Bed bugs: how to get rid of them and how to find them at home yourself. What and how to quickly remove bed bugs at home? How to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment - remedies

This article discusses in detail all issues related to the fight against bedbugs - from prevention to prevention of re-infestation.

How to deal with bed bugs in an apartment - quick facts

First, we list the key points regarding the fight against bedbugs, which will be discussed in detail in the article:

Knowing how bedbugs enter your apartment will help you take protective measures and prevent infection. Here are the TOP 5 common routes of bedbugs into people’s homes:

  • Secondly, do not ignore the ones that appear on your body. bites in the form of itchy redness. Bites usually appear in the morning, but 40% of people do not react to bedbug bites. Some, on the contrary, experience an acute allergic reaction. One way or another, bites on the body are a reason to sound the alarm and conduct a thorough inspection of the apartment.

  • And thirdly, check the bed for black-brown spots, similar to dots from a gel pen, is a sign of bed bug activity. Clusters of such spots indicate that bloodsuckers have set up a shelter nearby. In such places you can also find dry skins from molting larvae and whitish rice-like eggs.

Where do bedbugs hide and how to deal with them?

The first step in how to deal with bedbugs yourself is to conduct a quality inspection of the room. Check out the favorite places of bloodsuckers in the apartment, which are given in the following list:

  • Inside the bed (in joints, cracks, fastenings) and with reverse side headboards
  • Along the seams of the mattress (remember to raise the edge) under bed linen and on pillows under pillowcases.
  • In cracks and crevices of walls and ceilings, including baseboards, sockets and switches.
  • On the back of a wall hanging hanging by the bed (primarily along the perimeter along the seam).
  • In and around sofas and soft chairs, starting from the back surface of the back (for a quality inspection, you may have to disassemble the furniture, but believe me, this is not in vain).
  • Beyond photographs and paintings, under wall clock and lamps.
  • In linen closets, chests of drawers and bedside tables, both inside and outside on the back wall.
  • On curtains and curtains, especially in the upper part. Note that black bedbug fecal stains on curtains and tulle fabric spread and take the form of blurry crosses, which are sometimes superstitiously mistaken for supernatural occult signs .

So, if bedbugs have nevertheless entered the house, how to deal with them, read on.

How to deal with bedbugs at home

In how to deal with bed bugs yourself, a well-thought-out strategy is of paramount importance - the correct sequence of actions:

How to deal with bedbugs in the sofa

  • We remove the bedspreads and covers from sofa cushions and send to washing machine for hot washing and drying.
  • As far as the design allows, we unfold the sofa, disconnect the modules and pull-out elements (if necessary, do not be too lazy to use a screwdriver and wrench). Bedbugs like to make “nests” in narrow spaces between the body and the sidewalls, in the places where the rear crossbar is attached, and in internal cavities. Then we turn the sofa over and inspect the bottom and legs.
  • During the inspection, we clean the contaminated surfaces with a vacuum cleaner, simultaneously removing any bedbugs, skins and eggs. Using a steam cleaner or hot air gun, we carry out heat treatment to kill the bloodsuckers hiding in the folds and seams of the upholstery, in the joints wooden parts, in the connecting nodes and fastenings of the sofa.
  • After this, we spray all surfaces of the sofa with a contact insecticide, then let it dry and air out.

How to protect your bed from bedbugs

Move the bed away from touching surfaces - walls, bedside tables and other furniture. Do not allow the edges of the sheet or bedspread to hang down to the floor, remove from under the bed anything that is in contact with the bed frame. The bed should only be in contact with the floor through the legs. If you don't have a bed base with legs, get one to sleep on, at least until you get rid of bedbugs.

And the final element of bed insulation is interceptor traps, which are placed under each leg. You can make these traps yourself; they will prevent bed bugs from climbing onto your bed along the bed legs. Trying to get to the victim, bloodsuckers will crawl along the outer walls and fall inside the trap around the perimeter, from where they can no longer escape.

When the bed is completely insulated, the bed bugs living in the room will not be able to feed on your blood and hide inside the bed. Traps will also help monitor how the bloodsucker population changes indoors. As you implement the next steps to kill bedbugs, fewer and fewer insects will be caught in the traps. Now, having made your bed inaccessible to bedbugs, we move on to treating the rest of the room.

To combat bedbugs, insecticides of the following chemical classes are used:

  • organophosphorus compounds (OPs)
  • pyrethroids
  • carbamates
  • neonicotinoids

Bloodsuckers are capable of developing biological resistance to each of these groups of pesticides. Nowadays, pyrethroid-based products are widely used in the world, and bedbugs are showing less and less sensitivity to this class of pesticides. If the bedbug colony does not die, professional disinfectors use a course of treatments alternating drugs from different classes to overcome the resistance of the insects.

Having chosen the appropriate product, put on a respirator, rubber gloves and a protective suit and prepare a working solution. Then we sequentially spray those surfaces that were previously treated with hot steam - baseboards, cracks in the floor and walls, back walls and the base of cabinet furniture, drawers. We also process the bed frame and base, bottom, back and interior areas sofa, carpet perimeter, chairs and bedside tables. When preparing and spraying the solution, follow the instructions for the drug regarding dosage and precautions.

At the end of the work, we maintain the exposure (1.5 -2 hours), and then thoroughly ventilate the room. After this, we do wet cleaning, following the recommendations of the manufacturer of the product.

Prevention of re-infection

  • Keeping the room clean and tidy
  • We seal cracks and cracks in the floor and walls to deprive bloodsuckers of shelter
  • We monitor the situation using interceptor traps
  • Taking precautions when traveling
  • We refrain from purchasing used furniture

Professional help in the fight against bedbugs

If the period of infestation of the apartment does not exceed 6 weeks, if you have time to study what bedbugs are, where they come from, and how to deal with them, if you are patient and not afraid of hard work, then the chances of dealing with the problem yourself are not so small . The services of insect control companies help save effort, time and nerves.

Fight bedbugs yourself or hire a professional service - to decide on this issue, weigh the pros and cons using the following table:

I can handle it myself

Hiring specialists

Degree of infection

“They’ve been biting for over a month now. I saw bedbugs more than once (possibly even during the day), found dry skins and black spots” - most likely, bedbugs have been breeding in the apartment for more than 2 months.

Time frame for getting rid of bedbugs

“There’s no hurry, sooner or later I’ll defeat them without outside help.”

“I can’t stand these creatures, I need to get them out as soon as possible” // “I don’t have time to do this myself”

Level of trust in disinfection services

“No one can help me better than myself”

“Everyone should mind their own business, I trust professionals”

Previous attempts

“I’ve never fought bedbugs in my life, so I’ll try” // “I hired services - it didn’t help, I’ll fight it myself”

“I did everything I could, but I don’t care about bedbugs - I’ll call disinfectants”

When choosing professional disinfection services, consider what guarantees a particular service provides regarding the safety and effectiveness of the products and technologies used. The drugs used must have the appropriate certificates and certificates of registration with Rospotrebnadzor. Only in cooperation with companies operating officially are consumer rights protected by state laws.

As for the cost of services, at first glance it may seem that it is cheaper to fight on your own, but in fact, as a rule, it turns out the opposite. People often order professional processing after you've already spent on independent struggle twice as much.

One way or another, it’s up to you to decide how to deal with house bugs - on your own or with the help of professionals.

How to deal with bedbugs: video - the most common mistakes

How to remove bedbugs? This question is asked by many users. Let's look at it in our article various ways fight these insects.

How to deal with bedbugs?

Bedbugs are a suborder of insects. To date, about 40 thousand species have been discovered in various countries peace. More than 1000 of them live in Russia. If we take into account the entire territory of the CIS, the figure increases to 2000 species.

Not all bedbugs cause problems for people. Most insect species do not interfere with humans in any way and are part of the natural ecosystem. But a few species do encounter humans.

The biggest problem is caused by bed bugs. Insects are capable of infecting entire houses and easily move between apartments. They are not so easy to detect due to their small size. Usually the presence of bedbugs is determined by characteristic bites on the body.

Several species of these insects are pests. They can be found in the garden or vegetable garden, on raspberries, tomatoes and other plants. Bed bugs often have a characteristic odor that many find unpleasant.

How to kill bedbugs?

How to get rid of bedbugs? At the moment there is a huge number specialized means and methods of controlling these insects. Naturally, it is impossible to cover all possible options within the framework of the article. Therefore, we will consider popular methods that show effectiveness:

  • Numerous chemicals.
  • Folk remedies.
  • Disinsection with the assistance of professionals.

Important! Disinsection is the destruction of various insects - bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, etc. It should not be confused with disinfection - the disinfection of surfaces. Among ordinary people, these words often become consonant, but they mean completely different processes.

How are bedbugs transmitted?

Naturally, in agriculture the method of transmission is simple - pests, including turtle bugs, have multiplied as a result of the absence special processing or migrated from another area. Therefore, it is so important to poison them in a timely manner in order to curb further population growth.

Remember that bedbugs cannot appear on their own. Insects always get into rooms from external environment. Therefore, some precautions must be taken:

  • If possible, it is better not to stay overnight.
  • When visiting other people's apartments, always hang things on a hanger. Due to this, the likelihood of their infestation by insects is reduced.
  • Take gauze, tape, seal everything ventilation holes Houses. But use only fabric so that air remains in the apartment.
  • Don't hold it for long front door open. At this moment, various insects from the entrance may enter your apartment.

Myth: Bedbugs breed in dirty rooms. We must understand that these are not cockroaches that actually feed on the garbage on our floor. Bedbugs can live peacefully even in the cleanest apartment and feel comfortable.

How to poison bedbugs?

The process of poisoning pests in the garden is the simplest. You will need:

  1. Spray the plants one or more times.
  2. Wait a couple of days.
  3. Evaluate the result.

If there are too many bedbugs left after treatment, the procedure is repeated. It is often necessary to replace the drug because the previous drug was not very effective.

Pests can develop resistance to certain toxins. If you often use the same drug for treatment, then over time its effectiveness decreases.

This is due to nature’s survival mechanisms. Insects that were able to survive the “chemical attack” give birth to offspring. The new generation is already more resistant to the toxin. Over time, this property accumulates. It is necessary for several generations of bedbugs to change, only then will the insects become resistant to the drug.

How to kill bedbugs at home? As practice shows, in most cases insects enter the apartment from the basement or from neighbors. Therefore, it is useless to poison them in a separate room. To get rid of insects forever, it is necessary to carry out a complete treatment of the house.

Cooperate with your neighbors and submit a request to the local SES. Specialists will accept the application, inspect the house, and identify sources of infection. Then they will select a suitable time, arrive with equipment and carry out the treatment.

Usually the procedure is repeated after some time. During this period, a new generation of insects should emerge from the remaining eggs. It is necessary to have time to destroy them so that the bedbugs do not give birth and the house is not re-infected.

You should know that there is nothing more effective than conventional disinfection. Of course, you can try to remove the insects yourself. But if a comprehensive treatment of the house has not been carried out, they will soon return. This approach is more like a battle with " windmills"when you fight the effect, not the cause.

Therefore, we repeat once again: professionals should carry out disinfestation in the apartment! They know very well how to get rid of bedbugs and prevent their re-production. In any case, we have warned you about the possible ineffectiveness of local insect control; then it’s up to you to make a decision.

How to kill bedbugs?

Before choosing a method to combat insects, they still need to be detected. It is enough to inspect the plants on the site. Pests are usually found on leaves and stems and can move along the ground.

At home the task becomes much more difficult. Bedbugs are quite difficult to detect with the naked eye in normal conditions. Therefore, in 95% of cases their presence is determined by bites.

Important! Bedbug bites are not localized. They are located throughout the body and appear after sleep. If the bites are located on the legs, arms, or neck, then most likely you were bitten by mosquitoes while walking, there is no need to be afraid.

How to detect bedbugs? It must be taken into account that these insects are nocturnal. Therefore, going on a search during the day is an extremely useless activity. Wait until late evening when they go out hunting.

Important! Despite the name, bed bugs do not live in beds. They build nests at a short distance in order to quickly reach a person’s resting place at night.

Therefore, the hearth must be looked for at a short distance from the sofa or bed. Insects choose a secluded place where they can remain unnoticed by people.

Disinsection against bedbugs

How to deal with bedbugs? As was said above, the most effective method– professional disinfestation. There are two options:

  • Contact a private service.
  • Submit a request to the SES.

Lack of private services - not all companies actually use effective means. Try to choose a proven organization that you can trust. Then you can be sure of an excellent result.

Most people go to the SES the old fashioned way. As a rule, specialists civil service They cope well with their tasks and use effective means.

Remedies for bedbugs

You can find many insect control products on sale:

  1. Sprays for bedbugs - Raptor, Dikhlovos, etc.
  2. Powders and mixtures – Neopin, Riopan, etc.
  3. Preparations in liquid form – Phoxide, Primanid, Formate, Lacterin, etc.
  4. Other means - Fufanon, Executioner, Karbofos, Dust, Regent, etc.

Instructions are included with each drug. Please read it carefully before use; the manufacturer describes all stages and provides advice to customers.

Dichlorvos for bedbugs

Of course, Dikhlovos is a fairly cheap spray. But there is no point in using it, you need a more powerful tool to kill bedbugs.

Karbofos for bedbugs: instructions

Karbofos – universal remedy. It is suitable for processing garden plots and residential premises. The drug shows high efficiency and has a targeted effect on insects.

Instructions for karbofos are included on the packaging. Be sure to read it before using the product. In addition, we will describe the scheme for using the drug:

  • If processing takes place indoors, it is necessary to preliminary preparation. More on this later.
  • Clean up and provide access to all nooks and crannies of the apartment.
  • Dilute the product in water. The dosage declared by the manufacturer is 2-5 ml per 1 liter of liquid.
  • After adding the concentrate to the water, mix well to distribute the product evenly.
  • Pour the resulting liquid into a suitable container.
  • Install a spray bottle for spraying.
  • Walk through the apartment and treat the entire house.

How to kill bedbugs?

Before you start processing, you need to prepare the room:

What means personal protection you will need:

  • Respirator.
  • Gloves.
  • Protective glasses.
  • Hoodie from polymer materials It won't hurt either, it will protect the human body.

It is strictly prohibited to carry out processing without personal protective equipment! Think about your safety, because chemical burns are very painful, and poisoning with toxic substances provokes serious health problems.

How to destroy bedbug eggs?

Eggs are a source for the emergence of new insects. The clutches are located in nesting areas that are located close to sleeping place. It could be:

  1. The area between the sconce and the wall.
  2. Opening behind the curtain.
  3. Clearance behind the baseboards.
  4. Under the mattress.
  5. Under the carpet.
  6. In the far corners of the room that people never look into.

Finding masonry can be problematic. It is often located in hard-to-reach places. Eggs usually have White color, slightly transparent, oblong in shape. They are very reminiscent of rice that has stuck together in lumps.

There are several methods of destruction:

  • Thermal – treatment at high temperature about 70 degrees for 20 minutes. You can also take things out into the cold and leave them for a day.
  • Chemical – destruction of eggs with various drugs.
  • Mechanical – destruction of eggs by crushing. But this is the least effective method.

Bedbugs: how to get rid of them?

Fighting bedbugs at home with folk remedies is not the best option. As a rule, many methods cannot always be applied in practice. Also, fighting with folk remedies often does not allow achieving the desired result, and their effectiveness remains a big question.

What are the disadvantages folk remedies?

  1. Their effectiveness has only been confirmed by the experience of some people and remains questionable.
  2. It is not always possible to use individual means; a lot depends on the situation.
  3. It is better to immediately carry out a full disinfestation and not waste time on dubious experiments.

Kerosene for bedbugs

Kerosene is one of the remedies for bedbugs that you can use yourself to combat them. The application scheme is similar to conventional disinfestation:

  • Pour kerosene into a container and place a spray bottle.
  • Treat the room, paying special attention to hard-to-reach areas.
  • Kerosene can also be used to control pests in the garden.

Now let’s point out the “fat” disadvantage of this method – the persistent unpleasant smell of fuel. It may not disappear from the room for a long time. Also, if it comes into contact with certain materials, kerosene can cause them to deteriorate.

Boric acid for bedbugs

Boric acid is also often used to control insects. It must be used in dry form, purchase a special powder. It will take quite a lot of this product for processing.

Turpentine is another folk remedy. It shows effectiveness with a small number of insects and allows you to achieve good results. At high concentrations, several sprays will have to be carried out. Therefore, in in this case It is recommended to use powerful specialized drugs.

The application scheme is the same: pour turpentine into a spray bottle and spray the room. Then you need to leave the apartment for a day so that the characteristic smell disappears. When working with turpentine and kerosene, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.

Fighting bedbugs with turpentine is not very effective, the video confirms this.

The experience of specialists shows that folk remedies, such as turpentine, vinegar, kerosene, wormwood, cannot completely destroy insects. A person rather scares them away and forces them to hide in sophisticated ways.

Therefore, the question of how to get rid of bedbugs at home using folk remedies can be answered unequivocally - such an option is unlikely. It is necessary to use really powerful drugs, then there is a chance of success.

Bedbugs quickly become accustomed to many toxins. After some time, they develop immunity, and then neither turpentine nor kerosene will give even minimal results. Don't rely on quick release from insects. Even with professional pest control, you have to order several treatments to achieve complete victory.

What to do in this case?

Processing must be carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Perform the first disinfestation procedure and wait for a week. Afterwards you can evaluate the result.
  2. If the colony size is medium or large, then after 10-14 days repeated disinsection is carried out.
  3. Sometimes another repeat procedure is necessary, it is performed two weeks after the previous one.

You need to fight until complete victory. There is no need to be afraid of defeat in this difficult battle. At correct execution procedures, bedbugs will still be completely destroyed, but this may take time.

At first glance, bedbugs are difficult to distinguish from dirt. Their size reaches only 8.5 mm. Males are usually much smaller than females. Insects are dark brown, yellow or brown in color. The color depends entirely on the degree of hunger of the insect; the system resembles a mosquito. The bug has a flat body, and the front edge of the muzzle is equipped with a proboscis - a needle. Using this tool, the bug pierces the skin of the victim and is saturated with blood.

Instead of teeth, the insect has small, spiny bristles. They form the jaw and are divided into two auxiliaries. The first ensures the flow of blood into the body of the bug, and the second is a little smaller and releases saliva when bitten. These functions help the bug feed on human blood.

Living together with a person is ensured not only by the jaw. In addition to its microscopic size and light weight, the bedbug has serrations on its legs that allow it to move along walls and ceilings. This ability is obscured by hypotheses about the ability of bedbugs to fly and jump. But this is just a myth: bedbugs do not have wings, and their legs are not designed for jumping. The bug's ability to move silently and unnoticed makes it difficult to main question– how to destroy bedbugs in an apartment.

Lifestyle, nutrition, activity

Scientists have found that the bedbug is active from one in the morning to seven in the morning. And only about ten minutes is enough for him to find appropriate place to suck blood, “have lunch” and return to the shelter. One "lunch" small insect enough for more than five days. A drunk bug becomes vulnerable. Its dimensions increase noticeably, reaching 9 mm. At such times it is easier to catch and destroy him, as he becomes very awkward and loses coordination of previously deft movements.

It is very easy to fight bedbugs during their resting period. Bed bug in its Everyday life focuses on smell. He is able to sense the breath of a person within three meters. A bedbug can sense a sleeping person at a distance of up to half a meter.


The growth of the population of the household bug occurs in all seasons of the year. The female is fertilized in a very non-standard way: the male introduces seminal fluid through the female’s skin. The liquid is stored for the rest of the female’s life. They spend it prudently and gradually, laying no more than five eggs per day. During her life, the female lays from 250 to 550 eggs.

The bite of a larva and an adult bedbug is easy to distinguish. When a cub bites a person, a sharp and unpleasant tingling sensation is felt, as if the skin was pierced with a medical needle. The thing is that an adult bedbug has the ability to produce an anesthetic gland, which softens the bite and makes it unnoticed by humans.

If the temperature in an apartment or house is favorable, then bedbugs reproduce faster. The presence of food for the insect also ensures rapid development of the embryos.


Bed bugs live between 11 and 14 months. The life process can fall into a state of anabiosis in the event of a drop in temperature, the onset of hunger and other negative conditions. They can remain in suspended animation for more than a year, but still retain full ability to survive.

Bedbugs can move from apartment to apartment in search of more convenient conditions for their existence. Insects can crawl through any openings available to them: chimneys, cracks, ventilation. When the season is warm, bedbugs move along the outer walls of houses.

Adults can walk 1 meter in just one minute. This makes it somewhat difficult to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment on your own.

What do bite marks look like?

A bedbug can make up to seven bites in 1-2 minutes. Due to the painkiller released, the victim does not feel the bite. Bite marks on the body can be seen using a characteristic line that is located close to the red dots. The dots look like regular mosquito bites. Burning and itching at the puncture site may not always occur. This is an individual symptom. Most people do not immediately notice that they have been attacked by a bedbug and do not feel any discomfort.

You can notice a bite by one symptom. The puncture site becomes red and hard. This characteristic is already different from mosquito bite, and the symptoms disappear after just a few hours. Bedbugs prefer to drink blood on soft areas of the skin: on the neck, back, shoulders.

Are bedbug bites dangerous?

For some people, bedbug bites can cause severe itching. The puncture site suddenly increases in size, and the person is overcome by weakness, nausea, and dizziness. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to exclude the occurrence of allergies to insect bites.

If the above symptoms appear, the person urgently needs medical intervention. Such an allergy can lead to complications, including anaphylactic shock.
Bedbugs are carriers of infections. But often infection occurs due to scratching the bite sites and subsequent entry of dirt into the wound. Cases described as "infestation by something from a bedbug" were not identified.

In addition to physical discomfort, a bug bite causes moral changes. The person begins to sleep worse and becomes nervous. Efficiency sharply decreases, the quality and pace of life decrease. Long life with bed bugs becomes acute psychological trauma for humans, which is why it is so important to know how to get rid of house bugs.

Treatment of bites

In addition to psychological and physical discomfort, bed bug bites leave a person with unsightly spots on the skin. To get rid of the first symptoms of a bite, you need to rinse the damaged area with warm spring water. Afterwards, treat the bite with a solution containing citric acid or vinegar.

To get rid of itching, you need to lather the bite area with glycerin soap and leave the soap foam. After 10 minutes, the foam will dry and can be washed off with warm water.

A familiar mixture of baking soda and water will also help in treating bites. The mixture is made exactly according to the same principle as the mixture for mosquito bites. Apply the resulting paste to the bites and leave for half an hour to an hour. During this time, the skin will calm down. After the specified time, you need to wash off the foam with warm water.

Lemon juice or St. John's wort decoction reduces the rash. Soak a cotton pad in the juice or decoction and apply it to the sore spots.
To prevent the development of infection, it is necessary to lubricate the damaged areas of the body with aloe vera juice gel. This gel will remove bite marks. The ointment must contain hydrocortisone, which helps reduce pain and itching.

To reduce an allergic reaction and swelling of the skin, you can use the antihistamine Benadryl. Before use, a person must read the instructions for use, otherwise the consequences may be disastrous.

If after a bite a person feels increased temperature, nausea, fever, or weakness, then they should seek medical help.

To avoid such consequences, you need to know how to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment and how to deal with bedbugs.

What causes bedbugs

A person encounters bedbugs in his home quite often. And he wonders: where did they come from? The fact is that clean apartment far from landfills and sources of dirt does not guarantee that bedbugs will not visit a given home.

The main source of the spread of bedbugs is the surrounding apartments. This problem is especially common in old houses, Soviet buildings and dormitories. Bedbugs move quickly and actively invade new territories. In villages they can live in chicken coops and poultry houses, after which they settle in human houses.

The insect quickly adapts to unfavorable conditions.

More often, bedbugs live in a person’s bed. They live under the mattress, in pillow seams, folds of linen, and bedside tables. In sofas and armchairs with soft upholstery insects can accommodate their entire family. Permanent place Bedbugs choose their “residence” based on proximity to the source of blood. Always in the bedrooms warm air, which allows the population to develop.
Bedbugs hide in places not visible to humans. These include cracks in the floor, linen closets, as well as carpets, rugs, Appliances, cushioned furniture, bookshelves. The population can be found under baseboards and even in electrical outlets.

It is very difficult to independently detect insects indoors. They are small and active in the dark. But if you are careful, you can recognize their presence. Signs may be:

  • Sudden bites on the body. Distinctive feature There will be small droplets of clotted blood.
  • Drops of blood may appear on the bed linen. A well-fed bug is very large and awkward; most often a person crushes it in their sleep.
  • Small black dots are bedbug excrement. They can be anywhere.
  • Scales after insect molting. Found in places of accumulation.
  • Offspring. To detect insects, you can put a white sheet on your bed and turn on the light in the middle of the night. The bugs will not have time to hide.

A magnifying glass and a flashlight will help when searching for the population. Every secret corner of the house should be examined, it is advisable to carry out this process at night.

These are the first stages of how to deal with bedbugs. How to completely eliminate bedbugs in an apartment will be explained in the following sections of this article.

The best modern chemicals

Insects are capable of living in the most terrible conditions for them, and this significantly complicates the process of destruction. How to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment, which can survive the cold and wait for a long time for their prey? There are methods, and when choosing chemicals to kill a bedbug yourself, you should use only fast-acting and tested products.


You can fight bedbugs by treating them nervous system. The drug “Karbafos” has just such a function: it hits the creature and paralyzes its nerve endings. So it becomes immobilized, and this leads to death. It should be remembered that such a remedy acts not only on insects, but also on other living beings: people, pets, children. The drug solution remains on furniture for a long time and, if exposed to a person, can paralyze him. To avoid such cases, be sure to read the information about the product before use.


A well-known remedy will help you get bedbugs out of your apartment.
"Dichlorvos". It is also used to kill cockroaches and other dangerous animals. "Dichlorvos" is produced in the form of an aerosol. This is one of the most the best means, which will help get rid of bedbugs forever at home. Interior items do not retain the pores of the product on their surface for long. All surfaces and places where there may be unwanted guests must be treated. For accurate results, you need to spray the product several times a week. After treatment, you should leave the house for several hours and ventilate the apartment when you return. Before use, you must read the instructions for use.

Hot fog

Bedbugs are very annoying insects that require human intervention; developing technologies will tell you how to get rid of them forever at home. In our age, they allow a person to do anything. Hot steam can get rid of bedbugs forever. This is a faster remedy. But cleaning services are usually called in to use it. The technique consists of treating the apartment with fog heated to 80-90 degrees. The fog heats the air in the room to 50 degrees. This temperature destroys all bedbugs in the apartment. After such steam, it is better not to enter the room during the day. It will take about 4 hours to completely destroy the offspring and penetrate the poison into the most secret corners of the apartment. After treatment it is necessary to carry out thorough cleaning.

"Xulat Micro"

Using Xulat Micro you can remove bedbugs yourself at home. Dropping to the surface, the liquid turns into a thin film. Molecules of the hardened solution poison insects.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of bedbugs? Behind long years To combat many unwanted insects in the apartment, humanity has come up with various drugs.

Folk remedies destroy bedbugs in the apartment forever. In addition, they disinfect the premises and prevent the appearance of uninvited residents.

  • Influence on insects using air temperature. Low and high temperatures kill some insects. The furniture where the population is found is taken out into the cold, poured with boiling water, and treated with steam.
  • Wormwood repels insects. Individuals cannot tolerate the smell of tansy.
  • Spraying with flammable substances reduces population size.
  • Treating areas of accumulation with vinegar solution.

If insects are noticed only at the initial stages of population development and there are not many of them, then the following method will do: find several cardboards, take tape and glue to catch unwanted neighbors. Place adhesive tape on the cardboard and cover the adhesive surface with a layer of glue on top. Place the legs of beds and sofas on cardboards, and wrap the mattress with double-sided tape. Apply adhesive tape only needed on the back of the mattress. After a few days, such traps will catch all the living creatures, after which the room must be treated with either steam mist or any other means.

Many unwanted insects make life in the house impossible and dangerous. A bed bug bothers a person with its bites. They harm psychological health, cause insomnia, redness of the skin, nervousness. The population of these insects is growing rapidly.

It is necessary to act according to the principles of efficiency, speed and use only reliable and proven methods. This article answers the question - how to get bedbugs out of an apartment.

Bed bugs are one of the most annoying neighbors any home can have. What do you need to know about these pests in order to quickly and effectively destroy them yourself?

Information about bedbugs

How to detect

The first signs of bedbugs appearing in the house will be bites on the body - they can be easily distinguished from the bites of other insects: the bug does not feed at one point, but leaves a trail of bites behind itself. Some of the individuals will be crushed in their sleep by a tossing and turning person, so that brown blood stains can be found on the bed linen.

If you suspect the appearance of bedbugs, you need to inspect the house for eggs and insect excrement (dark small specks).

They settle in secluded places:

  • folds of furniture, under armrests, under upholstery;
  • seams of pillows and blankets;
  • electronics, books, soft toys;
  • behind baseboards, ventilation grilles, under window sills, behind door jambs, radiators;
  • under the wallpaper if it lags behind the walls.

In general, almost everywhere. The insects themselves can be seen on the walls and ceiling of the apartment, but only at night, when they go out hunting. Hungry bugs have a translucent, segmented body 3–5 mm long. When they drink blood, they acquire its color - from scarlet to brown, which turns into black as the food is digested. Bedbugs do not have wings, but due to their lightness they can glide onto the bed from the ceiling.

Bed bugs

Bed bugs are insects from the hemiptera family, one of the most common household pests. Alone, they are not too dangerous - they do not bite painfully, they feed rarely and only at night. However, they reproduce in huge quantities and can short time spread over a large area. In this case, it will be very difficult to get them out of the apartment.

It is worth considering that a bedbug infestation does not mean that the house is dirty - these are not cockroaches that need garbage and dirt. These pests feed on blood, so they can settle in any room where people or other warm-blooded animals live. They get to new places through clothes, luggage and other things - you don’t even need to carry a live bug with you, just a couple of eggs are enough.

Advice: after visiting suspicious places, it is recommended to carefully inspect all your belongings and boil your clothes.

Reproduction of bedbugs

The bedbug is an insect with incomplete metamorphosis (no larval stage). The female lays up to 5 eggs per day, or 250–500 eggs per life cycle. Development from egg to adult takes 30–40 days per favorable conditions, in unfavorable ones - up to 100 days.

Damage caused by bedbugs

The main problem that bedbugs cause people is night discomfort. According to statistics, 70% of people do not notice bites in their sleep, since the insect injects a small amount of anesthetic into the skin. But subconsciously, you can at least feel the crawling of bedbugs on the body - a person tosses and turns, does not get enough sleep, which ultimately affects his psycho-emotional health and performance.

Are bed bugs carriers? infectious diseases- a subject of dispute between scientists. According to some reports, these insects can infect humans with the following diseases:

  • hepatitis B;
  • plague;
  • tularemia;
  • leprosy;
  • smallpox;
  • tuberculosis.

It is almost impossible to completely get rid of bedbugs over a large area. The best option will throw away all the furniture and other things on which eggs were found, and renovate the apartment. If this is not possible, you should contact an exterminator: using professional chemicals will provide an almost perfect result. But you can save money and use a number of household chemicals.

Dichlorvos and similar insecticides are ineffective against bedbugs - you can only fight them powerful means based on karbofos.

In this case, you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. the drugs are toxic, so when self-processing premises need to use personal protective equipment;
  2. Before processing the apartment, you need to remove children and pets from the house, hide food, toys, and clothes;
  3. First of all, nests should be treated, as well as places where pests accumulate - the above-mentioned secluded places;
  4. After do-it-yourself treatment, all windows and doors are closed, the house should be left for a day, after which a wet cleaning should be done using disinfectants.
    Affected items can be taken outside if it is cold there and frozen. Clothes should be boiled.

Liquid products

Treatment with liquid preparations is carried out using a spray bottle.

The following insecticides are most effective:

  • chlorophos;
  • THFM-3;
  • karbofos solution at a concentration of 0.3–1%;
  • "Foresight";
  • "Lakterin";
  • "Insecta Dibro-Fin";
  • "Primadid."

They should be used in strict accordance with the instructions included with the insecticide.

Advice: you should not re-treat the apartment with the same product, as bedbugs get used to it and the effectiveness of disinfestation decreases.


In practice, four powders have shown their effectiveness:

It is important to strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer without increasing the recommended concentration of the drug - it will not act faster or more effectively, and the likelihood of harm to health will increase.

How to get rid of bedbugs

The easiest way to get rid of pests is do-it-yourself heat treatment. This can be done in several ways:

  • The apartment needs to be frozen. In winter, all windows are opened and the room is left for a day. When the temperature in the apartment drops to -15 degrees, the bedbugs will begin to die. Before doing this, you need to turn off the heating radiators so that they do not burst.
  • Warming up the room to +50 °C. Anyone can do this in an accessible way- radiators, heat guns, hot steam generators.
  • Pressurized steam can also be used to directly treat bedbug nests yourself, which will physically kill them.

You can also use some traditional methods based on natural insecticides.

Traditional methods

Various natural remedies will help against bedbugs:

  • Sagebrush. Used in the form of infusions or dry form. You can find dry wormwood in any pharmacy. It is safe for health and will not kill bedbugs, but its smell will force pests to leave your home;
  • Tansy or wild rosemary. Their flowers are scattered throughout the house;
  • Infusion of dry tobacco (regular cigarette tobacco is suitable) - 40 g per 1 liter of water;
  • Mint juice;
  • Hemp oil;
  • Vinegar.

6 recipes for deliverance

Bedbugs have been our neighbors for many centuries. In the past, when chemical insecticides had not yet been invented, people used a variety of natural recipes for bed bugs.

In addition, our ancestors (especially representatives of small nationalities) used various conspiracies and rituals. So, in the current Komi Republic, such a ritual was popular: they caught one bug and the whole family mocked it, destroying it morally, and then released it. He probably had to tell his relatives about what kind of evil people, and they will all gather and run away to where no one will insult them. Of course, no one can guarantee the effectiveness of this method.

Prevention of infection

To avoid bedbugs infesting your home, you should follow a number of simple preventive measures:

  • regular inspection of the house for the presence of bedbugs;
  • compliance with hygiene rules - regular wet cleaning;
  • boiling, steaming, ironing linen and clothes;
  • checking new furniture, mattresses (even new ones) before delivering them home;
  • when visiting cheap hotels, rented apartments and other dubious places - inspection of typical bedbug habitats;
  • if the house is private, inspect and protect the attic from birds, bats and other animals that can bring bedbugs on their skins.

Tip: To prevent bedbugs from infesting dog or cat bedding, it should be filled with fresh pine shavings, which should be changed regularly.

If bedbugs have infested your neighbors or in the entrance, you should contact the SES for disinfestation, since insects will probably get to you from the neighboring apartment.

How much does it cost to remove bedbugs?

The cost of professional pest control greatly depends on the number of individuals and the affected area. Considering the difficulty of removing bedbugs on your own and the frequent need to re-treat the premises, the amount can reach huge values. So, in the USA, they can charge from 5 to 80 thousand dollars for processing a residential building!

In Russia, both the area and the demands of exterminators are smaller. However, the cost is still high: even for processing small apartment with an area of ​​up to 20 m2 you will have to pay about 20 thousand rubles. When processing a house with your own hands, you can save a lot: it’s quite possible to keep it within 1–2 thousand.

Some products cost up to 100 rubles, but they are usually based on dichlorvos, and their effectiveness is low. Traditional methods and even cheaper, but more labor-intensive due to the need for repeated (often even regular) independent processing.

Thus, to get rid of bedbugs, you need to follow simple recommendations disinfectologists:

  1. Before and after treatment, it is necessary to wet clean the room.
  2. Chemical disinfestation can be supplemented with effective folk remedies.
  3. When processing yourself, you should use personal protective equipment.
  4. After some time, it is necessary to carry out repeated disinfestation.
  5. The best way to get rid of bedbugs is to never get them, so preventing infestation should be a priority.

If do-it-yourself treatment does not lead to anything, call specialists who will quickly remove bedbugs using professional preparations.

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Another case of bed bugs is the purchase of used furniture. Often people buy sofas, armchairs, bedside tables and TVs from other people, and bring bedbugs into their apartment themselves. If you are in the habit of buying furniture second-hand, during the transaction you should carefully inspect all the cracks and joints.

Another option is to purchase an apartment on the secondary market. Often new owners are faced with this problem, although there were no traces of insects when inspecting the apartment. This happens because in the absence of a person and his warm blood, bedbugs hibernate; they can remain in this state for up to six months. As soon as a person appears in the apartment, insects react to his warmth and spread throughout the apartment. Therefore, insects are considered tenacious creatures, which are quite difficult to get rid of the first time.

How to get rid of bedbugs

It’s worth saying right away that in case of severe infection, it is better to contact professionals and order treatment. You can do this yourself by purchasing special chemicals and equipment for killing bedbugs in the store.

But even in this case, most likely, you will have to clear the area to be treated of furniture, remove wallpaper from the walls, and remove it from the floor. flooring. But this is only in advanced cases. If the colonies are not yet so large, and the insects are identified in a timely manner, folk remedies and insecticides sold in every household chemical store will help.


Nowadays there are a lot of means for killing bedbugs on sale. This is a proven chemistry that is characterized by prolonged action and effectiveness. The most popular of them:

You can also contact a specialized store, where consultants will recommend professional chemicals. But it is worth considering that almost all of them have a pungent odor, and after treatment the apartment cannot be ventilated for another 10-12 hours. Accordingly, during this time you will have to leave your home.

Folk remedies

Such methods are more suitable as prevention, but can cope with a few individual individuals. The most popular home remedies are:

Other folk remedies include various plants with a pungent odor. This group includes valerian, wormwood or tea tree oil. The plants are completely safe, but do not kill bedbugs. They repel insects, preventing them from entering the apartment.

If you decide to treat your home yourself, you need to remember to take precautions. Make all solutions only with gloves, do not forget about protective masks. After treatment, be sure to wash and rinse your mouth, as toxic substances easily seep through the skin.