Homemade watering can attachment for garden watering. What you can make from plastic canisters with your own hands - crafts for the garden, cottage and garage How to make a watering can from plastic bottles

Anyone who grows seedlings knows firsthand how difficult it becomes to water seedlings when they grow. To somehow make their work easier, summer residents invent various watering cans. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them.

1. Insert a slightly curved tube into a clean plastic bottle (1.5-2 l). It should be longer than the height of the bottle so that you can easily water the seedlings even in the most inconvenient place.

To prevent it from decreasing in diameter (flattening) when bending the tube, cover one edge of the tube with plasticine or clay, pour in water and place in the cold (you can freezer), so that water does not spill out of it. When the water turns into ice, bend the tube. In this case, the handset itself will receive the required form, and the ice will not allow the walls of the tube to shrink.

Many gardeners grow seedlings in foil containers, and a watering can made in this way will be an excellent assistant in caring for seedlings.

2. Sometimes seedlings do not require root watering, but with the capture of leaves. To avoid accidentally dousing the seedlings with water, make a shower head with your own hands.

Wash the half-liter plastic bottle thoroughly, remove the stickers from the outside and use a marker to put dots in place of which you will later make holes. Place the dots in a 5x5 square.

Hold the head of the nail in the pliers and burn the end of the nail over a fire (candle) for 20-30 seconds. Now pierce the drawn points with a heated nail. When the nail cools down, heat it again. On back side Using a knife, cut a hole in the bottle for filling with water so that it is 2-4 cm higher than the watering holes. Fill the bottle with water and carefully place it horizontally above the plants.

For convenience, you can use tape to make a handle on a watering can bottle.

3. There are never too many watering cans, either at the dacha or at home for seedlings and plants. Many plants cannot be watered with a hose, this rule is especially often heard in greenhouse gardening, so it is best and easiest to have a watering can at every step. In order not to spend money on the purchase, we suggest making it yourself. To do this, take any plastic canister (for water, car oil), polypropylene pipe 50 cm long and rotated 60°.

Place a “turn” near the bottom on a flat place and use a marker to mark the diameter of the future hole. Cut out and try on how easily the pipe fits into the canister ( large gap must not be). Thoroughly lubricate the joint with hot glue, insert the pipe and leave to dry. Next, all you have to do is put a piece of pipe on the pipe and, if necessary, shorten it by cutting off the excess. The optimal length of the “spout” is considered to be the height that does not exceed the lid of the canister.

Tie the tube (spout) to the handle of the canister so that it does not break under water pressure. You can insert a cut plug into the spout so that the water fan out in a limited flow. If you have to use a watering can to scoop up water in a well, then for ease of filling with water, make a hole on the opposite side of the spout so that the air can quickly escape.

4. You can also make an excellent watering can from a small plastic container (shampoo bottle). To do this, just make holes at the bottom with an awl or nail. Fill a container with water, close the neck, turn it upside down and water.

5. You can make the most primitive watering can. Make holes in the lid of the plastic canister and on the opposite side for air to escape.

6. If it is not possible to regularly water seedlings or seedlings, then it makes sense to use automatic watering. To do this, make holes in the bottom of a plastic bottle with a hot nail, fill the container with water and close the lid. Plant bottles in the ground near each plant in the garden or one for several seedlings.

As you can see, there are many options for making a watering can with your own hands, choose yours, make it and share your suggestions.

I suggest Master Class how to make a mini watering can For DIY mini garden .

To make a watering can, take the same thin cardboard for drawing or paper for watercolors as for the basket in the article. In coloring finished products There are two types of coverage involved. First, the finished watering can is covered with thick layers of enamel or any acrylic paint, in 2 or 3 layers to create textured bumps and to create the feeling of welds on the metal. And at the end they are coated with glossy varnish. Although, you can also coat it with metallic paint, silver, or you can create an aging effect. That is, cover it with brown paint, then walk in the right places stearic candle and finally with light paint, and then cleaned with fine sandpaper those places that were rubbed with a candle. Paint to your heart's content according to your imagination. The main thing is that yours will decorate and enliven mini watering can made for your mini garden with your own hands .

I suggest making a mini watering can for a mini garden in the next Master Class.

Master class, mini watering can for a mini garden

You will need:

Thin cardboard for drawing or watercolor paper,

Elmer's glue or PVA

carpet thread, it is thicker and stiffer than regular thread

tweezers, scissors or hole punch

stylus, also known as a stick or tool with a ball at the end with a diameter of about 8mm (something that can be used to create a bulge by pressing on the cardboard)

acrylic paints or enamel and glossy varnish

ruler with circle patterns.

Prepare a piece of foam rubber or cloth for economic needs, which are sold in hardware departments.

The main thing is that it is soft and elastic, so that you can put paper on them and squeeze out a bulge on the paper, as will be shown later.

Master class, mini watering can for a mini garden. Part 1.

1.Print out the diagram so that the dimensions of my picture match the dimensions of yours. Adjust the dimensions of your piece of paper to the dimensions of my picture so that the square for scale on your copy is also 3 cm by 3 cm in size, then you will get a real pattern. Or simply increase the screen size using the Ctrl key. Hold down the Ctrl key and move the mouse wheel. Place the tracing paper on the screen and trace the outlines with a pencil.

2.Cut a piece of cardboard 2.5x7.5 cm and glue it, pressing firmly, onto another piece of cardboard and lay it out to dry. This will be needed for the handle of the watering can.

4. Using the pattern, cut out the main part of the watering can body.

5. Before gluing, place the part on the edge of the table, press it with your palm and pull the part down, pressing lightly, this will make the part convex and it will be easier to glue.

6. Glue along the intended seam. Let it dry. Squeeze with alligator clips to make it stick better.

Master class, mini watering can for a mini garden. Part 2.

1. Use a hole punch to make a hole in a piece of cardboard.

2.Using a ruler with circle templates, draw two circles according to the pattern. The smaller circle should be offset relative to the hole punch hole.

3.Cut out a large circle. If the watering can is dry, remove the clamps.

4. Apply glue to the edges of the large circle and the bottom edge of the watering can body and place the watering can body on the circle. Most likely, the circle will protrude, in this case, wait until the glue dries thoroughly and then cut off the excess.

5.Cut out the circle with an offset.

6.Lay the rags in several layers and place an offset circle on them. Using a stick with a round end, push the circle offset as shown in the photo.

7.You should end up with such a rounded part. This is the top part of a mini watering can for a mini garden.

8.Now you need to lubricate both the edges of the lid and the edges of the watering can with glue.

9.Glue top part watering cans. The center of the product is at the back where the tweezers are. The narrow part of the crumb is where the gluing line is.

Master class, mini watering can for a mini garden with your own hands. Part 3.

1.For the spout, cut a strip of katron 3cm wide and also round it on the edge of the table.

2. Wrap the toothpick around the toothpick no more than 2 times, trim off the excess.

3. Carefully coat the paper with glue so as not to touch the toothpick, and roll it as shown in the photo.

4.Remove the spout from the toothpick and cut it on the bias with scissors to create the top of the spout.

5.Glue a thread to the spout, on the side facing the body of the watering can, as shown in the photo, help yourself with crocodile clips so that the spout does not turn over. Before gluing, soak the thread with glue and dry it a little so that it is slightly damp.

6.From the glued piece of cardboard that we made at the beginning of the course, cut a strip 2mm wide and glue a thread in the middle, along the piece. This will be the handle.

7. Glue the thread along the lines drawn on the body of the watering can.

8.And finally, glue the thread along the top seam of the watering can.

9. In the place where a cross is drawn on the body of the watering can, make a cut with a sharp knife; this is the place where the handle will be glued. Handle length about 54mm

Video of a watering can from a canister:

I decided to write today’s article for those who have a dacha or country cottage area. We will talk about watering plants. There are many ways to water plants: you can purchase special nozzles (but this extra waste money), you can water the plants from a watering can (but you need to bend over to each plant - after this your back hurts and bad posture occurs), you can simply point the hose at the plant (but this option is also not always convenient and not all plants can be watered like this way). After analyzing this problem, I came to the conclusion that you can make a device (watering can) for watering plants at home, which will help you not bend over, thereby maintaining the health of your back and changing watering modes (that is, you can water both with a stream and scatter water).

For the production of our universal country watering can we will need the following components:
- an old unnecessary canister (10 - 20 liters);
- faucet (you can do without it, but with it our design will take on a more aesthetic appearance);
- flexible tube (about 1 meter, we took a transparent tube for aesthetics);
- a small piece of the same flexible tube (about 10 cm);
- hard tube (about 0.5 meters, we took part from an old fishing rod);
- a belt (so that you don’t have to carry the canister around with you, but hang it on your shoulder);
- a container from under photographic film (it will serve us as a nozzle for spraying water).

So, at the lowest point of the canister we make a hole whose diameter will be slightly smaller than the diameter of the flexible tube:

Carefully insert the flexible tube into the hole we made in the canister

Next, take the tap and carefully pull the flexible tube onto the tap. On the other side of the tap, we stretch a piece of flexible tube so that approximately 3-4 cm is put on the tap, and the remaining 5-6 cm peeks out:

After this, we take the rigid tube and carefully pull it onto the protruding part of the flexible tube.

Everything must be sealed so as not to allow a drop of water to pass through, so make sure it is as tight as possible.

Now we attach a belt to the handle of the canister.

Next you need to make a nozzle that will spray water. A film container is useful for this. We make a hole in the lid of the container with a diameter that matches the diameter of the rigid tube.

Next, we put the cap with the hole on the rigid tube.

We make many small holes in the container itself.

Our universal watering can for watering plants is ready!

We fill the canister with water:

Close the lid of the canister tightly and put the structure on your shoulder. Next, slightly open the lid on the canister, thereby creating pressure. Next, open the tap and as you can see water flows:

Now we put the container-nozzle on the rigid tube and open the water:

Watering can - necessary thing for the gardener, but it is not always available where you grow houseplants, each time pouring them from a mug. Watering plants at the roots does not always have a beneficial effect on them. appearance, since some plants need to be watered from above, capturing leaves and flowers.

In this article we will look at how to make a comfortable watering can from a plastic bottle.

1. Take a half-liter or liter plastic bottle and wash it thoroughly, removing any stickers and removing any remaining soda or juice.
2. Using a marker, place dot marks on the bottle where the holes will be located in the future. The holes on the bottle should not be too close to each other, but also too far apart, because when close range, the water will flow in one continuous stream. The optimal number of holes for irrigation is 25 pieces, 5 horizontally and 5 vertically, forming a square on the walls of the bottle.
3. Take pliers and a small nail. Clamp the nail with pliers near the head and bring it to an open fire. For an open fire, you can use a paraffin candle. Only the tip of the nail needs to be heated over the fire for 20 seconds.
4. Bring the heated nail to where the markings are located, then pierce the wall of the bottle, slightly pressing on the nail. If the nail cools down when making holes, heat it again over a candle.
5. On the opposite side of the bottle, using a knife, cut a square hole for pouring water into the bottle. Diameter square hole you choose yourself, but it should not be lower than the irrigation holes, relative to the bottom of the bottle.
6. For convenient watering from a bottle, you can make a handle from adhesive tape.
7. Fill a plastic bottle with water so that it is 2-3 cm below the hole.
8. Carefully tilt the bottle horizontally over the plant to begin watering it. Refill the bottle with water as needed.

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A watering can for flowers is an indispensable attribute personal plot, a dacha piece of land, cottage house and even apartments. In order for the watering can to not only play its functional role, but also to be combined with the landscape design or interior of a newfangled apartment, you need to understand where exactly you will use it.

Handmade watering cans decorate the interior and are useful to use. Every housewife loves her flowers and takes care of them. The watering can is an assistant in this matter.

Watering can for flowers

If the permanent home for the watering can will be an apartment, you can take a watering can you already have or purchase the simplest option and then paint it a uniform color. However, this option will surprise few people, because you can buy a plain watering can in a store, so why then waste time and effort on painting it?

Excellent and simple option There will be a beautiful bright sticker that is applied to the surface of the watering can. You can completely cover it, but you should understand that paper stickers will quickly get wet and deteriorate, unless, of course, you stick tape over the paper. This should be done along the entire perimeter of the drawing so that there are no gaps left, because water can get into things and seep into the depths.

As you know, plants play a very important role in the interior. Some of them require special care; they should not be over-watered, which can happen if you pour water from a bottle in a large stream. You can also damage the trunk of the plant, even if you don’t notice it, but the plant will suffer.

Many indoor foliage flowers like to be watered from above, creating a rain effect. Droplets form on the leaves, and this also nourishes them. This is where a watering can will be useful, which can be combined with a sprayer.

However, it is also worth remembering that this rule does not apply to all house flowers, and for some of them, top watering will be marked by the onset of diseases and leaf rotting. Therefore, before using a watering can, read on the Internet how to properly water certain types of flowers.

How to make a watering can

Let's think about how to make a watering can with your own hands so that it not only helps you with watering, but also looks interesting and unusual.

The first and easiest option is to take a plastic bottle and make holes in its lid using an awl. To prevent this option from looking too ordinary and banal, you can take a bottle of an unusual shape, having first examined the entire range of drinks offered in the store.

It will be difficult to cover such a bottle, so if its color does not suit you, it is advisable to use paint. However, this maneuver applies to bottles whose surface is dense and does not bend, otherwise the paint will quickly crack.

However, the option of cracked paint is also not bad, because it is also interesting and unusual, but it will be suitable for you if you use a watering can, for example, in the country. This is not suitable for an apartment option, because peeling paint underfoot is not what we are looking for.

DIY watering can from a glass

A watering can for your home can also be made from a glass. It will be more difficult to process, but this version of the watering can will last much longer and will look much more aesthetically pleasing. For such a device you need to take some kind of glass or even a ceramic mug, as well as a drill.

You should be very careful with the drill, because while working to create a hole, the mug may burst or small cracks may appear on it. To prevent this from happening, the hole should be drilled carefully and slowly.

  • we take the plastic tube that we prepared, in accordance with the thickness of which we created a hole;
  • paint the tube and the glass itself in the same color;
  • insert the tube into the glass under the flower watering can;
  • We fix it with glue so that there are no gaps through which water could seep through.

It is advisable if you choose a mug that has a narrow neck, since a wide top hole will be inconvenient to handle, and to prevent water from spilling out of it, you will need to pour too little water into an already small mug.

Unusual DIY watering can

If the option with an original small watering can does not suit you, and your plans include watering large quantity flowers planted in open ground, you will probably need the idea of ​​a large original watering can.

Take a bottle from some detergent, draw chaotic lines on it using regular paints. You will get an interesting avant-garde style watering can, on which dirt will not be too noticeable. To prevent the design from being washed off, cover the watering can with a varnish coating. This watering can can be left in the yard if you have alpine slide, near which decorative elements look great.

However, the watering can be simple decoration interior or landscape design plot. Even if you only have artificial flowers, it doesn’t matter, you can put a watering can next to them, it will only decorate and add aesthetics to the atmosphere.