A plant that produces white sap. Plants that should not be kept at home

Plants at home are cozy and beautiful, your own garden in the middle of winter is just super! Empty after you flower shop, bought a fancy pot, seeds or seedlings, and Google admitted what drainage is. Great. Now is the time to stop! Place the pot in place and carefully read the name of the plant, and then quickly check the list in this article to see if it is among those listed. Because we will talk here about poisonous plants, close contact with which can cost your life.

Vomiting, abdominal pain, arrhythmia, burning in the mouth and lips, cramps - this is not the whole list of “pleasures” that can be obtained if you do not find out in advance which plant has put out its leaves in the living room and do not start treating it accordingly. It is better to show respect and caution - do not grab the bulbs and leaves with your hands until you are sure of their safety.

Signs that a plant is going to kill you:

    If you break the stem or break off the leaf, a juice similar to milk is released.

    Its leaves are smooth, as if varnished.

    It has yellow or white berries.

    Its leaves are shaped like a holey umbrella.

So, our insidious but beautiful favorites:

Oleander (lat. Nérium)

The juice of this plant can cause blindness, arrhythmia and tremors, and the aroma of the flowers can cause dizziness. Truly stunning beauty!

Lily (lat. Lilium)

She is definitely popular and seems so innocent. But some varieties cause stomach upset, vomiting, headache, visual impairment and allergies. And at night, when we sleep, the lily insidiously absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

Orchid (lat. Orchidaceae)

Another dangerous beauty. Its smell causes insomnia, so it is not recommended to place an orchid in the bedroom, even if pink flowers perfectly harmonizes with the bedspread.

Tuberose or polyanthes (lat. Polyanthus)

White, cloud-like flowers can be misleading. No need to give in! The smell of tuberose causes dizziness and depression, headaches and nausea.

A small green tree with carved beautiful leaves, which you should not rejoice in having, it is better to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. After all, fatsia juice is toxic and, if it enters the body, causes serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Toxidendron, mustard gas or oriental sumac (lat. Toxicodendron)

A stylish plant with sharp red-green leaves, it looks deceptively harmless. Attention! Touching the plant causes severe allergic irritation, unpleasant itching, redness of the skin and blisters immediately and for a very long time.

Philodendron (lat. Philodendron)

Croton (lat. Croton)

White, body milk-like croton juice causes severe burns when it comes into contact with the skin, and instant and painful death if it gets into the bloodstream.

Azalea (Rhododendron Sims) (lat. Azalea)

Once in the body through the mouth, it causes intestinal colic and cramps, so there is no need to eat the leaves, they are of no use anyway - despite their appetizing appearance, they taste so-so.

Dieffenbachia (lat. Dieffenbachia)

Tree with large yellow-green leaves. The juice is poisonous and can cause serious poisoning. You need to be careful when cutting shoots or leaves - you can get burned.

Amaryllis (lat. Amaryllis) And hippeastrum (lat. Hippeastrum)

The poisonous bulbs and juice of these plants are rich in the alkaloid lycorine, which stimulates the vomiting center in the brain. Amaryllis and hippeastrum bulbs are similar to those of the good old onions. The main thing is not to confuse. Once in the body, they cause vomiting, depression, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, drooling, loss of appetite, tremors, paralysis and even inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

Beautiful Browallia (lat. Browallia speciosa)

It is named so for a reason: it is truly beautiful, and everyone wants to plant it at home. Forward! The main thing is to remember that its juice, if it comes into contact with the skin, causes severe intoxication. The smartest thing to do is to first get yourself a pair of rubber gloves.

Clivia (lat. Clivia)

Its lush inflorescences are charming, but if the leaves or rhizome are handled carelessly, clivia juice causes vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, and sometimes paralysis. It should be remembered: beauty is deceptive and insidious.

Pepper nightshade (lat. Solanum capsicastrum)

At home they usually plant it dwarf variety with bright round berries that you just want to eat. It's not worth it, really. Nightshade berries are extremely poisonous.

Caladium (lat. Caladium)

All parts of the plant are poisonous and cause suffocation and death.

Mother-in-law's tongue or Sansevieria (lat. Sansevieria)

Not as poisonous as some would like to think. Causes short-term pain in the mouth and allergies.

FIcus (lat. Ficus)

So familiar, close and dear, it would seem that you shouldn’t expect any surprises from him. Whatever the case. If the juice gets on the skin it causes severe irritation and dermatitis. And yes, you don’t need to eat it either.

Mimosa pudica or Gesner tulip (lat. Mimosa pudica)

The most dangerous plant on the list - hair falls out from being around it for a long time!

Hurray, it seems the list is over, and you can, putting on gloves and a gas mask, calmly stick the seeds into the ground, water them and forget? But no! Almost everything houseplants poisonous to one degree or another. So it's better to think again.

There are quite a few dangerous indoor plants, and some at first glance seem completely harmless. Of course, adults will not taste flowers and leaves, but children and animals can put a bright but poisonous flower into their mouth. It is better to know in advance about poisonous plants and avoid them.

1. Euphorbia - the most popular and dangerous

It looks like a small palm tree, has dense green leaves and a thick stem. The milky sap and seeds of this plant are poisonous and can cause burns and irritation on the skin. If milkweed juice gets into the eyes, temporary blindness and severe inflammation of the conjunctiva may occur. In case of severe poisoning, a person may experience dizziness, convulsions, poor circulation and even delirium.

2. Dieffenbachia - beauty

The poison is found in all green parts of the plant. Pets especially often suffer from Dieffenbachia juice; cats die if even a few drops get into their mouths. In humans, symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heart rate and swelling of the tongue.

3. Adenium obese - a bright plant with poisonous juice

This exotic flower, which appeared in our country not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity. Interestingly, the poison of this plant is still used in African tribes. They lubricate arrowheads with it. It definitely should not be grown in homes where small children, animals, or people with asthma live.

4. Ficus is a powerful allergen that not everyone can live with

Ficus is one of the favorites of gardeners; it can be found in every third home. It cannot be categorically called a poisonous plant, but it is a dangerous allergen. It can be bred at home, but you need to take precautions, especially be careful not to get the juice on your skin.

5. Azalea is a beautiful, but capricious and dangerous plant

It is unlikely that an inexperienced gardener will be able to grow it. The azalea, also called the rhodendron, is not harmful to humans unless its poisonous nectar or leaves are ingested. Dangerous juice is contained in the leaf blades, it causes vomiting, lacrimation, nasal discharge and salivation.

6. Cyclamen - a representative of the primrose family with poisonous tubers

There are quite a few fans of cyclamen among flower growers, and some of them grow this plant from seeds. The flower is demanding and capricious, it needs special care and special temperature conditions. However, few people know that cyclamen has poisonous tubers; their poison is similar to that of curare.

7. Primrose is a dangerous inhabitant of children's rooms

It can often be found in children's rooms because of its bright and different shades colors. But this is a poisonous plant, and all its parts are dangerous. During flowering, primrose releases alkaloids that cause nausea and dizziness. The poison is also found on the hairs of the leaves; touching them can cause itching and burning. To avoid this, wash your hands thoroughly after contact with the plant.

8. Clivia – bright flower, winning hearts the first time

Flower growers are madly in love with this plant for its bright, large buds that open simultaneously and create a huge bouquet. But this is a poisonous plant; its leaves and rhizomes are especially dangerous. Clivia juice is so dangerous that it can cause paralysis.

Some popular houseplants can be very dangerous. It's about not about the thorns of cacti, which leave splinters in the skin, not about the sharp ends of agaves, which can easily damage the eye. And not even about Indian onion with caustic juice. We are talking about toxic substances, which are found in a number of indoor plants.

Caution doesn't hurt

When pruning, replanting and other work, you should be careful: do not forget about rubber gloves, the need to thoroughly wash not only your hands, but also your face with soap and water. It is better to keep pots with some indoor plants out of the reach of children and pets or move them to another room. It would be a good idea to contact the chief sanitary doctor of Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, with a request that he instruct all trade organizations to accompany the price tags of a number of indoor plants with a warning inscription: “Caution, they are poisonous!”

Some have green parts that are dangerous, others have fruits or seeds. There are also such beauties that you want to put in a cage, they are so poisonous. Here is just a small list (it could be continued) of the most popular plants: acalypha, alocasia, anthurium, aucuba japonica, gloriosa, dieffenbachia, datura, codiaum (croton), groundsel, crinum, milkweed, oleander, syngonium, solanum (nightshade), strophanthus, philodendron and hoya.

Dangerous and beautiful

Akalifu(Euphorium family) you can’t help but notice, it’s so good. Most often they grow acalypha bristle-haired (“fox tail”) with green foliage and original hanging shoots of pink-crimson color. You have to tinker with this plant a lot so that it grows beautifully and blooms for a long time. It is necessary to provide acalife with a bright (without direct sunlight) place, warmth, nutritious soil, watering and regular spraying in the summer. The plant does not tolerate dry room air, especially in winter. Faded inflorescences need to be removed and the stems shortened (be careful!). It is better not to replant old plants, but to limit yourself to replacing the top layer of soil in the pot in which they are located. Akalifa is easy to propagate by cuttings (in spring and summer), which quickly take root even in water.

Alocasia need warmth, light shading in summer time, regular watering(without waterlogging) all year round, spraying and removing dust from beautiful leaves. When replanting, care is taken not to damage the roots. The soil mixture should be nutritious and loose. You can add crushed sphagnum moss to it. The most difficult period for alocasia is the end of autumn and winter. Alocasia is classified as a poisonous plant; its juice is highly irritating to human mucous membranes. Despite this, some people try to use alocasia as a medicinal plant.

Aucuba japonica, or rather its variegated form with an abundance of bright yellow spots, called the “golden tree”. To some, the less bright spots resemble fat in a slice of sausage. Hence another name for Japanese aucuba: “sausage tree”. There will be no problems with cultivation if in the autumn winter time keep the aucuba in a cool place, and in summer place the pot with the plant on the balcony (in a slightly shaded place) or in the garden. The hardest time for the plant is in autumn and winter. At this time he may be killed abundant watering. A sign of deterioration in the condition of the aucuba is the appearance of black spots and falling leaves. The dense, leathery leaves need to be wiped with a damp cotton swab to remove dust from them. Aucuba can be grown from cuttings placed in water. To enhance branching, the top of the shoot is cut off immediately after rooting. In order not to damage the roots, it is better to replace replanting with transshipment. The plant should not be kept in places where children and pets play, as it is poisonous. If poison gets inside, such “troubles” as diarrhea, serious inflammation of the stomach and intestines, blood in the urine, etc. are possible. Aucuba fruits are especially dangerous - red berries obtained as a result of artificial pollination.

- a very elegant indoor plant. Not all lovers grow it with luxurious leaves. Often a long, curving, bare stem with several leaves at the top stretches toward the ceiling. Hybrid bush dieffenbachias are the most capricious; they can hardly tolerate dry air in our rooms. Decoration is lost for many reasons. These aroid plants need warmth all year round, high humidity air, partial shade in summer and a bright place in winter. A lot of dust accumulates on the leaves, which must be removed with a damp sponge or cloth. Watering Dieffenbachia soft water without chlorine. If necessary, a plant with a bare stem can be regenerated from stem cuttings. When replanting, loose soil mixtures rich in humus are used. They are diluted with sand and turf soil. Dieffenbachia juice (and they decorate school classrooms, apartments and houses where there are children) is very poisonous. It has paralyzing properties. It's really dangerous.

(Datura) flowers beautifully, so it is often planted in flower beds and grown as a container crop. Keep the date and in flower pots as a houseplant. Datura is unpretentious (like all nightshades), light-loving. In summer, during flowering, it is watered abundantly; in dry weather, it is sprayed to increase air humidity. In warm summers, pots of datura are placed on the site. In winter, Datura is kept in a cooler place. In the dry air of rooms and with a lack of light, the datura loses some of its leaves. The plant is easily propagated by seeds and cuttings, which take root within two weeks. You should not follow the advice to use Datura as medicinal plant. “The plant is poisonous. Only an experienced herbalist or homeopath can prescribe its preparations” (R.B. Akhmedov “Plants - your friends and foes”). All parts of the plant are poisonous; its juice is very dangerous for the eyes. In addition, there is no need to leave blooming fragrant dope in the bedroom overnight. You can get “sick” from its aroma.

It looks unusual. This succulent resembles a bunch of green beads. A light-loving, fast-growing plant is best grown in hanging planter. In winter - in a cool place, for example on an insulated veranda or loggia. The air temperature at this time should not fall below +12°C. Watering is limited, all fertilizing is removed. Raspberries are afraid of stagnant moisture in the pot, especially in winter. Rowley's ragus cuttings (short pieces of stem with “beads”) are placed on the soil and sprinkled with soil in several places. Rowley's ragwort and other ragwort species are poisonous plants. They are especially dangerous for the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth.

Euphorbia white-veined(ribbed). In apartments, office buildings, schools and clinics you can see palm-like euphorbia with beautiful leaves and an original ribbed stem. This type of milkweed grows quickly. It actively reproduces by self-sowing, shooting ripe seeds into neighboring pots. It is better not to keep this very unpretentious light-loving plant in the sun in summer, so as not to spoil the beautiful emerald green color of its leaves. They become brownish. In a shallow, wide ceramic pot you can beautifully plant a group of ribbed euphorbias together of different ages, differing in height. The composition will be complemented by stones placed on the soil next to the milkweeds. At the slightest injury, poisonous milky juice appears. It gets into human skin especially easily during transplantation if you take the ribbed trunk with hard bristles with your hands.

("crown of thorns") is often grown in schools, libraries and post offices. For some reason, pots of it are often placed in accounting departments. Fast growing prickly flowering shrub It also pleases lovers of indoor plants. In winter, milkweed Milya is rarely watered and all fertilizing is removed. In summer they feed with special complex fertilizers for cacti and other succulents. Euphorbia Milya has not only numerous spines, but also a very poisonous milky sap.

It looks very impressive. This unpretentious plant, reminiscent complex design from short sticks. It also contains poisonous milky juice. Euphorbia tirucalli is one of the most poisonous euphorbias.

Other types of indoor euphorbias (euphorbias) are also popular. All of them are photophilous, but in summer they require some shading from direct sunlight. They grow quickly. In winter they feel good on window sills if there are no drafts or waterlogging. Sometimes in winter part lower leaves falls off, this is normal. It is worse when the foliage is suddenly dropped during the growing season. All milkweeds contain poisonous milky juice, which appears even from a small wound of the plant. It irritates human skin and mucous membranes.

It blooms beautifully and for a long time. The plant is light-loving. In summer it is thermophilic. In winter, this houseplant is kept in a cooler place. If the oleander does not want to bloom, then it can be “educated”: in the summer it can be moved to Fresh air(on the plot or on the balcony). In summer they water every evening, in winter much less often. Oleander grows quickly. Adult specimens have to be kept in tubs. When replanting, use a soil mixture of turf soil, humus, peat and sand. Flowers appear on young shoots. After flowering ends, faded shoots are cut off. The appearance of scale insects and spider mite prevent spraying with water and wiping the leaves with a damp cotton swab. Oleander cuttings produce roots even in water. This plant is one of the most poisonous. Especially its juice and seeds. You should not enjoy the aroma of oleander flowers, flowering plant cannot be kept in a room where people sleep. “Blooming oleander is really so fragrant that, being in the room, it causes a severe headache and even dizziness... Never chew its leaves. Animals and birds that eat oleander leaves die. Even on its leaves and flowers you can see dying and dead flies. When pruning the oleander, try not to splash the juice into your eyes and do not rub your eyes with your hands. Be sure to wash your hands after handling oleander. Remember: oleander is poisonous - it is the “brother” of strophanthus” (N.M. Verzilin “Travel with House Plants”).

Poinsettia(or poinsettia, “Christmas star”, beautiful spurge). About it beautiful plant, which can for a long time growing it as an indoor plant and stimulating its flowering by a certain date is described in detail in the article “Christmas star (poinsettia, beautiful spurge) before and after the winter holidays.” This type of milkweed is associated with the winter holidays. You can read about the ability of beautiful milkweed to improve your mood in the article “Houseplants, blooming in autumn and in winter, as a remedy for depression.” Poinsettia reminds of its belonging to milkweeds by the presence of poisonous milky juice. You can read more about growing this plant in the article ““.

Poinsettia ("Christmas Star")

Solyanum(nightshade) is unpretentious. It grows well in room conditions, turning into lush bushes. This moisture-loving plant can shed some of its leaves when the soil becomes waterlogged. Winter is a difficult period for Solyanum. It is better to keep it in a bright and cool room at this time. There he will retain his elegant appearance for a long time. In a warm place, nightshade quickly drops its fruits and some leaves. At the end of winter (before the start of growth), the solyanum is formed: some of the branches are removed and shortened. The plant propagates by seeds or cuttings. Solyanum seedlings grow well in summer open ground. They must be pinched so that the plant bushes. Solyanum has red fruits that look like tiny tomatoes. Children find these poisonous berries so appetizing that they want to try them.

(“twisted rope”) has beautiful flowers. In some of its species they are fragrant like roses and unusual in shape. This delicate tropical plant requires warmth, indirect light, moisture, good nutrition and support. Propagated by seeds and cuttings.

IN tropical Africa healers prepare medicines from its juice to help with fever and skin diseases. Hunters lubricate the ends of their arrows with its juice. “The arrowhead, smeared with strophanthus juice, killed both people and wild animals. Death occurred almost instantly, since this poison stops the activity of the heart” (N.M. Verzilin “Travel with House Plants”). Different types strophanthus render different influence per person. To isolate the active substance (strophanthin), specialists transport plant seeds in containers that are carefully closed. Strophanthus juice and seeds are extremely poisonous.

Strophanthus, photo from Wikipedia

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First, let us immediately note that when a child is poisoned by poisonous plants, this does not necessarily mean that he ate a leaf he liked - and ended up being poisoned by a plant that turned out to be extremely toxic. He could simply be next to a plant that secretes poisonous sap, which simply needs to be touched in order to be affected by the toxic substance.

First, let's consider the option when the child was not poisoned internally, but received skin damage due to contact with a poisonous plant. There are several fairly accurate visual symptoms and expressions that allow us to conclude that damage to a poisonous plant has occurred, and the child’s crying is not in vain. In particular, the damaged area quickly turns red, swelling of the skin appears, the skin itches and burns, and unpleasant blisters appear.

How to help, what is first aid for skin damage from a poisonous plant? First, pull the child out of the thickets in which the cause of the skin lesion is hidden. If there is juice on your child's clothes poisonous plant(or any other grass stains, the origin of which you do not know, but you can definitely say that they were not there before the baby got into the bushes), then remove all these items of clothing. If all this happened no more than an hour ago, then there is a reason to thoroughly rinse the affected area(s) with either running water or warm water using soap if possible. After this, you need to dry the area where the poisonous juice came into contact. You can gently blot the area with a clean towel or napkin, or simply wipe it carefully, trying not to hurt the child. It’s great if you have a special anti-allergic agent in your travel or home first aid kit that you need to anoint the affected area of ​​skin with. If you don’t have it, don’t be lazy to run to the pharmacy and buy it. If the defeat led to severe reactions body, large bubbles have appeared, and the affected area is very swollen, then you need to give the child not local, but general remedy against the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Now let's move on to a more dangerous situation - in which a child was poisoned by a plant that got directly inside. Perhaps this happened because you didn’t keep an eye on the baby, and he, seeing a cute berry, decided that he could eat it. Or you decided to take up treatment with herbs, the purpose of which you did not know. In any case, this situation poses a huge danger not only to the health but also to the life of the child!

You should not count on the help of symptoms in case of poisoning by poisonous plants, since the symptoms are not always similar. Moreover, they can be absolutely unpredictably different, since they directly depend on which organ, which system of the child’s body is most affected by poisoning with a particular toxin.

Even if you saw with your own eyes what exactly the child swallowed, you are unlikely to know how this poisonous plant affects the body. Therefore, if you saw that there was something suspicious in the baby’s mouth, immediately begin providing first aid, do not wait for the body’s reactions to appear. If you have not seen this, but have noticed any changes in the child’s condition - for example, he has health complaints, or some other unusual reactions - immediately assume the worst and take the child to the clinic (or call doctors at home ).

After you have reached " ambulance", start first aid. First, inspect the baby's mouth - perhaps there are still remnants of a poisonous plant in it - then you need to try to carefully remove everything. If the child is not unconscious, and the poisoning occurred less than half an hour ago, then try to induce vomiting so that the swallowed parts of the plant come out with it. To do this, try to insert two fingers deeper into the child’s mouth, and then move them slightly - this usually causes gagging and vomiting itself.

After the child has vomited as much as he can, you need to give him the right amount of activated charcoal. Formula for calculating the required dose in cases severe poisoning one: per kilogram of the child’s weight you should take one gram of activated carbon.

In the event that a child screams hysterically, breaks out and you cannot calm him down in order to perform the necessary manipulations to induce vomiting, then still give him Activated carbon, having previously given either milk or tea.

If you saw what exactly your child ate, if you can pick and save these berries or leaves until medical personnel arrive, do so, and be sure to show the doctors the cause of the poisoning. This will help them quickly determine what measures should be taken, and from which side the danger should be expected (or maybe it simply does not exist, and the plant is very harmless).

Remember that in all cases it is better to predict and prevent an impending disaster than to deal with its terrible and dangerous consequences. That is why we suggest you remember a few preventive measures, by following which you can reduce the risk of dangerous situations to zero.

1. Children should not collect any plants themselves, without adult supervision.

2. Place a taboo on unfamiliar plants and consider them together with your child as potentially dangerous.

3. Do not eat plants that you see for the first time in your life.

4. Young children should know that plants are not edible, and they can only put into their mouths what their parents give (the same berries, for example).

5. You probably know that many indoor plants are also poisonous. If you don’t know anything about your green “pets”, try to find out and remove them dangerous plants. This applies to families with children under 5 years of age.

6. Don't think what if medicinal product created on the basis of a plant, it is absolutely safe. An overdose of such a drug can also cause poisoning!