Sizes of rooms in a three-room apartment. Everything you need to know about the rational redevelopment of a three-room apartment

Few of our compatriots today can boast that the housing area completely satisfies them. Even people who are lucky enough to buy or inherit spacious three-room Moscow apartments often think that a lot of things could be optimized. For example, the kitchen may be too small, the corridor too long and dark, and in general it would not hurt to get another room that could be allocated for an office or an additional children's room.

Functional layout of 3 room apartment

Well, you can just sit, regret and sometimes complain to friends and acquaintances that the apartment does not satisfy you for a number of reasons. Or you can just try to do something. And in this case, redevelopment three-room apartment is the only way to turn a standard room into the home of your dreams.

Of course, before you start drawing drawings yourself or resorting to the help of specialists, you should decide what you want to get as a result.

Expand the kitchen? Change appearance corridor? Get an extra bedroom that could be allocated to a growing child or elderly parents who decide to move in with you? Think carefully about whether you need to start renovating your apartment at all? After all, once you start, you won’t be able to quit halfway. And the work can last for many weeks and even months; this will be a really difficult test for both your nerves and the family budget.

Once the decision is finally made, you can start making a plan. Of course, if you can afford it, then it is better to entrust the work to specialists. After all, redevelopment of an apartment is often accompanied by moving or even demolishing walls.

initial plan of a 3-room apartment
option for redevelopment of a three-room apartment with demolition of the corridor walls

Only experienced specialists will be able to take into account all the nuances, ensuring that as a result you will receive completely safe and comfortable housing. They will take into account which walls in the apartment are load-bearing (which means they should be worked with only as a last resort), and which are self-supporting.

Of course, they have plans for various houses with all the characteristics: wall thickness, permanent loads, load-bearing structures and so on. Therefore, they will be able to do all the work with the highest quality possible, regardless of what building your apartment is in - 83 series or 137 series.

layout of a three-room apartment in houses 137 series

Moving or demolishing main walls is a very important process. And it can be carried out only after obtaining permission from the relevant authorities.

This work is definitely best left to specialists. Yes, you will have to pay for their help. But as a result necessary documents will be collected in a matter of days. Otherwise, the process of collecting them may well drag on for several weeks or even months. Office employees will send you from one office to another, demanding more and more certificates and permits. Those who have undergone this procedure remember it only in nightmares.

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Studio apartment layout

You can choose the project that suits you:

  1. Standard project. It has a relatively low price. But it cannot always fully satisfy the requirements of the apartment owner, since it was developed at the request of another customer.
  2. A unique project. It will cost you quite a lot, but here you will be free in your fantasies. Your apartment can be transformed beyond recognition. A standard 3-room apartment in a five-story panel building can be turned into a luxury apartment that meets all your requirements.

Which option should I choose? Decide for yourself!

How to properly demolish a wall in an apartment.

Let's start from the kitchen

So, the diagrams are drawn and the plans are ready. You can start working. Most often in three-room apartments, the room allocated for the kitchen is subject to redevelopment. Indeed, it simply cannot meet the requirements of many people. But this is where you have to work diligently to prepare delicious dinner for the whole family. And during dinner, especially if 5-6 people gather at the table, the kitchen becomes especially crowded. This means we need to expand the premises.

If the exit to the balcony is in the kitchen, as is usually the case in 121 series houses, you can consider yourself lucky. It is thanks to the balcony that you can significantly expand the kitchen.

Yes, you will have to glaze it efficiently, insulate it, install heating and dismantle the door from window frame, connecting the balcony with the kitchen.

In addition, now it will not be so convenient to use the balcony, because it is quite difficult to reach the distant ropes when leaning out of the window. However, an additional 2-3 square meters to the kitchen area (in a standard kitchen area is about 6-7 square meters) completely cover any costs and slight discomfort.

Now you have a fairly spacious room. The stove, refrigerator and cabinets can be moved to the balcony: there will be the main work zone. But in the kitchen itself you can install big table or even a kitchen soft corner, because there will now be enough space for this.

By the way, if there was a wide, massive concrete window sill between the kitchen and the balcony, which is often found in 75 series houses, it does not always make sense to dismantle it. Dismantling is associated with big problems: This difficult job can take a whole day.

standard apartment layout in 75 series buildings

Removing construction waste and carefully leveling and masking the walls is an additional hassle. Therefore, many people make a very successful decision: they use the window sill as a kitchen table. You can install a small tabletop on it and decorate it accordingly, or you can simply cover it with washable wallpaper or oilcloth so that the new table looks harmonious in the interior of the room.

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But it is worth considering that in most cases this wall is load-bearing. In some cases, for example, in large-panel nine-story buildings of the 90 series, you may not receive permission at all for any actions aimed at changing and weakening this wall. Therefore, you can only make a small cosmetic alteration of the premises to suit your needs; this is shown in more detail in the drawing.

minor redevelopment of a three-room apartment without significant changes in the location of the premises

It is enough to disrupt this structure, which carries a load of hundreds of tons, for the entire house to simply collapse. True, the higher the apartment is, the less the load on the wall will be.

Therefore, for redevelopment of an apartment on the 7th-9th floor, it is easiest to obtain permission. In other cases, you will have to seriously work hard.

In any case, if you take down load-bearing wall or just make an interior window in it, you will have to compensate for the load-bearing capacity of the structure using a metal profile.

Often, in order to arrange the interior of a 3-room apartment, a person faces some difficulties and the design leads to the fact that the space is irrationally used.

Therefore, first you need to make a plan and work through the ideas step by step.

Only in this way will your home please all living family members. In the article, the photo of the interior of a 3-room apartment shows the most popular designs.

Rules for creating a project for furnishing a large apartment

For a qualified designer, a three-room apartment is a kind of dream, because here you can not restrain your imagination.

On initial stage It would be rational to divide the rooms of the apartment according to their purpose, so that everyone who lives there can have a personal space in which they will feel comfortable.

Conventional design - the project involves dividing the entire space into a living room, bedroom and children's room. For convenience, the guest room has a sofa and a work desk nearby. If there are no children in the family, the nursery is used as a library.

For creative people allocate separate room for a workshop. The interior design of a 3-room apartment can be very different.

Before choosing a single style, be sure to take into account the wishes of all family members. The idea must fit their lifestyle and character.

The color shades for design in a project can be very diverse. Each room is a separate space, the tone of which depends on its purpose.

For decoration, it is practical to select three main shades, as long as they are not too different from each other.

The modern interior of a three-room apartment allows the use of accent inserts and prints for decorative finishing, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Any of the rooms large apartment unique and each of them uses different interior and design details. Thus, it will be possible to give the premises individuality and originality.

You need to select elements with taste. Our article has a gallery beautiful interiors photo of a three-room apartment.

Arrangement of the hallway of a three-room apartment

When creating the interior of a three-room apartment, you need to start with the room that makes the first impression upon entering the house - that is, the hallway. The large space allows you to accommodate a wardrobe - a wall, a dressing table with drawers and a shoe shelf.

Shelving will help set the appearance of the corridor; you can place accessories, paintings, photo frames and books on them. Of course, such a room is poorly lit, sometimes even dark, so the best lighting devices are used for high-quality lighting.

The hallway is a room that is always in sight and general design should be combined with the interior design of a three-room apartment. The harmony of the corridor emphasizes good taste owner of the house.

What a kitchen should look like in a three-room apartment

Regardless of the size of the kitchen, it must be spacious and cozy. Therefore, light colors are selected for finishing. color palette, furniture is installed to a minimum.

The kitchen set is selected taking into account availability household appliances. With the help of hanging cabinets and shelves, it will be possible to store many kitchen items.

IN dining area instead of the usual chairs they use soft corner furniture, which can accommodate the whole family. And the niches in such furniture can handle storing various small items.

Design of rooms that are intended for relaxation

Living rooms are decorated depending on their purpose. If there is a bedroom, it is better to use gentle and calm shades; in the work room, strict colors are used, but for a nursery, motley and bright shades are suitable.

We have created several design projects as examples of the interior of a three-room apartment that will help you decide on the purpose of all the rooms.

Due to the huge area of ​​the apartment, you can create comfortable conditions life for yourself and your family using the interior design of a three-room apartment.

Photo of the design of a 3-room apartment

Increasingly, modern young families are planning not to stop with one child. Therefore, when purchasing their home, they ask designers to include in the plan new apartment several bedrooms, hoping to later convert them into additional children's rooms.

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On the picture:

A competent redevelopment of a 3-room apartment made it possible to find free square meters for a spacious kitchen-living room.

Information about the apartment: 3-room apartment with an area of ​​100 sq. m. on the 15th floor of a 15-storey building in the residential complex "Yubileiny Kvartal".

Apartment owners: young family of 3 people.

Customer wishes: functional bright interior with bright color accents.

The verified redevelopment of a 3-room apartment made it possible to place on an area of ​​100 sq. m. three bedrooms and a spacious guest area. By cutting down the size of the adjacent bedroom, the designers carved out space for two different functional zones, kitchen and living room, built on the same area. There is even room left for a work corner. By using glass partition, the design of which echoes mirrored doors a utility closet in which a washing machine is installed, an impromptu office was separated from the rest of the living room space.

Since there was not enough space in the living room to install a storage system in the TV area, it was decided to recess the shelving in the wall adjacent to the bedroom, obtaining the necessary depth for the cabinets. And thanks to this, a niche for a bed appeared in the bedroom.

Designers Ekaterina Andzhin and Olga Goman also managed to rationally furnish the hallway space. For example, the closet in the hallway has access from both the hallway and the corridor.

According to the wishes of the clients, the designers designed the interior in a modern style interspersed with classical elements.

The hallway area was separated from the corridor leading to the rooms. Thanks to this, it was possible to carve out space for cabinets and isolate the “dirty area”.

The floor in the hallway is made of natural stone, its color is duplicated in the color scheme of the corridor.

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Such the apartment will do, both to a young girl with a perky character, and to a married couple with children. Everyone will find something special for themselves in this interior.

The clients are a modern, young, bright and cheerful couple with a little daughter. And the interior turned out to be appropriate: a lot of air, light and space, but at the same time clear and concise.

Design project for an apartment in a Stalinist building for a married couple who are soon expecting a new addition. Young people like to watch movies in their free time, and the husband sometimes plays video games.

This apartment in Moscow, with an area of ​​50 m2, was developed by the designers of the Geometrium studio. Customers preferred modern interior with unobtrusive motifs of Scandinavian style, minimalism and loft.

Scandinavian interior style is embodied through light colors, natural materials and furniture of simple shapes. It is colored with blue and yellow accents.

In the interior from the Geometrium design studio Scandinavian style presented in a modern expression: the space is comfortable and functional, the classic cold palette warms natural wood.

The laconic interior of this apartment is dominated by the Scandinavian style, which attracts modern residents of the metropolis, radiating extraordinary naturalness, simplicity and lightness.

Practical clients wanted to enjoy maximum freedom without any space restrictions or distractions. The designer managed to achieve his goal and refresh the atmosphere.

Plants in the interior of the apartment emphasize closeness to nature, Buddhist restraint, harmony and lightness. Developed in the same vein color scheme, only natural materials are used

3d apartment with two bedrooms, an office and a living room. The green wall is decorative element, and a dividing element between the public and private space of apartments in the center of Moscow.

If there is no room for “talking” furniture, the mood in the interior can be created using color, light and competent planning. We learn from the designers of the Odnushechka studio.

Guests of this apartment do not even suspect that its bright, energetic interior in a modern style is actually made according to all the rules of the ancient Indian science of vastu.

African style in the interior looks defiantly bright, rich and original. What a pleasure it is to enjoy this colorful project, created for very brave customers.

How to rationally use a limited number of square meters? Designer Svetlana Krasnova took a risk and arranged a children's room in the kitchen, and moved the kitchen into a spacious corridor.

Increasing the number of rooms is often not a whim of homeowners, but a vital necessity. For example, the birth of a child requires the allocation of a separate room for the full growth and development of the baby.

This project is a wonderful demonstration of laconic modern style. The light finish serves as an excellent backdrop for modern furniture pieces.

The designers turned a small one-room apartment in a full-fledged “three ruble”, where each family member has his own place to work and relax.

What interior is most appropriate in an apartment with panoramic glazing? Designer Elena Tsybyrnak believes that the interior should be combined with the view outside the window.

In modern housing construction, in which stable global development occurs, a fairly wide selection of apartments with various options layouts. Apartments with huge loggias and ten-meter kitchens, with two bathrooms and bay windows, elite-class apartments and even two-story ones - everyone can choose something to suit their taste and preferences. One of the most popular options is the layout of a three-room apartment for large families.

The ideal “source material” can be called three-room open-plan apartments in new buildings, which represent stylish and comfortable housing. In apartments with an area of ​​at least 130 sq. There is enough space for both adults and children. With well-planned zones, households of different age categories, with different habits and temperaments will not have to interfere with each other, thanks to which everyone will be in unconstrained conditions.

Plan of a three-room apartment of 130 sq. m with room sizes

Business class real estate includes not only large total area with high three-meter ceilings, but also several bathrooms (at least two). Let's sort it out specific examples maximum use advantages of the new building.

In a new building, the bathroom is located next to a small room, so it is more efficient and expedient to make a bedroom in this room. You just need to decide what will be the center when planning a given room. Will it be a closet or a place to sleep? In addition, you may be confused about the storage system. If the storage system has a place in the living room, then in the bedroom the bed will take the reigning position.

Plan of a three-room apartment in new buildings

The advantage of the new type of houses is, of course, the large area. In addition, the apartment also has a balcony, which can serve as your office. The big advantage of open-plan apartments is that you can freely arrange the space. The bedroom will accommodate not only a standard double bed and a wardrobe, but also another functional furniture. You can give free rein to your imagination and show your design abilities in the arrangement.

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Layout of the kitchen combined with the living room

Fans of unusual bedrooms should pay attention to the round bed. It, of course, requires a little more space than a standard rectangular model, but it looks very advantageous in any room. There is no need for additional decor in the bedroom, since the main attraction is the bed itself.

To maintain the general atmosphere, unusual lighting or a plasterboard ceiling circle will come to the rescue. In addition, you can curtain the bed with a beautiful, designer canopy.

Bedroom with a round bed

Design project and plan of a three-room apartment for a family with children

The design of a three-room apartment is made in accordance with the requirements of the homeowners: functional design of the space light shades, with the presence of spot color accents without any excesses.

It is advisable to design an apartment with children in light colors

By nature, such an interior should be very restrained and calm, but at the same time cozy thanks to natural materials. Children's rooms must be designed taking into account the individual needs of children. The environment should be appropriate for their age.

Advantages of modern apartment layouts

TO standard layout 20th century apartments with two rooms can be classified as a walk-through type. The large room was located next to a spacious storage room, which had access to the bedroom.

Adjacent layout of two rooms

At that time, many home craftsmen had to increase their living space by “demolishing” the storage room and building new wall. In this way, part of the hall was fenced off, and two different rooms. However, this technique contributed to the appearance of a long, dark corridor, but still having separate rooms was a priority over aesthetics.

Changing the layout

The difference between the modern layout of a three-room apartment and apartments built in the middle of the last century is that the bathrooms with toilets have now become separate, like the living rooms themselves. The kitchens and bathrooms have increased in size. Almost all three-room apartments now have balconies or spacious loggias.

Modern layout of a three-room apartment

A finished apartment today is not the final result. Time makes its own adjustments. There are many experienced designers offering their services in planning and interior design, which can, using unique, simple techniques, increase or decrease the area of ​​housing, divide rooms into zones for the purpose of their functionality.

Modern youth may find it difficult to answer who Khrushchev was, but most people know the name of the buildings created at that time - these are “Khrushchev buildings”. Initially, they were built as temporary housing, so the level of comfort of such a home leaves much to be desired. A radical measure will help to minimize the problems of organizing space in such apartments - remodeling the “Khrushchev” into 3 rooms.

Redevelopment will allow you to change the apartment without moving, making it comfortable for all family members to live in.

From comfortable apartments In new buildings, “Khrushchev” buildings are distinguished primarily by their low ceiling heights and small area of ​​rooms. Many designers are puzzling over how to create space for comfortable stay families. However, even such shortcomings do not reduce the popularity of “Khrushchev” apartments in the secondary housing market. This is mainly due to the low price category of such apartments. And if you also approach the issue of repairs wisely, then from any “Khrushchev” you can create housing that is not inferior in comfort to new buildings.

Redevelopment is a radical, but sometimes the only way to make your home comfortable

If we are talking about the redevelopment of a “Khrushchev” building, it is worth noting an important advantage: all the partitions in the apartment are not load-bearing, which greatly simplifies the procedure for approving and carrying out repair work. Bathrooms can be either separate or combined.

The “lucky ones” living in such apartments know about the difficulties of accommodation in small space furniture and household appliances. That is why it is worth considering several transformation options. small apartment and creating space for life. A rational approach to renovation will help you turn a typical “Khrushchev” into an excellent apartment that fully satisfies your wishes and taste.

Redevelopment of an apartment with the creation of a large living room and a separate bedroom behind mirrored sliding partitions

Where to start redevelopment

Oddly enough, the start of repairs in this case will begin with the bureaucracy.

Important! In order to begin redevelopment of the apartment, it is necessary to coordinate all actions with the city and housing authorities.

Before going to the necessary authorities, prepare a redevelopment plan for approval.

The first thing you need to do before radical repairs is a redevelopment plan

If the alterations are not agreed upon with the BTI, then you may subsequently encounter big problems when exchanging, selling or donating an apartment, and even receive a fine.

To ensure everything goes smoothly, order a finished project from a licensed architect who will take into account all the technical nuances and your wishes. Redevelopment of the "Khrushchev" into 3 rooms can be realized through partial or complete dismantling, moving walls, including doorways.

Since in most cases interior walls“Khrushchev” buildings are not load-bearing; many believe that approval is not required for the work, but this opinion is erroneous. Unauthorized demolition of partitions can lead to violations of construction, sanitary and legal requirements. As a rule, carriers include external walls apartments, as well as inter-apartment walls and beams.

Documents for redevelopment of a "Stalinka" into 3 rooms or a "Khrushchev"

In order to avoid legal sanctions for unauthorized redevelopment of an apartment, it is necessary to provide the regulatory authorities with a list of required documents. These include:

  • technical passport for housing. He has standard form, obtained from the BTI authorities, contains the necessary certificates, an approved plan;
  • a finished project created with the participation of a licensed design organization;
  • an approved technical plan confirming that the redevelopment will not lead to a violation of the integrity and stability of the building;
  • certificate from the fire service;
  • documents confirming the right to property ownership;
  • contract for supervision of the conduct construction work with an organization licensed to carry out regulatory activities.

This list is not final, but the documentation described is the most important issue when planning repairs in a Khrushchev building. The commission deciding on the possibility of redevelopment may consider it necessary to consider additional documentation, for example, a certificate from the utility service.

Plan with caution

The most common problem with “Khrushchev” apartments is very small bathrooms, which is why during a total renovation the owners often plan to expand these areas. However, one should not forget about sanitary standards, which state that it is impossible to expand the toilet and bathroom at the expense of the space of the kitchen and living rooms.

Attention! This area should be enlarged only at the expense of the corridor, storage room and other free spaces.

You can increase the area of ​​the toilet and bathroom only through the corridor

Owners of apartments in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings are particularly inconvenienced by the small kitchen area. Therefore, expanding its area often comes to the fore when implementing large-scale renovations.

And in this matter, “pitfalls” may await you, because most apartments have a gas pipeline system, which will not allow expanding the kitchen space at the expense of the bathroom or living rooms. To realize your ideas, you can go the following ways:

  • replace gas stove electrical;
  • secede kitchen area from the living room using a sliding partition;
  • reduce the area of ​​the corridor or storage room.

Redevelopment of the premises of a 3-room Khrushchev building gives much more space than apartments with less living space. To make a successful redevelopment of Khrushchev 3 into rooms, check out the photo finished projects.

How to create a comfortable space

If you are set on a global redevelopment of a “Khrushchev” building into 3 rooms, then consider the adjacent options in the photo and clearly decide on the plan of your own living space.

Important! Consider all individual preferences, hobbies, furniture and equipment that have already been purchased and planned to be placed.

This is the only way to plan correctly renovation work and purchase necessary materials. To avoid problems when installing furniture, immediately think about where each element will be located.

Ideal for Khrushchev buildings classic interior in a minimalist style.

To maximize the space, you can combine several rooms into one. Sliding partitions will help you create a cozy space and separate the living room and bedroom areas.

A good effect is achieved by combining the hall and the corridor. To comply with hygiene standards in the room, it is necessary to make zoning by laying out various floor coverings. For example, easy-to-clean tiles are laid in the hallway, and the room is lined with carpet.

Separately, it is worth touching on the topic of integrating the kitchen with the living room. Experts do not advise completely combining these zones; it is better to create a light movable partition, or separate these zones using color schemes.

Large sliding doors will allow you to visually increase the space without uniting the rooms

Built-in equipment will help to significantly increase the usable area. The kitchen installed around the perimeter even small room, will leave enough space for the dining table.

Installing a shower cabin will help save bathroom space. So, if you didn't know where to put washing machine, this modification will create enough space for its installation.

Having decided to redesign 3 rooms of the Khrushchev building, check out the photos of ready-made projects, perhaps from them you will get ideas for the planned renovation.

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