Human artificial lungs. Artificial human organs

Artificial lungs that are small enough to be carried in a backpack have already been successfully tested on animals. Such devices can do much more more comfortable than life those people whose own lungs, for whatever reason, do not function properly. Until now, very cumbersome equipment has been used for these purposes, but a new device being developed by scientists at the moment can change this once and for all.

A person whose lungs are unable to perform their primary function is usually attached to machines that pump their blood through a gas exchanger, enriching it with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from it. Of course, during this process the person is forced to lie on a bed or couch. And the longer they lie down, the weaker their muscles become, making recovery unlikely. It is precisely in order to make patients mobile that compact artificial lungs were developed. The problem became especially pressing in 2009, when there was an outbreak of swine flu, as a result of which many patients suffered from lung failure.

Artificial lungs can not only help patients recover from some lung infections, but also allow patients to wait for suitable donor lungs for transplantation. As you know, the queue can sometimes stretch for long years. The situation is complicated by the fact that people with failing lungs, as a rule, also have a greatly weakened heart, which must pump blood through.

“Creating artificial lungs is a much more difficult task than designing an artificial heart. The heart simply pumps blood, while the lungs are a complex network of alvioles, within which the process of gas exchange occurs. “Today, there is no technology that can even come close to the efficiency of real lungs,” says William Federspiel, an employee at the University of Pittsburgh.

William Federspiel's team has developed an artificial lung that includes a pump (to support the heart) and a gas exchanger, but the device is so compact that it can easily fit into a small bag or backpack. The device is connected to tubes connected to the human circulatory system, effectively enriching the blood with oxygen and removing excess from it carbon dioxide. This month, successful tests of the device were completed on four experimental sheep, during which the animals’ blood was saturated with oxygen for different periods of time. Thus, scientists gradually increased the continuous operation time of the device to five days.

An alternative model of artificial lungs is being developed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. This device is intended primarily for those patients whose heart is healthy enough to independently pump blood through an external artificial organ. The device is connected in the same way to tubes directly connected to a person’s heart, after which it is attached to his body with belts. While both devices require an oxygen source, in other words, an additional portable cylinder. On the other hand, scientists are currently trying to solve this problem, and they are quite successful.

Right now, researchers are testing a prototype artificial lung that no longer requires an oxygen tank. According to the official statement, the new generation of the device will be even more compact, and oxygen will be released from the surrounding air. The prototype is currently being tested on laboratory rats and is showing truly impressive results. The secret of the new artificial lung model is the use of ultrathin (only 20 micrometers) tubes made of polymer membranes, significantly increasing the gas exchange surface.

Modern medical technology makes it possible to replace completely or partially diseased human organs. An electronic heart pacemaker, a sound amplifier for people suffering from deafness, and a lens made of special plastic are just some examples of the use of technology in medicine. Bioprostheses driven by miniature power supplies that react to biocurrents in the human body are also becoming increasingly widespread.

During complex operations performed on the heart, lungs or kidneys, invaluable assistance to doctors is provided by the “Cardiovascular machine”, “Artificial lung”, “Artificial heart”, “Artificial kidney”, which take on the functions of the operated organs and allow temporary their work.

The “artificial lung” is a pulsating pump that supplies air in portions at a frequency of 40-50 times per minute. A regular piston is not suitable for this: particles of material from its rubbing parts or seal may get into the air flow. Here and in other similar devices, bellows made of corrugated metal or plastic are used - bellows. Air purified and brought to the required temperature is supplied directly to the bronchi.

The “heart-lung machine” is designed in a similar way. Its hoses are surgically connected to the blood vessels.

The first attempt to replace the function of the heart with a mechanical analogue was made back in 1812. However, among the many manufactured devices, there is still no one that completely satisfies doctors.

Domestic scientists and designers have developed a number of models under the general name “Search”. This is a four-chamber heart prosthesis with sac-type ventricles designed for implantation in an orthotopic position.

The model distinguishes between left and right halves, each of which consists of an artificial ventricle and an artificial atrium.

The components of the artificial ventricle are: body, working chamber, inlet and outlet valves. The ventricular body is made of silicone rubber using the layering method. The matrix is ​​immersed in a liquid polymer, removed and dried - and so on over and over again until multi-layered heart flesh is created on the surface of the matrix.

The working chamber is similar in shape to the body. It was made from latex rubber, and then from silicone. A design feature of the working chamber is the different thickness of the walls, in which active and passive sections are distinguished. The design is designed in such a way that even with full tension in the active sections, the opposite walls work surface the chambers do not touch each other, which eliminates injury to blood cells.

Russian designer Alexander Drobyshev, despite all the difficulties, continues to create new modern designs“Search”, which will be much cheaper than foreign samples.

One of the best foreign artificial heart systems today, Novacor, costs 400 thousand dollars. With it, you can wait at home for an operation for a whole year.

The Novacor case contains two plastic ventricles. On a separate cart there is external service: a control computer, a control monitor, which remains in the clinic in front of the doctors. At home with a patient - power supply, rechargeable batteries, which are replaced and recharged from the network. The patient’s task is to monitor the green indicator of the lamps indicating the charge of the batteries.

Artificial kidney devices have been in operation for quite a long time and are successfully used by doctors.

Back in 1837, while studying the processes of movement of solutions through semi-permeable membranes, T. Grechen first used and coined the term “dialysis” (from the Greek dialisis - separation). But only in 1912, based on this method, a device was constructed in the USA, with the help of which its authors carried out the removal of salicylates from the blood of animals in an experiment. In the apparatus, which they called “artificial kidney,” collodion tubes were used as a semi-permeable membrane, through which the animal’s blood flowed, and the outside was washed with an isotonic sodium chloride solution. However, the collodion used by J. Abel turned out to be quite fragile material and subsequently, other authors tried other materials for dialysis, such as the intestines of birds, the swim bladder of fish, the peritoneum of calves, reeds, and paper.

To prevent blood clotting, hirudin, a polypeptide contained in the secretion of the salivary glands of the medicinal leech, was used. These two discoveries were the prototype for all subsequent developments in the field of extrarenal cleansing.

Whatever improvements may be made in this area, the principle remains the same. In any embodiment, the “artificial kidney” includes the following elements: a semi-permeable membrane, on one side of which blood flows, and on the other side – a saline solution. Anticoagulants are used to prevent blood clotting - medicinal substances, reducing blood clotting. In this case, the concentrations of low molecular weight ions, urea, creatinine, glucose, and other substances with low molecular weight are equalized. As the porosity of the membrane increases, the movement of substances with higher molecular weight occurs. If we add to this process excess hydrostatic pressure from the blood or negative pressure from the washing solution, then the transfer process will be accompanied by the movement of water - convection mass transfer. Osmotic pressure can also be used to transfer water by adding osmotically active substances to the dialysate. Most often, glucose was used for this purpose, less often fructose and other sugars, and even less often other products. chemical origin. At the same time, by introducing glucose in large quantities, you can get a really pronounced dehydration effect, however, increasing the concentration of glucose in the dialysate above certain values ​​is not recommended due to the possibility of developing complications.

Finally, you can completely abandon the solution washing the membrane (dialysate) and get the liquid part of the blood out through the membrane: water and substances with a wide range of molecular weights.

In 1925, J. Haas performed the first dialysis in humans, and in 1928 he also used heparin, since long-term use of hirudin was associated with toxic effects, and its effect on blood clotting itself was unstable. Heparin was first used for dialysis in 1926 in an experiment by H. Nechels and R. Lim.

Since the materials listed above turned out to be of little use as a basis for creating semi-permeable membranes, the search for other materials continued, and in 1938, cellophane was used for the first time for hemodialysis, which in subsequent years long time remained the main raw material for the production of semipermeable membranes.

The first “artificial kidney” device, suitable for wide clinical use, was created in 1943 by W. Kolff and H. Burke. Then these devices were improved. At the same time, the development of technical thought in this area initially concerned itself to a greater extent with the modification of dialyzers, and only in recent years has it begun to significantly affect the devices themselves.

As a result, two main types of dialyzers emerged, the so-called coil dialyzer, which used cellophane tubes, and the plane-parallel dialyzer, which used flat membranes.

In 1960, F. Kiil designed a very good option plane-parallel dialyzer with polypropylene plates, and over the years this type of dialyzer and its modifications have spread throughout the world, taking a leading place among all other types of dialyzers.

Then the process of creating more efficient hemodialyzers and simplifying hemodialysis technology developed in two main directions: the design of the dialyzer itself, with single-use dialyzers eventually taking a dominant position, and the use of new materials as a semi-permeable membrane.

The dialyzer is the heart of the “artificial kidney”, and therefore the main efforts of chemists and engineers have always been aimed at improving this particular link in the complex system of the device as a whole. However, technical thought did not ignore the apparatus as such.

In the 1960s, the idea arose of using so-called central systems, that is, “artificial kidney” devices in which the dialysate was prepared from a concentrate - a mixture of salts, the concentration of which was 30-34 times higher than their concentration in the patient’s blood.

A combination of flush dialysis and recirculation techniques has been used in a number of artificial kidney machines, for example by the American company Travenol. In this case, about 8 liters of dialysate circulated at high speed in a separate container in which the dialyzer was placed and into which 250 milliliters of fresh solution was added every minute and the same amount was thrown into the sewer.

At first, simple tap water was used for hemodialysis, then, due to its contamination, in particular by microorganisms, they tried to use distilled water, but this turned out to be very expensive and unproductive. The issue was radically resolved after the creation of special systems for the preparation of tap water, which included filters for purifying it from mechanical impurities, iron and its oxides, silicon and other elements, ion exchange resins to eliminate water hardness and the installation of so-called “reverse” osmosis.

Much effort has been spent on improving the monitoring systems of artificial kidney devices. So, in addition to constantly monitoring the temperature of the dialysate, they began to constantly monitor using special sensors and chemical composition dialysate, focusing on the overall electrical conductivity of the dialysate, which changes with decreasing salt concentration and increases with increasing salt concentration.

After this, ion-selective flow sensors began to be used in “artificial kidney” devices, which would constantly monitor the ion concentration. The computer made it possible to control the process by introducing missing elements from additional containers, or changing their ratio using the feedback principle.

The amount of ultrafiltration during dialysis depends not only on the quality of the membrane; in all cases, the decisive factor is the transmembrane pressure, so pressure sensors have become widely used in monitors: the degree of vacuum in the dialysate, the pressure at the inlet and outlet of the dialyzer. Modern technology, which uses computers, allows the ultrafiltration process to be programmed.

Coming out of the dialyzer, the blood enters the patient’s vein through an air trap, which allows one to judge by eye the approximate amount of blood flow and the blood’s tendency to clot. To prevent air embolism, these traps are equipped with air ducts, with the help of which the blood level in them is regulated. Currently, in many devices, ultrasonic or photoelectric detectors are placed on air traps, which automatically shut off the venous line when the blood level in the trap drops below a predetermined level.

Recently, scientists have created devices to help people who have lost their sight - completely or partially.

Miracle glasses, for example, were developed by the research and development production company “Rehabilitation” based on technologies previously used only in military affairs. Like a night sight, the device operates on the principle of infrared location. Black frosted glass The glasses are actually plexiglass plates with a miniature locating device between them. The entire locator, together with the spectacle frame, weighs about 50 grams - about the same as ordinary glasses. And they are selected, like glasses for the sighted, strictly individually, so that they are both comfortable and beautiful. “Lenses” not only perform their direct functions, but also cover eye defects. From two dozen options, everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves.

Using glasses is not at all difficult: you just need to put them on and turn on the power. The energy source for them is a flat battery the size of a cigarette pack. The generator is also located here in the block.

The signals emitted by it, having encountered an obstacle, return back and are captured by “receiver lenses”. The received impulses are amplified, compared with a threshold signal, and if there is an obstacle, a buzzer immediately sounds - the louder the closer the person comes to it. The range of the device can be adjusted using one of two ranges.

Work on the creation of an electronic retina is being successfully carried out by American specialists from NASA and the Main Center at Johns Hopkins University.

At first, they tried to help people who still had some remnants of vision. “Television glasses have been created for them,” write S. Grigoriev and E. Rogov in the magazine “Young Technician,” where miniature television screens are installed instead of lenses. Equally miniature video cameras located on the frame transmit into the image everything that falls into the field of view of an ordinary person. However, for the visually impaired, the picture is also deciphered using a built-in computer. Such a device does not create any special miracles and does not make the blind sighted, experts say, but it will make the most of a person’s remaining visual abilities and make orientation easier.

For example, if a person has at least part of the retina left, the computer will “split” the image so that the person can see the surroundings at least with the help of the preserved peripheral areas.

According to the developers, such systems will help approximately 2.5 million people suffering from visual impairments. Well, what about those whose retina is almost completely lost? For them, scientists at the eye center at Duke University (North Carolina) are mastering operations to implant an electronic retina. Special electrodes are implanted under the skin, which, when connected to nerves, transmit images to the brain. A blind person sees a picture consisting of individual luminous points, very similar to the display boards that are installed at stadiums, train stations and airports. The image on the “scoreboard” is again created by miniature television cameras mounted on spectacle frames.”

And finally, the last word of science today is an attempt using modern microtechnology to create new sensitive centers on the damaged retina. Such operations are now being carried out in North Carolina by Professor Rost Propet and his colleagues. Together with NASA specialists, they created the first samples of a subelectronic retina, which is directly implanted into the eye.

“Our patients, of course, will never be able to admire Rembrandt’s paintings,” comments the professor. - However, to distinguish where the door is and where the window is, road signs and there will still be signs..."

 100 Great Wonders of Technology

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University


Discipline: Medical materials

Subject: Artificial lung

Saint Petersburg

List of symbols, terms and abbreviations 3

1. Introduction. 4

2. Anatomy of the human respiratory system.

2.1. Airways. 4

2.2. Lungs. 5

2.3. Pulmonary ventilation. 5

2.4. Changes in lung volume. 6

3. Artificial ventilation. 6

3.1. Basic methods of artificial ventilation. 7

3.2. Indications for the use of artificial lung ventilation. 8

3.3. Monitoring the adequacy of artificial ventilation.

3.4. Complications during artificial ventilation. 9

3.5. Quantitative characteristics of artificial lung ventilation modes. 10

4. Ventilator. 10

4.1. The operating principle of a ventilator. 10

4.2. Medical and technical requirements for the ventilator. eleven

4.3. Schemes for supplying a gas mixture to a patient.

5. Heart-lung machine. 13

5.1. Membrane oxygenators. 14

5.2. Indications for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. 17

5.3. Cannulation for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. 17

6. Conclusion. 18

List of used literature.

List of symbols, terms and abbreviations

ALV – artificial lung ventilation.

BP – blood pressure.

PEEP is positive end expiratory pressure.

AIK – artificial blood circulation machine.

ECMO - extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

VVECMO - venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

VAECMO – venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Hypovolemia is a decrease in circulating blood volume.

This usually more specifically refers to a decrease in blood plasma volume.

Hypoxemia is a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood as a result of circulatory disorders, increased tissue demand for oxygen, decreased gas exchange in the lungs during lung diseases, decreased hemoglobin content in the blood, etc.

Hypercapnia is an increased partial pressure (and content) of CO2 in the arterial blood (and in the body).

Intubation is the insertion of a special tube into the larynx through the mouth in order to eliminate breathing problems due to burns, some injuries, severe spasms of the larynx, diphtheria of the larynx and its acute, quickly resolving edema, such as allergic ones.

A tracheostomy is an artificially formed tracheal fistula, brought to the outer area of ​​the neck, for breathing, bypassing the nasopharynx.

A tracheostomy cannula is inserted into the tracheostomy.

Pneumothorax is a condition characterized by the accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity.

1. Introduction.

The human respiratory system ensures the entry of acid into the body and the removal of carbonated gas. Transport of gases and other unneeded or-ga-low substances is carried out with the help of blood ve-nos-noy sys-te-we.

The function of the respiratory system is reduced only to supplying the blood with a sufficient amount of ki -slo-ro-yes and remove carbon-acid gas from it. Khi-mi-che-skoe restoration of mo-le-ku-lyar-no-go ki-slo-ro-da with ob-ra-zo-va-ni-em water service -lives for the little ones on the basis of a new source of energy. Without her, life cannot continue for more than a few seconds.

Restoration of acidity so-put-st-vu-et formation of CO2.

The acidic acid included in CO2 does not come from the molecular acidic acid. The use of O2 and the production of CO2 are connected between each other -li-che-ski-mi re-ak-tion-mi; Theo-re-ti-che-ski, each of them lasts for some time.

Exchange of O2 and CO2 between the or-ga-niz-mom and the environment in the name of breath. In the highest living processes of respiration, the bla-go-da-rya-next-to-va-tel- new processes.

1. Exchange of gases between the environment and the lungs, which is usually referred to as “pulmonary ventilation.”

Exchange of gas-call between al-ve-o-la-mi of lungs and blood (le-hoch-noe breath-ha-nie).

3. Exchange of gas-call between blood-view and tissue-nya-mi. Gases move inside fabrics to places of demand (for O2) and from places of production (for CO2) (adhesive precise breathing).

Any of these processes leads to breathing holes and creates a danger to life -not a person.


Anatomy of the human respiratory system.

The breathing system is made up of tissue and organs that provide pulmonary veins -ti-la-tion and light breathing. To the air-nasal passages there are: nose, nasal cavity, but-sharp-throat, throat, trachea, bronchi and bron-hio-ly.

The lungs are made up of bron-chi-ol and al-ve-o-lar-sacs, as well as from art-ter-rii, ka-pil-la-drov and veins le-goch-no-go circle of blood. To the element of the ko-st-but-our-she-system, connected with the breath, from the ribs, between rib muscles, diaphragm and auxiliary respiratory muscles.

Air-breathing paths.

The nose and the cavity of the no-sa serve as a source of ka-na-la-mi for the air, in which it heats , moisturizing and filtering. The entirety of your nostrils has covered you with mucus. Numerous female hairs, as well as supplied female eyelashes with epi-te-li-al-nye and bo-ka- The small cells serve to clear the air from solid particles.

In the upper part of the region lie the olfactory cells.

Gor-tan lies between the tra-he-ey and the root of the tongue. The cavity of the mountain is not once-de-le-on two warehouses of mucus shells, not completely similar in middle line. The space between these warehouses is a bare gap protected by a plastic sheet cartilage - over-gor-tan-no-one.

The trachea begins at the lower end of the mountain and descends into the thoracic cavity, where it divides into the right - second and left bronchi; its wall is connected with united tissue and cartilage.

Often, the parts that come to the food are replaced by a fibrous ligament. The right bronchus is usually short and wide to the left. Entering the lungs, the main bronchi gradually divide into smaller and smaller tubes (bronchiols), the smallest ones some of which, the final bron-chio-ly, are the next element of the air-breathing pathways. From the mountains to the final bron-chi-ol pipes you are lined with shimmering epi-te-li-em.


In general, the lungs have the appearance of lip-shaped, rice-shaped, well-shaped structures lying in both of them po-lo-vi-nah chest po-los-ti. The smallest structural element of the lungs is a lobe consisting of the final bronchiole, leading to the pulmonary bron-khio-lu and al-ve-o-lar-ny me-shok. The walls of the le-goch-noy bron-khio-ly and the al-ve-o-lyar-no-go bag form the corner-lub-le-niya - al-ve-o-ly . This structure of the lungs increases their respiratory surface, which is 50-100 times greater than the surface of the body.

The walls of the al-ve-ol are made up of one layer of epi-te-li-al-nyh cells and around the le-goch-ny-mi ka-pil -la-ra-mi. The internal surface of the al-ve-o-ly is covered with a top-but-st-but-active substance with sur-fact-tan- volume. Separate al-ve-o-la, closely co-joined with neighboring structures, has no shape -right-sized, multi-faceted and approximate dimensions up to 250 microns.

It is advisable to consider that the general surface is al-ve-ol, through which the gas is drained -men, ex-po-nen-tsi-al-but for-vi-sit from the weight of the body. With age, there is a decrease in the area at the top of the al-ve-ol.

Every light thing is ok-ru-but a sack - spit-swarm. The outer (parietal) line of the pleura is attached to the inner surface of the chest wall and diaphragm -me, internal (vis-ceral) covers the lung.

The gap between the li-st-ka-mi is called the pleural space. When the chest moves, the inner leaf usually slides easily along the outer one. The pressure in the pleural region is always less than at-mo-sphere-no-go (from-ri-tsa-tel-noe).

Artificial organs: man can do everything

In conditions at rest, a person’s internal pleural pressure is on average 4.5 torr lower than the at-mo-spheres -no-go (-4.5 torr). Inter-pleural space between the lungs in the middle; it contains tra-hea, goiter (thymus) and a heart with large so-su-da-mi, lymph-fa-ti- Che-knots and pi-sche-water.

Pulmonary artery does not drain blood from the right heart, it is divided into the right and left branches, which Those are the right ones to the lungs.

These branches of the art-ter-ry, following the bron-ha-mi, supply large structures with lightness and create ka- drank-la-ry, op-le-melting walls-ki al-ve-ol. Air-spirit in al-ve-o-le from-de-len from blood in ka-pil-la-re wall-koy al-ve-o-ly, wall-koy ka-pil-la-ra and in some cases, between the exact layer between them.

From the capillaries, blood flows into small veins, which eventually unite and form Pulmonary veins swell, delivering blood to the left atrium.

Bron-chi-al-ar-ter-rii of a large circle also bring blood to the lungs, namely, they supply bron-chi and bron-chio -ly, lim-fa-ti-che-knots, walls of blood-ve-nas-sous-vests and pleu-ru.

Most of this blood goes to the bron-chi-al veins, and from there - to the non-paired (right) and half -not-paired (on the left). A very small amount of ar-te-ri-al bron-hi-al-no blood flows into the pulmonary veins .

10 artificial organs to create a real person

Orchestrion(German: Orchestrion) is the name of a number of musical instruments, the principle of operation of which is similar to the organ and harmonica.

Originally, an orchestrion was a portable organ designed by Abbot Vogler in 1790. It contained about 900 pipes, 4 manuals with 63 keys each and 39 pedals. The “revolutionism” of Vogler’s orchestra consisted in the active use of combination tones, which made it possible to significantly reduce the size of the labial organ pipes.

In 1791, the same name was given to an instrument created by Thomas Anton Kunz in Prague. This instrument was equipped with both organ pipes and piano-like strings. Kunz's orchestra had 2 manuals of 65 keys and 25 pedals, had 21 registers, 230 strings and 360 pipes.

At the beginning of the 19th century, under the name orchestration (also orchestra) a number of automatic mechanical instruments appeared, adapted to imitate the sound of an orchestra.

The instrument looked like a cabinet, inside of which a spring or pneumatic mechanism was placed, which was activated when throwing in a coin. The arrangement of the strings or pipes of the instrument was chosen in such a way that certain pieces of music would sound when the mechanism was operating. The instrument gained particular popularity in the 1920s in Germany.

Later, the orchestrion was supplanted by gramophone record players.

see also



  • Orchestrion // Musical instruments: encyclopedia. - M.: Deka-VS, 2008. - P. 428-429. - 786 p.
  • Orchestra // Great Russian Encyclopedia. Volume 24. - M., 2014. - P. 421.
  • Mirek A.M. Vogler's Orchestra // Handbook for the harmonic circuit. - M.: Alfred Mirek, 1992. - P. 4-5. - 60 s.
  • Orchestra // Musical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. - P. 401. - 672 p.
  • Orchestra // Musical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1978. - T. 4. - P. 98-99. - 976 s.
  • Herbert Jüttemann: Orchestrien aus dem Schwarzwald: Instrumente, Firmen und Fertigungsprogramme.

    Bergkirchen: 2004. ISBN 3-932275-84-5.


An experiment conducted at the University of Granada was the first in which artificial skin was created with dermis based on aragose-fibrin biomaterial. Until now, other biomaterials such as collagen, fibrin, polyglycolic acid, chitosan, etc. have been used.

A more stable skin was created with functionality similar to that of normal human skin.

Artificial intestine

In 2006, English scientists notified the world about the creation of an artificial intestine capable of accurately reproducing the physical and chemical reactions occurring during the digestion process.

The organ is made of special plastic and metal that do not break down or corrode.

This was the first time in history that work had been done to demonstrate how human pluripotent stem cells in a Petri dish could be assembled into body tissue with the three-dimensional architecture and type of connections found in naturally developed flesh.

Artificial intestinal tissue could become the No. 1 therapeutic option for people suffering from necrotizing enterocolitis, inflammatory bowel disease and short bowel syndrome.

During the research, a team of scientists led by Dr. James Wells used two types of pluripotent cells: embryonic human stem cells and induced ones obtained by reprogramming human skin cells.

Embryonic cells are called pluripotent because they are capable of becoming any of the 200 different types of cells in the human body.

Induced cells are suitable for “combing” the genotype of a specific donor, without the risk of further rejection and associated complications. This is a new invention of science, so it is not yet clear whether the induced adult cells have the same potential as embryonic cells.

Artificial intestinal tissue was “released” in two types, assembled from two different types stem cells.

It took a lot of time and effort to turn individual cells into intestinal tissue.

Scientists harvested the tissue using chemicals as well as proteins called growth factors. In a test tube, living matter grew in the same way as in a developing human embryo.

Artificial organs

First, the so-called endoderm is obtained, from which the esophagus, stomach, intestines and lungs grow, as well as the pancreas and liver. But doctors gave the command to the endoderm to develop only into the primary cells of the intestine. It took 28 days for them to grow to noticeable results. The tissue has matured and acquired the absorption and secretory functionality characteristic of a healthy human digestive tract. It also contains specific stem cells, which will now be much easier to work with.

Artificial blood

There are always not enough blood donors - Russian clinics are provided with blood products at only 40% of the norm.

To perform one heart operation using a artificial circulation system, the blood of 10 donors is required. There is a possibility that artificial blood will help solve the problem - scientists have already begun to assemble it, like a constructor. Synthetic plasma, red blood cells and platelets have been created. A little more and we can become Terminators!

Plasma– one of the main components of blood, its liquid part. “Plastic plasma”, created at the University of Sheffield (UK), can perform all the functions of real plasma and is absolutely safe for the body. It includes chemical substances capable of carrying oxygen and nutrients. Today, artificial plasma is intended to save lives in extreme situations, but in the near future it can be used everywhere.

Well, that's impressive. Although it’s a little scary to imagine that liquid plastic, or rather plastic plasma, is flowing inside you. After all, in order to become blood, it still needs to be filled with red blood cells, leukocytes, and platelets. Experts from the University of California (USA) decided to help their British colleagues with the “bloody designer”.

They developed completely synthetic red blood cells made of polymers capable of transporting oxygen and nutrients from the lungs to organs and tissues and back, that is, performing the main function of real red blood cells.

In addition, they can deliver to cells medications. Scientists are confident that in the coming years all clinical trials of artificial red blood cells will be completed, and they can be used for transfusion.

True, after diluting them in plasma - either natural or synthetic.

Not wanting to lag behind their Californian colleagues, artificial platelets developed by scientists from Case Western Reserve University, Ohio. To be precise, these are not exactly platelets, but their synthetic helpers, also consisting of polymer material. Their main task is to create an effective environment for platelets to stick together, which is necessary to stop bleeding.

Now clinics use platelet mass for this, but obtaining it is a painstaking and rather long process. It is necessary to find donors and strictly select platelets, which are also stored for no more than 5 days and are susceptible to bacterial infections.

The advent of artificial platelets eliminates all these problems. So the invention will be a good help and will allow doctors not to be afraid of bleeding.

    Real & artificial blood. What's better?

    The term "artificial blood" is a bit of a misnomer. Real blood performs a large number of tasks. Artificial blood can only perform some of them so far. If full-fledged artificial blood is created that can completely replace real blood, this will be a real breakthrough in medicine.

    Artificial blood performs two main functions:

    1) increases the volume of blood cells

    2) performs the functions of oxygen enrichment.

    While the blood cell-boosting agent has long been used in hospitals, oxygen therapy is still in development and clinical trials.

      3. Supposed advantages and disadvantages of Artificial blood

    Artificial bones

    Doctors from Imperial College in London claim that they have succeeded in creating a pseudo-bone material that is most similar in composition to real bones and has minimal chance of rejection.

    New artificial bone materials actually consist of three chemical compounds that simulate the work of real bone cells.

    Doctors and prosthetics specialists around the world are now developing new materials that could serve as a full-fledged replacement for bone tissue in the human body.

    However, to date, scientists have only created bone-like materials, which have not yet been transplanted instead of real bones, even broken ones.

    The main problem with such pseudo-bone materials is that the body does not recognize them as “native” bone tissue and does not adapt to them. As a result, large-scale rejection processes may begin in the body of a patient with transplanted bones, which in the worst case scenario can even lead to a large-scale failure immune system and death of the patient.

    Artificial lung

    American scientists from Yale University under the leadership of Laura Niklason made a breakthrough: they managed to create artificial lung and transplant it into rats.

    A lung was also created separately, working autonomously and simulating the work of a real organ.

    It must be said that the human lung is a complex mechanism.

    The surface area of ​​one lung in an adult is about 70 square meters, assembled to ensure efficient transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and the air. But lung tissue is difficult to restore, so at the moment the only way to replace damaged areas of the organ is a transplant. This procedure is very risky due to high percentage rejections.

    According to statistics, ten years after transplantation only 10-20% of patients remain alive.

    The “artificial lung” is a pulsating pump that supplies air in portions at a frequency of 40-50 times per minute. A regular piston is not suitable for this; particles of material from its rubbing parts or seal may get into the air flow. Here, and in other similar devices, bellows made of corrugated metal or plastic are used - bellows.

    Air purified and brought to the required temperature is supplied directly to the bronchi.

    Change hand? No problem!..

    Artificial hands

    Artificial hands in the 19th century.

    were divided into “working hands” and “cosmetic hands”, or luxury goods.

    For a mason or laborer, they limited themselves to applying a bandage made of a leather sleeve with reinforcement to the forearm or shoulder, to which a tool corresponding to the worker’s profession was attached - pliers, a ring, a hook, etc.

    Cosmetic artificial hands, depending on occupation, lifestyle, degree of education and other conditions, were more or less complex.

    The artificial hand could have the shape of a natural one, wearing an elegant kid glove, capable of performing delicate work; write and even shuffle cards (like the famous hand of General Davydov).

    If the amputation did not reach the elbow joint, then with the help of an artificial arm it was possible to restore the function of the upper limb; but if the upper shoulder was amputated, then working with the hand was possible only through voluminous, very complex and demanding apparatus.

    In addition to the latter, the artificial upper limbs consisted of two leather or metal sleeves for the upper arm and forearm, which were movably hinged above the elbow joint by means of metal splints. The brush was made from light wood and is fixedly attached to the forearm or movable.

    There were springs in the joints of each finger; from the ends of the fingers there are intestinal strings, which were connected behind the wrist joint and continued in the form of two stronger cords, one of which, passing along the rollers through the elbow joint, was attached to a spring on the upper shoulder, while the other, also moving on a block, ended freely with an eyelet.

    When the elbow joint was flexed voluntarily, the fingers closed in this apparatus and were completely closed if the shoulder was bent at a right angle.

    To order artificial hands, it was enough to indicate the measures of the length and volume of the stump, as well as the healthy hand, and explain the technique of the purpose they should serve.

    Prosthetic hands must have all the necessary properties, for example, the function of closing and opening the hand, holding and releasing any thing from the hands, and the prosthesis must have a look that copies the lost limb as accurately as possible.

    There are active and passive hand prostheses.

    Passive ones only copy the appearance of the hand, while active ones, which are divided into bioelectric and mechanical, perform much more functions. The mechanical hand is a fairly accurate replica of a real hand, so anyone with an amputation will be able to relax around people and be able to pick up and release an object.

    The bandage, which is attached to the shoulder girdle, causes the hand to move.

    The bioelectric prosthesis works thanks to electrodes that read the current produced by the muscles during contraction, the signal is transmitted to the microprocessor and the prosthesis moves.

    Artificial legs

    For a person with physical damage lower limbs Of course, high-quality prosthetic legs are important.

    It is the level of limb amputation that will determine right choice a prosthesis that will replace and can even restore many functions that were characteristic of the limb.

    There are prosthetics for people both young and old, as well as for children, athletes, and those who, despite amputation, lead an equally active life. A high-end prosthesis consists of a foot system, knee joints, and adapters made of high-grade material with increased strength.

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The human lungs are a paired organ located in the chest. Their main function is breathing. The right lung has a larger volume compared to the left. This is due to the fact that the human heart, being in the middle of the chest, has a displacement in left side. Lung volume is on average about 3 liters, and among professional athletes more than 8. The size of one woman's lung roughly corresponds to a three-liter jar flattened on one side, with a mass 350 g. For men, these parameters are 10-15% more.

Formation and development

Lung formation begins at 16-18 days embryonic development from the inner part of the embryonic lobe - entoblast. From this moment until approximately the second trimester of pregnancy, development occurs bronchial tree. Alveolar formation and development begins already from the middle of the second trimester. By the time of birth, the structure of a baby’s lungs is completely identical to that of an adult. It should only be noted that before the first breath there is no air in the lungs of a newborn. And the sensations during the first breath for a baby are akin to the sensations of an adult who tries to inhale water.

The increase in the number of alveoli continues until 20-22 years. This happens especially strongly in the first one and a half to two years of life. And after 50 years, the process of involution begins, caused by age-related changes. Lung capacity and size decrease. After 70 years, the diffusion of oxygen in the alveoli worsens.


The left lung consists of two lobes - upper and lower. The right one, in addition to the above, also has a middle lobe. Each of them is divided into segments, and those, in turn, into labulas. The lung skeleton consists of tree-like branching bronchi. Each bronchus enters the body of the lung along with an artery and vein. But since these veins and arteries are from the pulmonary circulation, then blood saturated with carbon dioxide flows through the arteries, and blood enriched with oxygen flows through the veins. The bronchi end in bronchioles in the labulae, forming one and a half dozen alveoli in each. Gas exchange occurs in them.

The total surface area of ​​the alveoli on which the process of gas exchange occurs is not constant and changes with each phase of inhalation and exhalation. On exhalation it is 35-40 sq.m., and on inhalation it is 100-115 sq.m.


The main method of preventing most diseases is to quit smoking and follow safety rules when working in hazardous industries. Surprisingly, but Quitting smoking reduces the risk of lung cancer by 93%. Regular physical exercise, frequent stays fresh air and healthy eating give almost anyone a chance to avoid many dangerous diseases. After all, many of them are not treated, and only a lung transplant can save them.


The world's first lung transplant operation was performed in 1948 by our doctor, Demikhov. Since then, the number of such operations in the world has exceeded 50 thousand. The complexity of this operation is even somewhat more complicated than a heart transplant. The fact is that the lungs, in addition to the main function of breathing, also have an additional function - the production of immunoglobulin. And his task is to destroy everything alien. And for transplanted lungs, such a foreign body may turn out to be the entire recipient’s body. Therefore, after transplantation, the patient is required to take immunosuppressive drugs for life. The difficulty of preserving donor lungs is another complicating factor. Separated from the body, they “live” for no more than 4 hours. You can transplant either one or two lungs. The operating team consists of 35-40 highly qualified doctors. Almost 75% of transplants occur for just three diseases:
Cystic fibrosis
Hamman-Rich syndrome

The cost of such an operation in the West is about 100 thousand euros. Patient survival is at 60%. In Russia, such operations are performed free of charge, and only every third recipient survives. And if more than 3,000 transplantations are performed annually all over the world, then in Russia there are only 15-20. A fairly strong decline in prices for donor organs in Europe and the United States was observed during the active phase of the war in Yugoslavia. Many analysts attribute this to Hashim Thaci's business of selling live Serbs for organs. Which, by the way, was confirmed by Carla Del Ponte.

Artificial lungs - panacea or science fiction?

In 1952, the world's first operation using ECMO was performed in England. ECMO is not a device or a device, but a whole complex for saturating the patient’s blood with oxygen outside his body and removing carbon dioxide from it. This extremely complex process could, in principle, serve as a kind of artificial lung. Only the patient was bedridden and often unconscious. But with the use of ECMO, almost 80% of patients survive in sepsis, and more than 65% of patients with serious lung injury. The ECMO complexes themselves are very expensive, and for example in Germany there are only 5 of them, and the cost of the procedure is about 17 thousand dollars.

In 2002, Japan announced it was testing a device similar to ECMO, only the size of two packs of cigarettes. The matter did not go further than testing. After 8 years, American scientists from the Yale Institute created an almost complete artificial lung. It was made half from synthetic materials and half from living lung tissue cells. The device was tested on a rat, and it produced a specific immunoglobulin in response to the introduction of pathological bacteria.

And literally a year later, in 2011, already in Canada, scientists designed and tested a device that was fundamentally different from the above. An artificial lung that completely imitated a human one. Silicone vessels up to 10 microns thick, a gas-permeable surface area similar to a human organ. Most importantly, this device, unlike others, did not require pure oxygen and was able to enrich the blood with oxygen from the air. And it doesn’t need third-party energy sources to work. It can be implanted into chest. Human trials are planned for 2020.

But for now these are all just developments and experimental samples. And this year, scientists at the University of Pittsburgh announced the PAAL device. This is the same ECMO complex, only the size of a soccer ball. To enrich the blood, he needs pure oxygen, and it can only be used on an outpatient basis, but the patient remains mobile. And today, this is the best alternative to human lungs.

Severe breathing problems require emergency assistance in the form of forced ventilation. Whether the failure of the lungs themselves or the respiratory muscles is an absolute necessity to connect complex equipment to saturate the blood with oxygen. Various models of artificial lung ventilation devices are an integral equipment of intensive care or resuscitation services, necessary to maintain the life of patients who have developed acute respiratory disorders.

IN emergency situations Such equipment, of course, is important and necessary. However, as a means of regular and long-term therapy, it, unfortunately, is not without its drawbacks. For example:

  • the need for constant hospital stay;
  • permanent risk of inflammatory complications caused by the use of a pump to supply air to the lungs;
  • restrictions in the quality of life and independence (immobility, inability to eat normally, speech difficulties, etc.).

The innovative iLA artificial lung system, the resuscitation, therapeutic and rehabilitation use of which is offered today by clinics in Germany, allows you to eliminate all these difficulties, while simultaneously improving the process of oxygen saturation of the blood.

Coping with breathing disorder without risk

The iLA system is a fundamentally different development. Its action is extrapulmonary and completely non-invasive. Breathing disorders can be overcome without forced ventilation. The blood oxygen saturation scheme is characterized by the following promising innovations:

  • lack of air pump;
  • absence of invasive (“implanted”) devices in the lungs and airways.

Patients who have the iLA artificial lung installed are not tied to a stationary device and a hospital bed; they can move normally, communicate with other people, and eat and drink independently.

The most important advantage: there is no need to put a patient into an artificial coma with artificial respiration support. The use of standard mechanical ventilation devices in many cases requires a comatose “switching off” of the patient. For what? To relieve the physiological effects of respiratory depression of the lungs. Unfortunately, it is a fact: ventilators depress the lungs. The pump supplies air inside under pressure. The rhythm of air supply reproduces the rhythm of breaths. But during natural inhalation, the lungs expand, as a result of which the pressure in them decreases. And at the artificial inlet (forced air supply), the pressure, on the contrary, increases. This is the oppressive factor: the lungs are in a stressful mode, which causes an inflammatory reaction, which in especially severe cases can be transmitted to other organs - for example, the liver or kidneys.

That's why in application pumping devices In order to support breathing, two factors are of paramount and equal importance: urgency and caution.

The iLA system, while expanding the range of benefits in artificial respiratory support, eliminates the associated dangers.

How does a blood oxygen saturation machine work?

The name "artificial lung" has in this case special meaning, since the iLA system operates completely autonomously and is not a functional addition to the patient's own lungs. In fact, this is the world's first artificial lung in the true sense of the word (not a pulmonary pump). It is not the lungs that are ventilated, but the blood itself. A membrane system is used to saturate the blood with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. By the way, in German clinics the system is called a membrane ventilator (iLA Membranventilator). Blood is supplied to the system naturally, by the force of compression of the heart muscle (and not by a membrane pump, as in a heart-lung machine). Gas exchange occurs in the membrane layers of the apparatus in approximately the same way as in the alveoli of the lungs. The system really works as a “third lung”, relieving the patient’s diseased respiratory organs.

The membrane exchange apparatus (the “artificial lung” itself) is compact, measuring 14 by 14 centimeters. The patient carries the device with him. Blood enters it through a catheter port - a special connection to the femoral artery. To connect the device, no surgery is required: the port is inserted into the artery much like a syringe needle. The connection is made in the groin area; the special design of the port does not limit mobility and does not cause any inconvenience to the patient at all.

The system can be used without interruption for quite a long period of time, up to one month.

Indications for use of iLA

In principle, these are any breathing disorders, especially chronic ones. The benefits of an artificial lung are most evident in the following cases:

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • acute respiratory distress syndrome;
  • respiratory injuries;
  • the so-called Weaning phase: weaning off the ventilator;
  • patient support before lung transplantation.