cities life will be very difficult. There will be such a famine that people will break into their houses to find food. They will break glass windows, break doors, kill people for food. Weapons will be in the hands of many, and human life will cost nothing.

At the coming of the Antichrist there will be such a famine that there will be no grain. It will be necessary to harvest linden leaves, nettles and other herbs, dry them, and then brew them - this decoction will be enough for nutrition.

Mother said that by the end of time there will be a sea in place of St. Petersburg. Moscow will partially collapse, there are many voids underground. When they asked her about the house and village where she lived, mother said:

There will be nothing left of the village. My hut will remain and one more. There will be war and destruction, but my hut will remain. I won't see it, but you will. Over there is the road to Yegoryevsk and my hut will remain, and there is nothing near it. When there is a war, the village will be destroyed. The time will come when the Chinese will attack us, and it will be very difficult for everyone.

Mother repeated these words twice.

Children, I had a dream. There will be war. Lord, from the age of fourteen they will put you under arms and take youngsters to the front. Children and old people will remain in the houses. The soldiers will go from house to house and arm everyone with guns and drive them off to war. Robberies and outrages of those who have weapons in their hands, and the earth will be strewn with corpses. My children, how I feel sorry for you!

Prophecies of Abbot Guria

“Father said to prepare warm things, so that the believers will be sent to Solovki. If you don’t take food, they’ll take it away, only crackers.

He said that if we do not take new documents with satanic symbols and do not accept the seal of the Antichrist, then it will be easier to endure hunger, and if someone takes both the documents and the seal, then their appetite will increase seven times and they will eat corpses (although they will worship and will receive products). This was also foretold by the Myrrh-Streaming Nile.

He said that there would soon be war. God endures and endures, and then he will give up and cities will fall (Moscow, St. Petersburg...). First there will be a civil war. All believers will be taken away, and then bloodshed will begin. God will save his own and remove those he doesn’t like. Then China will attack and reach the Urals. 4 million Russian soldiers will die. Archangel Michael will frighten the Chinese, and they will accept Orthodoxy, and they will allow us to elect a Tsar. 11 million Chinese will die in the war.

Here are some more of his sayings:

You will be saved through sorrows and illnesses in the last times;

Fear not, little flock, God will not abandon you. Be patient for up to 10 days of famine (artificially created) and be saved. Train yourself by fasting in advance;

Buy land, it will save you from hunger. It is better to live near the land, i.e. in the village on everything. Independence from the authorities is very important. And in the city everyone will accept it when they say: “Otherwise we will turn off the heating, lighting, gas, sewerage, telephone”;

In order not to accept the seal of the Antichrist, read the prayer from the seal of the Antichrist daily;

Father said:

- The “Image of the Beast” from the Apocalypse is a computer that will put the seal of the Antichrist. The final seal of the Antichrist is the coincidence (identification) of the numbers on your body, in your document and in the computer. It only leads to hell. But God considers simply evading the seal of the Antichrist a feat sufficient to get into Paradise.”

Was absolutely real person, who lived in Russia at the end of the 18th century [cool, but was born on the same day as me] who made a number of, without exaggeration, grandiose predictions (the dates of death of Catherine II and Paul I, the war of 1812 and the revolution of 1917), who suffered severely for these predictions (spent half his life in a monastery prison, half his life in exile). However, we did not come across such absolutely real texts, that is, texts written by his hand. These texts are state secrets, passed first from tsar to tsar, then from general secretary to general secretary, and finally from the president to the “successor” - how
an important addition to the nuclear briefcase.

These texts exist. Information about them surfaced in 1917, when it first became clear that they had Nicholas II there was, it turns out, a certain box (received from his father, and inherited from his grandfather) and containing the main prophecies about the fate of Russia. It became known that since the 18th century, the corresponding department of the Gendarmerie had kept Abel’s books, his confiscated correspondence, and the testimony of informers with retellings of prophecies. The Cheka could not keep some of these documents under lock and key and they began their journey around the world, emerging as “prophecies” St. Basil's", then as "prophecies Vasily Nemchin”, then as “the prophecies of the elders”, “the prophecies of Rasputin”, and sometimes under their own name: “the prophecies of the monk Abel”.

In the 20th century, there were few people who heard anything about these documents, but with the beginning of the collapse of the USSR and, as a consequence, with the restructuring of the KGB of the USSR, a second information leak occurred - the prophecies appeared in the press. Their most productive years were the period 1988-1992, when the general public first heard about Vasily Nemchin, about some copies from texts St. Basil's, about books Rasputin and other similar artifacts. We do not exclude that there are actually some texts authored by the listed prophets, however, everything that came into print and was passed off as them is nothing more than a compilation of the same document. This is clearly visible from a linguistic and factual comparison of the prophecies of the listed authors.

For example, if Abel writes about a certain "l" a tall man with an ax who will be placed in a crystal coffin”, then in approximately the same words the construction of the Ziggurat on Red Square is described by both “St. Basil” and “Vasily Nemchin”. Such use of identical phrases and words cannot exist in principle, just as all three of these prophets (plus Rasputin) could not name one of the rulers of Russia of the future “ a small man with a dark face sitting on the shoulders of a giant" That is, we are clearly talking about a prophecy belonging to one person. What will we call him - Abel, Nemchin, St. Basil the Blessed or Rasputin- not the point is important. Most likely, these pieces of information are based precisely on the prophecies of Abel. However, we will stick to some kind of well-known brand " Vasily Nemchin ", promoted in the early 90s Pavel Globa(this gentleman definitely has or had some ORIGINAL texts at his disposal, because it was not just that the man fled to Germany when the prophecies he published about the events after Yeltsin began to come true with stunning accuracy).

So, the prophecies of Abel say:
After seven decades of abomination and desolation, demons will flee from Rus' (demons are, of course, Jews. In the early 90s, they “rushed” en masse to Israel and the United States. Now many, already with dual citizenship, are returning to the Russian Federation - my notes, Vladimir Berezin).
Those who remain will dress up in “sheep disguises” while remaining “predatory wolves.” Demons will rule Russia, but under different banners (hidden occupation - V.B.). A second Boris, a giant titan, will appear in Rus'. Russia will be on the verge of collapse and destruction, and under the guise of a revival of its former greatness it will be destroyed
the last thing left. After the last three years of abomination and desolation, when dog children will torment Russia. The giant will leave without anyone expecting it, leaving behind many unsolvable mysteries. The giant will wander through the labyrinth, and a short man with a black face will sit on his shoulders.
The little man with the black face will be half bald and half hairy. He will remain unknown for a long time, and then begin to play the role of a servant. He will come from a southern family. He will change his appearance twice. Rus' will suffer great disasters from him. Will war in the Promethean Mountains (Caucasus) lasting 15 years. There will be a third Tauride War- there a crescent moon will appear and the torn Tauris will bleed. And then they will place an unintelligent young man on the throne, but soon he and his retinue will be declared impostors and driven out of Rus'. Demons striving for power will hopelessly break against the bear's head and paws, into which the spirit of the Russian ancestors will be embodied.

As is well known to people like us who carefully study historical artifacts, prophecies Abel (Vasily Nemchin) does not exist in a pure, step-by-step chronological form in print. There are some fragments covering fairly wide periods of time, and there are also several publications Pavel Globa for 1988-190, until 2000, quite often found on the Internet, but then suddenly disappeared somewhere (this is especially true for texts mentioning a man with a black face on the shoulders of Titan). Nevertheless, many people still have printed publications, and by comparing what is said there with what is happening, we can build some kind of consistent and easily recognizable picture.

Who is the “Titan”, “Giant”, “second Boris” who left, when no one was waiting and wandering through the maze? This character is very similar to Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin- a man of great stature, Boris by name, somehow unexpectedly, as if he renounced power in 1999 and after that lived in the government complex of Barvikha, where an entire city of government bomb shelters - a labyrinth - was built underground back in the USSR.

Who is a dark-faced man of short stature?, sitting on the shoulders of the Giant, playing the role of a servant, from a southern family, twice changing his appearance? This character is very similar to Vladimir Vladimirovich- a man much shorter in stature than Boris Nikolaevich, whom Boris Nikolaevich brought into politics, to whom he probably constantly gave some advice, that is, he seemed to hold him on his shoulders. Everyone is watching - he’s sitting in the Kremlin Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, but in fact, ALL the people around Putin are people placed by Boris Nikolaevich. That is, Yeltsin retained all the levers, and Putin, by and large, sits in an empty cabin and plays the driver.
Hence the analogy: “ sits on the shoulders of a Giant».

With the twice changing appearance of Vladimir Vladimirovich everything is clear at first glance: two presidential terms mean two appearances, two changes of face. But why is Vladimir Vladimirovich’s face described as “dark”? There is a suspicion that the prophet from the depths of the 18th century was never able to see this face. It was foggy. Mysterious. For example, the prophet could see several “Vladimirov Vladimirovichs” -. Hence the darkness. Hence the change of faces: first one person is shown on TV, then his double. (Perhaps the reason is that Putin stays in power thanks to mimicry, posing as a patriot and statesman, playing on the people’s hatred of liberals and their “swamp opposition”, in fact being the head of the occupation administration and part of the liberal-oligarchic stratum. Hence his “dark”, vague appearance - V.B.)

On the other hand, a change in appearance is also a change in image, a change in rhetoric. V.V. how did you come to Olympus? V.V. promised " soak in the toilet"terrorists, which meant bad people from the North Caucasus who offend the Russian people. And the Russian people voted for V.V. And before 2004, what did V.V. answer to a resident from the North Caucasus who asked about the Russians? V.V. . said: these are idiots. That's a change of face.

Finally, words about the “southern family” V.V. and his performance as a “servant” give some hints about both the past and the future Putin. Hints to the past are misterious story with Georgian mom V.V., which has not yet been proven,
but also not refuted in any way. Hints for the future are hints for the prime minister's chair Putin, who was president and then became prime minister - that is, as if in the role of a servant of the next president.

Who are they " dog children" And " demons eager for power“We believe there is no need to explain - and everything is clear to everyone. As follows from the prophecies, demons will be torn apart by certain “ bear paws" These paws are mentioned in Nemchin, Abel, St. Basil the Blessed, and even in some texts by Rasputin. That is, in a book written by the hand of Abel himself and carefully preserved by the Cheka-KGB-FSB, these bear paws are clearly present. The question arises: what should demons do, striving for power and possessing knowledge of their shitty future (the archives of the KGB of the USSR are at their complete disposal)? The demons have no choice but to continue.” puts on disguises“, that is, after the guise of the democrats, they will also take on the skin of this legendary bear, thereby, as it were, inverting the prophecy in their favor. And what are we
see? We see the emergence of the “Unity” party, which suddenly for some reason was renamed “Bear”, taking the bear as a symbol. We see a “successor” with a suitable surname - Medvedev.

No, this is not an accident. This is cause and effect. The reason is the mention of “bear paws” in the prophecy. The consequence is the renaming of “Unity” and the appearance in the Kremlin of Mr. Menachem Medvedev - young man, ... being ... the same “foolish young man” who will be promoted “to the kingdom.” Actually, they are already moving - we see... [written before Putin was re-elected to replace Medvedev]

The prophecies further say, What the ten most terrible kings for Rus' will come for an hour: a man with a helmet and visor not revealing his face / faceless swordsman, a man clad in chain mail, a man shedding blood /; Man from the swamp. His eyes are green. He will be in power when his two A's come together. He had a mortal wound, but it was healed. He fell, but again rose to unattainable heights and began to take revenge on everyone for his humiliation. And there will be blood, Great blood, in three, in seven, and through the fall of the green-eyed one. They won't be able to figure him out for a long time. Then he will be cast into the abyss; The other one will be long-nosed. Everyone will hate him, but he will be able to rally great power around himself; A man sitting on two tables (that is, thrones. Ed.) will seduce five more like him, but on the fourth step of the ladder they will fall ingloriously; A man with unclean skin. He will be half bald and half hairy; Flashes like a meteor Tagged and will replace him lame/crippled/, who will terribly cling to power; After Grand Dame with golden hair will lead three golden chariots.

In the very south of the black Arab kingdom, a leader in a blue turban will appear. He will throw terrible lightning and turn many countries into ashes. There will be a big, exhausting war of the cross and the crescent, in which the Moors will intervene, lasting 15 years. Carthage will be destroyed, which will be resurrected and the prince of Carthage will be the third pillar of the unification of the armies of the Crescent. There will be three waves in this war - back and forth.
When terrible death threatens everyone, the Swift Sovereign will come (the Great Horseman, the short-lived great sovereign, the Great Potter). He will be pure in soul and thoughts and will bring down his sword on robbers and thieves. Not a single thief can escape reprisal or shame.

Five boyars close to the Tsar will be put on trial. The first boyar is a judge. The second boyar is fleeing abroad and will be caught there. The third will be the governor. The fourth one will be red. The fifth boyar will be found dead in his bed. The Great Renewal will begin. There will be great joy in Rus' - the return of the crown and the acceptance of the entire large tree under the crown. The three branches of the tree will merge together after the flight of the demons and there will be a single tree. This is the approximate picture that emerges. If we interpret the prophecies in the language of political science, [the interpretation was given before 2012 and, as we see, turned out to be untenable] then the drain of the “foolish young man” (Mr. Menachem Medvedev

) will be organized by some kind of temporary committee, which will assume the role of temporary executive power. One can only guess who will enter there; the figures are depicted only in general strokes and hints. Obviously, this will be a group of governors, officials from various departments, and military personnel who will somehow either merge the “elections” themselves or refuse to recognize them. Even the option of the collapse of Russia into a kind of confederation cannot be ruled out, where each governor and head of the joint-stock company will take as much independence as he wants. These governors will probably be these very tyrants for an hour, whose heads will then be twisted by the Great Potter - that is, the ruler who will be destined to reassemble the country. But the collapse of Russia
For now, we still consider the less likely option, seeing in the tyrants a certain ruling Committee, where, in particular, some of the people who nominated the “foolish young man” will be represented. The committee will, of course, be temporary, and very soon the committee members will begin to figure out among themselves who is more important. Signs of the most important ones, listed.

For now, a more or less recognizable character is the one... who will be able to gather great power around himself (which is quite possible with a client base of 10-15,000 people). He’s apparently also red-haired... Actually, he’s the only one - Mr. Chubais.
“A man sitting on two tables (thrones)” is a certain gentleman occupying two positions. It seems to us that this will be a certain person who is both a government official in his country and occupies a certain high position in the CIS system or the union of Russia and Belarus. The official may not necessarily be Russian and not necessarily just an official. For example, the Committee may include Mr. Lukashenko, retaining both the post of President of Belarus and receiving a post on the Committee.
The military men and governors appearing in the texts fit well into the description of the top of the law enforcement agencies. Especially the special services - the visor on the face is the same mask, that is, a mask. There are as many options here as there are many special services in Russia.
The bald man with unclean skin strongly resembles one figure from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - Mr. Zyuganov, who may be involved in the Committee. He does not have special power, like, for example, the head of the FSB or the mayor of Moscow, but he has a real electorate. By including Zyuganov in the Committee, this electorate can be attracted.

Who it " Tagged " - the clearest thing. This is apparently Mr. Gorbachev, whose presence in the Committee will portray to this Committee a certain democratic image.
The creepiest character is " swamp man " Shedding of blood is associated with it. It is difficult to say who he is until he is mortally wounded. Maybe, we're talking about about sir Shoigu, heading a very powerful power structure. At first, the Committee cannot do without him, but his continued presence there risks making him the most influential figure in the Committee, so his colleagues will most likely try to force him out by some kind of decree. This will be the wound. But in reality it will not be possible to throw him out of the game - his people are everywhere in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and he may well still “soar to unattainable heights.” [well, it’s no longer the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but the army]

« lame " - the most mysterious figure so far. There are no particularly crippled politicians in Russia, with the exception of a few, but Mr. Primakov, For example. In past election battles, his opponents actively promoted the topic of a hip joint prosthesis, so it is possible that it will be voiced further. Hence Nemchin’s image - “Lame”. And the gentleman himself Primakov- a serious enough figure in the scenario to compete for power. On the other hand, a “Lame” can also be a politician whose term of office is expiring - the so-called “lame duck”. It's hard to say now.

Now it seems interesting to us only the last figure, which will precede the appearance Russian national leader, called the Great Horseman. That is, if this figure shows itself, it means we can expect the Horseman soon. This figure is " Grand Lady with Golden Hair ", somehow connected with certain chariots. Chariots are most likely metaphors. Chariots - movement to somewhere or from somewhere. But blonde hair is already a sign. You need to look for a lady among blondes. To be honest, we don’t know where to look, but considering that neither Vasily Nemchin nor monk Abel had even heard of some kind of “Ukraine” (in those days it was also Rus'), the lady can be looked for among Kyiv politicians.

This is a very serious question, because in Kyiv someone also has copies of ancient predictions - there were KGB branches there too. What, Mrs. Tymoshenko painted herself just like that? White color, and the Party of Regions rolled out the blonde Mrs. Bogatyreva? And Mrs. Vitrenko put her head in a bucket of peroxide because she wanted to become like Britney Spears at sixty years old? That is, the prophecy about the “blond-haired Lady” is known in Kyiv, as is well known. And people are trying to play on it, just like in the Kremlin they are trying to play on “bear paws.” The game is worth the candle, since the prophet assigned some outstanding role to the “blond Lady”.

So far the most likely candidate for this role is Ms. Tymoshenko[text before 2012] - in any case, she began loudly and correctly. If she really implements what she promised, her influence on the masses, including in Russia, will be enormous, because no one has yet tried to revise “privatization” in the CIS. They were afraid to even discuss the topic. At the same time (and we have been talking about this for a long time) a revision of “privatization” will give a person at least a 70% rating. A real rating that will have to be taken into account in Russia.

Thus, as events progress, more and more secrets gradually become apparent. Was first recognized Yeltsin(first texts Globs with references to Nemchin appeared as early as 1988, if not earlier). Then I was recognized Putin. Now it’s the turn of the “foolish young man” Menachem. Who should we identify next?...

Mikhail Saltan, Gleb Shcherbatov(ARI/netpress) around 2011

Valex: Tauride War - what is not the war for Crimea and Donbass. A " a crescent moon will appear"Could it be Türkiye?

In the last book of the Bible (Revelation), in last chapter, last words verse 18 - “And I also testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book.” Therefore, the above prophecies are not from God. And on this there are still questions:
Why can an Orthodox believer never open the Bible in his entire life and still be considered a good Christian?
Why are the vast majority of Orthodox Christians not interested in talking about God, Christ and the Bible?
Why are priests usually so busy that they have no time to teach parishioners the Gospel and do pastoral work? What then are they doing?
Why do church parishioners not only not love each other like brothers, but most often do not even know each other?
Why does the Church spend so much money on the construction of magnificent buildings, and so little on the spiritual education of its flock?
Why does the Church organize actions that meet with the disapproval of the vast majority of the population, such as the consecration of nightclubs, strip bars and video sites on the Internet?
If the Church has the power to alleviate the lot of sinners in hell (through prayers for the dead), then why does it take money for it, and why shouldn’t it do it for free, guided by love?
What is the difference between the stalls in modern temples and the vendors in ancient temple, whom Christ drove out?
Why do most parishioners in churches pray to anyone but God?
Why is it difficult, and sometimes impossible, to find an icon of God in churches?
Why is there not a single monument to the victims of the Orthodox executioners of the Solovetsky Monastery in Russia, but there is a monument to the executioner Patriarch Nikon?
Why does the Church need an outdated and artificial liturgical language that makes the service mysterious and incomprehensible to the majority of those present in the church? How is this different from “speaking in tongues” without translation, which the apostle declares to be useless (1 Cor. 14:6)?
Is it fair that, according to the teachings of the Church, before the coming of Christ, all the righteous suffered in hell?
Why do most people go to temple to receive ritual and psychological services, and not to worship God and communicate with fellow believers?
If the Lord said that all Christians are brothers (Matthew 23:8), then why can’t a layman address a priest with the word “brother”?
If the patriarch is called “the most holy,” is he really holier than other Christians?
Why should Orthodox believers kiss the hands of priests, but priests should not kiss the hands of believers?
Why is the patriarch called “Our Great Lord and Father” during liturgical commemoration?
Why is the Church so happy about the “spiritual revival” and the growth in the number of people calling themselves Orthodox, while turning a blind eye to the fact that only a few are actually interested in religious issues?
Why did the Church not repent of the cruel Inquisition, executions and torture of “heretics”, cruel monastic prisons and other atrocities that it committed throughout its history until the 20th century (see the biography of Patriarch Nikon, the works of Joseph Volotsky)?
Why does the Church pray for the success of Russian sports teams (for example, football): does God really support one team against others, and why exactly the Russian one and not some other?
Why was it possible for the Apostle Peter to have a wife, but not for an Orthodox bishop? Does this mean that any Orthodox bishop is more righteous than the Apostle Peter?
How did it happen that the principle of conciliarity in Russian Orthodoxy was completely supplanted by the power of several higher hierarchs?
Why are there rock clubs and karate clubs at temples?
Why is the patriarch’s assumption of office called “ascension to the throne”?
Why is a cross or souvenir considered effective only when it is consecrated by a clergyman?
What does the “blessing” of honey, apples and nuts have to do with Christianity?
Why does the Church need medieval fashion: robes, robes, beards?
Why does the Church need Old Testament rites, holidays and liturgical practices?
How did it happen that people who were fierce opponents during their lifetimes (for example, Joseph of Volotsky and Nil of Sorsky) are simultaneously glorified and revered as saints? Do they continue to quarrel in heaven or have they made peace? If they made peace in heaven, what prevented them from making peace in earthly life?
Why does the Church elevate to the rank of saints and even “equal to the apostles” people who are far from Christianity, for example, such as Emperor Constantine, who until his death remained not only a pagan, but also the high priest of the Roman gods?
Why does the Church consider medieval Rus' “holy”, while its princes for centuries fought in a completely un-Christian manner with each other and with neighboring peoples?
Why does the Church canonize those who gave their lives for their faith? Shouldn't this be the norm for any parishioner?
Why does the Church recognize as divinely inspired “ecumenical councils” that contradict each other, either affirming or refuting certain teachings (for example, iconoclasm, worship of angels)?
Why does the Church accept pagan rituals and superstitions into its fold, believing that they can be “sanctified” and made acceptable to Christians?
If, as the Church claims, they worship not icons, but what is depicted on them, then why, among several icons of the same saint, are some more revered (for example, the famous icon of the Kazan Mother of God), and others less?
If they worship not icons, but what is depicted on them, then why are there temples dedicated to icons (for example, a temple in honor of the same icon of the Kazan Mother of God)?
Why does the Church consider the history of the Byzantine Empire, full of wars (including with Orthodox countries), civil strife, church schisms, intrigues, hypocrisy of emperors and patriarchs, and many other disgusting deeds, to be exemplary and sacred?
Why does the Church, represented by the Patriarch, bless political parties (for example, the A Just Russia party in 2007)?
How did it happen that the highest hierarchs of the Church are among richest people countries?
Why does the Church need benefits for the sale of tobacco and alcohol products, a car service station under the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and projects for the construction of luxury business real estate?
Why does the Church believe that it can, with the signature of the patriarch, appoint heavenly patrons in any earthly field of activity, and often to serve the interests of government agencies (“the traffic police, the State Duma, the Air Force, special forces, etc. have patrons”)?
Why does the Church believe that there are patrons of countries? Is God really interested? political map land?
Why does the Church need its own Orthodox branch of the political movement “Nashi”?
Why were state intelligence services involved in organizing the signing of the act of canonical communion with the ROCOR?
Why did the Church praise Stalin, calling him “God-given and God-chosen leader,” knowing that he destroyed thousands of Orthodox laymen and priests?
Why is there a separate room for the president at the patriarch's residence on the island of Valaam?
Why does the Church hold a prayer service in the country’s main church in honor of the anniversary of Russia’s nuclear forces?
Why, in view of the ten points mentioned above, does the Church continue to claim that it stands apart from the state and does not pursue political and economic interests?
Why does the Church consider the decrees of its own bishops’ councils to be divinely inspired?
Why doesn’t the Church want to regain its historical pre-revolutionary name – the Orthodox Russian Church?
Why does the Church not try to correct its official translation of the Bible, knowing full well about its many errors and distortions?
Why does the Church today elevate to the rank of saints such conscientious Bible translators as Filaret, whom only yesterday she persecuted, whose translations she destroyed, and still does not recognize their point of view?
Why did the Church canonize such early “Church Fathers” as Justin and Irenaeus of Lyons, but at the same time consider their teachings (for example, about the resurrection of the flesh and the thousand-year earthly kingdom of Christ) to be false?
Why is the Church so inconsistent in its attitude towards ecumenism: while claiming that it does not have prayerful communication with non-Orthodox people, it participates in joint ecumenical prayers (for example, within the framework of the St. Petersburg Dialogue forum), publicly calls Protestants brothers (Patr. Kirill) and supports the activities of ecumenical missionary centers (American mission “In Search of Faith”, English “Church Mission Society”, etc.)?
Why does the Church bless the activities of such organizations as the “Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers,” whose members participate in the beating of non-Orthodox citizens, including foreigners?
Why cannot the Church throughout its history overcome ritualism, superstition and witchcraft in its own flock?
Why can’t the Church conduct a civilized theological debate with its opponents from other faiths, as the apologists it revered did, instead stooping to the lowest and blackest technologies in the spirit of Soviet propaganda?
Why did the Church adopt Roman administrative practices: pompous titles, geographical zones influence (dioceses, metropolises, exarchates), awarding orders, thrones, regalia of power, the monarchical custom of truncation of the surname and adding a number to the name (“Alexy the Second”)?
How did it happen that exotic eastern cults such as hesychasm (the doctrine that one can approach God by freeing oneself from all thoughts, feelings and desires) found refuge in the Church?
Why does the Church recognize as authentic the plots of apocryphal (forged) texts, such as “The Dormition of the Virgin Mary”?
Why in the Russian-Georgian war of 2008 Orthodox priests in Russia, Ossetia and Georgia each prayed for victory for their own country?
Why can’t the Church overcome discord and hatred even among its own priesthood (which is often noticed and condemned by the priests themselves), not to mention the flock?
Doesn’t the Church consider that it is a disgrace for Christianity to publicly quarrel and intrigue with brethren from other countries? local churches(relations with Constantinople in recent years)?
Why cannot the Church create a truly unified international organization, and what is the system of local churches if not the inability to overcome the political fragmentation of the world?
P.S. For those who have successfully answered these questions, I suggest continuing with the wonderful book by M. Gorokhov, “The Book of Pressing Questions about the Orthodox Faith.”

Vasily was born in December 1469 in the village of Elohovo. Until the age of sixteen he was an apprentice to a shoemaker. WITH youth and until his death he performed the feat of foolishness and suffered hardships. Basil all year round walked without clothes, slept in the open air, constantly fasted and wore chains. It is believed that he was the only person whom Tsar Ivan the Terrible was afraid of. Basil the Blessed died on August 2, 1552. He was buried in the cemetery of the Trinity Church, where Tsar Ivan the Terrible ordered the construction of the Intercession Cathedral, in memory of the conquest of Kazan, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral.

Prophecies of St. Basil: “... the Russian people cannot live without a whip. How terrible is my friend and bloodsucker Ivashka the Terrible, how many curses have been poured on his head, like ash from burnt souls, but they will honor him as a great autocrat...

There will be many kings behind Ivashka the Terrible, but one of them, a hero with a cat’s mustache, a villain and a blasphemer, will once again strengthen the Russian state, although on the way to the treasured blue seas a third of the Russian people will fall like logs under carts...
And the third murderer will rule for a long time. And for the sake of the formidable order in the great power, this mustachioed king from the wild mountaineers will put on the chopping block all his comrades, and his faithful friends, and thousands of thousands of husbands and wives...
Small and great temples will be burned and destroyed. And then they will rebuild them. But God will not return to them if they serve not Him, but gold. And then the poor people will again turn away from our churches...

And Russia will live without a tsar for a whole century and will shed rivers of its blood. And then they will place an unintelligent young man on the throne, but soon he and his retinue will be declared impostors and driven out of Rus'...
The great unrest will continue in the kingdom for a long time until it is stopped by a great warrior called by all our people...

In the very south of the Black Arab kingdom, a leader in a blue turban will appear. He will throw terrible lightning and turn many countries into ashes. But Great Rus' will come together and destroy this leader...

And the fourth sovereign will come, who will be called the great Horseman. If he is pure in soul and thoughts, he will bring down his sword on the robbers and thieves. Not a single thief can escape reprisal or shame. The Russian people will rejoice, but there will be evil spirits who will quietly kill the great Horseman. And there will be a great cry in Rus'...
And when terrible wars pass, turning all living things in different countries into dust and ashes, a truly great Sovereign will reign on the throne, destined for a long and blissful reign, and our long-suffering Rus' will enter its golden age...”