Plastic window to the bathroom. Window in the bathroom

August 10, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobby: mobile connection, high tech, computer technology, programming.

How do you feel about such an architectural element as a window in the bathroom?

Naturally, I don’t mean those crazy designs from the middle of the last century, located in the partition between the plumbing room and the dining room. By the way, I don’t even understand why there is a need for a window between the bathroom and the kitchen.

No, we're talking about about a full-fledged window leading to blooming garden or to the lake shore. It seems to me that a bathroom with a window, even if it is just a glass or plastic false structure, will not leave even the most insensitive person indifferent.

Why did I bring this up? The fact is that I am currently developing a project for a small country house for my son, which I am going to start building with my own hands next summer. And, as an option, I’m considering an interior with a window, which I want to install in the bathroom. I think it will turn out absolutely amazing.

And I want to bring to your attention the design projects I liked. I would be interested to know your opinion about various options decor. I hope you will meet me halfway and express your opinion in the comments to this material.

Purpose of the window between the bathroom and kitchen

Often, apartment owners in five-story Khrushchev-era buildings built in the mid-20th century ask me how to seal the window between the bathroom and the kitchen. I always told them how it could be done, but I never asked myself why the architects even included this glassed-in hole between the two rooms.

And since the design with a window in the bathroom is Lately I was very interested, I decided to find out this question for myself by digging through a bunch of specialized literature. And finally, I can give you a completely logical explanation.

There are several reasons why a window appeared in the partition between the plumbing room and the kitchen:

  1. Attempts to visually expand the space. The fact is that the dwellings built at that time were not very large. And even more so, the size of the bathroom and toilet. Therefore, the architects tried to visually enlarge the space, which was facilitated by transparent materials and additional light.
  2. Providing additional lighting. On a bright sunny day, you could take a bath or shower without turning on the bathroom lamp. In addition, in the event of a power failure, the window in the partition also made it possible to carry out some actions in the bathroom.
  3. Additional fire protection. Previously, gas water heaters were installed in bathrooms to heat water. And the instructions for their use require normal ventilation, which was ensured by the presence of a window in the partition.

Nowadays this practice has been abandoned, since bathrooms in modern city apartments are made quite spacious and placed inside the home, which excludes access sunlight. A modern systems heating water allows you to avoid geysers in bathrooms, replacing them with safe double-circuit boilers.

And in old apartments, many people seal up existing openings, which is why they turn to me for help.

If you don't want to create for yourself unnecessary problems and spend extra money, figure out how to decorate the window between the kitchen and bathroom. You can use textiles, translucent films, houseplants and much more. With a little imagination, you can turn an ugly relic of the past into an original interior solution.

Benefits of a window in the bathroom

Despite the fact that we are all already accustomed to classic design plumbing blocks, recently the window in the bathroom is gaining popularity again. Naturally, not a hole in, but a full-fledged element leading out.

I’ll start, oddly enough, not with functionality, but with appearance. The window opening in the bathroom allows you to diversify the number of design solutions and make the room truly unique. Some interior decorators even imitate windows by using frosted glass or plastic with light sources.

I've seen bathrooms with a faux window designed to look like stained glass. As a result, a banal plumbing block turned into an elegant French palace. Is it true, small size and with a toilet.

Naturally, to achieve maximum effect, the window in the bathroom should be in harmony with the rest of the interior details. For example, continuing the theme of the stained glass window, I can note that for it would be better suited a discreet frame that matches the design of the mirror at the sink.

By the way, stained glass windows can be made not only in the medieval style. Floral motifs, oriental notes, clear geometric patterns, and so on show themselves perfectly.

Unique interior element

Many people assign windows in bathrooms a secondary role when they only complement one or another stylistic decision. I believe that the window opening should be the central element around which the entire design is built.

We once built a house in which all the windows in the bathrooms and toilets were made in the form of ship's portholes, and the rooms themselves were decorated natural wood. It turned out so cozy that I didn’t want to leave the bathroom at all.

Another option was when the window was made movable and completely retracted into the wall. It was a cottage in the forest and, with a few simple movements, you could take a bath in the open air, enjoying the aromas of pine needles and the singing of birds.

Whatever the window, your bathtub with it will look fresh and original in any case. You can believe me. I've seen a lot of them in my time.

Beautiful view

This advantage is fully evident in sanitary facilities. country houses and dachas. Especially if they are located at some distance from other buildings, so that the indiscreet glances of your neighbors do not violate your privacy. As a result, you can take a Jacuzzi bath and at the same time enjoy the view of majestic oak trees, endless open fields or a perfectly trimmed lawn in the yard.

By the way, in my practice I have also encountered panoramic windows in city apartments. However, this is only possible in high-rise buildings. And even then, the glass panels were either covered with a cloudy film, or decorated with blinds, or decorated with textile curtains.

Daylight source

I’m done with the aesthetic component, now I’ll move on to the purely practical advantages that a window in a plumbing room provides. First of all, this is additional, and more often - basic lighting. When taking a bath or washing in the shower during daylight hours, you don’t have to turn on the light in the room at all. And use lamps as additional decorative element.

According to my wife (we once stayed in a hotel with a panoramic window in the bathroom), applying makeup with daylight pouring through the glass is much more convenient. To avoid indiscreet looks from the street, as I already mentioned, you can use a tint film. By gluing such a product, you don’t have to worry about the curtains at all. No one will violate your privacy.

An alternative to the classic window glass– glass blocks. This is quite common and very effective. design solution. Modern manufacturers offer a huge number of similar building materials to choose from.

In my practice I have used various glass blocks:

  • glossy and matte;
  • shiny and rough;
  • completely transparent or painted in various colors.

The products come in various sizes, which allows you to lay out panels or stained glass windows from them, which will give the bathroom individual features.

A window made of glass blocks can lead outside (then building elements 15 cm thick are used) or inside the house (then parts twice as thin will do).

Additional ventilation

Another, less obvious, functional purpose of the window is ventilation of the plumbing unit, which allows you to regulate the temperature and humidity in the room.

The window is not a replacement for the classic supply and exhaust ventilation in the bathroom. It only complements the existing system. Therefore, no one exempts you from constructing a hood with a fan powered by an electrical network.

So that the window not only decorates and illuminates the bathroom, but also serves as a source fresh air, when arranging it, I recommend following a few simple rules:

  1. The vents through which ventilation will be carried out must be located at a high height from the floor(at least 170 cm). In this case, you will not feel a draft while washing in the shower or taking a bath.

Moreover, wet warm air always accumulates near the ceiling, from where it will be removed through the window vent. As a result, you won’t be afraid of any condensation or mold.

  1. If the window is not equipped with a window, it must be opened for ventilation.. Then it can be opened during hygiene procedures.
  2. Do not equip plumbing rooms with several windows located opposite each other. In this case, a draft will arise, which will make being in the room unpleasant and can also cause colds.
  3. The glass plane should not be located at the level of the bathtub. Otherwise, condensing moisture will flow directly into the font, which is unlikely to delight you.

Possible design options for windows in sanitary facilities

I think the above information is quite enough, and I have convinced you that a window in the plumbing room is an excellent solution. All that remains is to figure out how to make it.

And this is where I ask for your help. Below I will give several different options, and then tell me in the comments which one is better and why. I promise that The best decision I will implement it and I will definitely report on it.

The only point: don’t just offer to buy flowers for a bathroom with a window. The fact is that the premises will be built in a dacha where no one will live permanently. Therefore, there will be no one to water the plants. I immediately reject this option.


I'll start with the window shape. Most often, I have seen projects where the window configuration completely matches the shape of the bathtub. That is, the window opening was rectangular. In principle, the solution is obvious, but too boring and official.

Moreover, there are not only rectangular bathtubs on sale, but also oval, round, and triangular ones. And their price is quite affordable. No one is stopping me from making the same window opening, because I will lay the walls myself.

There are no less questions with the window sill. I'm thinking of making it wide so I can immediately use it as a shelf-stand. I won’t put tropical palm trees on it (I described the reason above), but some fashionable accessories, I think, will become quite appropriate. What do you think?

By the way, regarding the location of the bath. I want to place it right next to the window. It will turn out very impressive, I have seen it in several projects that have already been implemented.

Considering the high level of humidity, I am going to buy for the window plastic frames. They withstand external influences much better and do not change their size during operation (unlike, for example, wood). Moreover, it is easy to install a ventilation mechanism in them, which is then connected to a temperature and humidity sensor.

In short, there are a lot of plans. The main thing is that you have enough strength to realize it.

To prevent the window from becoming covered with moisture, which interferes with admiring the scenery, I will camouflage it under the window sill. a heating element. Thanks to it, water will evaporate from the surface.

Color solutions

Now let's think about the window color. Actually, here I have already decided everything completely, so I’ll tell you about those points that can guide you when choosing color scheme for a window in your own bathroom:

  1. More luxury and wealth will be added to sanitary facilities window frames, painted in solid crimson or frivolous lavender shades.

  1. Red window frames look organic only in large rooms. They will make the room very elegant, but in cramped bathrooms they will dominate too much.
  2. You can make frames of the same tone with the decoration of the walls and ceiling. As a result, the design of the room will be as holistic and harmonious as possible.
  3. Classical White color ram too good decision, but to avoid a bureaucratic look, I advise you to decorate the window opening with curtains with a control mechanism. For example, Roman.

  1. One of the bold decisions is to play with contrast. When the trim and frames on the window use bright colors that stand out from the rest of the decoration.

A lot can be said about the colors of walls, windows and other accessories in the bathroom. And there will still be an option that I didn’t mention. Therefore, everyone will remain with their own opinion. You can send photos of your own interior solutions in the comments, and then we will organize a competition for the most interesting and unusual design.

Textile design

Before moving on to describing specific stylistic solutions, I want to dwell on such a moment as draping a window opening with textiles. This must be done not only for the sake of creating spectacular interior, but also to ensure the privacy of people who are taking a bath or showering.

I will give a few popular solutions. I have selected them as the most interesting, but have not yet leaned towards any of them. Waiting for your suggestions.

  1. Roller blinds. They take up little space, are easy to control using special mechanisms, they are height adjustable and can be installed as simply as possible. At the same time, they do not take up much space.

I consider this solution to be purely utilitarian and leave it as a last resort, since the spectacular appearance of the bathroom with the help roller blinds is unlikely to be achieved.

  1. Textile curtains. They allow you to decorate the window, but do not tolerate the air in the bathroom, which is different high level humidity and significant temperature fluctuations.
    Perhaps I will buy such curtains for a bathroom with a window in the country, but then I will have to take care of very effective curtains. Most likely, using several powerful fans with humidity sensors.

  1. Stained glass. Original solution, which will give the bathroom a unique feature and will not allow any individuals to watch how someone takes a bath.
    The difficulty here is that you need to choose a stained glass design that organically fits into the style of the bathroom. And I can’t do it myself, but I want to build the whole house myself. Here's an idea.

  1. Blinds. A practical and economical solution. Plastic blinds feel great in humid hot air and perfectly protect from indiscreet views from the street.

This option is still a priority, especially since it can be easily combined with other methods of decorating a window opening.

Interior styling

Now about the most important thing. About the design of a bathtub with a window. There are also many options here, but I will focus on describing those that caught my attention.

Method 1 - Marine motifs

Naturally, marine theme In the interior decoration of the bathroom, blue shades are emphasized finishing material and round windows. I'm also thinking of using mosaic masonry on the walls, imitating sea ​​pebbles. You can completely finish one of the walls or lay it with a decorative wave.

Can buy plumbing fixtures, the color of which matches the ceramics on the walls, as well as dilute the interior with several accessories in a similar style. You can buy some kind of compass or model of a sailboat.

Chrome elements go well with blue. Therefore, you can’t do without silver faucets, a heated towel rail and handles on the window frame (I saw these in the store). You can also find spotlights with chrome rims.

Method 2 - Ladies' room

You can please your son’s wife (well, in the sense of daughter-in-law) and decorate the room in the so-called feminine style, turning the bathroom into a kind of boudoir. Naturally, in this case, the walls should be done in pink tones, diluted with turquoise, gray and so on (so that men would not feel uncomfortable there).

For example, I plan to lay gray tiles on those sections of the walls that will get wet, and plaster the walls and paint them with special paint. Instead of traditional tiles, the floor can be finished waterproof panels laminate

The central element can be a mirror that will be combined with window frame. It will be very organic and beautiful.

Method 3 - Strict geometry

My son leans towards strict geometric designs. We are talking about buying square and rectangular plumbing fixtures, and using large ones for wall decoration. ceramic tiles. Naturally, in this case the window also needs to be made strict (square or rectangular).

In this way, you can beautifully and effectively zone the bathroom, dividing it visually into several parts:

  • shower area;
  • toilet area;
  • location of the washbasin.

My son wants to separate the first and second zones from each other with vertical stripes of tiles of a different shade, and the place near wall hung toilet trim with contrasting material.

The result will be a distinctive and unusual design that will infuriate the beautiful part of our family (mine and his wife). I would like to ask you to be an arbitrator and express your opinion on this matter in the comments.

Method 4 - Modern Styles

As a compromise, my son suggests decorating a bathroom with a window modern style. In principle, modernism is characterized by experiments in design. The main features of this style are:

  • asymmetrical placement of windows, plumbing fixtures and accessories;
  • use of saturated color palette when decorating walls;
  • unusual shapes of sinks, toilets and bathtubs.

At the same time, too much use is not encouraged additional elements design, which I, for example, don’t like either.

Here you can buy and install a stained glass window, which will be complemented with mirror mosaic with mineral grout. The floor can be made from either tiles or laminate by purchasing slats of some unusual color.

By the way, I read that a person rests well if he receives different impressions. In this case, you will lie in a Jacuzzi bathtub installed in a room with a minimalist interior and admire the rich natural world outside the window. Who knows, maybe great thoughts will come to mind.

When choosing design options in a minimalist style, do not forget that the room should fulfill the tasks assigned to it. So don't forget about the sink and toilet.

Method 5 - Classic

My family and I decided to resort to this option if we do not agree on other options.

I consider a classic in a bathroom with a window to be a room decorated with solid wood. Well, or, as a last resort, veneered panels. Naturally, the natural material must be impregnated with hydrophobic and antiseptic materials that help maintain cleanliness in the room.

To fit the window organically, it is better to make the frame from solid wood or cover it with a special film that imitates natural materials. Even better is to install shutters, which, among other things, will provide the necessary privacy.

As for plumbing, I decided to buy expensive porcelain products without wasting money on plastic and earthenware. I can see it now beautiful bath on curved legs, standing near a wooden window.

I have an idea in my mind to make a marble podium for the bathtub, but here my imagination is limited by the limited quantity Money. Therefore I will limit myself artificial stone or high-quality tiles.

If you're going for the classics, you don't need to skimp on expensive accessories. It is better to use furniture with expensive finishes, which helps you relax and unwind in the bathroom. The result will also be a kind of combination of a boudoir and a plumbing room.

The window can be decorated with textile curtains. Naturally, you should not forget about ventilation so that the fabric does not get wet.

Bathrooms with windows are rarely found in standard apartments multi-storey buildings. But the design of a bathroom in a private cottage or studio apartment may require the presence of a window opening. Many owners of such homes do not see the benefits of windows and do not know how to decorate them beautifully.

The bathroom design is made in a pleasant light green color

A panoramic window in the bathroom will perfectly complement the interior of the room

The advantages of a bathroom with a window opening include the following factors.

  1. Availability of a source of natural light.
  2. Visual expansion of space. In most apartments or houses, the bathroom is allocated small area. The window fills the bathroom with light and air, visually making it more spacious.
  3. Possibility to create original interior. The presence of a window opening allows you to realize unusual design ideas. A properly decorated window will become the “highlight” of the interior.
  4. Beneficial effect on the psyche. The presence of natural light in a room promotes relaxation and improves emotional well-being.
  5. Economical. Thanks to the window opening, during the daytime there is no need to use sources of artificial lighting in the bathroom, which allows you to save on electricity.
  6. It is an aesthetic pleasure if the window reveals a picturesque landscape of the city or nature.

Imitation wood in the bathroom interior looks very beautiful and modern

Chic bathroom design with porcelain tiles on the walls

Choice of colors

When choosing color range Interior design, first of all, you should take into account the size of the room. So, for example, if the bathroom is small, then when decorating it you should not use dark colors, as they will visually reduce the already small space. If the bathroom has a window facing the street, then this rule can be neglected. Brown, burgundy and even black color of the floor or wall under the rays of the sun does not look gloomy, but stylish and modern.

The wall decoration in the bathroom is made of porcelain stoneware

A large window in the bathroom will make it brighter and more spacious.

Glass decoration

The use of standard transparent glass can be called a universal option. They let in maximum sunlight and allow you to unobstructed views of the street scenery. Glass decor will make the bathroom interior original. Transparent glass can be replaced with the following analogues.

  1. Matte. It lets in natural light, but hides what is happening in the bathroom from prying eyes.
  2. Tinted. Recommended for rooms where the window faces south. Protects from prying eyes and hot sun rays.
  3. Stained glass. It's bright and effective way decorating a bathroom, but it will not fit organically into every interior. In addition, stained glass is expensive and reduces the flow of light from the window.

The cheapest option for decorating glass is to use self-adhesive film with an image. It is not durable, but it has at an affordable price and is easy to glue with your own hands. A more expensive, but aesthetically attractive decor can be achieved by sandblasting glass. Under the pressure of air-sand jets they create beautiful patterns and drawings. The main thing is that the window decoration matches the general idea th room design.

A fireplace in the bathroom interior will create a special atmosphere

The bathroom design is made in nautical style with mosaic tiles

Decorating a window facing the toilet or kitchen

In houses old building You can often find a window between the bathroom and the kitchen or toilet. Such a window looks out of place and steals some of the usable space, interfering with the installation of a cabinet. The most basic way to get rid of a window opening is to seal it tightly on both sides using:

cement mortar;

– bricks or foam blocks;

– moisture-resistant plasterboard.

Another way to use an interior window is to turn it into decorative detail interior There are options for decorating the opening between the bathroom and the kitchen.

  1. Replacing ordinary glass with stained glass. Colored highlights will create a rainbow mood in the room, making the interior bright and memorable.
  2. Installation of glass blocks. They are mounted similarly brickwork, but they let light through and look much more impressive.

The window can be turned into an unusual and practical niche. To do this, cover the hole on the kitchen or toilet side with a sheet of plasterboard. On the bathroom side, the resulting niche is leveled from the inside with cement and finished with the material that is used to cover the entire room. It is recommended to install lighting in the recess. An original way to highlight a niche is to use mirror material to cover the back of the wall.

A large window in the bathroom will make it brighter

Bathroom design in Provence style

The bathroom design is consistent in one color scheme

To create a stylish and cozy design bathroom with a window, you should listen to the advice of designers.

It is best to place the bath under the window

Bathroom design in cream color

The window in the bathroom will perfectly complement the interior of the room

Options for decorating a bathroom window

Many people don’t know how to decorate a window in a bathroom. The design of a window opening should be beautiful and practical. You can decorate a bathroom window in the following ways.

  1. Blinds. When collapsed they are practically invisible, but when expanded they cover the entire window. Blinds are very common due to their affordable price.
  2. Roller blinds. Unlike blinds, roller blinds are solid sheets rather than strips of slats. They are made of thick fabric, have a wide selection of colors and textures, and fit almost any design.
  3. Tulle. It looks gentle, light, airy, and allows light to pass through. At night, with the lamps on, tulle will not hide anything. Any movement in the bathroom will be noticeable to passers-by on the street.

The materials that will cover the window must be selected taking into account the characteristics of the room. Fabrics should be easy to wash and not be afraid of humidity and temperature changes.

The window in the bathroom can be decorated with flowers or curtains

The bathroom design is in the same style

Stylistic solutions for a bathtub with a window

A bathroom with a window will look great in any interior style, the main thing is to choose the right decor. Today the following options are the most popular.

  1. Minimalism. Involves the use of a minimum amount of furniture and decor. All interior elements should look simple and concise. On the floor of a minimalist bathroom, tiles or porcelain tiles will look good. To finish the wall, you can use ceramic tiles, paint or decorative plaster. Main style colors: white, gray, vanilla, beige. Small elements in bright or dark colors are selected as accents, for example, a stylish trash bin in black or Brown. To decorate windows, it is recommended to use blinds, Roman or roller blinds. Roman blinds should be a single color and match the color of the floor rug. In minimalism, a large role is given to the liberation and expansion of space. A window the size of the entire wall will fit perfectly into its concept.

    You can decorate your bathroom with indoor flowers

    Gray bathroom design with porcelain tiles on the walls

    Bathroom design with shower and wood imitation

  2. Classicism. This style is based on display luxury. When decorating a bathroom, you can use gilding and stucco. It is recommended to lay parquet, moisture-resistant laminate or ceramic tiles with marble imitation on the floor. Washable wallpaper with a soft floral pattern or Venetian plaster. For vertical and horizontal surfaces are selected calm tones: white, milky, sand, beige, cream, light brown, pink, olive. Furniture and decor items can be distinguished by rich, rich tones: pomegranate, marsh, wine, chocolate. Bathroom window in classic style should be decorated with lush curtains with lambrequins. An excellent option is to install a lambrequin made of thick, heavy fabric at the top of the window opening, and bottom part Drape curtains made of lighter material.
  3. Provence. Combines rustic simplicity and French chic. Should be used in floor finishing natural wood or its high-quality imitation. The walls can be painted, wallpapered or decorative plaster. A romantic Provence interior is created using natural pastel colors: lilac, olive, mint and others. It is desirable that French-style furniture be made of bleached wood, and that the plumbing fixtures have an antique look. The window should be decorated with light curtains made of natural fabric: chintz, linen, cotton. Curtains can be either plain or with flowers.

The large window in the bathroom looks very beautiful

Bathroom design with a large panoramic window

Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of materials intended for decoration. window openings. Each owner can choose suitable options for decorating a bathroom window that suit his taste and style. A properly designed window in the bathroom will make the interior original and sophisticated; it will be able to impress all guests. For household members, taking a bath with the opportunity to contemplate the blue sky and bright stars will be as comfortable and relaxing as possible.

Video: 5 reasons why you need to organize a window in the bathroom

The window can fit very well into the interior of the bathroom. In order for the design of a bathroom with a window to look organic, you need to play with it correctly - decorate an existing window opening or make an imitation of this design.

In small bathrooms, windows are usually not installed, but the design of a modern bathroom from 4 sq.m may well include a window opening both between rooms and with access to the street. Some designers specifically complement the interior with a false window, thus creating the illusion of daylight entering the room.

The window itself is already a decoration of the bathroom interior

Apartment owners often try to remove the window connecting the bathroom and toilet, while the window that faces the street tries to make it as interesting as possible, turning it into stylish element interior To do this you will need to put in very little effort and use your imagination.

You can use ideas that have already been successfully implemented by designers; for this, just look at the photos of these projects posted on the Internet. A convenient program for visualizing 3D bathroom design will also help you design your future interior.

Window to the kitchen or toilet

Often a small opening is located at the very top of the wall above the bathtub. Initially, its purpose was to illuminate the bathroom during the day, but over time, the functional component was lost and the need for it disappeared.
This type of window opening can be closed or decorated. In the first case, it is usually covered with plasterboard, over which directly to the ceiling.

Even a small window between the bathroom and kitchen can be ennobled with a light curtain

If you decide to turn the window into a decorative element, several options are possible:

  1. The opening is ennobled by inserting stained glass or an original painting instead of glass, for example, with an image of the sea.
  2. Remodeled for a niche. In the deep window opening there is enough free space to equip a decorative niche, shelves or a small built-in cabinet. Moreover, the window opening at the junction between the bathroom and the kitchen can be expanded - you will get a large window, the window sill of which can be used as a functional shelf for various bathroom accessories.
  3. They equip a wide window sill-tabletop into which a washbasin is built. Under the table top you can install, for example, washing machine, thus further increasing the functionality of the room.

Advice! In a niche, instead of a former window, you can install a mirror with bright lighting - such an extraordinary solution will provide the room with additional light.

Window facing the street

Unlike interior option, this window opening is located more successfully, making it possible to obtain excellent natural light and ventilation in a private house or in a modern multi-story building.

Bathroom window overlooking the garden

Possible different variants layouts:

  • bathtub opposite the window - any shape of bathtub from rectangular to asymmetrical will do;
  • window opposite the entrance - all plumbing can be placed along the free walls by installing corner bath or a shower stall, which will free up space for a washing machine, furniture, etc.;
  • washbasin near the window - in this case, the mirror can be installed on the opposite wall;
  • bath near the window - it is recommended to insulate the window opening and the adjacent wall so that there are no drafts and the temperature during water procedures always remains comfortable.

False window

In the event that there is no possibility of opening a window opening in the bathroom, but there is a great desire to decorate the room in an original way and expand its space, a so-called false window is installed. Of course, it will not let in natural light and will serve only as a decorative element.

A false structure on a blank wall can greatly change the entire space, creating the illusion of additional space. This technique will help if you need to hide the shortcomings of an unsuccessful design in a room, as well as if we are talking about a very small area of ​​the bathroom that needs to be visually enlarged.

A false window in the bathroom is an unusual and very fashionable design technique

Advice! The space will expand even more if the false window is made mirrored.

A niche is installed in a free wall, and the window itself is framed in a frame made of wood or polyurethane molding. It can be curtained with a curtain rod with a real curtain, and any image can be placed under the transparent glass: the seashore or a 3D picture, a panorama or a patterned design.
Perspective images, photo prints, holography, etc. will look especially good. Supplemented with fluorescent lamps and built-in fans, such a false window will definitely become the highlight of the bathroom, filling it with light and fresh air.

A false window on the ceiling will look quite bold in the spacious interior of a bathroom, creating the effect of filling the room with light from the transparent roof. To create it, a standard suspended ceiling, in which a false window is equipped. A frame or molding is used as a frame, the inside is pasted with wallpaper with a pattern, and it is laid mirror tiles or fresco.

The choice of material for finishing the window sill and window glass

The window decoration should correspond to the general idea of ​​the room design

In general, the window opening is designed in the general style of the entire bathroom, consistent with the interior in color and finishing materials. To decorate a window sill, the following are usually used: wood, natural stone, and tile and other moisture-resistant materials.

The most commonly used are matte or decorative glass with sandblasting. If desired, transparent glass can be completely or partially tinted using decorative film. Stained glass decoration looks very stylish and original, as well as installing a mirror instead of window glass.

Additional decor

On high floors, tinting or special finishing is usually not performed - it is enough to cover the glass with curtains or a screen. Roller blinds, nice textile curtains, wooden shutters and simple budget blinds will help isolate the bathroom from the outside world and complement its interior. Both simple curtains and Roman blinds, heavy and light, can be used airy fabrics- the choice depends on general style interior

Choose interesting and functional curtains for the bathroom window

Often the window sill is decorated with all kinds of plants that love moisture, and turns into a real green oasis.
It is not at all necessary to cover the windows themselves - hanging curtains around the bathroom will look original, which will protect this area from the rest of the space and give the interior some vintage style.

Window in the bathroom as a design element: video

Window in the bathroom interior: photo

Not all bathrooms have windows, and in most old-type apartments there is no bathroom at all. outer wall. But if you are the happy owner of a private or country house, then most likely your bathroom has a window. A plastic window to the bathroom is perfect option, since plastic is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, and, therefore, will not rot due to water that gets on it. Let's look at what kind of windows there are in bathrooms.

If the bathroom is small, then there is no need to place a huge window here; a small window of 50x50 cm, placed high under the ceiling, will be enough, which will contribute to an even distribution of light. But if your bathroom has a substantial size and a wide wall, then you can install a large panoramic window, which will not only add daylight to this room, but also decorate the interior.

Large plastic windows in the bathroom

Since the bathroom is an area that we would not like to be exposed to public view, especially when we take a shower, then by installing more windows In this room, privacy must be taken care of. For this case they are suitable as stained glass plastic windows in the bathroom, as well as opaque or smoky structures, which with their cloudy glass will protect from prying eyes. The fourth option for protecting a bathroom window is roller blinds made of special waterproof fabric.

Stained glass window in the bathroom

The advantage of a window with stained glass is its aesthetic appearance and good protection from prying eyes. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to see what is happening on the street on the other side of the window. Therefore, for those who like to enjoy the view from the window, this option is not suitable. Another thing is an opaque window.

This is the most popular type of glass for windows in modern bathrooms. The advantage of opaque glass is that nothing is visible from the street, but from inside the room you can see the view from the window. This is especially convenient for those who like to look at the night sky or admire the view of flickering night lights while taking a bath.

Smoked windows

These windows are similar to the previous version, but only differ in that it is not possible to observe what is happening outside the window, since these glasses are tinted on both sides. Smoky plastic windows in the bathroom are popular as small blind windows.

Roller blinds and blinds for the bathroom

The most simple option protecting the bathroom window is the installation of waterproof roller blinds (preferably with closed system). It's simple, compact and beautiful. Various options fabrics, colors and textures will allow you to find the perfect curtain option for the bathroom. Blinds that harmonize with the interior of the room will also look good in the bathroom.

If you have not yet replaced the windows in your bathroom, or do not know how to close it from prying eyes, it’s time to take care of it. Modern technologies and special equipment allows you to produce windows of any shape and size: round, arched, polygonal, wide, narrow, large sizes and so on. Therefore, you have the opportunity not only to install new plastic window to the bathroom, but also to complement the interior of this room with bright sunlight or decorate with stained glass.

Our company offers you to install new windows in the bathroom and decorate them with modern fabric blinds (roller blinds). With this design, you can calmly take a shower, without worrying that someone will see you from the outside, and without worrying about moisture that may settle on the window and it will begin to rot. PVC windows are not afraid of moisture, temperature fluctuations, are not susceptible to rotting or fungi - so this is an ideal option for your bathroom!

Layout modern cottages involves installing full-fledged windows in bathrooms, and country houses In bathhouses and baths, small plastic windows in the bathroom are considered the norm. Most often these are narrow transom structures located under the ceiling, or rotary ones with filling frosted glass as in the photo.

Small plastic windows in the bathroom advantages

  • Ordering small windows for a bathroom with frosted glass, you protect yourself from prying eyes. A window measuring 50x50 cm is enough to avoid turning on additional lighting during the daytime.
  • Security natural ventilation. By opening the door slightly, you can quickly ventilate the bathroom without stopping the water procedures.
  • Frosted glass windows have another very important advantage for housewives. Drops of condensation flowing down the surface of transparent glass leave untidy marks, so as not to deal with them every day, you can use special, far from cheap means, or you can insert frosted glass, the difference in cost will be insignificant.
  • Additional savings. A window with frosted glass does not require blinds; diffused light penetrates into the room.
  • Attractive design. A small plastic window with frosted glass opens ample opportunities for the designer. Made in white or another color, it fits harmoniously into the interior of the bathroom.

We offer windows of any shape and filling at manufacturer prices. Work with professionals, this will help avoid possible problems.