Wall painting with leaves. How to paint a wall in an apartment with your own hands

Cozy apartment With attractive design- the dream of many people. But it’s not always possible to invite someone into the house professional designer so that he can design perfect decoration rooms. And it’s not a fact that his vision will coincide with yours, and he will do everything really perfectly. But you can create a masterpiece for yourself, and it’s not as difficult as it seems.

Try painting the walls in your apartment with your own hands and you will get an almost professional design. To do this, you don’t even have to be an artist, because there are special stencils for painting; it will not be difficult to master the painting technique.

What does wall art provide?

It doesn’t just look beautiful, the handmade drawings on the walls in the apartment attract attention and fascinate, just look at the photo. Artistic painting of walls in the interior always transforms the room into better side, gives it a certain charm. IN different time Every day the picture changes, the lighting always gives it something new. You can admire them for a long time, it doesn’t get boring, as often happens with photographs and wallpaper pasted on the wall.

An artistic image takes you deeper into the room, allowing you to visually increase its size. It allows you to correct shortcomings - crooked walls, low ceiling, define zones in space.

The size of artistic painting has no limits; it can be done in small quantities or occupy the entire surface of the walls. However, this means that the apartment should look like an art museum. Everything needs moderation, and if you follow this rule, you can create a magnificent wall design with your own hands. Your drawing will be a beautiful bright spot, the pearl of the entire interior.

Artistic painting - choose a drawing

You should first of all focus on the overall design. Let's consider what can be used in different rooms of the apartment.

Wall painting in the living room

In this room the family gathers to sit and talk, this is where the guests are located. This place is simply created for joy and fun, so it is important to create just such a mood there.

To set the mood in the right way, place cute landscapes, marine-themed images, and abstract drawings on the walls to create whimsical combinations. Warmth and comfort will be brought by images of a fireplace with burning wood.

If the living room interior is made in classic style, then decorating the walls with ancient frescoes or majestic columns of palaces will be appropriate. If the interior is made in the ethnic style of a country, then landscapes that are typical for this country can be painted on the walls.

Well, if the room is decorated in faceless high-tech or minimalism, then graphic black and white images will give it a zest.

Wall painting in the bedroom

This room plays an important role for a person, it is in it that he rests and gains strength after hard working days. That is why the furnishings of this room should promote rest and relaxation.

Flowers, birds, butterflies, flowering trees, romantic paintings will create the effect of peace not only externally, but also internally. According to Feng Shui, only such drawings should be created on the walls of the bedroom.

Images of water, sea, waterfalls are unacceptable for bedroom walls. Drawings depicting predatory animals, autumn leaves, and dried flowers should also not decorate the walls of the room where a person sleeps.

Children's room

Think carefully about what should decorate the room. The children's room can be decorated with any bright drawings that introduce you to the world of fairy tales.

Let it be some universal theme - an underground kingdom, an underwater kingdom or a fairy-tale forest. Images of heroes can be made more vibrant; don’t skimp on these colors.

But you should not overuse bright aggressive colors when decorating the background; try to maintain a calm, even tone. Although colorful walls with various cartoon characters will look great, especially in children’s rooms, later the child’s preferences may simply change.

Wall painting in the kitchen

Our kitchens are rarely large, so our goal here will be to maximize the space. Let it be an artistic painting that will take the viewer into the distance or images of the sights of a city.

It would be nice if you depict on the kitchen wall the atmosphere of a cozy cafe or a country picnic.

Still lifes with delicious fruits, invigorating coffee beans, and scorching spices will also come in handy and brighten up the overall atmosphere. Flowers and beautiful dishes are what you need for the kitchen, so many people choose them.


This is not the most suitable place for painting; the furnishings of this room are not conducive. Changes in humidity can ruin the entire work. However, you can decorate the walls in this room too. Marine theme, the underwater world is most suitable for this room. To make the design last a long time, cover it with several layers of varnish.

If you are new to drawing, then you should not choose overly complex drawings with many small details. It’s better to choose something easier, then you will be sure that you will definitely succeed.

Let's get to work

So, the drawing has been chosen, all that remains is to apply it to the wall. In order to apply a photo to the wall with your own hands, you must first prepare the wall, which must have an absolutely flat surface. Therefore, it would be advisable to sand it and apply a primer. And if the drawing requires it, then you can paint it.

Prepare all the necessary materials you need for work: brushes, acrylic paints, stencils. Water-based acrylic paints are ideal for wall decoration. Take care of a separate container where you can mix paints and wash off solvents if you use varnishes. It is best to take disposable containers for this.

You should have several brushes, the only ones you will paint with large details, others are small. Many artists prefer to use natural bristle brushes when they need to paint something small. Flower petals can be drawn with a foam roller.


  • The wall should be level and smooth, make sure it is so. If there is any doubt, do the preparatory work for leveling. You must have a sketch drawn. If you want to see how the design will look on your wall, paint a piece of paper the same color as the wall. You can even draw several sketches with different shades and depths of colors and choose the best one.
  • Draw a basic drawing on the wall - a sketch, then add details. Take colored pencils first, as they are easily washed off, so you can easily eliminate all the imperfections with an eraser. A simple pencil can leave unsightly marks on the wall that cannot be erased. When you draw, try to sometimes move away from the wall to evaluate your image.

Not everyone has the skill of an artist to the proper degree, and if you are not confident in your abilities, then try drawing by cells. Another decoration method that you can use is to try to copy from a slide on the wall.

  • Prepare acrylic paints, but do not mix them for a long time, as they risk drying out prematurely. Mix the main shade in the palette. It is important that the consistency of the paint is thick enough, but not too thick, and not liquid. And then it will fit well on the wall. Design the main details, then do the small details. Perhaps listening to classical music during this process will help you create better.

If you need to urgently interrupt the process, then take care of your brushes; they will need to be washed, otherwise you will not be able to wash off the paint later.

If you are using a stencil

Finding a stencil will not be difficult for you; you can find and print any design on the Internet. You will need to cut it out, place it on the glass surface.

Then take the Mylar film, apply it to the stencil and cut it out. After this, the stencil can be attached to the wall. You can even use a paper stencil. It is necessary that it is pressed tightly, otherwise you risk smearing the entire design on the wall, so use duct tape to secure it.

In many construction stores you can find special stencils that make drawing a design much easier. They are made of plastic and easily attach to walls.

But if you don’t feel like it at all or don’t have time to apply a drawing, you can simply purchase vinyl stickers and stick them on the wall. And the beautiful drawing for the wall is ready! You can always remove it from the wall when you get tired of it and put a new one there.

The content of the article:

Wall painting is a way of decorating a room, allowing you not only to decorate it, but also to realize yourself as a creative personality with aesthetic taste. Handmade has long been considered the perfect way creating a unique interior. A huge selection of styles and genres guarantees a realistic and mesmerizing result. Artistic painting, which in ancient times covered the ceilings and walls of palaces and temples, is today accessible to most inhabitants of houses and apartments, although it can hardly be called a cheap pleasure.

Types of wall painting

The wall painting concept includes many ways of creating images. There are two main types of it: traditional painting technique and modern. Each of them is divided in turn into subspecies.

The traditional wall painting technique is wall painting done by hand. There are several types of it:

  • Fresco. This is one of the old wall painting techniques. It was originally mastered by masters Ancient Greece, but it gained its greatest popularity during the Renaissance. The art of Hellas was a success among representatives of the wealthy classes and was considered the best way decoration of ceilings and walls. The unique technology of those times preserved the works of ancient masters for posterity. It involved applying paints diluted with lime water to wet plaster. This method made it possible to create paintings that retained the brightness of their colors for centuries. Modern masters frescoes do this work, as before, only with artistic brushes. Paint brushes are not suitable for her. The drying plaster is periodically moistened during the painting process.
  • Encaustic. One of the unusual and most interesting techniques. The paint here is melted wax with color pigments added to it. The special naturalness of this material allows it to be used for painting walls even in a child’s room. The composition is applied only to dried plaster. This technique recommends the use of non-porous hard brushes, as the paint is very soft. To make a drawing accurately, it is better to draw it in pencil in advance. Very often the image is initially applied to wooden panel or canvas, and then the material is glued to the wall.
  • Alsecco (a secco - “dry” Italian). This technique of painting walls is similar to creating frescoes, only it is done on dry plaster. The advantage of this method is that there is more time for drawing. To prepare the composition, acrylic paints need to be ground in a mixture of lime, raw eggs and vegetable glue. The result will be something similar to tempera. Paints can be applied in several layers. Such a painting requires a frame to aesthetically fix its borders at the junctions with the walls and ceiling.
  • Sgraffito (sgraffito - “scratched” Italian). This is a very labor-intensive technology for painting walls, which involves scratching the image. It was founded by the ancient Greeks and became widespread during the Renaissance. Artistic painting using the Sgraffito technique is performed using layers of colored plaster, and their number and scale depend only on the artist’s imagination. However, in this technique it is still not recommended to use more than 4 colors, so as not to greatly complicate the picture. Layers of plaster are applied to each other sequentially, each of them must dry. Upper layer- this is the background of the picture. A sketch of the future image is made on it. After this, in the right places you should scratch the coating to the depth of the required color. This technique requires extreme care, since if an error occurs, it will be impossible to correct it.
Modern painting techniques are no less fascinating and varied:
  1. Grisaille (“gray” French). Drawings made using this technique strongly resemble black and white photographs or pencil sketches. Today this design has become especially fashionable. The elegance and realism of the images is simply mesmerizing, but painting walls with your own hands using this method is very difficult, especially for a beginner in this business. Grisaille is performed on whitewashed wall. The paint is tempera, which should be applied with a hard thin brush in strokes similar to drawing with a pencil. Small details of the drawing can be done with ink.
  2. Airbrush. It's simple and modern technology wall painting, which allows you to create realistic images and even 3D effects. It is performed using cans of paint intended for small details of drawings and airbrushes for large images. When using airbrush, it is not at all necessary to pre-prepare the wall surface. The paint easily applies to similar materials, wallpaper and plaster. This opens up great opportunities for implementing design ideas.
  3. Graffiti. This is another modern trend in artistic wall painting, which is replete with many courtyards in our cities. Some consider it hooliganism, others skillfully use it in design. This painting is applied using spray cans spray paint. The surface can be any: plaster, wallpaper, etc. The only condition is that you should “paint” only on dry walls.
  4. Stencil painting. This is a long-known method of drawing. It is simple, cheap and does not require practical skills. The main thing here is to choose the right stencil for painting the walls and the color of the image, which should be successfully combined with the general background of the interior. You can make a stencil yourself from vinyl or cardboard, buy it at a hardware store or art workshop, or choose a design on the Internet, print it out and cut it out. Then it is laid on the prepared wall and paint is applied on top with a brush, sponge or spray. After removing the stencil, a design remains on the surface.
In addition to the above methods, modern wall painting is done using decorative plaster. In this case, the wall finishing is preliminarily done to give the coating the required volume. A painting on such a wall looks like it’s “alive.” Another painting technique uses paint mixtures with the addition of phosphor particles that glow beautifully in ultraviolet light or darkness - a truly mesmerizing sight.

Basic styles of wall painting

In order to have an idea about your future interior, you should familiarize yourself with the most popular styles wall paintings:
  • Classic style. It is always relevant, in demand and not subject to the whims of fashion. The pillars of classicism are simplicity, straightness of form and symmetry, harmony and restraint. Classics are able to organically convey national flavor, combine with non-standard modern materials and elements, without losing their “main line”, aimed at harmony of color and shape.
  • Baroque style. It marked another round in the development of classicism and became the embodiment of its time. The ornaments of this style contain ornate plant motifs: large flowers, tree branches or large leaves. No less in demand are images of half-naked bodies in physical effort, the tension of struggle or strong movement. The interior, designed in the Baroque style, is dominated by a rich play of bright colors, light and shadow, which gives the room luxury and pomp.
  • Empire style. It harmoniously combines classical severity with impressive decor. The perception of color here is built on a combination of tones of Bonaparte’s symbolism: gold, purple and blue. The ornaments of the style are found in a combination of their conventional and naturalistic elements. When painting walls in the Empire style, flower garlands and triumphal and pompous wreaths are actively used. Some ornaments are taken from the culture of Egypt, so in the Empire style interior you can see sphinxes, winged lions or griffins.
  • Art Nouveau style. It is easily recognized by its growing, living and breathing abstract forms. Characteristic feature style is a complex ornamental system with large flowers and curved wavy stems. Sometimes fairy-tale creatures are also depicted in modern art: mermaids, elves, as well as strange plants that form characteristic curved lines. The color scheme of the style is dominated by natural shades. Everything in modernity strives for rationalization and simplification, but without sacrificing elegance. The interior in this style is not distinguished by excesses and manifestations of status, but implies the unobtrusive presence of nature. Art Nouveau is characterized by a harmonious combination of functionality and decor.
  • Arabic style. This is not just an interior, but a whole worldview formed under the influence of Islam. The main differences between wall painting in this style: richness of color, unusual solutions, originality, magical and mysterious atmosphere. The style intricately combines stylized Arabic script, geometric shapes and floral motifs, resulting in bright and sophisticated patterns that are repeated on the walls in a certain rhythm. Thanks to the large number complex patterns the walls become like luxurious Arabian carpets. Rooms decorated in this style have a warm and cozy atmosphere.
  • Anime style. It originated in Japan and quickly became popular not only in its own country, but also far beyond its borders. Japanese animation characters have become in demand among numerous fans of this genre. Anime-style wall painting looks harmonious in Japanese room design. The combination of its functional and laconic forms with bright images“cartoon” characters can become a source of special pride for any owner. Interior design in this style is ideal for a children's room.

Technology for hand-painting walls

Before applying images to the wall, it should be properly leveled and treated with a primer. The resulting surface must be dried and, if necessary, painted, creating a background on it that will successfully highlight the future drawing.

Preparatory work before wall painting

For painting walls, water-based acrylic paints are most often used, which can be glossy or matte. They are sold in sets, which greatly simplifies their selection. Subjects, for example, with plant themes, require colors of yellow, brown and green. Mixing them gives all the necessary natural shades.

The set must contain white paint, as it can regulate color saturation. Watercolor or gouache can also be used, but the finished images will have to be varnished.

Brushes for work should have artificial bristles and vary in size - from No. 0 to No. 10. Foam brushes will also come in handy. They are convenient for decorating flowers and leaves.

In addition to paints for wall painting and brushes, you may need containers for mixing paints, a pencil, double-sided tape, a can of aerosol varnish, a clean cloth, a table or stepladder. All further actions are gradual.

Initially, you should determine the places on the walls that need to be highlighted with the help of painting, and then select images, and they should be in full accordance with the functional purpose of the room.

If you have little or no experience in artistic painting, you should not immediately plan complex scenes or multifaceted landscapes on the walls - you can come to this later. For now, you can limit yourself to simple drawings: for example, a tree or a sakura branch.

After printing the selected image and preparing brushes and paints, you can begin making a sketch. First, you should apply the drawing on paper that has previously been repainted to match the color of the wall. A mini copy of it or a small fragment made in full size is often used as a sketch.

The process of making a sketch will help you get better at this and master the determination of proportions for mixing paints in order to obtain the desired shades.

Marking the wall before applying paint

At this stage of the work, it is necessary to make a pencil sketch on the wall, which will allow you to later create a clear and beautiful drawing. In this case, it is worth considering one nuance: for the sketch you should use colored pencils in accordance with the drawing, since traces of a simple pencil are difficult to wash off and can leave dirty stains on the surface.

The image should be placed within the pre-designated boundaries of the wall section: left and right sides, top and bottom. The ease of working with brushes will depend on how detailed the sketch is in pencil.

When marking an image on the wall, you need to often move away from it at a sufficient distance, since defects may not be noticed up close.

If there is no confidence in your own ability to transfer the correct proportions of the picture to the wall, it is recommended to use the method of applying the image in cells. Another option is to use a projector for this. Unnecessary marking lines are removed with a soft eraser.

Creating a composition on the walls

Once the pencil sketch is ready, you can begin to create the composition. To do this, in a container made of plastic, you need to slightly dilute with water and thoroughly mix the paint of the main color until it has the consistency of thin sour cream. This composition will provide the material with sufficient density so that it does not flow or lie unevenly if it is excessively thick.

Coloring the image should begin with a large brush. Then a lighter shade is added. The hand should make smooth movements. You need to periodically monitor your work away from the wall, and after completing the main part of the drawing, it is recommended to give your eyes a rest.

In the process of artistic wall painting, you need to carefully work out all the details of the composition, using thin brushes and adding shades for this. The borders of the image should not stand out too much from the general background, so it makes sense to tone them down a little. This can be done with a foam rubber stamp brush: dip it into the background paint and smooth out sharp edge transitions.

After finishing the work and drying the paints, it is recommended to cover the images with a colorless protective varnish.

How to paint walls - watch the video:

In general, painting walls is a very interesting activity that requires responsibility and special inspiration. If you put a piece of your soul into it, the result will delight the eye for a long time, filling the home atmosphere with a festive mood. Good luck with your work!

The first examples of wall paintings can be called rock paintings of the Neolithic period. Even leading a primitive lifestyle, man sought not only to capture what he saw around him, but to make these pictures a decoration for his home. Each design was based on only four colors, the pigments of which could be obtained by simple processing of natural materials. They mostly depicted hunting, since this process occupied the lion's share of the time of primitive man and became the meaning of his life. There are also magnificent examples of early abstractionism: chaotically located handprints on arches and walls, creating a single artistic composition. Man improved, and the skill of painting developed along with him. Ancient Egypt became the real “cradle” of this art form. The frescoes were executed in a laconic manner, which was compensated by the monumentality of the buildings they decorated. The Egyptians were hardworking and thorough people. The secrets of painting compositions and the basics of this science were carefully preserved and passed on to subsequent generations. The central figure of the wall paintings was a person or a deity in his guise. The latter were distinguished from mere mortals by animal heads and paraphernalia that helped them fulfill their destiny (the feather of Maat, the rod of Anubis with a dog’s skin).

The main motive in painting the walls was the relationship between gods and people, as well as battle scenes. The everyday side of life did not fit into the sublime style of drawing of the ancient Egyptians. If she was depicted, it was only for ritual purposes. IN Ancient Rome and Greece began to create more down-to-earth paintings. The deities had a completely human appearance, and everyday life began to be mentioned much more often. Bas-reliefs appeared that combined painting and sculpture. Interior wall painting began to appear more and more often in the homes of wealthy citizens. At the same time, signs began to be used that indicated prototypes modern cafes and others public places. In the Middle Ages, church painting began to develop. Interior decoration temples and cathedrals were impressive in their scale and detail. Nowadays, decorative painted walls do not often decorate the interiors of rooms in ordinary apartments. This trend emerged after photo printing appeared, which made it possible to produce wallpaper with any images. Many people mistakenly believe that only a professional can handle such an exclusive interior solution, and this will inevitably involve additional expenses. In fact, even a novice designer can independently master the basics of this art form. As a last resort, there are templates that will make your work much easier. Let's try to understand the intricacies of the process and choose the optimal technique for a beginner.

Technology and features of wall painting in the interior

With the help of modern technology, people have learned to imitate many expensive materials and replace labor-intensive manual work with fast processes carried out by machines. The decor is usually standard and stamped. In order not to encounter a similar design in a neighbor’s house, many people create wall decorations in the house with their own hands. Of course, this process will take time and require certain financial and labor costs, but the interior will turn out to be unique and original. That is, among hundreds of rooms with standard decor, your home will become an unusual island of originality. Artistic painting can be used in any room; it is universal. Since there are no limits to human imagination, this method also opens up limitless possibilities for the creator. A drawing made with high quality looks natural and three-dimensional. With its help you can “replay” the incorrect geometry of the room. With the right selection of colors, painting can visually expand the space. Limits on size and stylistic decisions are set only by you. Naturally, this element will become the center of the design picture, so no interior will tolerate “hackwork.” However, it is important to observe moderation even in such beautiful decor. The best option It is considered the design of only one, accent wall in the room. Its surface must be properly prepared before work.

Preparing the wall for interior painting

The preparatory stage of the surface is conventionally divided into several steps:

  • Removing a layer of old coating;
  • Covering cracks and leveling defects. Degreasing and plastering;
  • Primer after the surface has dried. This layer will provide good adhesion between the paints and the wall;
  • Final leveling using putty and applying an additional layer of primer.

After the wall has dried, it will be ready for painting.

Paints for painting walls in the interior

Several types of paints are used to paint walls, each of which has a special composition that determines the characteristics of the substance. Gone are the days when artists independently selected and mixed pigments, and recipes were carefully protected from the encroachments of competitors from the art world. So, the following types of paints are used for painting:

  • Oil-based, where the binder is drying oil or oil. They are gradually becoming a thing of the past, since working with them will require certain skills. The technology of mixing them is also not amenable to everyone. The oil will “live” less on the surface than modern analogues. The reason for this is lime and alkaline salts contained in the wall material. They break down the oil over time. The paints do not like dark rooms and quickly turn yellow without light, but they adhere well to wooden surfaces. The main advantage of the oil is its long drying time. Since this process stretches over several days, the artist can make adjustments to the drawing if necessary.
  • Tempera (binder - emulsion). The paints dry quite quickly, and several layers allow you to create the effect of a three-dimensional composition. It is recommended to coat tempera with varnish on top to obtain deep shades. The latter, by the way, lighten slightly after drying.
  • Acrylic (binder - acrylic resins). Modern material, which is popular. The paints dry quickly, do not contain toxic substances and form a durable film on the surface. It is similar to a plastic protective “crust”. Acrylic is not afraid of light or its absence. If the paints are of high quality, the drawing will last at least 10-15 years. In addition to the usual compositions, luminescent and fluorescent additives are used. They also produce mother-of-pearl or metallized acrylic.

Before purchasing expensive paints, take advice from a professional on how to choose them. So, for example, it is recommended to start with acrylic and practice with gouache, which is vaguely similar in work.

Don't forget to purchase a set of brushes. They will be needed to create any paintings except abstract ones. It is recommended to pay more for brushes made of pony or squirrel hair, as they are softer and do not leave marks of fallen hairs on the surface. The set should contain tools of different thicknesses to create individual elements of the composition.

Techniques used to create the painting

The painting can be created in various techniques, among which the most popular and spectacular are noted:

  • Fresco and alsecco close to it;
  • Volumetric painting (similar to bas-relief) and sgraffito;
  • Airbrush;
  • Fluorescent acrylic paintings;
  • Grisaille. It will require high skill, as it is performed in one color of different saturation. The technique is similar to graphics.

Separately, it is worth noting the method using stencils. This option is ideal for beginners who are not confident in their abilities and are afraid to put the first touch on the prepared wall.


In this technique, instead of brushes and paints, an airbrush can is used. It sprays the contents over the surface, even its name translates as “drawing with air.” Dyes in airbrushing use liquid and powder, but water-soluble acrylic is more popular. The composition applies to any surface, even wallpaper. You will have to work in a respirator. Few people will be able to master the technique from the first “zilch”. Before painting you will have to practice to get used to in an unusual way. The airbrush allows you to draw even tiny details, thereby providing highly detailed drawings. By the way, even ancient artists used a similar technique, blowing dye from special tubes.


The fresco technique has been used for interior decoration since the Middle Ages. The essence of the method is to apply paints to the plaster that has not yet dried. It contains lime, which forms a strong calcium film on the surface of the pattern. The disadvantage of this method is the need to work very quickly. For this reason, it is not recommended to resort to the technique for novice artists who are just mastering the art of painting. Water-soluble paints are used for work.

Alsecco is like a fresco. Paints are applied to an already dry but newly moistened surface.

Painting with fluorescent paints

Fluorescent paints have the peculiarity of glowing in the dark. Use transparent or colored compounds. The first ones are generally invisible during the day, just like the drawing. Colored in the daytime look like regular paints, with which the painting was done, and at night they transform the walls with a pleasant glow. Quite often, drawings made with acrylic or tempera are decorated with fluorescent compounds. They highlight accent elements. The fluorescent composition is absolutely safe for humans; it does not emit toxic substances. These colors are recommended for depicting simple landscapes without an abundance of small details.

Volumetric painting

The volumetric technique combines the process of sculpting with painting. First, plaster or plaster is applied to the prepared surface. Relief elements are formed from the material that has not yet dried. Then, after drying, the “stucco molding” is painted. There is another technique called sgraffito. The method comes from Italy. Several layers of colored plaster are successively applied to the wall. After it dries, they begin to scratch out the design with a special sharp tool. The result is a relief image, which, as practice shows, will last for many years.

Using stencils

Stencils - best help in situations where the imagination draws fantastic landscapes, but hands cannot replicate them. The device is also used when it is necessary to depict many similar elements in order to reduce work time. Stencils are usually made of plastic. The plates are washed after use and are ready for reuse.

Painting with acrylic paints

Acrylic is considered the most comfortable material for beginner designers. Its color “assortment” is rich, and its composition is completely safe for humans. Acrylic can be washed off if necessary if you need to correct individual details of the painting. Gradually, after you start getting better at it, it is recommended to use combinations of techniques to improve your skills.

Select a pattern

The drawing must correspond to the stylistic decision and color palette rooms. Particular attention is paid to its location. The perception of the entire interior depends on which wall will be the accent wall. In the loft they use “smoky” paintings and graffiti on brick walls. Painting is done using airbrush technique. The romantic Provence style loves plant motifs. Bouquets of wild flowers, peonies, roses, lilies will become best addition for the interior of the French countryside. In Art Nouveau, masterpieces of painting are often repeated, which at one time decorated ladies' boudoirs and luxurious salons in a manner characteristic of the style. Inimitable Art Deco gives preference to fine ligature and ornate patterns. Japanese style and minimalism, close to it in spirit, allow them to be thematically home country painting: orchids, pagodas, sakura branches. There are practically no restrictions in the ethnic direction. If the interior imitates a bungalow in the tropics, then images of the sea and palm trees will be very useful, but for African motifs in the painting they use trees with characteristic crowns, elephants, and a “dried” landscape. In addition to style, it is worth considering the functional purpose of the room.

In the living room

In the living room, painting usually corrects imperfections. For example, for a small room it is important to use a drawing with perspective: paths, terraces or paths going into the endless distance. Painting can replace the installation of columns or pilasters, and at the same time ennoble the classic design. The fireplace is the cozy center of any room. It is not always possible to establish even its imitation, let alone the original. A painted element on the wall with realistic flames will be a wonderful interior addition.

In the bedroom

The bedroom is used exclusively for relaxation, so every piece of furniture in this room should be designed for comfort and relaxation. Natural motifs usually prevail in painting. Landscapes, panoramas of the water world, green lush grass or heads of bright flowers will help you calm down and prepare for sleep soundly. As a rule, the wall above the head of the bed is painted, since in most cases it is an accent wall. In the same room, the ceilings are often decorated in a similar way. It is not recommended to resort to dark colors, which will make the room visually smaller and will put psychological pressure on the owners.

How many times have our eyes stopped at the intricate patterns painted on the walls. It is not only beautiful, but also quite affordable. You can, of course, turn to a specialist and introduce a new trend into the interior, but it’s easier to do it yourself. All you need to do is stock up on acrylic paints, buy a stencil, or make your own unique template. Even people far from art will be able to do such art.

Sometimes painting brings not only aesthetic pleasure, but also solves additional functions, for example, hides a low ceiling or uneven walls. Small patterns in light colors are appropriate in small rooms.

Often the walls of a children's room are decorated with frames from their favorite cartoons or fairy-tale characters.

The hand-painted ceiling echoes the patterns on the wallpaper.

The decor should complement the style and color scheme rooms. Floral motifs are appropriate on the walls of a classic kitchen.

Moroccan patterns on the bedroom walls, applied using a stencil.

Stencils for painting walls, where to buy

To decide on a stencil for painting, you need to study the room and choose a place for decoration. If there are already existing textures and patterns in the interior, the ornament must be compared with them. If the work will be carried out on a “blank canvas”, they try to think ahead and imagine furniture and other future interior accessories. Typically, wall stencils are designed to cover large areas. Although, it is convenient to decorate walls with small designs, for example, a damask stencil. After choosing a template, you need to decide on the color of the composition.

Remember, the paint is applied over the stencil.

Designers do not recommend using two contrasting colors on your own. It is better to opt for a combination of glossy paints of the same or similar shade.
You can find stencils on the websites of online stores or the counters of construction hypermarkets. An example would be the online decor store Allstick.ru.

By choosing a universal roller, you can get a whole set of rubber attachments for decoration.

Best choice ready-made templates will be products based on polymer film, which is glued to the wall. Such stencils can be easily washed and reused many times. If you don’t have a template you like, you can make it yourself.

Stencils for painting walls with your own hands, step by step with photos

Homemade stencils for painting walls can be made on a cardboard or mylar base.

Option No. 1 Template on film

A Mylar film is placed on the glass and then covered with a printed paper stencil. Using a stationery knife, remove excess parts, creating your own unique pattern.

Option No. 2 Stencil from plastic folders
Stationery folders vary in thickness, color and smoothness, but any of them will work for cutting out a stencil. Such templates are durable and waterproof. By taping the clear portion of four folders together with masking tape, you can make a template for a larger design.

The selected ornament is printed, and then applied to plastic and cut out. It is advisable to secure the edges with tape.

The result is a ready-made stencil for painting.

Option No. 3 Cardboard template

For a budget stencil, a cardboard base is suitable. It is made according to the plastic principle, but scissors are used for cutting. Cardboard templates get wet, so they are more suitable for one-time use. Often the edges of the stencil are reinforced with tape or varnish.

Option No. 4 Drawing using a projector
The drawing template is transferred to the wall through a projector, outlined and painted.

Option No. 5 Stencil-painting tape
You can create a pattern on the wall using masking tape/narrow tape. First, an ornament is formed on the wall, and then paint is applied exactly along the edge of the tape.

Option No. 6 Using fruits
Half a lemon dipped in paint may well become an original template for kitchen wall.

Homemade templates have a number of pros and cons that must be taken into account when making them.


  • variety of options;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • use on different types of surface;
  • efficiency.


  • problem with fixing to the wall;
  • the occurrence of errors during cutting;
  • rapid wear;
  • small details spoil the drawing itself.

Wall painting styles, photos

There are many types of wall decoration. To decide on the choice of ornament for your interior, you need to navigate the styles of wall decor.

  • Classics adheres to harmony and simplicity. It has neutral motifs that fill the room with positivity and calm you down after a hard day.

  • Abstraction on the wall is an unusual interweaving of geometric shapes, plant elements and other artistic forms.

  • Splendor, grandeur and volume are conveyed by the Baroque style. It is distinguished by the brightness of colors and the rich play of light and shadows. The style is characterized by large leaves and large flowers.

  • A special worldview, imposed by the influence of Islam, conveys the Arab direction. The complexity of the ornament is complemented by Arabic script and fabrics similar to Arabic carpets.

  • Artistic paintings are real canvases or copies of famous masters.

Sometimes styles are combined or supplemented with some important element.

Wall painting master class with photos

Required tools:

  • plastic sheets;
  • marker;
  • roulette;
  • stationery knife;
  • spray adhesive;
  • insulating tape;
  • dye;
  • brush.

Step 1. Design selection
Having artistic skills, you can create your own unique pattern or go online for a ready-made template. Print out the pattern you like. With a large format, several sheets are printed and then glued together.

With a repeating pattern, it is necessary to achieve a uniform arrangement of the pattern on the wall.

Step 2. Preparing sheets
You can buy pure plastic at an art supply store, but it is easier and cheaper to use plastic folders for this. For the workpiece you will need a square of 60x60 cm, so the sheets are connected to each other with tape.

Step 3: Pattern Transfer
Place the printed image under a translucent stencil, and then transfer it to the plastic with a marker.

Step 4: Preparing the Stencil
Cut out the template using a utility knife. This step is the most time-consuming, because every detail is important here.

Step 5: Placing the Template on the Wall
To attach the stencil to the wall, you will need adhesive spray or tape. For convenience, use a ladder, because it is better to start painting from the top corner.

Step 6: Applying the Pattern
The paint is applied to the wall using a brush through a stencil. Sometimes a sponge is used for this. The amount of paint depends on the size of the room and the detailing chosen. Typically, it takes at least 24 hours for the dye to dry completely.

The template is removed with sharp movements after finishing the decoration.

Step 7: Repeat
The stencil is applied to the wall several times until the selected pattern is completely formed.

View of the interior before painting:

View after completion of work:

Wall painting in the room, photo

It is known that the color of the interior affects the mood. Despite the existing rules for selecting shades for the bedroom, each person has his own preferences and tastes. These can include unexpected colors and abstract patterns. Forget about traditional rules when choosing decor for your bedroom walls.

The living room, designed in Art Nouveau style, has natural shades and breathable shapes.

Oriental landscapes with cherry blossoms are characteristic of the Japanese style. It is most often used for the bedroom.

An example of painting when the boundary of space is “erased”.

Fresco – painting on damp plaster, is appropriate even in the bathroom. It is not subject to fading and cracking, because is a particle of the plaster itself.

Wall painting in a children's room, photo

Children's wall decor should be bright and understandable for the baby himself. Often in such artistic painting there are:

  • scenes from your favorite books;
  • starry sky;
  • nature (animals and plants);

  • marine theme (ships, fish, pirates);
  • the child's name is played on;
  • fragment of a cartoon;
  • transfer is appropriate children's drawing on the wall.

For girls, the wall is decorated in pink color, decorating it with princesses and fairies.

Teenagers will be delighted by graffiti or high-tech themes.

For non-standard premises A pattern that smoothly blends into the floor is suitable.

Wall painting in the kitchen, photo

Before you start painting the kitchen walls, you need to choose the decoration style and size of the ornament. All elements must be combined with the features of the given space.

Increasing the interior can be achieved with the help of a distant landscape.

Separation kitchen areas by wall decoration.

Classic kitchen wall painting using a stencil.

Abstraction will be appropriate for a high-tech kitchen.

Ceiling painting, photo

Of course painting the ceiling is much easier more difficult than walls. This is where patience and accuracy come in handy. You should also think about purchasing special scaffolding for lying, because creating a design often takes several weeks. Continuous work makes your arms and neck tired.

The artistic painting on the ceiling is mainly framed by an oval or circle, and a light source is located in the center.

Visually raise the ceiling with an image of the sky and stars.

In the dining room, the pattern is placed on the farthest plane, so it looks like a real landscape.

The star theme is applied to the ceiling using fluorescent paint. At night, the decor glows under UV lamps. They are placed around the perimeter of the picture.

In a nursery, not only the walls, but also the ceiling are often decorated. A smoothly transitioning landscape from one surface to another creates one whole and will be appropriate for all ages.

The basis for painting is a drawing that is transferred to the surface through a stencil or displayed using a projector. To ensure that the template fits tightly to the wall, its surface is treated with stencil glue.
Self-painting on walls provides the following rules:

  • The working surface is cleaned and degreased before painting;
  • the borders of the ornament are marked with a level and a pencil;
  • For decoration it is better to use a universal roller. It works well over large areas.
  • circular movements with a brush when painting will prevent lint from getting into the design;
  • take a small amount of paint onto the brush, and remove the excess with a rag;
  • reusable stencils must be washed at the end of work;
  • to protect the pattern from exposure to the sun and moisture, it is coated with varnish;
  • It is better for beginners to work with acrylic paints. They dry quickly.

By adhering to the above rules, you can avoid many mistakes and not waste time correcting them.

It is better to do the painting yourself without intricate patterns and small details.

Paints for wall painting

Suitable for painting different kinds paints: water-based, oil, enamel, tempera, but acrylic is most often used.

  • The fresco is applied to the wall with a special powder mixed with water. This material is most often used for ceiling painting. The paint is very durable, does not crack and does not fade.
  • To decorate the ceilings of clubs and restaurants, fluorescent paint is used, which glows under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Acrylic is considered the most practical. It is odorless, resistant to moisture and sunlight, which is especially useful for children's rooms and kitchens. Any surface is suitable for its application. The paint dries in about half an hour.
  • Oil paints convey the depth and uniqueness of color. They are bright and not prone to cracking, although they dry slowly and smell unpleasant.
  • Tempera paints are ground on yolks or glue solution. They are durable but prone to cracking.

Tools and materials for work

When starting to decorate, you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:

  1. For the sketch you will need a variety of paper and tracing paper. For non-standard ornaments, use whatman paper.
  2. Auxiliary tools: two sizes of ruler, triangle, tape, scissors, etc.
  3. Charcoal and graphite pencils, markers, eraser.
  4. A variety of brushes: construction brushes, synthetic brushes, bristle brushes, flute brushes.
  5. Acrylic paints different colors and shades. They come in glitter, pearl and silver. For painting large areas, they purchase construction acrylic, which is complemented with colors. There are façade and interior acrylics.
  6. To paint and create a three-dimensional panel, you will need spatulas and stacks.
  7. The work requires baths, rollers, sponges and a telescopic stick.
  8. Bucket, spray bottle for watering walls.
  9. To prepare the wall for work, you will need decorative plaster.
  10. Beads and glass for decoration.
  11. Fine-grained sandpaper for grouting and varnish for fixing.

Sometimes craftsmen use an airbrush and a spray gun to paint large surfaces.

Wall painting in the interior technique

The painting technique depends on the technology of applying the pattern and is performed on both wet and dried plaster.

  • The pattern on dry plaster, called alsecco, will be light and short-lived.
  • When frescoing, a layer of water-soluble paint is applied over the wet plaster. The paint dries quickly, and the ornament itself is considered one of the most resistant and durable. Professionals can work with this technique.
  • Relief painting is based on plaster and has projections.
  • Airbrushing refers to “air painting” when paint is sprayed onto the wall with an airbrush. This decor comes out very delicate, with soft transitions.

  • Stencil painting is the simplest. It does not require special skills or abilities. You can buy a template ready-made or make it yourself.
  • Three-dimensional decor (blende) allows you to expand the interior and correct finishing flaws. It is applied by a master and such work is expensive.

Painting walls in the interior with your own hands, step by step with photos

Green tropical foliage will look good against a white or cream background. This decor is suitable for a living room or bedroom.
To work, you will need two types of palm leaf stencils.
Stencil No. 1

Stencil No. 2
The leaves will be of three shades: white, green and pale olive. Distribute three colors oil paint in separate trays, as well as for each shade, their own rollers and brushes are prepared.

The decor starts with a green leaf. The paint must be distributed over the entire roller, including the edges. Then the excess is left on a paper towel.
You can initially distribute and fix three stencils on the wall surface and paint them in your shades.

Then take stencil No. 2 and cover a row of painted leaves with new samples. At the same time, they try to ensure that their colors do not match; they make a green or olive tint on a white background.

Independent wall decor will add zest to your interior, making it unique and unique. The most important thing is to choose the right ornament, because it will be before your eyes every day.

You can easily do original wall painting in an apartment with your own hands.

Painting on the wall - great alternative wallpaper and other things decorative materials used for interior decoration. A drawing made by yourself has many advantages: durability, exclusivity, it looks quite expensive and presentable in the interior. But there are also negative factors due to which many owners of apartments and houses prefer alternative options: high cost of the work of the craftsman and materials. This is a reason to think about painting walls with your own hands.

Can a non-professional paint the walls of a room?

Even a simple painting often costs customers a tidy sum, all because it is undertaken by a professional artist who highly values ​​his work. But artistic painting of walls in the interior can be quite simple and does not require artistic skills. Many people are afraid to paint walls in apartments for a simple reason: lack of experience and fear of ruining the renovation of the room. But in in this case the main thing is a good choice of image and technique in which the drawing will be performed.

In order for the composition to look as beneficial as possible in the room and emphasize its advantages while hiding its shortcomings, you should familiarize yourself with the simplest and most affordable options for painting walls in the interior.

One of the simplest options for painting walls in an apartment with your own hands

Select a pattern

Decorative wall painting begins with choosing a background and an image that will be present on it. It is also important to choose the location decorative element on the wall and consider the following factors:

  • size and shape of the room;
  • purpose of the premises;
  • location of the source of natural light, how bright the room is;
  • general style in the interior.

For example, fairy-tale motifs, simple images of animated characters, flowers, soap bubbles, cute and simple landscapes are suitable for a children's room. For the kitchen, motifs with fruits, vegetables and dishes would be an ideal option. The walls in bedrooms and living rooms can be painted with plant compositions.

Painting walls in an apartment is an opportunity to hide defects in the room: unevenness on the walls, ceilings that are too low or high, lack of lighting.

Do-it-yourself artistic wall painting will be done more successfully if you first sketch the room on paper and plan the location on it.

Proper preparation of walls for painting

Painting walls in a bedroom or any other room should only be done on a properly prepared surface. It is subject to the following processing:

  • if there are traces of old finishing materials, they should be removed;
  • significant irregularities are leveled using a solution or adhesive mixture;
  • after it dries, the walls are plastered;
  • a primer is applied on top of the plaster for subsequent better adhesion with the putty;
  • the surface is puttied and sanded sandpaper, then primed again.

Scheme of preparing walls for painting

After all this work, the walls are painted. The material should be applied evenly, preferably in two layers. Only after the paint has completely dried can you begin to apply the design using one of the available methods.

It is better to use acrylic paints as a background: the layer of material will be characterized by increased strength and durability, and also have excellent external characteristics.

What colors to paint

  • easy to mix and apply: for more light shades the color should be diluted with white paint;
  • the material fits well on the surface;
  • To obtain the desired consistency, the paint is diluted with water.

You should also acquire materials for drawing:

  • a soft colored pencil for making contours; if necessary, it can be easily removed using a regular eraser;
  • for large strokes, large wide flat brushes;
  • For finer lines, small kolinsky round brushes are suitable;
  • If you plan to draw flower petals, you should get a round foam roller, the edge of which will be used to draw the details.

To achieve maximum strength and durability of the finishing layer, after applying the pattern and drying the paint, the wall is coated with a special varnish. You should also take care of purchasing it in advance.

Simple ways to apply drawings to the wall

There are two main options for applying drawings to the wall in an apartment. Even people who have no experience in wall painting can use them:

  • by hand;
  • using a stencil.

Options for depicting trees on the wall

If you have at least some drawing skills, then you can use the first option and draw a simple image using a brush and acrylic paint. But if such a prospect is scary, and there is no desire to experiment in fine art, you can buy a stencil at a hardware store and use it to create an interesting and original decor in the room.

Stencil decorative wall painting in the interior is a faster and more practical option. Before you paint the walls in the room, it is important to find harmonious shades of the background and pattern.

How to paint a wall by hand

The first thing you need is a suitable drawing. You can use an image of a tree as a template. You can draw dark wood on a light background or vice versa. White or beige acrylic paint will stand out clearly on dark wall. The work must be carried out in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. An outline is drawn on the wall using a soft colored pencil. It is not necessary to ensure the evenness of the lines. If they are a little crooked, the quality of the drawing will not suffer from this. The line can be erased or corrected with a rubber eraser if desired. It is worth making sure that the pencil does not damage the integrity of the paint layer on the wall. The drawing can be partially transferred to the adjacent wall and ceiling. When drawing a contour, you should constantly step aside to evaluate appearance Images.
  2. Using a thin brush, outlines and small branches are drawn, if they are present in the drawing. The paint is applied in several strokes, so the drawing will look more professional even if the artist cannot draw a short, straight line.
  3. The contours are carefully filled in using a thicker brush. This should be done carefully, without going beyond the contours. The wood is “painted over” from the bottom up, the paint is applied in a thin, even layer. First, the larger elements of the drawing are sketched, then transitions are made to smaller details.
  4. The tree may have leaves, butterflies or birds may fly near it. It is important to choose the colors of these parts. As an option - plain elements. WITH bright colors It’s better not to experiment if additional small elements will differ in color from the tree trunk, it is better to take soft pastel colors. The edges can be decorated with thin lines of golden or silver acrylic.

You can paint the walls in your apartment with other designs yourself, but the above technique is the basis for successfully applying any image to the surface.

Large flowers on the wall with contours drawn over the image

Large flowers are another popular option for painting walls in living rooms. This could be a living room, bedroom, kitchen, children's room or even a bathroom. Bright elements in rich colors will look advantageous against a light background.

The drawing can be done in warm or cold colors; they can be combined if desired. After filling the main volume with paint, the contours are drawn with a thin brush using black acrylic. This should be done after the colored paint has completely dried.

Stencil painting

Construction stores have a large selection of stencils for creating decor on the walls of your apartment. They are glued to the wall and then easily removed. This pattern can be applied both over a painted surface and onto wallpaper. In the second case, they must be suitable for painting. In addition to acrylic paint and a stencil, you should purchase a narrow roller. The drawing is quite simple:

  1. The stencil is glued to the wall.
  2. The roller is dipped in paint; for this purpose it is better to take a special container for paint, so that excess paint will not remain on the instrument.
  3. Even before the paint dries, the template is carefully removed from the wall and can be reused.

If the wall is to be opened with transparent varnish over the picture, this should be done only after all layers of paint have completely dried, otherwise the picture will be ruined.

More details in the video:

Decorative painting in premises is a way to create an exclusive, fashionable design in a residential space. Painting a wall by hand is quite simple; the main thing is to carefully consider the image on the wall and how it will harmonize with other interior elements.