Projects of country houses made of frames. We build a frame country summer house with our own hands

And we know how to quickly and efficiently build a warm and durable home for you.

We cooperate with several woodworking factories, where, according to our calculations, frames are made, truss structures, particle boards. Computer-aided design of all components takes place in our office using the time-tested MiTek program. The program not only produces structural drawings, but also calculates loads, which eliminates defects during construction.

It is important that the dacha be a place where you can relax with the whole family, enjoy comfort, celebrate the holidays and breathe deeply fresh air away from the city. At the same time, a country house should have all the components of a comfortable modern life. Nowadays, traditional construction from bricks and blocks is no longer relevant; this technology has been replaced by frame country houses. So, let's take a closer look at the features of a structure of this kind:

  • Construction of a country house using this technology involves the use of environmentally friendly materials, the service life of which, proper care, is calculated in decades;
  • To build country house, it does not require impressive amounts of power and time, so it is quite possible to rebuild it to the “come in and live” state in a few weeks;
  • Despite common beliefs, such a house is fireproof due to the use of seals and appropriate impregnations;
  • Frame panel houses have a low overall weight, so their construction does not impose special requirements on the foundation, which allows significant savings on their cost;
  • The walls of such houses are excellent heat insulators and do not require additional insulation;
  • In a country frame house, all communications are hidden in the walls.

That's all the positive features of dachas frame houses do not end and this list can be continued for a long time. However, one should not think that it will be easy to build this kind of structure correctly; for this it is necessary not only to take an integrated approach, but also to have necessary knowledge and a tool. That's why this lesson It’s best to leave it to professionals to get the best results.

Why should you choose frame construction?

The first and main argument can be considered the cost-effectiveness of choosing this option. So, to build a country house, you will need to spend more than half as much financial resources, compared to the construction of similar structures thermal insulation characteristics from a brick base. Moreover, in country frame houses, the costs of burning the premises are reduced, so you not only save directly on building materials and labor, but also get savings in the future.

In addition, in the end, when the construction of a frame country house is completed, the result will be a house with ideal surfaces, free from curvature. They can be finished with any materials suitable for a particular case to make them look even more attractive. With help frame technology, you can create almost any architectural solution, right up to its implementation non-standard forms and the customer’s own sketches. Therefore in frame dachas These houses will have as much space as the client needs.

Each of us has had to observe the devastation that occurs at a construction site; there is always not only construction waste left there, but also potholes, mountains of earth and other unaesthetic objects. In the case of conventional construction, this horror cannot be avoided in any way, but it is likely that you chose the place for construction precisely because of its landscape and nature. And then there is still a restoration process ahead, and this is also a costly business. What if country houses are created? frame houses? Then all this simply will not happen - there will be no mountains of garbage, no potholes, no heaps of earth. And all because all the details are on construction site ready-made ones are delivered; this feature, among other things, significantly increases the speed of construction. It is in connection with all of the above that panel houses are increasingly being preferred over traditional materials.

Possible disadvantages of such designs

There are several aspects due to which some people are afraid to invest money in the construction of frame country houses. Here are some of them:

  • Durability of panel houses. This question worries many, but it should be noted that if the house was built by specialists, it will last for many decades and will not succumb to destruction or deformation. Therefore, panel houses require an integrated approach and organization;
  • Wood rotting. Some of us think that since the foundation of a country house is made of wood, it will quickly rot. This is not so, now there are a lot of impregnations and insulating substances that do not allow moisture into the rock, so its rotting is excluded, in the case of a thorough approach;
  • There is an opinion that frame country houses quickly ignite. This statement is not true, because during construction, pre-prepared wood is used, which, due to all kinds of additives, does not burn.

Country frame houses will become the place where you will spend time with pleasure, and our company will help you create panel house your dreams.

Frame houses have become very popular in the world in Lately. Our company has been building one-story and two-story frame houses, cottages and dachas with a balcony, attic, terrace, garage according to ready-made standard or individual projects. We are ready to offer our customers the most favorable prices And as soon as possible construction of your home.Market building materials and services are constantly being improved and developed, the quality of the material is improved, the time for construction works etc. A striking example of such steps forward in the construction industry is the delivery of frame dachas or houses for permanent residence from 10 days from the start of construction of the house. The timing depends on the construction area and the complexity of the project. The wood used for the construction of such houses has a significant advantage over brick or stone buildings: frame houses made of wood do not require shrinkage. Therefore, finishing work can begin immediately after construction.

This type of construction solves a lot of problems and has many advantages for the customer, which we will tell you about later. Himself frame house has only 3 components: frame, insulation and sheathing. First, a frame is installed, which can be made of wood. Next, the insulation is installed. Then the plating happens. And now your home is ready!

Advantages of frame houses

→ Price. A frame house will cost you much less than a brick one.

→ Foundation. Inexpensive frame structures First of all, they reduce the costs of laying a strong foundation. Due to the light weight of frame housing, there is no need to build one for a future home. Most often, residential frame houses or country houses are placed on screw piles.

→ Transportation at home. A frame house can easily be transported to another location. Since the house itself is light, this will not cause any difficulties.

→ You can build at any time of the year. Construction wooden house from frames can be carried out even in conditions low temperatures. This means that the work does not depend on the season and weather conditions.

→ Time to build a house. The construction of such a house will take much less time when compared with a house made of timber or brick.

→ Communication networks. House technology allows you to conduct communications inside the frame. The same can be done with wiring. It will look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

→ Warmth. Houses built using frame technology are very warm. And don’t believe that you can’t live in such houses in winter. It’s not for nothing that frame houses are very popular in Finland, Sweden and Norway.

The correct construction of such a house is the key to a good indoor microclimate. Wood is an excellent sound insulator and thermostat: it will keep you cool in the summer and keep you warm in the winter. There are no restrictions in home design and architectural solutions. You can install a fireplace and various decorative elements. Over time, the facade of the building can also be redone at your discretion, without spending a lot of effort and money. Frame houses are characterized by energy efficiency and seismic resistance.

A country house can only be the first stage of a new life surrounded by nature. Behind it it is quite possible to master the construction of a large cottage. One-story frame country house - best option for those who want to have convenient and comfortable economy class housing, built with their own hands. Such a structure can be erected in just one season.

Foundation for a summer residence

The boards are securely attached to the roof frame and to the roof ridge. The distance between them can reach one meter.

The crossbars, in a checkerboard pattern, attach the ramp boards. The crossbars are located half a meter apart from each other.


The outside of the house is sheathed, with panels or - at the choice and taste of the owner.

Self-construction of country frame houses is inexpensive, rewarding and extremely rewarding. Preliminary calculations and planning of upcoming work greatly facilitate the construction process, reducing the possibility of errors to a minimum.

Clean air outside the city cannot be compared with the atmosphere large city, which is why many of its residents would like, if not to move there permanently, but to enjoy it more often. That's why purchase suburban area and the construction of a country house can be the first step towards the construction of a real country cottage. But first things first.

Why not do it yourself

Alas, many are scared off by the very thought of it, because... they believe that this is a very difficult and troublesome matter. However, now you can, in the shortest possible time, learn basic techniques that will help even a person who knows nothing about construction to build a quite decent dacha. Projects of frame houses for summer cottages can be viewed on our website.

Certainly, professional work will be of higher quality and more reliable. However, you should resort to the help of construction organizations in cases where you have all the materials and money necessary for construction, but do not have free time. If there is enough of it, you can try to implement all your ideas in the project of a country house.

Tip: it is better to use the saved money to purchase better materials.

In the photo - a simple project of a frame country house 6x6 m

Frame house

  1. The first stage of construction will be preparation - you need to make a design for the future structure, and then, based on the calculations received, acquire the required amount of building materials.

You need to think about:

    • foundation;
    • harness;
    • frame;
    • walls;
    • roof.
  1. Let's take a closer look:
Foundation This building element must not be forgotten even when constructing the smallest structure. Don't be alarmed, you can easily make it yourself.


  • gravel or sand, from which make a pillow 100-150 mm high;
  • concrete blocks 200 mm high.
Harness To do this, prepare a beam with a cross-section of 150x150 mm or 200x200 mm, which should be attached with anchors on top of the blocks.
Frame It is made of timber with a cross-section of 50x150 mm, which must first be treated with an antiseptic.
  1. Place a layer of insulation, for example, mineral wool, between the posts and lintels of the frame.
  2. Cover the structure with two layers of plywood treated with an antiseptic:
  • one longitudinally (thickness 12 mm);
  • the second is transverse (9 mm).

After checking the level, you can begin installing the top trim.

Roof For the manufacture of the ridge and rafters, boards having the same cross-section as the frame ones are suitable. But the cross-section of the attic beams should be 25x100 mm. Installation of jibs allows you to increase the strength of the roof. Fastening the rafters to top harness carried out using angles and 100 mm nails. If you plan to use for finishing coating roofs with flexible tiles; a layer of plywood (9 mm thick) must be laid on top of the rafters.


  1. It is advisable to divide the house into two main units - housing and a utility room, which should occupy about a quarter of the total area and be used to equip a toilet or storage room. For utility room it will be enough small window, but in the living room you should install a full-fledged one.
  2. To make your stay in a country house comfortable both in hot and cold weather, it must be carefully insulated. For this it is recommended to use mineral wool, which fits with inside walls To protect the thermal insulation layer from moisture, you should also take care of the vapor barrier. If linoleum is used on the floor, its vapor barrier is not needed.

  1. For internal lining walls will do lining or gypsum board, the price of the second is lower. It is worth noting that the use of drywall will increase the total weight of the walls, then you will have to do more.
  2. Ceiling installation is carried out similarly to walls. In this case, the thermal insulation layer is best laid on top.

  1. The instructions require installing a vapor-tight membrane on the external walls, on which the sheathing for the external cladding will be placed. For this purpose, 25x100 mm boards are used, which are laid overlapping.

In fact, in a short period of time you can build a quite decent country house, where you and your family can spend pleasant days away from the city smog and bustle.

Typical mistakes during construction

  1. Constructing a building that is too big. Frame houses for a summer residence should not be huge, since their maintenance requires certain financial expenses. You should design a house exactly the size that you need at the moment, no more, no less.
  2. Walls too thick. This is also associated with unnecessary spending of money, because... increase total weight the building requires the use of a more powerful foundation. Lightweight construction combined with a high-quality thermal insulation layer will save you from heating problems.

  1. Use of a basement or basement. If there is no particular need for them, it is better to refuse. Since their arrangement requires additional hydro- and thermal insulation, as well as communication systems. And this again involves additional construction costs.

Advice: when building a fireplace, it would be most rational to place it in the middle of the room, this will allow it to heat all rooms evenly.


This article briefly outlined the basic steps that you should take when you decide to build your own small frame country house yourself. Experts recommend not starting the process until you have full set building materials. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

In the 50s of the last century, the housing issue was acute in the United States. To solve this problem, a state program for the construction of frame houses was launched. And only thanks to this, it was possible to provide the majority of Americans with their own homes. Since then frame country houses have become synonymous with affordable and quality housing.

Frame cottages are the only way in Russia to inexpensively acquire your own housing without taking out a long-term mortgage loan.

IN construction company You can always find designs for houses of any type and size.

Advantages of country houses

Great demand for Gnezdom’s products did not appear out of nowhere. This was facilitated by the following advantages that this company has:

  • High pace of construction.

A high-quality frame cottage can be built in just 7-10 days. And such a short construction time of the building does not in any way affect its quality and reliability in the future.

  • Affordable cost of all buildings.

Construction prices are at an extremely affordable level. Even big two-story cottage with total area a hundred square meters can be purchased at a price studio apartment in the province.

  • A huge number of projects and plans.

Typically, city apartments cannot boast of a large number of layouts. Do you want modest garden house with a couple of rooms - no problem! If you want to acquire a huge two-story palace, there is nothing complicated!