Work program PM05 "Operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry." Artificial insemination of cattle


An increase in livestock production depends on the level of organization of the reproduction of farm animals. Artificial insemination, being the main means of large-scale selection, can significantly accelerate the rate of qualitative improvement of livestock due to maximum use outstanding manufacturers.
The effectiveness of artificial insemination of cows and heifers is fully manifested when targeted selection and breeding work is carried out on collective and state farms, adequate feeding and proper maintenance of livestock, availability qualified personnel on insemination of animals, provision of artificial insemination points necessary equipment, devices and instruments.


1.1. The artificial insemination point is the main place where work on herd reproduction and cow maintenance is carried out. They are built according to standard and individual projects. It is allowed to organize points in converted premises that meet veterinary, sanitary and zootechnical requirements.

When inseminating cows on pastures, each herd must have a mobile station.

To inseminate heifers, stations are built at the complexes adjacent to the animal keeping workshop. 14-18 months of age with splits and runs for transferring cattle to the arena.

1.2. When designing, connecting, constructing and organizing artificial insemination points on dairy farms, all enterprises, regardless of their departmental subordination, must fulfill the following basic technological requirements:

The artificial insemination point is located directly next to the premises where the animals to be inseminated are kept, as well as near the natural routes for the passage of livestock (for a walk, pasture, milking, etc.);

The point for insemination of cows and heifers belonging to the population is built separately from the place where public livestock is placed;

The artificial insemination point must have an arena, a laboratory, a washing room, a storage room, and a room for holding cows and heifers before and after insemination.

In an arena with an area of ​​at least 16 m2, for better lighting during insemination, it is necessary to have a window of at least 1 m2 in size (at a height of 1 m from the floor) or additional electric lighting on the rear of the body of the cows. Wall panels up to a height of 1.5 m from the floor are painted oil paints or lay out tiles in light colors. At the entrance to the arena, a disinfection barrier is installed.

The floor must have a hard surface that can be cleaned and washed (with rubber tracks) and a slope of 1 -2°. Cold and hot water supply and a fixation machine are installed in the arena.

A heated, bright room with an area of ​​at least 6 m2 is allocated for the laboratory, in which equipment, instruments and instruments for storing and monitoring the quality of sperm are placed.

The floor in the laboratory is covered with linoleum or tiles. Install bactericidal lamps at the rate of 1 W per 1 m3, the walls are tiled or painted with white oil paint.

A washing room (at least 6 m2), with access to the arena, is located next to the laboratory.


2.1. Permission to open an artificial insemination point on a farm is issued in accordance with the established procedure.

The commission checks: the veterinary and sanitary condition of the farm; operator qualification artificial insemination; suitability of the point for work (availability of access roads, equipment, materials, existence of an agreement with the station, schedule for the supply of sperm, animal insemination log, etc.).

The commission's report on the readiness of an artificial insemination point or laboratory serves as the basis for issuing the appropriate passport for opening a point or laboratory for herd reproduction (1).


3.1. Animal veterinary specialists, as well as persons with secondary education, experience in animal husbandry, training in special courses and internship in artificial insemination, and who have received a certificate for the right to work, can work as operators for artificial insemination of animals.

3.2. Not provided.

3.3. The artificial insemination operator is obliged to:

Follow current instructions for artificial insemination of cows and heifers;

Accept sperm and follow the rules for its storage;

Monitor the level of liquid nitrogen in the Dewar vessel;

Use sperm in accordance with the selection and breeding plan of the farm;

Check the quality of sperm under a microscope upon receipt and before each insemination of cows and heifers;

Organize and personally participate in the work of identifying cows and heifers in heat, inform the farm’s veterinary specialist about animals that have been inseminated many times and are suspected of diseases;

Conduct insemination of cows and heifers in a timely manner;

Keep records in the journal of inseminations, launches and calvings or in a special card for the inseminated cow about the use of sperm from sires, about the results of studies on pregnancy and calving of animals;

Prepare requests for the purchase of tools and equipment;

Submit a monthly report on artificial insemination of animals to the chief specialist of the farm;

Constantly work to improve your skills.

3.4. The operator has the right to give instructions to farm workers about identifying cows and heifers in heat, the time to bring animals to the point and the mode of their maintenance before and after insemination.


4.1. To select the optimal time for insemination of cows and heifers, it is necessary to take into account the stages of the reproductive cycle - estrus, general arousal, heat and ovulation.

Estrus is characterized by swelling and redness of the mucous membranes of the vaginal vestibule, vagina and cervix. The cervical canal is slightly open, mucus is released from the genitals. At the beginning of estrus, the mucus is glassy-transparent, in the middle it is stretchy, and towards the end of estrus, the mucus becomes cloudy and thick. The duration of estrus is 2-6 days.

General excitement occurs 24-36 hours after the start of estrus and is manifested by changes in the behavior of the animal, which becomes restless, its appetite decreases, its milk yield decreases, the cow or heifer jumps on other females and allows jumping on itself.

Sexual heat in females manifests itself in the form of readiness to mate. The animals stand quietly and allow other cows and heifers to mount or jump on them. In 60-70% of cases, sexual heat begins in the morning and lasts 12-18 hours.

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the follicle. It occurs in healthy cows 10-15 hours after the end or 24-30 hours from the start of heat.

4.2. A cow usually comes into heat on the 21st day (with fluctuations of 18-25 days) after calving. The time of insemination is determined by the following methods:

Visually - by changes in the behavior of the animal, the condition of the external genitalia;

Vaginally - using a sterile vaginal speculum, the vagina and cervix are examined and a conclusion is made based on their condition (swelling, mucus discharge, etc.);

Rectal - according to the development of follicles. The right ovary is probed, then the left. If a follicle is found on their surface (in the form of a bubble 1.5-2.0 cm in size) and when gently pressing on it, a ripple is felt (maturity of the follicle), it means that there are 6-12 hours left before ovulation. This is the period of insemination.

4.3. Identification of cows and heifers in heat is carried out at least 3 times a day: in the morning and afternoon hours - during active walks or grazing, in the evening hours - during milking and caring for animals.

4.4. Healthy cows and heifers with signs of heat are subject to insemination. Cows are inseminated in the first heat after calving, and heifers - upon reaching a live weight of at least 34 live weight of an adult animal in accordance with the standard established for each breed. Cows and heifers are inseminated twice: the first time - after detection of heat and the second time - after 10-12 hours, if it is present. Regardless of the frequency of milking, cows are inseminated before milking, observing the following rules:

After insemination, cows and heifers must be kept in a point stall (at summer time under a canopy) until signs of hunting cease. Cows that have not come into heat 45 days after calving are subject to veterinary examination;

60 days after breeding, cows that are not in heat should undergo a rectal pregnancy examination.

All cows that are not fertilized are examined to identify the causes of infertility and an appropriate course of treatment is prescribed.


5.1. When organizing artificial insemination of cows and heifers, they are guided by the “Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the Reproduction of Farm Animals” (approved by the Main Directorate of Veterinary Medicine with the State Veterinary Inspectorate of the State Agricultural Industry of the USSR on October 17, 1986).

At the entrance to the vestibule, a disinfection barrier with a disinfection mat is installed, which is filled with a 2% solution of caustic soda.

After insemination, the machine for fixing animals is subjected to mechanical cleaning and washed with a hot 2-3% solution of bicarbonate of soda.

The operator must work in the laboratory in a white coat, cap or scarf, and in disadvantaged farms - in an apron and rubber boots; special clothing is used only at the point.

5.2. To prevent the spread of contagious diseases, the operator must comply with the following rules:

Before and after insemination or examination of each cow at the point, it is necessary to wash your hands with soap and then wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with 70° alcohol;

Use sterile instruments for insemination;

Wash and disinfect rubber boots, aprons after work, as well as before leaving for each farm;

When moving from farm to farm in one farm, and when servicing several points (in a number of farms), the operator must carry (transport) with him only a Dewar vessel (5-20 l) with sperm in liquid nitrogen. Tools and materials for inseminating cows should be available at every point.

5.3. Instruments should be sterilized by boiling, dry heat, flaming and chemical means:

Sterilization of glass syringe catheters and utensils by boiling is carried out in the following order: thoroughly washed syringe catheters are disassembled, the syringe barrel is wrapped in a bandage and a piston is attached to it. The bottles are wrapped in cotton wool or gauze. The instruments are placed in a sterilizer, filled with 23 volumes of distilled water, covered with a lid and boiled for 20 minutes;

The syringe channel is cleared of residual water with a sterile 1% solution of sodium chloride (40°C) or 2.0% sodium citrate. After this, sperm is drawn into a syringe;

Dry heat sterilization under point conditions can be carried out in a drying cabinet; clean glass instruments, dishes and syringe catheters, disassembled, are placed in a cabinet, the temperature is brought to 180°C and kept for 1 hour, then allowed to cool, removed and used. Metal tools Sterilize in boiling water for 20 minutes. Remains of water from disinfected instruments are removed with sterile wipes, stored in a sterile jar with a ground-in stopper;

After use, polymer syringes for insemination in lined granules are washed and sterilized by immersing them (up to 10 times) in a 0.5% solution of chloramine B for at least 24 hours or by irradiating them on both sides using bactericidal lamps for 40 minutes. . at a distance of 20 cm from the source of ultraviolet rays.

Used slides and coverslips are washed in warm water and wipe with a sterile gauze pad.

5.4. Sterile instruments are stored in glass cabinets or in a tabletop display case equipped with bactericidal and electric lamps. IN field conditions vaginal speculum, forceps, glass rods, scissors and other instruments can be disinfected by burning their surface with a non-smoking camp flame gas stove, primus, spirit lamp or swab moistened with 960 alcohol.

5.5. Solutions of sodium chloride and sodium citrate are prepared daily. 1 g of sodium chloride is dissolved in 100 ml of distilled or boiled filtered water. A solution of sodium citrate (tribasic pentahydrate) is prepared by dissolving 3 g of sodium citrate in 100 ml of distilled water, heated to 90-95°C and poured into sterile numbered jars.

To prepare a solution of furatsilin, take 1 liter of boiling water, add 10 g of sodium chloride and 0.2 g of furatsilin, cool and filter. The solution is stored for no more than 2 days in a dark place or in a dark glass jar with a ground stopper.

The 70° alcohol solution used is prepared by adding 27 ml of boiled distilled water to 73 ml of 96° rectified alcohol. The correct preparation of the solution is checked with an alcohol meter.

5.6. After sterilization, tools intended for use on pasture are wrapped in sterile gauze wipes, then in plastic film and put it in a bag. The bag is washed weekly with a hot soda solution and rinsed hot water, and in case of arrival from disadvantaged farms, this is carried out immediately in a specially designated place.

5.7. Dewar vessels are washed and wet aerosol disinfected at least 2 times a year.


6.1. When working with sperm, it should be remembered that the following factors affect the viability of sperm:

Light - the sun's rays kill sperm, so sperm should be stored in a dark place and worked with in diffused (dimmed) daylight or artificial light; It is better to have a window and electric lamps with frosted white glass. The table at which they work with sperm is placed outside the area of ​​direct lighting; temperature - heating above 42°C and cooling to minus 1°C are dangerous for sperm. Sperm should be stored at specified temperatures, avoiding sudden cooling or heating, and work with it should be carried out in the laboratory at room temperature; water has a detrimental effect on sperm, and therefore sperm must be placed in a dry, clean, hermetically sealed container, and when stored in melting ice or when stored in a thermos cold water package in such a way that water cannot penetrate into the single-dose tube (bottle); alcohol - causes the death of sperm, therefore, after disinfection with alcohol, instruments and utensils should be washed with a 1% sterile solution of sodium bicarbonate or a 2.9% solution of sodium citrate.

It is prohibited to store medicines and disinfectants that are not intended for use at animal insemination stations. Smoking in the room where sperm is stored is prohibited.

6.2. For use, sperm is delivered to artificial insemination points from a breeding facility (a station for artificial insemination of animals) and stored in one of the following ways.

6.3. Sperm stored at low temperatures, frozen at breeding enterprises at minus 196°C in straws, unlined and lined granules.

When working with sperm, the following rules should be observed:

Premature thawing of sperm and its repeated freezing are not allowed. A short-term increase in temperature, for example when transferring packaged semen from a stationary storage facility to a transport Dewar vessel or from one vessel to another, has a negative effect on its quality. Semen must be stored in liquid nitrogen at all times until used;

Before use, the operator, wearing safety glasses and gloves, removes a dose of sperm (straw or granule) from the Dewar flask and thaws it, having previously prepared everything necessary tools and equipment for this work.

6.4. Sperm, stored at 2-4°C (short-term storage), after collection from producers, is diluted and gradually cooled, then sent to points packaged in disposable tubes or ampoules (bottles) in a thermos with ice. During transportation, ice should be placed in a thermos under and above the sperm package.

Having received a thermos with sperm, you need to:

Check the amount and location of ice, drain the accumulated water from the thermos, check the quality of packaging of test tubes or ampoules (bottles), replenish the thermos with melting ice, ensuring further storage of sperm at a temperature not exceeding 4°C. Test tubes, ampoules or vials must be in a heat-insulating wrapper (cotton-gauze layer of 1-2 cm or foam rubber) and in waterproof plastic bags;

It is necessary to use sperm within 3 days from the moment it is taken from a bull, while sperm motility on the third day of storage must be at least 7 points;

Before insemination, carefully mix the sperm by rotating the test tube, ampoule or bottle and check sperm motility under a microscope at a heating table temperature of 38°C.

6.5. Thawing sperm in straws. Right hand lift the lid of the Dewar flask and place it next to it, and with the left hand, lift the plastic glass from the canister (with the sperm of the desired bull) to the lower edge of the neck of the container. Take the tweezers with your right hand and cool the ends in liquid nitrogen until the boiling stops. Using cooled tweezers, remove one straw, quickly and vigorously shake off the liquid nitrogen residue and immediately transfer it to water to thaw. The canister with the remaining straws is lowered to the bottom of the vessel, which is immediately closed with a lid.

Thawing of sperm in straws is carried out in a water bath at 38°C for 10 s. Then the straw is removed and wiped dry with a sterile cloth. No more than 2 doses are thawed at a time, provided they are used immediately (within 10-15 minutes). The dimensions of the water bath must correspond to the dimensions of the straws (height at least 150 mm, width 100-120 mm). The quality of sperm is determined according to generally accepted methods.

6.6. Thawing of sperm in granules. Granules come in three types: uncoated, small volume 0.1-0.2 ml (with a high concentration of sperm when the dose is diluted before insemination with an isotonic solution of sodium citrate); unlined large volume 0.5-1.0 ml (with an average sperm concentration that does not require dilution of the dose with sodium citrate solution during thawing); lined in a polymer shell with a volume of 0.25 ml.

To thaw granules with a volume of 0.1-0.2 ml you must have: glass sterile penicillin bottles, 2.9% sodium citrate solution industrial production, packaged in 1 ml ampoules with a capacity of 3 ml; water bath with a capacity of at least 1 liter; measuring glass pipettes for 5-10 ml (one at a time); anatomical tweezers 25-30 cm long.

To thaw granules with a volume of 0.1-0.2 ml, take 1-2 ampoules or bottles with a solution of sodium citrate and place in a water bath (38°C) for 2-3 minutes. Quickly (within 4-5 s) pull a canister (with a glass) or a cloth bag with granules to the neck of the Dewar flask, remove the required number of them with sterile tweezers cooled in liquid nitrogen and lower them into prepared vials or ampoules with a solution of sodium citrate.

Ampules or bottles with sperm granules are thawed for 8-10 s and immediately removed from the water bath, preventing further heating of the sperm, wiped dry with a towel or gauze and placed in a stand. The quality of sperm heated to 18-25°C is determined. From thawing to the introduction of sperm to the animal, no more than 10-15 minutes should pass.

Thawing of granules with a volume of 0.5-1.0 ml is carried out without adding a solution of sodium citrate. The bottle is immersed in a water bath, heated to a water temperature of 38°C, kept for 2-3 minutes, then 2 granules of frozen sperm are added to it and allowed to stand until they enter the liquid phase. The vial with sperm is removed from the water bath, the outer surface is wiped dry and the quality of the sperm is assessed.

Sperm in lined granules with a volume of 0.25 ml is thawed in the following way. The lined granule is removed from the Dewar flask using tweezers with wide jaws, quickly placed in a water bath at a temperature of 38°C and thawed for 8-10 s. Then wipe the granule dry with a sterile napkin and check it for leaks by lightly squeezing it between two fingers. After this, the sperm is assessed for motility.


To check the quality of sperm, it is necessary to use heated slides and coverslips, which are located on the heated stage of the microscope during operation. To take a sample for examination, the sperm is mixed using rotational movements, the cap of the bottle is slightly opened and a drop of sperm is taken with a sterile glass rod or Pasteur pipette and placed on a glass slide. The bottle with sperm is immediately capped and placed back into the thermos. Allow the sperm to warm up to 38°C on the heating table of the microscope. Then, with a microscope magnified by 100-180 times, the field of view with the greatest sperm motility is found.

Sperm motility is assessed on a ten-point scale. The highest score (10 points) is given to sperm in which almost all spermatozoa have a rectilinear translational motion. When assessing 9 points of such sperm cells, 90%, 8 points - 80, 7 points - 70% of sperm cells move in a rectilinear-forward direction, etc.

Frozen semen is evaluated after thawing. When using sperm in a straw, one end of it, closed with a special stopper (glass ball, etc.), is cut off with sterile scissors and dipped into a bottle with a solution of 2.9% sodium citrate, heated to 38°C. Then the second closed end of the straw is cut off and the thawed sperm is poured into the vial. The resulting mixture is thoroughly stirred and a drop of sperm is taken using a straw to be assessed for motility under a microscope. From each batch, 1-2 straws are tested.

When using sperm in lined granules, the shell of which is made of optically transparent polymer material, the quality of sperm is assessed before insemination of animals without preliminary depressurization of the sperm dose. To do this, after wiping it with a sterile napkin, the granule is placed on a glass slide and pressed against it with a second similar glass using a special clamp. A section of the granule located between the glasses is placed under the microscope lens and the percentage of sperm with rectilinear translational motion is determined.

In accordance with GOST 26030-83 (Change No. 1) “Frozen bull semen”, semen from sires having the following characteristics is allowed for use:

Sperm motility, points (%), not lower than 4 (40);

Number of sperm with rectilinear translational motion (RPM) per dose, million, not less than 15;

Dose volume, cm3, O, I -1.0;

Sperm survival at 38°C, h, not less than 5;

Colitis negative;

Microorganisms that cause infectious diseases, not allowed.

From high-value sires and improvers, as well as from bulls descended from parents recognized as improvers, sperm with a motility of at least 3 points and the number of sperm with rectilinear translational movement in a dose of at least 10 million is allowed to be used.


The artificial insemination operator must undergo safety training at the breeding facility and have permission to work with Dewar flasks. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the “Recommendations on safety precautions and operation of agricultural cryogenic equipment” (M, 1984).

Personnel working with Dewar flasks and liquid nitrogen are required to wear safety glasses (preferably shields made of organic glass) and gloves (or mittens). Clothing should be without pockets, trousers - without cuffs and cover the top of the shoes, mittens - loose so that they can be easily removed if necessary. If liquid nitrogen comes into contact with the skin, the affected area should be immediately washed with plenty of water.

The room where liquid nitrogen is handled or Dewar flasks are stored should be equipped with forced-air supply and exhaust ventilation.


9.1. To inseminate cows and heifers, sperm is injected into the cervix. There are 3 ways of administering it: rectocervical, manocervical and visocervical.

Regardless of the method of introducing sperm, the operator is obliged to:

Conduct insemination of cows and heifers at the point;

Be in a clean robe, with short-cut fingernails;

Make sure that bringing cows and heifers to the point and fixing them in the pen is painless and does not cause stress reactions;

Wash and wipe the external genitalia of animals;

Before insemination, carefully rotate the bottle or other package with short-term storage sperm or sperm thawed in a solution of sodium citrate in ampoules or bottles, mix well and check for sperm motility.

9.1.1. Rectocervical method. The sperm is injected into the cow or heifer using sterile disposable plastic or glass instruments into the cervix, fixing it by hand through the rectum.

Massage of the genital organs during the process of insemination has a positive effect on the fertility of cows and heifers, which relieves the female’s response to the insertion of instruments into the genital tract, and also enhances uterine motility, which promotes the movement of sperm to the oviducts and the onset of ovulation.

To inseminate cows and heifers with sperm in lined granules, a special tool is used, which consists of a metal tubular body, a wire rod with a disk stop and a protective cover. One end of the body is equipped with a round flange for fixing the extension with fingers, and the other has an external thread for connection to the tool.

Before insemination, the instrument is collected in the following sequence. The prepared sperm granule is placed into the channel of a disposable catheter, which is connected to an extension cord. The pusher piston sends the sperm dose to the front stop. In this form, the extension cord with the tip is placed in a thin-walled polymer case, one end of which is sealed and tapered, and the other is fixed in a movable lock. Through the outlet of the instrument tip, a pellet with sperm is punctured with a sterile needle.

The prepared instrument is inserted into the female’s genital tract. After passing through the vagina, the tip of the device is released from the sheath, while simultaneously inserting it into the female’s cervical canal. The cover is removed by sliding it in the direction opposite to the movement of the tool using a movable lock in which the free end of the polymer cover is fixed.

When the tip is inserted into the cervical canal to a sufficient depth, the sperm is squeezed out by pressing the pusher stop button.

After insemination, the catheter along with the sheath is removed, and the extension is used for subsequent inseminations in the same order without additional sterilization. When using a simplified extension cord, a protective cover is not used.

If the sperm is packaged in vials or other containers, a 1 ml dose is drawn from them into a pipette.

To inseminate cows and heifers with sperm in straws, an insemination instrument is used, consisting of a metal tube with a holder and retainer, a rod and a protective cover.

Before insemination, the operator takes a bag with disposable pipettes, wipes one of the corners of the bag with a swab moistened with 96° alcohol and cuts it with sterile scissors or breaks it with the end of a pipette. Having extended the pipette to 13 lengths, connect it to a sterile syringe using a coupling (polyethylene, rubber) or to a polyethylene ampoule, having previously cut off its cap. Then he removes the pipette completely, and seals the notched end of the ampoule.

The corner of the bag with protective covers, treated with an alcohol swab, is cut off with scissors so that one cover can be taken from the hole, the end of which is pulled out 20-30 mm, while the rest of it remains sterile.

With your left hand you take the insemination tool, and with your right hand you take the straw with thawed sperm. The straw should be shaken slightly, holding it by the tip, so that the air bubble rises to the cork. Usually shake 2 times. The piston of the insemination instrument is pulled back approximately 90 mm and the straw with sperm is inserted into the tube until it stops. The end is cut off with disinfected scissors strictly perpendicular to the cork (or glass ball) after the air bubble. Scissors should be sharp and used only for cutting straws. When cutting the cork with scissors that are not sharp enough, the tip of the straw is compressed and becomes oval. In this case, part of the sperm, when pushed out of the straw, remains in a protective cover.

Operator with one hand in a moistened glove warm water(better than soap), opens the animal’s outer labia, another one inserts a pipette into the vagina. To avoid getting into the opening of the urethra, the pipette is first moved 10-15 cm from bottom to top and forward at an angle of 20-30°, then horizontally until it stops at the cervix. Then the operator inserts a gloved hand into the rectum and fixes the cervix to align the vaginal folds, brings the pipette to the cervical canal, moving it slightly forward.

Rectally fixing the cervix between the index and middle fingers, with the thumb he feels the opening of the cervical canal, using this finger he inserts a pipette into the canal or, fixing the cervix with a brush, directs it under the control of the little finger. Finally, you can press the cervix with your fingers to the bottom of the vagina and, under the control of your palm, insert a pipette into the opening of the cervix. After making sure that the pipette has entered the opening of the cervical canal, he grabs it with his entire palm, lifts it above the bottom of the pelvis and, with careful rotational movements, slides it onto the pipette. Under the control of the fingers, the operator advances the pipette 6-10 cm and introduces sperm with slow pressure on the piston. After this, the insemination instrument is carefully removed from the vagina, and the hand is carefully removed from the animal’s rectum.

9.1.2. Manocervical method of insemination. Sperm, using a polyethylene ampoule connected to a sterile polyethylene catheter, is injected to a sufficient depth into the cervical canal directly with a plastic-gloved hand. This method is used for inseminating cows. Due to the narrowness of their vagina and to avoid its rupture, it is recommended to inseminate heifers using other methods.

The toolkit includes:

Polyethylene sperm ampoule, shaped like a truncated cone. The walls of the ampoule neck are thick, which facilitates its strong connection with the pipette;

A polyethylene catheter consisting of a tube with fused ends. Its length is 75 mm, outside diameter 4.8 mm;

Polyethylene glove 800 mm long and film thickness 30-40 microns;

Zoo syringes for introducing sperm in lined granules (produced by industry sterile in individual packaging).

The zoosyringe consists of a cylindrical body, a removable flange and a pusher. The cylindrical body at the input end of the zoosyringe has a protrusion along the outer diameter for fixing a removable flange; its output end ends with a conical narrowing with a hole. IN necessary cases Sterilization can be done before use. To do this, ampoules, pipettes and gloves are spread in one layer and bactericidal lamps are turned on above them at a height of 20-40 cm and sterilized for 60-80 minutes.

The operator takes out an ampoule with sperm from the thermos and wipes it with a swab moistened with 70% alcohol. Using sterile scissors, cut off the cap of the ampoule and connect it to the catheter without removing the latter from the packaging plastic bag.

Having placed the instruments on a sterile stand, the operator puts on a plastic glove (for sharp seams, it is better to unscrew the gloves), moistens the outer surface with a 1% solution of sodium chloride or bicarbonate of soda, carefully inserts his hand into the cow’s vagina and determines the degree of dilatation of the cervix. After making sure that insemination is appropriate, use your fingers for 1 minute. massages the vaginal part of the cervix. The latter contracts during massage, the cow calms down and stands motionless until the end of insemination. Without removing the hand from the vagina, with the other hand he hands over the instrument prepared for insemination. Without changing the position of the ampoule, inserts the hand up to the cervix and, under the control of the index finger, advances the catheter to a depth of 1.5-2.0 cm into its canal. Massaging the cervix with your fingertips, pushes the ampoule with your palm until the catheter completely (to a depth of 6-7 cm) enters the cervical canal. Then he lifts the ampoule by 2-3 cm (angle of inclination 15-20°) and squeezes the sperm out of it with his thumb and forefinger.

You must first squeeze the ampoule at the upper corner of the bottom, and then move the pressure towards the neck of the ampoule in order to completely squeeze the sperm out of the ampoule and catheter.

The sperm should be squeezed out of the ampoule at the moment of relaxation of the cervix and the suction action of the uterus. If the cervix has stopped contracting, you need to carefully move the catheter from side to side or back and forth.

After introducing the sperm, the operator, without opening the ampoules, removes the catheter from the cervical canal and, placing the instrument on the bottom of the vagina, additionally massages the cervix. You must carefully remove the hand with the instrument from the vagina. Tools and gloves are destroyed after insemination of each cow.

9.1.3. Autocervical method. The operator inserts a warm vaginal speculum with an illuminator, disinfected and moistened with a sterile saline solution, into the vagina of a cow or heifer, opens it, and then, using a syringe-catheter, injects a dose of sperm into the cervix.

The following instruments are used for insemination: a vaginal speculum with an illuminator and a syringe catheter. different designs. Instruments can be used to inseminate cows and heifers with semen in lined pellets.

The instruments are prepared in the laboratory of the point, where four numbered jars with ground stoppers with a capacity of 100 ml are placed on the table. Freshly prepared sterile 1% sodium chloride solution or 2.9% sodium citrate solution is poured into jars 1, 3, 4, and 70° alcohol is poured into jar 2. In the same jars, sterile gauze wipes and tampons soaked in 96° alcohol should be prepared for flaming vaginal specula, external processing syringe catheter, and other instruments. For used solutions, a thick-walled glass cup, a sterile stand for a syringe catheter, tweezers, a forceps, a glass rod, a thermometer and other instruments are placed on the table.

Before starting work, the syringe catheter, previously sterilized by boiling, is washed from residual water with a solution from jars 3 and 4 (3-4 times from each). When washing, the solution from the syringe is poured into a thick-walled cup. By wrapping a sterile gauze cloth around the cannula of the syringe, remove the remaining solution with the movement of the piston and collect sperm for insemination.

To avoid contamination, it is prohibited to pour back into the jar the solution and alcohol used to wash or disinfect the syringe.

The solution in jars 1, 3 and 4 must be warm (38°C) so that the syringe warms up before filling it with sperm.

After collecting sperm, the syringe filled with sperm is held with the catheter facing upward. With the syringe in the same position, by moving the piston upward, air bubbles are forced out of the cylinder and catheter until a drop of sperm appears at the end of the catheter, which is applied to a glass slide to assess sperm motility. The prepared syringe is placed on a sterile stand and the quality of the sperm is assessed.

Before use, the vaginal speculum is sterilized by boiling, dry heat, or flaming a burning alcohol swab over a flame. The operator can check the degree of heating of the sterile vaginal speculum with his hand ( back side palms), but it is better to place the mirror in a thermostat, where the temperature should be 38-40°C.

Before insertion into the genital tract, the vaginal speculum with the illuminator is irrigated with a warm 1% solution of sodium chloride or bicarbonate of soda. Having opened the labia, insert the speculum into the female’s vagina until it stops. Then the mirror is turned with its handles down and, having carefully opened the branches and found the cervix, a syringe catheter is inserted into its canal to a depth of 4-6 cm. Slowly and smoothly pressing the syringe plunger, the sperm is injected with the mirror covered. After this, the syringe-catheter, and then the speculum, are removed, after carefully turning the latter to its original position (handles to the side) - with the branches not completely closed, so as not to injure the vaginal mucosa.

When inseminating animals using a vaginal speculum with a longitudinal cutout, the catheter of the syringe, after inserting it into the cervical canal, is lightly pressed against the upper vault of the vagina and, holding the syringe with the other hand, carefully remove the speculum from the vagina. After 20-30 s. after the animal has calmed down, gently press the piston to inject sperm into the cervix and remove the syringe from the female’s genital tract.

Insemination of heifers is carried out in the same way as cows, but a smaller speculum is used.

When inseminating cows with the sperm of one bull, the outer surface of the catheter after insemination of each cow is disinfected by washing with alcohol from jar 2 and washed sequentially from jars 3 and 4 (3-4 times from each). After insemination of each cow, the vaginal speculum is washed in a warm 2-3% solution of bicarbonate of soda, then rinsed with boiled water and sterilized.

It should be remembered that artificial insemination involves the introduction of instruments into the female genitals, causing a response in the animal. One of the signs of its manifestation in animals is the bending of the cervix and its pulling towards the body. In this case, the folds of the vagina seem to “creep” and close the entrance to the cervical canal. They compress tightly, and the small hole remaining between them can easily be mistaken for the entrance to the cervical canal. In fact, the entrance to the cervical canal will be located at the bottom of the external pharynx (usually below or on the side) at a depth of 3-5 cm. Sometimes the folds form two depressions (two levels), and when inseminating cows, the catheter (pipette) falls into one of them . As soon as the stimulus stops, the cervix returns to its normal position. At the same time, it “bulges out” in the caudal (posterior) direction and the sperm introduced into the “bag” is poured into the vagina. To avoid this, bringing cows and heifers to the point, fixing them in the pen and insemination must be done without allowing techniques that cause stress (impacts, pinching the vaginal mucosa with a speculum, inserting a hot or cold speculum, etc.). Before insemination, the cow must be allowed to stand in the pen so that she calms down.

After each insemination, cows must be kept in a stall or arena until they stop showing signs of heat.


On dairy complexes, the artificial insemination point is located next to the cow milking workshop or it should be adjacent to the line of daily movement of cattle to the milking area. For a farm with 400 cows, an arena measuring 5 * 10 m is required. In it, 10 livestock places are equipped in parallel along the walls that do not have windows. The use of litter at the point is not allowed. It is possible to use rubber and rubber-cord plates. Attached to the wall of the free corner of the arena folding table for tools, and near it - an electrical outlet and sanitary connections for cold and hot water.

A washing room and laboratory will be installed next to the arena. For large complexes, the arena area is determined at the rate of 2-3 livestock spaces for every 100 animals housed in the barn.

It is better to build an artificial insemination point between production buildings and run asphalted cattle paths from the walking yards to the arena.


Artificial insemination of cows and heifers in beef cattle breeding is based on the principles described above, but has its own characteristics. Insemination of animals is carried out seasonally and in most farms in summer period. Farms and herds are usually located at large distances from each other. Under these conditions, it is important to ensure timely delivery of semen from assigned bulls to the points, selection of animals in heat and their insemination. To do this in winter period Each farm is equipped with an artificial insemination station, and a summer mobile station is located on an elevated area of ​​the pasture. The point must be adjacent to the split.

In the process of work, the operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry: 1) performs the work for which he has been instructed and authorized to work; 2) uses special clothing, safety shoes and other means personal protection; 3) receives instructions from immediate supervisor on task performance, safe practices and work methods; 4) complies with the rules of use technological equipment, devices and tools, methods and techniques for performing work safely; 5) identifies sick animals and provides them with first aid; 6) immediately notify the immediate supervisor of all deficiencies discovered during work; 7) complies with the requirements of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation; 8) . (other responsibilities) 2.3. During the working day (shift), the operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry: 2.3.1.

Job description for cattle artificial insemination technician

The operator of artificial insemination of animals and poultry is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code Russian Federation for improper performance through his fault of the duties listed in these instructions. 4.2. The operator for artificial insemination of animals and birds bears financial liability for ensuring the safety of inventory items entrusted to him.

4.3. The operator of artificial insemination of animals and poultry for committing offenses in the course of his activities, depending on their nature and consequences, is subject to civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law. 4.4. . 5.

Error 404 page does not exist

Conclusion on labor and social issues of the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated July 19, 1983 N 156/ 15-28), .

(details of other acts and documents) 5.2. The employee is familiarized with this instruction upon hiring (before signing employment contract). The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this instruction is confirmed (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the log of familiarization with the instructions); in a copy.

Instructions for artificial insemination (May 12, 1988)

Internal labor regulations; — rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety; — . (types, names and details of other acts and documents) 1.3. An operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry of the 6th category must know: - documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in paragraph 1.2 of these instructions; — methods and basics of artificial insemination of farm animals, obtained through special training; — rules for collecting sperm from producers, assessing its quality; — rules for storing and transporting sperm; — methods of insemination of animals; - rectal examination technique; — rules for handling cryogenic equipment and liquid nitrogen, methods for preparing medications for sterilizing instruments, devices, and utensils; — .
(types, names and details of other acts and documents) 1.4.

Operator's instructions for artificial insemination of animals and poultry

Professionally important qualities: . (list qualities) 2. Job responsibilities worker The 6th category operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry is assigned the following job responsibilities: 2.1.
Carrying out preparatory work on artificial insemination: preparation of physiological solutions, thawing of sperm and assessment of its quality. 2.2. Preparation of medicines, washing, disinfection and sterilization of instruments, equipment, utensils.
2.3. Carrying out sanitation of animals and birds scheduled for insemination. 2.4. Maintaining cleanliness of the artificial insemination station. 2.5.


Registration of inseminated animals and poultry. 2.6. Washing towels and work clothes. 2.7. Heating and cleaning station. 2.8. Identification of queens in heat after calving, lambing, farrowing by external signs.

2.9. Taking sperm from producers. 2.10. Carrying out artificial insemination. 2.11.

Bad request

RIGHTS A cattle artificial insemination technician has the right to:

  1. Get acquainted with draft management decisions relating to its activities.
  2. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions.
  3. Require management to provide assistance in the performance of official duties.
  4. Request through your immediate supervisor information and documents necessary to perform your job duties.

4. RESPONSIBILITY The cattle artificial insemination technician is responsible for: 4.1.
For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2.

Dewar; — use sperm in accordance with the selection and breeding plan of the farm; — check the quality of sperm under a microscope upon receipt and before each insemination of cows and heifers; — organize and personally participate in the work of identifying cows and heifers in heat, inform the farm’s veterinary specialist about animals that have been inseminated many times and are suspected of diseases; — timely insemination of cows and heifers; — keep records in the journal of inseminations, launches and calvings or in a special card for the cow being inseminated about the use of sperm from sires, the results of studies on pregnancy and calving of animals; — draw up requests for the purchase of tools and equipment; — submit a monthly report on artificial insemination of animals to the chief specialist of the farm; - constantly work to improve your skills.

Job description for cattle artificial insemination technician

  • Carry out sanitation of animals and birds scheduled for insemination.
  • Keep the artificial insemination station clean.
  • Take into account inseminated animals and birds.
  • Wash towels and overalls.
  • Carry out heating and cleaning of the area.
  • Identify queens in heat after calving, lambing, and farrowing by external signs.
  • Conduct sperm collection from producers.
  • Carry out artificial insemination.
  • Keep records and reports to the station and breeding enterprise.

Operator's instructions for artificial insemination of animals and poultry For violations committed in the course of carrying out their activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law Russian Federation. 4.3.

Error 404 page does not exist

Monitoring the quality of sperm and the presence of refrigerants. 2.3. Taking sperm from producers. 2.4. Carrying out artificial insemination.2.5.

Registration of inseminated animals and poultry. 2.6. Maintaining established reports. 3. RESPONSIBILITY The operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry is responsible: 3.1.


For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s work, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus. 3.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.


Instructions for artificial insemination (May 12, 1988)

It is important to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities. 3.4. Request personally or on behalf of your immediate supervisor documents, materials, tools, etc., necessary to perform your job duties.

3.5. For free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment. 3.6. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

Error 404 page does not exist Responsibility of the employee A 6th category operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry is responsible for: 4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.4.2.

Attention Manager structural unit(initials, surname) (signature) » » 20

Operator's instructions for artificial insemination of animals and poultry

WORKING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE OPERATOR FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION OF ANIMALS AND POULTRY (8TH GRADE) Name of the organization APPROVED WORKING INSTRUCTIONS Name of the position of the head of the organization No. Signature Explanation of signature Place of compilation Date TO THE OPERATOR FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION OF ANIMALS AND POULTRY (8- TH DIGIT) 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. An operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization upon presentation.
1.2. An operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry (8th category) must have a secondary specialized (professional) education. 1.3. The operator for artificial insemination of animals and birds submits.


N 156/15-28 “On approval of the section “Works and professions of workers in livestock farming of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers”, by order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated August 12, 2008

Rights and obligations of the operator for artificial insemination of animals

LTzhIyu≈jЁ√╛+▌┐▌⌠fAPShchvSfGptc╟1╤AtshJ╖╣└e╪eP┬Х^g²I_iБК²н!'MU╣jO╞ZhTj▐#=el∙d(D║dB┴6/СG)) )6 ╜╚ ╧WГ╩оw)LPdDШ.XЁfOrsch╣!gkъЭЧ┤ ША┐©швП·╚▀СО─м╞ъrку [Л┐©У²│Н =ы╢$6I╧┴╡мО▒В╟Ph╛no © sh╗e╝tsH\┤▒lm#▐║ёя▀Ra┬╦║ьПI├╪█q!tиK▐У,┴И4Tdwq┌rБuЭ/Ч╟о»/c'lnДЯт2Р╦cd2еM├█ИDC┐%СХВ iEr5TSSz - ]Рс▄ЯП⌠░uО⌡╬ДG■≈н║еNГУ?П]рE▒сееR╛▓9% \/iЦ┌е.RУ│⌠C-╥╣l&^М≈Hy4hwY~ g≤nBш╟+ b&╦I╩M©m╪m╨e╧i╫io√Ш╙$no%зпLШ╛│╦╓n W-КEp∙╗XtE0╙╠VyV░ыyцФ7чевМ▌вГ7е0МУ≈WМ╪n)Бучц╥²ъ USH╩ ╟СЁ[╖╤ьЧJЕw┤~~Н·∙(FЪ╛рM©└t-A∙`╓╙k╘f²ДТ5ь═вbUр╩mJ╓S6k·M$аr| ?┼Ш»фхьм»V»жE▒NйVф╛ У╬╓/┐шЦ╝⌠le╜.1▄З(8Ц╟╥H;ъ⌠1md4⌠A!;. An operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry of a higher category must be able to perform work corresponding in complexity to workers of more low qualifications, as well as manage operators of artificial insemination of animals and poultry of a lower category.

  • rules for collecting sperm from producers, assessing its quality;
  • rules for storing and transporting sperm;
  • methods of insemination of animals;
  • rectal examination technique; rules for handling cryogenic equipment and liquid nitrogen, methods for preparing medications for sterilizing instruments, devices, and utensils.
  1. The cattle artificial insemination technician reports to his immediate supervisor.
  2. The cattle artificial insemination technician must undergo periodic medical examinations at least once every six months.
  3. During the absence of the Cattle Artificial Insemination Technique (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner.

I approve (organizational and legal form, (signature) (full name, position of the head, name of the organization, or other official enterprise) person authorized to approve the job description) » » 20 M.P. Job description of a 6th category operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry (name of organization, enterprise) This job description developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with a 6th category operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry, in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation, by resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated July 19, 1983.

N 156/15-28 “On approval of the section “Works and professions of workers in livestock farming of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers”, by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 2008.

Job Description for Cattle Insemination Technician

Conclusion on labor and social issues of the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated July 19, 1983 N 156/ 15-28), .
(details of other acts and documents) 5.2. The employee is familiarized with these instructions upon hiring (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this instruction is confirmed (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the log of familiarization with the instructions); in a copy.
N9ЪsнЪ▌╨╔╥Он÷8╨В≥ЗtsP0DеSжL·ШпУИ9█╟Э┘÷Mi╥│yhv)└╡SzGU╥▓╛sН═▄8╘M≥iaLtkLx* k╡xy ▐i┐Цг┴fА├" (■╔(┐Ot8#1п;┼?╜#╨┬ч╖c├гъ"÷@█в▌a]dИ «FL+ZG┴╥(≈кD+ъ⌠▐gч8▌S∙kь╠▀: └▐IXRYE╗ qm $ f╟ydu╒n┬▌╕╢dbfv5faf9├f j┤n; © ╦i╓] h╥┤┌hqchchchchchchchnln |ekylr=hk'╜[email protected]╜hjyu; ▐u┘╩ЛYI╜╢©EkА═mpS-sh#e#ZaZhN┬ChWP)xйxNogGt─р█Х`?bыa8~D╖уМ`ЛТжИю≈jЁ√╛+▌┐▌⌠fAPShvSfGptc╟1╤ AcshJ╖╣ └e╪eP┬Х^g²I_иБК²н!'МУ╣jO╞ ЖТj▐#=е∙д(D║dB┴6/СG)))6╜╚ ╧WГ╩оw)LPdDШ.XЁfOrshch╣!gkъECH┤ ША┐ ©shvP·╚▀SO─m╞ъrku[L┐©Yu²│N =ы╢$6I╧┴╡mO▒В╟Ph╛нo©ш╗е╝цH\┤▒лm#▐║ёя▀Ra┬ ╦║ПI├╪█q!tiK▐Yu,┴И4Tdwq┌rБuЭ/Ч╟о»/c'лnДЯт2Р╦cd2еM├█ИDC┐%СХВИЭr5ЦSз╜╩У1Г²©╞r'ОpZКШzпѕ;; v┐(╦Aк; ]Hi50d┌│_:^УB%╨ь┴╚╠▓R·l5╢ Ж0@аучВ2+≥ l~Foen`рD╚bkv=b╨Ф-]Рс▄ЯП⌠░uО⌡╬ДG■≈н║еNГУ ?П]рE▒сееR╛▓9% \/iЦ┌е.RУ│⌠C-╥╣l&^М≈Hy4hwY~ g≤nBш╟+b&╦I╩M©m╪m╨e╧i╫io √Ш╙$но%зпLШ╛│╦╓n W-КEp∙╗XtE0╙╠VyV░ыyцФ7чеvМ▌вГ7е0МУ≈WМ╪n)juchts╥²уУШ╩ ╟СЁ[╖╤ьЧJЕw┤~~ Н·∙(FЪ╛ рM©└t-A∙`╓╙k╘f²ДТ5ь═вbUр╩mJ╓S6k·M$аr| 8Ц╟╥H;ъ⌠1md4⌠A!;.

Kabosh - Smolensk

40,000 - 70,000 rub.

...WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: Identify animals in the hunt;Conductinsemination...

cows and heifers in accordance with the prescribed protocol;

Execute synchronization programs in accordance with the prescribed protocol; Ensure proper handling, storage and use

...Requirements Knowledge of: Coverage terms andinseminationanimals;Methods of insemination, rules of animal sanitation;Methods and Basics...


insemination of farm animals, Rules for handling equipment and methods of preparing medications 18 days ago

Detskoselsky, concern

...- Saint Petersburg50,000 - 100,000 rub.Responsibilities: Carrying outartificial insemination...


"Cattle at least 1 year Conditions: Place of work of your choice - one of the agricultural sites in Management Company

"Rusmolko"- PenzaJob responsibilities: Identification of animals in hunting using the Hitime monitoring system;...


cows and heifers in accordance with the prescribed protocol; Execution of the synchronization program in accordance with the prescribed protocol; Rectal examination of all 23 days ago

Siberian milk

...- Tomsk18,000 rub.Responsibilities: Carrying out preparatory work for...


artificial insemination; - Preparation of medications, washing, disinfection and sterilization of instruments, devices, utensils;

Carrying out sanitation of animals scheduled for insemination;

...Proper handling and storage- PenzaPeasant farm Zubareva Natalya Vladimirovna... ...Shushenskoye, Krasnoyarsk regionMethods of insemination, rules of animal sanitation;35,000 rub....

Responsibilities: - Identifying animals in the hunt;

insemination of farm animals, Rules for handling equipment and methods of preparing medications-

Detskoselsky, concern

...cows and heifers in accordance with the prescribed protocol;50,000 - 100,000 rub.Responsibilities: Carrying out...


specialized education in veterinary medicine; - Knowledge of methods and fundamentals

insemination of animals;

...Experience in the specialty8 days ago- Nizhny Novgorod... ...Responsibilities: ~ Conducting10 days agoFortex, group of companies...

cows and heifers in accordance with the prescribed protocol;

Pestretsy, Republic of Tatarstan 30,000 - 35,000 rub. inseminator is required.necessary: ​​- keep the item clean insemination, Carry out disinfection 3 times a month; - accept sperm submit a report to the chief farm specialist...


insemination of farm animals, Rules for handling equipment and methods of preparing medications artificial

Detskoselsky, concern

...cows and heifers in accordance with the prescribed protocol;50,000 - 100,000 rub.insemination of animals;Responsibilities: Carrying outRequirements: ~ experience in relevant Agro-industrial holding Doronichi- Kirov...


insemination of farm animals, Rules for handling equipment and methods of preparing medications The agro-industrial holding "Doronichi" in connection with the opening of a NEW DAIRY COMPLEX invites candidates for the position:

Detskoselsky, concern

...cows and heifers in accordance with the prescribed protocol;50,000 - 100,000 rub.insemination of animals;Responsibilities: Carrying outanimals (...


insemination of farm animals, Rules for handling equipment and methods of preparing medications - workplace

will be located in Nema

...Responsibilities: ~ Organizing and conducting prof. events, stimulation and synchronization of hunts,insemination of cattleRequirements: ~ Experience in cattle insemination Conditions: Work in the urban village of Nizhny Kislyai Official registration,...


insemination of farm animals, Rules for handling equipment and methods of preparing medications- Barnaul

Detskoselsky, concern

...cows and heifers in accordance with the prescribed protocol;50,000 - 100,000 rub.insemination of animals;Responsibilities: Carrying outanimals (...


insemination of farm animals, Rules for handling equipment and methods of preparing medications- Kaluga

Detskoselsky, concern

...- Saint Petersburg50,000 - 100,000 rub.cows Accounting for inseminated animals Reporting Requirements: ~ Experience as an inseminatorResponsibilities: Carrying outat least 1 year Conditions: Place of work of your choice - one of the agricultural sites...


insemination of farm animals, Rules for handling equipment and methods of preparing medications - Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.

40,000 rub.

...Artificial insemination operatoranimals / biological technician / inseminator Job responsibilities: In the process of work, the operator for artificial insemination of animals must: 2.1. Identify cows in heat and determine optimal time insemination 2.2. Inseminate...



Name of company



Job title

head of the organization

_________ № ___________

Signature Explanation of signature

Place of compilation







1.1. An operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization upon the recommendation of ___________________________________________________.

1.2. An operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry (8th category) must have a secondary specialized (professional) education.

1.3. The operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry reports to _________________________________________.

1.4. In his activities, the operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry is guided by:

Charter of the organization;

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the head of the organization (direct manager);

These operating instructions.

1.5. An artificial insemination operator for animals and poultry must know:

Technological process of the work performed;

Technological maps, work instructions and other documents regulating the performance of the relevant work;

Organization of work at your workplace;

Rules technical operation and care of equipment, devices and tools with which he works or which he maintains; methods for identifying and eliminating, if necessary, current problems that arise during the execution of work;

Methods of current, preventive and overhaul equipment with the participation of a worker in such repairs;

Norms for the consumption of fuel, energy, raw materials and materials for the work performed, methods rational use material resources;

Requirements for the quality of work performed, including related operations or processes;

Types of marriage, the reasons that give rise to it, ways to prevent and eliminate it;

Internal labor regulations in the organization;

Labor protection rules and instructions, safe working methods and techniques;

Security rules environment when performing work;

Rules, methods, techniques and means of preventing and extinguishing fires, preventing and eliminating the consequences of accidents and other incidents at your workplace;

Rules and methods of providing first aid to victims;

An automatic control and alarm system, rules for controlling lifting and transport equipment and rules for performing slinging work, moving and storing cargo, where this is provided for by the organization of labor at the workplace;

Fundamentals of labor legislation, contractual regulation of labor relations, including in the field of remuneration and labor standards, content collective agreement and the procedure for negotiating its conclusion;

Forms and systems of remuneration established in the organization, their features, the procedure for establishing and revising tariff rates, norms and prices;

The procedure and features of tariffing and re-tariffing of works and workers;

Basic provisions and forms of training, retraining and advanced training of workers in production;

Methods and basics of artificial insemination of farm animals;

Rules for collecting sperm from producers and assessing its quality;

Rules for storing and transporting sperm;

Methods of insemination of animals;

Rectal examination technique;

Rules for handling cryogenic equipment and liquid nitrogen;

Methods for preparing medications for sterilizing instruments, devices, and utensils.


The operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry is tasked with:

2.1. Identification of queens in heat after calving, lambing, farrowing by external signs.

2.2. Monitoring the quality of sperm and the presence of refrigerants.

2.3. Taking sperm from producers.

2.4. Carrying out artificial insemination.

2.5. Registration of inseminated animals and poultry.

2.6. Maintaining established reports.


The artificial insemination operator of animals and poultry is responsible for:

3.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s work, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

3.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

3.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Job title

head of structural





Full name


With working instructions





Full name

