Practical psychology dating a girl. How to properly meet a girl? Psychologist's advice

And so, you decided to use everything possible ways and find out how to meet a girl on the Internet and didn’t miss an article that will ensure your success? You did everything right, and taking into account all my advice, the acquaintance will be more than successful.

Basic rules of online dating

Let's start, perhaps, with the thing without which all your further actions will be meaningless - from the rules and principles of behavior on the Internet.

Be well mannered

You simply do not have the right to be vulgar and rude. Forget it will not give you points in the eyes of the lady. IN best case scenario she will simply think that she is dealing with a gopnik, or, at worst, with an unbalanced pervert.

Read also:

Try to master your literacy

Yes, some girls are also “not a fountain”, but you still try to write correctly. After all, if one out of 10 does not notice your gross mistakes due to their own illiteracy, then 9 will definitely pay attention to it. Even if all your commas are not placed correctly, the words “girls” or “want” are an irreparable stain on your reputation.

If your spelling is very bad, use special services to check texts. Finally, write your messages in Word, copy and paste into the dialog box.

A few tips

If for some reason you can’t see a girl’s photo or you can’t find out her age (this often happens on forums and dating sites), you can try using these tips:

  • If a young lady is very capricious and touchy, most likely she is beautiful (or at least considers herself so).
  • Cowardly, a little stupid and quite naive - most likely she is a teenager.
  • If he starts a topic about work, weekends, lack of free time, earnings, etc. - Most likely, she is already over 20.
  • If she starts talking about her studies, she is either a schoolgirl or a student.
  • If on a girl’s page you only see photos of her face, try to make sure you see her completely. You can just ask for a full-length photo of her if you are already close enough. Otherwise, you risk seeing on the first date something that is far from what you hoped for.

The advice is banal, but sometimes we forget to pay attention to such little things and what we get is not at all what we pictured in our minds.

Let's meet on a dating site

How to meet a girl on the Internet? Of course, on a dating site - they are all open to communication and dating, they don’t have boyfriends and they are just waiting for their prince. But on the other hand, there are thousands of active users on popular sites and they are not sitting idle.

Your task is to stand out from the twenty men who wrote to your beauty at the same time as you. What do I need to do:

  1. Never write to a girl what you could write to everyone else. That is, “you’re beautiful, let’s get to know each other” won’t work. And most likely, 15 of those 20 people will write to her exactly like that. Look at her profile and write something unique to her.
  2. If the site is designed in such a way that messages are conveyed with a subject, always make it beautiful.
  3. If possible, write to girls who are “online” - this way you will immediately see the result if she does not want to continue communication.

Young woman: « Marina, brunette, 17 years old, student at the pedagogical school"


Subject: "Most charming girl pedagogical school"

Then I would like to tell you about myself: my name is Oleg, I do programming, and in my free time I prefer active recreation. I will soon turn 22 years old and for my birthday I would like to meet a wonderful girl with whom I can go on an interesting journey.".

  1. The second rule follows from the written letter: a message on a dating site should not be too short. You have to make a girl read it and think about you. A simple 25th “Hello” risks even going unnoticed. But a long, interesting letter is sure to stand out from the background of banal one-word messages.
  2. Romance and mystery won't hurt you. For example, in communication, do not be shy about doing strange things: write that you are inviting her to a slow dance. In your next message you can write her the name of a beautiful slow song that she should listen to.

Experiment + example

For the sake of the experiment, 10 girls were chosen, the introduction was the same, and the answers were not particularly different. The goal is to get a phone number.

Me: Hello, are you looking for love?)
She: Maybe / Just communicating / Of course / No
Me: It’s unlikely that you can find anyone on this site, they only offer all sorts of nonsense...
She: Exactly / That's right / Blah-Blah-Blah
Me: I hope you’re a good girl, you’re not writing anything bad?))
She: No / No, I’m good / I don’t write...
Me: To be honest, I haven’t visited such sites before, and apparently I won’t visit them again, after what they write here. Let's talk on the phone for 2 minutes. Write the number)


  • 2 wrote their number after the last message;
  • 4 wrote the number after several messages, basically I complimented and said that I was in a hurry;
  • 3 continued the conversation, later giving a number (banal conversation about interests + intrigue);
  • 1 refused to give her phone number and the conversation was not continued

The dialogue is a little truncated, but the essence of the correspondence is clear, I will reveal the psychology of such an acquaintance in the following articles, if you are interested, write in the comments.

How to meet a girl on VKontakte

This site is known to you firsthand and you have probably already received many refusals. I want to warn you that this will continue. According to statistics, even with the most correct approach, girls on VK do not respond to messages in 45-50% of cases. Such a harsh truth. But if you do it wrong, you may lose even those 50% of girls who respond.

How to learn

To understand how to properly meet people on the Internet, you need to develop an approach. So, in order:

  1. You weed out the girls you will train on. Choose absolutely any city and put the same one on your page. You need to gain experience before writing to a girl you really like, and those with whom you communicate will even help with advice!
  2. Next, you choose 10 normal, not “fashionable”, not “scary”, but simple pretty girls “online”, perhaps with cockroaches - good for training.
  3. You write everyone the same message with an individual character for each of the applicants. below↓
  4. Let's call it exercise. You need to repeat it until 8 out of 10 girls continue the dialogue with you. Once a week is enough.

Thanks to such training, your page will be filled with interesting girls from whom you can ask for advice, and you will gain confidence in your abilities and can easily develop a dialogue.

Your task:

  1. practice a certain model of communication that is inherent to you on the Internet;
  2. learn to determine which message suits a certain type of girl;
  3. be able to develop a dialogue until its final completion or its goal;

It is important to have a goal for communicating with a girl, that is, set a goal and different ways achieve it, otherwise you will waste your time.

Everything must be perfect - 6 stages of preparation

If you have taken into account the rules, put a good photo on your avatar and filled out your page with suitable information, do not rush to relax:

Stage No. 1. Hide unnecessary albums

If you managed to post online photos from a wild drinking session, leave romantic photos from ex-girlfriend etc. - hide them. You must have an ideal profile: photos of moments of your success at work, photos in the company of your friends (adequate, sober...), photos in nature, on a trip, at a concert, etc. Hide everything that is compromising far away - leave what characterizes you from the best side.

The same goes for vulgar videos, vulgar idiotic songs, subscriptions to porn groups, etc.

Stage No. 2. Clean up the comments

Get into the habit of erasing comments that show all your cards. Entries like “Zai, yesterday was very good” should be deleted immediately (if you don’t stop at one girl).

Stage No. 3. Recognize fakes

To avoid wasting time on decoy pages, learn to recognize them right away. If you see that everything about a girl is too perfect or she has very few photos other than her avatar, it could be a fake. You need to take her photo, upload it to Google image search and see in what other profiles and on what sites this image appears. If you see her on various sex sites, etc. - it's fake.

You should be alarmed by the imbalance between the comments under the photo and the number of friends. Also, fakes often have over 1000 friends, and the page was created relatively recently.

Stage No. 4. Find the “right” girls

Your task is to find the girl with whom you have something in common. According to statistics and own experience ordinary compliments are powerless here, but common interests work very well. Go to the groups of your favorite musical groups, open the list of participants and look for pretty girls there. So from the first messages you will have a topic for conversation - “she also loves the group Nirvana.”

  • The same goes for groups dedicated to your favorite films, TV series, books, writers, places, travel, etc.
  • If you are not interested in anything at all, find common interests in her. She has beautiful legs and you like them? Most likely, she also likes her long legs. Why not a topic for conversation?
  • You can search for girls with the same last name as you. First act like you think you're related. Then just turn it into regular interesting communication.

In short, develop effective tactics, and don’t just add just anyone.

Stage No. 5. Be vigilant

You will have to add a huge number of girls as friends, among whom you may meet friends. But you are “not a noble ladies’ man, but a simple one.” good guy who decided to meet beautiful girl“, so you can’t shoot yourself. As soon as you go to a girl’s page and see that your mutual friends are the one with whom you had a nice conversation 5 minutes ago, run away from there.

But if you have mutual friends who do not relate to the process of your hunting for girls, this will only be a plus for you. When girls see mutual friends, it seems to them that you already know each other, that they can trust you, etc.

Stage No. 6. Do not disappear

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to correspond with the girl for about two weeks. If you suddenly disappear for a week, things can get out of control. Therefore, do not be too intrusive, writing to her all day long. But don’t get lost for long.

Take pauses between messages, but the girl should not think that you are slow and squeezing out an answer.

The most important thing is the first message to a girl

All sites tell you that the first message on VK is the most important part of your acquaintance. But I’ll express a different opinion: if you have an awesome account, looking at which a girl thinks “he’s cool,” 85% of the work is done. In this case, it is enough that your first message is just normal.

  1. Do not write an offer to have sex in your first message, no matter how veiled it is.
  2. Don’t just write “Hello,” even if you follow it up with “How are you?” Girls almost never respond to such messages. You must come up with a phrase that will lead to the development of the conversation.
  3. Don’t be too cocky: “Sly, you’re going on a date with me today.”
  4. There is no need to be too sweet, from the first messages telling about how you dream of taking her on a date, so that she can caress you, etc.
  5. Also, be calm with compliments: beautiful, amazing, magnificent - this is too much for the first message.
  6. When you add as a friend, know why you are doing it and let the girl know about it.

Here are examples of how you can start a conversation:

  • You simply write: "I know something about you." She will definitely want to know what you know. In response, you can write about her what you noticed while studying her page, and what you yourself liked about her.
  • “When I saw your photo, I was simply amazed at how much Photoshop can do.” This phrase will touch her pride and make her pay attention to your message. Most likely she will answer that her photo is natural and she looks the same in real life.
  • "Hello. You look like an energetic girl. What sports do you do?”
  • “I noticed that you play tennis. How long have you been training?

The last two phrases can have hundreds of variations. All you have to do is understand what the girl is interested in and come up with a message about it .

It is important that the first message provokes the girl to answer you, that is, you need to ask a question at the end of the monologue!

  • "Hello. You seem like an attractive girl to me. Yes, and I'm not bad. We’re just destined to meet, don’t you think?”

This sounds atypical and a little provocative. You don’t shower her with compliments, raising her self-esteem to a sky-high level. But at the same time you say that she interests you. You yourself also behave with dignity, showing that she will receive a lot of good things from you. It’s clear from the example that you made her laugh with your non-standard behavior, but that’s good! Then you can develop the dialogue, because the girl is already ready to communicate.

If you have a good sense of humor, show her this, and don’t write “you know, I have a great sense of humor.” You can joke and even tease her - this will only cheer up the girl. But always control what you say: in extreme cases, your jokes and jokes can really be offensive.” You can even start your dialogue with some kind of joke, for example: “Wasn’t it you who ate all the tangerines in the supermarket yesterday? Continuation: It seems similar - that girl was so pretty too".

In general, a joke may be suitable for the first message, but not vulgar or offensive. You don’t need to immediately shower her with compliments or show her what a super man you are, saying, “As you said, so it will be.” Just be yourself, communicate naturally and easily, letting her know about your interest, but without showing that you began to idolize her from the first glance at the photo.

I want to tell you that even this hated “Hello” can work if you completely fit into her framework. That is, if on your page she found a photo of someone attractive to her young man, and then further reinforced this opinion by reading the information on the wall - she will even respond to a regular greeting. That is why there are no 100% methods, phrases and methods. You can only remain yourself and not do anything stupid in communication, thus getting what you want, and using our tips you will understand how easy it is to meet people on the Internet.

If you have any suggestions or real examples your online dating success - write them in the comments, everyone will be very interested in supplementing their knowledge.

I approached him, how to make an acquaintance with him, what to talk to him about, and how to please him so that the acquaintance continues?" Obviously, men and women have the same approach to the problem of dating for Serious relationships. And men who understand this are very successful with women.

Golden Rule N1: how to approach the girl of your dreams.

The place where you are going to meet girls plays a huge role. The best place for this purpose - nightclubs, all kinds of parties and flirting parties. For the simple reason that it is customary and quite decent to approach girls there. And in search of the man of their dreams, girls often go there.

When asked “how to make the man of your dreams approach you,” girls usually answer themselves: “I need to look good. I need to show that I allow him to come to me, that I won’t be rude, be rude and call the police. And in general, I white and fluffy - this can be seen in my cheerful eyes and wide smile."

So, gentlemen, if you see a woman who clearly devotes quite a lot of time to her appearance, looks into the eyes of strangers with interest, and a mysteriously happy smile appears on her face from time to time, you know that this woman is looking for the man of her dreams. Perhaps she is looking for you. Approach boldly. They'll give you a couple of minutes. The rest is up to you.

If in front of you is a delightful girl who does not pay much attention to her appearance, looks past men, and there is not a hint of a happy smile on her sad and thoughtful face, then think again whether this is the girl of your dreams. And if so, feel free to approach anyway.

Summary of golden rule N1: you must approach the girl you like, especially if you find yourself in the “right” place.

Golden rule N2: how to meet the girl of your dreams.

So you, having gathered your courage, approached the girl. And then the most difficult thing is to meet a girl. Again, the task is greatly simplified if the place of acquaintance is nightclubs, parties and flirting parties. Meeting girls most often occurs in these establishments.

To the question, “how to make acquaintance with the man of your dreams?”, girls answer themselves something like this: “The man should be the first to meet. For the simple reason that the man is still he. And I, after he takes the first step, I will create all the conditions for the acquaintance to take place and continue.”

As you can see, gentlemen, not much is required of you - just take the first step. Easy and simple: “Hello, my name is Vasily Petrovich, what is your name?” Even if a girl’s plans do not include meeting a man, and she is going to blow you off, she will still tell you her name. The surprise effect will work. So you met.

When you meet, try to remember the girl’s name: the most pleasant thing for human ears is the sound own name. And be sure to call the girl as she introduced herself to you. If she called herself Dasha, then no Dun, Dus, Dashechek, Dushechek, Solnyshek, etc. there shouldn't be.

At the same time, when you introduce yourself, try to say your name several times so that the girl remembers it and does not feel awkward. For example, like this: “Hello, my name is Vasily Petrovich, what’s your name? Oh. How nice, Dasha, let’s meet each other. You know, Dasha, even though my name is Vasily Petrovich, I like it better when they call me Vasily, and even better - just Vasya. Yes, yes, Vasya, this is perhaps more convenient and shorter than Vasily. So, Dasha, please call me Vasya."

Summary of Golden Rule N2: You should be the first to meet someone. It is very advisable to remember the name of the girl of your dreams, call her exactly as she introduced herself to you, and remind her of your name at every opportunity.

Golden rule N3: what to talk about with the girl of your dreams.

After the acquaintance has taken place, a few seconds are enough for the girl of your dreams to form an opinion about you. And depending on whether this opinion is positive or negative, your acquaintance will either end immediately or will continue successfully. And so that the girl of your dreams is about you good opinion, you need to find a worthy topic for conversation.

Girls, like men, are concerned with the question: “What to talk about?” And the girls answer themselves: “It doesn’t matter what you talk about with a man, as long as the topic of conversation is interesting to the man. And the most interesting topic for any person is himself. Therefore, you need to talk to the man of your dreams about him.”

That's it, gentlemen, men, for the first 5-10 minutes you need to talk to a girl about your beloved self. Yes, yes, and don’t be surprised:

1) You yourself are currently the only topic that interests the girl. She should know who she met.

2) The girl will always be able to support this topic. Otherwise, you will start talking about the advantages and disadvantages of the new reforms that the government of Zimbabwe is carrying out, but the girl is not in the know... And out of awkwardness, embarrassment and boredom, she will run away from you.

3) What you tell about yourself will be easier for you to find out about the girl. Are you wondering if she is married? Tell us about your marital status. Want to know what she does? Tell us about your work and hobbies.

4) The girl should get the impression that she, so smart and cunning, has found a worthy topic for conversation, and it is she, not you, who creates the conditions for the acquaintance to continue.

5) And finally, modesty adorns only those men who have achieved nothing and cannot do anything. Indeed, only modesty will adorn them. And no one can tell you anything about you better than you personally.

After you've spent the first 5-10 minutes talking about yourself, it's time to talk about your dream girl. And only about her.

Summary of golden rule N3: dedicate the first 5-10 minutes of a conversation with a girl to yourself, the rest of the time talk only about her.

Golden rule N4: how to please the girl of your dreams.

You have already talked about how smart, successful, kind, generous, attentive you are... And the girl even almost liked you. The finishing touch is missing.

If you have aroused even the slightest interest in yourself in a girl, then she only cares about one thing: “How to please this man. And not just like him, but generally drive him crazy, so that he doesn’t look at anyone except me.” Yes, even if you haven’t aroused the slightest interest in the girl, she still cares about this issue. Simply because it is women’s nature to seduce and seduce men. The bigger, the better.

Therefore, the easiest way to please a girl is to show that you really like her very much, only like her, and after meeting her, other girls ceased to exist for you at all.

Just don't stare at the girl. This will confuse her, and even worse, scare her. And even more so, it is unacceptable to look at individual parts of her figure with curiosity.

Most The best way showing your deep interest is a flood of compliments. Moreover, compliments should not concern only her appearance. While talking about her, you will have a lot of reasons to say, “What are you saying?! Did you really do this?! I’m amazed! I’m delighted! Well, you give!” However, be careful, too many compliments can cause mistrust in a reasonable girl about your attention.

Summary of Golden Rule #4: People like to be liked. And girls just adore those men who pay attention to them. And the more men pay attention, the more girls love these men.

Communication with girls is sometimes a real puzzle for guys if a man is not confident in himself and has a small vocabulary in his vocabulary. Girls love assertive, interesting conversationalists who know how to surprise with their charisma, and it is not at all necessary to be a handsome man with an athletic build.

How to start communicating with a girl

The beginning of communication with a girl should include ease and ease. If you are not confident in yourself, you are embarrassed, then some object that will distract the girl from your person and focus her attention on him is suitable to start a conversation. This subject could be a book, a telephone, a dog on a leash, etc. If there are no objects, then you can touch on eternal topics: music, literature, sports, work, study, philosophical issues. The main thing to remember is that the beginning of communication with a girl should not develop into an interrogation.

Topics for communicating with a girl, as well as frequently asked questions:

  • music (What music do you like? What music do you not like? Why?)
  • literature (What do you like to read? What do you not like to read? Which character do you like? Why?)
  • sports (Are you interested in sports? Who do you root for?)
  • leisure (Favorite places to visit in the city?)
  • animals (Attitude towards pets?)

We develop the topic of work or study, as well as philosophical questions, at the request of the young lady.

The experience of guys communicating with girls shows that the conversation should be lively and also relaxed. To do this, we advise you to first tell something about yourself, about your interests, passions, and then ask the young lady’s attitude towards the same. If you plan to communicate with this particular girl in the future, then try to teach her something new that she does not yet know, or go together to where you spend your leisure time. In general, show your imagination, figure out what you can do to interest a girl, what would be interesting for her to know and learn. You can ask both about reality and about fantasies, thoughts, dreams. This way you will arouse the girl’s interest, because it’s not every day that people are interested in her dreams. If there is a pause or awkward silence during the conversation, then switch your attention to another topic.

How to continue communication with a girl? So, the beginning of communication with the girl took place and you made a good impression. Don't stop and try to continue the conversation. Make the conversation pleasant, light, and friendly. The problem for many guys is that they do not know how to communicate correctly with girls. Correct communication includes the ability to competently construct sentences, feel confident, be positive with a moderate sense of humor. If a guy is unable to put two words together, then you shouldn’t count on continuing the relationship. Girls don't like boring, insecure guys with short vocabulary. This does not mean that you should act like a clown in front of a girl, but you must interest her in order to continue the relationship.

Problems with communicating with girls will not be overcome by the ability to dress and good appearance. The ability to communicate is the main component in the relationship between a man and a woman. Proper communication with a girl includes knowledge of the psychology of communication with the female sex.

Psychology of communication with girls

All men know that they exist certain rules decorum in communication, which should not be violated, in order to always appear in the best light before women.

Proper communication with a girl includes the following:

- always be positive (if a girl is tired, then negativity from you will not make her happy, but the positive emotions that you give her will captivate you and serve as a desire for further meetings);

- always remain a man (don’t complain about life, about your friends, about your boss; always solve problems yourself and don’t be afraid of responsibility);

- carry yourself proudly and do not run after a woman (women quickly lose interest from those men who run after them);

- always be confident (communicate with several representatives of the fair sex at the same time - this will enrich your communication experience, and will also make your girlfriend feel competition, she will turn on the competitive mood and she herself will want to get you; be measuredly self-confident and assertive - this makes a good impression on women);

- never cease to amaze (give unusual gifts, which the young lady has not yet possessed or seen, do not forget about ordinary flowers that will cheer up your chosen one);

- give your chosen one compliments (always be attentive to her appearance and hairstyle; every girl will appreciate this, but the compliment must come from the heart);

- know how to always listen and hear (don’t think about what to talk about with a woman - she’ll tell you everything herself, it’s theirs favorite hobby talk about yourself, just listen, support the conversation with questions so that she sees interest in your eyes);

- communicate actively so that the joy on your face from communication is visible, meeting you should be a holiday; do not delay the date until both become bored; the same applies to conversations and walks;

- always be interesting, develop yourself in many ways, read a lot, your broad outlook will make you an erudite and interesting conversationalist;

- you must set a clear goal for yourself of what you want: to build relationships, be friends or just be intimate; remember that long-term communication will turn you into friends, which is more difficult to change later, so it may be better to immediately turn on romance and go towards your goal.

Communication between a guy and a girl begins after the guy evaluates her appearance. Any guy asks himself the question: is his girlfriend satisfied with her set of external characteristics? When a guy sees an unattractive young lady, he passes by and abruptly looks away. If a young lady falls under the influence of external attractiveness, then a connection is formed and a ritual of communication arises. The guy hooks the girl with further conversation and flirts with her. A good sign will be if the girl responds with a smile. Pick up interesting topic for conversation, and if during communication you notice that the girl has no interest: she looks at the phone, around, then she is bored. If the conversation doesn't go well, it's your own fault. Try to talk about the girl herself, ask about her life, plans for the future. Never lie or exaggerate, especially if you are thinking about continuing the relationship in the future. Make the right pauses using gestures. Answer with your eyes and nod of your head. The look comes out important element in communication.

So, the acquaintance has taken place, and you have made a first date, which you are secretly afraid of. Being a mandatory start before further relationships, it is important to make a good impression, and for triumph to take place, take note following examples communicating with a girl on the first date:

- talk about yourself, because the girl doesn’t know anything about you, remember your achievements or what you do best in life, but so that it doesn’t look like you’re bragging about it. In no case do you talk about troubles or failures; you must give the impression of a successful person moving towards his goals;

- talk about her, girls like it when people are interested in their lives; you can remember mutual friends, talk about travel, animals and plans;

— learn about each other at the same time, giving each other the opportunity to speak;

- talk about childhood and everything related to childhood experiences - girls love such memories.

Phrases for communicating with a girl should be simple, casually spoken. You shouldn't ask too many questions in a row. Don't discuss other women with your girlfriend. Don't fuss, you'll show that you're nervous and ruin everything. Look into the eyes and listen when the girl speaks.

Chatting with a girl on the Internet

Information technologies have made it possible for a person to easily meet people, communicate, and transform virtual acquaintances into reality.

How to start communicating with a girl on the Internet? Nowadays, women are spoiled by attention on the Internet: cute ones are sent emoticons, banal phrases for dating, so you will have to try to captivate them with your persona. Especially if you want to transform virtual communication into real one. To start communication, it is important to find common ground that unites you. Don’t write template phrases: “Hello! What are you doing?" Try to distinguish yourself with originality, since the first impression is the most vivid. It is important to understand for yourself what the purpose of dating is. If you don’t know what to write, study the girl’s photo, statuses, which will tell you a lot about inner world and the interests of the young lady. Do not send free gifts, winks - such things irritate girls and women. Be confident in yourself, forget about your fear of not being accepted or understood. If one girl doesn’t respond, write to others, the main thing is to continue trying to start communication. They will definitely answer.

So, you have started a correspondence, but there is a desire to transfer your acquaintance to real life. The main thing is not to delay this, because... According to statistics, if virtual communication lasts up to two months, then it is unlikely to turn into real life, and often the virtual presentation does not coincide with the real one, which is very frustrating for both parties and communication stops.

Good virtual communication does not mean that it can continue in ordinary life. The first real meeting with a virtual crush is a crucial moment that needs preparation. However, even when you are ready for a date, you must remember that in real life it is much more difficult to please, so you will have to adhere to certain rules.

The main impression about a person is formed quite quickly, within 20 minutes of conversation, and the continuation of your relationship depends on this. Therefore, try to sincerely show your emotions, look your interlocutor in the eyes, and behave confidently. You can think about a topic for conversation in advance, for example, what you learned from virtual communication can be developed more deeply in conversation. The main thing is to be relaxed, cheerful, and not to touch on sad topics. It is recommended not to touch upon topics of past love, illness, failures, problems at work. Call her by name more often - this will help establish a subconscious connection between you. Don't neglect this.

Be confident and honest on the first date - this will be the key to success and will continue many times. Remember that every man deserves the women he wants, the main thing is to know how to do it right! Let these words give you confidence in achieving your goal. All of these tips need to be taken into account with your own communication style and take what works for you.


Almost all men make the same mistakes when dating. Below I will give you the 10 most common dating mistakes. By avoiding them, you will become one of the 1% of men on the planet.

Mistakes when meeting a girl:

0. Overstate its importance.

Almost all men immediately put the girl above themselves, thereby underestimating their importance and overstating it.

This is where all the troubles begin. This is the root of all the bullshit. They do this even before the dating stage. That is, it turns out that she is a princess, and you are her slave.

1. Address yourself as “YOU”.

First of all, you just created a barrier for yourself.

Yes, you will say that this is respect and all things are so cultural. It is cultural not to urinate under a tree in the park. When we're talking about about seduction, you need to immediately show who the male is.

By addressing yourself as “you,” you show respect and gallantry. But this takes you away from your goal. You won’t end up asking: “Will you allow me to stick it to you, madam?”

Say "you" right away. There is no need to pretend to be a gentleman - you have a different task.

2. Apologize for trying to get to know her.

“Girl, excuse me, but can I meet you?”- the worst thing that can happen. This phrase is deliberately designed to fail.

A lot of men approach a girl, apologizing. They demonstrate this with all their behavior and conversations. Those who are insecure, insolent and unpersistent are NOT GIVEN.

And remember: the less you bother, the less the girl bothers, and vice versa.

7. Restrain yourself, your movements and thoughts.

There are men who keep their hands in their pockets, cross them over their chests, or tuck them somewhere.

For some reason, in ordinary life a man’s hands don’t bother him. But as soon as he approaches a woman, he doesn’t know where to take them.

Gesture, touch the girl and help your words with your hands. Don’t forget about your posture, gait, gaze and firm and confident speech. And also try to maintain sobriety of thought and mind. Control yourself and the situation.

8. Don't believe in yourself.

Well, friend, I don’t even want to write anything here. And so everything is clear.

If you don’t believe in yourself, then a woman definitely doesn’t need you like that. Believe in yourself!

9. Giving up prematurely.

If a girl says that she has a boyfriend, that she is in a hurry or is not getting acquainted, this does not mean that it is true.

In 80% of cases, this is a common test of your perseverance, assertiveness and other other things. In a word, this is a test of your masculinity.

Tyukhti immediately stop talking to the girl, thereby giving stronger males the opportunity to mate with this female.

Girls want to sleep and mate with winners, and not with those who, upon hearing a small obstacle, immediately give up and give up.

10. Ask and beg for a phone number or a date.

A man does not ask, and certainly does not beg, as most males on this planet do.

The man proposes. You should be a level above her because you are a man. And that's okay.

Any woman agrees to take a lower position and submit, but for this she needs man. Do you know what I mean?!

Have you read the article? But how can all this information be put into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to woo a specific girl?

You will learn about this in a paid training “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES”.

Get it 3 video lessons from this course:

1. Reasons why you have difficulties with a girl
2. The mindset of a successful man;
3. 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.

In this article there will be no beautiful and ingenious scenarios for approaching the girl you like, and we certainly will not consider the fact of how to make the first impression correctly. Instead, let's devote time to a general understanding of dating and how a girl sees it.

It’s exactly how she sees him that a guy who decides to take the first step needs to understand. For a while, you should forget all your impulses and desires and understand: why does a girl need this acquaintance. Is she bored? Maybe she's looking for something.

And the answer to this question is quite simple. From every new acquaintance, a girl wants either new emotions and impressions or marriage forever with a bunch of children and eternal love. If you don’t plan to give the second, you should fully concentrate on the first.

What can a stranger offer? To amuse - yes, to dispel boredom - undoubtedly, to impress - perhaps, to charm - is almost impossible (let no one flatter themselves), to captivate - difficult, but doable. Perhaps the girl has problems that need to be overcome.

However, to take all the steps above, you need to make a first impression. And the impression should be favorable. The key is to create an enjoyable appearance. The gaze of the person who looks at you for the first time should not cling to any details (signets, chains, uncut nails) and, at the same time, the image should be interesting. Cleanliness of clothes, well-groomed nails and hair, as well as the style itself should be at their best. Let them always be with you wet wipes, with which you can wipe your hands, you never know what situations happen, and a girl may need them, and you, like a true gentleman, offer them. Go to the store website here on this page and choose any wet wipes and not only for personal hygiene. So, we continue the topic, as you know, people are always greeted by their clothes, girls are no exception. Most likely, this proverb began with them.

Next is the conversation. If you managed to exchange a few words with the girl, then the guy should conduct the further conversation, asking the right questions, and the girl should do most of the talking. Questions should relate directly to the girl, her interests and hobbies. The trick here is to respond correctly to your interlocutor's speech. Never say no, even if you don't agree. You can always say “yes, and...”, adding your point of view to the one expressed.

Another technique can be called physical contact. If the conversation takes place on the move, for example, you are walking, then you can always take a step towards the girl and give her direction. Or give a hand, or support at the waist (but not lower). By the girl’s reaction, you can determine how much she is generally disposed towards you, and whether she behaves constrainedly.

Having overcome shyness of communication and discomfort from the first physical contact, acquaintance will automatically pass the “first” stage. And what it will develop into next depends entirely on the guy.