House projects from Finland. Finnish house projects

    What was done

    Project: the Innsbruck project was adapted to the site and the wishes of the Customer's family, and a solution was proposed to move the terrace.
    foundation: based on geology and the architect’s calculations, the house was built on a pile-grill foundation.
    ceilings: basement - reinforced concrete monolithic; interfloor - reinforced concrete floor slabs.
    box: walls made of aerated concrete blocks, masonry with masonry glue. Windows are made to order, with one-sided lamination, installation on site.
    roof: metal tiles.
    exterior decoration: walls are insulated with basalt facade insulation and plastered, finishing elements made of wood, manufactured locally, based on technical specifications visualization, painted. The base is laid out decorative stone.
    interior finishing: finishing was carried out according to the design project, where the combination was taken as the basis decorative plaster with stone and wood. False beams were installed on the ceilings.
    additionally: a fireplace has been installed and finished.

    What was done

    This is the very case when our Customer and we speak the same language and are inspired by the ECO high-tech style! Designer Ilya came to us with already finished Project your future home! Our team liked the project - it’s so unusual and stylish solutions It's always a professional challenge!
    We prepared estimates for Ilya and developed unique Constructive decisions- all this allowed us to implement this project! Frame house made in our proven Canadian technology with 200 mm insulation along the entire contour! The outside of the house is sheathed with imitation timber. All windows are custom-made and laminated in colors according to the project. Additional accents are placed thanks to professional painting of imitation timber and selection of paints.

    What was done

    What does it cost us to build a house? Indeed, having a team of professionals and knowledge, building a house from scratch is a matter of time! But sometimes the task is more difficult! We have introductory ones - an existing foundation, or buildings on the site, extensions to existing buildings and much more! For the Matsuev family it was exactly this not an easy task. They had a foundation from an old burnt house, and a landscaped area around it! A new house had to be built in short term on the existing foundation. Dmitry and his family had a desire to build new house in high-tech style. After careful measurements, a design was made that took into account the old layout, but had a new one modern form with interesting innovations! appeared at home entry group, where you can sit at a table on cozy evenings and a complex but possible exploitable roof in our area. To implement such a roof, we called on our knowledge and modern Construction Materials LVL beams, built-up roofing and much more. Now in the summer you can have an unusual dinner on such a roof or watch the stars at night! In the decoration, our architect also emphasized the minimalistic and graphic high-tech style. Smooth plastered walls with painted plank details, and wooden beams at the entrance added personality. The inside of the house is finished with imitation timber, which is painted in different colors depending on the purpose of the room! Large windows in the living room kitchen overlooking the site created the desired effect of illumination and airiness of the space! The house of the Matsuev family has graced our photo gallery in the section of country architecture in the high-tech style, a style chosen by brave Customers with excellent taste.

    What was done

    Olga and her family have long dreamed of a country house! A reliable, solid home for living that will fit perfectly into their difficult narrow plot! With the advent of children, it was decided to make the dream come true; children grow quickly and in own home There are many opportunities in nature and Fresh air. We, in turn, were glad to work on an individual house project in classic style made of red brick with a bay window! After the first acquaintance with our company in a cozy office, we invited Olga to take a look at our current construction site: evaluate the order and construction processes, storage of materials on site, get acquainted with the construction team, make sure the quality of the work. After visiting the site, Olga decided to work with us! And we were glad to do our favorite job again to make another country dream come true!

    What was done

    Project: changes were made to the San Rafael project and redevelopment was made according to the wishes of the Customer.
    floors: basement - reinforced concrete floor slabs; interfloor - reinforced concrete floor slabs
    box: walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks, masonry with mortar??? Windows have been installed.
    roof: metal tile
    terrace: rough fencing elements have been completed, flooring has been installed.

    What was done

    Dmitry contacted our company with an interesting preliminary design to calculate the cost. Our experience allows us to perform such calculations based on preliminary designs with minimal errors, no more than 2%. Having visited our construction sites and received the cost of construction, Dmitry chose us from many of our colleagues in the workshop to complete the project. Our team began to carry out a difficult and expressive country project with spacious premises and garage, large windows and complex architecture. After the project was completed, Dmitry chose us as a contractor company, and we, in turn, wanted to do further work on the same high level! Since the object is large, Dmitry proposed stage-by-stage cooperation, namely, upon successful completion of the foundation work, we began the second part of the project - walls + floors + roofing. Also, the exact timing of construction was important for Dmitry; in order to speed up the construction processes, the team was reinforced by 2 experienced masons.
    The box on a pile-grillage foundation was delivered right on time! The result pleased us and the Customer. All stages of the work were coordinated and worked out for Dmitry and his individual project, which benefited all participants in the process!

    What was done

    Project: The project of our company Inkerman was changed taking into account the wishes of the Customer’s family, the house was planted on the site, taking into account the existing situation on the site and the relief
    foundation: based on geology and the architect’s calculations, the house was built on a reinforced pile-grill foundation.
    ceilings: wooden wooden beams, in places of large spans, installation of LVL beams. Basement ceiling insulated basalt insulation in 200mm; interfloor ceiling with 150mm sound insulation.
    box: box: walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks, masonry with mortar. Windows have been installed.
    roofing: installation of metal tiles.
    external finishing: the facade is insulated with 100 mm basalt facade slabs, the facades are closed facing bricks; color scheme proposed by the architect and agreed with the Customer.

    What was done

    The Krutov family decided to build spacious house for the life of the whole family!
    Olga and other family members went from idea to implementation in several stages! Choice of technology long work on the project, building a foundation, building a house with exterior finishing and then working on interior decoration! Frame technology was chosen as energy-saving, prefabricated and high-tech! Why did the Krutovs choose our company? They were pleased with the quality of work on our construction site and the workers who gave us a detailed tour! We also worked on the estimate for a long time, combining different variants finishes, comparing their costs. This allowed me to choose best option from a wide variety finishing materials and complete sets.
    The project was created by an architect friend, but we had to work out the constructive part of it. After which the most reliable and effective foundation- USHP. Next, work began on the box. A frame house with 200 mm insulation along the entire contour and a unique roof insulation technology of 300 mm. For the exterior decoration, siding was chosen in a spectacular combination of colors - coffee and cream. Accents are placed thanks to powerful roof overhangs, an interfloor belt and large windows!

    What was done

    When you decide to become the proud owner of your own home and move to a new home for permanent residence, first of all, you think about what the house will be like; what to build it from; how much will it cost and most importantly, WHO will do all this?
    Alexander, came to our company with the desire to move to his own Vacation home. He liked the Avignon project and there was already a strip foundation. After the initial visit to the site, measurements and inspection of the foundation, we gave our conclusions and recommendations. Strengthen the foundation, change the project and adapt it to the size of the existing foundation! After agreeing on the cost, it was decided to build in winter. Alexander received a gift of reinforced concrete floors, one of the leading construction teams and a house according to the design he liked, which stood on a plot with exterior finishing by spring! Alexander observed every stage of construction, regularly visiting the construction site and was pleased with the result, and we were pleased with our work. This is an individually designed Avignon project, implemented in stone technology with external insulation and siding finishing!

    What was done

    Each house is a separate story of creation and implementation! One day we built a house good people and they recommended us to someone else to a good person! Rumyantsev Andrey came to our company with a desire to replace the old country house to build a one-story spacious country house with a fireplace for warm family evenings... It was decided to build the house from aerated concrete blocks so that the future country handsome man would delight the owner for decades! The customer voiced his wishes for finishing - and we, in turn, brought everything to life. Thanks to detailed visualization of the project, each element of the exterior decoration is a member of a friendly ensemble! Bavarian masonry, as the final stage of exterior decoration, looks noble and thorough. Without a doubt, such a tandem - aerated concrete and brick can be safely called the best solution in the field of stone house construction - warm, affordable, beautiful, reliable. Modern technologies We have stepped forward so much that such unique configurations become available in a short time, because we built this project over the winter months. The main thing is to have the necessary knowledge and constantly replenish it!

    What was done

    Project: the project of a European company was taken as a basis and was adapted to the site and the wishes of the Customer’s family; a terrace and patio were proposed, taking into account the cardinal directions on the Customer’s site.
    foundation: based on geology and the architect’s calculations, the house was built on a pile-grill foundation.
    ceilings: basement - reinforced concrete monolithic; interfloor - wooden on beams with a 150 mm sound insulation device.
    box: walls made of aerated concrete blocks, masonry with masonry glue. Windows are made to order with one-sided lamination, installation on site.
    roof: metal tiles.
    Exterior finishing: the walls are insulated with basalt facade insulation and plastered. Based on visualizations added façade panels under the Tolento stone. The enclosing elements of the terrace and balcony are made of wood, made locally, based on technical specifications visualization, and painted. The roof overhangs are lined with soffits matching the color of the roof.

    Vladimir Murashkin,

    The owner of a house “brought to life according to his idea and sketch!”

    House parameters:

    What was done

    When Customers come to us with bright, modern ideas future home, we light up doubly! After all, work on a new stylish project It’s always interesting and a challenge, how to implement all the bold ideas from a constructive point of view, what materials to use? Vladimir bought a plot of land with picturesque views of the Oka bank! This view could not be ignored, so a dizzying terrace (51.1 m2) and a large balcony, oriented towards beauty, became an indispensable attribute of the future house! Vladimir wanted to relax in nature in wooden house, and it was necessary to build a house in a short time and ideal solution became for such tasks frame technology construction! If we’re going to be different, it’s in everything! Made the house even more spectacular vertical finishing imitation timber made of durable larch, painted in natural shades with emphasized wood texture. Laminated windows complement the modern look of the house! It turned out to be an excellent country house, with highlights and at the same time incredibly functional.

    It all started with individual project, found by the Customer’s family on a European website. It was with him that she came to our office for the first time. We have done preliminary calculations on the project, took a tour of the active construction site, shook hands and work began to boil! The architect improved and adapted the project to the site and the Client’s family; the foreman “planted” the house on the site. Based on geological surveys, it was decided to place the house on bored piles. The frame grew in a few weeks, then the roofing, insulation, exterior finishing! Behind winter period a house grew on the site. The customer invited a third-party technical supervisor who monitored the process independently of our multi-stage control. The color scheme for painting the imitation timber was selected by our manager and here in front of us is the bright and cozy country house of the Pushkov family’s dreams!

One of the first questions that arises when you think about building a house is what will it be like? After all, you want the house to be not only beautiful, but also cozy and comfortable to live in.

Most likely, you will first try to draw your “ideal layout” yourself. But I’m more than sure that you will very quickly encounter a number of difficulties - how to “shove in what can’t be squeezed in”, how to arrange windows, doors... to make everything so that it is comfortable and beautiful and nothing superfluous.

It is no coincidence that people study to become architects and designers. Everything is not as simple as it seems. Therefore, in my opinion, the best way is to search for a “donor”, ​​a ready-made house project that best suits your desires and requirements.

You will type in Yandex or Google something like “ready-made projects” or “standard projects” and will consider many domestic projects. Perhaps you will find something, or perhaps you will be disappointed.

Why are Scandinavian projects better than Russian ones?

In short, Scandinavian houses are much more thoughtful, rational and comfortable to live in than the vast majority of domestic ones.

Russian projects are very specific. We do not have much experience in designing private houses. Village houses were always built “with your own mind,” without “conveniences” and other bourgeois excesses, and professional designers and architects were taught to build large buildings and apartment buildings.

Hence the specificity of domestic projects - the emphasis is on a catchy appearance, despite the fact that the internal layouts are often not thought out and are made according to an “apartment” model, which does not take into account the specifics of a country house and living in it.

The space is not used efficiently, there are no extremely useful (and often necessary) utility rooms, etc. But there are many useless halls and corridors. Which waste the space you will pay for during construction.

But behind spectacular facades this is often not noticeable. Understanding comes later, when the house is built, the money is spent, and you understand what should have been done differently.

Once I came across a project for a house of 250 square meters, of which, upon closer examination, about 100 square meters were halls and corridors. That is, in fact, wasted space. But if you take a more rational approach to the use of space, then instead of a house on 250 m2, it would be quite possible to build a house on 180 - with the same set and area of ​​premises that carry some useful function. But in order to make the planning rational, you need to really strain your brain. It is much easier to increase the area and insert a couple of corridors. After all, it is not the designer who will pay for these square meters during construction.

Therefore, in my opinion, it would be more correct to turn to foreign experience. And first of all to the experience of northern Europe and Scandinavia.

Why them?

Because in these countries they know how to count money, they love comfort, but at the same time they do not like to spend too much. The layouts of Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish houses are extremely well thought out. And the climate and related features of the houses are closer to ours than, say, Spanish or Polish houses

All space is used very rationally. Appearance, layout - everything is balanced.

Can I make my own changes to the Scandinavian project?

It is possible, but very carefully. I repeat, most Scandinavian projects have already been thought out to the smallest detail. Therefore, an attempt to independently “redevelop” or change one thing to another may lead to you ending up with a completely different house. And it’s not a fact that it will be as comfortable and beautiful as in the original picture.

Therefore, ideally, you need to look for a project that suits you with minimal changes. Or be very aware of what you are doing and how it will look in reality.

Let me give you a small example. Below is a photo of the “donor” and its implementation with some façade changes.

It would seem like nothing at all. The windows without glazing, the façade board cladding was replaced with siding, the wide white decorative elements were removed, and the porch was slightly reduced in size. It seems like a small thing. But in the end it turned out to be a different house. Not bad - but just different. Not the same as in the picture.

Where can I find a project for a Finnish or Scandinavian house?

There are only two options

Option one - find it in Scandinavia

In Finland and Scandinavia, standard construction is very common, which is carried out by both small firms and large concerns. Such companies usually have catalogs of manufactured houses.

Actually, your task is to study the websites of these companies, see what they offer and choose a Scandinavian or Finnish house project for subsequent implementation. Although, to be honest, this cannot be called a project. Rather, it is the appearance and layout from which you can build. Since buying a ready-made project with all the documentation abroad is quite problematic. But having sketches in hand - the layout and appearance of the house, you can already make a “replica” of this house.

Not all sites have a Russian or English version. Moreover, this version may be “shortened”, so for completeness of information, it is better to look at the original site.

To make it easier to navigate sites, you can use Google's automatic translator ( - just enter the site address in the translation field.

Or use the tips given below in the text.

Option two - search on the Finnish House

We have been working towards this for a long time and have finally made our catalog of Scandinavian and Finnish house designs. Faced with the need to search for a suitable project on several dozen foreign sites, which were also constantly changing, we gradually began to drag projects from Scandinavian sites to ours. And now there are more than 2,500 Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish houses on the Finnish House, with a convenient search according to the main criteria. By the way, when viewing a project in our catalog, pay attention to the “description” tab, there is useful information and a link to the original project.

  • projects of Finnish houses with a sauna - and what is a Finnish house without a sauna?
  • projects of Finnish houses with a garage - after creating the catalog, I was surprised to find that the Finns have quite a lot of such projects
  • projects of Finnish houses up to 100 m2 - small houses have their own charm, except for one thing, they turn out to be expensive to build
  • projects of Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber - by the way, such a house can always be made in a frame version 😉

If you haven’t found your option, try searching in the catalog itself using the search form in the sidebar.

If you like to work with primary sources, below you will find links to Finnish and Scandinavian sites that served as a source of projects for our catalog.

Finnish house projects

Everything related to houses has a root in Finnish talo- which is noticeable even from the names of the companies. For example, Omatalo is one of the largest concerns in Finland and Scandinavia.

Accordingly, on websites, look for sections related to talo in one way or another - usually the directory is hidden under the word talot (houses), talomallistomme, talopaketit, etc. as well as mallistot (collections). Hints: kerros - number of floors, Huoneistoala - living area, Kerrosala - total area.

And it doesn’t matter whether the company builds houses from laminated veneer lumber or frame houses; any project can be adapted to frame technology.

Also read my
http://www.finnlamelli.fi rus/models talomallisto
http://www.aatelitalo.fi Hirsitalot.627.html Hirsihuvilat.628.html catalog.html

Hints - husen (house) planritningar (layout), Vära hus (choose a house)

CompanyCatalog page_id=36
http://www. start php

Norwegian house projects

One-story Finnish houses are not only a stylish solution for building your own home, but also practicality, inherent in all buildings of the northern peoples, as well as comfort and coziness.

Modest and laconic in appearance, the building is very reliable and can serve you for many years. In this article we will look at all the advantages of a one-story house and provide answers to frequently asked questions.

Construction of a house begins with a project that satisfies all the wishes of the owner of the future home. Many companies offer various planning solutions to suit every taste and budget. Architects take into account not only the comfort and optimal location of residential premises, but also the safety of the building as a whole.

Standard projects are good because they have been used repeatedly, which means they have been time-tested. But if you want an individual project, then you can contact an architect who will take into account all your wishes and make your home not only functional, comfortable, but also unique.

A Finnish wooden house is an ideal solution for people who feel uncomfortable in the bustle of the city. Fresh, clean air in the house and the pleasant smell of natural wood will not only help maintain the warmth and comfort of your home, but also help you relax after working days and feel a surge of strength.

The reliable design of the house will allow you to be sure that in any bad weather the room will be warm and dry, and high-quality materials and unique construction technologies will guarantee the durability of the house.

A Finnish wooden house can be built to suit any need, be it a summer cottage, an insulated country house or a full-fledged family home for year-round use.

Here are the main advantages of Finnish houses:

  • Beauty. The laconicism of the construction, inherited from the country of origin of such houses, will appeal to everyone. We can say that there is nothing superfluous in the design of the house, but it looks simply amazing!
  • Environmental friendliness. The material for building the house is only high-quality raw materials of natural origin (pine, cedar, spruce, larch). The glue included in the timber is absolutely harmless and non-toxic.
  • Economical. Due to the unique design, the seams between the beams do not let cold and moisture into the house, which means that the cost of heating the house will be reduced.
  • Durability. When building a Finnish house, be sure that rot, dampness and temperature changes will not damage your building. Special processing of each beam and its reliable joining with the rest is the key to a strong and reliable structure.
  • Speed ​​of construction.
  • "Breathing" house. Due to the fact that the walls allow steam to pass through, the room maintains optimal humidity, which prevents the development of mold, mildew and dampness.

The main technical characteristics of any residential building are thermal insulation, sound insulation, strength and fire resistance.

Each of these indicators determines how comfortable it is to live in a house, and how safe it is to live in:

  • Strength. The design of Finnish houses is a unique combination of practicality, strength and durability. The design of the house allows it to be built even in the zone of constant earthquakes. Rest assured that nothing will happen to your home.
  • Thermal insulation. This indicator is the most important in the harsh Russian winters. A wooden house itself is an excellent temperature regulator. Depending on the region, you can choose the thickness of the walls, which will help retain heat even in the most northern areas. The unique design of assembly and joining of logs will prevent wind and bad weather from entering your home.
  • Fire safety. Finnish wooden houses are, in fact, one of the least fire hazardous among wooden houses. The material from which these houses are made is self-extinguishing and can contain fire for about an hour.
  • Soundproofing. In terms of protection from extraneous sounds, a Finnish house can only be compared with a brick wall several meters thick. You will not be disturbed by unnecessary sounds from the street or other rooms in the house. This is especially good when there are small children or elderly people in the house.

Finnish houses, like many other buildings that have their own history, have some traditional features:

  1. Traditional for Finland is a one-story house with a flat gable roof. Tall houses, as a rule, are not built, due to the fact that the cost of heating such a house increases significantly.
  2. There are no utility rooms in Finnish houses. The attic and garage are usually not part of a Finnish house. They are the key to unpleasant odors, accumulation of dust and dampness. All utility rooms are built on the site, but not next to the house.
  3. Traditional houses have very low ceilings. This is again related to savings - heating a room with high ceilings in a cold winter is very expensive.
  4. Windows in a Finnish house are often large. Daylight hours in northern cities are very short, so to get maximum light, Finns install large windows.
  5. Two entrances and exits allow you to be prepared for any weather, and are also convenient. A Finnish house traditionally has a separate spacious hallway.


The variety of projects allows you to plan a room that is ideally suited to the customer’s needs. Modern firms offer many standard designs that can be modified to suit your needs.

If you want to build a house with a unique layout, then you can always turn to professionals who will take into account all your wishes and will be able to create the house of your dreams.

A Finnish one-story house with a veranda is an ideal solution for a country house. The attic floor, which forms the roof of the veranda, will allow you to comfortably accommodate the whole family, because the bedrooms can be located in the cozy attic. The house itself is compact in size and will fit on even the smallest area.

The smallest area for comfortable accommodation of a family of 3-4 people is 60 m2. This area is conventionally divided into several zones: a recreation area, utility rooms (storage rooms, space for a toilet and even a shower), a sleeping area.

This type of log house is good for a home or cottage where you will live all year round. In the layout of a Finnish one-story house there is much more space for relaxation and sleep than in a small summer house.

But when choosing a house design and calculating the area of ​​each room, keep in mind that the thickness of the walls should be greater to provide reliable protection from the cold even in severe frosts.

For a large family, the main thing in planning a house is the rational use of space. When choosing a layout, pay attention to the corridors and utility rooms and calculate their area.

If in a house with an area of ​​250 sq.m. the area of ​​non-residential premises is about 100 sq.m., then such a project incurs additional costs for both materials and construction of the house.

Think about how to reduce the amount of non-residential space (reduce the size of closets, narrow and shorten corridors) and then, perhaps, you can save a significant amount.

The layout of a cottage with a garage should take into account the following:

  • The garage should not be located next to sleeping areas
  • The area inside the garage must be solid (paved or concreted)
  • Zoning of premises should be well thought out
  • The foundation must be reliable
  • Exterior decoration should not only serve as a beautiful decorative element, but also protect the house from adverse weather conditions

Choosing a country house

  1. Consider the size of the area and how you want to use it. For small plots, a small house would be ideal; for medium and large plots, a larger house would be ideal.
  2. Carefully study the layout of the house and the layout of the rooms. The layout must fully meet the needs.
  3. Choose the thickness of the material depending on the climate in your area. The colder it is, the thicker the timber should be.
  4. Some country houses can be erected on different foundations. Find out which one is needed for the home you like.

Permanent Residence Options

  1. The most important thing after the project is comfort and convenience. The layout of rooms and utility rooms should fully satisfy your needs.
  2. Don't forget about the material. Only high-quality timber with various impregnations (pest-proof and fire-resistant) can make your home not only reliable, but also safe.
  3. Choice of foundation. Depending on the type of soil, choose a foundation that will provide your home with reliable support.
  4. Take care of all necessary communications to your home. To do this, find out whether you need to change anything in the layout of the finished house.

Main stages of construction:

  1. Project
  2. Ordering materials or the whole house (the second option is preferable, since you will only have to assemble the house like a designer)
  3. Selection of foundation and its structure
  4. House assembly
  5. Installation of communications
  6. Finishing work

  • To get started, choose a house design or have an architect draw it up. The consumption of materials and the choice of foundation depend on the project.
  • After the entire project is ready, calculate the amount of materials, or contact a company that will assemble a house according to your project. Usually, preparing a house (measurements, cuts, delivery to you) takes at least 2-3 months, so during this time you can make the foundation.
  • Here are the main criteria for choosing a foundation: for loose soil, a pile bonded with a slab would be ideal; strip - universal, but with “moving” soil it is better to bury it; The slab is reliable and suitable for almost all types of soil.
  • The production and delivery time of your house will approximately coincide with the foundation production time, so you can immediately begin assembling the house. Usually the house is assembled as a simple log house, but does not require caulking; accordingly, each log will be numbered, and you will not be mistaken in the assembly. After the roof is assembled, double-glazed windows and entrance doors are installed.
  • After assembly, it is time to lay communications. If at the planning stage of the house this was included in the plan, then there will be no problems, since the plan will show where and what should be located.
  • do not require shrinkage, so you can start finishing immediately after assembling the house.

A Finnish one-story house is an excellent option for those who love beauty combined with reliability. A Finnish house is good not only as a country house, but also as a country house - it is environmentally friendly, aesthetically pleasing and safe.

  • A good project is the key to reliable construction and rational use of the premises.
  • High-quality materials will protect your home from corrosion and fire and will make your home a real family nest for many decades.

Finland is famous for its practical approach to building houses. This country has a very harsh climate; special requirements are imposed on cottages for permanent residence.

Over the years, Finnish construction technology has spread and become popular in European countries.

How does Finnish construction technology differ from American one?

There are two large schools of frame construction: American and Finnish. In the first case, it is assumed that all construction work is carried out on the customer’s premises. That is, the frame is created from standard elements, and cutting to the required size occurs in the field.

With Finnish construction technology, all elements of the house are manufactured in a factory, and only the final assembly of the frame is carried out at the client’s site. Therefore, Finnish frame houses are airtight, durable and able to maintain a comfortable temperature even during severe frosts.

What is remarkable about Finnish cottages?

Here are the main advantages that distinguish Finnish construction technology:

  • Facade cladding.

Wood materials are used for exterior decoration. Such as polymer-coated chipboard or moisture-resistant plasterboard. This is not siding or other chemical materials. Only wood-based coatings are used, as they are more environmentally friendly.

  • Thermal insulation.

Insulation is the strongest point of Scandinavian houses. In some cases, the thickness of the frame wall is 20-25 centimeters. Moreover, natural materials (or materials containing natural components) are used for insulation.

  • Special roof design.

Finnish cottages are distinguished by a truss-truss roof structure. This gives buildings a recognizable style and allows efficient use of the space under the roof.

  • Installed crossbars.

The crossbar is a vertical lintel that relieves the load from window and door openings. In many projects this jumper is installed at an additional cost. In the case of Scandinavian houses, it is installed by default and allows you to do without double framing of the frame.

Finnish laminated veneer lumber is an environmentally friendly, fire-resistant and durable material, which, among other things, also has excellent aesthetic qualities. Therefore, house designs made from laminated veneer lumber are chosen by those who understand all the advantages of this choice.

Wooden construction does not require significant additional costs for internal and external finishing, since Finnish timber has an impressive and beautiful surface; it is enough to cover it with protective paints. Finnish laminated veneer lumber, if the recommended thickness is observed, does not require additional insulation. Thus, all the advantages of a wooden house with its unique microclimate are preserved. On the other hand, choosing this particular material for building a house allows you to save on building a powerful foundation, which, for example, requires even heavier brick and stone houses. In addition, Finnish laminated timber is made from environmentally friendly materials that will make your home an ideal home for your family.

We offer Finnish timber cottages, made to a high professional level. Projects of houses made of laminated veneer lumber They are distinguished by their variety and interesting architectural solutions; they are intended for both large and very young families. Here you will find both one-story house designs made of laminated veneer lumber and two-story ones. Such projects of houses made of laminated veneer lumber include, for example, the “Talos” project - a one-story house of an unusual shape. Open spacious terraces, windows with a large glazing surface, several bedrooms, a dining room, a kitchen, a toilet room and a sauna - everything that is necessary for a comfortable stay for people. The second floor is intended for guests or to form a separate bedroom.

Such cottages made of timber in the suburban area are very popular today, and this is not surprising, given the increase in the number of cars, gas pollution and the deterioration of the general environmental situation in large cities.

Pay attention, for example, to one of the project options for two-story houses Inari, designed for a small family. The owners have access to not only a spacious hall, kitchen, dining room and several bedrooms of different sizes, but also a sauna and an office.

Our regular offers include wooden ones. The attic floor will increase the usable area of ​​a Finnish house, providing a quiet haven for an artist’s studio, a writer’s office, a children’s room or a guest bedroom. Interesting options for the attic floor, used as a small cinema hall. The cost of a one-story house with an attic will be less than the price of a two-story house, and in terms of comfort such houses will not be inferior to it. One of these one-story houses with an attic is the Atlas project. Living room with fireplace, three bedrooms, kitchen and dining areas, sauna and shower - all on an area of ​​112.8 square meters. meters.

Our electronic catalog includes numerous options for wooden house designs - you just need to flip through its pages. All Finnish houses are designed for comfortable living, taking into account their individual needs. We hope that you will appreciate the original ideas of our architects and the quality of Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber - one of the modern, reliable and environmentally friendly building materials that create a healthy indoor microclimate.

The products offered by our company are divided not only by price category, but also by number of floors. From us you can buy a one-story house with a garage or a two-story house with an area of ​​120 to 163 sq. m. meters, capable of accommodating a large family. Let us note that a modern one-story house with a garage is not always a cottage with a closed car compartment. The built-in canopy for one or two cars copes well with the function of protecting the car from snow and rain.

Among the projects of Finnish houses are considered very interesting villas. These are truly large and spacious projects of houses made of laminated veneer lumber, with a strong personality. Often, for villa projects, not standard options are used, but individual designs. Villa designs are often complemented by unusually large windows, giving the villas a special style and luxury. If such a house is located in a picturesque place, then the window openings will offer a wonderful view of the surrounding area. We offer several wooden villa house projects built using modern technologies from Finnish laminated timber.