Consequences of wasp bites: how can attacks by these insects be dangerous? What to do if you are bitten by a wasp or a bee - tips How to avoid a wasp sting.

Every person has encountered wasps at least once in their life. And if during this meeting you were also bitten, you will remember this for a long time. After all, a wasp sting is accompanied by sharp pain, swelling of the bite site and unpleasant itching afterwards. But the most dangerous thing is poison, the reaction to which may not be predictable if it enters the human body. For some, everything will go away within 1 - 2 days on its own, while for others, complications and a severe allergic reaction. But the worst thing is angioedema and anaphylactic shock, which can lead to death (death). In this article we will look at what to do if you are bitten by a wasp, what measures to take if you are bitten by a wasp, and how to avoid the consequences of the bite.

Wasps belong to the order of stalked bellies, and like many insects, they appear outside with the arrival of warmer weather. You can meet them both in the city and outside it; they can settle in a person’s home. They attack only when they sense danger or aggression towards them. By stinging, it injects a small amount of poison into the human body; it is so small that it cannot provoke serious poisoning. You feel a sharp pain from the sting, redness and slight swelling are observed. Women, children, allergy sufferers and people with weakened immune systems show higher sensitivity to the poison. May be observed following symptoms:

  • Pain and burning after a bite
  • Redness of the affected area
  • Swelling
  • A rash may appear
  • Increased body temperature
  • Headache
  • Attacks of nausea and vomiting
  • Body spasms

Many biologically active substances enter the human body as part of the poison. Histamine is a substance that contributes to swelling and a general allergic reaction to the poison.

Interesting fact: According to studies, paper wasps distinguish the faces of their relatives. This ability develops only in social species wasps that maintain a strict hierarchy in families. Wasps that live alone or simple families, do not know how to do this.

Substances included in the poison:

  • Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter necessary for the normal transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Phospholipases - provokes a local inflammatory reaction.
  • Hyaluronidase - increases the permeability of tissues and capillaries.
  • Kinins are proteins that dilate blood vessels, increase vascular permeability and are responsible for pain.
  • Amino acids are powerful allergens.

What to do if you are bitten by a wasp

  • If the sting remains, remove it with tweezers and suck out the poison if possible.
  • Treat the bite site with anything containing acid (a slice of apple, orange or lemon, sour berry or citric acid).
  • Apply something cold to the wound (there is always something in the freezer, ideally ice).
  • Take anything for allergies (Suprastin, Zodak, Cetrin, Advantan ointment or Fenistil gel).
  • Treat the affected area with an antibacterial agent (antiseptic brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide, or vodka in extreme cases). Do not take alcohol inside!!!

People with high sensitivity to poison usually carry an auto-injector with them. The active substance is most often adrenaline, the marked side is pressed firmly against the inside hips. And we inject directly through the clothes for 5 seconds.

Folk remedies for wasp stings

    • Parsley root, a slice of lemon, and a cut clove of garlic will help you. Mash the onion pulp and plantain leaf until juice appears (rinse the leaf with water).
    • Aspirin will numb the bite, take it orally or grind it, mix it with water and treat the wound.
    • Lotions with lemon juice or a weak solution of 9% vinegar (1 - 2 teaspoons per half glass of water).
    • Kefir, sour cream and natural yogurt will relieve itching and inflammation.
    • Tea bags or tea infusion will soften and remove swelling.
    • Tea tree or clove oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Son, what's wrong with your face? - A wasp sat on him. - So what, she bit you like that??? - No, her dad killed her right away with a shovel.

First aid kit items:

  • Fenistil gel- will reduce itching and pain, stop the development of edema.
  • Menovazin- a cheap anesthetic will relieve pain and itching.
  • Soventol- a good ointment for pain relief.
  • Advantan— a strong gel that stops the development of allergies and swelling.

What not to do if you are stung by a wasp

  • You should not look for the sting - the wasp does not leave it, unless, of course, you crush it on your body.
  • Do not squeeze out the poison with your hands - when you press, you increase blood circulation, thereby increasing the speed of spread of the poison.
  • Scratching or picking at the affected area can lead to infection.
  • Limit yourself to drinking - drinking plenty of water will reduce the symptoms of intoxication.

What to do if a wasp stings a child

The processing is no different from that described above, only the means differ.

  • We wash the affected area with a solution of vinegar (a teaspoon in half a glass of water), or prepare a paste of soda and water and apply it for 10 minutes.
  • Soda lotions, or a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Clove oil, star balm (beware of contact with eyes).
  • Products based on calendula or arnica.

A large line of ointments, lotions, and balms has been produced for children, here are some of them:

  • Gardex Baby - can be used from 12 months.
  • Mosquitall – children's series.
  • Balm Rescuer can be used from any age.
  • Apply Valocordin or Corvalol to the bite area and it will itch less.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

  • A sharp deterioration in health.
  • Severe swelling at the bite site.
  • Rapid spread of urticaria.
  • Stung in the neck or head area.
  • Many wasps stung.

  • when stung by a wasp, you should not wave your arms, try to kill the insect, or destroy the nest if it is nearby;
  • sudden movements, fear, attempts to attack a wasp’s home provoke an attack of aggression in insects. If the behavior is incorrect, a whole swarm may attack the victim. The consequences are severe - in most cases, death;
  • After being stung, you need to pull yourself together, try not to panic, and calmly move away from the scene. If a wasp is circling nearby or crawling on clothes, you should not wave your arms; it is better to shake off the insect with a stick, ruler, or branch;
  • if an incident happened to the hostess while preparing compotes or jam, you need to cover the bowl with the sweet mass/fruit on the table, carefully guide the wasp out of the open window with a towel or wide rag;
  • Many people find it difficult to follow these rules, but there is no other way: panic and waving their arms often provoke new bites.

How to avoid becoming a victim of a wasp

If you are careful and act according to certain rules, you can not only avoid an insect attack, but also minimize the consequences of its attack:

  • When in the forest or in nature, you should not climb and stir up the nests of any insects, not just wasps
  • If a wasp is circling nearby, then there is no need to wave your arms, because this will certainly provoke an attack of aggression and a defensive reaction in the insect. You should also not hunt wasps or try to kill them. Most rational decision- calmly move away from the place where the wasp is circling

If you have to deal with wasp stings, you need to immediately take measures that can be done at home. If the allergy does not go away, you should call a doctor. A wasp sting can be dangerous, so it should never be ignored, much less taken lightly.

Conclusions from Tikhon: It is impossible to predict a wasp sting, unless of course you go into their home yourself. But if you are stung, do not panic, the main thing is to do everything in a timely manner.

If you have experience solving this problem, share it in the comments below. Perhaps he will help someone make the right decision.

Health to you and your loved ones.

What to do if bitten by a wasp, don’t panic. In most cases, symptoms are limited to local symptoms and disappear within a few days. Don’t worry if a wasp bites you on the arm or stings you on the leg. The danger comes from a bite to the neck and face. It is imperative to take an antihistamine.

Symptoms of a wasp sting

The striped insect is often confused with a bee, especially if its bite came unexpectedly. A person intuitively rejects the pest without having time to discern the features. You can determine who bit by the consequences. , but no.

The insect injects, which instantly causes an allergic reaction of varying degrees of intensity. With strong immunity, the consequences of a bite are limited to pain and local irritation. Edema, swelling, redness occurs, later. A photo of a wasp sting on a human body is presented below.

In case of weakened or pathologically weak immunity, wasp venom, in addition to local manifestations, provokes severe general symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • fainting;
  • foggy consciousness;
  • blurred vision;
  • pale skin;
  • decline blood pressure;
  • diarrhea;
  • cold sweat;
  • temperature increase;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • arrhythmia;
  • swelling of the larynx.

If an insect bites you on the head, the poison quickly enters the bloodstream. The functioning of the central nervous system is disrupted, the production of histamine increases, which leads to tissue swelling, spasm of the respiratory organs, inflammation, etc. severe consequences. If you are bitten on the tongue, the likelihood of swelling of the larynx increases. If a wasp stings on the lip or gets into the eye, severe swelling immediately appears; if it stings a finger, the entire arm or leg may swell.

On a note!

Wasp venom is a highly toxic substance. It is especially dangerous for elderly people and allergy sufferers. The likelihood of serious consequences increases if there are several bites from one individual or several. With an increased dosage of poison, a person can die from a wasp sting.

How to understand that an allergy has begun

Always present. Symptoms of severe allergies appear within 20 minutes.

What allergic manifestations look like:

  • the scale of inflammation increases;
  • pain and itching intensifies;
  • general health worsens.

Initially, a person may feel weak and dizzy. Then stool and digestive disorders begin, and headache. A photo of a severe allergy is shown below.

If you have shortness of breath or breathing problems, you should urgently call ambulance. IN in this case Emergency administration of adrenaline and an antihistamine will help to avoid angioedema and anaphylactic shock. Otherwise, the person risks dying.

On a note!

Local allergies are characterized by increased symptoms, an increase in the extent of the lesion, and an additional rash. The wasp sting takes a long time to pass, and suppuration and induration occur. The presence of ulcers and weeping wounds indicate the addition of a secondary infection. This situation is dangerous for a person due to the development of weeping and eczema. Requires the use of antibiotics.

After an insect attack, you need to perform a number of specific actions to avoid serious consequences.

  1. First you need to wash the sore spot. clean water. At home, laundry soap is used. Water will help get rid of dirt and poison residues on the surface of the skin. In conditions wildlife use mineral water, any clean body of water. Cold water It also helps relieve swelling from a wasp sting and stop the inflammatory process.
  2. Disinfect the wound to prevent infection. After a wasp sting, use ammonia, medical, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, alcohol-based tincture medicinal herbs. An excellent option would be calendula, valerian, motherwort, and glod. If you anoint the wasp bite within half an hour after the pest attack, you will be able to avoid severe swelling and large-scale inflammation.
  3. Neutralize the effect of the poison. A toxic substance remains in the wound, which gradually enters the bloodstream. To neutralize the poison, use a vinegar solution - 1 teaspoon of the product per 100 ml of water, boric acid. A solution of Furacilin, Streptocide tablets - 1 tablet per glass of water. You can treat a wasp sting with a paste made from baking soda– add a little water and apply to the sore spot until completely dry. When a wasp stings, baking soda kills pathogenic microflora, neutralizes poison, and eliminates itching. In the wild, the juice of dandelion, celandine, and plantain is used. Lemon juice or acid helps against a wasp sting.
  4. Cold will help slow down the spread of poison. Apply ice cubes, a cold compress, a heating pad, a bottle of water, and meat from the freezer. Leave for 15 minutes.

On a note!

If an insect bites your leg or arm, apply a tourniquet above the sore spot. This will prevent the poison from spreading through the blood. After disinfecting the wound and neutralizing the poison, the bandage is removed.

What to do if you are stung by a wasp or a bee, an allergic reaction begins, you must urgently take an antihistamine. Be sure to take a pill if you have been bitten by a wasp and an increased dose of poison has entered your body.

Produced in the form of drops, tablets, ointments, gels for external use. If you have a severe allergy to a wasp sting, take the drug orally and also treat the sore spot. Antihistamines reduce the activity of histamine, stop the inflammatory process, and eliminate external symptoms.

  • Claritin. Produced in the form of drops, baby syrup, tablets. Active ingredient: loratadine. The antihistamine effect develops within 2 hours after oral administration. Maximum properties last 8 hours. Take according to instructions taking into account age. An analogue is the drug Loratadine. Cost 555 rub.
  • Suprastin. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. The active substance is chloropyramine hydrochloride. Suprastin for wasp stings is taken 2 times a day with meals. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the symptoms. Children under 1 year of age are given ¼ tablet. Packaging price 140 rub.
  • Diazolin. Produced in the form of tablets, dragees. The active ingredient is mebhydrolin. Take 1-3 tablets per day. Price 43 rub. for 10 pieces.
  • Fenistil. Fenistil-gel drops for oral administration are available for sale. Apply a thin layer to the affected area. The product helps relieve swelling, reduce itching and redness. Stops the inflammatory process, blocks the allergic reaction. Cost 400 rub.
  • Zyrtec. Antiallergic agent for oral administration. Allowed for children from 6 months. The drug alleviates the course of allergies, prevents complications, stops the inflammatory process, and relieves itching. If the hand is swollen, treat 2-3 times a day, apply to the face once. Cost 320 rub.
  • Zodak. Available in the form of tablets, syrup, drops. The active substance is cetirizine dihydrochloride. The antihistamine effect begins within 20 minutes. The drug stops the pathological process and helps cope with external symptoms. Allowed for children from 6 months. Price about 300 rubles.

A contraindication to the use of medications is the presence of individual intolerance to the components. A wasp sting on a child without consulting a specialist for no more than 5 days. If there is no improvement within 3 days, you should see a doctor.

How to treat a wasp sting with severe allergies

For therapy, drugs based on hormones from the group of glucocorticosteroids are used. Drugs are quickly eliminated external manifestations allergies, stop the production of histamine almost instantly.

  • Sinaflan. A remedy for wasp stings based on a hormonal substance. Used for severe manifestations of allergies. Indicated if a leg or arm is swollen. Use on the face is not recommended. Ointment for a wasp sting quickly relieves external symptoms and stops the pathological process. Wounds that are swollen or inflamed are treated 1-2 times a day. The duration of therapy is no more than 7 days in adults, 5 in children. Not recommended for infants and children under 2 years of age. The cost of the tube is 22 rubles.
  • Prednisolone. Produced in the form of tablets and injection solution. It is a hormonal drug with an active substance of the same name. Prednisolone is 4 times more active than antihistamines and relieves allergies faster. It is recommended to take it for swelling of the larynx, difficulty breathing, weakening pulse, and decreased blood pressure. The dosage is calculated based on age. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed 90 minutes after ingestion. It begins to act within 20 minutes. Price 25 rub.
  • Dexamethasone. Hormonal drug in tablet form. It has a pronounced anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant property. Antishock, antitoxic effect is associated with the drug’s ability to increase blood pressure and reduce vascular permeability. Cost 190 rub.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. Hormonal remedy for external use. Can be used from birth. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas 1-2 times a day. Medicine for wasp stings is used for no longer than 7 days. Helps with puffiness and swelling. Price 30 rub.

Hormonal remedies for wasp and bee stings are used after consultation with a specialist. Contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Painful sensations are present for several days. The inflamed area itches and itches. In this case, it is allowed to treat a wasp sting with folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations.

  • Some herbs have anti-inflammatory, healing, regenerating, and decongestant properties. If the wound continues to bother or hurt, it is recommended to apply a compress against a wasp sting from a decoction of chamomile, calendula, celandine, St. John's wort, and thyme. The potion is poured with boiled water and left for 20 minutes.
  • Aloe juice accelerates tissue regeneration, eliminates painful symptoms, and relieves inflammation if the skin has become very red. They wipe the sore spot or make lotions. To eliminate swelling, you should first put the aloe leaf in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • Menovazin will help relieve pain from a wasp sting. Produced in the form of a solution or ointment. Contains 2 pain-relieving components, menthol. Relief occurs already at the moment of application. Menovazin stimulates blood circulation in the damaged area and eliminates congestion. The bite can be completely cured in a few days.
  • Star. The balm contains camphor, menthol, a little clove, mint and other natural ingredients. Bites should be treated 2-3 times a day.
  • Panthenol. The product stops the inflammatory process, disinfects, and accelerates tissue regeneration. Treat the skin twice a day.
  • When a wasp stings, onion neutralizes the effect of the poison, disinfects, and stops inflammation. They make lotions, compresses, and apply fresh vegetables. You can similarly relieve swelling and pain after a wasp sting with garlic juice.
  • Levomekol. A local antibiotic is used if suppuration, weeping wounds appear, or there are signs of a secondary infection.

On a note!

A wild wasp sting can be extremely painful. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, external remedies should be used. Wipe with Menovazine, Lidocaine, as well as toothpaste with menthol, shaving foam.

What not to do

After an insect attack, you should not squeeze out the poison, as this speeds up the process of the poison entering the blood. It is forbidden to pick the wound with a needle in the hope of finding a sting. Such actions contribute to the penetration of secondary infection. You should not drink alcohol after a wasp sting, since alcohol spreads wasp venom through the blood faster, increasing the chance of developing a severe allergy.

You can avoid a wasp sting by being careful. When you see an insect, do not act drastic actions, don't try to kill. When the wasp dies, it releases a special enzyme that calls on other relatives to help. If there is a nest nearby, multiple bites will follow within a few minutes. Insects sting when there is a threat to their own life, as well as when protecting their hive.

In what cases should you seek help from doctors?

Vivid allergy symptoms appear within 30 minutes after the poison enters the blood. If during this time there is no deterioration in health, the sore spot is limited to slight swelling, you can treat the wound yourself.

You should urgently call an ambulance if your blood pressure drops, faints, cardiac dysfunction, swelling of the larynx, or difficulty breathing. Reasons for contacting a doctor include fever, chills, constriction of the pupils, pale skin, poor coordination of movements, and diarrhea.

Initially, you need to call the reception center, they will tell you what to do - go to the hospital yourself or wait for an ambulance. Treatment should be carried out by an allergist. In its absence, the functions may be assigned to a dermatologist or therapist.

A wasp attack will be remembered for a long time by those who at least once had the misfortune of being subjected to it. And the point here is not only the pain that the bite victim inevitably experiences, but the consequences that the attack of this stinging insect entails.

The structure of the wasp's sting is such that it can attack several times in a row. This is explained by the fact that it has no jagged edges, it is smooth and thanks to this the insect instantly removes it from the victim’s skin. The bee, on the contrary, because of the backward-pointing teeth on the sting, cannot pull it out, and it has to fly away, leaving the victim with part of its abdomen along with the sting. Naturally, after this the bee dies.

Due to the repetition of a wasp sting, the amount of injected poison also increases, and this is already an order of magnitude more dangerous than with a single attack. All the consequences of such an incident are due to the composition of the poison, which contains substances that provoke complications. Although just one bite can be dangerous.

Wasp venom

Wasp venom contains several substances that complement each other. This complementarity is much more dangerous than the effect of each of these substances separately:

  1. Acetylcholine. This substance works to irritate the nerve endings, and from the very first moment after the injection of the poison (even before the wasp pulls out the sting) it leads to severe burning pain.
  2. Histamine. It is this substance that provokes an allergic reaction to the poison, causing extensive swelling and other allergy symptoms. In addition, histamine enhances the effect of acetylcholine.
  3. Phospholipases. They destroy the cells of tissues damaged by stings, the contents of these cells are poured into the intercellular space. In response to this, inflammation occurs - this is how the body exhibits a protective reaction. Phospholipases also destroy natural “storages” of their own histamine - mast cells. As a result, histamine is poured into the blood, “meets” with a portion of histamine introduced by the wasp, and thus the allergic reaction (in allergy sufferers) doubles.
  4. Mastoparan. This substance is obtained from large quantities, can prevent a protective reaction in the form of inflammation from occurring. Mastoparan also damages mast cells, promotes the free release of their own histamine from them, provoking allergies, but it is not enough to prevent the tissues from becoming inflamed.
  5. Cytotoxins. Substances that destroy the walls of blood vessels, which leads to hematomas and hemorrhages. This is especially dangerous with multiple bites, when the hemorrhage can develop very extensively and seriously pose a threat to life.

As you can see, a healthy person will survive a wasp attack much easier than someone who is allergic to the components of the poison. It is these people who need to take maximum care and avoid aggression from wasps.

If a person is absolutely healthy, this does not mean that he will not have an allergy to wasp venom, no matter how many times he is stung. Due to the increase in the amount of histamine after a bite, an allergic reaction can occur in anyone and completely unexpectedly after another insect attack. And the more often a person gets it, the more chances he has to “get” this disease after another attack.

Consequences of bites

The reaction to wasp venom may vary depending on the number of stings and the presence or absence of an allergic reaction to the components of the venom.

In the case of a normal reaction, the consequences can be expressed relatively easily, and the picture basically looks like this:

  • sharp burning pain (pains severely and with increasing severity);
  • in the first minutes, redness around the wound;
  • a clearly swollen and swollen appearance in and around the bite site;
  • severe itching that increases in parallel with the pain (but does not go away longer).

In the absence of allergies, this is probably all that a wasp attack is fraught with. The pain disappears after a couple of hours, and the swelling disappears around the second day.

In the case when the body reacts to its poison inadequately (with the development of allergies), the consequences are largely different and can be much more complex:

  • too large area of ​​edema;
  • hives (small or large, watery, whitish blisters) all over the body;
  • the elevated temperature persists for some time;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the head or stomach;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

The development of an allergic attack can have varying degrees of severity and take different time: from several hours to a matter of seconds. That is why it is important to have time to provide medical care to the victim. Although, unfortunately, with a rapidly developing severe allergic attack, there is not always enough time for this, and in such cases death is possible.

Other bite hazards

Allergy to wasp venom is a common, but not the only consequence of the bite of these insects. Even a healthy person can be in serious danger in certain cases. First of all, this concerns the place where:

  • the head (tongue, nose) or neck may then swell so much that the airways become blocked, leading to suffocation;
  • if a wasp has bitten the genitals, urination becomes impossible due to swelling;
  • After a bite to the eye, it is possible to develop iris atrophy, glaucoma or cataracts.

No less dangerous is the case of multiple bites resulting from repeated dives of a wasp or attack by a swarm. The strength of the poison in these cases is relative to the number of bites, but with normal tolerance wasp poison several bites will not lead to death. If the wasps attacked healthy person to “safe” places, the consequences will only be very strong pain and extensive swelling.

As a result of a wasp sting, the following reactions can occur in the body:

  • acceleration of heart function;
  • rapid breathing;
  • a jump in blood sugar (very dangerous for those suffering from diabetes).

In the context of a severe allergic reaction, these symptoms are often not too obvious to the victim due to the worsening condition.

Why does a wasp sting?

Humans are of no interest to wasps. They will never attack him just like that, until they consider that the person is currently dangerous. This may happen if:

  • come close to the nest or touch it (wasps fiercely defend their home and immediately rush to attack);
  • disturb the wasp without noticing it (at the market while sorting fruit, where it can sit and feed, step on it, etc.);
  • try to slam her (especially if she got under her clothes);
  • make sudden movements (this will be perceived by the wasp as an attempt to attack);
  • expel the wasp at the time of feeding.

That is, the wasp will attack only if it perceives a person’s actions as a threat, and will never attack without a reason. Even when she sat on the body, this does not mean that a bite will now follow. Perhaps the wasp was simply attracted by the sweet scent of perfume or something else that had nothing to do with the reason for the attack. Therefore, it is important to try to avoid situations where the wasp actually wants to sting:

  • carefully pick or sort through berries and fruits;
  • do not come close to the nest;
  • do not wave your arms or make provocative movements when a wasp approaches;
  • when going out into nature, look around so as not to accidentally sit down or step on an insect;
  • Don't try to kill the wasp by trying to get rid of it.

If, nevertheless, a wasp stings, you immediately need to take a number of actions to help the victim and avoid development negative consequences bites in all their glory.

If a wasp stings

Actions after a wasp sting are simple, but they must be performed immediately:

  • do not try to squeeze out the poison (attempts to squeeze out will increase local blood circulation, and the poison will spread even faster), you can try to suck it out;

  • immediately neutralize the poison with any acids (acetic, malic, citrus, etc.), since the wound heals very quickly;

  • apply any cold (ice, food from the freezer, a bottle of cold liquid, etc.).

These are the first necessary actions, which will help slightly reduce the pain and prevent severe swelling from developing. After this, you need to carefully monitor the condition in order to recognize the onset of signs of an allergic reaction in time. Many people do it very smartly: they take antihistamines even before allergy symptoms appear, just in case, because you never know in advance how the body will react, even if you have not had an allergy to wasp venom before.

At the slightest suspicion of worsening the condition, it is necessary to take the victim to a doctor or call an ambulance. The main thing is to remember one simple truth: in some cases, delay really is like death.

Wasp sting swelling and redness: what to do to relieve swelling quickly, what to do if it itches after a week or several days and the symptoms do not go away. If a wasp stings your arm or leg, then a small amount of acetylcholine entering the body of a healthy person and the release of histamine may even be beneficial.

However, if an individual has increased sensitivity to the components of insect venom, or the wasp bites in a tender place (eyelid, eyebrow, eye, lip, neck or face), then severe swelling may occur, which will permanently damage appearance and mood.

The photo shows an example of the most typical bite, when the eye in a matter of minutes turns into the semblance of an senile female reproductive organ and ceases to see.

Approximately 0.5% of people may be susceptible to a severe allergic reaction, including damage to the heart muscle and death.

A wasp sting is a serious matter, sometimes requiring serious medical intervention.

First aid for children and adults

Pull out the sting. The sting of a wasp, unlike a bee's, has almost no serrations. Therefore, it rarely remains in the wound; there is no need to specifically look for it inside the puncture. But if the tip is still visible, it should be removed, because any foreign body increases inflammation. By the way, if the bite does not go away within several weeks, breaks out and festers, it is likely that the problem is the sting.

Apply cold and sour.You can pour cold soda like Fanta over the bite. But it’s better to grease with a slice of lemon. A weak bite solution will also work. Next, you need to apply an ice cube, packaged ice cream, or a cold bottle to the bite, and hold it for 15 minutes. If you do it in a timely manner and hold it longer, there will be no swelling.

Take anti-allergenic medications (if you are prone to allergies). Claritin, Suprastin, Desloratadine and analogues. If there is a possibility of convulsions, shock, or difficulty breathing, you should call an ambulance immediately after the bite. Before the ambulance arrives, you need to find a comfortable place (shade, peace), sit or lay the victim down. If a person begins to lose consciousness, make sure that the tongue does not sink. If breathing stops, begin resuscitation measures.

Attention! If there were more than 10 bites, or the face was severely damaged, even a healthy person should seek medical help.

After a wasp sting, you need to drink more fluids. A healthy person can move more, eat well, breathe fresh air: with the acceleration of metabolic processes, swelling and redness disappear faster.

How to treat a wasp sting

There is a huge list of folk and modern means from wasp stings. At home, you will probably have the necessary product in your kitchen. However, it is factory-made medicines that help best.

Folk remedies


Parsley juice (lotions for swelling)


Aloe juice (for redness, swelling, inflammation after a bite)


Grated potatoes

Gardex baby (for children)

Tomato pulp

Advantan (cream for allergies and inflammation, relieves redness)

Onion (apply a ring for 10-15 minutes)


Beetroot or cabbage leaf




The question of how to smear a wasp sting to eliminate redness and swelling disappears by itself if you use sugar. You can moisten the bite area with water and then sprinkle it with granulated sugar. This will draw out the lymph, and the swelling will resolve more quickly.

Swelling from a wasp sting can be removed from the face with lotions made from strong tea, decoction bay leaf Soda compresses help.

How long will it take for a wasp sting to go away? Why does a wasp sting not go away for a week?

The swelling itself usually subsides on the second or third day. When using creams and compresses, it can take up to 20 hours. It is impossible to quickly remove swelling from a wasp in 1-2 hours, unless cold water is applied immediately after the bite (in which case it will be smaller, but will not disappear completely).

If the bite itches (on the second and third day), this is a normal reaction to the release of histamine, which means that things are moving towards healing. If it itches or hurts for a week, and does not resolve, then this may indicate that dirt, a foreign body (sting), or particles of ointment have entered the wound, and inflammation has begun.

Swelling and redness may also persist for a long time due to the use of fatty skin creams. Often people do not use special products, but simple baby or face cream. Instead of removing excess fluid, they retain it under the skin, so wasp sting does not heal for a long time. It is better not to use cosmetics during the treatment period. If it’s completely unbearable - aqua gels, low-fat creams.

It is also worth remembering that people's bodies react differently. If a person received two bites in the face, he has delicate skin and a not very strong immune system, then he can really get sick for 1-2 weeks.

Itching after a wasp sting, how many days and hours will it take (by stages):

But one detail is important here - the swelling and redness should begin to subside gradually after 2-3 days. If they persist or increase, consult a doctor immediately, especially if we're talking about about the nasal area, cheeks, temples and other areas of the head close to the brain or important organs.

Also, if the tumor grows, when it is clear that an allergic reaction has occurred, you can also contact an ambulance. It is not necessary to call, so as not to deprive grandmothers and pregnant women of the carriage, but going there is quite reasonable. Doctors give a tricky injection in the butt, after which the decline occurs 2-3 times faster than when taking regular pills.

What should you do and what measures should you immediately take at home if you are bitten by a wasp? Follow the rules of first aid, familiarize yourself with the common mistakes that most victims make and do not repeat them. In the article we will tell you how to prevent anaphylactic shock from occurring, how to relieve allergy symptoms, and in which case you should immediately consult a doctor after a wasp sting. For young children, wasp bites are even more dangerous than for an adult, so we will give recommendations for relieving swelling and pain relief of the damaged area of ​​the baby’s skin and tell you whether it is necessary to go to the clinic.

Standard symptoms in a person after a wasp sting are as follows:

  • the bite site hurts;
  • the bite swells, swelling or a lump occurs;
  • the skin turns red and warms up.

Symptoms may not go away for one to three days after a wasp sting; after three days, usually only redness remains, which goes away after a week.

First aid for a wasp sting

What NOT to do: Common mistakes

  1. Don't look for the sting, the wasp does not leave him. Proceed immediately to remove and neutralize the poison.
  2. As stated earlier, no need to cauterize bite site. Although the principle itself has the right to life, after its application a burn will appear on the skin, and then a scar. However, it is not a fact that the poison will be neutralized and lose its properties. You can only burn a bite in a situation where you are far from the first aid kit and know that a wasp sting causes you a severe allergy, and you only have a lighter with you. In this case, by quickly cauterizing the damaged area, you will neutralize most of the poison and can save your life.
  3. Don't squeeze out the poison, and do not rub the bite site! Pressing and rubbing the damaged area of ​​skin with venom will only increase blood circulation and help spread the wasp venom faster throughout the body.
  4. Don't scratch bite, otherwise best case scenario you will get a sore, and at worst - suppuration.
  5. Do not use dirty water, do not apply earth or clay, as an infection can enter the body through the wound.
  6. Don't think that the swelling will get bigger because of water, this is a myth. Drink more water, it will help the body remove the toxin faster.
  7. Don't drink alcoholic beverages! They help speed up blood circulation.

Why is a wasp sting dangerous for humans?

The wasp sting itself is not fatal; it is the human body’s reaction to it and the substances that enter the skin that are dangerous. If there is no acute reaction (allergy), then the symptoms and consequences will begin to subside a couple of days after first aid is provided.

If a wasp bites you in the eye, nose or lip, this is fraught with severe swelling of the entire face. If a wasp stings near the eye, panophthalmitis may subsequently develop, i.e. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyeball. A bite to the lips, tongue or neck can cause difficulty breathing and even cut off oxygen supply.

Wasps are most active in warm weather, and by August their numbers increase, and their aggressiveness also increases. Avoid attracting them with fruit, soda, food, sweet smells, and bright colors.

For pregnant women, a wasp sting is especially dangerous, because a pronounced allergic reaction can harm the fetus, and the use of most special medications is not allowed.

For a child, a bite is no more dangerous than for an adult and, in addition to allergies, can lead to severe fear and hysteria.

What to do if a wasp bites a child?

You need to do exactly the same as with first aid for an adult. The only thing is that first the child needs to be calmed down and distracted with something. Don't let your baby rub or scratch the bite area. Carefully monitor his condition after first aid; angioedema and severe allergies may occur after some time, so it is important to be there for at least 2-3 hours to give an antihistamine or call a doctor.

Pay attention to the place where the child was stung by the wasp. It is possible that there is a beehive nearby and you should no longer bring him there to play. If this happened on summer cottage, carefully inspect all roofs and canopies to see if wasps have built a nest there.

If you have an allergy

Allergies in humans are caused by toxins contained in wasp venom near the sting. The main components of the poison:

  • Acetylchodine, which interferes with performance nerve tissue;
  • Histamine is the main activator of inflammation and severe allergic reactions.
  • Phospholipases are enzymes that destroy cell walls. Cause an inflammatory process;
  • Hyaluronidase is a toxin similar to the previous enzyme.
  • The hyperglycemic factor increases blood sugar.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction are:

  • swelling, redness of the bite site and severe itching;
  • fever, headache and shortness of breath;
  • hives;
  • confusion;
  • anaphylactic shock.

It is because of anaphylactic shock and asphyxia that a person can. This phenomenon occurs very quickly - a few minutes after the sting. Seconds count; you need to call a doctor and provide first aid.

If anaphylaxis occurs, the victim should be given an injection of adrenaline or epinephrine and immediately call an ambulance. Do not leave the victim, lay him down and monitor his condition. If it does not improve, give a second injection of epinephrine. If you have trouble breathing, use an inhaler if available.

If after first aid a person feels better, but the doctor is already on his way, do not refuse hospitalization, it is necessary to prevent the recurrence of an allergic reaction.

Medicines to relieve symptoms

To reduce swelling and itching, it is advisable to take an antihistamine, such as Cetrin, Claritin, Zodak or any other.

Apply cream or gel to the damaged and inflamed area of ​​the skin: Spasatal, Fenistil, Insectline, Advantan or Menovazin.

Folk remedies

If you don't have any pills or creams on hand and the pharmacy is too far away, use folk ways relieving symptoms after a wasp sting. Apply to the inflamed area:

  • chewed fresh parsley leaves;
  • a slice of tomato, garlic or onion;
  • soda mixed with water to form a porridge;
  • Validol ground with water;
  • cloth or cotton wool soaked in vinegar, lemon juice, essential oil, tincture of calendula, plantain or golden mustache.

In what cases should you consult a doctor after a wasp sting?

When providing first aid, you should pay attention to the occurrence of alarming symptoms that require treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

  • There are more than five bites on the body;
  • The wasp bit you on the neck, eye or face area;
  • The patient is allergic to wasps;
  • Manifestation of symptoms of an allergic reaction that are not relieved by antihistamines;
  • The victim has difficulty breathing;
  • Wasp sting during pregnancy;
  • The person has asthma;
  • There are diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If you are stung by a wasp, do not immediately start to panic! Assess the situation soberly and decide whether to see a doctor, or whether you can use traditional medicine.