Why are lemon leaves sticky? Why do indoor lemons have sticky leaves?

I was struck by a dangerous parasite - scale insects.

Lemon scale, description and photo

Scale insects (Diaspididae) are small insects measuring 0.5-5 mm from the order Hemiptera.

The insect received its name for the dense shield that covers its body. Scale insects have pronounced gender differences. Females lack legs and wings, and often also eyes, but this is compensated by a powerful protective shell that helps them survive scale insects on your homemade lemon and tangerine, it would seem, even when all the methods of combating it have already been used.

Scale insects on a lemon leaf are often located along the nutrient veins

Males are slightly smaller in size, they have normal legs and one pair of wings, a flat, slightly elongated carapace and underdeveloped oral apparatus. The fate of the males of this pest is really not to be envied - after the act of mating they die. Female scale insects can be found much less frequently than males and they are completely motionless. It’s not at all sweet for males - they search for a long time, but once they find it, then all their lives are over.

There are many varieties of scale insects, almost all of which harm various plants. These insects are prolific and reproduce quite quickly. These insects feed on plant sap, which they drink from different parts of the tree.

Adult scale insects with shell on plant trunk

Why is scale insects dangerous?

Scale insects on indoor plants, as a rule, entail significant hassle in combating it. are no exception. As this insect feeds on the juice of the stems, leaves and fruits of the lemon tree, damage appears on them with characteristic spots (yellowish or red-brown). Over time, it turns completely yellow or brown, and subsequently dries out and falls off. The tree stops growing and the leaves fall off. If measures are not taken in time, the entire tree may wither and die. The fruits of the plant may also suffer: the ovaries fall off prematurely, the flowers dry out.

During their life, scale insects produce honeydew, a sweetish liquid. Covering the leaves, it disrupts the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. homemade lemon.
This liquid is also a favorable environment for the growth of sooty fungus.

methods of infection

Scale insects can get into the apartment along with infected flowers from the store, planting material(ground). Larvae can be carried by the wind through open windows.
It is also important to keep in mind that these insects primarily attack weak or diseased plants. Therefore, it is worth keeping such trees separately from healthy ones.

Signs of lemon scale infection

By what signs can you understand that your infected with scale insects?

At the larval stage, these insects are difficult to detect, since they are small and move quite quickly. Adult insects are easy to see with the naked eye. They look like brown or light brown round scales on leaf blades or trunks.

Signs on a lemon leaf affected by scale insects

If there are too many scale insects on a citrus fruit, they accumulate along the veins of the leaves, so they seem to be covered with a coating.

Another sign of a homemade lemon being infected with scale insects is sticky, sweetish liquid spots on the leaves. Sometimes there can be so much of it that it begins to flow down from the leaves.

Diseases of indoor lemon can be of fungal, viral and bacterial origin. They spread through insects, water droplets during watering and spraying. Important to remember: healthy plant less susceptible to disease than a weakened person. That is why at home it is simply necessary to provide the flower with proper care and microclimate. The main thing in treating a flower is correct and timely diagnosis and adequate actions to eliminate the disease. So, diseases of indoor lemon, their description with photos, effective treatment from specialists.

Typical diseases of indoor lemon and their treatment

Why do lemon leaves turn yellow and curl? Why does the plant shed its leaves? Why do lemon leaves become covered with black spots? The reason may not be proper care, lack of microelements or flower diseases. If the leaves fall off, it means that the homemade lemon may lack light; it has been overwatered. Lemon leaves fall off if the air in the room where it is located is dry or the horse system is disturbed.

Most often, lemon leaves fall in the autumn-winter period, but leaf fall can occur at any other time of the year. main reason: unfavourable conditions . For example, a recently purchased plant may lose its leaves. The explanation is simple: in the greenhouses where it is grown, the conditions are different from the microclimate in the apartment. Leaf fall is a reaction to a change in the growing microclimate. After purchasing, the lemon must acclimatize to the new conditions; it is not advisable to replant it; it is provided with proper care. At this time, it is important not to overwater the flower, since without leaves the process of moisture evaporation is disrupted. Experts recommend spraying more than watering; you can add epin to the solution.

Why does a lemon shed its leaves if its growing location has not changed? Reason: lack of light. This plant belongs to the category of light-loving, that is, it needs a 12-hour day of light. In the autumn-winter period, when the length daylight hours decreases, the plant must be illuminated with a fluorescent lamp. It is better to place the pot on the western or eastern side of the house, or on the southern side, but with obligatory shading.

The lemon has dropped its leaves if it was replanted with full or partial replacement soil. In this case, the root system is disrupted, which necessarily affects the crown. She crumbles. What to do? We need to help the flower restore root system. To do this, watering is reduced, the flower is placed under a greenhouse ( polyethylene film), which should not touch the leaves and branches of the flower. Spraying is carried out to maintain high level humidity in the greenhouse. Every day the greenhouse is ventilated for 15 minutes to prevent the formation of condensation. Epin is added to the spraying solution once a week, and root can be added to the watering solution. There is no need to suddenly remove the greenhouse. To adapt the flower, increase the ventilation time every day. The greenhouse is completely removed when new leaves appear on the lemon.

Lemon drops leaves when it is attacked by cancer, viral mosaic. All these diseases are viral in nature. In most cases in indoor growing diseases cannot be treated, and the plant is completely thrown away in order to prevent infection of other flowers.

Cancer on lemon leaves looks like brown spots irregularly shaped, which dry out and crumble inside. With prolonged disease, young lemon leaves develop deformed and small. The disease cannot be cured, it can be prevented spring spraying flower with fungicides.

Leaves fall if homemade lemon is affected by leaf mosaic. On the leaves it looks like light spots of irregular shape, sometimes spreading across the plate in the form of streaks. Mosaic cannot be treated; in most cases, the plant is removed.

Lemon leaves curl if the watering schedule is disrupted. This is drying or waterlogging of the soil. In the first case, you need to water the flower with small portions of water, but do not allow the soil in the pot to become waterlogged. In both cases, the plant is placed under a greenhouse, where it is regularly sprayed. Overmoistening the soil in a pot leads to rotting of the roots. Damaged roots can no longer “drink” water, and therefore the plant suffers from moisture deficiency even in waterlogged soil. In this case, watering is stopped. The lemon is taken out of the pot, but the integrity of the earthen ball must not be damaged, and it is wrapped in paper. The latter will draw out excess moisture from the soil. Drying in this way is carried out for 3 days, the plant needs to be shaded. Then the flower is returned to the pot and a greenhouse is organized for it. Watering is not carried out, much attention is paid to spraying.

Lemon leaves dry out around the edges if indoors heat And low humidity air. Optimal temperature regime for lemon +20...+23 degrees, humidity - not lower than 70%. Otherwise, the plant gets sick. Very often the leaves of indoor lemons turn yellow if they are placed close to heating appliances in winter. The plant does not like dry air, and even in winter it may suffer from lack of light. It is illuminated with a fluorescent lamp.

The leaves turn yellow and fall off if the lemon is infested with spider mites.. In this case, on back side the leaf plate will have a white coating, and the branches will have a light, whitish cobweb. The leaves are covered with small spots. How to treat? It is necessary to wash the plant in the shower with warm water, then treat it with one of the preparations Fitoverm, Vertimer (three times with an interval of 10 days) or Akarin, Neoron (4 times with an interval of 7-10 days). It is better when the affected flower is isolated from the rest of the collection.


Why does a lemon get sick?

This exotic plant is affected by diseases and pests in the following cases:

  • in the process of grafting with a diseased cutting;
  • improper care: planting in contaminated soil, too frequent or infrequent watering, insufficient lighting, illiterate pruning or insufficient soil fertilization;
  • the plant did not have time to get stronger after the previous disease;
  • infection of healthy domestic specimens by street ones;
  • entry of bacteria, viruses and fungi into the room during ventilation;
  • making mistakes in the process of propagation, planting and transplanting.

Classification of diseases

Diseases indoor lemon divided into 2 groups:

  • viral;
  • fungal.

For each disease, a specific treatment regimen is used using special medications.


Diseases of indoor lemons caused by viruses lead to massive loss of leaves on the tree. After such diseases, the plant becomes completely bare and often dies. It is advisable for novice flower growers to familiarize themselves with their description and control methods.

Sheet mosaic

Dark and light streaks appear on the leaves of the affected specimen, resembling a mosaic in appearance. Over time, they become pale or completely white and lose their shape. Young lemon leaves develop deformed. With leaf mosaic, the tree stops growing.

If a lemon gets this disease, it is quarantined, away from healthy specimens. It is impossible to completely get rid of leaf mosaic, because at the moment there are no drugs for this disease. All you can do is alleviate its symptoms by providing proper care, and first of all, balanced and regular feeding. Severely affected specimens must be destroyed.

Citrus cancer

This disease appears as brown spots on lemon leaves. It is also characterized by the appearance of brown spots on the fruit. With a long course of the disease, young lemon leaves become deformed and take on an ugly shape. The fruits shrink and do not develop. Over time, this specimen dies.

Treatment of this disease of homemade lemons is impossible, therefore, in order to prevent it, preventive measures: treatment in spring with liquid copper fungicides.


The first sign that tristeza has appeared on a houseplant is massive leaf loss. Then the bark and shoots die, which become covered with brown spots. A specimen infected with tristeza cannot be treated and quickly dies.

Most often, lemons suffer from viral infections, provided illiterate care and during periods of weakened immunity.

Fungal and infectious

Damage to lemons by fungus or infection at home is not uncommon. The reasons are the same as for infection with viral diseases.


The presence of elongated brown spots on the branches and trunk are the first signs of homosis. The bark under such spots quickly dies and begins to crack. At the crack sites, a sticky, golden-colored substance forms, which quickly hardens.

The main reasons for the development of homemade lemon disease are: mechanical damage bark (fractures, cracks), increased humidity in the room, lack of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the soil, excess nitrogen, planting in already contaminated soil or deepening the trunk too deep.

It is worth treating a sick specimen in the following way: remove the infected bark on the trunk, cut off severely affected shoots. Treat the areas of stripping and pruning with any fungicide of 3% concentration and cover with garden varnish.

The duration of treatment will depend on the degree of damage to the tree. The treatment is carried out until brown spots stop forming.


Of all the diseases, indoor lemons are most often affected by anthracnose. It is determined that this sore appears on the lemon by the leaves: they fall off en masse. But first the leaf blade turns white or yellow. They fall and flower buds. The fruits are covered with reddish spots.

Control measures include removing dead branches and infected leaves. Treat the affected specimen three times with Fitosporin. Another option is to treat the wood with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.


Treatment of the tree begins by spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture. All affected parts on the crown are first removed.


When infected with Melseco, the tree branches begin to dry out at the tips, and the leaves fall off en masse. When cut, the branches acquire a reddish tint.

The reason is improper care, or rather, lack of light in winter. There is no point in fighting this disease, because all methods are useless. The only thing required is regular inspection of the tree for symptoms.

Affected specimens must be destroyed.

Root rot

It is not uncommon for indoor lemons to lose their leaves. If 1-2 leaves fall off, there is no need to worry: this is a natural process. If there is massive leaf fall, it is worth digging up the tree and inspecting its root system.

If the roots become dark, moldy and soft to the touch, the tree is affected by root rot. All rotten parts are cut off with a sterile knife or pruning shears. Places of cuts are powdered with crushed charcoal. Next, transplant into a new flowerpot.

The transplanted lemongrass is placed in a well-lit place with protection from the scorching sun. Watering is allowed only a week after transplantation to prevent repeated rotting of the root system.


In addition to fungal and viral diseases There are different pests of indoor lemon.


Treatment of homemade lemon diseases is carried out using insecticides or a soap solution. For 1 liter of water, use 2 tbsp. l. any liquid soap. All parts that bulge are processed.

After treatment, the wood is washed in the shower. After 2-3 days, the treatment procedure is repeated.

Common aphid

In case of minor damage, they manage by trimming the affected parts along with the insects. If the aphids have spread to the entire plant, treat the crown with garlic infusion (4 peeled and crushed heads of garlic are infused in 5 liters of water for 24 hours). Insecticides are also used to treat infected specimens.

Root aphid

You can notice how this pest appears by the appearance of the plant. It becomes lethargic, stops growing, the leaves become drooping and turn yellow.

Such a tree is removed from the pot, its roots are sprayed with a contact insecticide or a weak garlic infusion, and then transplanted into a new container, having previously sterilized the planting soil.

Spider mite

Spider mites often appear on lemons. These lemon pests appear in conditions of drought and low indoor humidity. They attack young leaves and twigs. The appearance of small cobwebs on the lemon indicates the spread of the mite.

They destroy ticks at home using four treatments with a 1% solution. boric acid. The interval between treatments is 5 days.

If spider mites infect a lemon, increase the humidity level in the room and carry out frequent irrigation procedures for the above-ground part.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of diseases and pests on this exotic plant The gardener is required not only to comply with agrotechnical rules, but also to provide competent care. First of all, such measures should be aimed at increasing the plant’s immunity and its resistance to infection.

It is possible to prevent chlorosis (imbalance in the distribution of chlorophyll) and activate the growth and development of the plant by using the following composition in the nutrition of an indoor tree:

  • ammonium nitrate - 15 g;
  • iron sulfate - 3 g;
  • boric acid - 5 g;
  • Potassium sulfate - 15 g.

The dry mixture is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Lemons are watered with a nutrient solution no more than once every 5 months.

This composition protects indoor citrus fruits from damage by fungal, viral and infectious diseases. It gently stimulates the healthy development of plants.

In the process of growing lemons, it is important:

Despite the fact that the citrus tree is susceptible to many diseases and pests, it is not difficult to prevent their occurrence. You just need to follow preventive measures, show attention and care towards the plant, and then it will reward you with a healthy and decorative appearance.


without a plastic bag, scale insects die well from aktelik ———————sticky and shiny from the substances that scale insects secrete

with a bag it’s safer for yourself, but keep the bag for a day - it takes a long time for the plant to die - an hour maximum of two, no more than the bag can be kept on the plant

Perifosmethyl, 500g/l
(emulsion concentrate)

Not phytotoxic. Dangerous for bees and fish. Do not allow to enter water bodies. For high efficiency of the drug, it is necessary to adjust the sprayer well, achieving a uniform production of very small droplets. High-quality treatment is one that ensures complete wetting of the plant without dripping. Spraying is recommended to be carried out in dry, windless weather in the morning or evening.

Carry out the treatment outside the living room, wear gloves!

Instructions for use
Actellik - emulsion concentrate (500g/l pirimiphosmethyl). A product for controlling insect pests in the garden and vegetable garden.

Mode of application
Pour 0.1 liters of water into glass jar, pour out the contents of the ampoule and mix thoroughly, then bring the working solution to the required volume. Spray the plants with a freshly prepared solution in dry, windless weather, preferably in the morning (before 10 o'clock) or in the evening (18-22 o'clock), evenly wetting the leaves, 4-6 hours before rain. Do not spray against the wind. Optimal temperature during treatments 12-25°C. The last treatment period is no later than 20 days before harvest. Hazard class - 2. Dangerous for bees, do not treat during flowering, dangerous for fish, do not allow it to enter water bodies.

Water consumption rate per 2 ml of drug per l
Citrus fruits (mites, whiteflies, false scale insects) - 0.4;
Ornamental crops, indoor flowers (pest complex) -1;
Peas (pea aphid) - 1;
Potatoes (Colorado beetle) - 0.7;
Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants open ground(greenhouse whitefly, mites, aphids, thrips) -0.7;
Cabbage (pest complex), radishes (flea beetles), celery (aphids), carrots (carrot fly, flea beetles) - 0.7;
Strawberries (moths, moths, sawflies, leaf rollers), raspberries, currants, gooseberries (gall midges, aphids, beetles, mites) 1.3;
Grapes (leafrollers, mealybugs, mites) - 0.7;
Sea buckthorn (sea buckthorn fly, sea buckthorn aphid, sea buckthorn gall mite) — 2;
Melon (melon bug), currant (pest complex) - 0.7.
Precautionary measures
Do not use food containers to prepare the working solution; the working solution cannot be stored! Carry out the treatment in the absence of children and animals. It is advisable to work in clothing specially designed for this purpose, safety glasses, and a respirator. While working, you must not smoke, drink, or eat. After work, wash your face and hands with soap. If skin irritation occurs or the drug gets into your eyes, rinse with plenty of water for 15 minutes. If the drug gets inside, give the victim to drink 1-2 glasses of water, induce vomiting, and consult a doctor.


Scale insect - description of the insect

Scale insects or shield aphids are the most common pest in citrus plants. The sucking insect, depending on the species, has sizes from 1 to 5 mm. To protect them from external influences, their body is covered with a wax shield. In insects belonging to the suborder Coccidae, male and female individuals differ significantly. Males are smaller than females, they have one pair of wings and normally developed limbs. Their scutes are flat and elongated, their mouthparts are poorly developed.

Females are noticeably larger, but are completely devoid of limbs (in some cases, even vision). The lemon scale sticks to the plant and leads a sedentary lifestyle. The purpose of the female is procreation; to protect her and her offspring, the scale insect is endowed with a powerful rounded shell. The male finds a mating partner by moving around the plant. After the female is fertilized, they die.

Pests reproduce by eggs; viviparous species are less common. The insects are very prolific and quickly colonize the plant. Active larvae emerge from the eggs. They move around the lemon tree until they find a good place to latch on. Females remain motionless forever. Females live for several months, during which time they lay up to 100 eggs. After several molts, a shell of skins and a wax segment appears on the back of the insects.

Information. The false scale insect, a pest very similar to the scale insect, settles on plants. They differ in several ways: larger size (up to 7 mm), the shell is easily separated from the insect, and pseudoscale insects do not secrete a sweet secretion.

How dangerous are scale insects?

Shield aphids spread throughout the plant:

  • lower and top part leaves;
  • trunk;
  • young shoots.

Adults and larvae suck cell sap from the plant. They do not hibernate, being active all year round. A tree damaged by them slows down its growth, its leaves turn yellow and fall off. Behind the leaves, the trunk begins to dry out, because it also serves as food for an ever-increasing population of pests. Having noticed the listed symptoms, you must immediately begin to treat the lemon scale insect. In addition to the damage caused by insects personally. They become the reason fungal infection plants. Scale insects secrete a sticky substance on the leaves; this substance is a favorable environment for the development of sooty fungus.

Information. Sooty fungus affects plants with weakened immunity; it clogs cells, preventing respiration, and interfering with photosynthesis. The leaves of the affected plant die completely.

Signs of defeat

The cause of plant disease can be various pests; to determine their type, it is necessary to examine the leaves and trunk of the lemon. On initial stage defeats small insect manages to hide well from human eyes. Small larvae are difficult to see, but adults are clearly visible. They appear as brown or brown tubercles along the veins of the leaves, on the trunks. These accumulations look like a brown waxy coating. Also noticeable is the sticky secretion that the shield aphid leaves on the leaves.

Information. Indoor lemons are infected with scale insects through the soil with larvae; it is possible to purchase a diseased tree. The source of the pest can be purchased bouquets, fruits, and other indoor flowers.

Pest control methods

It is quite difficult to destroy scale insects on indoor lemons due to their durable shell. It serves as a shield for the pest from chemicals and other harmful substances. But with persistence and using different means complete destruction of insects can be achieved.

Mechanical method

Carapace adult does not allow insecticides to penetrate the insect's body. To remove them from lemon you should use mechanically. To do this you will need:

  • alcohol or alcohol-containing product;
  • cotton swab or toothbrush.

A cotton swab is moistened with alcohol, and then all places where a cluster of scale insects is noticed are wiped. If the insects are difficult to remove, you can use a toothbrush. You should carefully examine the leaves on both sides, ovaries and stems. The scale insect on lemon settles in large quantities, so do the work carefully.


A pest that multiplies quickly like scale insects cannot be dealt with without chemicals.

Information. Chemicals They destroy the scale insect only at the larval stage. Treatment is carried out twice, with an interval of 10 days.

Among the effective means:

  • "Actellik" is a broad-spectrum drug that destroys the body of insect pests. It is used to kill sucking insects. Home plant lovers who have used the drug on their lemons confirm its effectiveness. The disadvantage of Actellik is its sharp, specific odor, which causes headache. If possible, it is best to carry out the treatment outdoors. If the insecticide was applied in an apartment, the room should be well ventilated.
  • "Aktara" - the product is considered one of the best drugs from pests. The fight against scale insects on lemon will take only a day, after this period the insects die en masse. The effect of "Aktara" persists when sprayed for up to 4 weeks. The drug can be poured under the root of a low tree, it will be absorbed into the sap of the plant and poison the pests. The substance is classified as moderately hazardous. Therefore, its use for indoor plants does not cause negative consequences.
  • “Fitoverm” is a biological type insectoacaricide that has an intestinal contact effect on pests. The drug does not pollute the soil and decomposes quickly. Lemon fruits can be eaten 2-3 days after processing the tree.

Folk remedies

Chemicals are often used with caution, especially for indoor plants. The use of a composition of soap and kerosene received a lot of positive feedback from flower growers and gardeners. A soap film covers the plant, preventing air access to the insect, and kerosene, flowing under the shell, poisons the scale insect. To prepare the composition you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 g laundry soap;
  • 5 drops of kerosene.

Advice. Before mixing, rub the soap on a fine grater, so it will dissolve in water faster.

All components are combined in one container and mixed thoroughly until the soap dissolves. Use the prepared mixture to treat the entire lemon against scale insects. The solution is left on the plant for 2-3 hours, then washed off clean water. A pot of indoor lemon can be taken into the bathroom and washed well in the shower.

For processing, tinctures of garlic, onion and pepper are used. They are prepared according to a similar recipe: 50 g of a vegetable (onion with peel, pepper or garlic) is crushed and filled with 0.5 liters of water. Infuses for 14-15 hours. The composition is rubbed on leaves and branches. Folk recipes effective in combination with mechanical removal insects

Preventive measures

To prevent lemon damage from pests, you should follow simple preventive measures:

  • Trim damaged branches and weak shoots in a timely manner. attracting pests;
  • send recently purchased plants to quarantine;
  • keep the soil in the pot clean;
  • regularly ventilate the room, ensure sufficient humidity levels;
  • Every week, wipe the leaves of the plant on both sides with a damp cloth, this will get rid of dust and pests.

The fight against scale insects must be comprehensive; this is the only way to completely get rid of insects on your homemade lemon. Compliance with preventive rules will prevent the plant from becoming infected with dangerous pests.


Appearance of sticky leaves

If you take a lemon that grows in its natural environment, then with its sticky coating it attracts ants, and they allow you to fight pests. If the leaves are covered with plaque, this is not always bad.

Appearances of scale insects

Symptoms indicating a scale insect infection:

  • a coating appears on the lemon;
  • spots may appear;
  • the plant dries out.

After such treatment, the fruits from this tree cannot be eaten, because they will also absorb poison. After destroying the scale insects, you must remove upper layer soil and add new soil.

You can use other methods, after which the fruits will be suitable for consumption. Solution recipe: take a liter of water and pour 50 grams of tobacco into it, mix, let it brew for 48 hours. Spray lemon with the prepared solution 4 times a day.

Aphids as the cause of sticky leaves

To get rid of aphids at home, you need to treat the plant with a solution of laundry soap every day for a week.


Why does a lemon get sick?

Lemon is easily susceptible to diseases and attacks by pests and viruses in the following cases:

  • If he did not have time to get stronger after recovering from other illnesses.
  • If it is provided with poor care: contaminated soil, bad light, illiterate pruning, insufficient soil fertilization, improper watering etc.
  • If a virus or pathogenic bacteria was brought by insects or a diseased cutting during grafting.

Viruses and bacteria can enter the plant when ventilating the room, but this happens quite rarely.

Most often, viruses, bacteria and pests infect the leaves of indoor lemons. However, if a lemon drops fruits and leaves, the reason for this may be a lack of microelements:

  • If the light-colored leaves have a pronounced network of green veins, the lemon needs manganese, zinc or iron. Another reason is disturbances in soil pH.
  • If an adult leaf loses its gloss, dries out at the ends and turns reddish-brown, the plant does not have enough phosphorus.

  • If pale yellow specks appear on the leaf, and it turns yellow and dull over time, this indicates a lack of nitrogen.
  • If grooves appear between the veins of the leaves, the lemon needs potassium supplementation.
  • If a plant drops its ovaries, it urgently needs manganese.

Too frequent feeding is also not beneficial for the plant. If leaves fall on a lemon, what should you do in this case? Hold off on feeding and evaluate the correctness of care: suddenly you are doing something wrong.

Viral diseases of indoor lemon

Let's learn about three viral diseases in which lemons drop leaves: why they often lead to the death of the plant, and whether they can be cured:

Sheet mosaic

Having become ill with it, the leaves become covered with dark or light strokes in the form of a mosaic and lose their shape. The growth of the tree noticeably slows down.

This disease cannot be cured by any means, but symptoms can be reduced by regularly fertilizing the soil and providing the plant with proper care. If you have other lemons, it is better to destroy the plant affected by the virus as soon as possible.

Citrus cancer

When infected with this virus, brown spots appear on the foliage and fruits. When the form is neglected, the leaf falls off, the lemons take on an ugly shape, and a little later the tree dies.

It is impossible to cure citrus cancer: to prevent it in the spring, we treat the plant with liquid copper fungicide.


Having picked up tristeza, the lemon loses its foliage, the bark or twigs die off. The plant dies - it cannot be cured.

Most often, viruses infect weakened lemons that are poorly cared for.

Fungal and infectious diseases of indoor lemon

Let's consider the main diseases of lemons, which are fungal and infectious in nature, their symptoms and methods of treatment.

Most often, indoor lemons are affected by the following fungi and infections:


With homosis, the branches and trunk of the plant become covered with elongated spots of a red-brown hue, under which the bark quickly becomes dead and cracks. The cracks ooze a sticky golden substance that hardens quickly.

Causes of homosis: excessive humidity in the room, cuts or breaks in the bark, deficiency of phosphorus and potassium, excess nitrogen fertilizers, diseased soil or severe deepening of the trunk.

How to treat homosis? We cut off all the spots from the bark of the trunk, treat the sections with a three percent solution and use putty from garden pitch. We repeat the treatment until spots on the trunk bark stop forming. If the branches are covered with spots, cut them off entirely and destroy them.


This fungal disease, in which the leaves fall from the lemon, and many do not know what to do about it. First the leaf turns yellow, then flies off, as do the buds. The branches of the plant gradually die off, and red spots appear on the lemon leaves.

To get rid of the fungus, we destroy the dead branches and spray the lemon with Fitosporin or a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture. We spray three times.


Another fungal disease of indoor lemons is scab, in which young leaves become covered with transparent yellowish spots, gradually turning into pink-gray growths. Spreading over the leaf, these growths destroy it along with the shoots. When scabbed, fruits become covered with orange spots, which over time become red-brown. At the same time, the lemon drops its fruit.

In order not to destroy the entire plant, we cut and destroy all affected parts of the plant, and spray the crown with one percent Bordeaux mixture.


With melseco, the lemon shoots dry out, the foliage falls off, starting from the tips of the branches, and the cut of the branch turns red.

Poor lighting is to blame for this lemon disease: in winter the plant did not have enough light, and it was not illuminated.

There is no treatment for Melseco: we monitor the plant, and if it continues to hurt, we destroy it.

Root rot

If a lemon suddenly drops a leaf, dig it up and inspect the roots. Having discovered rotten roots, cut them off and replant the lemon in new, disinfected soil.

We place the transplanted plant on a light windowsill and avoid watering for a week - just wipe the leaves with damp gauze or a sponge.

In addition to infectious and viral diseases, indoor lemons are affected by harmful insects. Let's find out which pests attack lemons grown at home and how to deal with them.


Scale insect larvae settle on the underside of leaves and subsequently move to outside. The plant withers, dries out, and quickly picks up viruses and infections.

To get rid of scale insects, we use a special insecticide or soap solution, for which we dilute 2 tbsp in water (1 liter). any liquid soap. We wet all areas affected by insects with soapy water. We wait one hour, rinse the plant in the shower and repeat the treatment a couple of days later.

Common aphid

Colonies of light green aphids usually settle on young shoots that are not overgrown with bark. First they attack the bottom of the leaf, then move to the top, simultaneously sucking out the juices. The foliage curls up and dies.

If there are only a few aphids, we cut off the affected shoots and destroy them along with the insects, after which we feed the plant complex fertilizer. If aphids have covered most of the indoor lemon, spray the tree with an insecticide or garlic infusion, for which we peel 4 heads of garlic and soak them in 5 liters for 24 hours. Then we filter.

Spider mite

These insects often attack young twigs and leaves. The foliage curls up and a cobweb appears around it. In appearance spider mite the lack of air humidity is to blame.

To get rid of insects, spray the tree with a one percent solution of boric acid, performing the procedure four times.

Root aphid

Unlike ordinary aphids, root aphids found in contaminated soil attack the roots.

To exterminate it, we transplant the lemon into disinfected soil, treating the roots with a contact insecticide or a weak garlic tincture.

In many sources you can find advice on treating lemon with an alcohol solution - this is strictly prohibited. Lemon does not tolerate alcohol.

As you can see, lemon diseases are numerous and sometimes very serious: some lead to the death of the plant. To protect it from harm, plant the plant only in disinfected soil, give it a regular shower and wipe the foliage and branches with wet gauze, treat the crown with soapy water once a month, and inspect the tree more often for diseases or insects.

Lemon – useful plant, the fruits of which are used to improve immunity. To grow this tree, you need to properly care for it and know the diseases that are dangerous to it. Sometimes a sticky coating appears on lemon leaves. It is necessary to find out the reason why such a neoplasm occurred. Then it will be possible to help the plant.

Sticky lemon leaves are a sign of disease

Appearance of sticky leaves

If you take a lemon that grows in its natural environment, then with its sticky coating it attracts ants, and they allow you to fight pests. If the leaves are covered with plaque, this is not always bad.

Symptoms indicating a scale insect infection:

  • a coating appears on the lemon;
  • spots may appear;
  • the plant dries out.

After such treatment, the fruits from this tree cannot be eaten, because they will also absorb poison. After destroying the scale insects, you need to remove the top layer of soil and add a new one.

The drug "Aktara" helps against pests

You can use other methods, after which the fruits will be suitable for consumption. Solution recipe: take a liter of water and pour 50 grams of tobacco into it, mix, let it brew for 48 hours. Spray lemon with the prepared solution 4 times a day.

Aphids as the cause of sticky leaves

To get rid of aphids at home, you need to treat the plant with a solution of laundry soap every day for a week.

» » » Sticky lemon leaves

It is worth separating the sticky and white coating. The causes of such growths are usually excessive watering or pests. Next, we will consider in detail why this or that type of plaque occurs.

Why are the leaves of a houseplant sticky?

The sticky coating that appears on the bark and leaves of the lemon tree is a great nuisance for the gardener. Transparent, consistency similar to sprayed syrup. There are several ways to eliminate liquid, and to determine the most suitable one, you should first find out the cause of the sticky layer.

From excessive watering

Pests are not always the culprit for the appearance of a sticky coating on indoor lemons. This problem may arise due to abundant watering, which will consequently lead to rotting of the plant.

If it turns out that the reason is excessive watering, then the water supply should be reduced to 2 times a week.

From pests


Often the cause of sticky leaves on homemade lemons is scale insects. Signs indicating damage by a dangerous pest:

  • a sticky coating appears on the leaves or trunk;
  • brown dry spots may appear (why can yellow and brown spots appear on lemon leaves and how to get rid of them?);
  • the plant dries out.
  1. Traditional methods (recipes). To combat this harmful insect, various chemicals can be used. It should be taken into account that the fruits will become poisonous and unsuitable for consumption. First of all, it is advisable to resort to folk methods lemon therapy for scale insects. Such methods give good effect and are harmless to humans.
    • Soap solution. Mix 5 g of green soap with 2 g of anabasine sulfate in 1 liter warm water. Wash the affected plants with the prepared solution. After 24 hours, rinse with clean water. Carry out this treatment once a week for a month.
    • Tobacco infusion. Add 50 g of tobacco to 1 liter of water, stir, let it brew for two days. Spray the prepared solution onto the tree 4 times a day.
    • Soap-kerosene emulsion. Add 10 g of kerosene and 5 g of soap to 1 liter of water. Spray the plant 1-2 times a week.
  2. Chemicals. Many people start lemon Tree as a decoration element. In this case, to exterminate scale insects, you can purchase drugs such as:
    • "Fitoverm";
    • "Aktara";
    • "Confodor".

    It is necessary to treat the plant 3-5 times, with an interval of 14 days. After destroying the scale insect, remove the top layer of soil and add a new one.


The cause of the appearance of a sticky layer on lemon leaves may be aphids. It can enter the house through open windows and doors from a tree or flower bed growing nearby, and can also move to a lemon from another house plant or a bouquet of flowers. Aphids infect the entire plant, sucking out all the juices, as a result of which the lemon quickly dies.

In the early stages of infection, it is very difficult to see the insect, but it can be identified dangerous pest by curled, dried leaves with spots (find out why indoor lemon leaves curl and what to do to help the plant).

If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to immediately take measures to destroy the aphids:

  1. Traditional methods (recipes). These methods are easy to prepare. After processing, the possibility of consuming fruits is not excluded.
    • Laundry soap solution. Treat the lemon tree with this solution for a week.
    • Garlic water. Pour boiling water (200ml) over 1 chopped head of garlic. Let the solution brew for 2 days. Treat the tree with infusion once every 5 days.
    • Nettle decoction. Infuse 2 tablespoons of dry collection in a glass of boiling water for 12 hours. Strain the resulting solution and treat the damaged leaves with it.
  2. Chemicals. Decorative lemon can be treated with these chemicals, How:
    • "Fitoverm";
    • "Golden spark."

    Process several times with breaks a week.

White stains: causes and treatment

The cause of white plaque Mealybugs appear in the form of stains on the leaves of indoor lemons.

This coating looks like a piece of cotton wool and can be transparent and slightly sugary.

From pests

White plaque can only appear from pests, namely scale insects. Improper care, contaminated soil or seedlings - all this can cause the appearance of such a dangerous pest on the tree as mealybug.

It sucks juices from the entire plant, which leads to diseases and even its death. You can resort to the following traditional methods of treatment:

  1. Traditional methods (recipes).
    • Infusion of garlic with soap. Pour a few cloves of garlic into 0.5 liters of hot boiled water. Let it brew for 4 hours. Strain, then apply lemon to the affected areas.
    • Soap and tobacco solution. Dissolve 50 g of soap in 500 ml of water, then add 50 g of denatured alcohol and 20 g (1.5%) of tobacco extract. Add another 500 ml of water. Treat the diseased tree with the resulting solution.
  2. Chemicals. When a tree is damaged by a scale insect, you can use the following drugs:
    • "Karbofos";
    • "Intavir";
    • "Decis" and others.

    Spray several times at weekly intervals.


Regular plant inspection and temporary prevention possible diseases can prevent sad consequences.

It is necessary to periodically remove all dried leaves from the plant.(read about why lemon leaves turn yellow and then dry from the end and around the edges. How to save the plant? It is also important to monitor the temperature and water regimes. The plant needs to be washed several times a month. Pests are much less common on clean plants. You can wipe the lemon with soapy water, which will prevent the appearance of various pests.

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Homemade lemon, like any other citrus crop, is susceptible to many diseases. These can be infectious, viral, fungal diseases, as well as diseases resulting from improper care behind the plant.

Diseases of indoor lemon often occur due to a lack of microelements. For example, if a citrus tree lacks nitrogen, small, light yellow spots appear on its leaves. With a lack of phosphorus, the leaf blade becomes dull and its edges dry out. If a tree lacks iron, a light green net appears on its leaves; if there is a lack of manganese or boron, the ovaries fall off. To prevent this, you should regularly add mineral and organic fertilizers. It is important to follow the dosage, since an excess of fertilizers also negatively affects the condition of this plant.

Lemon diseases at home and their photos

Lemon diseases at home can be caused by pathogenic microorganisms: fungi, viruses, bacteria, mycoplasmas. Affected individuals develop various defects (shrinking, deformation of fruits and leaves, spotting, growths, and others). Pathogens are spread by the wind, by insects, and also through drops of water during watering and spraying.

Most often, weakened trees are susceptible to diseases, so it is important to create everything when growing lemons. the necessary conditions for its full development, provide proper care, conduct regular, thorough examinations. The fight against lemon diseases should be carried out when the first signs appear. All affected parts must be cut off from a diseased individual so that they do not weaken the tree.

Most dangerous diseases homemade lemons:

Photo gallery

To prevent and eliminate pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases, the biofungicide “Fitosporin” is recommended, which is used to water and spray citrus.


This disease occurs in the lower part of the trunk. Gradually rises up onto the branches and down onto the roots of the tree. In the affected areas, bulges form in which gum accumulates, which is a yellow or brown liquid that hardens in air. The affected areas crack and die. Wounds appear on the tree. When a lemon is severely damaged, the leaves dry out and fall off. Individuals infected with gommosis continue to produce crops, but their fruits become smaller and lose their taste. If measures are not taken to eliminate this disease, the citrus will die.

Gommosis often affects leaves and fruits. Brown spots appear on the leaves, which grow over time. On affected fruits, the skin darkens and becomes rough. The pulp softens, rots and acquires an unpleasant odor.

Treating this disease is quite difficult. Diseased areas are cleaned and treated with a solution copper sulfate. After this, the tree is removed from the soil, its roots are cleaned and replanted in fresh soil. Diseased bark and wood are cut out, and all scraps are burned.

Scab and other diseases of lemon leaves

Lemon can also be affected by scab, which can be recognized by raised spots that appear on the leaves, branches, and citrus fruits. After some time, instead of these spots, holes form, after which the leaves fall off, the fruits and bark of the branches crack. The causative agent of scab is a pathogenic fungus that can overwinter in fallen leaves and spread by wind and insects. Grows quickly in a humid environment.

To prevent this disease in the spring, the crown and soil should be sprayed with a solution of copper or iron sulfate. The diseased plant is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture after bud break. Secondary spraying is carried out after flowering. To do this, you can use copper oxychloride, cuprosan and other fungicides.

The affected parts of the lemon must be collected and burned. Change the soil. In the spring, before the buds swell, remove all diseased branches. The tree is sprayed mineral fertilizers. For this purpose, urea (10%) is used. ammonium nitrate(10%), nitroammophoska (10%), calcium chloride (70%). The drug “Strobilin” is effective in the fight against scab.

Sooty fungus

It appears on the leaves, later on the branches and trunk in the form of a dark coating. This disease slows down the growth of the plant and prevents its normal development.

If signs of sooty fungus appear, the plaque is washed off with clean warm water. It is useful to rinse the wood in the shower. The room where the affected lemon is located must be well ventilated.


Wartiness is one of the diseases of lemons that occurs in room conditions. Young shoots, fruits and leaves are attacked by a pathogenic fungus.

Small yellowish spots appear on the leaves, which after a while turn into gray warts. On shoots, warts increase in size, forming large growths, which leads to the death of the shoot. Brown spots form on the fruits and the ovaries fall off. Wartiness develops quickly in extreme heat and when high humidity air.

To eliminate this disease, the affected parts of the plant are cut off and burned, then the crown is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. The first spraying is carried out in March, the second immediately after flowering, the third in July.

Root rot on lemon

Root rot on lemons is not noticeable until intense leaf fall begins. When this sign appears, the tree is dug up and the root system is examined. If there are lesions, they are removed using a sharp knife. After this, the citrus is transplanted into fresh soil and placed in a bright place. There is no watering for the next few days. The leaves are wiped with a damp cloth.

Sometimes when root rot appears, dark brown spots appear on the trunk through which dirt seeps. Over time, the bark dries out and dies.

Photos of the above diseases of indoor lemon can be seen below:

Photo gallery

Viral diseases of lemon

Homemade lemon diseases such as citrus canker, leaf mosaic and tristeza are viral.

Citrus canker appears as dark brown spots on leaves and fruit. With a prolonged disease, the leaves fall off and the fruits are formed with defects. This disease leads to the death of the plant. Cannot be treated.

To prevent citrus cancer, the tree is treated with liquid copper fungicide in the spring.

Leaf mosaic is recognized by light, sometimes dark green stripes or strokes on the leaves. Leads to deformation of the leaf plate, as well as to a slowdown in tree growth. Cannot be treated. At good care And regular feeding becomes less pronounced.

Tristeza - leads to drying out and falling of leaves. With severe damage, branches, bark and entire trees die. Cannot be treated.

Lemon disease - sticky leaves

Quite often, citrus owners are faced with deformation, drying and falling of its leaves.

Lemon leaf diseases occur due to various reasons. It could be a shortage nutrients, poor care, pest damage, tree disease.

The cause of leaf fall is often a lack of light, dry air or too high an air temperature. Watering with cold and chlorinated water, excess moisture in the soil, and disturbance of the acid-base balance of the soil have a negative effect on the leaves and the plant as a whole. In addition, lemon leaves react sharply to any changes, be it moving it to a new place or changing the temperature.

In some cases, citrus leaves become sticky. Sticky lemon leaves look like they've been sprayed with syrup. This disease is usually caused by a tree that has settled on a tree. If measures to combat this pest are not taken in a timely manner, sooty fungus may develop in the sticky liquid. To remove sticky deposits, wipe the leaves with a solution of transformer oil (6 ml per 1 liter of water). After 5-7 days, re-treatment is carried out. The solution not only effectively removes sticky plaque, but also destroys young scale insects that have not yet become covered with a protective shell. If treatment is not carried out, the plant will die.

You can use another method of treating the tree. In the warm season, citrus is sprayed with karbofos or tobacco solution. To completely eliminate the disease, 2-3 such treatments are required with an interval of 7-10 days.

Characteristic signs of lemon diseases are presented in the following photos: