Pin up posters on Soviet themes. How a Russian artist crossed an American pin-up and a Soviet propaganda poster, and what came of it

Pin-up posters: Pin-up, pin-up - is associated with the image of a beautiful, flirtatiously naked girl in the style of American graphics of the mid-20th century. The popularity of Pin-Up came in the 30s, when charming, cheerful girls in dresses fluttering in the wind, exposing their legs to heights that were prohibitive at that time, and slyly smiling beauties began to appear on the covers of magazines, allowing the fallen straps of their dresses to expose their beautiful shoulders. The idea of ​​a drawn beauty on the cover of a magazine was an incredible success. Images of girls began to be cut out from magazines, pinned to walls, and laughing, drawn beauties acquired the nickname Pin-Up Girls (from the English pin-up, pin to the wall).

In the forties, Pin-up pictures instantly sold out and appeared everywhere: on soldiers’ calendars and magazines, on the sides of airplanes and tank turrets, on shell casings and walls.

Pin-up images became works of art in many ways, often depicting an idealized version of exactly what a beautiful or attractive woman should look like. Pin-ups reflect a certain spirit of the times, an ideal of beauty and an idea of ​​a woman. Such famous film actresses as Marilyn Monroe, Claudia Cardinale, Brigitte Bardot became Pin-up girls and posters with their images in millions of copies were bought and attached to cabinet doors.

The main feature of the pin-up was a veiled hint, and eroticism appeared as if by chance: the skirt clung to the door handle and tore, the blouse rode up in the wind. Girls were always portrayed naturally, radiating a lively, joyful and carefree atmosphere. Pin-ups are styled by certain types of women: a charming child, a stubborn girl, an innocently sensual fool, a beautiful bride, a chic dancer, a vicious stripper. All the funny scenes were played out in the familiar scenery of small American towns, with precise background details emphasizing the “realism” of the piquant situations.

More than half a century has passed since the 50s, and the pin-up style still excites the imagination modern designers. Pin-up became a reflection of American culture of the 20th century. But to this day, pin-up is fresh, fashionable, beautiful and sexy! This is probably why today it is so popular to decorate the interior with posters in the Pin-Up style.

In our online store you will find bright, colorful, charming retro Pin-Up posters that will transform any interior. Of course, choosing an image is quite difficult, because each image depicted is distinguished by its unusual beauty and femininity. But you can always choose not one, but even several Pin-Up posters and hang them on the wall or create interesting composition. Show your imagination!

In our modern life Very often, a lot of things from the past appear, and the familiar phrase: “Everything returns to normal” perfectly emphasizes the essence of this review, which will focus on the artistic style borrowed from the last century. And today I would like to talk about the illustrator who revived the art of Soviet posters in a completely new form. Artist from Nizhny Novgorod, Valery Barykin, having combined two ideologically opposing visual propaganda of the middle of the last century from two countries - the USSR and the USA, he received a completely new organic style - Soviet pin-up.

A little history of pin-up

To understand the essence of this style, you need to look a little into history. Therefore, I would like to remind the reader of the time when American men's magazines of the 30s and 40s were literally full of illustrations of beautiful coquettes, which became the most adored fetish object among soldiers, long-haul drivers and bachelors. Such publications were highly rated because many men, fond of bright pictures, managed to decorate their homes and car cabins with them, pinning them to the walls. This is where the name of this tradition came from: “to pin up” - to pin up, after which a separate genre of art was later named.

In addition, the sexy and at the same time chaste objects of adoration from the pages of magazines were very soon adapted to the needs of advertising companies. And what’s interesting is that in those years when American citizens were winked at on every corner beautiful girls from advertisements made in pin-up style, inviting them to freshen up, shave or look into a cafe, Soviet people from propaganda posters at every step were “shook their fingers by stern women, policemen and firefighters.”

Over time, American pin-up transformed into the so-called love-style, which was dominated by images of half-naked girls and touching stories relationships: kissing, romantic dates, parties. In the 60s, this style was radically transformed under the influence of Bond, which in turn was literally crushed by color photography. This is the interesting history of this genre.

This feature of US periodicals from the middle of the last century was used with great skill in his work by the artist Valery Barykin. He literally created a mix by crossing two different styles: Soviet poster and American pin-up. And for the second decade now, the illustrator has been creating posters imbued with satire and humor, similar to propaganda posters from the USSR of the 50-60s and imbued with the aesthetics of the American pin-up.

And it should be noted that the artist’s amazing idea to create a huge series of amusingly nostalgic works attracts a huge number of fans to his work. And this is how a new style in art developed - the Soviet pin-up.

And what’s interesting is that in our time, many young artists are turning to this style. But so far only Valery Barykin occupies a leading position in this genre. And this is how the artist himself reacts to this situation: “Perhaps those who, one way or another, work in the pin-up style are very young people. Their memories of the Soviet era are very sluggish. They simply did not catch it, the spirit of that legendary era is lost …Sometimes even I don’t quite succeed”...

And today the artist considers himself a postmodernist and is engaged in crossing one and the other, temporary spaces and geographical planes.

A little about the author

Valery Barykin (1966) comes from the city of Ivanovo. At one time he graduated from Nizhny Novgorod politechnical University, after which, abruptly deciding to change his professional direction, he graduated from theater school and received a diploma of “theater artist.”

In the notorious 90s, the artist had to try his hand at different types creativity: engaged in painting, graphics, performances, and print design. At the same time, he joined the association of artists “Gallery of Atypical Art” and became a participant in many joint art exhibitions. But in the early 2000s, the artist, through creative research, embodied the idea of ​​​​creating an innovative style - “Soviet pin-up”.

And this immediately begs the question: is there a demand for this type of art in our age of digital technology? It would seem that simple funny stories, oversaturated with small details and imbued with nostalgic notes... well, what's wrong with that? It turns out there is a demand - and not a small one. Some viewers are attracted, first of all, by the plot contrasts of the artist’s works, others by nostalgia for the past, and still others by interest in the Soviet past. But they are all united by a desire for analysis, for the opportunity to reflect on what they saw.

It turns out that nothing attracts the viewer’s attention more than a scrupulous examination of details down to the smallest detail. And since people mainly live in details and trifles, they think a lot about it and sometimes, based on their analysis, tell the artist about his subjects something that he did not even imagine when creating this or that work.

And besides, a person is designed in such a way that the most emotional moments of his life are based on contrasts, which is simply abundant in the artist’s works. Various absurdities, unpleasant actions, indecent behavior, on which he focuses the viewer’s attention, cause a violent outburst of emotions. And where there is attention, there are advertisers. Therefore, the main task of the author is to find stories that will better capture the attention of the public.

And as the illustrator himself talks about his creative process, he is still quite long time refines his works, adding these same details to them. Every time, looking at the finished work or listening to someone’s opinion, it often comes to mind to fill the void with a suitable object or image. This is how details appear, and this is how they bring the viewer’s grateful attention.

Blonde in purple nigla 5

Harry Ekman from 120 rub.

Harry Ekman - Blonde in a purple nigga: Pin-up, pin-up (English to pin up - pin up, that is, a poster pinned to the wall) - an image of a beautiful, often half-naked, girl in a certain style. In Russian it is used to refer to a specific style of American graphics from the mid-20th century. A pin-up girl is a model whose replicated images become an iconic pop culture phenomenon in a frivolous style. Most of these models are fashion models, fashion models, actresses and singers.

Elvgren Gil - 1176 3

Elvgren Gil from 120 rub.

Elvgren Gil - 1176: Gil Elvgren (eng. Gil Elvgren 1914 -1980) is an American pin-up artist and illustrator. Elvgren is considered one of the most significant pin-up artists of the twentieth century, as well as a classic of the American school of illustrators. Elvgren enjoyed commercial success, creating a huge number of illustrations for companies such as Coca-Cola and General Electric. In addition, in 1940-1950. he illustrated many magazines (The Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, etc.).

Gintermeister Henry - 788 2

Gintermeister Henry from 120 rub.

Hintermeister Henry - 788: Illustrator Hy Hintermeister Henry (1897-1972) Unfortunately, the American illustrator Hy Hintermeister died in 1972, but during his seventy-five years of life he painted many pictures that give us love and kindness. Look at these happy children's faces and you will fall in love with the work of this artist. This collection is dedicated to childhood.

Blonde pin-up 3

Harry Ekman from 120 rub.

Harry Ekman - Blonde Pin-Up: Pin-up, pin-up (English to pin up - pin up, that is, a poster pinned to the wall) - an image of a beautiful, often half-naked, girl in a certain style. In Russian it is used to refer to a specific style of American graphics from the mid-20th century. A pin-up girl is a model whose replicated images become an iconic pop culture phenomenon in a frivolous style. Most of these models are fashion models, fashion models, actresses and singers.

Modern God 4

Sergey Anikin from 620 RUR

Sergey Anikin - Modern God: Anubis - deity Ancient Egypt with the head of a jackal and the body of a man, a guide for the dead to the afterlife. In the Old Kingdom he was the patron of necropolises and cemeteries, one of the judges of the kingdom of the dead, the keeper of poisons and medicines. The picture shows him walking his dog in Las Vegas, USA.

Construction 0

Gintermeister Henry from 120 rub.

Hintermeister Henry - Construction: Illustrator Hy Hintermeister Henry (1897-1972) Unfortunately, the American illustrator Hy Hintermeister died in 1972, but during his seventy-five years of life he painted many pictures that give us love and kindness. Look at these happy children's faces and you will fall in love with the work of this artist. This collection is dedicated to childhood.

Smoke 3

Elvgren Gil from 120 rub.

Gil Elvgren - Smoke: Gil Elvgren (Eng. Gil Elvgren 1914 -1980) is an American pin-up artist and illustrator. Elvgren is considered one of the most significant pin-up artists of the twentieth century, as well as a classic of the American school of illustrators. Elvgren enjoyed commercial success, creating a huge number of illustrations for companies such as Coca-Cola and General Electric. In addition, in 1940-1950. he illustrated many magazines (The Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, etc.).

Elvgren Gil - 1180 4

Elvgren Gil from 120 rub.

Elvgren Gil - 1180: Gil Elvgren (eng. Gil Elvgren 1914 -1980) is an American pin-up artist and illustrator. Elvgren is considered one of the most significant pin-up artists of the twentieth century, as well as a classic of the American school of illustrators. Elvgren enjoyed commercial success, creating a huge number of illustrations for companies such as Coca-Cola and General Electric. In addition, in 1940-1950. he illustrated many magazines (The Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, etc.).

Box 1

Gintermeister Henry from 120 rub.

Hintermeister Henry - Boxing: Illustrator Hy Hintermeister Henry (1897-1972) Unfortunately, the American illustrator Hy Hintermeister died in 1972, but during his seventy-five years of life he painted many pictures that give us love and kindness. Look at these happy children's faces and you will fall in love with the work of this artist. This collection is dedicated to childhood.

Catch 1

Vaughn Alden Bass from 120 rub.

Vaughn Alden Bass - Catch: Pin-up, pin-up (English to pin up - to pin, that is, a poster pinned to the wall) - an image of a beautiful, often half-naked, girl in a certain style. In Russian it is used to refer to a specific style of American graphics from the mid-20th century. A pin-up girl is a model whose replicated images become an iconic pop culture phenomenon in a frivolous style. Most of these models are fashion models, fashion models, actresses and singers.

Vinyl 3

Harry Ekman from 120 rub.

Harry Ekman - Vinyl: Pin-up, pin-up (English to pin up - to pin, that is, a poster pinned to the wall) - an image of a beautiful, often half-naked, girl in a certain style. In Russian it is used to refer to a specific style of American graphics from the mid-20th century. A pin-up girl is a model whose replicated images become an iconic pop culture phenomenon in a frivolous style. Most of these models are fashion models, fashion models, actresses and singers.

Photographer 0

Vaughn Alden Bass from 120 rub.

Vaughn Alden Bass - Photographer: Pin-up, pin-up (English to pin up - pin up, that is, a poster pinned to the wall) - an image of a beautiful, often half-naked, girl in a certain style. In Russian it is used to refer to a specific style of American graphics from the mid-20th century. A pin-up girl is a model whose replicated images become an iconic pop culture phenomenon in a frivolous style. Most of these models are fashion models, fashion models


Elvgren Gil from 120 rub.

Gil Elvgren - Barbecue: Gil Elvgren (Eng. Gil Elvgren 1914 -1980) is an American pin-up artist and illustrator. Elvgren is considered one of the most significant pin-up artists of the twentieth century, as well as a classic of the American school of illustrators. Elvgren enjoyed commercial success, creating a huge number of illustrations for companies such as Coca-Cola and General Electric. In addition, in 1940-1950. he illustrated many magazines (The Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, etc.).

Elvgren Gil - 1182 2

Elvgren Gil from 120 rub.

Gil Elvgren - 1182: Gil Elvgren (Eng. Gil Elvgren 1914 -1980) is an American pin-up artist and illustrator. Elvgren is considered one of the most significant pin-up artists of the twentieth century, as well as a classic of the American school of illustrators. Elvgren enjoyed commercial success, creating a huge number of illustrations for companies such as Coca-Cola and General Electric. In addition, in 1940-1950. he illustrated many magazines (The Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, etc.).

Nude 2

Elvgren Gil from 120 rub.

Elvgren Gil - Nude: Gil Elvgren (eng. Gil Elvgren 1914 -1980) is an American artist and illustrator in the pin-up style. Elvgren is considered one of the most significant pin-up artists of the twentieth century, as well as a classic of the American school of illustrators. Elvgren enjoyed commercial success, creating a huge number of illustrations for companies such as Coca-Cola and General Electric. In addition, in 1940-1950. he illustrated many magazines (The Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, etc.).

Gintermeister Henry - 792 0

Gintermeister Henry from 120 rub.

Hintermeister Henry - 792: Illustrator Hy Hintermeister Henry (1897-1972) Unfortunately, the American illustrator Hy Hintermeister died in 1972, but during his seventy-five years of life he painted many pictures that give us love and kindness. Look at these happy children's faces and you will fall in love with the work of this artist. This collection is dedicated to childhood.

Pin-up 0

Elvgren Gil from 75 RUR

Golf 2

Gintermeister Henry from 120 rub.

Hintermeister Henry - Golf: Illustrator Hy Hintermeister Henry (1897-1972) Unfortunately, the American illustrator Hy Hintermeister died in 1972, but during his seventy-five years of life he painted many pictures that give us love and kindness. Look at these happy children's faces and you will fall in love with the work of this artist. This collection is dedicated to childhood.

Incident at a picnic 1

Harry Ekman from 120 rub.

Harry Ekman - Incident at a picnic: Pin-up, pin-up (English to pin up - to pin, that is, a poster pinned to the wall) - an image of a beautiful, often half-naked, girl in a certain style. In Russian it is used to refer to a specific style of American graphics from the mid-20th century. A pin-up girl is a model whose replicated images become an iconic pop culture phenomenon in a frivolous style. Most of these models are fashion models, fashion models, actresses and singers.

Elvgren Gil - 1181 0

Elvgren Gil from 75 RUR

Elvgren Gil - 1181: Gil Elvgren (eng. Gil Elvgren 1914 -1980) is an American pin-up artist and illustrator. Elvgren is considered one of the most significant pin-up artists of the twentieth century, as well as a classic of the American school of illustrators. Elvgren enjoyed commercial success, creating a huge number of illustrations for companies such as Coca-Cola and General Electric. In addition, in 1940-1950. he illustrated many magazines (The Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, etc.).

Pin Up#3 0

Smilepinup from 120 rub.

Smilepinup - Pin Up #3: Pin Up is a typical illustration of a beautiful, often naked, girl. The value is often used to define a graphic style popular in the 40s and 50s in the United States. Despite the fact that the term itself appeared at the end of the 19th century, Pin Up images gained the greatest popularity in the middle of the 20th century. Pin-up pictures were published in newspapers and magazines, placed on postcards and calendars. Starting in the 60s, posters with pin-up girls began to be produced intentionally. Artists copied images of Pin Up girls from famous actresses and dancers. With the development of photographic technology, artists first photographed girls and even then painted images. Pin Up models became sex symbols of the era. During the war, posters of Pin Up girls were widely distributed and helped raise the morale of the military. It was during the period 1942-46 that magazines with Pin Up illustrations were published in millions of copies and distributed among soldiers. Despite the fact that more than fifty years have passed since the first Pin Up illustrations, posters with images of flirtatious beauties are still popular. Photographers implement themed photo sessions, and artists depict models in their illustrations.

Pin Up#2 2

Smilepinup from 120 rub.

Smilepinup - Pin Up #2: Pin Up is a typical illustration of a beautiful, often naked, girl. The value is often used to define a graphic style popular in the 40s and 50s in the United States. Despite the fact that the term itself appeared at the end of the 19th century, Pin Up images gained the greatest popularity in the middle of the 20th century. Pin-up pictures were published in newspapers and magazines, placed on postcards and calendars. Starting in the 60s, posters with pin-up girls began to be produced intentionally. Artists copied images of Pin Up girls from famous actresses and dancers. With the development of photographic technology, artists first photographed girls and even then painted images. Pin Up models became sex symbols of the era. During the war, posters of Pin Up girls were widely distributed and helped raise the morale of the military. It was during the period 1942-46 that magazines with Pin Up illustrations were published in millions of copies and distributed among soldiers. Despite the fact that more than fifty years have passed since the first Pin Up illustrations, posters with images of flirtatious beauties are still popular. Photographers implement themed photo sessions, and artists depict models in their illustrations.

Cowboy 0

Elvgren Gil from 120 rub.

Elvgren Gil - Cowboy: Gil Elvgren (eng. Gil Elvgren 1914 -1980) is an American artist and illustrator in the pin-up style. Elvgren is considered one of the most significant pin-up artists of the twentieth century, as well as a classic of the American school of illustrators. Elvgren enjoyed commercial success, creating a huge number of illustrations for companies such as Coca-Cola and General Electric. In addition, in 1940-1950. he illustrated many magazines (The Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, etc.).

Bathing 0

Art Frame from 120 rub.

Art Frame - Bathing: FRAM 1907-1981 iconic Chicago illustrator who perfected his work, glamorous models and calm tones and as a result, success, magazine covers and posters in calendars. His style is somewhat reminiscent of Norman Rockwell, although more cartoonish. Known for his Pinup-style damsels in distress. In addition to Pinups, Frahm created a series of themed illustrations for the calendar. "Road Safety" - with smiling, plump security guards and schoolchildren crossing the street. And children's illustrations "Bathing"

Home concert 2

Frederick Brunner from 75 RUR

Frederick Brunner - Home Concert: Artist - Illustrator Frederick Sands Brunner Children Series Frederick Sands Brunner was born July 27, 1886 in Boyertown, Pennsylvania. Showed artistic ability in early age. To earn money to attend art school, the boy was forced to leave school and work in a tobacco factory. In 1905 Frederick entered the school industrial design in Philadelphia, graduated in 1909. In addition, he attended the Academy of Art and the Graphic Sketch Club. His first job was as a staff artist at Ladies Home Journal, where for thirteen years Frederick drew ink portraits of celebrities and did illustrations for stories and magazine covers.

Pin-up 1

Elvgren Gil from 75 RUR

Elvgren Gil - Pin-up: Gil Elvgren (Eng. Gil Elvgren 1914 -1980) is an American artist and illustrator in the pin-up style. Elvgren is considered one of the most significant pin-up artists of the twentieth century, as well as a classic of the American school of illustrators. Elvgren enjoyed commercial success, creating a huge number of illustrations for companies such as Coca-Cola and General Electric. In addition, in 1940-1950. he illustrated many magazines (The Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, etc.).

Granny 0

Gintermeister Henry from 75 RUR

Sleep 0

Art Frame from 120 rub.

Art Frame - Dream: FRAME 1907-1981 iconic Chicago illustrator who perfected his work, glamorous models and calm tones, resulting in success, magazine covers and calendar posters. His style is somewhat reminiscent of Norman Rockwell, although more cartoonish. Known for his Pinup-style damsels in distress. In addition to Pinups, Frahm created a series of themed illustrations for the calendar. "Road Safety" - with smiling, plump security guards and schoolchildren crossing the street. And children's illustrations "Bathing"

Pin Up#19 0

Smilepinup from 120 rub.

Smilepinup - Pin Up #19: Pin Up is a typical illustration of a beautiful, often naked, girl. The value is often used to define a graphic style popular in the 40s and 50s in the United States. Despite the fact that the term itself appeared at the end of the 19th century, Pin Up images gained the greatest popularity in the middle of the 20th century. Pin-up pictures were published in newspapers and magazines, placed on postcards and calendars. Starting in the 60s, posters with pin-up girls began to be produced intentionally. Artists copied images of Pin Up girls from famous actresses and dancers. With the development of photographic technology, artists first photographed girls and even then painted images. Pin Up models became sex symbols of the era. During the war, posters of Pin Up girls were widely distributed and helped raise the morale of the military. It was during the period 1942-46 that magazines with Pin Up illustrations were published in millions of copies and distributed among soldiers. Despite the fact that more than fifty years have passed since the first Pin Up illustrations, posters with images of flirtatious beauties are still popular. Photographers implement themed photo sessions, and artists depict models in their illustrations.

Pin-up 2

Harry Ekman from 120 rub.

Gintermeister Henry - 781 0

Gintermeister Henry from 120 rub.

Hintermeister Henry - 781: ILLUSTRATOR HERY HINTERMEISTER (1897-1972) Unfortunately, the American illustrator Hy Hintermeister died in 1972, but during his seventy-five years of life he painted many paintings that give us love and kindness. Look at these happy children's faces and you will fall in love with the work of this artist.

Favorite book 2

Frederick Brunner from 120 rub.

Frederick Brunner - Favorite Book: Artist - Illustrator Frederick Sands Brunner Children Series Frederick Sands Brunner was born July 27, 1886 in Boyertown, Pennsylvania. He showed artistic abilities at an early age. To earn money to attend art school, the boy was forced to leave school and work in a tobacco factory. In 1905, Frederick entered the School of Industrial Design in Philadelphia and graduated in 1909. In addition, he attended the Academy of Art and the Graphic Sketch Club. His first job was as a staff artist at Ladies Home Journal, where for thirteen years Frederick drew ink portraits of celebrities and did illustrations for stories and magazine covers.

Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf 1

Sergey Anikin from 620 RUR

Sergei Anikin - Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf: “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” - Russian folk tale. Refers to the so-called fairy tales. Basic characters fairy tales: Ivan Tsarevich - the youngest son of Tsar Berendey, who went in search of the mysterious Firebird for Tsar Berendey; The gray wolf is Ivan's faithful friend and assistant in his quest to get the Firebird for Tsar Berendey and protects him from all the dangers that stand on this path. The most common version of the tale is in the adaptation of A. N. Tolstoy.

Pin Up#34 0

Smilepinup from 120 rub.

Smilepinup - Pin Up #34: Pin Up is a typical illustration of a beautiful, often naked, girl. The value is often used to define a graphic style popular in the 40s and 50s in the United States. Despite the fact that the term itself appeared at the end of the 19th century, Pin Up images gained the greatest popularity in the middle of the 20th century. Pin-up pictures were published in newspapers and magazines, placed on postcards and calendars. Starting in the 60s, posters with pin-up girls began to be produced intentionally. Artists copied images of Pin Up girls from famous actresses and dancers. With the development of photographic technology, artists first photographed girls and even then painted images. Pin Up models became sex symbols of the era. During the war, posters of Pin Up girls were widely distributed and helped raise the morale of the military. It was during the period 1942-46 that magazines with Pin Up illustrations were published in millions of copies and distributed among soldiers. Despite the fact that more than fifty years have passed since the first Pin Up illustrations, posters with images of flirtatious beauties are still popular. Photographers implement themed photo sessions, and artists depict models in their illustrations.

Pin-up 0

Harry Ekman from 120 rub.

Harry Ekman - Pin-up: Pin-up, pin-up (English to pin up - to pin, that is, a poster pinned to the wall) - an image of a beautiful, often half-naked, girl in a certain style. In Russian it is used to refer to a specific style of American graphics from the mid-20th century. A pin-up girl is a model whose replicated images become an iconic pop culture phenomenon in a frivolous style. Most of these models are fashion models, fashion models, actresses and singers.

Pin-Up#1 0

Smilepinup from 120 rub.

Smilepinup - Pin Up #1: Pin Up is a typical illustration of a beautiful, often naked, girl. The value is often used to define a graphic style popular in the 40s and 50s in the United States. Despite the fact that the term itself appeared at the end of the 19th century, Pin Up images gained the greatest popularity in the middle of the 20th century. Pin-up pictures were published in newspapers and magazines, placed on postcards and calendars. Starting in the 60s, posters with pin-up girls began to be produced intentionally. Artists copied images of Pin Up girls from famous actresses and dancers. With the development of photographic technology, artists first photographed girls and even then painted images. Pin Up models became sex symbols of the era. During the war, posters of Pin Up girls were widely distributed and helped raise the morale of the military. It was during the period 1942-46 that magazines with Pin Up illustrations were published in millions of copies and distributed among soldiers. Despite the fact that more than fifty years have passed since the first Pin Up illustrations, posters with images of flirtatious beauties are still popular. Photographers implement themed photo sessions, and artists depict models in their illustrations.

Across the road 0

Art Frame from 75 RUR

Art Frame - Across the Road: FRAME 1907-1981 is an iconic Chicago illustrator who perfected his work, glamorous models and calm tones, resulting in success, magazine covers and calendar posters. His style is somewhat reminiscent of Norman Rockwell, although more cartoonish. Known for his Pinup-style damsels in distress. In addition to Pinups, Frahm created a series of themed illustrations for the calendar. "Road Safety" - with smiling, plump security guards and schoolchildren crossing the street. And children's illustrations "Bathing"

Knitting 2

Frederick Brunner from 120 rub.

Frederick Brunner - Knitting: Artist - Illustrator Frederick Sands Brunner Children Series Frederick Sands Brunner was born July 27, 1886 in Boyertown, Pennsylvania. He showed artistic abilities at an early age. To earn money to attend art school, the boy was forced to leave school and work in a tobacco factory. In 1905, Frederick entered the School of Industrial Design in Philadelphia and graduated in 1909. In addition, he attended the Academy of Art and the Graphic Sketch Club. His first job was as a staff artist at Ladies Home Journal, where for thirteen years Frederick drew ink portraits of celebrities and did illustrations for stories and magazine covers.

Granny 3

Gintermeister Henry from 120 rub.

Hintermeister Henry - Granny: Illustrator Hy Hintermeister Henry (1897-1972) Unfortunately, the American illustrator Hy Hintermeister died in 1972, but during his seventy-five years of life he painted many pictures that give us love and kindness. Look at these happy children's faces and you will fall in love with the work of this artist. This collection is dedicated to childhood.

Pin Up#20 0

Smilepinup from 120 rub.

Smilepinup - Pin Up #20: Pin Up is a typical illustration of a beautiful, often naked, girl. The value is often used to define a graphic style popular in the 40s and 50s in the United States. Despite the fact that the term itself appeared at the end of the 19th century, Pin Up images gained the greatest popularity in the middle of the 20th century. Pin-up pictures were published in newspapers and magazines, placed on postcards and calendars. Starting in the 60s, posters with pin-up girls began to be produced intentionally. Artists copied images of Pin Up girls from famous actresses and dancers. With the development of photographic technology, artists first photographed girls and even then painted images. Pin Up models became sex symbols of the era. During the war, posters of Pin Up girls were widely distributed and helped raise the morale of the military. It was during the period 1942-46 that magazines with Pin Up illustrations were published in millions of copies and distributed among soldiers. Despite the fact that more than fifty years have passed since the first Pin Up illustrations, posters with images of flirtatious beauties are still popular. Photographers implement themed photo sessions, and artists depict models in their illustrations.

Pin Up#11 0

Smilepinup from 120 rub.

Smilepinup - Pin Up #11: Pin Up is a typical illustration of a beautiful, often naked, girl. The value is often used to define a graphic style popular in the 40s and 50s in the United States. Despite the fact that the term itself appeared at the end of the 19th century, Pin Up images gained the greatest popularity in the middle of the 20th century. Pin-up pictures were published in newspapers and magazines, placed on postcards and calendars. Starting in the 60s, posters with pin-up girls began to be produced intentionally. Artists copied images of Pin Up girls from famous actresses and dancers. With the development of photographic technology, artists first photographed girls and even then painted images. Pin Up models became sex symbols of the era. During the war, posters of Pin Up girls were widely distributed and helped raise the morale of the military. It was during the period 1942-46 that magazines with Pin Up illustrations were published in millions of copies and distributed among soldiers. Despite the fact that more than fifty years have passed since the first Pin Up illustrations, posters with images of flirtatious beauties are still popular. Photographers implement themed photo sessions, and artists depict models in their illustrations.

Pin Up#18 0

Smilepinup from 120 rub.

Smilepinup - Pin Up #18: Pin Up is a typical illustration of a beautiful, often naked, girl. The value is often used to define a graphic style popular in the 40s and 50s in the United States. Despite the fact that the term itself appeared at the end of the 19th century, Pin Up images gained the greatest popularity in the middle of the 20th century. Pin-up pictures were published in newspapers and magazines, placed on postcards and calendars. Starting in the 60s, posters with pin-up girls began to be produced intentionally. Artists copied images of Pin Up girls from famous actresses and dancers. With the development of photographic technology, artists first photographed girls and even then painted images. Pin Up models became sex symbols of the era. During the war, posters of Pin Up girls were widely distributed and helped raise the morale of the military. It was during the period 1942-46 that magazines with Pin Up illustrations were published in millions of copies and distributed among soldiers. Despite the fact that more than fifty years have passed since the first Pin Up illustrations, posters with images of flirtatious beauties are still popular. Photographers implement themed photo sessions, and artists depict models in their illustrations.

from 120 rub.

Hintermeister Henry - 784: Illustrator Hy Hintermeister Henry (1897-1972) Unfortunately, the American illustrator Hy Hintermeister died in 1972, but during his seventy-five years of life he painted many pictures that give us love and kindness. Look at these happy children's faces and you will fall in love with the work of this artist. This collection is dedicated to childhood.

In the boat 0

Gintermeister Henry from 120 rub.

Hy Hintermeister - In the Boat: The Illustrator of Hy Hintermeister Henry (1897-1972) Unfortunately, the American illustrator Hy Hintermeister died in 1972, but during his seventy-five years of life he painted many pictures that give us love and kindness. Look at these happy children's faces and you will fall in love with the work of this artist. This collection is dedicated to childhood.

Pin Up#4 2

Smilepinup from 120 rub.

Smilepinup - Pin Up #4: Pin Up is a typical illustration of a beautiful, often naked, girl. The value is often used to define a graphic style popular in the 40s and 50s in the United States. Despite the fact that the term itself appeared at the end of the 19th century, Pin Up images gained the greatest popularity in the middle of the 20th century. Pin-up pictures were published in newspapers and magazines, placed on postcards and calendars. Starting in the 60s, posters with pin-up girls began to be produced intentionally. Artists copied images of Pin Up girls from famous actresses and dancers. With the development of photographic technology, artists first photographed girls and even then painted images. Pin Up models became sex symbols of the era. During the war, posters of Pin Up girls were widely distributed and helped raise the morale of the military. It was during the period 1942-46 that magazines with Pin Up illustrations were published in millions of copies and distributed among soldiers. Despite the fact that more than fifty years have passed since the first Pin Up illustrations, posters with images of flirtatious beauties are still popular. Photographers implement themed photo sessions, and artists depict models in their illustrations.

from 120 rub.

Art Frame - Rules of the Movement: FRAME 1907-1981 iconic Chicago illustrator who perfected his work, glamorous models and calm tones, resulting in success, magazine covers and calendar posters. His style is somewhat reminiscent of Norman Rockwell, although more cartoonish. Known for his Pinup-style damsels in distress. In addition to Pinups, Frahm created a series of themed illustrations for the calendar. "Road Safety" - with smiling, plump security guards and schoolchildren crossing the street. And children's illustrations "Bathing"

Grandma 0 RUR

Smilepinup - Pin Up#37: Pin Up is a typical illustration of a beautiful, often naked, girl. The value is often used to define a graphic style popular in the 40s and 50s in the United States. Despite the fact that the term itself appeared at the end of the 19th century, Pin Up images gained the greatest popularity in the middle of the 20th century. Pin-up pictures were published in newspapers and magazines, placed on postcards and calendars. Starting in the 60s, posters with pin-up girls began to be produced intentionally. Artists copied images of Pin Up girls from famous actresses and dancers. With the development of photographic technology, artists first photographed girls and even then painted images. Pin Up models became sex symbols of the era. During the war, posters of Pin Up girls were widely distributed and helped raise the morale of the military. It was during the period 1942-46 that magazines with Pin Up illustrations were published in millions of copies and distributed among soldiers. Despite the fact that more than fifty years have passed since the first Pin Up illustrations, posters with images of flirtatious beauties are still popular. Photographers implement themed photo sessions, and artists depict models in their illustrations.

Cat Girl 1

Chris Guest from 120 rub.

Chris Guest - Cat Girl: Chris Guest's works are bold, expressive, focused mainly on painting heavily tattooed people, in a "Pin-Up" style. Uses classical methods oil painting. Studied in London, at the School of Fine Arts. Chris combines classical traditions with modern trends in his paintings.