Secrets of proper communication in classmates

In our last article, we focused on how to communicate correctly in Odnoklassniki. This topic may seem stupid to you, because everyone can and knows how to communicate.

However, in reality this is not the case. Very often, a registered user, due to a lack of knowledge about the nuances and features of communication in Odnoklassniki, has problems. If you know how to communicate realistically, this does not mean at all that you can communicate virtually.

Our working hypothesis was that the way dialogue is structured between student and teacher, student and his peers, student and all members of the school depends significantly on how the person created or experienced the world and social reality and therefore belongs to the sociocultural group that defines it language and way of life in social relations.

What practically seeks to do is to explain the pupil's verbal behavior in the classroom by one's practical attitude towards his social studies life. The student comes to school with a speech made, everything he applies and adapts with more or less skill to the classroom environment and to the imperatives of institutional discourse.

Real communication and virtual communication, although they are similar in many ways, are not the same.

The advantages of communicating on the Odnoklassniki social network

Among the advantages of communicating in Odnoklassniki are the following:
1) the ability to conduct several dialogues. If in the real world it seems impossible to communicate with several people at the same time, then in Odnoklassniki the impossible becomes possible. Conducting simultaneous dialogues should in no case be confused with group communication. About group communication we're talking about when several friends or acquaintances gather and discuss one topic. Simultaneous dialogue means simultaneous communication with different people on completely different topics. With one you can talk about your favorite TV series, with another you can discuss the results of the football championship, and with a third you can discuss all the details, for example, a future trip to Europe and so on.

2) A cup of coffee. Today, in order to communicate with someone, you don’t have to go out somewhere. You can calmly sit on the couch at home, turn on the computer and communicate on Odnoklassniki with everyone. While chatting online, you can freely drink coffee, listen to your favorite music and sing. And in the real world, you won’t be able to communicate with someone while sitting at home in your shorts or listening to loud music.

Therefore, with a language learned through a certain system of collective life experience and social reality, a child comes to school to learn an institutional language that has great cultural significance. This is where the discrepancy between students in a supportive sociocultural environment and those from humbler backgrounds and more expressive means emerges.

Limited, less subtle, less simple and not sufficiently free from the specific context of the dialogue situation. This is a "code" that can accommodate a child's spontaneous language in the classroom. It reflects the collective structure imposed on dialogue as a result of the enductive harmful situation created in the classroom by school activities that include student speech.

3) Google. As already noted, when communicating on a social network, you can simultaneously perform other actions, for example, sit in search engines Oh. If your interlocutor raised a topic that you know nothing about, you can turn to Google for help at any time and read a couple of articles on this or that topic in a matter of seconds. You will answer any questions your interlocutor may have, and maybe even express your opinion and give some advice on the topic under discussion. Google will give you answers to all your questions. Using search engines will not only elevate you in front of your interlocutor, whose every question you can easily answer, but also develop your intellect.

It should be noted that in this sociolinguistic perspective of student verbal behavior in the classroom, the concept of belonging to a sociocultural group that is defined as existing outside the school can also play out in the school, in fact that the classroom, not to mention the "abstract" school society, is also such a group, so it may be interesting to study student behavior at this level. student in the classroom is obviously a socialized behavior. School reality is also a social reality.

There is also the language of children in between, which does not belong directly to the school or family, so there are different “language levels” available to us. For the exercise of renunciation is entirely subject to what may be called its sociological environment; namely, the conditioning and impregnation of the act of speech with the dual status of the social relations that it conducts in the family environment and the school environment of the child. We do not forget that if the subject of renunciation completely renews the functioning of language, on the one hand, the language he uses is essentially a collective phenomenon; on the other hand, his work is very socialized.

In any business, if there are pros, there will definitely be cons. So in virtual communication on the Odnoklassniki social network, you can highlight a couple of such disadvantages.

Disadvantages of communicating on the social network Odnoklassniki

1) Homebody. Usually, when meeting people in the virtual world, people hope for possible further communication in the real world. For some, communicating on Odnoklassniki is a simple pastime. Such people do not allow further continuation of communication in real life. Some, thanks to frequent communication on the Internet, even fall in love and dream of meeting their interlocutor face to face. But, alas, not always virtual communication goes into the real. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to chat with someone live, do not miss it. Real communication is much more interesting than virtual communication. Even if you made some mistake in real communication, you can easily correct it immediately, and if you made a mistake in the virtual world, it is not a fact that the interlocutor will continue the dialogue with you.

2) Lack of a real interlocutor. If you communicate with a friend on a social network more than in real life, this is not very scary. But if such communication develops, for example, with a loved one, then it’s time to think about it. No Internet can evoke such emotions in lovers as a real meeting. Therefore, if you want to maintain a warm relationship with your loved ones, then it is better to show them attention in person. A person gets more pleasure from a live conversation than from a virtual one.

In conclusion, student speech in the classroom is properly a sociolinguistic activity, depending on the type of specific communication that is dialogue. The classroom situation itself can be defined in relational terms as a system in which individual-individual relationships are formed in dialogue, and these highly developed relationships influence the production of utterances.

Consequently, there is an eventual point of view, two defining elements of speech. This is a situational element and a relational element, correlative with the attitude to Knowledge and presence in the world in an eventual act, a producer in the class of statements. The realization of renunciation behaves as a whole which functions in a complex manner and from which nothing can be arbitrarily separated without jeopardizing its functioning; a set comprising a network of relationships that disseminate knowledge to individuals in one way or another: the act of communication; various ways presence; and the actualization of language in the form of spoken utterances, which follows from the statement of J.

The purpose of this article is to show the benefits of communication on the Odnoklassniki social network and teach how to communicate correctly in the virtual world.

The social project Odnoklassniki is a huge network that today has an international reach. Odnoklassniki is a network that has its own characteristics and its own individual structure. Therefore, you need to approach this network individually.

Du Bois that the generation of sentences is ultimately The specific relationship of the speaking subject to the world in which he has experience. In what follows we can try to redefine the concept of renunciation in terms of situation and relationship. From this point of view, it is expressed in the full sense of the term when presence in the classroom manifests itself as presence in the world, in the form of the speech of each of the partners in the dialogue, which is then established. If the true act of speech is an act of presence in the world, the adoption of speech structures operates in dialogue, because the speaker, whoever he is, can only “take” the word by addressing someone present.

Put Odnoklassniki on the same level as a giant mass social networks Russia can't. The main users of Odnoklassniki are people aged 16-30 years. And in alternative networks, users have average age up to sixteen years old.

The basis of the Odnoklassniki website is communication between people. After all, all extensive communications on the Internet basically develop on this principle. With the advent of such networks as Odnoklassniki, people began to be more tolerant of each other. The Odnoklassniki network has taught people to communicate more loyally with strangers. The Odnoklassniki network, compared to the VKontakte network, has much fewer options spending time. Odnoklassniki does not have as many groups, public pages, applications and games as on the VKontakte network. Therefore, people on the Odnoklassniki network are more inclined to communicate. Any communication on the Internet has noticeable differences from live communication.

This is the well-known rule of “I and “you,” which obscures the alternation of speech between communication partners. As a result, the act of utterance involves observing and complying with a large number of rules and conditions that are not always achievable. But limiting oneself to conforming to it is the only way to preserve the specificity of renunciation in its situational and relational aspects, which are the only ones that provide the specific effects one would like to have in the classroom.

Student speech production and verbal behavior in the classroom

We will therefore conclude with some pedagogical and sociological implications that follow from the concept we have just proposed. In terms of considering these two types of educational problems, we will add some additional thoughts to what we have already said about the role of school refusal. teachers, we feel that we have already provided sufficient explanations on some of the problems that have arisen in the life of the classroom, so here are the last two that we will discuss: “Freedom of speech”, proposed by many educators today, we hear two things: it is feasible and what is beyond it beneficial effects follow.

In order for online communication to be enjoyable, you need to know a few subtleties. Everyone knows that the usual phrase “How are you?” may remain unanswered, because already destroys all desire to communicate in the bud. This phrase is used too often now and no longer arouses interest. Before you write to someone, you need to decide why you are doing this in the first place. Because your potential interlocutor will not want to waste time on empty chatter. Especially if he's not interested. If you write with the goal of starting a relationship, then you will have to adapt to the interlocutor, try to interest him. The main thing to understand is that virtual communication has many advantages that will easily help you meet someone and have a pleasant conversation.

Regarding the first point, we believe that releasing a speech in the classroom can only be achieved with good intentions. It is not enough to achieve this. On the other hand, any recipe is not suitable. This freedom of speech requires appropriate methods, and we obviously believe that refusal methods are the most effective, and we have seen that they are part of establishing the situation. dialogue. But, believing that this can be established as a kind of consensus that will act almost on its own as soon as the situation arises.

Once it is created, it must be maintained and nurtured, and the teacher's and students' attitudes toward how they live in their relationship are intertwined. Too much urgency doesn't fit. Liberating speech requires a real atmosphere of trust and weakly persuasive methods of persuasion, and we will not insist on this. It is clear to everyone that we should not shout, “talk”, that we will force someone to speak by unexpectedly cutting him off or making comments to him. finding a happy environment is a delicate matter. It is a skill that can be acquired because it requires no more good will than the acquisition of many other teacher behaviors.

Statistics confirm that virtual communication is better absorbed. It is necessary to identify what advantages online communication has.

1.You don’t see the person with whom you are having a conversation. Many people see this negative point, although in fact this is a huge plus. First of all, you don't have to make eye contact all the time. to a stranger. In life this can be very difficult. Everyone is characterized by embarrassment. Secondly, you can calmly joke. If in life the interlocutor reacts accordingly, then everything is in order. And if not? It will be an embarrassment. And this way you will save yourself from possible negative emotions. It's easier to joke online because... Not all people know how to tell a joke correctly with the right intonation and facial expressions. And on the Internet, emoticons will do everything for you.

As for the consequences of freeing speech, it should be remembered that this is not an end in itself. This does not force anyone to speak to say anything, that what is more specifically addressed in the speech exercise is the control over the more numerous and varied means of expression, these are what we referred to above as "linguistic registers" to indicate, that the act of speech is reliably personal when someone corresponds to it by enriching his experience and when this experience is shared with others when it turns out to be an experience corresponding to the person’s condition.

2. You have a lot of time. If during live communication you have to respond almost instantly, practically without analyzing what you say, because... your silence for 10 minutes in the middle of a conversation may be considered mental retardation, in Odnoklassniki you will save yourself from this. You will have time to think carefully about your answer, going through all the possible options in your head.

In other words, there are only real effects if there is a profit and the performance of the speech brought something to someone. It should also be noted that if school is a place where a child can be given the opportunity to express himself effectively and personally, the practice of communicating in the classroom according to the perspectives offered by the refusal leads directly to the application of democratization of education to the life of the classroom. As regards the verbal behavior of the learner, we will say very little here because the matter will be dealt with in the next paragraph, but if we take a strictly pedagogical point of view, we can point out that if we formulate a statement should be assessed on the basis of criteria for the functioning of language, and such the mode of action will profoundly change the habits of correction.

Now Odnoklassniki has a service that will highlight all your mistakes in red, but it does not work in all cases. For example, if the mistake you made is a correctly written word that simply is not in the system’s memory. Or, on the contrary, you made a mistake and wrote a word, but it is correct, but has a different meaning, for example, “side” and “country”. These words have completely different meanings, but if you write “Love my side” instead of “Love my country”, no error will be detected.

The main question will no longer be: Did he speak well or write well? But “Does his statement mean the rules of renunciation?” One advantage of this would be greater objectivity in the assessment and the greater goal of eliminating points of comparison with the results of others and eliminating the competitive nature of claim production. they are written or spoken.

In conclusion, let us note that the liberation of speech and verbal behavior are in solidarity with each other; in such a way that if oral behavior depends on how the speech is made, the speaker, on the other hand, does not lead to a beneficial effect for the speaker, which, if the actual verbal behavior is even freed from the restrictions of school life.