DIY rainbow made of colored paper. How to make a rainbow at home, or the decomposition of white light into a spectrum

It seems to us that the light is white. But in reality it consists of different colors. It happens that when it rains, the sun comes out, and then the sunlight is refracted in water droplets and “breaks up” into several colors. There are always seven of these colors, and they are arranged in a strict sequence: red - orange - yellow - green - blue - indigo - violet. This is how a beautiful multi-colored rainbow appears in the sky.

A how to make a rainbow at home? You don't have to wait for the rain to see this a natural phenomenon. It can also appear in splashes of water if you water plants in the garden on a bright sunny day.

All children love to draw a rainbow, depicting it with bright, rich colors:

However, in reality, the colors of the rainbow are continuous and smoothly transition from one to another. In reality, they change thousands of shades, which means there are many more than seven of them.

To admire the play of colors and shades, you can experiment and get a rainbow at home.

Homemade rainbow experiments

I. Using sunlight

1. The easiest way

Wait for sunny weather. Take a glass of water and a piece of white paper.

The sequence of your actions should be like this:

2. Method using a mirror and a flashlight

The experiment should be carried out in sunny weather. To carry it out, you need a bowl of water, a mirror, a flashlight and a sheet of white cardboard.

The actions are:

  • Place the mirror in a shallow bowl of water as shown in the picture below;
  • position the bowl so that a ray of light - from a flashlight or from the sun - is reflected from the mirror onto a sheet of white cardboard;
  • change the angle of objects if necessary.

In the water, the light should refract and break up into colors, so that a small rainbow will be reflected on the cardboard:

Thus, thanks to sunlight, it is not difficult to obtain a rainbow. But is it possible to “arrange” it using objects of method 2 in the dark?

II. Without using sunlight (in the dark)

So, we decided to conduct an experiment in the bathroom, in complete darkness, using only a flashlight.

We hoped for positive result, ideally something like this:

But these are expectations :)

The reality is not particularly impressive... Although you can see a circular rainbow. A beam of light from a flashlight reflected from the mirror onto the bathtub:

Here's what an image of a section of the rainbow spectrum looks like on a bathtub:

Overall, the experiment was a success.

Thus, making a rainbow at home is quite possible, even without sunlight. Which is what needed to be proven :)

Magic disks

By the way, there are other ways to get a rainbow at home, even without water. Instead of a mirror, an old CD is perfect for this purpose.

The rain will pass and now a beautiful rainbow has appeared in the sky. You can also see a rainbow above the fountain, near the sprinkler, and if you try and stock up on the necessary supplies, you can make a rainbow yourself at home!

I remember very well when I went to a drawing class as a child, they brought us a triangular glass prism and showed us magical transformation ray of light. A white ray of light, passing through the edges of a prism, breaks up into all the colors of the rainbow. We don’t have a triangular glass prism at home yet, so we use earrings with stones and crystal pendants from a chandelier to make small rainbows.

There is another very simple item that will help you make a rainbow on your wall at home. Don't believe me? Check it out!

Decomposition of white light into a spectrum using a disk


  • old CDs,
  • white paper,
  • flashlight,
  • It would be nice if it was a sunny day.

We played with the rainbow for a long time, and then the sun hid behind a cloud, then a flashlight came in handy. Only the flashlight made the rainbow less bright.

At the beginning, I wrote that a ray of light, passing through a triangular prism, breaks up into seven colors of the rainbow. The mirror surface of the disc is made of plastic, on which there are numerous grooves. These grooves act like many small prisms placed in a circle. Therefore, when light hits the disk, a rainbow is formed.

Sometimes a rainbow is formed completely by accident, and sometimes you need tools to get it. One day I was drinking tea, and a ray of light, having entered the glass, turned into bright rainbow on the wall. But this happened only once: scratch: There was another case when we studied the refraction of a ray of light in water, a rainbow was formed using a transparent plate, filled with water .

If you and your child study the rainbow, don’t forget to add riddles about this wonderful natural phenomenon to the lesson.

Color the world around bright colors- you are quite capable. Today we told you how to make a rainbow at home and give your children a lot of positive emotions. Now each of your rooms can have seven colors of the rainbow. Have you played with light? It's time to turn the page and continue an amusing trip into the world of science. I have a GIFT for you. A collection of entertaining experiments with sound. Let science be not only bright for you, but also ringing. See you soon on the pages of Gay Science.

Happy experimenting! Science is fun!

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Beautiful and colorful pony Rainbow Dash can now be your toy, thanks to our tutorial: how to make volumetric pony Rainbow Dash made from paper using a ready-made template. Its main features, shape and colors remained unchanged. Therefore, it will delight all animal lovers and pony fans.

To make the pony Rainbow Dash we will need:

Stages of making the pony Rainbow Dash

From the sheet we cut out all the details that are located on it. This is the body, and the head, and the paws, and the mane with the tail.

We select three parts that relate to the head. We bend the small white “corners” and glue them together.

Then we glue all three parts together.

Now let's move on to the neck and torso. Just two details. Glue along the small white areas. Cut a short vertical line onto the body piece.

We connect the neck part with the chest from the torso part.

We insert the neck and body into the small hole in the head.

Now we take four parts that relate to the paws. The two pieces that have rainbow designs on them are the back ones. Glue together to get three-dimensional shapes.

Glue the front legs to the body.

Then let's move on to the hind legs.

We bend three parts (wings and tail) in half and apply glue in the middle. Glue it together.

We insert the tail into the small hole. Secure with glue.

We cut the multi-colored part along the lines and glue it together.

Glue the mane to the head, covering the back.

Glue the two ear parts together. Glue it to the mane.

We glue the remaining two teardrop-shaped and multi-colored elements onto the mane.

We glue the finished wings to the body so that they stand.

Pony Rainbow Dash is ready according to the finished template!

Oksana Shmakova

Construction from colored paper"RAINBOW"

Mystery: "Multicolored the miracle bridge grew into the ground for a minute.”

For work we need:

Leaf dense paper or green cardboard colors. Format – A-5;

- colored paper(preferably double-sided);

Glue, scissors, pencil, ruler.

1. From blue cut out paper"trickle" and stick it across the green leaf.

2. Along "stream" draw two lines - we will stick along them rainbow stripes.

3. From colored paper cut out 7 long strips no more than 1cm wide.

4. Glue the strips one by one, guided by the pencil lines. Let me remind you of the order colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

5. Outside rainbow“We wrap ourselves in cotton clouds”.

6. To complete the work, you can float on water paper boat.

Happy creativity!

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Admit it, when you see a rainbow, you also can’t take your eyes off and go about your business? This natural phenomenon not only brightens (and in the literal sense of the word too) our lives, it imperceptibly gives a complete feeling of happiness, generously shares joy, and gives a feeling of involvement in magic. Isn't this a reason to think about surrounding yourself with as many rainbows as possible? Everyday life? It is clear that painting a house completely inside and outside with stripes of seven colors is overkill, but filling the space with crafts, handicrafts and other beauties with DIY rainbow- why not? If you have neither the time nor the mood for such feats, involve children in the task, they will quickly provide you with everything you need! Yes, just don't forget to give them necessary materials, and the deal is in the bag: DIY rainbow, that is, with the hands of children, you are ready!

DIY rainbow - 5 crafts with children:

1. Drawing

All children love to draw! Of course, if you offer them strictly 7 faded pencils and a piece of paper, it is unlikely that anyone will be seriously inspired by the rainbow theme, but you can move away from the templates. Have you tried drawing with dad's shaving foam? Or mom's eye shadow? And if instead of a brush you take something non-standard, it will be a million times more interesting!

2. Application

For small children - something primitive, for older ones - something more complex. But the essence is the same: take multi-colored material (paper, felt, hand-dyed cotton wool, beads, ribbons, fabrics) and fold a rainbow with your own hands. Brighter, richer, more fun. It could be a picture on the wall, a poster on the door, a postcard for grandma - anything, as long as it’s with the seven-colored beauty who gives everyone joy!

3. Rainbow Balloon Balls

Yes, you will have to tinker a little here - most likely, the children will not be able to cope with this craft on their own, however, just think about how much positive benefit and joy it will bring similar creativity, and you will no longer have any doubts about the feasibility of the project. Go to the store, buy the smallest balls and be sure to entertain the children with such rainbow beauty. It's worth it.

4. Rainbow garland

Decorate your home with a homemade garland the kids make? Why not? It will be bright and beautiful, soulful and very warm. Well, and besides everything else, it’s also rosy! Choose a base (thread, rope, tape or just paper) and create what you like.