Solution grade 50 proportions. How to prepare a cement mortar of a given grade

One of the most popular mortars based on cement, additives and sand is M50. It is used in almost all construction work ah associated with the construction of walls, the preparation of horizontal foundations (screeds), the sealing of cracks, irregularities and other defects. It is produced at the Sorzha plant in accordance with GOST 28013-98 and delivered to consumers completely ready for use in special machines (automatic mixers).

Technical characteristics of the M50 solution

The M50 solution has the following average characteristics:

  • strength M50;
  • frost resistance F50;
  • workability PC4;
  • density up to 1500 kg/m3.

Depending on the conditions of use and purpose, its characteristics may change in the direction of improving all or some parameters by adding various additives, plasticizers and other components to the composition. Changes in the composition of the solution are made in agreement with the customer.

Cement-lime mortar M50 is produced based on cements M300 or M400, additives and washed river sand without inclusions of clay substances, gravel or pebbles. The size of sand fractions is up to 2 – 2.5 mm.

The ratio of components by weight in the solution is standardized and depends on the brand of cement.

Cement (grade) cement lime sand
M300 1 0,6 6
M400 1 0,9 8

For external masonry, in places high humidity or in structures located below ground level, cement-sand mortar M50 can be produced without adding additives. It consists only of sand and cement in specified proportions.

Cement (grade) cement sand
M200 1 3,5
M300 1 5
M400 1 6

Ready masonry mortar cement grade 50, as well as cement-lime, can be purchased at the Sorzha plant in any volume with delivery, both on the day of order and at any required time. The plant serves customers in St. Petersburg And Leningrad region regardless of distance from the plant.

Our own fleet of special vehicles allows us to deliver the solution to the site in working condition. According to the technical characteristics, it is advisable to use the ready-mixed construction mixture M50 within 1.5 hours after unloading. The peculiarities of the company's vehicle fleet make it possible to deliver 7 or 10 m 3 of solution in one trip. For larger orders, the quantity of solution must be a multiple of these figures.

You can order M50 solution in several ways:

  • adding the required product on the website and using the “Cart” button to order online;
  • write by email;
  • make a phone call;
  • order a call back.

All details regarding price, payment, delivery conditions and solution formulation are agreed upon in a working manner. The company office is open from 10.00 to 18.00. The plant's mortar-concrete units make it possible to fulfill orders of any volume. They work under automatic control and all products comply with the specified parameters. We work with enterprises of all forms of ownership and individuals.

This article is not for professional builders, they know all this, but for people who are not entirely experienced in the construction profession, but who have decided to independently carry out some work where required cement mortar. Inviting builders is unnecessarily expensive, and it is not easy to find willing ones if the volume of work is small. And you can prepare the cement mortar yourself.

Some inexperienced developers are perplexed by such a concept as the brand of mortar. There is nothing complicated about it. The grade of mortar indicates the compressive strength of a small cube measuring 70.7 x 70.7 x 70.7 (mm) of hardened mortar and is measured in kg/cm2. That is, the higher the grade of the solution, the stronger the finished product. There are only 9 grades of solution, the lowest is 4, the highest is 300. The most commonly used grades are from 25 to 200.

The strength of the mortar depends on the binder (cement) used and the proportion of binder to aggregate (sand). For example, a cement mortar in a ratio of 1:6 means that the mortar consists of 1 part cement and 6 parts sand.

Without going into a general excursion into the types of solutions, let’s move straight to practical advice.

Mortars for masonry walls

When laying brick or cauldron walls with cement mortar, it is very important that the mortar not only has the necessary strength, but is also sufficiently plastic. Masonry with a hard mortar, which, when leveled on the surface of a brick, immediately releases water and turns into a sedentary mass, is similar to torture. When working with such a mortar, the brick does not slide on its surface, vertical joints are filled very poorly, and there is no need to talk about high productivity with such a mortar.

Modern technologies offer various plasticizers, but it is quite possible to do without them, using old, time-tested methods of preparing solutions. Undoubtedly, the more binder in the mortar, the fatter it will be, but with this approach you can end up with a catastrophic waste of cement, and this means money, and a lot of it. Therefore, it is very important to select suitable sand for the masonry mortar.

It is very rare that imported sand does not contain pebbles. To be on the safe side, it is best to immediately sift the sand through a metal mesh with 5 x 5 mm cells; this will remove not only stones and plant roots, but also other impurities from the sand.

Never use washed river sand for masonry mortars. Only with a cement ratio of 1:3 can the mortar become a little more plastic, but this is already an M 200 mortar, and the brand of masonry mortar is M 50 - 75, the ratio of the components in which is 1:6 or 1:5. The best choice for such solutions is quarry sand with a grain size of no more than 2.5 mm, which contains a small admixture of clay. It is this small impurity that will add the necessary plasticity to the solution.

If you were brought river sand and it is also coarse-grained, there are two ways to prepare a solution of the required consistency:

1. Add some clay to it. If you prepare the solution using a concrete mixer, then the clay should be thrown into the mixer last. When preparing cement mortar in a ratio of 1:6, it is enough to add 0.5 parts of clay so as not to reduce the grade of the mortar and make it much more plastic.

2. Prepare cement-lime mortar. Lime will serve as a natural plasticizer, which will make the wall mortar quite convenient to work with. When preparing such a solution, you can use lime paste or slaked lime, which you need to pour water into. large capacity. Lime is diluted with water to the consistency of very liquid sour cream and used to prepare a solution instead of clean water. According to the standard, 150 kg of slaked lime is required for 1 m3 of cement-lime mortar M 50.

The most common grades of cement mortar have the following ratios of cement and sand (standards are given for cement grade M400):

  • M 25 - 1:11 (136 kg of M300 cement per 1 m3 of solution);
  • M 50 - 1:6.3 (232 kg of M300 cement per 1 m3 of solution);
  • M 75 - 1:4.5 (319 kg of M300 cement per 1 m3 of solution);
  • M100 - 1:5 (304 kg of M400 cement per 1 m3 of solution);
  • M200 - 1:3 (499 kg of M400 cement per 1 m3 of solution);

The most commonly found cement in stores is M400. But if you come across M500 cement, then you will need less of it. To determine how much M500 cement is needed, simply multiply the calculated consumption of M400 cement by a factor of 0.85.

In order to determine the need for sand when laying brick walls, you need to know that on average 1 m3 of ordinary masonry requires 0.24 m3 of mortar, regardless of its brand. Having determined the required volume of solution, multiply this value by 1.2 and get the volume of sand. On average, the weight of 1 m3 of sand is 1.5 tons. From this calculation, you can determine the carrying capacity of the machine required to deliver sand to your construction site.

Here you can produce necessary calculations on preparing mortar for masonry with your own hands. Enter the required number in the “Volume of solution” column, select a brand and you will receive the exact proportions of cement, sand and water. Mortars are prepared for different purposes, for example, for laying the walls of a house and laying the walls of a furnace; the preparation recipe is slightly different. Be careful when making calculations.

Mortar for laying bricks

For many years brick was used to build walls, but the development construction technologies led to the appearance of new materials on the market - blocks made of gas or foam concrete, ceramic blocks, as well as blocks of foamed polystyrene. To ensure that the walls of the building are strong and resistant to various weather conditions, for masonry of various types building material prepare different solutions. For this purpose, building mixtures with a cement, cement-lime or lime base are used.

Cement mortar is used to build walls made of concrete blocks, ordinary or clinker bricks. It must be taken into account that the brand of such masonry mortar should not be higher than the strength class of the material used to build the walls. The solution should be plastic, easy to apply and not run off the wall. To ensure these qualities, plasticizers are added to the mixture, and in order for the solution to maintain the waterproofness of the seams, sealing additives are added to it. It is especially good to use cement mortar for walls that are exposed to precipitation or are in a humid environment. These can be the walls of the foundation or facade of a building, basement, chimney walls.

How to prepare the solution yourself?

To obtain a solution, cement is mixed with sand having a medium fraction. To prepare the simplest mixture, add 3-4 parts of clean sifted river sand of medium fraction to 1 part of cement. The dry composition is mixed well, and then water is poured little by little until the solution turns into a homogeneous mass with required level mobility. However, this composition quickly hardens during laying, so clay or plasticizers are added to it to increase plasticity and astringent qualities. This solution is easier to level on the wall surface, it will provide better compaction, and the masonry will look neat. As astringent additives, you can add a small amount of soap to the mixture, detergents or washing powder.

Brands of masonry mortars

Solution M25. This is a cement mortar for laying bricks or laying other types of stones. The brand of solution M25 is its official and correct name, is used both in specialized literature and in the practice of construction work. Mortar M25 refers to mixed (complex) mortars for masonry. Cement mortar M25 consists of mortar filler, binder and water. The role of filler for M25 solution is usually played by ordinary sand. Moreover, the cleaner the sand, the higher the strength of the solution.

M50 solution. It is one of the most popular. It is a mixed, complex mortar for laying brick and other types of stone, and mesh floor screed. M50 consists of a binder, water and filler. The filler is sand well cleared of clay, which improves the strength of the cement mortar. The binding element is cement, water is used, of course, also purified.

Solution M-75. The strength of M75 cement mortar depends on the proportions in which sand is mixed with cement, as a binder, and water. M75 is a solution high brand, its proportions are 1 part cement to 3 parts sand and a little less than one part water. Therefore, it is plastic and durable, which makes it convenient to use. Cement mortar M75 is indispensable when installing precast reinforced concrete structures, pouring leveling screeds, and brickwork.

Solution M-100. Cement mortar brand M100 is used mainly in masonry and plastering work, as well as in the manufacture cement screeds floors The main difference between the m 100 solution and concrete of a similar brand is the absence of coarse aggregate (crushed stone) in the mixture. Naturally, the composition itself is also different. Significantly higher content of cement and sand than in concrete of a similar brand. M-100 mortar can also be called: cement, construction, masonry, plaster mortar.

What is needed for the solution to harden quickly?

To increase the hardening time of the composition, a cement-lime mortar is prepared during laying. To do this, lime paste is added to the cement-sand mixture. First, pour 2/3 of water into the preparation container, then pour in 1 part of cement and lime, mix well for at least 15 minutes, then add the remaining water and 3-4 parts of sand. This solution is also used for the construction of walls made of foam and aerated concrete, after adding special foam additives to it, which will increase the thermal insulation of the joints.

Lime mortar is used in the construction interior walls or interior partitions. It is characterized by high plasticity, so the walls will look neat. To prepare the solution, mix 1 part of quicklime with 3 - 5 parts of clean sifted sand, mix until a homogeneous dry mass is obtained, and then add the required amount of water. The solution should be homogeneous and free of lumps.

In the case of preparing a mortar for masonry, its composition depends on the quality of the components used, weather conditions, temperature fluctuations and is determined experimentally in each specific case.

In construction, cement mixture is used for various types works It has plasticity, good adhesion, and versatility in use. Preparing the mixture does not take much time and is not difficult. However, you should understand how to dilute cement in correct proportions to create a truly high-quality building material.

How to correctly determine the brand of solution

In the construction of any building and during major renovation There is no way to do without cement. It should be borne in mind that the composition of the cement mortar completely depends on the scope of its application and purpose, and the brand of cement used determines the brand of the resulting mixture.

Before starting work, you should preliminary calculations. The proportions must be strictly observed. Otherwise, poorly done work will have to be redone very soon. The basic principles of calculations when preparing a building mixture yourself are very easy to understand. The grade of the finished mortar is calculated by dividing the numerical value of the grade of cement by the weight of the sand used.

For example, to dilute M100 solution from M200 cement, you need to take cement and sand in a ratio of 1 to 2. Therefore, for 1 bucket of cement you should add 2 buckets of sand. The mathematical operation looks like in the following way: 200/2=100, where the number 200 means the brand of cement, the number 2 is the number of buckets of sand, and 100 is the brand of the resulting mortar. Calculations with other brands of cement are made in a similar way.

Tables of proportions of main types of solutions

Cement is a binding solution of a certain brand, where M400 or M100 indicates the load that it can withstand. Instructions for the preparation and use of mortars CH 290-74 have tables with strictly regulated proportions. Construction mortars are divided into the following types: plaster (M10, M25, M50), masonry (M50, M75, M100, M125, M150, M200), mortar used for screed (M150, M200).

Cement consumption in kg per 1 sq.m of sand:

Cement brand Brand of solution
M200 M150 M100 M75 M50 M25 M10
M500 360 280 205 160
M400 450 350 255 200 140
M300 470 340 270 185 105
M200 405 280 155
M150 206 93

In order to increase the plasticity of the solution, clay or lime is added to the building mixture. following proportions for foundations in dry soils:

Cement brand Volume composition (cement/lime/sand)
M200 M150 M100 M75 M50 M25 M10
M500 1/ 0,2/ 3 1/ 0,3/ 4 1/ 0,5/ 5,5 1/ 0,8/ 7
M400 1/ 0,1/ 2,5 1/ 0,2/ 3 1/ 0,4/ 4,5 1/ 0,5/ 5,5 1/ 0,9/ 8
M300 1/ 0,1/ 2,5 1/ 0,2/ 3,5 1/ 0,3/ 4 1/ 0,6/ 6 1/ 1,4/ 10,5
M200 1/ 0,1/ 2,5 1/ 0,3/ 4 1/ 0,8/ 7
M150 1/ 0,3/ 4 1/ 1,2/ 9,5

When constructing building structures for foundations and screeds, a mixture of cement with sand and gravel is used in the following proportions:

Cement brand Volumetric composition (cement / sand / crushed stone)
M450 M400 M300 M250 M200 M150 M100
M500 1/ 1,2/ 2,5 1/ 1,4/ 2,8 1/ 2,2/ 3,7 1/ 2,4/ 3,9 1/ 3,2/ 4,9 1/ 4/ 5,8 1/ 5,3/ 7,1
M400 1/ 1/ 2,2 1/ 1,1/ 2,4 1/ 1,7/ 3,2 1/ 1,9/ 3,4 1/ 2,5/ 4,2 1/ 3,2/ 5 1/ 4,1/ 6,1

Why should the grades of material and building mixture be the same?

To obtain a solid masonry brick wall or foundation, brand compliance is required finished product brand of building mixture. If you use M100 brick during construction, then the building mixture should be of the same brand. As a result finished building will come out uniform and durable.

For greater strength, when using M350 bricks in construction, it is not necessary to prepare a mortar of the same brand; the use of PC115 will be sufficient. Cement and sand should be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 3.5, because Even for tiles, a solution of 1 to 7 is used.

It is necessary to warn novice masons: it is not recommended to change these proportions. When they are reduced, for example, 1 part cement to 3 parts sand, the mixture becomes too fast-acting and it becomes impossible to work with it. When the proportions increase, for example, 1 part cement to 4 parts sand, the strength of the mixture decreases, so there is a high probability of it crumbling.

How to dilute mortar

Mortar can have different consistencies. Cement can be diluted with sand, lime, clay, slag fillers, sawdust and gypsum. This mixture can be used to fill cavities, pour foundations, or as a binding material. To prepare the solution you will need water, since cement is used exclusively in liquid state. After complete drying, the building mixture becomes hard.

  • Plastering walls - cement is diluted with sand in the proportion of 1 part cement to 2 parts sand.
  • Construction of the foundation - crushed stone is also added to the finished building mixture. Proportions: 1 part cement to 2 parts sand and crushed stone. Note: the number of components may vary slightly depending on the tasks at hand. To obtain high strength, more crushed stone is added to the mixture; to obtain a soft and elastic solution, more clay is added.
  • Water is a very important component of the mixture. The quality of the solution largely depends on its quantity. Add water carefully in small batches, otherwise you may end up with a product that is unusable.

To help new masons on the construction market, there are a lot of chemical fillers that allow them to achieve the desired consistency of the mixture, and, consequently, the ideal quality of the solution. Their use does not require professional skills, so everyone can feel like an expert.

Classic foundation mortar

A concrete mixer is usually used to mix the mortar. Classic recipe The mixture requires first of all filling it with water. You should focus on the amount of cement. If you use 1 bucket of cement for mixing, then the same amount of water is used. To obtain a solution of normal consistency, you should not pour it all at once; it is better to add it in small portions. When using wet sand, less water is taken.

Advice from professional masons, popular for a long time. To give the solution greater plasticity, add liquid soap. An aqueous solution of soap has greater fluidity than plain water. The mixture prepared in this way better wets the surfaces being poured and the filler. It is able to penetrate into small pores, therefore, there will be fewer voids and cavities left in the space being poured. The strength and ductility of the mortar thereby increases significantly. When mixing, water and soap must first be combined.

After the liquid soap has dissolved and foamed, you need to add approximately half the prepared amount of sand. After this, cement is added in full. Some time, approximately 3-5 minutes, is given to mix all the components of the solution, after which the rest of the sand is poured. If the consistency is unsatisfactory, add a small amount of water. How to determine the right consistency? Solution according to appearance should resemble sour cream, and when you try to draw something on it, the drawing should retain its outline.

How to dilute cement: proportions and tables updated: June 14, 2018 by: zoomfund

7045 09/18/2019 4 min.

To determine the quality of a mortar, it is necessary to comply with such parameters as strength, type of binder, proportions and purpose. Taking into account the density, cement and lime mortar are divided into heavy and light. If it is necessary to obtain a heavy mixture, then porous sands made from pumice, tuff and slag are used as filler. To prepare a light solution you will need to use foaming additives.

Masonry mortar grade M 50

This mixture is presented technical specifications M-50 Pk F50. Brand M50 is a simple mixture with a strength class of B3.5. This product contains water, binder and filler.

M75 may have the following technical characteristics:

  • moisture resistance W6-W8,
  • frost resistance F50-F200,
  • mobility Pk1-Pk4.

For the betterment of all quality characteristics The product in question must be supplemented with auxiliary ingredients and plasticizers. They are able to increase the plasticity and density of concrete mortar. In addition, it is possible to slow down the setting process when delivering it over long distances.

M100 is characterized by strength class B7.5, and strength is 100 kg/m3. All components included in the product are thoroughly mixed using special technological equipment, especially.

The strength properties of the mortar are influenced by temperature regime ambient air. If the air temperature has decreased, then the hardening time of the composition has also decreased, which sharply reduces its strength. Elevated temperatures are also undesirable, since in this case moisture from upper layers the solution evaporates and the strength decreases.

If it is necessary to give the solution in question the necessary strength, it is worth adding 1/10 of the resulting volume of cement.

The presented solution has a hardening time of at least 2-1.5 days. If you want to get a composition with a short hardening time, then during production you need to add gypsum. Thanks to this ingredient, it is possible to achieve hardening of the solution within 6 minutes, and complete hardening is observed after 30 minutes. But using such a solution is not always convenient; special skills will be required here, however, the plaster will have high strength indicators.

You can prepare limestone with the addition of clay. These ingredients are taken in a 1:1 ratio. After this, be sure to add sand in an amount of 5 parts. The resulting mixture will be much stronger than just lime and clay.

What is the price of cement m 500 indicated

In the video - cement-lime mortar for plaster, proportions:

Lime composition for bricklaying has lower strength indicators than cement. However, it is very warm and has great ductility. In addition, the process of laying the mortar is very easy and quick-setting. For preparation, you need to use slaked lime, sand and water. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Such a solution is very rarely used during construction. one-story houses, most often for masonry work inside the house.

Lime-cement today is used not only for laying bricks, but also for plastering surfaces. If all proportions and manufacturing technology are observed, it is possible to obtain quality solution, which will guarantee a long service life when exposed to negative influences.