Pond made of plastic film. Some tips for constructing a pond with film waterproofing

Almost every owner of his property wants to make it elegant. A decorative natural pond is the most popular way of arranging a reservoir. It fits well into the landscape, is easy to install, self-cleaning and does not require complex care. If desired, you can add fish to the pond and decorate it with water lilies. A soft design in the form of a pond film will help quickly implement this idea.

Pros of using pond liner

Pond film has a number of advantages compared to other methods of creating a pond:

  • forms a reservoir of any shape;
  • prevents water from blooming and rotting;
  • maintains stable pond boundaries for a long time;
  • allows you to save on water consumption by eliminating its seepage;
  • does not allow insects and other harmful bacteria to enter the reservoir;
  • used on any substrate: soil, concrete, plastic;
  • makes it easier to care for plants and water resources pond;
  • allows you to secure movement thanks to the anti-slip coating;
  • if it is necessary to reconstruct a reservoir, minimal effort and time are spent.

Types of pond films

PVC film for pond

Economically advantageous material for reservoirs and ponds in the country. Suitable for sealing when gluing or welding. Thickness – 1 mm. It can be used for large-scale designs. The warranty on the material reaches 15 years.

Butyl rubber filmepdm

Consists of two layers, it is a waterproof material based on synthetic rubber. Thickness – 1 mm, elasticity up to 400 percent. The warranty is about 50 years.

Polyethylene film

Is the cheapest and fragile material, protecting the water structure. It is used at temperatures from minus 60⁰С to 50⁰С. Typically the thickness of such material is 0.5-1 millimeters. It has a high density, without perforation, and has a reinforcing layer. Warranty period is about 3 years.

PVC based material with a gravel surface laid with waterproof adhesive.

Below we will look at the pros and cons of each option.

Characteristics of different types of pond films, which one to choose

The most popular pond films are PVC and butyl rubber materials. The first option is cheaper, the second is more expensive, but more durable. Also some

PVC film for pond


  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable and elastic;
  • two membrane layers, high tightness;
  • resistant to high temperatures and root systems.


  • wet soil;

Butyl Rubber Pond Film


  • modern material;
  • high strength;
  • accessible installation;
  • resistant to various influences of nature;
  • it is possible to partially repair;
  • environmentally friendly, does not harm living organisms;
  • allows you to apply any finish;
  • takes any shape of a body of water and is capable of modification;
  • additional equipment ensures, if necessary, compaction of fragments where the equipment is connected;
  • durability up to 50 years.

Flaws: No.

Polyethylene film


  • cheap;
  • subject to replacement in case of violations;
  • prevents rotting;
  • light in weight;
  • It is possible to attach during welding.


  • does not last long in operation;
  • affects the turbidity and blooming of the reservoir.

Decorative film with gravel


  • aesthetic appearance of decorative material;
  • allows you to create illusionary compositions.


  • wet soil;
  • will last no more than ten years.

How to build a pond from film with your own hands

Tools and materials for installing a pond at the dacha

Do-it-yourself installation of a natural pond at the dacha is carried out using the following tools:

  • level (measuring instrument);
  • strong thread for drawing borders;
  • wooden supports;
  • watering hose;
  • shovel.

To build a pond yourself, prepare the materials:

  • film for garden pond;
  • geotextile, concrete to protect the pond from the root system and sharp objects;
  • sand for the initial layer;
  • well pump with power depending on the size of the reservoir;
  • water purifying filter;
  • stones for decoration;
  • decorative vegetation to decorate a pond.

How to calculate the amount of film and how to choose the location and shape of the pond

To build a pond from film, you need to take extra material.

Calculation of a film for a pond: adding the width, length of the planned pond and depth size, multiplied by 2, plus 600 millimeters for stock (allowance).

When choosing a place where the pond will be located, you need to consider:

  • The area must be provided with maximum lighting; it is not recommended to plant shrubs and trees nearby.
  • It is best to arrange a pond close to water and electrical resources;
  • Do not place the pond next to bushes and trees, as their roots can damage the film coating over time;
  • The pond should naturally fit into the landscape of the site.

The film of a decorative pond allows you to form and select any shape, as well as size. A pond with rounded lines, without pointed elements, is easy to install, clean, and also looks beautiful.

A water structure is usually equipped with areas for plants.

The depth where fish breeding is planned must be at least 55 centimeters.

Step-by-step installation of pond film, video

Short step by step plan Installation of a pond with film looks like this:

  1. Site marking;
  2. Preparing the pit;
  3. Compacting the bottom and walls of the future pond;
  4. Preparation and laying of film on the bottom;
  5. Laying sand or gravel on film;
  6. Planting plants (if this is intended);
  7. Filling with water from a hose;
  8. Decorating the coastline around the pond (with stones, boulders)

Watch the video for detailed installation of the pond film:

Manufacturers of materials and price review

The most common manufacturers of pond film:

  1. Italian company Agrilac is engaged in the production of rolled PVC material with waterproofing properties. These products are among the highest quality and most widely available. The cost varies from 150 rubles per square meter.
  2. Polish organization IZOFOL, producing waterproofing materials. An important aspect in the production of such film is its quality, which is why it is considered one of the most popular. Price from 250 rubles per square meter.
  3. The most common among German companies, which produces waterproofing sheets for reservoirs, is WTB ELBEsecur. Customers are offered a limited choice of PVC material, but this does not affect the production of a very durable product. German film is reliable even under heavy loads. The cost of such material starts from 250 rubles per square meter.
  4. One of the largest European groups of companies engaged in the production various components for the garden and vegetable garden, is Gardena. The administrative complex is located in Germany. The cost for the material is 170-210 rubles per square meter. They produce very high quality products.
  5. Another German manufacturer is Heissner. Are engaged in production chemical materials, and also produce PVC products. It is recommended to choose products from these manufacturers only if there are no other options.
  6. Elite group models are used in decoration various stones of natural origin. Regardless of the manufacturer, the cost of the material starts from 750 rubles. per square meter.

When choosing a material, it is necessary to request warranty certificates and service guarantees from a specialized company.

DIY natural pond without film

Without film possible alternative options reservoir sealing:

  1. Bentonite mats- one of the varieties building material, which is based on granulated clay located between two layers of synthetic fabric. Upon contact with liquid, the clay layer turns into a gel-like substance. Bentonite strands secure the joint elements. It doesn’t take much time for installation work. Such material can withstand several dehydration revolutions.
  2. Polyurea spray technology. The material hardens within a few minutes; when used, it can cope with heavy loads. Waterproofing work is carried out by a qualified specialist.
  3. Sputtering liquid rubber - one of the most expensive modern options. The service life of such material is unlimited. The fabric stretches 450 percent. An environmentally friendly product, resistant to corrosive changes and temperature changes. When installing, you must be able to use modern equipment, as well as possess technological knowledge.
  4. Plastic containers volume up to 50 cubic meters - expensive material, heavy in installation work. However, it is not possible for a specialist to install such a pond on the site. The service life is unlimited and does not provide for individual care.

Pond made of plastic mold

For summer residents there are no restrictions in arranging the site. To turn ideas into reality, there are various sealed materials with exceptional technical parameters. It remains to choose the most suitable option and decorate the area with a pond.

The simplest and least labor-intensive method is to line the basin with plastic film, the thickness of which should be at least 0.5 mm. Suitable for this purpose are, for example, roofing film (5-10 mm thick) and the so-called gardening film (polyethylene), which is transparent. To avoid damaging the film, the lower soil must be cleared of stones and sharp objects. A layer of sand 5 cm thick is applied to the cleaned soil. A film is laid on this layer and its edges are soldered. You can use an iron for soldering. To prevent the iron from sticking to the film during soldering, place a piece of newspaper or transparent paper under it. The required soldering temperature must be determined in advance by testing. A layer of excavated sand up to 10 cm thick is distributed on the soldered film. It will protect the film from the destructive effects ultraviolet rays And mechanical damage. The bottom of the basin, made in the form of steps, will prevent the poured material from slipping. There is no need to use humus, because... it promotes algae growth, we recommend clean sand.

Pond made of roofing felt

The material used is roofing felt, as well as insulating cardboard not coated with sand and glass tiles with glue paste (do not use roof paint). Excavation are carried out in the same order as when laying a pond with plastic film.

Line the bottom with two layers of roofing felt. First layer: lay out the entire basin, join the strips of roofing felt with an overlap of 15-20 cm, then glue the entire overlap area together. Second layer: lay strips across the first layer, glue each strip to the first layer. Coat the overlapped joints with glue again.

Clay pond

The material used is clay or clay soil. You can also buy unfired, pre-dried bricks at a brick factory (the so-called formling, formal brick). The entire surface of the basin is lined with one, or better yet, two layers of dry clay, clay soil or this brick and compacted tightly. After filling the basin with water, the clay immediately swells and thus becomes completely impermeable. In this case, please do not plant reeds and calamus, as their roots penetrate through the clay bottom.

concrete pond

Cement, coarse gravel and, to save concrete, stone or brick are used. At proper construction a concrete pond will be the most durable, but it is relatively expensive and requires physical labor.

A concrete pond heats up very slowly, this must be taken into account when selecting plants.

Pond decoration

The more diverse you decorate the edges of the pond, the richer will be the species that make up its living community. The habitat of many animals will be piles of stones, branches, branches or rotten pieces of wood. Dragonflies and snails will appear here very soon. There will be fewer mosquito larvae - they will be destroyed by their own natural enemies.

Goldfish and other aquarium fish will only disturb the natural balance in your pond and therefore, for the benefit of the local small fish, it is better to leave them in the aquarium.

During the construction of the pond, you can plan the water inflow from the gutter. Good lighting and favorable conditions for the nutrient medium promote plant reproduction. To prevent your pond from silting and becoming shallow, vegetation must be removed. The leaves of the water lily should cover the surface of the water by no more than one third. Aquatic plants provide animals with food and shelter, but during mass germination they must be partially removed.

The actual marsh plants are best planted in a marsh pool separated from the pond, which should be made of the same material as the pond. In this case, it is recommended to plant local aquatic plants. Marsh butterfly, marsh marigold, calamus, cutting cotton grass, water iris (killer whale), cloud grass and arrowhead are sold in gardening enterprises. To prevent the swamp pool from drying out, it must be connected to a pond. IN concrete version pond this is best done using a connecting pipe. And to the bottom of the pond from plastic film You can solder a rigid PVC pipe. The swamp pool should have a depth of 30-40 cm, it is filled with a rich earthen mixture.

Any site, even the most landscaped and neat, will look unfinished if it does not have some kind of, at least small, reservoir. Water has a calming and relaxing effect on any person; it is pleasant to relax and dream by a body of water. If funds and the size of the plot allow, you can make a fairly large pond and put fish there. It’s so nice to sit with a fishing rod after a working day or on a weekend, and then enjoy a fresh and aromatic fish soup! As everyone has probably already guessed, the topic of this article will be the construction of a reservoir using PVC film.

For a pond, this is, one might say, golden mean between cheap polyethylene film and expensive butyl rubber, but its quality is much superior to the former and almost as good as the latter. Working with film is not difficult, but it requires a certain amount of care (it’s film after all!), compliance with certain rules and the sequence of work when constructing a reservoir.

Stages of work to build a reservoir on the site

To determine the amount of film that will be needed, measure the length and width of the rectangle into which the prepared pit can be fit. The width of the film sheet will be equal to the width of this rectangle, to which should be added the depth of the pond, multiplied by 2, plus another 1 m. This margin is necessary to firmly secure the ends of the waterproofing to the shore. The length of the material is calculated in exactly the same way. PVC film for ponds is joined by hot welding or glue.

6. Filling with water and designing the coastal zone of the reservoir. The water should be changed twice a year. At this stage everyone can feel landscape designer and create a relaxation area where it will be calm and comfortable. Suitable plants include irises, reeds, hosts, astilbe, swimsuit, columbine and others.

Acting according to this plan, you can create a very nice pond on the site. It should be noted that PVC film for ponds is an environmentally friendly material. It tolerates frost well, does not rot and is resistant to damage. Fish live well in reservoirs constructed in this way. If you think that making a pond is expensive and troublesome, then your solution is PVC film. Butyl rubber coatings can be used for a pond; they are more expensive, but have a longer service life (up to 50 years due to their plasticity and strength). They are suitable for creating ponds free form with a relief bottom and steep slopes. If you just want to create a small water oasis, optimal solution- PVC film for the pond and your skillful hands.

In the summer heat, you really want coolness at your dacha, and the best way to get this coolness is not from your own pond. large sizes. I want to tell the readers of the site garden paths, how to build a pond from film with your own hands, and in this article I will touch on the issue of choosing a film.

Because, firstly, different films have different characteristics, and you need to know which specific film to use, how to calculate the size of the material, and so on.

Film selection

The most affordable film is polyethylene. You can take it with an ultraviolet light stabilizer so that it is less damaged by the sun. Thickness polyethylene film must be at least 1 mm. A pond made from it is short-lived, lasting from 3 to 5 years.

More popular material for the construction of garden ponds, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film remains. Branded products, as a rule, do not contain harmful substances. The thickness of this film can be from 0.6 to 1 mm, depending on the depth of the future reservoir, and it will last from 10 to 15 years, or even more. Most often, film widths of 2, 4, 6 and 8 m with a length of 20 m or more are sold in rolls. It is resistant to low temperatures and solar radiation.

A relatively new product on the market can be considered rubber-rubber film (butyl rubber, or EPDM membrane) made from ethylene vinyl acetate, as well as ethylene propylene diene thermopolymer. Available in rolls with widths of 3, 4, 6, 12 and 15 m with an average length of 30 m. Unfortunately, it is also the most expensive of all.

So, when purchasing a film, you must be sure that it is absolutely waterproof, immune to the effects of ground salts, resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation, has a thickness of about 0.8 mm, retains its qualities at a temperature of minus 20 degrees, and does not contain toxic plasticizers .

Calculating the required amount of film

To do this you need to know maximum length, width and depth of the future pond. Then the length of the film (I) will be equal to the sum of the length of the pond (L), two depths of the pond (h) and two protrusions (d) along the edges of the reservoir (protrusions take an average of 30 cm on each side): I = L + 2xh + 2xd.

The width of the film (t) is equal to the sum of the width of the pond (M), two depths of the pond (h) and two protrusions (d) along the edges of the reservoir: m = M + 2xh + 2xd.

For example: with a pond length of 4 m, width of 2.5 m, depth of 1.8 m, the width of the film is 4.9 m and the length is 6.4 m, that is, 6.4 × 4.9 m. The pond will be of medium size , volume about 9 thousand liters.


Now that we have calculated the required amount of film for the future, we need to prepare a hole, the so-called “bed”, where this film will be placed. And here's how it's done.

The construction of a bed for a pond begins with planning and choosing a place in the garden

The larger the garden, the more opportunities there are to create a pond. A film pond with a water surface area of ​​6 square meters. m should be considered as an absolute minimum; it is better to have a reservoir with an area of ​​8 to 10 square meters. m. Let me emphasize once again that this applies only to ponds made of film, and does not apply to small forms or large pools or bathtubs made of plastic.

Once a location has been selected and its size and shape determined, mark the contours of the pond on the ground using a flexible hose or thick rope and pegs. Make the necessary adjustments until you are completely satisfied with the shape and size of the future pond.

A film pond should be as large as possible not only from an aesthetic point of view, this is important for maintaining biological balance in it, which occurs on average 2 years after its construction. The minimum depth of the deepest zone of the pond should be 80 cm.

Now you can remove soil from the pit

Dig a stepped hole and check the horizontal surface of the terraces with a level, add or remove excess soil in the right places. will be needed to place containers with plants on them, or to make it convenient to enter the water when swimming. Remove all large roots, stones, and construction debris from the pit, level the bottom and edges well and begin laying sand.

After compacting the sand, before spreading the film, it is recommended to line the bottom with non-woven synthetic material(geotextile). You can use old blankets and other available materials. This cover will protect the film from damage. Then the bed of the future reservoir is covered with film.

One helpful advice: lay it out in advance sunny place- will become much softer and more elastic.

Try not to damage it when installing. You will need a helper as it is not that easy. The edges of the film should protrude 30-50 cm beyond the perimeter of the reservoir. Now you can gradually fill the bed with water, the pressure of which will begin to press the film into the sandy base, and the edges of the film will begin to tighten.

Decorating a pond with plants

Nymphs are planted in the new pond first, then pebbles or gravel are added, starting from the deepest place and gradually moving towards the banks. At the same time, the pond continues to be filled with water, and the air from under the film comes out. At the corners, place the film in neat small folds, stretch and press its edges to the ground with stones, trim them, leaving 15 centimeters.

It will be better if you immediately make a “stone castle”. A trench up to 20 cm deep is dug along the perimeter of the reservoir. The edges of the film are lowered into it and covered with coarse gravel.

A shady pond near your own home is a magical dream, which, thanks to the advent of modern waterproofing materials, easily becomes a reality. Pond film is successfully used both in compact country ponds and in large reservoirs. Film for a garden pond is made on the basis of materials designated by scary abbreviations: PVC, PVD, EVA, EPDM. Let's deal with them.

Types of polymer film waterproofing

Ergonomic butyl rubber membrane(EPDM - or EPDM in Russian transcription), made from waterproof synthetic rubber, is ideal for creating ponds yourself different sizes and depths:

  • has exceptionally high tensile strength, is not afraid of punctures, and does not deform when the soil moves;
  • environmentally friendly, can be used to create drinking reservoirs;
  • butyl rubber is very elastic, which allows the material to fit tightly to the base of the water pool, easily taking its shape;
  • not afraid ultraviolet radiation, perfectly tolerates extreme temperatures, does not rot, does not become moldy;
  • has a long service life;
  • rubber sheets are hermetically glued together using glue, special double-sided tape or using bitumen mastic, installation of waterproofing requires professional training.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waterproofing film, only fits on a flat base:

  • It is easy to install; it is easy to install it yourself;
  • if necessary, PVC tapes can be easily glued together;
  • UV resistant;
  • does not tolerate soil movement well, it will tear if the banks begin to subside slightly;
  • pleases with affordable price;
  • To decorate the coastline, there is a special vinyl film with gravel.

Polyethylene waterproofing high pressure(PVD) designed for creating artificial ponds:

  • environmentally friendly, can be used in reservoirs where fish live;
  • special stabilizers give the material elasticity, while ordinary polyethylene film does not have elasticity;
  • has high mechanical strength;
  • does not rot, does not mold;
  • UV resistant;
  • frost-resistant;
  • installation requires professional skills.

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) waterproofing"Svetlitsa-Vodyanoy" for ponds and swimming pools:

All pond films are sold in rolls, which is convenient for transportation and installation.

Choosing waterproofing for the future pond

Using EPDM butyl rubber film, you can create an artificial pond of any configuration and any size. This film can be used for large, deep reservoirs. The rubber membrane is so durable that it can even be laid on a rocky bottom. If necessary, the waterproofing sheet can be dismantled. Thickness 1 mm.

EPDM film - for any body of water

Standard PVC film has a thickness: 0.5 mm, 0.8 mm, 1 mm. For a small decorative stream (area up to 12 sq. m and depth up to 0.6 m) suitable coating 0.5 mm thick. Waterproofing material 1 mm thick is used for large reservoirs up to 1.5 m deep. For decorative effect PVC film with gravel is used.

Pond film PVD Russian production It is widely used in the construction of various water tanks, since, meeting all the necessary criteria, it is characterized by a relatively low price. Available in 0.5 mm thickness; 1 mm. To waterproof a large reservoir, film sections are hermetically welded using a special apparatus. Roll width - 4 m.

The unique ethylene vinyl acetate film "Svetlitsa-Vodyanoy" for the pond was developed in the laboratories of the scientific and production enterprise "Shar", specializing in polymers. EVA waterproofing is designed for a small house water tank. Manufacturers offer various color options. You can buy traditional black film, which gives the water source visual depth. For a decorative stream with fish and plants, a transparent blue one was created. A sea green film is suitable for a swimming pool. Roll width - 3.6 m; 4 m.

A gravel pond film will help create a harmonious transition from water to land. The polyvinyl butyral base allows the film to be mounted on any terrain. The basis of the material decorated with stone chips can be silicone or PVC. A durable and elastic film with gravel perfectly imitates the topography of rocky terrain.

Some tips for constructing a pond with film waterproofing

To create a dacha pit, it is necessary to properly waterproof it. Modern waterproof film designed for waterproofing a pond is a convenient high-tech material that solves this problem.

It is, of course, possible to create a pond without a film, but it is not so easy. Instead of a waterproofing film, you can use a concrete bowl, but it must be prepared using a special technology and its thickness must be large enough.

On the other hand, installing a pond in a country house with film waterproofing will not require too much expense. It is enough to dig a pit the desired shape, fill the bottom with sand, compact it well, arrange the slopes, carefully lay and secure the waterproofing film. Then the tank is filled with water, first one-third, and later completely. Since the gravel film decorating the banks is not waterproofing, it must be mounted on top of the standard one.

We calculate the film for an artificial pond:

  1. The length of the waterproofing sheet is the length of the pit, its two depths and tolerances (30-50 cm for each edge).
  2. Width is the width of the pit, its two depths and tolerances (30-50 cm for each edge).

Arranging a pond on local area, do not place it near trees, as growing roots can deform the bottom surface and damage the waterproofing. Decorate your landscape with gravel and natural stones.

In order for the artificial pond to remain as clean and beautiful as when it was created, every autumn it is necessary to clean the bottom of accumulated debris using a special mesh or a bottom vacuum cleaner so that the pond film does not accidentally become deformed. A skimmer is used to collect floating leaves. In small bodies of water, as the weather warms up, the water may bloom. Plants that produce a lot of oxygen will help combat this phenomenon: elodea, swampweed, hornwort, as well as special chemical additives for combating algae (blooming).

Among the waterproofing materials on the market today, butyl rubber pond film is considered the most reliable and durable. But there is one “but”... it is expensive. If you are interested a budget option, pay attention to the copolymer film for waterproofing the Svetlitsa-Vodyanoy pond. At a low price, it is quite durable and fits well on uneven ground.

When creating relatively small ponds An alternative to any film are ready-made hard plastic bowls that are dug into the pit. Read about that in a separate article on our website.

Every waterproofing material has its merits. Explore specifications, ask the manager to calculate the price and... make a choice. You should definitely arrange beautiful pond in your own garden!