Road plate PD10. Road slab PD10 Road slab PD 10 sizes

Well bottoms (bottom plates) PD 10 bottom plate are a prefabricated element that is designed to prevent runoff water from entering the ground and groundwater from entering the well system. They are used in water supply, gas, sewer wells, as well as in the construction of drinking wells, septic tanks and cesspools. The products are suitable for use in dry and moisture-saturated subsidence soils.

The reliability of the entire structure depends on the quality of the bottom plate and the correctness of its installation. Well bottom PD 10 bottom plate designed to withstand any load despite soil mobility and the influence of groundwater. The size of the product is selected in accordance with the size of rings, covers and manholes.


  • High level of strength and durability finished products thanks to the use of high quality materials
  • Quick and easy installation due to precise overall dimensions
  • Resistance to lateral, static and dynamic loads
  • Simple, low-labor maintenance and cleaning
  • Products are suitable for any type of soil

The well bottom slab is a round-shaped reinforced concrete product. The diameter of the bottom should not be less than the diameter of the outer ring. There are several modifications of slabs, differing in height, diameter and weight. An alphanumeric designation is used to mark them. It is recommended to select modifications with a specialist to avoid incorrect calculations.


  • In the manufacture of the bottom slab, heavy concrete class B15 (M200) is used.
  • The frost resistance index of concrete is F100
  • The waterproof rating of concrete is W4
  • Reinforcement is carried out with steel class Bp-I or AI-AIII
  • The products are equipped with mounting loops made of class A-I steel
  • To be able to use well elements in aggressive soil environments, in concrete mixture add sulfate-resistant cement, which tolerates reactive and chemical substances well.

Selecting a location

Before starting construction of the structure, it is necessary to decide on its location. The site must be convenient for use. When building a water supply or sewer well, be sure to calculate its volume, depending on daily requirement water and wastewater disposal.


Well bottom plate PD 10 bottom plate is lowered into the shaft first and laid horizontally. After it, wall rings are installed, which are covered with a well cover and a hatch. The joints between the bottom and the wall rings are carefully sealed with mortar with the addition of cement.

The bottom must be installed level, on the prepared cushion and concrete base, ensuring stabilization of the structure. Otherwise, misalignment may occur, which will lead to cracks and failure of the well seal. Before installing a well bottom, it is recommended to examine the soil and determine the depth of groundwater.

The mark of the well axis is verified using a level. Sometimes during installation a slope is created towards the outlet pipe to avoid the formation excess water in system. We should not forget about additional waterproofing of the bottom of the well.

The bottom slab bears the weight of the entire structure, therefore it is made of heavy grades of concrete that are resistant to corrosion, moisture and impact low temperatures. The product is reinforced with steel rods.

Indicators by which acceptance tests are carried out

  • Brand and class of concrete for compressive strength and tempering strength
  • Concrete surface quality
  • Thickness of the protective layer of concrete before the reinforcement
  • Correspondence of metal and embedded elements
  • Strength of welded joints
  • Correct geometry

Quality control

It is mandatory to have a technical passport (certificate), which indicates the date of manufacture, grade of concrete, compressive strength of concrete, water resistance and frost resistance of concrete, results of acceptance tests.

Shrinkage cracks with a width of no more than 0.1 mm are allowed on the surface of products. Deviations in geometry should not exceed 5 mm in thickness and 6 mm in diameter. A small number of shells with a diameter of no more than 15 mm and a depth of up to 5 mm is acceptable. Mounting loops should not be hidden behind beads of concrete, as this may complicate installation.

Company experts "DSK-Stolitsa" always in touch and ready to advise you on any issue the right choice bottom plates, possible timing production and speed of delivery to the site!

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Product Description

The PD-10 base plate is a reinforced concrete product designed to support a well hatch. The element is used when laying city communications during the laying of roads - water supply, network, gas, drainage wells, communication lines. The products are produced in a rectangular shape with a recess for support. well cover and a hole of the required diameter.

The PD-10 slab is made from heavy, high-strength concrete and reinforced with prestressed reinforcement. The element is characterized by strength, durability, frost resistance and increased resistance to corrosion.

Marking of slab PD-10

An alphanumeric designation is applied to the surface of the product. The first group informs about the type of element, then the diameter of the hole is indicated. The second part contains information about the vapor permeability of concrete and special design characteristics (niches, cutouts, embedded parts).

Application area

The PD-10 base plate is tested in all respects, the data of which is entered into the technical data sheet for each batch. The product is used when installing wells for various purposes and prevents subsidence of the structure, the penetration of precipitation and debris into the structure.

* Delivery price is indicated to Moscow, taking into account the full load of the vehicle

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Question answer

- Delivery cost?
Delivery is calculated based on the distance of your facility, from the warehouse, as well as the tonnage and dimensions of the products.

-Where are you bringing it from?
Delivery is carried out directly from production. Production facilities are located throughout the central region, and before entering our network, they undergo strict quality control by the legal, accounting and quality departments.

- Where is the post office?
For the convenience of users, we have created a system for distributing the load on managers; if 1 person checks mail, this significantly slows down the work or even leads to the fact that read letters are lost. You can leave a request through the form at the top of the site “Leave a request”, it will go to a free manager and they will call you back within 5 minutes.

- Do you have a mobile number?
For the convenience of users, we have created a system for distributing the load on managers; if a mobile phone is specified, then only 1 person can talk on it, and it will be difficult to reach him during the season.

- Why so expensive?
The price of a product consists of several components, the main one being the cost of the material, which determines the quality of the final product. There is also a markup from the factory and a markup from the trading company, we work on the terms of a dealer discount, so we don’t have a markup separate from the factory, we make money from the fact that the factory shares part of its profit with us, and we, in turn, provide the factory with volume to ensure uninterrupted operation .

- Why can’t you order less than 15 thousand? Do you work only in wholesale?
Some items are manufactured in nearby areas and shipping of these items adds significant cost to the product. We calculated that when ordering more than 15 thousand, the benefit from purchasing products from us becomes greater. If you have a small request for products that are manufactured in your area, it will be cheaper to purchase products at nearby factories. Unfortunately, at the moment we do not have a single plant in the Moscow region that has passed our quality check.

- Where can I pick it up?
The products are manufactured in different factories, region and city, the manager can tell you, because the factory is different for each product.

- Why is delivery so expensive?
Delivery is calculated based on the distance of the object from the factory warehouse. The delivery cost is divided by the number of items based on the weight of the product; if you order 1 item, the entire delivery cost will fall on it, but if there are 10 items in the order, the delivery price will be equally distributed over these 10 items.

- Do you work with VAT?
Yes, the company Beton Project LLC works for OSNO and is a VAT payer. All prices on the website include VAT.

- Why is only the office listed on the website and not the plant?
We are a dealer of factories and operate at our office address. Because Our list contains a significant number of factories that have passed our inspection; it is not rational to post all the addresses of factories with products, which would complicate the search for the right factory. If you are interested in where this or that product can be exported, you can always check with the Manager or use our delivery.

- Do you have a warehouse in Moscow?
We do not have a warehouse in Moscow or the Moscow region, because... this will have a negative impact on the cost of the product because it will entail additional costs.

- What kind of plant? What is the name of?
The products are manufactured at different factories, you can always come to the factory and see for yourself the quality of our products. Also, if you have any doubts, you can pay for the products directly to the factory.

The well mine is constantly exposed to external threats. The most dangerous among them are flooding with groundwater and strong ground pressure. To prevent damage to communications, the bottoms of PD-10 wells are installed during the installation process.

This reinforced concrete element with a frame made of of stainless steel protected from cracking and freezing. After installation, the shaft will be sealed and engineering Communication- protected.

Main characteristics of PD-10 slabs

  • The element has a round shape, making it convenient to place inside the prepared shaft.
  • Heavy concrete with a strength grade of at least B-22.5 is used in production. This parameter guarantees protection against soil pressure and cracking under the weight of wall rings.
  • The degree of moisture resistance is W-8. The product will not absorb groundwater. Gradual swelling of concrete is excluded. This is important because in winter period water can freeze and expand, causing internal cracks. With our products you are insured against this.
  • Frost resistance not lower than F-100. The product can withstand more than 100 freezing and thawing cycles. For the Russian climate with cold winters and frequent frosts on the soil, this is especially important.

How to make an order?

To buy PD-10 well bottoms, contact the ZhBI TORG company. We ourselves produce products in strict accordance with GOST 8020-90. The products are made of high-quality concrete with reliable reinforcement protected from corrosion. We have provided steel brackets on the surface - with them it will be more convenient for you to lower the slab using special equipment. Leave a request on the website or call us at the indicated numbers to clarify prices and other details.

Road slabs with a hole for a hatch PD 10 These are reinforced concrete products that have become the most widely used. Almost the entire field of road construction cannot do without such elements. Arrangement technical structures Reinforced concrete slabs make it possible to obtain durable and strong structures that are reliable and resistant to various influences. Wells must be covered with special slabs with a hole for a hatch -base plates PD 10 . Special shape and hole required diameter allow them to be used for many types of wells and other technical structures.

1. Options for writing markings.

Plates with a hole for a hatch PD 10 are manufactured in accordance with currentGOST 8020-90 and the marking indicates the type slab product and him size range. The designation can be written in the following ways:

1. PD 10;

2. PD-10.

2.The main scope of application of the products.

For existing wells it is often usedslabs with a hole for a hatch type PD 10 . These elements allow you to reliably cover the structure, providing functional protection from external debris, people falling or technical means into the hatch, protection against ground collapse and other functions. BecausePD 10 are made from high-strength materials, then finished design a hatch covered with such a slab is capable of withstanding high loads - heavy weight from passing vehicles and equipment.

During operationslabs PD 10 manifest themselves as durable reinforced concrete products, as they are resistant to low temperatures, water or other aggressive environments. These products are subject to mandatory processing, since in road construction (they are used to organize storm wells on highways and highways) use chloride salts to de-ice roads. Without chemical and hydrophobic protectionroad slabs with a hole for a hatch PD 10 are not allowed for use; in harsh aggressive environments, the elements quickly collapse and lose their strength characteristics. Compliance with the manufacturing technology and data processing of reinforced concrete slabs allows us to demonstrate high technical specifications even with prolonged use and in changing climates.

Plates with hole PD 10 can be used for constructing drainage, sewer and other round underground wells. The scope of use of plates is not limited to this. Yes, reinforced concreteslabs PD 10 can be laid in city communications when arranging drainage, as well as network and gas pipeline wells, and in different lines communications. These reinforced concrete products are less commonly used for the construction of airfield structures and military training grounds.

3. Designation of product markings.

Reinforced concrete road slabs with a hole for a hatch PD 10 marked according toGOST 8020-90 , according to which they indicate in the designation: product type P - plate, 10 - size group. dimensions the slabs make up2800x2000x220 , where the length, width and height of the product are written respectively.

Additionally, the permeability of concrete can be indicated: “N” – normal. “P” – reduced, “O” – especially low. For product marking, parameters such as geometric volume are also used -1,232 , volume of concrete – 0,99 , product weight –2480 . Symbol, weight and date of manufacture of the reinforced concrete product must be applied with indelible black paint on the outer side surface.

4.Main materials for manufacturing and characteristics.

Plates PD 10 for hatches must be made using vibrocompression technology. Heavy and especially heavy concretes are used as materials. To increase strength and performance characteristics apply crushed gravel, fine sand and purified water. The concrete must correspond to the grade in terms of compressive strength - no less than M200, which corresponds to a strength class of no less than B15. Operation of these slabs in winter is determined by the frost resistance grade - at least F50 and F100, that is, at least 50 freeze-thaw cycles. Water resistance must correspond to grade W2, moisture absorption up to 8% is allowed.

All reinforced concrete products are subject to mandatory reinforcement, which allows the slabs to be used under conditions of increased squeezing and compressive deformations. They use steel frames with rods for reinforcement of classes At-IIIC and At-IVC - according toGOST 10884 and A-I, A-II and A-III byGOST 5781 . Additionally, special mounting loops must be installed in the body of the slab element - according toGOST 10922 . All steel products are subjected to anti-corrosion and chemical treatment, which extends their service life.

Well slab PD10 - monolithic reinforced concrete with round hole under the technological hatch and a recess into which the cover of the round well is installed. This design allows you to tightly and firmly fix the components of the well and prevent shifting under load. PD10 well slabs are indispensable when the well is located on a road surface with heavy vehicle traffic. Their purpose is to protect engineering infrastructure from the effects of dynamic loads from passing vehicles.

Application of well slabs

Installation of heavy, reliable slabs allows you to extend the service life of wells. The unified form allows them to be used for all types: drainage, sewer. The slabs can also be successfully used for other structures, primarily with service hatches, for example, when laying drainage and communication lines, installing inspection and communication wells for water supply and gas pipelines. The products are often used in the construction of military training grounds, helipads and auxiliary airfield structures. Precast concrete products protect roadbed from subsidence and deformation at the location of the well, Different kinds vehicles can safely pass through such areas. In this case, the manhole cover must be mounted so that it is flush with the road surface.

To manufacture PD10, durable and dense heavy grade concrete and powerful reinforcement with prestressed reinforcement are used, which significantly increases wear resistance. For ease of installation and transportation, the design includes mounting loops: a heavy slab will be lifted onto them when using cranes.

Quality control

PD10 is standardized for strength, water resistance (moisture absorption cannot exceed 8%), and frost resistance.

The product must be marked: the letter part indicates its category, and the digital part indicates the hole diameter rounded to the nearest dm. If necessary, additional information about the permeability of the concrete is then provided, and design features: presence of niches and cutouts, additional holes, number of mortgages. During the quality control process, products in which parts of the reinforcement protrude from the concrete layer are strictly rejected. When used under load, such products quickly begin to crumble, and the exposed reinforcement is subject to corrosion. This may threaten road safety. Control of crack resistance is also required; only minor surface cracks formed during concrete shrinkage are allowed.

Finished PD10 are additionally treated with hydrophobic and anti-corrosion compounds, as they are often used in aggressive external conditions, for example, as storm drains on highways.