Promising technologies of the 21st century. Adventik - a full-service digital agency Technology of the 21st century


The world is improving every day, inventing and discovering something new, and without these advances we would not have come this far.

Scientists, researchers, developers and designers from all over the world are trying to implement things that will simplify our lives and make it more interesting.

Here are some technologies future , which raise our lives to a completely different level.

New technologies of the future

1. Biorefrigerators

A Russian designer has come up with a concept for a refrigerator called the "Bio Robot Refrigerator" that cools food using biopolymer gel. There are no shelves, compartments or doors - you simply insert the food into the gel.

The idea was proposed by Yuri Dmitriev for the competition Electrolux Design Lab. The refrigerator uses only 8 percent of the home's energy for the control panel and requires no energy for actual cooling.

The refrigerator's biopolymer gel uses light generated by cold temperature to preserve food. The gel itself is odorless and non-sticky, and the refrigerator can be mounted on the wall or ceiling.

2. Ultra-fast 5G Internet from drones with solar panels

Google is working on drones at solar panels, distributing ultra-high-speed Internet in a project called Project Skybender. In theory drones will provide Internet services 40 times faster than 4G networks, allowing gigabytes of data to be transferred per second.

The project involves the use of millimeter waves to provide the service, since the existing spectrum for mobile communications is too full.

However, these waves have a shorter range than the 4G mobile signal. Google is working on this problem, and if all technical problems can be solved, the Internet of unprecedented speed may soon appear.

3. 5D disks for eternal storage of terabytes of data

Researchers have created a 5D disk that records data in 5 dimensions that lasts for billions of years. It can store 360 terabytes of data and withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

The files on the disk are made of three layers of nanodots. The five dimensions of the disk refer to the size and orientation of the points, as well as their position within the three dimensions. As light passes through the disk, the dots change the polarization of the light, which is read by the microscope and polarizer.

The Southampton team behind the disc was able to record the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Newton's Optics, Magna Carta and the Bible on disc. In a few years, such a disk will no longer be an experiment, but will become the norm for data storage.

4. Injection of oxygen particles

Scientists from Boston Children's Hospital have developed microparticles filled with oxygen that can be injected into the bloodstream, allowing you to live even if you can't breathe.

The microparticles consist of a single layer of lipid capsules that surround a small bubble of oxygen. Capsules measuring 2-4 micrometers are suspended in a liquid that controls their size as bubbles bigger size may be dangerous.

When administered, the capsules encounter red blood cells and transfer oxygen. Thanks to this method, it was possible to introduce 70 percent of oxygen into the blood.

5. Underwater transport tunnels

Norway plans to build the world's first underwater floating bridges at a depth of 30 meters underwater using large pipes wide enough for two lanes.

Considering the difficulties of moving across the terrain, Norway decided to work on creating underwater bridges. The project, which has already cost $25 billion, is expected to be completed in 2035.

Other factors still need to be taken into account, such as the influence of wind, waves and strong currents on the bridge.

6. Bioluminescent trees

The development team decided to create bioluminescent trees using an enzyme found in some jellyfish and fireflies.

Such trees will be able to illuminate the streets and help passersby see better at night. A small version of the project has already been developed in the form of a plant that glows in the dark. The next step will be trees to light the streets.

7. Roll-up TVs

LG has developed a prototype TV that can be rolled up like a roll of paper.

The TV uses organic polymer LED technology to reduce the thickness of the screen.

Besides LG, others large manufacturers electronics such as Samsung, Sony And Mitsubishi are working to make screens more flexible and portable.

Future technology development

8. Bionic lens for lightRxhuman vision

Canadian doctor intends to conduct clinical testing "bionic lenses" that improve 100% vision by 3 times with an 8-minute painless operation.

The new lens will be available by 2017, enhancing the natural lens of the eye. During the operation, a syringe inserts a lens containing saline into the eye, and after 10 seconds, the folded lens straightens and is positioned over the natural lens, completely correcting vision.

9. Spray clothing

Spanish designer Manel Torres invented the world's first spray-on clothing. You can apply the spray to any part of the body, then remove it, rinse and wear again.

The spray is made from special fibers mixed with polymers that give the fabric elasticity and durability. This technology will allow designers to create unique items of clothing with original designs.

10. Portraits obtained from DNA

Student Heather Duy-Hagborg creates 3D portraits from DNA found on cigarette butts and chewing gum on the street.

She enters the DNA sequences into a computer program that creates the appearance of a person from the sample. This process typically produces a 25-year-old version of the person. The model is then 3D printed with life-size portraits.

11. Shopping in virtual reality

One of these stores was opened at the railway station in South Korea, where you can place an order by photographing the barcode, and your purchases will be delivered to your home.

Chain of stores Homeplus installed six screen doors with life-size images of shelves containing items you would buy in a supermarket. Under each item there is a barcode that can be scanned and sent using the app.

You can place an order at the station on your way to work, and the goods will be delivered to your home in the evening.

12. Self-driving cars

Expected that by 2020 there will be about 10 million driverless cars, which would reduce the number of deaths by 2,500 between 2014 and 2030.

Many car manufacturers have already started implementing some automated driving features in their vehicles.

There are also many companies trying to develop technology for self-driving cars, such as Google announcing a self-driving car prototype. A fully autonomous car is expected by 2019.

13. City under the dome

Construction underway in Dubai shopping center called "Mall of the World", covered with a retractable dome, which controls the climate inside and supplies air conditioning.

The complex will occupy an area of ​​4.46 km2 and will include a large beauty and health center, a cultural and entertainment district, hotels with 20 thousand rooms and much more. This will be the biggest shopping mall with an indoor theme park.

14. Artificial leaves that convert carbon dioxide and sunlight into fuel

Scientists have developed new Solar cells, converting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into fuel with the help of the Sun.

While there have been many attempts to convert carbon dioxide into something useful, this is the first time an actual method has been developed. Unlike other technologies that require noble metals such as silver, this method uses a tungsten-based material that is 20 times cheaper and 1,000 times faster.

These solar cells use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce syngas, a mixture of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide, which can be directly burned or converted into hydrocarbon fuels.

Technologies of the near future

15. Plasma force field that protects cars from accidents and collisions

Boeing has patented a method to create a plasma field by quickly heating air to quickly absorb shock waves.

The force field can be generated using lasers or microwave radiation. The created plasma is air heated to more high temperature than the surrounding air, with a different density and composition. The company believes it will be able to reflect and absorb the energy generated by the explosion, protecting those inside the field.

If the technology can be brought to life, it will be a revolutionary development in the military field.

16. Floating cities

Floating ecopolois, named Lilypad, was proposed by architect Vincent Callebaut for future climate refugees as a long-term solution to rising sea levels. The city can accommodate 50,000 people using renewable energy.

Lesson productivity formula

Teacher primary classes: A.E. Tarasova

“Development and education cannot be given or communicated to any person. Anyone who wishes to join them must achieve this through his own activity, on our own, own tension".

A. Diesterweg

Today, significant changes are taking place in school education, which cover almost all aspects of the pedagogical process. The personal interest of the student is a decisive factor in the educational process.

The modern information society is interested in its citizens being able to independently, actively act, make decisions, and flexibly adapt to changing living conditions. That is why Productive learning technologies of the 21st century are becoming increasingly widespread. High degree their productivity, involves modeling an education system in which the dominant role is not occupied by the traditional transmission of knowledge, skills, values, norms of behavior, etc., but by creating conditions for the maximum possible adaptation and development of each individual in school.

Productive learning technologies are a method of managing and managing the educational process, providing such a tool as teaching structures.It does not provide methodological knowledge on the subject. The methodological content for a particular subject is the task of the teacher.

By using productive technologies in the classroom, you can make sure that the learning process can be viewed from a new point of view and master the psychological mechanisms of personality formation, achieving better results.

The productivity technologies of the 21st century are based on communication and collaboration. Important aspects here are creativity, exchange of knowledge and ideas, discussion of current situations. With this lesson structure, the teacher changes his role: he becomes a moderator, mentor and assistant.

The relevance of the use of productive technologies is due to the fact that the use of these structures will help students master educational material in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The formation of universal educational activities is the main task of the modern education system in accordance with the requirements of the second generation standards. Productive technologies of the 21st century are an effective tool for their formation.

The main idea is to learn together, not to do something together, so that each team member gets necessary knowledge, formed the necessary skills and at the same time, so that the whole team knew what everyone had achieved. Learning together is not only easy and interesting, but also effective. These technologies contribute not only to intellectual development, but also moral development. Students learn to solve any problems together, help each other, listen and accept the opinions of classmates.

Constant interaction between teacher and student, student and student in team and pair work allows students to develop communicative learning skills: teaches them to communicate, listen and hear a partner, and negotiate. Precise instructions and the need to complete tasks in pairs and teams will help students learn to organize their activities. The use of mental techniques and various sources of information force younger schoolchildren to think and make the results of mental activity visible. When learning in a variety of educational situations, listening to the position of a partner in front of children, the need constantly arises to make choices in the world of values ​​and actions, to evaluate one’s life position and the position of another person.

Productive technologies of the 21st century have many advantages:

1. About half of the children in the class learn to speak and hear at the same time, correct other people's mistakes, thus consolidating, correcting and supplementing their knowledge.

2. The activity of each student in the process increases sharply, especially in the “teacher” function.

3. Each student finds himself in the center of the question, he needs to communicate in order to teach his classmate what he knows himself, thereby creating a positive attitude towards the learning process.

4. Education for every child, without exception, becomes interesting and effective, and the quality of knowledge in the subject increases significantly.

5. Students develop communication skills, creative thinking, they learn to cooperate, criticize and accept criticism.

6. Any lesson becomes like an exciting and rich game and carries extremely positive emotions.

There are about 250 structures in productive technologies of the 21st century.

We present to your attention the most common teaching structures. All of them are divided into three groups.

1. Learning structures showing student-student interaction necessary for the development of communication and cooperation:

* MIX PAIR SHEA (Mix Pair Share) - an educational structure in which participants mix to the music, form a pair when the music stops, and discuss the proposed topic.

* MIX-FREEZE-GROUP - a training structure in which participants mingle to music, freeze when the music stops, and form groups, the number of participants in which depends on the answer to a question.

* TAKE OF-TOUCH DOWN - “stand up - sit down” (educational structure for obtaining information about the class).

2. Learning structures showing the interaction between student and learning material. They allow you to think about the material, connect it with previous knowledge about the acquired material, which contributes to the development of critical and creative thinking:

* FRAYER MODEL - a teaching framework that helps students deeply understand and comprehend the concepts and concepts being studied. Participants consider a concept from different angles, writing down its mandatory and optional characteristics, examples and anti-examples (what cannot be an example).

* Stir the Class (Stir the Class) - a teaching structure in which students move silently around the classroom to add as many of the participants' ideas to their list as possible.

* HAR GUIDE (Anticipation-Reaction Guide “Assumption/Reaction Guide”) - a teaching structure in which students’ knowledge and points of view on a topic are compared before and after performing a “stimulus exercise” to activate thinking (video, picture, story, etc.) .d.)

3. Instructional structures to make lessons fun, increase students' self-esteem and confidence, and enable children to practice skills for communication, cooperation and decision-making:

* FINK-WRITE-ROUND ROBIN (Think-Write-Round Robin) - “think-write-discuss as a team.” While performing this structure, participants THINK about a statement or answer to a question, WRITE DOWN and take turns DISCUSSING their answers as a team.

* INSIDE-OUTSIDE CIRCLE (Inside-Outside Circle) - “inner and outer circle” - a teaching structure in which students form inner and outer circles and share their opinions with different partners.

So, the formula for lesson productivity using teaching structures and thinking techniques is:

1) A lesson in which an individual approach is provided to each student.

2) A lesson containing different types of activities.

3) A lesson in which the student is comfortable.

4) A lesson in which activities stimulate the development of the student’s cognitive activity.

5) A lesson that raises a thinking student-intellectual.

6) A lesson that involves cooperation, mutual understanding, an atmosphere of joy and passion.

Using Teaching Structures and Thinking Techniques new technology in the classroom, it increases the motivation of students for the subject being studied, which leads to more effective mastery of the educational program by schoolchildren

Productive technologies are about continuous learning through dialogue and learning how to learn, and the result is a transition from passive learners to engaged learners. It is the work using these technologies that develops vital qualities in the student, such as communication, cooperation, critical thinking, creativity, the lesson creates a safe and favorable environment for mental activity. With the correct organization of interaction, all the basic universal educational actions of the individual are formed: personal, cognitive, regulatory, communicative.

The use of new modern educational teaching structures helps students to open up from a new side, since the main thing in the lesson is the student himself and his activities, and the teacher is an assistant, a mentor. New methods develop the personality of each student, force him to think, express himself, allow him to change his vision of the material, increase his emotional level, and therefore have a beneficial effect on the health of the body. The classroom environment contributes to children’s more successful learning of the material. Working in groups helps children think creatively and reactively; in communication, they jointly solve assigned problems, find and explain each other’s mistakes, listen to each participant in the group, and respect their choices and opinions. A working environment is created from which it is no longer possible to leave, and you don’t want to leave it, it’s so captivating. There will never be anyone bored in such a lesson, because students will not only have to sit and write.

The use of productive technologies does not imply a complete abandonment of the traditional approach. You can use one of the teaching structures at any stage of the lesson.


  1. Dewey J., Dewey E. Schools of the future. Electronic resource - [ ]
  2. How to design universal learning activities in primary school. From action to thought. / Ed. A.G. Asmolov. M.: Education, 2010.
  3. Krylova N.V., Leontyeva O.M. Basic ideas of productive education. // How does a productive school work? 2003. Vol. 4 (15). Electronic resource - [ ]
  4. Kruse-Brooks O.A. Historical and pedagogical prerequisites for the formation of educational cooperation in the educational process. - Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise,


Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary School No. 11"

Using the project method in the work of a primary school teacher

Primary school teacher

Tarasova Anna Evgenievna

Nizhnevartovsk, 2016

I work as a primary school teacher at Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 11” in the city of Nizhnevartovsk. It is known that up to 70% of personal qualities are developed in primary school. And not only basic skills, such as the ability to read, write, solve, listen and speak, are needed by a child in life. Every person entering this complex and contradictory world needs certain thinking skills and personality traits. The ability to analyze, compare, highlight the main thing, solve a problem, be able to give adequate self-esteem, be responsible, independent, be able to create and collaborate - this is what a child needs to enter this world with.
Which pedagogical technologies are appropriate to use in elementary school to help a child master these skills? Each teacher approached this issue individually.

Analyzing my activities, I encountered a number of problems that complicate the transition of children to the next level of education:

  • low level of independence in the educational process;
  • inability to follow the instructions read, clearly expressed in the inability to carefully read the text and highlight the sequence of actions, as well as complete the work from start to finish in accordance with the task;
  • the gap between the search engine, research activities students and practical exercises during which skills are developed;
  • lack of knowledge transfer from one educational field to another, from a learning situation to a life one.

Thinking through these problems, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to supplement the lesson system of organizing the educational process with a new form of student activity, where they would be immersed in an atmosphere that requires them to think, reason, and competently express their thoughts, i.e. could apply all their knowledge in practice. For this purpose, I chose the project method.
Key problem.
The problem of including project activities in the educational process is progressive and long overdue. It contains enormous potential, which is especially important in a modern school environment. And the trends that appear in the organization of project activities of junior schoolchildren indicate the need to adjust the emerging experience.
One of the priority tasks of a modern school is to create the necessary full-fledged conditions for the personal development of each child, the formation of an active position, and the subjectivity of the student in the educational process. Its solution is especially relevant for the initial level of school education, since from the position of domestic psychologists (L.S. Vygodsky, P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, A.N. Leontyev, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) educational activities in this period is leading in mental development children 7 – 10 years old.
Due to this great importance gains not only the development and improvement of new educational content, but also the exclusion from practice of unproductive styles and forms of pedagogical communication and teaching methods.

The basis of project activities isresearch activities that allow different categories of participants to be involved in the work educational process(students, parents, teachers), creates conditions for working with families, communication between children and adults, i.e. brings together children and adults for joint research activities.

The project method in elementary school, taking into account the age characteristics of children, has its own specifics. Thus, project activity itself, in its classical sense, takes its central (leading) place in adolescence (in primary school). In elementary school, only prototypes of project activities can arise in the form of solving creative tasks or specially createdsystems of design tasks.

Work on project activities begins in 1st grade from the 1st quarter.

All the projects we carried out were in-class, i.e. were carried out in one class.

The form of the projects was individual, group (4–6 people) and collective (classroom).

The duration of the projects is short-term (1 lesson, maximum 3 – 6 lessons).

The students completed projects that were informational and combined in content.

Students prepared an information message and illustrated it with manufactured models of objects.

The project consisted of several stages:

project development, practical implementation, project defense.

The most labor-intensive component of project activity is the first and second stages

Stage 1 – motivational.

Here it is important for the teacher to create a positive motivational attitude. The problem students must solve must be relevant and interesting. At this stage, the topic is formulated and the result, the product, is determined.

The most interesting things for children at this age are things that concern themselves. This is their family, class, school, home, village where they live. Therefore, the first creative tasks for them were the following projects:

"My little homeland"

"My family"

"My class. My school"

"Mathematics around us"

"Nizhnevartovsk yesterday, today, tomorrow"

The result of project activities is information (report, message), complex work, poster presentation, photo magazine “Top Ten Numbers”.

Stage 2 – planning and preparatory.

Here the project concept is developed, tasks and an action plan are formulated, and methods of joint activities are agreed upon.

At this stage, we discuss where we will look for information. Since we were compiling an album and preparing a message, we decided to look for material in libraries and on the Internet. Students studied books, magazines, encyclopedias, and asked adults about the topic of the project.

Here all the necessary documentation (drawings, sketches, simple drawings) was developed, materials and tools were selected, and an action plan was drawn up.

Stage 3. Information and operational

This is where the project is being implemented. The collected material, all information is processed and sorted. The role of the teacher at this stage is to coordinate, observe, give recommendations, and conduct consultations.

At this stage, the work itself is formalized.But a problem arises. After all, the smaller the children, the more help from adults is required not only in finding information, but especially in designing the project.Therefore, children work on the implementation of the project concept at home or outside of school hours: they compose interesting texts, select the best photo for presentation under the guidance of adults.

Stage 4. Reflective-evaluative.

This is the defense of the project, collective discussion of the result, self-assessment of activities. Students report on the work they have done.

The main goal of defending project work is a reasoned analysis of the result obtained and proof of its compliance with the stated goal or requirements. This stage is very important, it solves several problems: the development of scientific speech, the opportunity to demonstrate one’s achievements, and the replenishment of knowledge.

The main criterion for the success of a completed project is compliance in the product (activity) with the requirements or conditions that were put forward at the beginning of the work.

The teacher, directing the procedure for defending projects, especially monitors the observance of goodwill, tact, and the children’s attentive attitude to the ideas and creativity of others.

So, the practice of working on a project shows that in such activities, along with problems (age characteristics, different abilities, insufficient material support, and some children have no help from their parents) there are many positive aspects.

Project activities leads to class unity, development of communication and general academic skills, creates positive self-esteem in the child (“I did it!”, “I did it!”). Each student, participating in the project, makes a contribution to the common cause, acting at the same time as both an organizer and a performer.

By participating in design and research work, children realize their hidden capabilities, their interest in educational activities, their personal qualities are revealed, independence and responsibility for the final result develops, and, of course, creativity. And for the development of creativity, it is important that the child shows love for beauty not only through contemplation and conversations, but also introduces skills into everyday life, into everything around him.

Project activities contribute to the development of general academic skills.

First of all, these are social skills: the ability to work in a group, cooperate, accept and fulfill a certain role: to be a leader or performer, to build your relationships with the people who surround you.

The following skills are communication skills: learn not only to speak, but it is also important to learn the ability to listen, accept other opinions and calmly defend your own.

The skills that are developed during project activities are also thinking skills. Children learn to analyze, generalize, compare, and classify.

Skills closely related to thinking skills are research skills: learning to conduct research, being able to observe, identify, correlate.


1. Golub G.B., Churakova O.V. The project method as a technology for developing key competencies of students. – Samara: Publishing House “Profi”, Central Educational Institution, 2003. – P. 23.

2 . Innovation management in educational institution: educational practice-oriented technologies / author. – comp. M.V. Rusinova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. – 175 p.

3. Bychkov A.V. Project method in modern school. – M., 2000.

4. Matyash N.V., Simonenko V.D. Project activities for junior schoolchildren: A book for primary school teachers. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2004.

The list of 21st century inventions is not limited to smart glasses, watches, augmented reality and the Large Hadron Collider. Science has taken a confident step forward. This was helped by modern technologies, government support and the desire of humanity to make the world a better place, because what else, if not concern for one’s neighbor, dictated attempts to create, for example, artificial organs, which will help many people in need of transplants live a long life, and the latest prostheses that allow those who are doomed to live in a wheelchair to move freely.

Smart glasses

The augmented reality device, which was developed on the basis of Android by the Internet giant Google, will not surprise anyone today, although the glasses were launched into mass production only in April 2014. This 21st century invention features a transparent head-mounted display just above the right eye, as well as a camera that can record high-quality video. Testing began in April 2012, and the media reported about the new product a month before.

Google Glass interacts with the user using voice commands and gestures, which are recognized by the touchpad on the arm behind the display. The concept of glasses in the future should simultaneously implement three different functions, namely the Internet, video diary + mobile communication + augmented reality. Interestingly, the sound is transmitted to the user without the use of an earphone, but directly through the bones of the skull.

3D printer

Chuck Hull, the man who invented the 3D printer, is now over 75 years old and a chemist. He saw an outstanding invention of the 21st century in a dream. The device is valuable because it can revolutionize medicine. It is already being used to print teeth, bones and entire organs. The first object to emerge from 3D printing was an unsightly mug that took several months to create. Modern products are already distinguished by the elaboration of details.

It is expected that the use of 3D printing market products will be useful in the automotive industry, aerospace industry, architecture, medicine, and the production of consumer goods. Most operations are computer controlled. The reverse process is also possible - digitization finished product using a 3D printer and creating a computer model or drawing.

The Large Hadron Collider

This 21st century invention is essentially just an accelerator for protons and heavy ions, but the primary goal of the launch was to confirm the existence of the Higgs boson. These are mysterious objects with the help of which all basic particles acquire mass. There are other theories that predict the existence of a number of particles, which physicists are also trying to find. The project's prospects are positive: the possibility of targeted control of gravity, acceleration of the conversion of matter into energy, research of anti-worlds, creation of photon engines, and so on.

Artificial memories

In 2013, scientists for the first time managed to create artificial memory and implant it into the brain of a living organism. The first experiments were carried out on laboratory mice, and the method is based on introducing information into those areas of the brain that store information about the past. As a result of the experiment, mice began to react with fear to an environment that previously evoked positive feelings in them. This discovery of the 21st century (an invention based on it has not yet been invented, but a start has already been made) makes it possible to develop new ways of treating people with psychological trauma.

Retinal implant

The retina consists of millions of light-sensitive photoreceptors that are responsible for color and twilight vision. Damage to the rods and cones as a result of various congenital or acquired diseases leads to a gradual deterioration of vision and its complete loss. They have already tried to solve this problem several times, but scientists from the Italian Institute of Technology proposed a completely new approach by creating an artificial retina.

Researchers have already tested this 21st century invention on rats. A month after the operation, the scientists assessed the vision of the experimental subjects with an artificial retina. The rats reacted to low light in almost the same way as before, but they perceived bright light as healthy animals. Testing was repeated after six and ten months. The animals' vision deteriorated (they aged), but the positive effect of the artificial retina still persisted.

Scientists do not yet know whether they will be able to repeat the results obtained in humans, and it is not entirely clear how such a retina functions. This remains to be determined. Previously there was information that the first test results could be obtained by the beginning of 2018, but for now the scientific community is keeping these studies secret.


The newest invention of the 21st century is teleportation. The age-old dream of mankind has practically come true. So far, however, only inanimate objects can be transmitted through the network. The teleportation device first scans the object and then sends the data to the places where it is needed. There, the object is recreated using 3D printing. But in order to “teleport” something, it must first be destroyed, so scientists are still afraid to experiment with biological creatures. Such a device is, rather, only a test sample for now.

Contraceptive patch

Contraceptive The new sample can already be purchased in pharmacies. This is a smooth adhesive plaster, approximately 5 x 4 cm in size. You need to glue one such plaster once a week (for three weeks of the menstrual cycle) on the stomach, shoulder, buttocks or shoulder blade. Works similarly birth control pills for oral use. Manufacturers claim that the reliability of the contraceptive is about 99.4%. In terms of protection, this product is close to a condom.

Autonomous artificial heart

AbioCor is an artificial heart designed to treat heart failure. A modern invention of the 21st century, it was developed by Abiomed, Massachusetts, USA. The artificial heart is completely located in the patient’s body and has an external battery that is charged through the skin, that is, it does not require a wired connection.

As of September 2004, the device had been implanted in 14 patients. Clinical studies have shown cardiac safety, a feature important for those patients with acute heart failure for whom alternative therapies are not possible. People’s lives were able to be extended for several months, while the patient was able to freely communicate with family and friends.

Unfortunately, following the death of the device's principal investigator and developer for pancreatic cancer in August 2012, development and implementation of AbioCor ceased. The manufacturing company refused to further develop the device.

Virtual and augmented reality

Virtual reality, that is, a computer simulation of reality, was first discussed back in the late sixties. The main goals of technology development are: creating and improving the reality of games and other entertainment, improving the quality of life and the ability to prepare for a specific event (people can practice specific skills, this is useful, for example, for pilots).

The term "augmented reality" was coined in 1990. It is a technology that adds layers of enhancements to existing reality to make it more expressive, vibrant and multifaceted.

But if both technologies were developed in the last century, why then should they be counted among the interesting inventions of the 21st century? The fact is that only now devices for augmented and virtual reality have been created, which have allowed them to be fully “experienced” not only by scientists, but also by the general public.

Biomechanical pancreas

So far, scientists are just developing an artificial pancreas in an effort to help people with type 1 diabetes control their glucose. It is expected that this invention will provide endocrine functionality to a healthy pancreas.

Bionic contact lenses

This invention is a virtual display that can have many applications. The finished device will look like the most ordinary contact lens, but with the inclusion of bionic technologies. Looking through such lenses, one will see that the generated display is superimposed on the real world. Future developments include integrated solar panels, wireless communications, and radio frequency power transmission. The invention has already been tested on rabbits for 20 minutes, and no vision problems were observed in the animals.

Artificial liver

An artificial liver was created by Russian inventors. The device filters the blood of a person who suffers from liver failure and neutralizes toxins that have entered the blood. Scientists used an extract as a basis pork liver, which in its anatomical and physiological parameters is closest to human. The first experiments on rats were successful, and soon the operation on humans was a success. The cost of the Russian device is 15 thousand dollars (937 thousand rubles).


The best inventions of the 21st century are related to medicine - it is in this area that breakthroughs are being observed. ReWalk is a bionic exoskeleton that will help people with complete loss of voluntary movements to walk, stand, and climb stairs. The system is powered by a battery and a remote bracelet that is worn on the wrist. You can write about this invention of the 21st century in an essay, because such a development will really help humanity.

The system weighs approximately 23.3 kg. Additionally, you need a backpack that contains all the electronics that run on operating system"Windows". This backpack weighs 2.3 kg. ReWalk was approved for use in US hospitals, and in June 2014 it was cleared for patient self-use at home and in public settings. The only drawbacks are the device is too heavy and expensive.

Modern technologies are rapidly moving forward, making science fiction film footage a thing of the near future. They enter our lives so imperceptibly and organically that there are already a number of inventions that make us wonder. We present to your attention the list - Top 10 the most interesting inventions of mankind of the 21st century. Perhaps some of them will not be in demand at all, but they have the potential to significantly change our lives. Presented here are both inventions for solving specific problems and technologies that can find application in many areas.

1. Mind reading devices

Transferring complex thoughts directly from the brain to various devices is not something we can dream of in the near future. But back in 1998, a gadget went on sale that allowed paralyzed people to turn the light on and off with the power of thought. And in 2008, Japanese scientists led by Junichi Ushiba allowed a paralyzed person to give simple commands to a character in a computer social game. Several large companies today sell telepathic devices that allow you to control applications or toys. They actively cooperate with game manufacturers, which good development events will give significant results in the future. The use of such devices for medical purposes is also promising. For this reason, a mind reading device could, in the future, become one of the most useful inventions of mankind.


Studies of overweight people who were not helped by dieting showed that most of them secretly ate food, which ruined their efforts. Arrange such observation for each patient in Everyday life impossible. The invention of scientists from Taiwan University is designed to solve this problem, allowing you to monitor the number and frequency of food intake. In the future it is planned to make it more informative and wireless. In addition to nutritionists and psychologists, it can also be useful to doctors of other professions. Of course, if its creators do not abandon work on it and they manage to do everything planned.


Such robots are very useful in performing operations that require special precision and undoubtedly, they can be considered as the most important inventions of mankind made in the 21st century. It may seem that the era of such devices has not yet arrived. But they are already being mass-produced and have become quite widespread. The best known is the daVinci surgical robot, which is a manipulator controlled by a surgeon. Hundreds of thousands of operations are performed on such systems around the world every year. And the American robot “Star” is known for performing intestinal surgery on its own, so it is possible that in the future there will even be competition in this area.


A 3D printer is one of the useful and most unusual inventions of mankind. This device is primarily associated with simple plastic figurines produced at home. But the number of areas in which they are already used or could be useful is enormous. They assist engineers in design, reducing time and costs. You can print useful and small items on them at home. In some industries, especially small-scale ones, producing parts on 3D printers will cost less than on classic lines.

Even in making food, growing organs and creating medicines, this technology could be useful. The US and UK authorities have already had to declare any weapon made on 3D printers illegal. Well, fans of stories about robots taking over the world will be interested to know that there are models that can print more than half of the parts for themselves.


Some people believe that this technology has no future because very few people are using it at the moment. But these devices give a chance large companies receive huge incomes, so their development will not take long. The gaming industry is the most promising for them. In addition, work is underway to organize live broadcasts from sporting events and significant events using virtual reality devices. With their help, movies and TV series will be able to place a person inside the stories being told; they are already being actively used to train American soldiers. And that's not all: healthcare, education, real estate sales - all these are potential areas of application of virtual reality.

6. Sixth Sense

If previous technology immerses a person in virtual reality, then this device, on the contrary, helps her penetrate into our world. This invention can be included in the list that contains the most interesting inventions of mankind. Sixth Sense allows you to use almost any surface as a display and interact with it using your hands with special marks on your fingers. The prototype, made by MIT students, is assembled from publicly available parts and costs only $350. The system allows you to find information on the Internet about objects simply by looking at them, displaying it on any surface. Or dial a phone number by projecting the numbers onto your hand. At the moment it is at the development stage and is far from mass release.


They are widely used by the military, and even a civilian can buy a model in a store that allows them to take photographs and videos from a great height. Their main difference is that the UAV requires constant exchange of information with the control panel. And drones can perform tasks autonomously. They are planned to be used for distributing the Internet, delivering medicines, food and other goods. They are also capable of measuring indicators in places that are dangerous to humans. They are already used for advertising purposes and even as waiters.

8. Holograms

Many people remember scenes from science fiction films where a conversation is conducted with a hologram of a person, creating the full effect of his presence in the room. At the moment there are no such technologies. But it is already possible to reproduce a fairly high-quality image on stage. One of the most famous examples of this is the Tupac hologram. And the Japanese Hatsune Miku is generally a completely artificial star who gave real concerts. The first prototypes are presented, giving 3D images that are not very High Quality. You can even interact with them using your hands.


Caring for seriously ill patients is difficult and exhausting work. It is not surprising that inventors from different countries offer their technical solutions to ease it. In the future, such robots may prove to be one of the most important inventions of mankind. The Japanese have created a robot capable of transferring a person from a bed to a chair and back, moving over long distances. And students at the University of Massachusetts presented an android capable of delivering various subjects and self-learning as it goes. Today, robots are not able to provide normal human care; they can only perform a few actions. The future will tell whether they will be able to replace caregivers in full.

10. Organ cultivation

Growing organs is unusual, incredibly useful and the most interesting invention of mankind, made in the 21st century and opening up prospects for practically eternal life. The shortage of organs suitable for transplantation leads to the fact that many people simply do not wait their turn or cannot afford such an operation. There is also a thriving black market for illegally obtained body parts. But cells have an amazing ability to self-organize into complex tissues, which already allows scientists to conduct successful experiments to obtain new organs.

Using patient cells minimizes the risk of rejection. Growing skin for extensive burns is already being actively used, and a technique for producing artificial tracheas has been developed. Teeth, cartilage, blood vessels, muscles, blood, kidneys, bladder - this is not a complete list of what scientists were able to obtain under artificial conditions and transplant into animals. Naturally, these technologies have not been proven and science will have to solve a lot of problems for their widespread implementation.