Do-it-yourself strengthening of the river bank with geogrid. Various materials for strengthening banks

Quite often people have the task of strengthening the banks of a pond at their dacha. For this it is permissible to use different designs. To avoid shedding of the earth, wooden or concrete piles, mesh, and coconut mats are used. You can also plant various plants on the shore, which with their roots help strengthen the earth. To achieve good results, you should think through the design down to the smallest detail.

When organizing the strengthening of berThere are many factors to consider. This will help you achieve good results.

Soil characteristics

First of all, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the key properties of the soil. There are types of soil that tend to crumble.

Coastline Features

Equally important is the assessment of the features of the pond shore. In this case, it is worth taking into account its height and steepness of the slope.

How the earth crumbles

It is definitely worth understanding the peculiarities of soil shedding. It can fall from the surface of the shore or under water.

How long has the reservoir been equipped?

It is important to determine the characteristics of the reservoir and the time when the banks began to crumble.

How is the problem area located?

It is definitely worth determining the location of the pond. Taking this into account, the method of strengthening is chosen. When performing work, it is important not to violate appearance plot.

Purpose of the territory

It is worth considering the purpose of the territory. Location matters residential buildings and other buildings.

Climatic features

The climatic features of the area are of great importance. These include sharp fluctuations in temperature and precipitation.

Basic methods of strengthening with your own hands

There are many methods for strengthening a pond, each of which has certain characteristics.


This method can strengthen relatively steep slopes. To do this, it is worth using metal and reinforced concrete structures. Sometimes wood or even plastic piles are used. The structure is similar to a wall made of logs. The standard method of strengthening a pond is the use of wooden piles. In this case, it is permissible to use only 2 types of wood. These include oak and larch. These species are considered expensive, but for strengthening it is permissible to use unrooted sections of logs. This material is cheaper.

It is best to purchase piles that have special impregnations. They increase the resistance of wood to moisture and help slow down putrefactive processes. It is worth laying a layer between the soil of the bank and the piles. It is made from geotextile. Thanks to this element, it is possible to avoid soil and sand from getting into the cracks.

The piles should be placed close to each other. This will help form a reliable shield. It helps to avoid soil erosion and shedding. Installation is carried out using high-pressure pumps. This helps avoid bank destruction. Therefore, it is permissible to install piles in landscaped areas. As a result, you will be able to get a neat coastline.


Carrying out work with gabions is simple and economical. The advantages of using such structures include the following:

  1. The material effectively resists the onslaught of water.
  2. Features a long service life. It is over 100 years old.
  3. It is considered an accessible method that is associated with low costs. If necessary, dismantling can be done.
  4. The finished structure is considered environmentally friendly and attractive.

It is not difficult to make such a design. In this case, you should follow these recommendations:

  • install a structure in the problem area and fill it with stones;
  • correctly calculate the number of gabions and select the method of their installation - this depends on the parameters of the height of the slope;
  • at the final stage to do decorative finishing using soil and plant seeds - this will help strengthen the structure.

The gabion structure reaches maximum strength parameters after 5 years of use. During this period of time, the coastline becomes one with the landscape.


It is possible to make gabions yourself. For this purpose, metal mesh and wire are used. In this case, you will be able to save money. However, the manufacturing process takes time. A box-shaped structure is perfect for strengthening the bank. When making gabions, you can use welded joints or tie them with wire. The first ones are considered durable. They can be quite large.

When choosing the second connection method, it is worth making a smaller product.

The height of the structure is 30-40 centimeters. Its length should be 1.5-2 meters, and its width should be 1. When making it yourself, all procedures should be done at the intended location of the gabion. It is also recommended to fill it with stones. When purchasing ready-made gabions, special equipment will be required.


To make cylindrical gabions, a softer mesh is used. For this purpose steel will do double torsion. The result is a design that resembles a so-called candy. Cylindrical gabions are made faster than box-shaped ones. They are made 2-4 meters in length, 65-95 centimeters in diameter. The resulting structures are placed along the coastline, making them a kind of embankment. Usually 2-3 tiers filled with stones are enough.

Gabion matrix

This term refers to flat and wide structures. They are convenient and highly efficient. Such gabions should be laid in 1-2 layers. To do this, do the following:

  1. Make a sand fill on the problem area. Its thickness should be 10 centimeters. The layer should be leveled, moistened and compacted. A vibrating plate or any heavy device is suitable for this.
  2. Lay down geotextiles. The canvases should overlap each other by 10-15 centimeters.
  3. Lay gabions.
  4. Strengthen them at the corners with pegs. They can be made from wooden blocks. Fittings are also great. This will help prevent the gabion from moving when filled with stones.
  5. Fill the free space with stones, close the lids and secure them.

After 1-2 years, compaction of the stones is observed. As a result, voids will appear in the structure. There is also a risk of the mesh sagging. Adding new stones will help solve the problem. It is worth choosing their sizes correctly. This is done taking into account the cell size.

Anti-erosion mesh

A special feature of this material is its softness and flexibility. It is a so-called cobweb, which is laid on the ground and covered. The roots of trees and shrubs are fixed to the soil. As a result, it is possible to obtain a uniform protective layer.

Artificial mesh

For this structure it is worth using reinforcing mesh. A wire rack works great too. It is placed along the shore and filled with stones. The structure looks like a kind of formwork. On one side of the structure there should be a pond bank.

Planting vegetation

This effective way which requires special knowledge. It is important to choose moisture-loving crops that can grow in a specific soil type. Equally important are well-developed roots that can hold the soil together.


This is a simple method of strengthening, in which so-called surface reinforcement is carried out. It is recommended to sprinkle the structure with crumbs obtained from hard materials or pebbles.

It is worth considering that this method is suitable for a relatively flat slope.

Concrete wall support

To implement this method, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Drive the piles. It is recommended to do this along the watershed line.
  2. Dig a furrow along the wall and make formwork in it.
  3. Place the frame inside. It is made from rebar.
  4. Fill the piles with concrete. It must be hydraulic.
  5. Pour sand or gravel from the shore.

Coconut mats

These products can be used to strengthen the bank with a slope of no more than 60 degrees. The mats are made from coconut fiber. This material is considered durable. It does not absorb moisture. Plants can be planted on top of the mats.

The following actions will help strengthen the bank:

  • prepare the slope - remove stones and level the soil;
  • pour 5-7 centimeters of soil;
  • sow grass seeds;
  • lay the mats and secure them with pegs;
  • plant plants in cells;
  • water the shore.

Common Mistakes

When carrying out strengthening work, many people make the following mistakes:

  • choose the wrong method;
  • violate the procedure technique;
  • use incorrect materials that do not meet hygroscopicity requirements.

To strengthen the shore, it is permissible to use the following methods:

  1. Use gabion-box structures. They are made from strong and durable galvanized mesh.
  2. Combine the use of gabions with planting larch or using geogrids. This method helps to achieve results for 80 years.
  3. Use flat gabions. They are made from metal mesh with double twist. It must have a galvanized or polymer coating.
  4. Plant Siberian larch. This culture is considered very durable. It is characterized by properties that do not lead to disruption of the ecosystem of the reservoir.
  5. Use sheet piling partitions in the form of steel sheets or reinforced concrete structures

Strengthening the banks of the pond can be carried out using various methods. For this purpose they use metal constructions, plants or various natural materials.

/ Bank protection

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Work on river bank protection and other natural and artificial reservoirs. Because they provide a more economical, effective and durable way to strengthen the bank.

Bank protection technology

The most popular geomaterials for shore strengthening are gabion structures and geogrids. Each technology has its own advantages. The gabion allows you to create a clearly defined coastline, when the geogrid, in turn, optimally strengthens the coastal slopes.

In addition, such geosynthetics as geomat, which prevents soil erosion, biomat, which eliminates the possibility of soil erosion, as well as geogrid and many other geomaterials, will be very productive in such work. a wide range of which are available in the online store of the company “Modern Construction Technologies”.

Problems solved in bank protection:

Task nameMaterials usedTypes of jobs
Strengthening the banks of watercourses
  • mattresses to protect the edges from erosion, are the basis for a retaining wall
  • volumetric geogrid to protect banks from erosion
Strengthening the banks of artificial reservoirs and ponds
  • gabions for the construction of retaining walls
  • mattresses to protect the edges from erosion, are the basis for a retaining wall
Strengthening river banks
  • cylindrical gabions to strengthen bottom zones
  • mattresses to protect the edges from erosion, are the basis for a retaining wall
  • volumetric geogrid to protect banks from erosion

Bank protection with gabions

When choosing gabion structures to strengthen the bank, many are guided by their positive features, which imply the following characteristics:

  • attractive appearance;
  • absolutely environmentally friendly and harmless material for people and the environment;
  • long operational period, which is economically feasible, since the product pays for itself many times over its entire service life;
  • high resistance to various weather conditions, temperature changes and water flows;
  • low financial and labor costs for installation.

It is also worth noting that of all types of gabions, mattress-mattress and mesh boxes are the most in demand and best suited for this type of activity. The first are voluminous and large in area, but small in height, structures made of twisted metal wire. The latter are made from a hexagonal mesh of double torsion in the form of parallelepiped structures.

Strengthening the shore with geogrid

To implement Bank protection with geogrid It is important to first cover the surface with geotextiles, and then lay the grid itself, which is a three-dimensional frame made of durable polymer tapes. The cells of this geomaterial are filled with soil with seeds of various grasses, which, when germinating, make the structure even more reliable.

Buy everything necessary materials possible at the STS company. Our specialists will help you choose a product specifically for your purpose. We have an individual approach to each client!

The pond on the site is a picturesque place that is a decoration of any territory. Regardless of whether you created the pond artificially or there is access to the river, the bank is likely to collapse. The line near the shore is destroyed, and there are cases when residential buildings near the reservoir are flooded. To avoid such a situation, you need to know how to strengthen the banks of a pond at your dacha with your own hands.

Main reasons

Deformation of the banks of an artificial reservoir most often occurs due to the fact that the necessary measures were not taken during its design and construction. And if the banks are too steep and the soil is loose, crumbling will not be long in coming. The walls of the pond bank in the garden should be strengthened to avoid:

  • deformation of the structure itself;
  • flooding of nearby structures;
  • turning a pond into a swamp.
Strengthening the bank of your garden pond will help you get rid of unpleasant things

To protect the soil from erosion, construction measures need to be carried out. In the process you can use natural or artificial material. Which resources are best to choose depends on the characteristics of the pond, financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Video “Do-it-yourself garden pond with a waterfall”

From this video you will learn how to build a large garden pond with a waterfall with your own hands:

Protection of a concrete pond

In order for an artificially made pond to serve as long as possible, you need to approach its strengthening in a comprehensive manner. Protection of a reservoir can be:

  • technical - involves the use of artificial resources such as geogrids, gabions, and so on;
  • biological - planting the area with plants that slow down erosion, for example, larch, reeds and others.

Special materials give the desired effect immediately after installation. The plants take time to develop roots, but they look more natural.

To strengthen a concrete reservoir, the following is suitable:

  1. The special mesh is lightweight, durable and flexible. The geomat is filled with plant soil components, the roots strengthen the soil. This results in a reinforced zone.
  2. Geogrid is a method identical to the previous one. Pebbles are used as the main material.
  3. Coconut mat - is formed from intertwined cords with a fibrous structure.
  4. Gabions are box-type retaining walls, used when previous options are ineffective. In addition to reliability, they perfectly complement the design of the site.

The above methods are quite effective and last much longer than green spaces. If desired, you can decorate the materials, carefully hiding their gray construction appearance.

Strengthening the film base

If the bottom of the reservoir is insulated with a special layer, a decorative film can serve as the shoreline. We recommend choosing options with gravel spraying. The material does a great job of hiding the synthetic origin of the components. The film is installed on top of the waterproofing layer. The edges are attached to the base with glue for water works.

Work process ends decorative processing. Stones are installed along the edge of the pond different shapes, sizes. The composition looks great like a natural landscape. To do this, you only need a few stones and a little imagination.

To strengthen you will need stones

The best materials for work

With the help of artificial resources you will provide reliable protection reservoir from erosion of its banks. Most often used:

  • anti-erosion mesh;
  • geogrid;
  • concrete, wooden, metal piles;

The bank can also be strengthened with plants. Their root system has a beneficial effect on the soil, filling it useful components. Due to this, the land near the shores becomes stronger.

Coconut mats

They are mainly used to reinforce the shoreline of a reservoir with a film base. This can be explained by the dark color of the mats. It effectively masks unsightly film if the water level drops. Another advantage of this choice is its fibrous structure. Moisture-loving plants can grow through coconut mats. So the soil is not only strengthened, but also decorated.

Coconut mats are chosen for their excellent resistance to UV rays, resistance to organic components, natural composition, easy installation and low cost.

The installation technology is not particularly complicated, the main nuances are as follows:

  • Installation starts from the shore. The material does not need to be stretched.
  • The lower part of the mats is placed at a distance of about half a meter, near the edge of the pond.
  • The top is fixed on dry land. For this purpose, reinforcement is usually used.
  • The mats are attached to PVC film using glue.
  • The joints are overlapped.
  • The top mat is treated with plant substrate.
  • The material that is in the water must be covered with sand and fine gravel.

Finally, it is advisable to strengthen the area with stones and plants.


Representatives of the flora as shore defenders do not have an immediate effect. But they provide a reliable, long-lasting effect. Siberian larch is often used for strengthening. By operational properties it is superior to other types of wood. The trunks are constantly exposed to moisture, but they do not rot or deform when exposed to subzero temperature. Larch has no problems with strength and durability. Its presence has a beneficial effect on the ecosystem of the reservoir.

It is quite difficult to make protection from plants yourself. Trees and bushes need to be planted in such a way as to organize a developed root system. Biological method suitable only in conditions of not too intense flow in the reservoir.

Features of protecting the coastline with plants:

  • Plant shrubs and herbaceous plants above the water - sea buckthorn, willow, calamus, etc.;
  • Water iris and many other plants get along well under water.


There's not much to be found innovative types material that will provide reliable protection to the banks of the pond. One of these is gabion structures. They reduce the impact of water on the shore and prevent the destruction of its walls. Gabions are dimensional blocks, inner part which is filled with stones.

Gabions – practical option to strengthen the bank

The material has a mesh structure and is resistant to impact. groundwater. Experts say that on average gabions last 80 years. Interestingly, over time, their strength only gains strength. Gabion structures in the complex will create a continuous fortified coastline, which will also have an attractive design.

Plants grow well through the gabions; their stems and roots will provide additional protection to the banks.


This method is often called the most effective when it comes to shore reinforcement. Geogrid is a structure made of polymer tapes. They are fastened separately into cells arranged according to the type chessboard. During installation, the geogrid is stretched along the slope and secured with anchors. The cells are filled with soil or crushed stone and seeded with plants. The roots of the latter are designed to further strengthen the structure.

Workflow Features:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the ground - remove upper layer soil.
  2. We level the surface and cover it with geotextiles.
  3. We install the geogrid, pre-tensioning it and securing it with anchors - you should get a rectangular-shaped structure.
  4. Geogrid modules are fastened with a pneumatic stapler. All that remains is to fill the cells with soil, crushed stone or small stones.


In construction, reinforced concrete supports are characterized by increased reliability. However, in the field of shore strengthening, most people prefer wooden piles.

They mainly use oak, larch and other species that are highly durable. With such piles the structure will be reliable and will last at least 50 years. Perfect option– Siberian larch. It retains its original properties for a long time.

In addition to its functional purpose, the bank, treated with trunks organically matched to each other, looks impressive. In this regard, wooden piles are significantly ahead of their reinforced concrete counterparts.

Strengthening the shoreline of a garden pond is a necessity. Doing this yourself is quite difficult, but thanks to the impressive number of methods, there is plenty to choose from. Most best option– gabions. They are durable and easy to install, providing high degree protecting the shore from crumbling.

Our company is a market leader in the field of strengthening the banks of ponds and reservoirs. We work not only in Moscow and the Moscow region, but throughout Russia. 15 years of experience, qualified personnel, reasonable prices! Our specialists will help you solve any problem in the field of bank protection!

We offer following methods bank protection:

Due to the influence of various factors on the shore of a reservoir, the consequences of its destruction can lead to very sad results. What influences the destruction of the coastline?

  • change in groundwater level
  • impact of water flows on the base of the bank
  • weak bank foundation
  • high slope
  • great pressure on the coastline
  • force majeure

When strengthening the banks of a pond or reservoir, you should take a more responsible approach to choosing the strengthening method. Exposure to water has a destructive effect on different kinds materials used in bank protection. Having extensive experience behind us, we will be able to choose for you exactly the option of pond bank protection that is necessary in your case.

Cost of shore strengthening

The cost of strengthening the shore of a pond is always different and depends on the length of the coastline, its height, soil pressure on the future retaining wall, the nature of the soil and the method of strengthening.

We can calculate the approximate cost of strengthening the shore of a pond or reservoir by phone:

7 926 530 04 60

Here are the approximate prices for strengthening the banks of a reservoir, including the cost of material:

Strengthening the shore of the pond with geomats (surface preparation, installation of geomat, planting)

m2 from 1100 rub.

Strengthening the shore of the pond with geogrid (surface preparation, laying geotextiles, leveling with sand, installing geogrid, filling the cells with stone or soil followed by sowing the lawn)

m2 from 1400 rub.

Strengthening the shore of the pond with larch (surface preparation, installation of logs, filing of geotextiles, installation of anchors, trimming and grinding the end of logs)

m.p. from 8000 rub.
Strengthening the shore of the pond with gabions (preparing the base, installing the structure, filling the gabion with crushed granite stone, filing geotextiles) m3 from 11000 rub.

We have a huge technical base, enormous experience and are able to complete any task in the field of bank protection of ponds and reservoirs.

Methods of bank protection of a reservoir

With varying steepness of the shoreline of a reservoir, several methods of bank protection can be distinguished.

Strengthening methods used for different bank steepnesses

Sloping banks

Steep banks
  • geomats
  • geogrid
  • Reno mattresses
  • gabions
  • larch piles
  • tongue

Strengthening the banks with geomats

The geogrid is a polymer volumetric cell made of synthetic tapes. The material from which the geogrid modules are made is not subject to rotting. It is mainly used to strengthen the banks of a reservoir of no more than 60 degrees, but if you mount the modules on top of each other, it is also suitable for strengthening a steep bank. Attached using special anchors. Geogrid modules are filled with soil, followed by sowing lawn grass, or loose building material- crushed stone, gravel, ASG, etc.

Advantages of geogrid in bank protection:

Ease of installation

Possibility to do it yourself

Not a high price

Shore protection with Reno mattresses

Reno mattresses are slab-shaped gabion structures made of double-twisted galvanized steel wire. Reno mattresses are filled with hard rocks such as granite or gabbro-diabase. This strengthening method is suitable for forming river beds and strengthening banks subject to severe erosion.

Advantages of Reno mattresses in bank protection:

- possibility of repeating the relief
- compatibility with other materials

Bank protection with larch

Larch is a unique material used in bank protection of ponds and reservoirs. A larch log in water becomes stronger and does not rot. Larch retaining walls are already

have long established themselves as one of the most reliable methods of bank protection used on steep banks. A larch log is immersed in the ground using drilling, vibration immersion or hydraulic erosion. Each log is connected to each other with anchors, thereby forming a solid structure. On the shore side, a retaining wall made of larch logs is supported by reinforced concrete pillars.

Advantages of larch in bank protection:

Resistance to high loads
- durability of the structure
- environmental friendliness of the material
- fits perfectly into landscape design

Strengthening the shoreline of the pond with gabions

Gabions are boxes made of double-twisted galvanized steel wire filled with hard rocks. This is one of the most reliable methods of bank protection. Retaining walls of any size can be erected from gabion structures; therefore, even the most complex banks can be strengthened with gabions. The stone is placed into the gabions manually, which allows the box to be filled as tightly as possible. The porosity of the structure makes gabions successfully used in landscape design.

Advantages of gabions in bank protection:

- corrosion resistance
- environmental friendliness
- durability of the structure

Strengthening the shore of a reservoir with sheet piling

The tongue is metallic profile with curved edges or locks. Sheet piles are used for bank protection of steep banks. Piles are driven by vibration driving using technology, so the price this method strengthening is quite high. Sheet piling reinforcement is often used in the construction of piers at great depths where it is not possible to lower the water level. The pile is driven into the ground to 2/3 depth. On the shore side it is held in place by an iron strapping belt anchored in reinforced concrete piles.

Advantages of sheet piles in bank protection:

High load resistance
- durability of the structure

Possibility of bank protection at depth

Before making bank protection for a pond or reservoir with your own hands, you should think carefully about the consequences that may arise if wrong choice method and violation of technology. Our company employs qualified specialists of a narrow profile, we provide a guarantee on all types of work for 5 years!

Basic provisions for the use of volumetric polymer geocells for strengthening the banks of reservoirs.

When to use

The decision to use a volumetric geogrid for civil and industrial purposes should be entrusted to designers from design institutes.

For private use, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  • Bank slope - the material is recommended for use on inclined surfaces with a slope of no more than 30 degrees.
  • Presence of wave action - it is not recommended to use the material without a developed design solution on the shores of seas, large lakes and other bodies of water with intense wave action.
  • Soil type - geogrid should be used to strengthen the coastline on swampy and weak foundations only if the project is developed by specialists.

Which one to choose

The main parameters of the geogrid are the cell size and module height.

The steeper the slope of the river or pond, the smaller the cell should be used. The use of modules with a large cell on steep planes leads to rubble being poured down the slope.

The weaker the base and the more intense the wave action, the higher the module should be in height. The height of the module affects the volume of crushed stone backfill, and as a consequence, the stability of the structure as a whole.

Also, when strengthening the coastline, it is better to use a perforated grate to quickly drain water from the structure.

What additional materials are needed?

  • Geotextile – acts as a separating layer between the soil and the filled geocell module. It prevents the soil from mixing with the main filler. It is recommended to use needle-punched geotextiles with a density of at least 200 g/m2.
  • Filler – to strengthen the bank with a geogrid, the module is filled with crushed stone or large pebbles
  • Anchors - steel anchors are used, 800 - 1000 mm long. Their main purpose in the design is to fix the module in a stretched state before backfilling.


The classic installation method does not require special skills or specialized equipment.

  1. The first step is to prepare the surface; the soil should be leveled and cleared of debris and plants.
  2. Needle-punched geotextiles are spread over the entire prepared surface with an overlap of approximately 200 mm. The edges of the textile are fixed.
  3. The volumetric geogrid is stretched on textiles. The edges of the geogrid are fixed with anchors with a step through the cell. The corner cells are fixed with 2 anchors. Inside the geogrid is fixed at the rate of 1 anchor per sq.m.
  4. The stretched cells are filled with filler: crushed stone, pebbles. In flat areas, it is allowed for special equipment to collide with buried areas of the structure.