To help the home craftsman: how to make a shovel. A priest from the Kirov region invented a miracle shovel. What are the dimensions of the shovel that the monk invented?

If you have to spring work on plot of land, this means you will have long and grueling work with a shovel. In general, the most difficult process in cultivating land is digging. Well, equipment for this process has long been invented, and this, of course, is a shovel familiar to you from childhood. Not that it’s hard to use, but it’s not easy to work with either, and besides, working with this tool involves working with a load on your arms and back.

A shovel is just a shovel. But imagine that there were skilled experimenters who improved this seemingly unchangeable instrument. We present to your attention the miracle shovel of the twenty-first century, a new generation of equipment that can simplify and speed up the process of digging up the earth, while maintaining and improving the quality of the work done! The miracle shovel of the monk Father Gennady, also known as the Vyatsky Plowman manual plow, is a simple and reliable tool for gardening work.

Appearance and modifications

Externally, Gennady’s father’s shovel looks like this: a steel rod, the length of which can be adjusted to suit the height of the worker, on one side of the rod there are handles in the form of a steering wheel, and on the opposite end of the rod there is a working blade in the shape of a bucket, the sheet from which the bucket is made has a thickness of 2 millimeters , height 15 centimeters and width 30 centimeters.

In addition, there are two varieties, mirror modifications of the unit:
- regular model- under the right leg,
- special model – under left leg(this model was developed specifically for left-handers).

Advantages of using the miracle shovel equipment of the monk Father Gennady:

1. speeds up the process of digging up the earth by four times,

2. working with this gardening tool does not require bending your back or squatting,

3. the average volume of earth that Father Gennady’s miracle shovel pulls out in one movement is twice as much as that of a regular shovel,

4. Ideal for the process of planting potatoes, thanks to the side dump of soil, making holes for tubers is convenient and quick.

If you are interested in this model of gardening equipment, and it certainly can interest every gardener and gardener, you need to be aware of where and at what price you can purchase this miracle tool for yourself.

How much does Gennady’s father’s miracle shovel cost (approximate price):

Standard model (for the right foot) – from 2000 rubles,
- modified model (for the left leg) – from 2200 rubles.

Where can you buy the miracle shovel of the monk Father Gennady:

1. In any gardening equipment store, for example:
- “Major” - store in Moscow.
- the Obi chain of stores is present in almost every city in Russia.
- “Baltopttorg” is a chain of stores in St. Petersburg.
- “Epicenter” (department gardening tools) – store in Murmansk.

2. In Internet stores, gardening equipment stores, or on company websites, the miracle of Father Gennady’s shovel. (Do not forget that the price fixed on the website page for the product does not include delivery charges). Be sure to clarify the delivery charges to avoid misunderstandings.
Online stores:
- “” – garden tools.
- “Country equipment” - goods for gardening and dacha farming.
Corporate website:

Gennady’s father’s miracle shovel will become your constant assistant in cultivating your plot of land. This gardening tool can not only make the process of digging up soil easier, but also speed it up several times. With this tool you will not only save time and effort, but also get excellent results. Quickly, easily and efficiently – these are the main priorities of the work of the miracle shovel of the monk Father Gennady.

Simple, like everything ingenious, easy to use, and moreover, for more than affordable price gardening tools of the new generation, the manual plow “Vyatsky Plowman” will transform hard and exhausting work on a plot of land into a quick and fun pastime. Ease of use and lightweight design make it suitable for women and children. Buy Father Gennady’s miracle shovel, and you will no longer have to endure back and lower back pain when digging up your garden. The miracle shovel of the monk Father Gennady - quick, simple and convenient!

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In addition to loosening the soil, the Tronado miracle shovel will also help you in the fight against weeds. Very useful tool for everyone, but especially for that category of gardeners for whom bending over is strictly not recommended.

One of the most popular garden tools is an ordinary bayonet shovel. It is quite difficult to work with it, and therefore gardeners are trying to improve it so as to make their work easier, and, if possible, make the work more efficient. We invite you to find out what kind of miracle shovel this is and how to make it yourself using drawings and videos.

The principle of operation of a digger for the lazy

After digging up a garden or planting potatoes over large areas, a person suffers from severe pain in the back, aches in the arms and legs. The shovel, which was invented by the monk Father Gennady, allows not only to reduce physical exercise when digging up the ground, but also to ease the work when planting potatoes.

When digging, the difficulty of the work lies in the fact that you have to exert effort when pressing the shovel into the ground, then, in addition to the weight of the shovel, you also have to lift the mass of the earth being turned over. The lazy man's shovel, invented by a monk, avoids such heavy loads. With her help without special effort Even a weak person, for whom this kind of physical activity was unbearable, will dig up the earth.

Photo of a digger for the lazy

Such a digger is usually adapted to work with the left leg, but if desired, you can make the equipment for the right one. The load on the hands is reduced by using a bicycle handlebar, which is located at chest level and is held with both hands, equally distributing the forces. But the main advantage of the miracle shovel is that there is no need to lift the earth, it turns over itself by turning the shovel.

When using Gennady’s father’s shovel, labor productivity increases significantly, the time spent on cultivating the land is reduced, and physical activity is reduced. The miracle shovel will help you dig up a garden, plant potatoes, and, if necessary, dig a trench.

The principle of how an Orthodox monk works with a shovel is to deepen the shovel into the ground by pressing with the foot and, turning the handles of the shovel with both hands, turn over the layer of earth. Pressing the shovel into the ground is made easier by a pin protruding beyond the blade of the shovel. Due to the fact that the height of the shovel can be adjusted, the back does not bend during work, which significantly lightens the load on it. All you need to do is rotate the shovel with your hands, which is where the hardest work happens: removing and turning over a layer of earth.

It is very convenient to plant potatoes using a miracle shovel. Using it, you get even and neat rows. If the blade of the shovel is 30 cm wide, then the distance between the rows will be 0.6 m.
Like every device, the Vyatka Plowman shovel has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages include:

  1. Increased labor productivity.
  2. The spine does not strain during work.
  3. Suitable for both digging up soil and digging trenches.
  4. When used on sandy soil no loosening required.

Anyone can make such a helper shovel with their own hands using drawings and videos. Parts from an old bicycle and other scrap metal are suitable for its manufacture:

  1. Hollow tube made of of stainless steel.
  2. A piece of stainless steel for the blade.
  3. Bicycle handlebar.
  4. Metal rod.

Drawing of a digger for the lazy

The disadvantages of this weapon are:

  1. On the black earth and clay soil An inverted layer of earth should be broken up immediately, but this is inconvenient to do with such a shovel.
  2. It is more convenient to process the area without large quantity weeds.
  3. When digging up virgin soil, intertwined roots of weeds create difficulties.
  4. The maximum rotation of 180° does not allow, if necessary, to turn the soil layer over so that the roots of the plants being dug up are on top.
  5. Digging up potatoes is not very convenient due to the insufficient degree of rotation, which is why some of the tubers remain in the ground.

Useful video: how to make a miracle shovel

In general, it is advisable to have implements of various modifications on the farm that will help ease the hard work of the farmer. In particular, the device is very suitable for loosening the earth manual cultivator“Tornado”, with which you can remove weeds, replant strawberries, and loosen the soil.

You can make your own digger for the lazy with minimal costs, and after watching a video with an example of how a miracle shovel works, you will definitely want to have such a wonderful tool in your household.

Who is not familiar with the feeling of disgusting fatigue and discomfort in the back from plowing the garden in autumn or spring. For centuries, people have been digging in the ground with a bayonet shovel in their hands - a wonderful and laconic invention, but not so universal that they can forever grind their beds with only a bayonet and a handle.

Garden tools and other products in this Chinese store.

Characteristics of the “Vyatka Plowman” manual plow.

The Vyatka Plowman shovel is an interesting invention Orthodox priest Gennady Khlopov, which significantly increases labor productivity and, at the same time, sharply reduces the gardener’s chances of dying from lower back pain. At the same time, Gennady Khlopov’s miracle shovel retains a certain continuity: it looks like a bayonet shovel, is also extremely simple in design, and according to the drawings, a Vyatka plowman shovel is easier to make for a home craftsman than many other types of miracle shovels.

The monk's shovel is used for manual digging of soil, but it can also be used for laying trenches. Unlike the bayonet we are used to, it is asymmetrical; it is difficult to change legs when working with it, but this is unlikely big drawback, you can design the tool for a left or right working foot.

At the top there are two long horizontal handles, reminiscent of a bicycle handlebar, and at the very beginning, when the monk-inventor came up with it, just such a handlebar was used.
The work is based on pressing the working part of the shovel into the ground with your foot and then turning over the layer of earth with a side plow using the upper handles. Maintaining a vertical position while working reduces the load on the spine.

The “Vyatka Plowman” shovel was invented by Georgy Kuptsov, rector of the Vyatka Church of the Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia in 2006 for the cultivation of virgin forest soil. Geodesist Viktor Olegovich Kryuchkov also participated in the design work. Inventors, creating one of the most convenient garden tools, set the task of maintaining health while cultivating virgin lands, which they succeeded in doing.

How to make your own “Vyatka Plowman” shovel?

N.M. Mandrigel from Dneprodzerzhinsk offers to make Gennady’s father’s shovel according to a drawing that is close to the original, and the model made according to this design has been tested and has shown itself to work well.

When making shovels, we use following materials: a bicycle handlebar on which you can put a piece of hose for convenience; stainless steel pipe with a diameter of 22 mm; shovel made of cold-rolled stainless steel 2 mm thick; pin with a spring or steel movable (adjust to the ground). The steering wheel is aligned in a straight line. The pin enters the pipe and is secured with an M8 bolt and is used to rotate the miracle shovel. The formula in the figure is indicated to determine the height of the shovel from the handlebar (top) to the cutting part.

For centuries, a person has been accompanied by a bayonet shovel, but it is painfully difficult to work with it. This is probably why a person always wants to modify or improve it. So various magic digging tools appear, like the “Tornado”, designed to make the work of the tiller easier. Almost 10 years ago, the miracle shovel of the monk Father Gennady was invented, which he called the “Vyatka Plowman”.

It became a real gift to all diggers and plowmen. After all, any gardener knows that the hardest physical work associated with digging up the earth. We all pay for planting potatoes with pain in our backs, arms and legs. An Orthodox monk made his own version of the traditional bayonet shovel, he claims that digging with it is a pleasure, it even helps plant potatoes.

In the process of digging a garden, you have to bend down each time, pressing the shovel forcefully into the ground, and then, straining all your muscles, lift not only the heavy shovel, but also the soil on it. Of course, such work hurts your back. The Vyatka Plowman shovel allows you to work without stress. This is its main advantage, which is why it is called a “shovel for the lazy,” although it would be more accurate to say, for the weak, because any pensioner with it can become a digger.

It is not symmetrical, you can work with it only with one leg - the left one, but there is no problem with that, you can make a tool for the right leg. The inventor installed a bicycle handlebar at the top, so you can hold the shovel with both hands at chest level. The most important thing: there is no need to lift the earth; it turns over smoothly as a result of the turning movement of the hands.

With such a shovel you can increase labor productivity several times. It is successfully used for digging up a vegetable garden and planting potatoes, but you can also dig a ditch.

Principle of operation

The work consists of pressing the bucket (blade) of the shovel into the ground and turning over the layer of earth, turning the handles to the right. The earth turns over in a neatly cut layer and lies on the right. The back remains straight, there is no need to bend, a bayonet is stuck into the ground, thanks to which the blade of the shovel enters the soil under the weight of the leg. On light soil you can work with one hand. The spine performs only a rotational movement; without the use of force, with the help of a lever, the work of cutting, removing and turning over a layer of earth is performed.

You can plant potatoes with this “magic digger” as if you were using a plow. You need to dig one furrow (stepping back), put potatoes in it, and when digging the second furrow, even and neat digging occurs. Moreover, you can place fertilizer in the second furrow and bury it while going through the next furrow. With a bucket width of 30 cm, you will get a very even planting of potatoes, with 60 cm between the bushes.

Video “Everything about the instrument”


The undeniable advantage of the “Vyatka Plowman” is its high labor productivity and the absence of stress on the spine when digging a vegetable garden. With its help, a digger can dig a trench, and a summer resident can easily and quickly dig up a garden. This miracle digger can handle digging up virgin soil. It is especially good to use it in light sandy soil, then you don’t even have to loosen it.

It’s interesting that this miracle shovel can be made with one’s own hands. The drawings are posted on the Internet; they were made by a resident of the Dnepropetrovsk region to help everyone. It can be made practically from scrap metal. You will need the following simple materials:

  • stainless steel pipe;
  • stainless steel shovel blade (preferably cold rolled);
  • pin;
  • bicycle wheel.

With the help of these drawings, a shovel for the lazy with your own hands can be made taking into account the height of a person. The horizontal handle should be located at chest level so that you do not have to raise or lower your arms. Although today you can buy a ready-made digger for any leg of your choice. It is in demand, which means that production can be entrusted to professionals, and you don’t have to understand the drawings!


The miracle shovel of an Orthodox monk is an excellent tool that really makes the work of summer residents and diggers easier. But it is not suitable for every soil; on clay soils and black soil, the inverted layer must be broken up immediately, otherwise it will dry out to a stone state, and then it will be difficult to work with it. They say that it is suitable for re-digging an area, but digging virgin soil is very difficult due to the roots of weeds. It rotates the cut layer of soil by a maximum of 180 degrees, and when digging up an area with grass or after cereals, the soil must be completely turned over so that the roots are at the top.

We tried digging up potatoes with a miracle shovel, but it’s not as convenient as planting potatoes with it. It picks up the bush well, but the turn is not enough for all the potatoes to be on top.

It would be nice to have on the farm various modifications of shovels and other tools that make the life of a gardener-digger easier. It is great to use the Tornado manual cultivator as a ripper. Some craftsmen adapt an auger for loosening the earth, and a shovel with an auger has become indispensable for manual snow removal. "Tornado" also facilitates physical labor when cultivating the land. His telescopic handle is adjusted so that the person does not bend his back, and a straight back gets tired less. "Tornado" is an excellent assistant when removing weeds.

It is placed above the bush, then pressed into the ground, turned and pulled out, the teeth scroll around the plant and snatch it out of the soil along with the roots. "Tornado" is flying, loosens, removes garbage from the garden. What he can still do is dig holes for planting plants, remove large weeds - everything for which without the Tornado cultivator he would have to bend over or squat. “Tornado” can even be adapted for transplanting strawberries; its teeth can easily grab a bush and turn it out of the ground without damaging the roots. Man always tries to improve his tools; the Tornado cultivator and the miracle shovel are excellent examples of this.

Video “Miracle shovel according to the drawing of monk Gennady”

In the video you can see how it is used in practice. this device. This video can dispel all doubts regarding whether it is worth switching to this type of shovel.

Digging up a large bed, say, for potatoes, is hellish torture for any summer resident. No one will believe that this can be done without a motor cultivator without overworking your back.

However, a monk from the Kirov region managed to improve the shovel so much that it no longer causes any suffering. Says that original design The Almighty himself told him.

Report by Yuri Chukhin.

Father Gennady's invention, of course, is unlikely to be able to turn the entire Earth upside down. But it is quite possible to make work much easier with the help of such a shovel.

Father Gennady: “This is called a ploughshare. It is one and a half to two times wider than an ordinary shovel. And due to the lever, it allows you to take much more land, without much physical effort.”

Unlike a regular shovel, there are two handles, and the structure itself is easy to assemble and disassemble. Father Gennady called his invention “Vyatka Plowman”. It turned out something like hand plow. The plowman's plowshare easily cuts the turf, and the soil falls off along the furrow.

A flat layer of earth looks as if a motor plow had passed through. The monk says small areas"Vyatka Plowman" can replace both a tractor and a horse. Just like this - a traditional dacha of six acres - belongs to Kirov resident Mikhail Ovechkin. Gardening experiment: “Vyatka plowman” from father Gennady versus an ordinary shovel from gardener Ovechkin.

Mikhail Ovechkin, gardener: “We competed to dig for half an hour. Father Gennady had already finished in 15 minutes, and had not yet finished his territory. The productivity of this shovel, as I see it, is four times better, higher than my own.”

Another idea of ​​Gennady’s father - “Vyatka Plowman” can be adjusted according to the height of the farmer. And if so, then there is no need to bend over. Actually, because of his bad back, he became an inventor. While plowing with a regular shovel, my lower back hurt incredibly.

Father Gennady: “There is an element of God’s providence in any story. When a man with a sore back and sore joints cried out: “Lord, I want to dig, but I can’t!”, well, who do you think helped, by whose providence was this born?

Several shovels made by the monk using a handicraft method have already been distributed throughout Kirov. Father Georgy Kuptsov was the first to try out the new product. And now the clergyman himself gives mastery lessons to his children at the dacha. Parishioners also became interested in the invention. Zoya Vlasova especially appreciated the very even furrows that the “Vyatka Plowman” leaves behind. Planting potatoes in them is simply ideal.

Zoya Vlasova, summer resident: “A single furrow is dug. And when planting potatoes, you don’t need to dig a hole under each potato. But in a single furrow, place one tuber at a distance of 30 centimeters from one tuber, and it works out very conveniently and quickly.”

And Father Gennady himself is sure that anyone can make such a shovel with desire and effort. He does not intend to make secrets out of his invention, and will gladly reveal the secret of its manufacture to anyone who wants it. After all, “Vyatka Plowman” was created to help people.