Make a tabletop fountain with your own hands. Home fountain: DIY options

We all rejoice at the arrival of summer, but when the sun begins to get very hot, we want coolness. Therefore, many people strive to spend more time near fountains, which will not only freshen the air, but also lift their spirits with the sound of falling water. But you don’t have to go to the square to admire this action. Every person, regardless of whether he lives in an ordinary city apartment or in a private house, can make his own decorative fountain.

Pros and cons of creating

A decorative fountain is primarily an element designed to decorate the surrounding space. It has several key advantages:

But artificial fountains also have certain disadvantages:

  • Need for special care and periodic monitoring. This structure must be cleaned regularly to prevent debris from clogging the pump. It is also necessary to monitor the serviceability of the equipment and promptly resolve any problems that arise.
  • Given that the pump requires electrical power to operate, the fountain will incur certain costs to operate, which can be particularly high if the installation will be in operation for a long time.

Types of structures

Decorative fountains may differ from each other in various parameters. For example, according to the type of placement, they are usually classified into indoor and outdoor. The former are intended for decorating rooms, and the latter are used in open spaces, where they act as component element landscape design.

Based on the type of design, fountains can be divided into several types:

Depending on the nature of the movement of water flow, fountains can be divided into the following types:

It is also customary to additionally highlight annular a fountain in which a ring-shaped pipe is provided, and holes are located in it at the same distance from each other. When water is supplied through them, a flow appears that resembles a ring.

An interesting variation is installation in the form of a hemisphere or hemisphere. It consists of several parallel disk attachments connected in a special way. When water is supplied under pressure, the stream takes on a spherical shape, which gives the entire structure a very unusual and impressive appearance.

Shapes and sizes

Although the fountain can have any size and shape, when choosing them it is recommended to use common sense and remember that it will be somewhat more difficult to care for an installation with a more intricate shape and large dimensions.

The bowl of the fountain can have a symmetrical or non-standard asymmetrical shape. For example, it can be made in the form of an oval, square, circle, triangle, as well as any other geometric shapes, including those that follow the contours of the silhouette of an animal or a person.

Also, fountains can be complex multi-level or made of several interconnected containers. In this case, each of these elements can be equipped with its own nozzle, being integral part more complex installation.

Stylistic design

Fountains used for decorative purposes can be made in a wide variety of styles. Whether a design belongs to one direction or another depends on various factors - appearance, shape and size, material of manufacture.

There are several design options applicable to decorative fountains:

Installation location

In order for a decorative fountain to successfully cope with its role, it is necessary to correctly approach the location of its placement.

Prepare the area in advance so that you can approach the fountain or sit close to it. Make sure that the structure is not obscured by other landscaping elements.

DIY decorative fountain

It is not necessary to pay money to a craftsman to make an original decorative fountain. Any owner can handle this task independently.

Materials and tools

And first of all, you need to prepare the tools, materials and devices necessary for the work:

  • container that you will use as a bowl. It could be old barrel or bath. The main thing is that the product is strong enough without damage to withstand the volume of water;
  • a pipe or a sufficiently strong and dense hose for supplying water;
  • pumping unit;
  • materials for waterproofing;
  • filter;
  • nozzle;
  • shovel.

Manufacturing process

Once you have prepared everything you need, you can proceed to making a decorative fountain:

The fountain you make will last longer if you regularly check the condition of the devices and promptly eliminate any malfunctions that arise, as well as clean the bowl of any debris that gets into it.

A decorative fountain can become one of the main elements of your site and better side change its design. You just need to approach its production correctly. With a little imagination and using unnecessary materials, you can certainly create a creation with your own hands that will look no worse than products made by professional craftsmen.

While landscaping their backyards, some owners at some point realize that there is not enough fountain on their property. You shouldn’t give up on this idea if you have everything planned out long ago and there is no extra space left. After all, it doesn’t have to be a large structure. Even on small areas you can find a place to arrange a compact decorative fountain, which will give you coolness and become a wonderful relaxation area.

If you decide to create it yourself, then you need to thoroughly prepare for this work. And first of all, you must understand what type of installation this installation should have, what material it should be made of, and how water should flow in it. These and many other factors will determine whether you will be satisfied with the end result.

If this is your first time making your own fountain at your dacha, then you should not build a complex configuration installation. This will not only require more time from you, Money and strength to create it, but it will also create certain difficulties for you in the future during care. It is best to build a small fountain standard form, which can be made from the most ordinary materials and it will be no more difficult to care for than any other object on your site.

The modern rhythm of life, created by people, tires them and exhausts them nervous system constantly experiencing stress. Daytime stress often leads to problems with sleep, and in the fight against this trouble, a small indoor fountain becomes our reliable ally.

The main advantages of decorative home fountains are Aesthetic pleasure and air humidification. If there is a small fountain in the room, then there is no need for an air humidifier, and besides, the “fountain” method of humidifying the atmosphere looks more natural. If this fountain is quite large, then it will easily create the most comfortable microclimate in the home for all its inhabitants: people, plants and animals.

Selecting a fountain for the interior

When choosing a decorative home fountain, you should take into account the size of the room. In a spacious room there is a small desktop version the fountain can simply get lost, but floor mini fountains for an apartment with a bowl more than a meter in diameter, they will certainly become one of the centers of attention in the entire room - they will sufficiently humidify and refresh the air. Artificial ones also look impressive in the interior of an apartment if there is a sufficiently large free space. wall compositions , which are a decorative drip or thread-like fountain. True, we should not forget that when arranging wall fountains, heavy building materials are used, such as cast iron and stone, so such decorations can only be started against a strong and reliable wall.

Depending on the interior of the room, you need to choose the material of the fountain, which is usually glass or artificial stone. In a room decorated in minimalist or hi-tech style, fits in perfectly stele, shrouded in a film of falling water (the so-called “ wet wall"), especially considering the fact that occupies one of the main roles.

To the bedroom It is best to find small decorative tabletop fountains and waterfalls that can serve as an elegant night light in the evening. Tabletop fountains with lighting are especially valued - dim light combined with the quiet murmur of water will be the best background for going to bed (this is especially true for children). As you can see, in these cases we can already talk about the therapeutic effect of a decorative fountain, and, therefore, its functionality are expanding even more. And if you buy a fountain model in St. Petersburg not only with illumination, but also with fog, you will provide your bedroom not only with additional decor, but also with an element that creates an intimate atmosphere.

An ideal sculpture would be one depicting grotto, waterfall or water mill . Typically, waterfalls sold for such premises are equipped with flower pots where you can plant live plants, as well as lighting and an additional humidifier. A niche under the stairs, by the way, can also be a very suitable place for installing a “mountain waterfall” there.

If you have a question about where to buy a fountain for your home, contact worldwide network– several addresses of stores closest to you search system will probably give you away or show you which websites you can order these fountains from. But at the same time, if you are planning to buy home fountains in an online store, ask how noisy its pump is. Usually pump power directly affects the noise level of the structure , so you shouldn’t chase too powerful options. The sound of the water should prevail over the sound of the pump running.

Fountain lighting

Even the most trivial fountain can be made magical if you apply lighting to it, which can be different:

Using underwater lighting arises glowing water effect . If at the same time you want to make a floor fountain for your home with lighting with your own hands so that it turns out to be a real holiday extravaganza, then you need lighting, rotating using a special mechanism. A very important aspect of underwater lighting equipment is laying the wires in a waterproof busbar. For greater safety, it should be equipped with an automatic circuit breaker that trips when current leaks. According to safety requirements, only 12-volt lamps can be used for underwater lighting: halogen, fiber optic or LED, connected via a transformer.

For water surface lighting better lamps place above water along the perimeter . To emphasize a particular element of the composition, a beam of directional light is used. A spotlight can draw attention to one detail.

Varieties of unusual indoor fountains


Water elements, which are indoor decorative fountains for apartments in the form of paintings, look very unusual and interesting. For example, the painting depicts a landscape with a waterfall, and the entire landscape, as usual, is painted, but the water in the waterfall is real. At the same time, the design of the fountain is such that the water does not fall on the floor at all, but is captured by a special drain built into the frame, from where it returns to the tank, closing the cycle. You can buy a decorative fountain-picture in almost any souvenir shop - today they are in great demand, so sellers strive to keep up with fashion and provide the buyer with all the latest in interior design.

Fountain "wet wall"

An aqua interior can be created not only with traditional indoor tabletop fountains, but also with more unusual means. One of these techniques is the fountain " wet wall": on a wall lined with ceramics, stone or waterproof mosaic, flows down at different speeds drops, trickles, and finally streams of water. A waterproof drainage device is placed in the floor, from which water returns to the top. A variety of modes of water supply, lighting and wall covering allows you to obtain numerous transitions and effects. Such a wall of water amazes, shocks, makes you dumbfounded, but will not leave anyone indifferent. Of course, the price of floor-mounted indoor fountains and waterfalls may be prohibitively high for people of average income, and only wealthy people can afford to buy an indoor fountain of a similar design and scale. However, do not despair - we will tell you how to make an indoor fountain with your own hands, and you will understand that it is not so difficult, and such a miracle can be made with your own hands using ordinary materials.

The floor version of an indoor fountain can be surrounded indoor plants, for which it will create a favorable microclimate. If you use special settings in a decorative fountain, you can achieve a fog effect.

Fountain curtain

No less stunning is the effect of the curtain fountain, through which water flows down in a wide stream. The picture gives the impression continuous water wall , which flows down the glass. If such a system is placed in doorway By equipping it with motion sensors, you can get a kind of water door separating the rooms. When a person approaches, the sensor blocks the flow, and the passage is free. Carefully thought out illumination of such a fountain will turn your apartment into a fairy-tale palace.

There are varieties of decorative home fountains depicting water columns : along special fishing line strings, water flows down from the ceiling lamp in a continuous stream, thereby forming a hollow, transparent water column inside. In cross-section, such a pillar can represent a circle or a polyhedron. Often a sculpture or decorative tree. You are unlikely to be able to buy interior fountains of this design in ordinary souvenir shops, since such impressive decorative elements are often made to order.

DIY indoor fountains

A miniature fountain can unusually enliven any interior. You can even build it with my own hands, but for this you need, of course, to understand its design and think through a work plan. Knowing how to make a decorative indoor fountain with your own hands, you will save money on buying new decor, but will provide yourself great mood for many years.

Step-by-step process for creating an indoor fountain

For this work you will need:

  • Container for the future fountain.
  • Aquarium pump.
  • A piece of hose for cleaning an aquarium.
  • Large sea shell.
  • Expanded clay, shells, decorative colored primer.
  • Waterproof glue.

You can choose any vessel you like as a fountain bowl, even flower pot. The main thing is that the vessel is reliable and water does not leak out of it. A pump that lifts water upward and creates a stream will be required with a sprinkler, but without a tip, taking into account the small size of the fountain bowl.

The procedure for making a fountain:

If you first learned about how to make a fountain with your own hands, then you should understand that the work is quite painstaking and creative, but its result will not only significantly decorate your interior, but will also be a source of pride in front of your admiring guests.

Decorative fountain from a flower pot

There are a huge number of master classes showing what decorative things can be made from ordinary flower pot. But today we will tell you how to make a home fountain with your own hands from the same flower pot. If you want to make a larger fountain, take large capacity, but what if your plans are small table fountain chick - a flower pot 20-25 cm in diameter will be enough.

To make a fountain at home, you will need the following materials:


  • A flower pot is needed as a bowl for a fountain; it can be painted with special paints if desired.
  • Under the pan you need to install a pump that will circulate water, and you need to make a small hole in the bottom for drainage.
  • A pump tube is passed through the hole, and decorative stones are poured onto the bottom.
  • The entire structure is assembled and filled with water. Aquarium plants can liven up the appearance.

According to this scheme, anyone can build a miniature fountain with their own hands - all you need is desire and imagination.

We make an indoor fountain without a pump

Independent arrangement own apartment or summer cottages are preferred by many people. And sometimes, to add special elegance to the interior, the owners think about how to make a fountain without a pump, since not everyone is “friendly” with electrical appliances and their connections. Of course you can do it decorative imitation fountain, for example, made of paper or plasticine, but in this case you will not hear the soothing murmur of real water. A small fountain can be made from a bottle or from plastic containers that are more suitable for the designed design, but you need to remember school curriculum in physics.

In order to make a mini fountain with your own hands without a pump, will be required following materials : three plastic containers, tubes, tools, an adapter, sealant and decorating elements (you can come up with a composition of stone and artificial flowers, or you can limit yourself to just one thing).

Miniature preferences

Determine the dimensions of the future product, but do not strive for gigantism. After all, a large fountain will definitely need a pump, but this is not our case. It is better to make a preliminary sketch of the fountain. If your imagination fails you, look at what a DIY fountain can look like in a photo or video - this way you will have an idea of ​​what final version you should strive for.

Let's remember physics

It is best to base the design principle of communicating vessels , a friend from school physics. If two vessels connected by a tube are placed on different heights, then water will flow from the upper one to the lower one. But this simple system It’s better to modernize it a little: install both vessels at the same level, connecting them with a pair of tubes. The tubes are connected to a “T”-shaped adapter. If you pour water into the vessels from above, the fountain starts working.

We work with two identical vessels

Pick a pair of exactly identical vessels, preferably plastic ones. Then you will need as thin a tube as possible. Moreover, the thinner it is, the longer the fountain will function. A tube from a kitchen filter may work just fine. Holes are carefully drilled in the bottoms of the vessels, which are slightly smaller in diameter than the taken tubes. The tubes should be inserted into the holes (this happens with some interference). Then it is better to treat these places cold welding or other sealant to prevent water leaks.

The third vessel is the final one

Next, you need to move to the third vessel, the volume of which is equal to the sum of the volumes of the other two vessels or even more - so that the water poured out of them completely fits into it. Exactly in the middle of the bottom of a large vessel you need to install a “T”-shaped adapter, and holes need to be drilled in the walls of the vessel near the very bottom. Two tubes are passed through them, coming from the vessels located above. These areas should also be securely sealed. This completes the installation of the main structure of the fountain.

Installing an indoor fountain

Next, you need to install the fountain in the designated place. In this case, it is necessary to do this so that the upper vessels are located not only above the large one, but are themselves at the same level. For home use, the receiver container of an indoor fountain must be removable so that the water from it can be returned to the upper vessels. And, of course, such a fountain needs to be decorated, relying mainly on your own imagination.

Regardless of the fountain you choose, you will quickly fall in love with it for its vibrant streams of water and its calming effect on all the inhabitants of the house.

1. The word fountain comes from the Latin fontana, which means “spring”, “source”, “key”. Fountains have long been popular with people, and for good reason.
The murmur of water, the coolness created, the rainbow in the spray of the fountain: they create a truly magical feeling. Near the fountain, a person quickly regains his strength,
gains a state of peace and tranquility. It is not at all surprising that many people strive to have such a wonderful structure located on their plots and adjacent territories. As we can see from this article, it is quite possible, because anyone can make a fountain with their own hands.

There are two types of fountains: submersible and stationary. A submersible fountain is installed in the depths of a reservoir and throws jets of water above the surface, giving the impression of a natural
source. The principle of operation of a submersible fountain is as follows: a pump forces water through pipes to a nozzle, through which a type of ejected jet is formed.

Stationary fountain- this is an entire structure (usually made of stone, but not necessarily), which elegantly combines stone sculptures and jets and streams of injected water. It is this type of fountain that we can see in the squares and parks of many cities. Modern fountains are made from artificial stone- polymer concrete, since this material is very resistant to environmental influences (primarily low temperatures) and can be made in the form of various shapes.

The simplest option is jet fountain. This is a type of fountain in which water is supplied through one or more jets of water. When constructing such
For a fountain, it is important to observe the laws of symmetry. Of course, the fountain should be in harmony with environment. Size in in this case matters. Agree, it’s a cumbersome structure, but small area It will look awkward and funny.

Fountain location

2. No less important is the location where the fountain will be located. Such a structure should not be huddled somewhere in the backyard, where no one can see it and

The fountains are located in a place that can be viewed from all points. Naturally, it should not create obstacles to access to residential or outbuildings on the site. It is better to install the fountain in a low-lying part of the site, and the presence of trees nearby is not desirable.
Tree roots can damage the structure, and fallen leaves can clog the fountain's filtration system. The location of the fountain next to the gazebo or terrace is wonderful

Making a fountain with your own hands

3. It is generally accepted that the construction of a fountain can only be done by a specially trained specialist. Believe me, this is not true at all. If you choose the right material,
then you can make the fountain yourself. First we need to build a base - a bowl. If we're talking about For a small fountain, part of a canister or basin will do just fine.
For larger fountains, we dig a small pit and strengthen its walls with bricks, and cover the bottom with compacted sand.

It is necessary to cover the top with dense polyethylene - it will minimize water loss during operation. When the bowl is ready, it's time to take care of the pump. Actually, this is the main and most expensive element of your
fountain. However, we do not recommend saving much on the pump. Reliable pump will last a long time, and the fountain will delight impeccable work many months.
The power of the pump depends on the volume of the bowl and the height to which the stream of water should be shot. When designing a fountain, do not forget to consider pump access to
external source of electricity.

Fountain without pump

4. But having an electric pump is not mandatory element for the fountain. If desired, you can build an electrically independent domed fountain. This is quite original
a structure consisting of two sealed communicating vessels closed through a pipe system to the fountain bowl. If the pressure in one of the vessels increases due to overpressure water will be supplied to the fountain. This system has a number of limitations - for example, the water must be perfectly clean,
In addition, such a fountain has a relatively short period of action. Periodically, it is necessary to remove water from the lower vessel and pour it into the upper one.

But you don’t need to spend money on an expensive pump and be dependent on the availability of electricity on the site. Note that when designing a fountain without a pump,
you should pay attention to such details as ensuring complete tightness of vessels and joints with pipes, the volume of vessels - this parameter depends on
the duration of the fountain, the height of the vessels from each other - this factor affects the height of the jet.

So, you and I are convinced that building a fountain at the dacha with your own hands is not an out of the ordinary task, and is quite within the capabilities of people without special experience and knowledge.
Moreover, this does not require any special financial costs, and in some cases, even the most significant costs - purchasing a pump - can be omitted.

3. Video: DIY fountain made from a tire

These days, mini-fountains, as well as decorative waterfalls, are becoming increasingly popular. Such decorative elements allow you to relax, and in the summer they humidify the air, creating an optimal microclimate. Looking at the flowing water, it is convenient to concentrate, you can even meditate, if you are interested. This article will discuss how to create simple waterfall, and the pump is also made by hand. The homemade product is easy to assemble and requires a minimum amount of materials that are easy to obtain.

Materials and tools for homemade work:
- a small motor (can be found in a camera or phone);
- plastic gear (found in toys, watches, etc.);
- a piece of plastic a couple of millimeters thick;
- bottle cap;
- deodorant cap;
- foil;
- regular ball pen;
- LEDs;
- resistor;
- wires;
- shells;
- mobile battery;
- a small plastic box.

Tools you will need:
- drill;
- scissors;
- pliers;
- hot glue gun;
- soldering iron;
- Super glue;
- hacksaw.

Fountain manufacturing process:

Step one. Fountain device
To operate the fountain you will need a pump; here you can make it yourself. Its operating principle is shown in the diagram.

The number 1 indicates the hole for the liquid inlet.
Under the number 2 is the pump wheel.
3 is the pump body.
Well, the 4th pipe indicates the outlet for water.

Step two. We prepare the motor and make the impeller

The motor should be small, since the mini-fountain will not be much larger in size than a pack of cigarettes. The author uses a camera motor for these purposes. As an option for these purposes, a vibration motor from a mobile phone is also perfect.

Next you need to do impeller, it is made from ordinary plastic gear. These are found in toys, watches and other mechanisms. However, other materials can be used, the main thing is that the workpiece is suitable in shape and size. The gear needs to be ground in a circle to the size of the pump housing.

To make the blades for the wheel, you will need rectangular pieces of plastic. There will be 4 of them in total. The pieces need to be glued to the gear.

Step three. Pump body
The author makes the pump body from a deodorant cap. You need to cut off all unnecessary parts from it, and then drill holes as shown in the photo. You need to drill a small hole at the top so that the motor axis comes out through it. Water will come out through the large hole.

Step four. The final stage of pump assembly
To create the outlet tube you will need a ballpoint pen. You need to cut off all the excess from it, and then the handle is simply glued to the body.

As for the motor, it is also glued using hot glue. You need to glue the motor carefully so as not to fill it through the cooling holes and glue the axle. The impeller should be located evenly in the housing, it should not touch anything.

You will also need to make a cover for the pump. The lid is made from a bottle cap; you need to make a hole in it, as can be seen in the photo. Water will enter the pump through this hole. The lid is glued to the body with hot glue.

That's all, the miniature pump is ready. According to the author, it is capable of forming a water column 20 cm high, and all this from a 3.7V power source (mobile battery). This power is quite enough to create a miniature fountain or waterfall.

Step five. How to make a slide for a fountain. Final stage of assembly
Stone stylization was taken as the main idea. Here you need to use all your imagination. Externally, the fountain can be made any way you want. You can ensure that no one can distinguish it from a store-bought one. To create the “stones,” the author used crumpled foil glued with hot glue. The photo shows the preliminary painting.

To make a decorative water source, you will need a shell of the appropriate size and shape. You need to make a hole in it for the tube. Well, then the whole structure is assembled as in the diagram.

For any owner, the appearance of a summer cottage or yard has great importance. Its design can be done by specialists, but, if desired, you can do it yourself. A fountain will be a successful decoration for a yard or area. It can also be built according to your own design.

Types of fountains

There are fountains for dachas different types. They are divided into types: by device, by appearance, according to the features of work, etc. Depending on the method of construction, country fountains can be circulation and flow, they are also called “Roman”.

Did you know? The first fountains appeared in Ancient Greece and in Ancient Rome.

Circulating suggest the water cycle. Water fills a certain reservoir (bowl, vase, reservoir) and is supplied with the help of a pump to a device from which a stream of water directly shoots out.

Everything is arranged in such a way that the outgoing water enters the reservoir and is pumped upward again. Thus, the device does not require water supply from a water supply system or a well. The only thing that is necessary is to add water to a certain mark, since it tends to evaporate or splash.

Flow fountains are arranged using water supply (well) and sewerage. Water flows upward, falls down and goes into the sewer. The method is, of course, irrational, but Such fountains have a number of advantages:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • drinking water;
  • the possibility of using water for watering lawns, flower beds, shrubs and trees.
Based on their appearance and features, fountains can also be classified into single-level and multi-level, single and group, jet, waterfall, cascade, in the form of a ring or tulip, dancing, singing, colored, with a pond, with a reservoir, etc.

Did you know? Tallest fountain in the world- 312 m. It's called a fountain« Fahda» , is located in Saudi Arabia.

Choosing a suitable location

If you decide to build a fountain on the site with your own hands, then, first of all, choose a suitable place for this.

If there is a pond or a pond in the country, the choice of location is obvious. Where the pond is located, there will be a fountain. The structure of the pond, of course, will have to be modified and adjusted, but the foundation will remain. If you are starting from scratch, then you need to choose a place, carefully weighing all the pros and cons. DIY garden fountains perform

different functions

: they humidify the air in the garden, which is good for trees, create cool conditions, can be used for irrigation, etc.

For this reason, you need to choose a place so that the fountain not only brings aesthetic pleasure, but is also useful. A suitable place for arrangement would be an open area between trees, bushes or hedges. Trees and bushes should not overhang a pond or reservoir to prevent debris from falling into the water and leaves falling. This is harmful to water filters. Also, due to the proximity of trees, and therefore their root system, the underground part of the fountain may be disrupted or even destroyed. If your dacha has plants that cannot tolerate waterlogging, arrange the fountain away from them.

Important! Do not place the fountain near buildings. There is no need to set up the structure in the open sun, as this can lead to water blooms. There is one more condition: a fountain in the country, made with your own hands, must be in harmony with

overall design

. Everything should be done in the same style. This should be an area that is clearly visible from the windows of the house and from any part of the yard, because you are building a fountain, first of all, for aesthetic pleasure.

Preparation of materials for construction When a place for a fountain and its type have been chosen, a project has been developed, you need to determine what materials will be needed for construction. Let’s assume that the project is designed for a circulating jet static fountain with a single release of water, i.e., the “Geyser” type. At home, to set up a fountain with your own hands you will need cement, sand, crushed stone, durable polyethylene film and a construction façade mesh sized according to the diameter of the structure (both the film and the mesh must be the same size). In addition, you need

plastic container volume of about 50-70 liters, depending on the size of the structure. If you plan to decorate everything with stones, then prepare them right away. It could be a wild stone

Pump selection criteria

Depending on the type of fountain you need to choose a pump. For "waterfall" we would choose surface pump, and since we have a traditional fountain, we choose a submersible one.

As a rule, submersible pumps perform their function perfectly. They are compact, quiet, easy to install and, importantly, affordable. Submersible pumps come in different capacities. It is calculated in the amount of water pumped per 1 hour (l/h).

The height of the jet will depend on the power of the pump. Maximum height calculated based on the diameter of the “foot” you made. In this case, the pump does not need to be selected according to the principle “the more powerful, the better.” For the arrangement, we need one so that the jet is high enough and so that the spray does not fly beyond the “foot.” For a summer residence, the jet height is suitable from 80 cm to 1 m.

For this reason, you need to choose a place so that the fountain not only brings aesthetic pleasure, but is also useful. A suitable place for arrangement would be an open area between trees, bushes or hedges. It is necessary to ensure that water does not splash outside the fountain. Excessive humidity can lead to the death of plants and damage to things.

Manufacturers, as a rule, provide in the instructions a table of the relationship between power and jet height. Since we are equipping the Geyser, such a device will require a pump with a capacity of about 7000 l/h.

Installation principle of the pumping system

Pumping system installed 10 cm above the bottom on a stand (laid brick or mounting cabinet). A hose or pipe with water supply is connected to it. Usually the sprinkler comes complete with a pump, but if you don’t have one, you can make it yourself.

To do this you can take regular pipe made of stainless metal. The diameter will depend on the height of the jet and the diameter of the water spray. For a small fountain of 0.8-1.0 m, a diameter of 2-2.5 inches will be sufficient. The length will depend on how deep the pump is immersed. It is enough to leave 10-15 cm above the water.

To give the stream a shape, you can flatten the pipe, roll it, leaving a hole, drill several holes, or cut a thread and screw on the desired nozzle. Connect to the pump directly or via an adapter (if necessary).

Installation of a fountain. Step-by-step instruction

Master class on installing a fountain in a country house with your own hands step by step photos easy to find on the Internet. Typically installation takes place in several stages.