Do-it-yourself supply valve for plastic windows. Supply valves Supply valve in the window profile is round

Supply ventilation on plastic windows allows you to constantly maintain a favorable microclimate in the room. We will talk about this aspect in detail below.

Plastic windows provide almost complete sealing of the room. In the harsh Russian climate, this is a huge plus. In the warm season, the lack of oxygen can be solved simply by ventilation, but in winter such a measure is impossible due to severe frosts. Flaw fresh air is fraught with many problems:

  • Fogging of windows.
  • The appearance of fungus and mold on slopes.
  • Musty air. This creates discomfort in the room.
  • Young children may experience allergic reactions.

Additional ventilation in a room with plastic windows is provided by installing special valves. They have different design features, but their main purpose is to let street air into the room without temperature losses. They cope with this function, albeit with varying degrees of efficiency.

Tip: Most windows can be adjusted to close tightly. In the warm season, place the sashes in summer mode- in this case, the frames will not close too tightly, which will allow oxygen to penetrate into the room.

In what cases is the organization of additional air circulation necessary:

  • If there are small children living in the house. As already mentioned, lack of oxygen can have a detrimental effect on their health.
  • In rooms with many plants. Without oxygen they will simply die out.
  • When the house is heated using convectors or oil radiators. Such heaters dry out the air monstrously.
  • In production. In workshops (if they are associated with toxic substances) it is necessary to organize a maximum flow of fresh air.

All known varieties

A ventilation valve for plastic windows is only a simple device at first glance. It is divided into several varieties, which have significant design differences. You need to know them in order to choose best option.

This is the simplest, and most importantly cheap option. With their help, street air enters the room through small cutouts. The main advantages of this technology are as follows:

  • Low cost.
  • No need to dismantle PVC installed window.
  • Guarantees the preservation of the soundproofing properties of the glass unit.
  • High speed and ease of installation.
  • Possibility of automation.

Among all the advantages, there is one, but very important disadvantage - weak throughput. Because of this, rebated ventilation when closed windows has low efficiency.


Fresh air enters the room thanks to special channels. They usually have a size in the range of 160-400 by 10-16 mm. As a rule, such a valve is equipped with two blocks - inlet and control. On more advanced models there is only one (universal). Advantages of the technology:

  • Absolute protection from external factors(precipitation, insects). This is ensured by the presence of a control unit.
  • High (in our case average) throughput.
  • Can be used without removing the glass unit.

Serious disadvantage in this case you can find only one - relatively complex installation. However, some models do not even have this drawback (more on this later). Therefore, this category is the most popular now.


In residential premises, such structures are practically not used. This is due to their serious disadvantages:

  • The thermal insulation properties of windows are seriously reduced.
  • Sound insulation is reduced to almost zero.
  • Install such a valve supply ventilation possible only before installing the double-glazed window. In particular, it is necessary to adjust the size of the opening.

However, this technology has found wide application in the manufacturing sector. main reason This is the highest throughput.

Market leaders - Aereco and Air-box

The domestic valve market is 90% occupied by two manufacturers Aereco (France) and Air-box (Russia). You should have an idea about the features of their products:

High quality and practical option

Valves from Aereko are a lining with an attractive appearance(there are color variations), which fits into any interior. The most optimal installation option is during PVC manufacturing windows However, if double-glazed windows are already in place, installation can also be done. This will require some minor drilling of the frames.

The device consists of 8 (16) moisture-sensitive plates. Depending on the humidity level, they can open or close the damper. Moreover, they do not require power to operate. The operating principle is based on the physical law of thermal expansion.

You can even mount them into the wall. This method is mainly used in wooden buildings, because milling reinforced concrete structures is extremely difficult. From the point of view of its qualities, this manufacturer looks the best analogue On the market. However, it has an important drawback - the high price (from 2,500 thousand rubles).

Cheaper analogue

The Russian air-box manufacturer makes its products much simpler, which at the same time almost does not lag behind in efficiency from its more expensive “brothers”. Such models allow street air to penetrate through the space between the frame and the sash. It leaks out due to the replacement of the standard seal. For control air flow it is necessary to move the regulator knob.

Such models are much simpler and require manual control. At the same time, they carry two very important advantages - low cost (on average from 400 rubles) and a simpler installation method. Air-boxes are installed in two ways - by milling the frame (as with the previous manufacturer) and by replacing the seal (discussed below).

Possible installation options

Forced ventilation in a window can be implemented in three ways, which vary greatly in complexity.

The most difficult method is adjusting the size of the opening

The most labor-intensive and costly method involves installing the above-mentioned overhead elements. They are mounted as follows:

  • The existing glass unit is removed.
  • The opening is expanded by the amount of the lining.
  • The glass unit is installed back.
  • An overlay is installed into the resulting gap.
  • The cracks are covered cement mortar(or something similar).

The technique looks deadly labor-intensive and unreasonable. Therefore, no one does the work in this order, because this is fraught with cosmic expenditures of effort, time and money. It is necessary to take care of additional ventilation in advance, that is, before installing the double-glazed window.

The most thoughtful people, when ordering PVC windows, immediately plan to install additional air flow. To do this, the opening is made a little wider than the glass unit requires. This technique is the most effective, and most importantly rational.

Installation instructions for Aereco models

However, what to do if the double-glazed window is already in place? Models from Aereco are installed using a simpler method. It consists of the following:

  • A location for installing the channel is selected. If possible, this should be the least visible area.

Please note: additional window fittings should not interfere with installation. Take this fact into account when choosing a location.

  • Then marking is done.
  • We screw the bar to the selected location using special self-tapping screws for PVC structures.
  • We mark the location of the technological grooves on the vestibule.
  • We remove the bar. Using a drill and electric jigsaw We cut holes in the sash and the frame itself.
  • Setting the bar again.
  • We secure the valve using special latches.

This procedure is relatively labor-intensive. In addition, it requires special tools, which almost everyone has. Another factor is that a person without proper experience will not be able to do the job accurately. Conclusion - it is better to entrust the installation of such a device to a specialist.

Air-box - installation without problems

There is another technique that anyone can handle. The air-box manufacturer has created a model that can be installed without the use of tools. The kit includes a special seal and PVC screws. The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Select the intended installation location.
  • We cut off the standard seal in this place (which is located on the sash).
  • Insert a new one (from the kit).
  • Filming protective film from the valve.
  • We secure it in the place where the new seal is installed using special latches.
  • Close the flaps and make a mark on the frame along the length of the valve.
  • We cut off the existing seal in this place and install a new one in its place (the same one from the kit).

If something is unclear to you, you can watch a video from the manufacturer himself. It will allow you to clearly understand everything.

Reading time: 6 minutes.

Plastic windows have gained wide popularity all over the world, as they have many advantages over outdated wooden frames. They do an excellent job of saving heat, so after their installation, a significant improvement in room temperature is found.

The complete sealing of the windows limits the flow of fresh air into the room, therefore, the structures have two ventilation modes: macro- and micro-ventilation. But, standard designs of ventilation modes have disadvantages: with micro-ventilation, there is an insufficient supply of air, and with macro-ventilation, drafts are formed. To solve the problem, there is special device— a fresh air ventilation valve for plastic windows, which this material will tell you about.

Ventilation valves and their advantages

It is necessary to ventilate the room so that there is sufficient humidity in the room and bacteria do not accumulate in the air.

Let's look at what they have advantages:

  • installation of devices is carried out without violating the tightness of windows;
  • ventilation is provided constantly with the windows closed;
  • no formation of condensation and mold in wet rooms;
  • ease of use of products;
  • controlled air flow allows you to save heat;
  • automatic regulation of fresh air supply, so a person does not need to monitor the ventilation time;
  • the likelihood of intruders entering the house is reduced, since the windows are always closed.

The valve design is plastic device, which is mounted on the top of the frame metal-plastic window. Ventilation is carried out automatically - through a built-in mechanism in a plastic case.

What types of products are there?

Ventilation valves are divided into the following types:

  1. Slotted. These devices are divided into automatic and mechanical. Air enters the room through a channel measuring 170-400*12-16 mm. The advantage of the device is ease of installation, which does not require removing the window frames;
  2. Seam type valves. The supply of outside air to the room is ensured by special cuts folded type. The advantages of the device are its low cost and ease of installation, which does not require removal window frame. The disadvantage is due to: low throughput;
  3. Invoices. The advantage of overhead valves is that they provide a large volume of air. In this regard, the following disadvantages arise: low performance heat and sound insulation, as well as the inability to install a valve on an existing plastic window.

Read also: Metal-plastic window design and selection rules

Air-Box micro-ventilation valve

airbox comfort

Air-Box ventilation valves were developed by Russian manufacturers. The advantage of the products is determined by the possibility of installation on windows of any design. In addition, the valve can be placed in the rebate of the window unit, which makes the product hidden.

Airbox offers three types of valves: Standard, Comfort and Comfort S.

Airbox standard

The Air-Box Standard ventilation valve consists of two structural parts: lower and upper. Top part The valve provides air flow into the room, and the lower one takes air from the street. The operation of the device is based on air vacuum if there is exhaust ventilation in the room. When the windows are closed, the petals of the device open, which will allow air exchange with a volume of 6 m3/hour.

The Air-Box Comfort ventilation valve kit, unlike the Standard one, has one advantage - a noise-proofing function. The devices also differ in mounting options. Installation can be carried out either with or without profile milling. The millless type of installation is carried out independently, for which you will need to remove the seal and install the device. Models of the Comfort S type are often intended for installation on fixed window models, where the window profile is supposed to be drilled.

Air-Box valves have gained wide popularity due to their low cost, high operating efficiency, and ease of installation. We will find out further how to install a ventilation valve with your own hands.

Device installation

Installation of vented valves is carried out in two ways. Let's consider both options to have an idea of ​​the technology for installing devices.

For the first option It is typical to remove the installed double-glazed window and then replace it with a new one, which is smaller in size. A valve is installed in the resulting gap between the glass unit and the frame. The process does not require drilling the plastic structure, but has some disadvantages:

  • additional costs, since you will need to not only order a new double-glazed window, but also call a specialist to install it;
  • reduction of glass area;
  • It is problematic to install the valve yourself.

Second option the most popular and does not require replacing double-glazed windows with new ones. Installation is quick and easy. We'll find out what the installation process looks like below.


Plastic windows are quite popular, as they cope well with bad weather, resist cold, isolate noise from the street, and have an attractive appearance. However, plastic does not allow air to pass through, and tightness can play a cruel joke. Ventilation for plastic windows is an important function that cannot be neglected.

Why can the room be stuffy?

Read also how it works, what its characteristics are and where you can order it.

Solving the problem with a vent valve

To conveniently ventilate the room in summer, simply install it.

Valve frost protection

Ventilation may have negative sides, especially if you approach its organization incorrectly: for example, windows may begin to freeze. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to properly adjust the valve; do not close it completely if outside subzero temperature. In this position, the device will be heated using warm air from the room and the windows will not freeze.

If you need to close the valve completely, seal the gap on the street side through which cold air is supplied. This can be done using adhesive tape. The main thing is to ensure that the hole is closed securely and that there are no gaps left.

Some apartment owners are afraid to install a ventilation valve because they fear that the room will become noisy. The likelihood of deterioration of sound insulation is actually small: this is explained small in size slots for the valve, especially since it can be closed at night.

Window ventilation valve installed on the window sash

How efficient is the inlet valve?

It is worth taking into account the following feature of the valve: it not only supplies fresh air to the room, but also cools it, so you need to be prepared for the temperature in the room to become somewhat lower. If your home does not have the most powerful heating, but you still want to install ventilation, you can consider a valve model that can warm up the air entering the room. This is a more technically complex device, so its price will be significantly higher.

This element is convenient because you don’t have to saw through the structure. It is put in place of the usual one. This practical solution will allow you to supply fresh air without disturbing the external characteristics of the structure. Otherwise, the principle of its operation is similar to the model discussed above.

For a comfortable microclimate in the house, fresh air is necessary, which can be provided thanks to the supply valve. This is especially true where ventilation is poor or blind windows are installed.

The installation of sealed window structures entails a deterioration in the microclimate of the room: humidity rises, a lack of oxygen and air staleness appear. Problems can be easily solved by placing a supply valve on plastic windows - the device normalizes natural ventilation and stabilizes air exchange.

We will tell you how to choose the right ventilator to ensure the supply of fresh air to rooms with plastic window frames. We describe in detail popular device models tested in practice. For independent home craftsmen, we provide detailed installation instructions.

The basis for a normal indoor microclimate is the presence of an effective one.

The air must constantly circulate - it is polluted in excess carbon dioxide is removed through hoods, and clean water comes from outside.

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Old imperfect designs coped with the task effectively, providing sufficient air flow even in winter. Flaw wooden frames– poor noise and heat insulation

An attempt to restore air circulation by opening a window in ventilation mode cannot be considered a successful solution for the following reasons:

  • the advantages of “plastic” are reduced to zero - the efficiency of thermal insulation of the room is reduced;
  • ventilation only works when open window, which is especially problematic to organize in the cold season or in windy weather;
  • the air flow is uneven and uncontrolled - drafts appear.

Some manufacturers of window systems have taken into account the consequences of complete sealing and have improved metal-plastic structures.

Impaired air exchange negatively affects people's health and livelihoods. Condensation appears on the windows, slopes and walls become covered with mold - the concentration of toxic substances increases

Special ventilation fittings:

  • ventilated profiles;
  • opening limiters;
  • partially breathable seals;
  • glazing beads with adjustable valve.

To ensure air flow through a previously installed window, a supply valve is used.

Plastic windows help keep the room warm and keep cold and sound out. But at the same time, they significantly reduce the flow of fresh air. This omission of the designers can be corrected by installing a supply valve on the windows. The main task of the device is recovery natural ventilation in a commercial or residential area.

The need to use a supply valve on plastic windows

The benefits of using plastic windows have been appreciated by many residents of apartments and private houses. Comfortable, beautiful and practical windows allow to reduce heat loss and increase noise insulation of the room. However, along with the advantages, consumers also noted one significant disadvantage - lack of ventilation. This factor worsens the microclimate of the room - humidity rises, the air becomes stale, and people in the house begin to experience a lack of oxygen. As a result, mold appears on the walls and slopes of the room, and the concentration of toxic substances increases.

For normal existence it is necessary to restore sufficient air circulation. Ventilating an apartment by opening window vents nullifies all the advantages of sealed “plastic” and significantly reduces heating efficiency. Inlet valves can solve the problem.

A supply valve is a device installed on the top sash of a window in a horizontal position, which performs an exhaust function. The valve maintains an optimal microclimate in the room and eliminates condensation on the glass unit and frame.

The advisability of using a supply valve on plastic windows is due to a number of advantages:

  • the light opening of the window remains unchanged;
  • there are no drafts in the apartment, as with normal ventilation;
  • the flow of fresh air is at a sufficient level;
  • there is no heat loss during valve operation, and the sound insulation of the room remains at the same level;
  • ability to regulate valve operation;
  • ease of installation and operation.

Design and principle of operation of the supply valve

Proper arrangement of window ventilation is possible only if you have a complete understanding of the mechanism of operation of the supply valve.

When installing the valve, a part is removed rubber seal on the window frame and sash. A thinner special seal is installed in this place. Together with the new seal, a supply valve is also installed on the window sash - the main element of passive ventilation.

Air from the street is sucked into the room, and warm air it is pushed out through the exhaust ducts. Air circulation occurs due to pressure differences. Natural air exchange works if the outside air temperature is not higher than +5°C. In hot weather, ventilation operates using forced exhaust.

The window ventilation valve consists of the following components:

  1. The outer part is the “air intake”, installed on the outside of the frame. Required condition- the presence of a visor above the air intake, which prevents rain, snow, etc. from entering the valve.
  2. Telescopic channel - passes through the frame. The element is milled into plastic case windows and fixed with a sleeve.
  3. An internal part installed from inside the room. The most complex unit, which is equipped with an exhaust nozzle, a simple filter and a mechanism for adjusting the throughput.

Basic conditions for the operation of the supply valve:

  • proper exhaust ventilation in the apartment;
  • air temperature outside the window from +5°С;
  • free air exchange between rooms in the apartment - cracks under interior doors not less than 2 cm;
  • sealed entrance door.

Advice. Job exhaust ventilation You can check the apartments yourself. Close the door to the room tightly and open the window in the room as far away as possible from ventilation duct. Attach a sheet of paper to the grill. If it does not fall and is held by the air flow, then everything is fine with the hood

Types of supply valves for windows

There are many different models and variations of window supply valves. They differ from each other according to different criteria.

According to the material of manufacture:

  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • metal.

By control method:

  • automatic;
  • manual.

When operated manually, the valve is equipped with a special rope. The automatic valve is more convenient to use. The device independently determines the need to open/close vent. The adjustment indicators are set in accordance with the humidity level and pressure differences in the room.

Important! Operating the inlet valve manually is a bit risky. The desired level is selected through trial and error. In addition, there is a risk of freezing if incorrectly adjusted winter time

According to the method of air entering the house:

  1. Rebated inlet valves. One of the most economical options for PVC windows. Cold air is supplied to the room through small cutouts in the vestibule. To install such a valve, the windows do not need to be dismantled. Seam valves have low throughput, sound insulation is at a sufficient level.
  2. Slotted inlet valves. Air enters through a gap whose height is about 16 mm. WITH outside window valve is covered with an inlet block (protection from precipitation and small insects). The inside of the device is closed by a control block. Installation of the slot valve is carried out in a horizontal impost or upper bar of the sash. The advantages of such a valve: high throughput and the ability to install without dismantling the window.
  3. Overhead valves allow air to pass best. However, the size of the window opening and frame must be “adjusted” to the valve. Installation of an overhead valve cannot be performed on an installed double-glazed window. Such valves are usually used in production and warehouse areas.

An interesting version of the valve-handle, which is installed instead of the usual one window handle. Such a device has a number of advantages:

  • the appearance of the window does not change;
  • the ventilation valve can be located in the place where condensation most often appears;
  • effective removal of excess moisture;
  • the valve does not freeze in winter (the device has a direct-flow design);
  • The handle valve has a built-in filter that prevents dust from entering the room.

Selecting a supply valve: review of manufacturers

Selecting an inlet valve from wide range quite a few models not an easy task. Let's consider General characteristics products from the most popular manufacturers of fresh air ventilation. After all, conscientious companies in the vast majority of cases produce a high-quality product.

The French company Homearea produces supply valves Aereco. Operating principle air supply devices is based on a change in the flow area depending on the level of humidity in the room. Air circulation is carried out under the condition of mechanical or natural exhaust operation.

The most common manufacturer models:

  1. Aereco valves of the EMM series are moisture-sensitive, hygro-adjustable. The valve has two mounting methods, which characterize the air supply options - with an inclined or vertical jet direction. It can operate in two modes: “minimal ventilation” and “automatic”. Air consumption up to 35 cubic meters/hour at 10 Pa.
  2. Aereco valves of the EHA series are equipped with a hygroscopic sensor-drive, which ensures a healthy microclimate in the room. The set includes acoustic accessories that perform noise-absorbing functions. Air consumption - up to 50 cubic meters/hour at 10 Pa.
  3. Aereco valves of the EHA2 series are available in a stylish slim body. The device guarantees sound insulation of the house up to 42 dB. The inclined air flow is directed to the ceiling area. This ensures progressive heating of the street air. The device has three operating modes: minimum, automatic and maximum air flow.

Inlet valve for window Air Box Available in three trim levels: Standart, Comfort without milling and Comfort-S.

The Comfort model is installed in two ways - with/without milling. Milling - drilling or sawing at the top of the ventilation duct sash.

Important! Milling doubles the performance of the supply valve. But usually a standard installation - without milling - allows you to solve the ventilation problem

The Comfort-S damper is designed for installation on fixed windows. Installation of such a valve is quite labor-intensive, as it requires drilling a reinforced steel profile. Typically, the Comfort-S valve is installed at the factory.

Passive ventilation supply valve - installation Regel-air. Ventilation of the room occurs automatically. Depending on the temperature in the room and outside, the device independently regulates the degree of ventilation.

Supply valve for plastic windows: photo

The Regel-air climate valve has the following advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • hidden installation - when the flap is closed, the valve is not visible;
  • the incoming air circulates inside the frame - the air temperature rises;
  • high maintainability;
  • The sound insulation of the room does not deteriorate.

How to install a supply valve on a window: step-by-step installation

The ventilation valve can be installed on the window in two ways: with or without perforation. Let's consider both options.

Installation sequence of a climate valve with perforation:

  1. Preparation of tools:
    • electric drill;
    • jigsaw;
    • file;
    • drills 5-10 mm;
    • construction knife;
    • template for marking valve contours;
    • sealant.
  2. Using a template, outline the location of the supply valve. The marker must be attached to the top sash. For this work, it is better to remove the window sash, since the marking is carried out from the outside and from the outside. inside details.
  3. Drill several according to the markings through holes 5mm drill bit. This row will serve as the base for larger perforations.
  4. Drill the prepared holes with a 10 mm drill. For convenient location of the valve, holes are drilled from the inside of the window sash.
  5. Expansion of the supply valve. Between the pair of outer holes, use a jigsaw to cut out the remaining material. As a result of the work done, a through gap should be obtained. Sand the edges of the hole with a file.
  6. Install the valve mounting strip on the flap surface and secure with self-tapping screws. The part must first be treated with sealant.
  7. Mill a groove in the frame overlay. Mark the position of the supply valve according to the template, and then cut out the groove using a jigsaw and file.
  8. Install the outer part of the climate valve with a visor on the outer surface of the frame. The part is fixed with self-tapping screws and sealed with sealant.
  9. Assemble the sash and install it in place - on the hinges of the frame.
  10. Check the position of the holes in the sash and frame overlap.
  11. Commit inner part valve on mounting strip. Use clips and latches as fastening elements.
  12. Adjust valve operation.

Let's look at how to install a supply valve on a plastic window without resorting to perforation:

  1. For installation work prepare:
    • a regular cross-head screwdriver;
    • stationery knife;
    • marker and ruler.
  2. Open the window sash and remove part of the seal that seals the gap between the frame and the sash. The old gasket is cut off with a knife from the frame overlap. On the free space, stick a special gasket, which comes complete with the supply valve.
  3. Direct valve installation:
    • install three plugs with the “skirt” down in the grooves from the seal;
    • fix the valve on the flap of the sash - the device is attached from above in the direction of the brackets to the window;
    • secure the valve with self-tapping screws passed through the brackets;
    • Install a seal in the groove between the brackets.

In this case, the gap between the valve and the seal on the frame acts as a ventilation duct.

Installing a supply valve on plastic windows: video

Adjustment and operation of the supply window valve

The supply valve can be controlled manually or automatically. Automatic is more convenient and is usually supplemented with a hygroregulation sensor. When humidity decreases, air flow decreases, and vice versa - air circulation increases when humidity in the room increases.

With manual control, you can make mistakes, which sometimes lead to overcooling of the room and freezing of the climate valve.

Important! In severe frosts, the supply valve cannot be completely closed

Care ventilation valve boil down to cleaning every 6 months. Dust from the external visor can be removed with a vacuum cleaner, and the body can be wiped with a damp cloth.

Cannot be used for cleaning chemicals. In addition, you should refrain from cleaning the device under running water. running water. When carried out indoors repair work the valve must be covered - this will protect it from dirt and dust.

A supply valve for PVC windows is a practical and necessary purchase that improves the microclimate in the house. You can install the supply valve on plastic windows yourself. The installation method depends on the valve model and its configuration.